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student'S book
2 1. employee  – The other words
are fam ly relat onsh ps.
2. worship – The other

answer key 3.
verbs are negat ve act ons.
cheating – The other
words are pos t ve nouns
related to personal
GETTING STARTED character st cs.
 page 4 4. fit in – Verb fit in means
feel you belong to a group, but
1 Fr endsh p can be d ff cult to f nd n c t es.

2 1. c
2. c

3 1. Some larger balls had quest ons or tasks des gned to

help people f nd out about each other.
2. Although at f rst people were sl ghtly anx
ous, they gradually felt more comfortable w th
each other and exchanged personal stor es and
future expectat ons.
3. The most d ff cult task was to f nd someth ng
they had n common. It must have been the most d ff
cult task because they were strangers and knew noth ng
about each other.
4. Creat ng a secret handshake requ red phys cal
contact to guarantee that people had already started to
bu ld up a relat onsh p and were no longer strangers.
5. Yes, the project ach eved ts goal to connect
between c ty people because, after engag ng n th s
exper ence,
part c pants who had never met each other were no longer
6. Because t had a game element to t and also
because some of the balls conta ned quest ons and
tasks to help part c pants share stor es and
4 1. welcomed (l ne 8) 4. gett ng to know (l ne
17) 2. randomly (l ne 12) 5. warm to (l ne 23)
3. g ggl ng (l ne 14) 6. responses (l ne 27)

 page 5


1 Positive adjectives
rel able, awesome, outstand ng, easy-go ng, mot vated,
adventurous, thoughtful
Negative adjectives
daft, we rd, sneaky, nfamous, spo lt, d shonest,
dull, m serable, offens ve
3 1. d user fr endly 8. m bored to deat 2. f cold spell GRAMMAR
9. round the clo 3. c cutt ng edge 10. n ahead of t m 4. l
Present and Past Tenses
waste of t me 11. e package hol 5. b named after 12. j
under the we 6. g brand new 13. h nvas on of p 7. k return 1. Present S mple (hab ts, rout nes)
t cket 14. a good for a la 2. Present Cont nuous (someth ng happen
ng ar of speak ng)
4 1. from 7. up 12. w t 3. Past S mple (a completed act on n
2. for 8. on 13. out the past) 4. Past Cont nuous (a long act on
3. for 9. out 14. up n progress n
4. away 10. down 15. on nterrupted by a shorter past act on)
5. up 11. n 16. aro 6. along / on 1 1. saw 7. D d …
5  1. I dislike f sh.
  2. were s tt ng 8. don’t l ke
2. I’ll have to reread the art cle. 3. I’ve overspent on th
3. don’t bel eve 9.
s tr p.
4. You misunderstood me.
4. Were … jump ng
5. Some of the ch ldren misbehaved. 6. Download ng f 10. Do … th nk
lms s illegal.   5. were hav ng 11. don’t know
7. Shout ng s unnecessary. 8. I l ke my co- 6. chose 12. am th nk
workers .
6 1. nervous 5. awareness 2. creat ve 6. off 2 Th s morn ng n the park, I met an nterest
c al ng g r 1. wh le I was walk ng my dog.
3. attendance 7. powerless 2. and she told me about her l fe.
4. amus ng 8. personal ty 3. although I don’t usually talk to
 page 6 strangers. 4. and I’m look ng for her now
on Facebook.
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1 03
4 1. are hugging 6. asked 1 04
9 1. had never noticed 6. will have
2. are holding 7. didn’t want 2. had always seemed 7. will have kn
3. seem 8. warmed to   3. have been 8. will have be
  4. don’t know 9. were still chatting 4. have never felt 9. will be
5. began celeb
5. are going to take
5 Possible Answers
I want to go out soon, so I’m finishing my 10 1. Claudia rarely studies the night before an
homework now. On Sundays, I don’t do any 2. Are you going to call everyone or
homework. I usually get up much later because I like invite t
staying in bed till midday. 3. They laughed a lot while they were
At the moment, I’m thinking of buying a moped to talkin
get to school. 4. Geoff didn’t go out last night.
I rarely eat anything for breakfast. I usually just drink 5. By the time the term ends, you’ll
some orange juice in the morning. have m friends. / You will have
When my best friend called me yesterday afternoon, made lots of new time the term
I was watching my favourite TV series. ends.
This morning, I saw some of my friends while I 6.I asked her her name after I had
was walking to school. introduc had introduced myself, I
Last year, I didn’t work hard enough and that’s why asked her her na
I didn’t pass all my subjects. 7. At 2.45, we’ll be playing basketball.
/ At
 page 7 basketball game will have started.
Perfect Simple Tenses 8.Robert has been a photographer
for five
Sentence 1: Present Perfect Simple (completed action
at an unspecified moment in the past)  page 8

Sentence 2: Past Perfect Simple (a past action that LISTENING

had happened before another action in the past)
A past participle is used in both Perfect Simple 1 Possible Answers
1. you didn’t remember where you had m
6 1. I’ve never seen such a great DJ. Don’t I know you from somewhere?
2. It had already started by the time we arrived.  You look familiar.
I’m sure we’ve met
3. Peter hasn’t asked her to marry him yet. before. Where could we
4.They had just washed the floor and it was still have met?
5.She’s had her driving licence for only three 2. they didn’t remember you
months.  You don’t remember me, do
6.I’ve finally found the keys. you? Don’t worry about it.
I’ll remind you.
Future Tenses I guess I don’t stand out in a
1. Future Simple (prediction without evidence) 1 05
2. Future Simple (decision made at the time of 2 1. you didn’t remember where you had m
speaking) Don’t I know you from somewhere?
3. be going to (plans and intentions)  You look familiar.
4. Future Continuous (action in progress at a Where could we have met?
time in the future)
2. they didn’t remember you?
5. Future Perfect (completed action by a certain  You don’t remember me, do
moment in the future) you? Don’t worry about it.
7  1. am going to take 5. are … going to sell I’ll remind you.
2. will meet 6. will manage Sentences not used:
  3. will come 7. Will … be I’m sure we’ve met before.
4. is going to fly 8. am not going to join I guess I don’t stand out in a crowd.

8 Possible Answers 3 1. a 2. b 3. c
4 1. Josh 3. Kate 5.
2. Kate
4. both 6.
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Student�s Book A

unit 1 3. T e Anangu originated

in the Western Desert
Wh n In Rom region of Australia more
than 10,000 years ago . (lines
 page 9 22-24)
4. T e Anangu believe t
1 c at w en people visit t eir
territory, they are
2 T is idiom means t at w en you are visiting a different responsible for protecting
place or culture, you s ould try to follow t eir customs and these visitors . (lines 30-31)
practices, so as to be ave in an appropriate manner.
5. T e government is not
In Spanis , we say Donde fueres, haz lo que vieres. in a urry to pass a law
against climbing Uluru.
3 Mic ener’s quote (b) is similar to t e title.
(lines 34-38)
Snicket’s quote (a) means t at we do not ave to do somet
ing just because it as always been done traditionally. We 6. Jody2 believes t at
climbing Uluru is not harmful
as she isn’t doing any
c oose not to do it. damage to the area. (Jody2’s
Heinlein’s quote (c) means t at societies need to follow comments)
customs to stick toget er as traditions strengt en a
feeling of toget erness.
5 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. a
 page 10

09 2 c
3 1. Uluru is an impressive sig t because it is an enormous
rock standing ig in t e middle of t e Australian desert.
2. T e friends came to Uluru because t ey wanted
to climb to t e top of t e impressive rock.
3. Uluru is important to t e Aboriginal religion
because it is considered a oly location w ic is
traditionally associated wit t e origin of t e world.
4. Kyle_G agrees wit t e writer as e claims t at
you ave to respect t e people and t e traditions of t e
places t at
you visit.

4 1. c 2. b 3. c
5 1. In order to reac Uluru, t e writer and is friends drove
for three days through the enormous desert of central
Australia. (lines 2-3)
2. T e sign asked people not to climb Uluru in order
to show respect for their law. (lines 13-15)
 page 12 -able: probable, capable, irritable, drinkable
-ible: possible, visible, sensible, illegible,
-ous: nervous, adventurous, treac erous, umor
1 WORDS FROM THE TEXT -ive: creative, attractive, effective, productive
1. receives 5. texting -ing: irritating, surprising, t rilling, embarrassing
2. many 6. work ard -ed: irritated, surprised, t rilled, embarrassed
3. walking 7. water -ful: painful, powerful, t oug tful, colourful
4. good film 8. want -less: wort less, painless, powerless, t oug
2 1. come back 5. stay be ind 2. proper 6.
attempt 3 Nouns
3. ignore 7. disturbing necessity (t e need for somet ing)
4. find out 8. treac erous laziness (quality of being lazy, unwilling to put an
somet ing)
Noun and Adjective Suffixes destruction (action of destroying somet ing)
management (process of controlling or managing
Possible Answers Noun Suffixes
significance (quality of being wort y of
-tion: organisation, speculation, pro ibition, alter
attention) owners ip (state of owning somet
-sion: admission, decision, division, impression
-ment: government, improvement, argument, sta
-ness:  appiness, sadness, ric ness, tidiness
-ance: performance, tolerance, disturbance, acc
armless (not able or likely to cause
-ence: experience, patience, silence, absence
arm) disastrous (causing great damage)
-ship: friends ip, relations ip, ards ip, member
factual (concerned wit w at is actually t e
-ity: probability, possibility, complexity, scarcity
case effective (successful in producing a
desired resu breakable (capable of being
Adjective suffixes broken easily)
-al: original, personal, brutal, accidental
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1 10
1. surrounding 5. p
management e
2. connection 6. ignored a
3. effective 7. found out k
4. destruction 8. request er
 page 13
1 Possible Answers Expressions
The language barrier is often a difficulty for newcomers. with speak  and say 
1 12 You have to understand a new and different culture.
1 1 1. say 2.
Speaker 1-f Speaker 4-d
Speaker 2-a Speaker 5-b say 3.
 page 15
say 4. Speaking 1. I
1 13

must say 3. speaking of 6 1. had been campaigning 6. had damage

  2. Let’s say 4. That’s not to say   2. had been 7. have also
fo 3. had decided have also
HAVE YOUR SAY be 4. have been living 8. have done
Possible Answers 5. have never stopped
I’d like to move to New Zealand because it is an amazing
7 Possible Answers
1. Why have many Icelanders been
 You can see geysers, hot springs, impressive mountains
campai their lava fields?
and beautiful, sandy beaches. And I would play rugby
with great players. 2. What has Iceland’s Supreme Court
decide 3. What has happened to
 page 14 construction proje
threatened the elves’ territory?
Present Perfect 8 1. How long had he been driving?
Continuous Past Perfect 2. How many countries has she
Continuous visited? 3. How long had they been
going out? 4. How much pudding
Sentences 1 and 3 had she eaten?
5. How long has / had he been living
1 1. have been walking 5. had been playing
there? 6. How long have you been
2. have been cooking 6. Have … been
downloading 3. had been dancing 7. hadn’t been
7. What had they been doing?
8. Why have you been ignoring me lately?
4. has been eating 8. hasn’t been studying
9 Possible Answers
Dialogue A Dialogue B
1. We’ve been decorating the Christmas
1. have just met 6. had been
tre five o’clock.
2. I’ve been living in Bangkok for three
2. has … been 7. had
years 3. By the time I finally found a
… been planning 3. have been riding 8. had
birthday pres had been shopping for four
been trying hours. / I had
4. Have … been enjoying 9. hadn’t a few hours before I finally found a
decided 5. has been raining birthda Christine. / I had been shopping
3 Passage A from 5 pm finally found a birthday
1. had … heard 3. have been present for Christin a birthday present
looking for for Christine after I had from 5 pm till 9
4. How long have you been studying
Portug 5. Martin was angry because he
had been w
6. I was crying because I had been
cutting o curry.
7. After I had been using the chopsticks
for I gave up. / I gave up using the
chopsticks minutes.
8. How long have you been singing in the

1. It’s seen better days. 3.

It’s been 2. Now I’ve seen everything!
4. Been the
 page 16


1 1. According to our beliefs, Uluru is a

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Student�s Book A

2 1. ancestor 3. stereotype 5. keep … alive 4. East Asians believe

2. freedom 4. narrow-minded 6. open-minded that expressing emotions is
and unhealthy.
HAVE YOUR SAY 5.The eyes are harder to
3 Possible Answers control than the mouth.
1. A typical birthday present among teenagers is a
Possible Answers
2. It’s appropriate to wear a jacket and a tie at a By looking at their eyes I know
if they are nervous, happy or
furious. I can also know if
3. It is considered impolite to interrupt people they’re lying to me.
while they are speaking.
4. Culture shock occurs when moving to a
foreign country.
5. When you receive a gift, it’s good manners to
say “thank you”.

Gerunds and Infinitives

1. smoking 2. to buy 3. telling 4. to


4 Possible Answer
He looks happy in both pictures.

5 1. They wanted to know if no matter where you
14 go, people will understand how you feel from your
facial expressions.
2. They showed students from different cultures
two pictures of kids: in one of them, the boy in the
middle looks the same as the other kids, but in the
other one, the boy in the middle looks happy, but
the other kids look sad.
6 1. According to the Japanese students, the boy in the
middle of picture B was not happy.
2. In the West, the individual is important.
3. Westerners believe that we should have
individual freedom.
4. In the East, people feel they are part of a group.
5. East Asians feel that personal needs are not that
6.The American students ignored the people in the
background, while the Japanese students did not.

7 WesternEastern
Emotion happiness sadness
:)^_^ surprise

8 1. According to Western belief, people should not
hold their emotions inside.
2.When smiling, Westerners open their mouths wide.
3. In the East, people feel they should control their
p ge 17 in old clothin don’t mind throwing out
afterwards. Because thi increased in
SPEAKING TASK  Comparing Pict popularity, there is now a limit to th
people that can participate (20,000).
1 1. The pictures are alike because they both sh doing things that
involve music. San Sebastian is well known worldwide
2.Another similarity is / another thing they ha common is that they show
for its fa Drum Festival (Tamborrada in
people keeping a Spanish), which is 20th January to
celebrate the city’s patron (Saint Hundreds
3.Another thing they have got in common is / similarity is that they are
of groups of drummers take part in the
doing things their a
parade through the city streets.
4.Both pictures show people wearing tradition Participants dres military drummers or
5.However, they are different because one pi someone playing an cooks.
instrument, while the oth shows people dancing.
6.Another difference is that they are in two dif countries. LIVING CULTURE
7.In picture A there is only one person, but in p
there is a group of people.   1. 7 – lucky 4. 3 – lucky
2. 13 – unlucky 5.
2 Possible Answers 8 – lucky
Pictures C and D are alike because they show p a tradition alive 3. 4 – unlucky
and in both pictures people are d their ancestors did a long time
ago. Another sim in both pictures people are wearing traditional co p ge 18
However, they are different because they are in countries: picture C
shows a religious parade in picture D shows a carnival parade in
Brazil. 1 1. The main character is telemarketing
3 Possible Answers
manager Anderson, played by Josh
Hamilton. The acti in India.
Buñol (Valencia) is famous for its tomato fight ( La Tomatina in
Spanish) on the last Wednesday August. Locals are usually dressed 2. Anderson realises he should accept
India rat
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exotic (be uty),

light, humorous
(w y), simple
Tip (story), different
st rs (cultures)
  suffers 4 1. The film w s
  l nds musing / entert
  criticises ining.
  re lises 2. Todd w s
  begins continuously
f lls in love / const ntly
compl ining
 page 19 bout Indi .
3. We s w some
3 Adverbs of frequency:  lw ys (m n ge) first-r te / outst
Adverbs of manner: innocently (looking), slowly (begins) nding / brilli nt
Adverbs of degree: quite (horrified), completely (un w re), ex mples of
bit (stereotyped), very (different) ethnic rt.
Adjectives: enjoy ble, musing (film), person l 4. Unfortun
(questions) tot l (str ngers), in ppropri te (beh viour), tely, I’ve
lw ys been clumsy / wkw rd t d ncing.
5. The Buddhist temples in C mbodi re Student�s Book
extremely / rem rk bly / incredibly impressive.
6. It’s unwise / foolish to visit country without first
le rning bout its culture.

  1. It’s quite  ccept ble to be l te in my culture. People

often come ex ctly on time. / Often people don’t come
ex ctly on time. / People often don’t come ex ctly on
2. The musici ns wore colourful costumes s they
proudly m rched up the street. / The musici ns wore
colourful costumes s they m rched proudly up the
3. My gr ndmother always prep res her
traditional  pudding for Christm s.
4. It’s terribly n rrow-minded of you to ignore the local
5. Our f mily me ls usually l st nearly three hours!

6 1. Nearly two hundred people c me to the festiv l.

Th t’s why the queues were so long.
2. I’ve only w shed your kimono. I h ven’t
ironed it. 3. Coffee costs just €2. It’s not
4. Even Steve c n m ke h mburgers. Anyone c n do
it! 5. We won almost every m tch this ye r. Then,
we fin lly
lost one.
 page 20

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Student�s Book A

unit 2 achieve. 3. Waste your time

trying to get or achieve
Ou of his World something
 page 21
18 4 1. False. It has eight planets.
1 1. This expression literally means that somebody or
something is not on this planet. 2
2. Extremely good.

2 1. Very rarely, almost never. T

2. There is no limit to what someone or something can r
e 3.  page 24
4. False. Superclusters are the largest structures in the  VOCABULARY 
universe. 1 WO DS F OM THE TEXT
 page 22 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b

READING 2 1. The stars look tiny when you see them

witho telescope.
Possible Answer 2. The main drawback is that it’s very
Aliens from outer space could invade us and destroy our expensiv 3. While it was raining, the cat hid
civilisation. Asteroids could collide with Earth. underneath 4. Two asteroids on a collision
course are likely
2 1. February, 2013 (line 1)
with each other.
2. Chelyabinsk (Russia) (line 2)
5. People who are late must rush to be on
3. almost 1,500 (line 3) time.
4. 13,000 tonnes (line 8)
5. one half to ten kilometres across (line 3 Possible Answers
28) 6. ten to 20 years (line 43) 1. That car almost crashed into our
1 school this 2. Most three year olds are
19 3 1. d 2. a 3. c
capable of talking. 3. The witness to the
4 1. True 3. False 5. True crime saw the suspect tr
2. True 4. False 6. False away.
4. There was no warning that a storm
 page 23 was comi
took proper precautions.
5 1. If a large asteroid ever crashed into Earth, all forms of
5. You need to give advance notice if you
life would probably disappear from our planet.
want t
2. An asteroid’s orbit could be changed using the gravity your job.
of an unmanned spacecraft sent to fly along beside the
6. Wrap the package up carefully before
asteroid, so that it would gradually attract the asteroid into
you sen courier.
a different orbit.
3. By changing an asteroid’s solar radiation, we would Phrasal Verbs
be applying force on the asteroid so as to modify its
orbit away from Earth. 4 1. after 3. return to 5. but
4. Today we are in a better position to deal with these 2. bad 4.
potential threats because it is possible to develop the because 6. solutio
technology that can help us prevent a huge collision.
5 Transitive: pick up, put off, call off, work out
6 1. blast (line 3) 4. giant (line   Intransitive: take off, catch on
27) 2. shattered (line 5) 5. gently (line
35) 6 1. It can take an hour to put it on. (dress
onesel 2. Be careful not to use it up.
3. They blow it up with a nuclear bomb.
(explod 4. They must first try it out. / First,
they must try
something works)
1. capable of 4. colliding 7 took of
2. tiny 5. launch 8. rushin
3. carry out 6. called off
 page 25


1 Possible Answer
With all of the billions of stars, planets and
moo I’m sure life must exist in space beyond
Earth. It to think we are the only intelligent
beings in the
21 2 1. b2. b 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. b
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4. If only
Co ocations
22 2 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b would
 page 26 down the
GRAMMAR music. 5.
I wish I
seen the
1. Third conditional
4. Zero conditional 2. Second conditional
5. Time clause
6. I wish Sean would
3. First conditional slow down.
WISH CLAUSES 7. If only my schedule
weren’t so full.
1. future 2. present 3. past

1 1. You won’t get a ticket unless you pay $250,000.

2. He wouldn’t have made his amazing discoveries if he
hadn’t had one.
3. If the sun didn’t exist, there would be no life.
4. Perhaps we’ll find it when we travel to another
5. The Russians would have won the space race if
they had done it first.
6. If he sees science-fiction magazines, he buys them.

2 1. b put, will survive 4. e fell, would kill

2. a were, would be 5. c wouldn’t have
become, 3. d forms, spills hadn’t hit

3  1. wouldn’t have happened 9. had made

2. had been 10. wouldn’t
have died
3. go 11. would fly
4. face 12. had
5. were 13. will be able
6. could do 14. improve
7. hadn’t
needed 15. Tell
8. wouldn’t have called 16.
 page 27

4 1. had gone 4. would

accept 2. were 5. could feel
3. had studied 6. could see

6 Possib e Answers
1. I wish you were here.
2. If only you had told me you were
coming. 3. I wish I could go to the
8 1. If I had known you were ill, I would have I would have visited 4. breaks down
you if I had known y 8. overcome
2. I wish I had seen Elena yesterday.
3. My father will pick me up when I call him When I call my father, Compound Adjectives
he will pick me up.
3  1. Many ast-minute decisions must be ma
4. There would be fewer accidents if people If people drove more spaceship takes off.
carefully, there would
2. International Astronomical Union is a
5. We’ll miss the train unless we rush. / Unl miss the train. wor
6. The asteroid wouldn’t have blown up if it atmosphere. / If the asteroid dedicated to astronomy.
hadn’t entere wouldn’t have blown up.
3. It’s a widespread misconception that
7. If you don’t get along with people, you ca the the moon.
 You can’t be an astronaut if you don’t get 8. If only we went out 4. The Hubble telescope has finally sent
more often. som photographs of distant galaxies.
5. The astronauts went home for a we
1. Wish you were here 3. If it weren’t 2.
You wish 4. Don’t mind if LISTENING

 page 28
24 5 1. He’s not into science fiction. He
prefers s rather than some far-
 VOCABULARY Science Fiction fetched fantasy.
2. Denise wants to prove that Gravity   is
1 1. far-fetched 4. crew 1
25 very
2. UFO 5. accurate
3. phenomenon 6. voyage 6 1, 2, 3, 4
2 1. realistic 5. human bein 2. alien 6. weird 25
7  1. True
3. creatures 7. abducted 2. False. Space debris is unlikely to
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HAVE YOUR SAY  page 32

Astronauts need above-average intelligence.
They are required to be quick thinking to handle unexpected 1 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. D 7
Curiosity is also essential, as are people skills and 2 1. have been crashing 4. if they hadn’t c
communication skills. They must also be good team-workers 2. wouldn’t be worried if 5. had been ignor
and have to get along with people. 3. only I could 6. wish I had
 page 29

SPEAKING TA K  Describing a Picture

1 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. f 6. e

2 Possible Answers
Picture A: alien, human being, far-fetched, weird,
having a good time
Picture B: spacecraft, abducted, human being, UFO, frightening


1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a
 page 30


1 1. b, d, e
2. Not only will the companies make a lot of money, but
people will pay less for these metals and it won’t
harm the environment.
make trillions of euros – make a lot of
money be cheaper – pay less
without causing environmental damage – won’t harm the
Paragraph 3
There are technical difficulties and dangers to
overcome as well as ethical questions about owning
and sharing these resources.
3. Yes
The order is the same in the summary.
Possible Answer
Asteroids are known to contain valuable metals, so
companies are planning to mine them.
4. Yes. The reasons for mining asteroids are clear in
the summary as well as the benefits and the
possible drawbacks.
 page 31


2 Summary B is a better summary of the text because it is

more concise. It shortens and combines sentences
and uses synonyms so as to provide a clear idea of what
the text is about without copying from the original text.
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Student�s Book

unit 3 many of them cannot

read or write. (line 15)
Making a Living 4. Dabbawallas have
given lectures in
 page 33 business schools to
explain how such a
1 1. Earning enough money to buy the things that you complex system
need. works. (lines 45-
2. Possible Answers 50)
App developer, blogger, social media manager,
telemarketer, market research data analyst and
Zumba instructor

2 a. paid a very small sum of money, nearly

nothing b. were told to leave their job
c. explain to someone how to do a job or activity
d. work as hard as other people in a group or team

3 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B

4 Report
27 1. D Report 2. B Report 3. C
Report 4.

 Yes, I wouldn’t mind leaving my country to find a better

job. I know I would miss my friends and my family,
but if I can’t find a good job here, then I’ll have to go
somewhere else.
I would never leave my country even if I couldn’t find a
good job in my country. The thing is that I can’t live without
my friends or my family. I need them. I love my village, our
traditions and our festivals. I don’t think I would be happy
anywhere else.
 page 34


1 I’m not sure this change is a good thing because

technological progress is eliminating the need for many
types of jobs and leaving many people without jobs.

2 a. Fact (efficiency rate of delivery service provided: only

 in six million tiffins get lost) 
b. Opinion (no evidence – just personal impression of the
author:  amazing sight) 

3 1. d 2. a 3. b

4 1. At mid-morning delivery men pick up the

lunchboxes containing the meals made by Indian
women. (lines 1-5)
2. Only one in six million tiffins get lost, although
no computers, barcode scanners or paperwork are
used by the dabbawallas. (lines 13-15)
3. The dabbawallas need the coloured codes because
 page 35
5 1. Their work is difficult because they have lunchboxes a day before
lunchtime in a c congested streets and a complex railway 1 WORDS FROM THE TEXT
2. The coloured codes indicate who has sen how it must get to its 1. money, respect
destination and whe to be handed over. 2. football match, group
3. Tiffins are often carried overhead on large through the streets of project 3. selling things,
Mumbai to a train s they are put on trains which will take the investing money 4. suit,
4. In the afternoon, the dabbawallas take all lunchboxes back to the 5. pizza, message
exact place where
6. come late, make personal phone
5. The dabbawallas are loyal to each other a teamwork so much that all
team member salary and pull their weight, so that profits won’t
decrease. 2 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. a
6 1. complex (line 9) 4. above all 3 Possible Answers
2. efficient (line 12) 5. evenly (li 3. blistering heat (lines 23-24) 1. Young people value friendship.
6. worldwid 2. I could earn a good income as a
Possible Answer HAVE YOUR SAY
Teamwork is preferable because when a group a project or task, it can be financial as a surgeon.
done more quickly a greater efficiency. 3. When you slack off at school, you fall
A competitive atmosphere is better because eve motivated to work as hard be fail exams.
as they can in order t the most. 4. We take pride in our athletes, such as
R Carbonell, Marc Márquez and
 page 36 Mireia Bel role models.
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6 WORDS IN USE studies last four years,

1. Regardless of 4. earn 7. run and if I want, I can
wild continue for two years.
2. guarantee 5. income 8. dare It’s very easy to go to university,
3. take for granted 6. takes pride almost everyone can be accepted.
in But, in university, we
must be serious
 page 37 because there’s a big
drop-out rate – around
LI TENING 50 per cent!

2 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. c LIS TEN CLOSELY
HAVE YOUR SAY Informal words
Possible Answers a. going to
After school, I wanna go to university, that’s for don’t know e. want to
sure. But I dunno yet what I wanna do in the b. don’t you d.
future … it’ll probably be something relating to kind of
international business or languages. Next year, I’ll
study English,  page 38
Chinese, economics, law and management. The
GRAMMAR 3 1. They have been shown the new offices
(by M The new offices have been shown to
The action is emphasised in the passive form. The 2. It is known that hard work is necessary
person performing the action (called the agent) is not for su Hard work is known to be necessary
mentioned in the passive voice when it is either for succ
unknown or too obvious. 3. We should have been paid more
money. / More money should have
2 In the causative the subject of the sentence does not been paid to us.
perform the action. In the causative the agent (who performs 4. It is believed that psychometric tests are
the action) is not always mentioned. quit Psychometric tests are believed to be
quite ac
Mini-passage 1 5. You might be sent the new business
1. has … been confirmed 4. have lost cards to The new business cards might be
2. will be sent 5. are sent to you
… being taken over 3. can be bought 6. The best customers are being given special
Mini-passage 2 p Special prices are being given to the best
1. was thought cus
7. It is said that Clara earns a very high
2. has turned / turns / is turning … into
salary. / Clara is said to earn a very high
3. are / have been / are being salary.
programmed 4. was posted 8. It isn’t expected that the job market will
5. had been written impro The job market isn’t expected to
Mini-passage 3 improve.
1. have been protesting 4. will
be replaced 4 Possible Answers
1. Next week, 250 factory workers will be
sent the factory’s financial difficulties.
2. Salaries have been raised as significant
profit reported by the company in the
last year.
3. Google is considered to be the best
employer it is known that its employees
are offered per food.
4. An emergency government meeting is going
t today to take emergency measures in
order to population for the hurricane.
5. New vocational study programmes are
being region, so young people will be
provided with for new jobs related to
6. The economy is believed to be on the
way to thousands of jobs have been
created in the la
7. Hundreds of students are going to be
hired by industry, which will allow
students to spend u working and
8. Some textile factories have been moved to
Ea where workers are paid lower salaries
and wo
 page 39

6 1. Please pick everything up off the floor.

We’re going to get / having / getting the
carpets c
2. Why go out for lunch? We could get /
have / delivered to the office.
3. We couldn’t print anything last night.
Have yo printer repaired yet? / Did
you have / get the repaired yet?
4. They’re making new ID tags at work. We
had photos taken earlier this morning.
5. Our supervisor wants to choose people
hersel she won’t have / get the candidates
intervie else.

7 Possible Answers
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8 1. We won’t close our shop during the holidays. / We 3

will be open during the holidays. P
2. The project couldn’t have been finished more quickly. o
3. Did they hire any new people yesterday? s
4. Did you have your business cards designed by a s
graphic artist? i
5. The meeting has been cancelled because of the
6. Was the issue being discussed when you left the
meeting? 7. Those changes had been made before I A
started working n
here. s
8. Teaching is considered to be a difficult job. w
1 32
9 1. is run 6. inspired r
2. washed 7. has earned s
3. was working 8. can be
achieved 1
  4. was noticed 9. have been encouraged .
5. had never been told 10. doesn’t have / get …
cleaned s
10 Possible Answers r
1. Because of the fog at the airport, all flights have e
been cancelled.
2. You should slow down or you’ll be fined. t
3. We don’t know our exam results because the
exams haven’t been marked yet.
4. If your tooth hurts, you should get it checked as
soon as possible.
5. The cake was dry after it had been left in the
oven too long.
6. The morale in our company is high because our n
employees are treated well. e
n h
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b
 page 40
 VOCABULARY  The World of Work  y
1 1. work well under pressure 4. good at
multitasking 2. take initiative 5. people skills
3. fast learner
2 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b i
3. for repeatedly coming to work 1
33 5 1. Extreme job hunting is a new
late 4. health care phenomeno do weird things to get
5. computer engineer themselves noticed employers.
6. degree in aeronautical 2. People do it because they’re desperate
engineering 7. having more to
responsibilities 1
6 1. False. He spent all his savings on a
Ex ressions with  job  billbo 2. False. He didn’t want to leave
his country 3. True
4. Fa se. She sent them cupcakes
whose icin code on it.
5. False. She had them baked by a
bakery. 6. True
7 1. c 2. d 3. c
 page 41



1 1. What experience have you

got 2. I’ve been working as
3. I can see from your CV that
4. Why do you think you’re right for
this pos 5. Is there anything you’d like
to ask
6. What are the working
hours 7. It’s a full-time
8. you’re expected to work overtime
9. may I ask you what the starting
salary wo 10. We’ll keep you in mind
2 Possible Answers
Questions asked by the employer
Do you prefer to work alone or on a
team? I’m equally comfortable working as
a membe independently.
How do you handle pressure?
I actually work better under pressure and
I’ve like working in a challenging
What are your goals for the future?
My long-term goals involve growing with
a c can continue to learn and contribute as
How long do you expect to work for this c
I would like to remain employed here as
long are needed.
Questions asked by the candidate
How would my role affect the business in
I’m sure you’ll make a valuable contribution t
 You’ll fit well into the strategy of the busines
you’ll be a great asset to the company.
What are your company’s strengths and
w compared to your competition?
 You know, we’re a small company, so our gr
that we can react fast to any new
challenge. we’re a small company, this is
also our weak
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3 Possible Answer
I: What experience have you got as a secretary? 3 1. I feel I am well suited to this
C: I’m afraid I haven’t got any experience in this position.
field. I: So why do you think you’re right for this 2. I hope that you will consider
me for the position.
C: I’m a fast learner and I’ve got some knowledge of
Word and Powerpoint. I have good people skills and
work well under pressure.
I: Is there anything you’d like to ask about the
job? C: Actually, yes, what are the working
I: It’s a full-time position, from 9 am to 5 pm, but when
there’s pressure, you’re expected to work overtime.
C: OK, I don’t mind working overtime. May I ask you
what the starting salary would be?
I: It’d be €12 an hour plus overtime
pay. C: That sounds fair.
I: It was a pleasure meeting you. We’ll keep you in


Egypt, Italy, Mexico, China

 page 42


1 1. The writer would like to apply for a job as a

window cleaner.
2. He’s a licensed and experienced abseiling instructor
and feels comfortable at great heights.
3. He has recently been awarded a Red Cross
first-aid certificate.
He enjoys doing physical work and being outdoors.
He has got good people skills and works well as
part of a team.
4. He hopes they’ll consider him for the position.

2 1. Name and address, his qualifications, experience

and personal qualities
2. Yours
sincerely, 3. a.
Paragraph 4
b. Paragraph 2 / 3
c. Paragraph 1
d. Paragraph 2
e. Paragraph 3
f. Paragraph 3 / 4

I could easily be trained to use ropes on high-rise
buildings. I have recently been awarded a Red Cross
 page 43

4 1. a. formal 4. a. informal
  b. informal b. formal
2. a. formal 5. a. informal
b. informal b. formal
3. a. informal 6. a. formal
b. formal b. informal

5 1. Dear Ms Bingham
2. I would like to apply for the position
3. I have a great deal of experience in this type o 4. I feel I am
well qualified for this position
5. I am available for an interview at your conven 6. Yours

I enjoy doing physical work and being outdoors. I am well aware of

the risks and the need to tak precautions in this type of job.

6 1. Knowing about trends and having a good ey are both important

for a designer.
2. Mr Randall’s qualifications are not as good a Haywood’s.
3. A plumber should be good with his hands, cl
solving problems and patient with customers 4. The painters started
moving the furniture into
the room and covering it.
 page 44


1  1. b 2. d 3. b 4. d 5. b 6. c 7.
2 1. be 3. take 5. are 7. bee
2. run / own 4. it 6. out 8. has

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r hockey –
un t 4 a se
On the Ball –c

 page 45 4 D
01 e
1 a. Attentive, competent, aware of things s
Possible Answers c
b. Ti a la toalla. r
Salvado po la campana. i
iVaya gol que te han p
colado! Pone cont a las t
cue das. i
Queda se en el o
banquillo. Se un buen n
Pilla a alguien fue a de juego.
2 1. Have someone’s support. (boxing)
2. Start doing something too soon. (athletics) u
3. To say something hurtful or unfair to someone. n
(boxing) d
4. Have an advantage that makes you more likely to e
succeed. (horse racing) r
3 chess boxing – d sand skiing – a
ter hockey Description 2: sand Student�s Book
skiing Description 3: chess
boxing Description 4: sepak 6 1. track (line 9) 4. wonders (lin
takraw 2. gliding (line 9) 5. chased
 page 46 (line 3. struggled (line 26) 6. rejoice
1 Possible Answers Possible Answers
To be a top athlete you need self-discipline. You have to It is impossible to be an Olympic champion
follow a strict exercise schedule and diet. with sacrifice. They have to give up an
I think it definitely takes commitment. You have to be ordinary life, hard. I think it’s worth the
committed to your sport. You have to give up other hobbies sacrifice if you are de pursue your
and interests. dreams.
You also need determination. You can’t give up, no matter
 page 48
how hard it seems.
2 a. Paragraph V d. Paragraph VI f. Paragraph
VII b. Paragraph I e. Paragraph II g. Paragraph 1 WORDS FROM THE TEXT
c. Paragraph III 1. We keep track of every step of our
daug career.
3 1. c 2. d 3. b 2. She was born with a natural gift for
0 swim 3. The band gave a
4 1. People love Mo because he is really easy-going and stunning performance. 4. I want to join
has a wide smile. (lines 7-8)
the football team. Why are
2. Mo’s accomplishments are incredible despite the fact
me back?
5. I know nothing about his background.
he comes from a very difficult background. (lines 12-
13) 3. When Mo’s parents moved to England, Hassan 2 Possible Answers
was left 1. The move to another country was
behind with extended family in Somalia. (lines 21-23) very di gymnast and her family.
2. I can’t tell those tennis players apart
3. People must sometimes flee their
4. When Jason is tired, he can’t help

3 Possible Answers
1. Winning a gold medal in the
Olympics or champion.
2. When they move to a foreign country
wh language is spoken.
3. To studying.
4. They should discuss the consequences
of their children.
5. At distance running like Mo Farah.
Word Families

Verb 4 Noun
relax accomplish
recognise guide excelrecognition guid
succeed success
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1. fled 5. excel   1. Manchester fans mu t
have been disappointed
2. recognised 6. accomplishments
that they didn’t score any
3. gift 7. relaxing goal .
4. background 8. stunning 2. Christie hould have skated
 page 49 more carefully.


1 Po ible An wer
I think talent makes it easier, but even talented people
need a lot of practice to succeed. It is an advantage if
you have got the talent, but there are still things you need
to know and master that you can only accomplish when
you practise.

1. In Dan McLaughlin’s opinion, you

need practice to become excellent at
2. Most golfers will never really excel at golf.
3. The idea of 10,000 hours comes from the field of p
ychology. 4. Dan decided to stop working in
5. Dan gave himself a period of ix year  to
complete 10,000 hours of golf.
6. The 10,000 hours rule was discovered while doing
research on violini t .
7. Dan’s case is unique because he is starting out as
an adult.
8. Dan is being watched closely by re earcher .
9. Dan thinks he won’t lo e even if he doesn’t
become an elite golfer.
10. Dan would like to show us that we can live our dream


1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a
 page 50



Sentences 1 and 2 contain modals.

Sentences 3 and 4 contain modal
perfects. Sentences 3 and 4 talk about
the past.

1  1. can’t / must not 5. can /

may 2. can’t 6. may
3. might not 7. shouldn’t
4. doesn’t have to 8. ought to
3 Po ible An wer bought ome drink .
1. They must have won the match.
2. You shouldn’t have stayed up late last night. 3. She must have 7 1. We won’t have time to come down before
forgotten about the match. 4. You needn’t have picked me up.
better go back now. (mountain climbing)
5. He couldn’t have lost. 6. I would have come.
2. His opponent is about to throw him. He’d
4 1. Could … show 5. would have won 2. must be 6. may not bett out. (judo)
play 3. You’ll have an accident if you’re not
careful. Y
3. cannot / can’t run 7. couldn’t have be
not turn so fast. (skateboarding)
4. must have started 8. may not have fin
4. This is only your first year. You  houldn’t
 page 51 pe
money on a wetsuit. (diving)
5 1. should you do 5. shouldn’t have d 2. didn’t have to think 6. 5. The ball keeps going into the net. You
could have perfo 3. had to receive 7. had to do 06 hould
4. was able to continue low. (tennis)
6. You’re not breathing correctly. You hould
6 Po ible An wer
1. It’s freezing cold. I hould put on a jacket. / have forgotten to technique. (swimming, diving)
bring a jacket .
2. My best friend is furious with me. I mu t talk mu t have hurt hi 8 Po ible An wer
feeling . 1. You’d better not jump with your
3. That was a very risky thing to do. You hould careful. / could have elbows outst you’ll be given a yellow
broken your leg. card. (football)
4. Tania is an amazing tennis player. She may b elite player. / mu You shouldn’t head the ball too often.
t have tarted playing at (football 2. When the player that you’re
5. Janis came home very late from basketball pr parents may not guarding has the better keep your eye on his
let her practi e any more. been furiou when he arrived. chest. (basketball
6. There’s more than enough food. You needn’t el e. / hould have
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4. It takes a lot of
h stamina to climb up all
those stairs several
1. You should have seen times a day.
4. You can say that again 2. you shouldn’t have 5. The basketball game
5. if I may say so myself 3. Who would have ended in a draw, so
thought they added five
 page 52
6. Success in sport will
 VOCABULARY  Sport improve a child’s self-
1 1. Spectators were angry when the referee gave 7. The footballer had to
Ronaldo a yellow card. replace an injured
2. Laughing when the other team loses is not good teammate after half
sportsmanship. time.
3. You need a lot of willpower to train instead of going 8. Players and fans cried
out with friends. when the game ended
in a defeat.  page 53

2 Possible Answers SPEAKING TASK  Agreeing and

1. They’re going to try and win the
match. 2. Everyone is running faster 1 1.  AGREEING
I get what you’re
than us.
saying. That’s what I
3. This time we want to win the
match. 4. I’m feeling disappointed.
5. Swimmers will be able to swim DISAGREEING
faster. 6. Hopefully, I’ll play for them next Not in my opinion!
season. I see what you mean, but …
7. She’s not interested in any kind of physical exercise. I think that’s the wrong way to look
at it.
Expressions Taken from Sport 2.   AGREEING
1. doesn’t mind 4. I get what you’re saying. = I see
wouldn’t speak to me 2. get something to eat your po That’s what I mean. =
5. win Exactly!
3. protest against DISAGREEING
Not in my opinion! = Absolutely
I see what you mean, but … = I
3 Possible Answer suppos I think that’s the wrong way
I think cycling is the most dangerous sport because you to look at it. so sure about that.
are at risk of being hit by a car.
2 07 3 Possible Answers
4 1. False. It’s a problem that everyone prefers to ignore. A: I think that heading in football should
2. False. In football, players often get blows to the not the age of 14 because heading the
head or even fall on their head or hit the ball is younger players.
B: I suppose that’s true, but can you
3. Tr imagin heading the ball? Football
ue 4. wouldn’t be foo heading the ball.
True A: I see what you mean, but children’s
5. neck weak to prevent serious damage
True to their suffer serious injuries.
2 08 B: I get what you’re saying. Maybe
5 1. During a career, a player may headthe ball heading banned under the age of
thousands of times. 14.
A: I think that it’s wrong to pay
professional euros a year. They don’t
deserve all the m paid.


1. Holland 3. Japan
2. Greenland 4. New
 page 54


1 1. Are the high salaries paid to

2. Paragraph 2: Reasons in favour
They have amazing talents and abilities.
They provide the world with entertainme
Their job is risky and stressful.
They often suffer injuries and are
under c to let their fans down.
Paragraph 3: Reasons against
No one needs to be paid tens of millions
People with vital jobs cannot hope to ma
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Tip  page 56
This is more than what people with vital jobs, such as accepted as an official
doctors or police officers, can hope to make in a lifetime. Olympic sport. / Squash is a
(paragraph 3) popular and demanding
… , perhaps athletes should set a good example and not
demand so much. (paragraph 3)
… although athletes should be able to make a good
living, I believe … (paragraph 4)
In these difficult times, athletes ought to show
good sportsmanship and (paragraph 4)

3 Connectors of addition
Furthermore (paragraph 2), In addition (paragraph 3)
Connectors of contrast
On the one hand (paragraph 2), On the other hand (paragraph
Connector of example
such as (paragraph 3)
It illustrates examples of vital jobs where people won’t ever
make as much money as professional athletes.
 page 55

4 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c....5. c

5 Possible Answers
1. Ben is going to take tennis lessons this year. He’s
also going to join a gym.
2. Valerie swims three times a week. In addition, she
goes for a jog every evening.
3. My brother is excellent at tennis and athletics,
while I’m dreadful at all sport I’ve ever tried.
4. Some mobile phone games are played by people all
over the world. For instance, Asphalt 8: Airborne is
played by millions of Android users worldwide.
5. I’m getting up at 6 am to train, although I’m
feeling really tired.
6. The players are still motivated in spite of last
night’s defeat. 7. He’s an excellent athlete as well as an
inspiring role model. 8. He kept on playing despite
getting a blow from another

6 1. Formula One cars can easily reach speeds of 300 kph.

However, drivers have to go slower when driving round
a corner. / Despite the fact that Formula One cars can
easily reach speeds of 300 kph, drivers have to go slower
when driving round a corner.
2. Playing golf requires incredible control, stability and
balance as well as great mental strength. / Playing golf
requires incredible control, stability and balance.
Moreover, it also requires great mental strength.
3. On the one hand, squash is a popular and
demanding racquet game. On the other hand, it is not
LANGUAGE CONSOLIDATION so you should have sat th 3. My
grandparents must have taken pride in t
1 1. national 4. excellent 7. accomplishments.
  2. recognition 5. accomplished 8. 4. You’d better keep track of those
  3. successful 6. performance children at 5. He would have more money
if he could hold 6. I can’t look! We are
2 1. I wish that they hadn’t let us down by losing 2. You were injured,
being beaten by the oth
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unit 5 join a gang.

Some people need money
Crime Doesn’t Pay  for drugs.
p ge 57 21
2 11
1 1. Committing a crime is not worth the risk of being 3 1. b 2. c 3. a
caught and punished.
2. Possible Answers 4 1. True 2. False 3.
 Perdimos por culpa del árbitro. Fue un robo ( False 4. False
m no rm d )
 La cuenta del restaurante fue muy cara para lo que
5 1. They had promised each
nos other that they would
 pusieron. ¡Vaya est f !
meet again in the same
restaurant in twenty
  Pensaba que era mi amigo. ¡Vaya puñ l d por years’ time.
l esp ld !
2. The tall man meant
2 1. If a dishonest person wants to commit a crime, that after twenty
they will. 2. If you know about a crime and don’t do years in the West,
‘Silky’ Bob had
anything about it, turned into a
you can also be held responsible for that crime. criminal.
3. For some people, the benefits of committing a crime 3. The policeman walked
are stronger than the risks. up to Bob at the
2 10 beginning of the story
3 Caption 1: Cartoon
because he was Jimmy
B Caption 2: Wells, and he was going
Cartoon A Caption to meet his friend Bob
3: Cartoon C as they had arranged
twenty years earlier.
4 1. Cartoon C 2. Cartoon B 3. Cartoon A 4. Patrolman Wells didn’t
p ge 58 identify himself when he
met Bob because when
READING Bob lit his cigar, he
realised that his friend
1 Possible Answers Bob was actually the
Some people commit crime out of desperation, especially criminal wanted by the
when they don’t have enough money for food. Chicago
Sometimes people get involved in crime because they
HAVE YOUR SAY 4 1. back … up 4. puts …
dow 2. give … away 5. turn … in
Possible Answers
3. go on 6. was taken o
 Yes, Jimmy did the right thing. He was a police responsible for enforcing
the law. 5 WO DS IN USE
If one of my friends committed a crime, I don’t t protect him. If I 1. turned up 4.
protected this friend, I would als committing a crime. took out 7. 2. leaned 5.
p ge 60 forcing 8.
3. steady 6. releasing
p ge 61
Possible Answers
1. The shape of a table may be round or sq 2. Why didn’t you 2 1. a 3. a 4. b 5. c 6.
13 2. c
turn up at the party?
3. She lay on her bed and gazed at the ceili 4. It was very difficult to HAVE YOUR SAY
raise five children. 5. He quickly unfolded the piece of paper. 6. I was Possible Answers
so tired that I could barely walk. I think restorative justice is good in theory. I
7. I’ve got an appointment to see my dentis 8. Could you please bel make bad judgements or decisions could
hand me the keys? benefi acknowledging their mistakes and be
made to s have a positive effect on
2  1. victim reporting a crime 4. doctor 2. police officer on a chase society.
5. shooting 3. medic helping an 6. I think restorative justice is a great way of servi
suspect minor cases. However, I don’t think it should
injured person 7. lawyer Phrasal Verbs with be

Multiple M 3 1. h, g 2. b, a 3. c, d 4. e, f 5. l,
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 page 62
1 1. The citizens complained that
GRAMMAR they couldn’t walk the streets
safely in their town.
Reported Speech 2. We wondered why
1. A statement (We move the verb back in time as time they had given him
has gone by since the original words were said.) such a light
2. A question (We move the verb back in time, but a sentence.
reported question no longer has the order of a 3. The police warned the
question.) demonstrators not to
3. A request (We use the reporting verb ask   + go beyond that barrier.
object + infinitive.) 4. The mayor suggested
4. An order / A command (We use the reporting verbs installing more security
tell   / order   + object + infinitive.) cameras in the city
5. A suggestion (We use the reporting centre.
verbs suggest   /  5. The suspect refused to
  recommend   + gerund or that   + subject + base cooperate with the police.
form of the verb.) 6. The lawyer claimed that
his client was completely innocent. 7. The detective 4 Possible Answer
asked the suspect why he had been carrying Mr Smith claimed that he had been working
a gun in the park. on October at 3 pm at Zac’s Car Sales. He
8. My mother reminded me to turn on the alarm. explained had come in to try out a silver
Mercedes, but he she hadn’t returned with
2 1. e the car as no salespers with her. He added
Elise Powell is an excellent lawyer, so my friend that the woman had been ac
recommended calling her then / that I call her then.
2. f  page 63
A burglar had been in our house, and we wanted to 2 15
5 1. watching 6.
know if / whether the police would try to catch him.
needed 2. could do 7. was
3. b
3. to empty 8. to return
The police couldn’t find the stolen money, and the
suspect admitted hiding / that he had hidden it the   4. was robbing 9. had robbed
previous night / the night before. 5. wanted 10. would / had to sp
4. a
6 Possible Answer
The teacher caught me cheating, so he informed me Lecturer David Owen announced that he
that he had to give me zero for my test. would that day. He explained that he was
5. c going to give 7-hour course on how to
Myra loves crime films and she wanted to know become a crime author we would leave that
whether /  if I like /  liked them as well. course with a step-by-step developing our
6. d own crime novel. He suggested l of their
They wanted to prove him guilty, so they asked clients’ opinions.
us to find some evidence soon. One of their clients commented that the
course her a lot of practical tips and
3 Possible Answers recommended taki Another client exclaimed
1. The lawyer asked Mr Smith what his name is / that he / she had been first crime novel since
was. finishing the course and t turning out to be
2. Then, the lawyer asked him if he worked at Zac’s fantastic.
Car Sales.
7 1. My neighbour informed me that police were
murderer in that area.
2. The boy admitted breaking / having
broken a into the house. / The boy
admitted that he ha window to get into
the house.
3. The suspect wondered how the police
had f drugs.
4. My friend warned me not to leave my
keys th 5. The reporter wanted to know
if the trial woul following day / the next
day / the day after.
6. The judge declared that she had to learn a
le prison.
7. She advised me to get a better lock
for that d 8. The detective asked him what
he had been d
previous night / the night before.
9. My parents told me to call them when
I arriv

n h

1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b
 page 64


1 1. con artist 3. shoplifter 5.

pic 2. mugger 4. mugger
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3 Possible Answer
Word Families: Crime
A: What’s the best way to stay safe
Noun (Action) Noun (person) Verb B: It’s a good idea to make sure that
mugging mugger mug sites y reliable.
burglary burglar burgle A: Any other advice for me?
B: It’s a bad idea to “friend” people you
robbery robber rob
don A: Is there anything else you can
shoplifting shoplifter shoplift recommen B: Remember to change your
pickpocketing pickpocket pickpocket password oft
theft –– for others to obtain your password.
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. d
16 5d
 page 66
17 6 1. d 2. b3. a4. c
7 1. A burglar will be able to find your valuables if he has
enough time. 1 1. A family from Chicago was arrested
and stealing thousands of items over
2. Burglars want to leave your home as quickly as
the last
possible. 3. To keep the burglar from destroying your
2. The Bogdanovs travelled to many
home, it’s not a states items that they used to hide in
good idea to hide all your money too well. their c loth out that the items stolen
4. If you don’t live in a rich area, you can leave€100. were sold on th account and they
5. If you decide to hide money in your house, you eventually managed to they were
musttell other members of your family where you committing a crime.
hid it . 3. Shoplifting could turn out to be
negative f consumers due to price
Possible Answers 2 1. Paragraph 3 3. Paragraph 4 5.
 Yes, it is very useful because I’ve learnt I should never hide 2. Paragraph 2 4. Paragraph 1
my valuables in places such as under the bed or in drawers.
I’ve also learnt it is a good idea to leave burglars some money, Tip
so that they will leave as soon as they find it. Frank P. Benedetto, head of the Secret
 page 65
Servi warned that this would ultimately hurt
consu increases. (paragraph 4)
SPEAKING TASK  Asking For and
 page 67
Giving Advice

1 1 1. What’s the best way 3 Connectors of cause

to 2. It’s a good idea as a result of (cause: calls by shops such
as result: the investigation began several
month due to (cause: price increases
3. The next best thing to result: shoplifting would ultimately hurt
do 4. Any other advice cons
for me 5. I recommend Connector of result
6. You should never Consequently (cause: Investigators succeed
2 1. How do you think I can the items to the Bogdanovs’ eBay account
result: agents were able to identify the
2. It’s advisable to
thiev them on one of their shoplifting
3. Another recommendation missions)
4. Is there anything else you can Connector of purpose
recommend 5. I suggest
6. It’s a bad idea to
2 A. Travelling safely
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6 Po ible An wer
1. People sometimes turn to crime as a result of poverty.
2. The burglar walked quietly so as not to wake
anyone up. 3. There have been several break-ins in
our street. For this
reason, re ident are having urveillance camera
in talled.
4. I’ve bought a money belt as I’m travelling next
week. 5. The suspect was found guilty.
Consequently, he wa
entenced to five year in pri on .
6. The police are going to analyse the evidence so that
they can under tand what happened.

 page 68


1 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. D

2 1. responsibility 4. regardless 7. recognisable

2. impressive 5. uncomfortable 8. robbers
3. success 6. criminal 9. guilty
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unit 6 much more difficult.

Money Makes the World Go Round 2 1

 page 69
1 1. Having money makes life easier. In Spanish, we say
 El dinero mueve montañas, Poderoso caballero es don
2. Possible Answer
Money can’t buy everything, but without it life can be so
extremely expensive 2.  page 72
3. afford the essentials in life  VOCABULARY 
4. have just enough money to live on and nothing
extra 5. given to you free 1. If something hasn’t happened to
4 1. d 2. a 3. c 4. b date, it h
 page 70 2. If you do something in turn, you do
it afte
READING 3. A trend that makes a comeback was
1 Possible Answers
You can help someone by giving them money if they need it
or buying them items that they need. But just listening to 4. People nod when they agree with a
a person with problems, can be a very big help. sugg 5. A place with a constant lack of
water is 6. A needy person usually has
2 1. a cup of coffee a low incom 7. Distressing news would
2. the caffè sospeso tradition make you upset 8. You would be grateful
3. thousands of customers to someone who h 9. If something
4. your meal relieves pain, it makes it bet
5. a lady who always pays it forward
2 Possible Answers
3 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False 1. I want to repay the money that I
borrow 2. The average citizen can’t
4 1. d 2. a 3. b afford to buy a 3. It’s impolite to point
 page 71 at someone.
4. Most people take pleasure in paying
5 Possible Answers it fo
1. About 100 years ago, the caffè sospeso tradition 5. I’d like to say something in
began in Naples. (lines 6-7) appreciation
2. Someone would order a suspended coffee if they work.
wanted to celebrate their good fortune. (lines 7-8) 6. It would be beyond my reach to
3. With suspended coffee, the recipient is not change least I can help the people
embarrassed because they never see the donor. around me.
(lines 11-13) Noun + Preposition
4. The drive-through in Houston is an example of a  Adjective + Preposition
business where customers usually pay it forward.
(lines 36-38) 3 1. d 2. f 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. h
5. The lady in the bagel café is someone who is used
to 4 1. with 4. for
paying it forward regularly. (lines 38-39) 2. to 5. about
6. People might pay it forward because they have 3. of 6. on
been lucky, are grateful for surviving an illness or
are celebrating a new baby. (lines 42-45) 5 Possible Answers
1. My boss asked me to be in charge
of the was abroad.
2. I hope I have a chance to see you
while 3. Let’s try to catch sight of the
dolphins fr 4. Money plays a part in
everyone’s lives. 5. Without studying,
you run the risk of faili
1. intention of 4.
2. grateful for
5. beyond reach 3. afford
6. kind to
 page 73


2 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c 6.
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 page 74 2. It would suit me because I’m a

person wh likes trying new
GRAMMAR things.
3. I would be able to work
DEFINING AND NON�DEFINING RELA TIVE during the day, when I have
CLAUSES plenty f free time after I
finish my classes.
Sentences 1, 2, 3 and 6 4.I’d like trying out products that
are f
1 1. which / that 5. where 8. when
2. who / that 6. which / that 9. 2

whose 5 1. whose 5. when / that

3. which 7. whose   2. which / that 6. where
10. which / that 4. which   3. who / that 7. whose
4. which
2 1. e
Ho can companies tell if they’ve designed products
which / that people ill ant to buy?
2. f
They use product testers, wh se job is to try out new
products and write their opinions.
3. c
You can be a product tester if you’re a person wh  /
likes to try new things and knows how to write well.
4. g
You’ll be sent anything from sports shoes to smartphones,
which you’ll wear or use for a short time.
5. d
Then you must send a review to the company wh
products you are testing.
6. b
You might post your opinions on social networks,
many readers can see them.
7. a
The best part of the job is that the product becomes yours
on the day when / that you finish testing it.

3 The relative pronoun can be omitted in sentences 1. e and

7. a. (Because they are defining relative clauses and the
relative pronoun is not the subject of the relative clause.)

 page 75

4 P ssible Answers
1. I think product testing is a job which w uld suit me.
7 1. Our customers have some complaints which old – and worth $10 million!
respond to. 6. They were unable to find the people
2. Mary is the boss wh  you have to discuss th 3. The police t wh m
have found the man wh  this wall 4. There is a lottery which our might belong.
members can pa 5. The cashier wh  we were waiting for was th 7. The couple, wh  are now
multimillionaires, w anonymous. / The
8 1. Do you like the shirt that I’m trying on now? 2. The corner bakery, couple, wh  want to rema are now
which was owned by an multimillionaires.
shut down. / The corner bakery, which has s owned by an old 8. They want to donate part of the
couple. money to pe don’t have enough to eat.
3. I bought these sandals last summer, when I 4. I need a financial
advisor on wh m I can dep 5. The camera about which they were arguing
€800. / The camera which they were arguin 1. Who do you think you are? 3. Speakin
worth €800. 2. What’s the use 4. Where
6. The woman wh se shop had been broken in police. i
7. I can take you to some shops where clothes cheap.
8. In 2008, when the economic crisis began, m lost their homes.  page 76

9 1. A California couple were walking their dog on they had hiked many
times. 1 P ssible Answers
2. The couple, wh se land used to be in a gold- saw part of an 1. They cost €8.50 instead of €10.
old coffee tin in the ground.
2. Please pay me
3. They’ll never forget the moment when they o and saw that it as s n as p ssible.
was full of gold coins.
3. She got it when her grandfather
4. They found seven more tins like it near the pl had found the died. 4. They don’t have any m ney f r
first one. f d.
5. An expert t wh m they took the coins told t were 150 years
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3 Possible Answers 5. True

1. At least £1 million.
6 1. Gunther III
2. When you need coins to use a vending
inherited the
machine. 3. At the end of the season. money from his
4. Between €2 and €4. owner, a wealthy
5. When you want to show that you have paid. countess, who left
him her entire
Expressions with cost  and price  fortune when she
1. low-cost 4. two for the died.
price of one 2. Gunther IV
2. at no extra cost 5. price inherited the
tag money when his
3. the full price 6. cost of living father died. 3. His
fortune is worth
$373 million.
4 The expression means that money should be 4
appreciated because one has to work hard for it. .
It is often used by parents in response to their children’s I
lack of appreciation or understanding of the value of n
5  1. True M
2. False. The first hundred people stopped, looked and i
took pictures, but left empty-handed. a
3. False. People began to work together in m
teams. 4. True i
the Bahamas and Italy. 5. A diet of  page 78
steak and caviar.
7 1. Al Anzi charges customers for leaving food on their plates.
28 2. He began to do this when he learned about 1 1. The issue is tipping waiters in
the terrible poverty in Somalia. restaurant The writer is in favour of
3. He felt that customers were ordering too much food in tipping waiters f
order to impress their friends. 2. Paragraph 2
4. He donates the money from the fines to hungry Argument: Waiters depend on tips to
people in Somalia. m Reason: Waiters are paid the
5. Al Anzi’s clients actually agree with his new policy. minimu Paragraph 3:
 page 77 Argument: Waiters need incentives suc
Reason: Despite their job being
SPEAKING TASK  Talking About a Situation physi emotionally demanding, they
efficient and polite.
1  1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d 3. We must be generous and tip
waiters, w make a living and stay
2 Picture A: needy, grateful, kind to, poverty, motivated.
broke, cost of living
Picture B: honesty, cash, amount 2 1. Paragraph 2 3. Paragraph 4 5.
Accept all suitable added words and expressions. Par 2. Paragraph 3 4.
Paragraph 1 6. Par
3 Possible Answers
In Picture A, a tourist is giving an empty plastic bottle to a writing skills review
3 1. since (paragraph 1)
2. so (paragraph 1), as a result
(paragraph 2 (paragraph 3)
3. also (paragraph 1), moreover
(paragraph 4. however (paragraph 1),
although (paragr (paragraph 3), even
though (paragraph 4)
5. such as (paragraph 3)
6. in order to (paragraph 4)
7. often (paragraphs 2 and 3)
8. quite (paragraph 3)
 page 79

4 Possible Answers
1. The Countess was a great animal
lover. F Therefore, / Consequently, she
left all h her dog.
2. Those two shops are very /
quite similar, some differences.
3. Why was the customer speaking
so angr
4. I didn’t buy anything, even
though / alth
some great bargains.
5. The iBag will lock so as /  in
order not to spend money.
6. I wanted to know the price of the
sungla I couldn’t read the price
7.   Dear Sir, I would like to complain
about at your shop.
8. I’m not coming on the trip because /
as I moment.
9. In my opinion, saving money is
more wor
spending it.
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5 Possible Answers
1. Internet shopping is convenient. Moreover, you can
save a lot of money.
2. There are several ways you can pay without cash, such
as by credit card or cheque.
3. I don’t know if I want these jeans. They’re a bit tight.
4. They should lower their prices, so that people can
afford their products.
5. On the one hand, he claims he hasn’t got any
money. On the other hand, he’s always buying
new clothes.
6. They don’t have enough money to buy a house. For
this reason, they are going to try and save more.
7. I’m sure they’ll give me a discount, since I’m a
regular customer.
8. Money can’t buy happiness. However, it can make
your life more comfortable.

6 Most people believe that money will make them

happier. Nevertheless, research shows that people are
not happier today, although the standard of living
has gone up dramatically.


1 Statements in favour of paying it forward

2, 4, 6, 7, 8
  Statements against paying it forward
1, 3, 5, 9
p ge 80


1 1. have 3. which / that 5. whose 7. out

2. with 4. tag 6. in 8. be

2 1. We made a decision in which money played an

important part.
2. The manager wanted to know what was going on at
his / her shop.
3. They may have been opposed to the price rises.
4. They could not have identified the thief if therehad
been a lack of evidence.
5. I waited until evening when Sheri turned up at
the club. 6. She is the only shop owner with whom
I’ve spoken to
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Exam Preparation A hand up means

assisting a person to help
themselves, while a
Exam Practice 1 handout is given as
charity with little chance
 page 83 of uplifting the person to
whom it is given.
Instruments Recycled from Rubbish
1 1. F – “Nearly half of the children never finish school

2.............F – Favio Chávez “ was
working with rubbish pickers on
recycling issues.”
3.....F – “ makes instruments from things found
in the landfill.
Gómez ...turned tins and metal bowls into
violins and cellos and made drums from large
oil tins.”
2 1. to Cateura, Paraguay’s largest landfill
2. reshaping tins and using bottle caps as keys or
3. made a documentary about the orchestra
3 Possible Answer
When you hear music being played on an instrument
made from recycled material, you experience recycling
in action as opposed to hearing about it in theory.
4 a

5 1. a 2. c 3. a

6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Exam Practice 2
 page 84

Habitat for Humanity 

1  1. b 2. c
2 1. F – “ ‘the cycle of poverty’ – the term used to
the situation when a family has lived in
poverty for three or more generations.”
2.....F – “ people there built their own homes
on a volunteer
3.....T – “ habitat always provides expert
supervision and
3 1. people who are homeless worldwide
2. grew / grow up homeless or in bad housing
3. was (formally) established
4. possibly be solved by one organisation
4 Possible Answer
Exam Practice 3
Brain Games
 page 85
1 1. b 2. c
Postcards Round the World
2 1. download Lumosity’s mobile app
1 b 2. was established in 2001 by Dr
2 1. had been sent by nearly half a million “Po
2. should / must use English 3 1. been trusted if they had met
3. need to be / must be / should be polite an accepted sc
2. between brain training and spending
3 1. He understood that people like feeling co He also knew that six Internet
lots of people liked pos receiving real post as he did.
2. the cost of postcards and stamps 4 Possible Answer
The “reasoning” games had tasks like
4  1. stranger analy problems, while the “non-
2. came up with reasoning” games like paying attention
3. well-mannered to visual information.
4. free
5  1. divided
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct 2. contradicted
3. randomly
4. outcome
Exam Practice 4
6 Accept all logical and grammatically
 page 86 correct
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Exam Practice 5
Sleep For a Clean Brain
 page 87

1 b

2 1 for cleaning the brain in humans and other mammals

2a plumbing system in a home
3will be done on people to find out whether human
brain-cleaning activity increases during sleep
3 1 T – “The science of sleep research is considered to
date back to 1913 ”
2 F – “ when the mice were sleeping, their glial cells
got smaller ”
4 Possible Answer
This may happen because during sleep certain brain functions
are inactive, leaving the brain with more energy to increase
the activity of the glymphatic system

5  1
virtually 2

6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers

Exam Practice 6
 page 88

Democracy Prep: A Tough Approach to


1  1 b 2 c
2 1 could be overcome by the right kind of schools
2 stress on academic courses such as English, maths
and sciences
3 1 T – “Harlem had a low high-school graduation
rate ” 2 F – “But the newspaper said, ‘it works’ ”
4 Possible Answer
Learning Korean shows students that they are capable of
learning anything It impresses college and university
admissions committees and it can help students find a job in
the future

5 1 a 2 a 3 b

6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers

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Listening Practice
Listening Practice 1
Solo Dining, page 90

Sp ak r
1: E Sp
ak r 2: H
Sp ak r
3: C Sp
ak r 4: F
Sp ak r
5: D
Listening Practice 2
Streak Running, page 91

1. ill
3. w
bsit 4.
on mil 5.
6. don’t ov r-train
7. short r run / running a littl mor
slowly 8. 18
9. kn
10. for yours lf first
Listening Practice 3
03  A Modern-day 
 Amelia Earhart,  page 92

1. 3. 5. a 7.
c d b
2. 4. 6. a 8.
c c d
Listening Practice 4
 A Variety of
Conversations,   page 93

1. 3. 5. b 7.
b b b
2. 4. 6. c 8.
c a a
Listening Practice 5
Say No to Dolphin Shows,  page 94

1. 3. 5. b 7.
b d c
2. 4. 6. c 8.
a a d
Listening Practice 6
The South-North
Water Transfer Project,  page 95

1. four 6. droughts
2. south rn /
th south of 7. quality
3. distanc s 8.
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Speaking Practice and someone is trying to lift /

help him / her. You can tell
Speaking Practice 1 that he
 / she may have been
Comparing Pictures, page injured and is in pain.
3. It seems likely that the
98 1  1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c snowboarder may have lost
2 Possible Answers control and crashed into a
pile of snow.
Both pictures show a photographer at work. The pictures are
different because one is a nature photographer and the 4. I would imagine that the
other is a wedding photographer. snowboarder will be helped
off the slope. Perhaps he’ll
1. In picture 1, the photographer is on a rock in the be taken by rescue
middle of a river. In picture 2, the people are outside in helicopter to the nearest
New York City. hospital.
2. In picture 1, the photographer is trying to photograph
something in the river, while in picture 2, the
photographer is taking a picture of a wedding party /
3. The photographer in picture 1 faces physical dangers –
it is a difficult place to reach, it is slippery and wet
and he is surrounded by water. The photographer in
picture 2 needs to be patient and must be able to
work with people. Both photographers have to get the
best position and lighting for their photos.
4. These jobs require an eye for detail and knowing how
to take good photos.
5. I suppose the nature photographer requires more
patience because you may have to wait a long time
to capture the right shot.
6. I think I would enjoy being a nature photographer
because you work outdoors and you don’t have to deal
with people. / I wouldn’t mind being a wedding
photographer because I like to work with people.

Speaking Practice 1
Reaching an Agreement,  page 99

1 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. f

2 Accept all logical answers.

Speaking Practice 2
Photo Description,   page

1  1. a 2. c 3. b

2 Possible Answers
1. It looks like they are on a ski slope.
2. In the foreground, we see a snowboarder who has fallen
Speaking Practice 2 Reaching an Agreement, b. 2, 3, 4
c. 6
page 101 Accept all logical answers.
d. 5, 8
e. 4, 7
Speaking Practice 3
4 Accept all logical answers.
Photo Description, page 102
Speaking Practice 4
Possible Answers
1. The girl is alone and sitting on the ground with h knees. Photo Description, page 104
2. It looks as if she is in a deserted place. In the ba see a wall covered
Possible Answers
in graffiti.
1. It looks as if they are in a sports
3. It could be that she has run away from home. S had problems or a
fight with her parents.
2. They seem to be spectators watching a
4. I would imagine she feels very upset and depres 5. Hopefully,
match. 3. You can tell that they are tense and
she’ll talk to a friend who will tell her
her problems and she will then go home. nervous. It c
they are in suspense and are holding their
Speaking Practice 3 breath
4. I would imagine the match is almost over
Career Interview,  page 103 and th needs a goal to win the trophy.
5. Perhaps their team will score a goal or
1 1. d 2. e 3. f 4. c 5. a 6. b make a b the game.
2 Career advisor: statements 1, 5, 8 Student: statements 2, 3, 4, Speaking Practice 4
6, 7
Reaching an Agreement,  page 105
3  a. 1, 5
Accept all logical answers.
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Speaking Practice 5 Reaching

Comparing Pictures, p ge 106 an

Possible Answers Agreemen

Th two pictur s ar similar b caus th y both show dogs and t, p ge 107
humans. Th y ar diff r nt b caus th dogs ar b ing us d
for diff r nt purpos s. Acc pt all
1. On pictur shows a dog with an ill man in a hospital,
whil logical answ
th oth r on shows a t am of dogs pulling a man on a sl d rs.
in a natural habitat.
2. In pictur 1, th dog is providing aff ction and ch ring Speaking Practice
up th lon ly pati nt. Th dog is probably h lping th man 6
forg t his probl ms. In pictur 2, th dogs ar a form of
transportation which p opl in r mot cold ar as d p Comparing Pictures, p
nd on. ge 108

3. Th man in pictur 1 f ls aff ctionat towards th Possible Answers

dog, whil th p opl in pictur 2 f l d p nd nt on and
Both pictur s show p
grat ful to th ir dogs. opl gr ting on anoth
4. I would imagin that th dog in pictur 1 is aff r. Th y ar diff r nt b
ctionat and lik s to b p tt d, whil th dogs in pictur caus of th r
2 ar ob di nt, int llig nt, hard-working and strong. lationships.
5. In my opinion, p opl hav th right to us animals 1. Th two pictur s ar
in th s ways provid d that th y ar not xpos d to cru diff r nt b caus in pictur
lty or xploit d. 1 a par nt is hugging his
young child and h may b
Speaking Practice 5
saying goodby , whil in pictur 2, an adult coupl ar cl Speaking Practice 6
arly r uniting.
2. In pictur 1 it is most lik ly a par nt and child saying Personal Interview, p ge 109
goodby to ach oth r, whil in pictur 2 th y’r probably
boyfri nd and girlfri nd. 1 1. b 2. f 3. a 4. d 5. c 6.
3. On pictur shows a fath r and child in th ir hom , 2 Possible Answers
whil th oth r on shows th coupl at a train station.
4. In pictur 1, th par nt and child ar most lik ly saying 1. On Saturday night, I’m going to a danc
goodby as th fath r is l aving for work. In pictur 2, I c girlfri nd b caus w lov to danc
would imagin that th coupl ar r uniting aft r on of th s I am studying for an xam, so I
th m had won’t b my fri nds.
b n away for a whil . 2. I lov pasta as w ll as ic cr am.
My fav chocolat sunda .
5. In pictur 1, I suppos th p opl ar sad and t
arful and ar going to miss ach oth r, whil in pictur 2, 3. I c l brat d at hom with my family
th coupl ar b ca c l brations. I got som gr at pr
v ry joyful and sh has jump d into his arms. s nts, i
4. I am r ally int r st d in l arning to
sp ak lik to go to univ rsity in Paris.
5. I sp nd a lot of tim on Fac book
chattin I oft n look at th school w
bsit b caus to dat with what’s going
on at school.
6. England, b caus it has got both br
atht th countrysid and gr at
shopping in Lo
3 Acc pt all logical answ rs.
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living english extra Speaking

1 A reception clerk – sentence

Culture numbers: 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11
A guest – sentence
Unit 1 numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12
p ge 112 2 Possible Answer
Reading Dialogue order: 3, 10, 12, 1,
8, 11, 9, 2, 5, 6, 7, 4
2 1. 12,000 3. own
Unit 2
2. First Nations 4. sharing
p ge 114
3 1. grizzly bears, killer whales
2. plants Reading
3. Storytelling is a way of passing knowledge
from the elders to the youth. 2 1. False 3. True 5.
4. Food is prepared over an open fire. False
2. False 4. True 6. True
p ge 113
p ge 115
4 02 Listening
4 04 1. the old man 4. Eagle
2. the old man’s daughter5. 1. 100 million3.
Raven pushing against5. asteroids
3. Raven 6. the old man 2. Mars
6. Green
p ge 113
p ge 115
Speaking p ge 117

1 Dialogue order: 3, 7, 1, 2, 9, 6, 8, 10, 4, Speaking

12, 5, 11, 13
1 Invitations
What are you doing tomorrow
afternoon? I thought we’d go out for
How about Friday?
Let’s meet next week
then. Are you busy on
Tuesday? Want to meet
at 5.00?
Positive responses
So far I’m free all week.
I don’t have anything scheduled.
perfect. See
you then!
Negative responses
Sorry, I’m working
late. I’m afraid I’ve
got plans.
I guess we should go another time.
Unit 4
p ge 118


2 1. Many of horse racing’s traditions and

rules st Britain.
2. A national daily newspaper and two
TV chan report on horse racing.
3. the Romans
4. King James I was more interested in
horse ra running the country.
5. Flat racing is run over a flat track,
while in N racing horses also jump
over a series of fenc racing, the
horses are more expensive and th
bigger than those in National Hunt
racing. Na more exciting to watch and
is also more dan
6. Some people feel that horse racing is
harmfu and that it goes against animal
p ge 119

1. befor
e 3. interested 5.
2. didn’t want 4. the Internet
p ge 119


1 A company employee
Dialogue A – sentence numbers: 1, 2, 4
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Unit 5
 page 120


2 1. False 3. True 5.
False 2. True 4. True
6. True
 page 121


1. She was arrested for stealing three items of clothing

10 from another child.
2. She was sentenced to death by hanging.
3. The King declared a special pardon for women and
they were transported to Australia instead.
4. It was the first convict ship to transport only
women and children to Australia.
5. a. bush fires / droughts /
floods b. 21
c. 82
d. tens of thousands
e. Kevin Rudd, former prime minister of Australia
 page 121


1 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. g 5. a 6. c 7. f

Unit 6
 page 122


2 1. Queen Elizabeth
II 2. still be able to
use 3. direction
4. still
alive 5.
6. birthdays
 page 123


1. a form of
12 electricity 2.
lightning storm
3. diplomat, (scientist and inventor)
4. United States Constitution
5. buildings when they’re hit by lightning
6. sense of humour
 page 123

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 page 124

elling Stories

2 1. He was supposed to be at home with his family.

Andrew spoke in a funny, choked sort of way.
2. He had come to tell her that he could not marry her.
3. Irene was very calm. Andrew had expected her to be
very upset.
4. They agreed that Irene would handle it her way, that
they would not tell anyone and that she would not turn
up at the church.
5. He was nervous as he “knew” the wedding was not
going to take place despite all the guests being

3 The conflict is that Andrew does not want to get married

while Irene does. It is resolved by Irene taking control
and going ahead with the wedding as if there was no
 page 125

he Verger

2 1. False. “… I think you’ve fulfilled your duties

quite satisfactorily.”
2. False. “I’m afraid you must learn.”
3. True. “Deep in his sad thoughts, … He walked …
with a heavy heart.”
4. False. “It was a long street, with all sorts of shops
in it, but there was not a single one where you
could buy cigarettes.”
5. True. “Within ten years, he had no less than ten
shops and was making a lot of money.”
6. True. “I think you should invest it as you would
make a much better profit that way.”

3 1. It is ironic that the same person who was illiterate

and could no longer be a verger, went on to be a
very successful businessman and make a fortune.
Had he become literate, he would have remained a
poor verger.
2. The bank manager was amazed to discover that Albert
was illiterate. His reaction was not positive because he
thought that Albert could have made even more of
himself if he weren’t illiterate.
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Grammar Basics

Getting Started
 page 126  page 127


1 had told – Past Perfect Simple
1 see – Present Simple
‘ve been – Present Perfect Simple
don’t know – Present Simple
‘ve always dreamed – Present Perfect Simp
is setting up – Present Continuous
are getting together – Present Continuous (with Future meaning) 2  a. ‘ve been
b. ‘ve always dreamed
2 a. don’t know c. is setting up c. had told
b. see d. are getting together
3 The verb understand  is a stative verb I’ll help
You’re going to fall 3. you’ll have
4. are … going to stay 5. I’ll be driving
6. I’ll have finished packing

4. did

1 1. isn’t raining 5. are sitting up
2. do … need 6. is 5. W
beginning / begins ere …
3. don’t speak 7. playin
doesn’t like g 6.
4. is … staying 8. is boug
leaving ht

2 1. was … driving,
happened 2. were still
3. Did … hurt, was doing
4. didn’t know, were
watching 5. saw, was …
6. Were … preparing, arrived
7. wasn’t sleeping, didn’t
disturb 8. were singing, woke

3 1. Then 5. at the
moment 2. At midnight 6. while
3. three times a week 7. generally
4. next year 8. when

4  1. am
PAST TENSES washing 2.
3. were watching
4 met – Past Simple
was eating and talking – Past Continuous were having – Past Continuous
5 a. met c. was eating and talking
3 1. Have … met
b. were having2. had
finished 3. hadn’t made 4.
hasn’t found 5. have
6. had … moved

4 1. are going to announce 2. will

probably meet
3. are … going to hand out / will … hand ou 4. will
5. am not going to try 6. is
going to be
7. will get
8. am not going to stay

5 1. She will have left by then.

2. I will be studying art in London.
3. Will you have finished painting the house 4.
What sort of car will he be driving?
5. We will be staying at my uncle’s flat. 6. She
won’t have taught for long enough.
7. We won’t be seeing her again this summ

6 1. will have chosen 2. had sat

3. will turn
4. hadn’t sold
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 page 128
 page 129


1 1. b
2. a
2 1. have / has + been + verb + -ing
2. had + been + verb + -ing

First Conditiona
2 1. Second Conditional IMPERATIVES, MODALS AND T
2. Third Conditional Zero Conditiona CLAUSES
1. first
2. both clauses
3. present
1 1. had been trying
2. have been looking for
3. hadn’t been paying attention WISH CLAUSES
4. had been ignoring 2 1. Sentence 2.
c Sentence a3. Sen
5.have been working
6.had been studying
7. have … been planning 1 1. rains, will take
8. Has … been lying 2. would buy, could afford
3. cannot leave, have
2 1. been waiting 4. known 4. had received, might have evacuated
2. forgotten 5. read 5. don’t get, will be
  3. been sleeping 6. been trying 6. were, would fall off
3 1. had quit 4. hadn’t been standing 7. weigh, are
2. Had … been 5. had been cleaning 8. wouldn’t have made, hadn’t built
1. They usually call off the flights if it is
3. Had … finished 6. had wanted 2 very fog
4 1. The Catholics had already celebrated Christmas the
month before. 2. You wouldn’t have got lost if you had
followed directions.
2. We’ve been looking forward to this trip for
weeks. 3. When a spaceship takes off, the
temperature reaches 3,300˚C.
3. Our team has been practising all month.
4. If it had remained in outer space, it
4. He had been searching for a long time.
wouldn’t h
5. We’ve had this one for years.
5. The astronauts would die if they didn’t
6. She had been listening in the other room. wear t
6. If I knew the answer, I would tell you.
7. If the weather had been better, we
might hav more.
8. I’ll keep trying until I succeed.

3 1. were 4. could find

  2. hadn’t posted 5. had gone
  3. would finish 6. didn’t need
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 page 130  page 131


We use the passive when we want to emphasise the action and the affected object of the action rather than the agent
be able carrying
to, have outto
to, need the action.
and  don’t have
to be  (in the correct verb tense) + past participle of the main verb

1. must have (sentence b) 2. may have (sentence e) 3. could have (sentence d
5. shouldn’t have (sentence a) 6. needn’t have (sentence g) 7. couldn’t have (
ctive sentence has got two objects, either the direct or the indirect object can become the subject of the passive sentence. The second form is more commo

money be given to
people who are
In the causative, we use have  or get  + object + past participle jobless?

4 1
1 1. has been used 4. had been .
delivered 2. is said 5. were being
cooked 3. were … visited 6. should be reviewed g
2 1. did … leave 5. aren’t provided t
2. have … sold 6. is being
checked 3. should have been told 7. must be /
notified 4. Will … be answered 8. know
3 1. Employees won’t be allowed to take holidays a
before Christmas. v
2. It is known that teamwork is important in this e
company. / Teamwork is known to be important in
this company.

3. They must have been told the good news by the
secretary. / The good news must have been told to w
them by the secretary.
4. Has all of Europe been affected by economic
5. It is said that Barbara is a tough boss. / Barbara is said
to be a tough boss. t
6. We are being shown the new computer
program. / The new computer program is n
being shown to us.
7. The course was recommended by my favourite 2
teacher. 8. Should people who are jobless be given .
money? / Should
Structure:  It   +  be   + past particle + that clause
Structure: Subject +  be   + past participle + infinitive
get / have … carried 1 1. can’t 5. Would
2. don’t have to
6. couldn’t
3. should
7. will be a
4. must not
8. might

2 1. must have lost 4. could ha

2. may not have returned 5. might ha
3. should have warmed up 6. needn’t h

3 1. must be 4.must
hav 2. should have warned 5. might
no 3. could not find 6. May I as

4 1. Barbara isn’t feeling well. She’d better

re 2. Tomorrow is Audrey’s birthday.
We’d be 3. You’d better try harder or
you’ll be dropp 4. If he’s trying to lose
weight, he’d better n
5. Your oxygen tank hasn’t been
checked. Y
dive with it.
6. That bike belongs to Sam. You’d
better a use it.
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p ge 132 p ge 133

main verb in a reported sentence back in time when the reporting verb is in the past.
1 1. d2. a3. a, b4. b5. e6.
sentences, we also change pronouns, demonstratives, possessive adjectives and time and place expressions


question has no question order as it is no longer a question.
2  1. A defining relative clause is essential to the the sentence
A non-defining relative clause adds non-ess information about the
We use commas to separate a non-definin
clause from the rest of the sentence.
We can use that  instead of who / which in d
relative clauses.
We can omit the relative pronoun in a defini clause if it i n’t t
3  1. In the formal structure, the preposition com r
In the informal structure, the preposition co the ve
infinitive 3. object In + infinitive
the formal  structure, we use the relative
gerund whom instead of who.

1 1. The woman declared that she wa going to call the

that day.
2. The shopowner ordered me to call the police 1 1. which 3. which 5. where
then. 2. who 4. whose 6. when
3. The suspect promised to tell the truth.
2 The relative pronoun that   can be used in
4. Jimmy asked his friend to give Bob that note. sentenc (they are defining relative clauses
5. The guard wondered if they could hold any and so that   ca and which in these
more prisoners sentences).
there. The relative pronoun can be omitted in
6.The man denied knowing any of tho e people. sentence (they are defining relative clauses
and in these s relative pronoun is not the
2 1. Doug explained that that van had been subject of the relative
delivering money to the bank.
2. My mother asked whether someone had 3 1. That’s the man who / that won two
tolen my bicycle million e lottery.
the day before / the previou day. 2.My friend Betsy, who came shopping
3. Ron recommended reporting the incident to with m decide what to buy.
the police. / Ron recommended that we report the 3.Have you met the woman who
incident to the police. e daughter o of shops?
4. The policeman ordered Marcie to how him 4. They’re selling tickets for €18,
her driving licence. which is a pre price.
5. I asked the prisoner if they were going to 5. October is the month when some
relea e him the following year / the next year /  the hotels clos winter. / October is the
year after . month some hotels cl winter.
6. The papers reported that the judge might 6. This is the shop where I buy my
entence him to two years. sports equip
7.That author, who e book is a
3 1. The boy agreed to show them the crime scene. bestseller, has
2. Suzy reminded me to put my wallet back into my

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