Program Action Plan Table: No Comple Tion Date 1

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Program Action Plan Table

Directions: Based on the “Analysis of KPIs and Benchmarks” provided in the above Program
KPI and Assessment Table, list the recommendations identified and proceed to establish a
continuous improvement action plan.
No Recommenda Actions Assessment Responsible Start Comple
tions Mechanism Person Date tion
or Criteria date
1 Encourage Research teams and Increased number All faculty Start of End of
the faculty committees to of publications and members of next next
members to involve all faculty citations of research the College. semeste semeste
conduct more members in articles of the r r
research conducting research faculty members of
activities proposals according the AMS College
to Qassin
Scientific research

2 Frequent Formulation of a Documented Research Start of End of

workshops calendar of evidences of Committee next next
trainings on activities and workshops semeste semeste
various workshops to be conducted that r r
research conducted by the includes the
priorities Research attendance sheets,
should be Committee on presentation
conducted by various topics and materials, a faculty
the Research updates related to evaluation of the
Committee. research for the workshops and
current academic pictures of the
year. activities
Implementation of
activities and
workshops in the
formulated calendar

3 Introduce Provision of Documented Faculty Start of End of

Modified indirect not evidences of members of next next
updated classical methods seminars/workshop the College. semeste semeste
teaching of teaching and providing r r
strategies to assessment e.g. knowledge and
increases the seminars/works application of
quality of hops on new modified teaching
course modified teaching strategies to faculty
offered in the strategies members
program -Application of -Documented
modified teaching evidences of
strategies in course application of new
offered by program. teaching strategies
in courses.
4 Improve the Facilitate the field -Documented All faculty Start of End of
practical experience evidences by members of next next
courses specifications and practice course the College semeste semeste
quality by field experience instructors per assigned to r r
providing areas available to department. field
more students. -Documented experience
opportunities Revision of field evidences of value courses.
to students to experience of new field
acquire specifications to experience areas Course
clinical update their that offer studentsCoordinators
practical practical skills to be maximum of Field
skills. performed by opportunities for Experience
students relevant to developing Courses
the field experience practical skills. Vice
course. Deanship of
5 Frequent Implementation of Documented Faculty Start of End of
assessment of the Maintenance evidences of all members of next next
the Plan of the College accomplished forms the College semeste semeste
classrooms, Facilitate the of the Maintenance Office of the r r
laboratories, request for Plan. Director of
other maintenance Documented Administrati
facilities and services for requests for on
equipment to classrooms, maintenance Deanship of
provide laboratories, other services for Information
periodic facilities and classrooms, Technology
maintenance equipment as laboratories, other and E-
services. needed. facilities and learning
forwarded to the
office or

Strengths of the Program Action Plan:

(1) The action plan is directed toward continuous teaching and learning process improvement.
(2) The action plan focuses on encouraging the research products of both students and faculty
members of the College
(4) The action plan providing the students with the high quality teaching and learning
The following are the recommendations for the improvement of the Program Action Plan:
(1) Discuss and study the action plan with the responsible stockholders and the responsible
persons to optimize and finalize this action plan .
(2 )Distribute the action plan to all members of the College and other responsible persons for its
(3 ) Periodic meetings to collect the feedback and check the progress of the action plan
(4)Periodic review to ensure involvement of the whole faculty staffs and the responsible persons
in the implementation of the action plan.

Prepared by Dr. Amal Mackawy

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