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Evidence for Ubiquitin-Regulated Nuclear and

Subnuclear Trafficking among
Paramyxovirinae Matrix Proteins
Mickey Pentecost1, Ajay A. Vashisht2, Talia Lester1☯, Tim Voros1☯, Shannon M. Beaty3,
Arnold Park1, Yao E. Wang1, Tatyana E Yun4, Alexander N. Freiberg4, James
A. Wohlschlegel2, Benhur Lee1,3*
1 Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics, David Geffen School of Medicine,
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 2 Department of
Biological Chemistry, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
California, United States of America, 3 Department of Microbiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
New York, New York, United States of America, 4 Department of Pathology, University of Texas Medical
Branch, Galveston, Texas, United States of America

☯ These authors contributed equally to this work.

* [email protected]


Citation: Pentecost M, Vashisht AA, Lester T, Voros

T, Beaty SM, Park A, et al. (2015) Evidence for
Ubiquitin-Regulated Nuclear and Subnuclear
The paramyxovirus matrix (M) protein is a molecular scaffold required for viral morphogene-
Trafficking among Paramyxovirinae Matrix Proteins.
PLoS Pathog 11(3): e1004739. doi:10.1371/journal. sis and budding at the plasma membrane. Transient nuclear residence of some M proteins
ppat.1004739 hints at non-structural roles. However, little is known regarding the mechanisms that regu-
Editor: Carolyn B Coyne, University of Pittsburgh, late the nuclear sojourn. Previously, we found that the nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of
UNITED STATES Nipah virus M (NiV-M) is a prerequisite for budding, and is regulated by a bipartite nuclear
Received: July 28, 2014 localization signal (NLSbp), a leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES), and monoubiquitina-
tion of the K258 residue within the NLSbp itself (NLSbp-lysine). To define whether the se-
Accepted: February 10, 2015
quence determinants of nuclear trafficking identified in NiV-M are common among other
Published: March 17, 2015
Paramyxovirinae M proteins, we generated the homologous NES and NLSbp-lysine muta-
Copyright: © 2015 Pentecost et al. This is an open tions in M proteins from the five major Paramyxovirinae genera. Using quantitative 3D confo-
access article distributed under the terms of the
cal microscopy, we determined that the NES and NLSbp-lysine are required for the efficient
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any nuclear export of the M proteins of Nipah virus, Hendra virus, Sendai virus, and Mumps
medium, provided the original author and source are virus. Pharmacological depletion of free ubiquitin or mutation of the conserved NLSbp-lysine
credited. to an arginine, which inhibits M ubiquitination, also results in nuclear and nucleolar retention
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are of these M proteins. Recombinant Sendai virus (rSeV-eGFP) bearing the NES or NLSbp-
within the paper and its Supporting Information files. lysine M mutants rescued at similar efficiencies to wild type. However, foci of cells express-
Funding: A Virology and Gene Therapy Training ing the M mutants displayed marked fusogenicity in contrast to wild type, and infection did
Grant (T32 AI060567) and the Ruth L. Kirschstein not spread. Recombinant Mumps virus (rMuV-eGFP) bearing the homologous mutations
National Research Service Award (F32 AI100498)
showed similar defects in viral morphogenesis. Finally, shotgun proteomics experiments in-
from the National Institutes of Health supported MP.
An American Society for Microbiology undergraduate dicated that the interactomes of Paramyxovirinae M proteins are significantly enriched for
research fellowship supported TL. The Van Trees components of the nuclear pore complex, nuclear transport receptors, and nucleolar pro-
Award from UCLA’s Undergraduate Research teins. We then synthesize our functional and proteomics data to propose a working model
Scholar Program supported TV. A Microbial
Pathogenesis Training Grant (T32 AI07323) from the
for the ubiquitin-regulated nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of cognate paramyxovirus M pro-
National Institutes of Health supported SMB. A teins that show a consistent nuclear trafficking phenotype.

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Cellular & Molecular Training Grant (T32 GM007185)

from the National Institutes of Health supported AP.
AAV and JAW were supported by grant GM089778
from the National Institutes of Health. This work was
supported by a grant from The Pacific Southwest Author Summary
Regional Center of Excellence for Biodefense &
Emerging Infectious Diseases awarded to BL (U54
Elucidating virus-cell interactions is fundamental to understanding viral replication and
AI065359), and by a grant from the National Institute identifying targets for therapeutic control of viral infection. Paramyxoviruses include
of Allergy and Infectious Disease awarded to ANF human and animal pathogens of medical and agricultural significance. Their matrix (M)
and BL (R21 AI102267). The funders had no role in structural protein organizes virion assembly at the plasma membrane and mediates viral
study design, data collection and analysis, decision to budding. While nuclear localization of M proteins has been described for some paramyxo-
publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
viruses, the underlying mechanisms of nuclear trafficking and the biological relevance of
Competing Interests: The authors have declared this observation have remained largely unexamined. Through comparative analyses of
that no competing interests exist. M proteins across five Paramyxovirinae genera, we identify M proteins from at least three
genera that exhibit similar nuclear trafficking phenotypes regulated by an NLSbp as well as
an NES sequence within M that may mediate the interaction of M with host nuclear trans-
port receptors. Additionally, a conserved lysine within the NLSbp of some M proteins is re-
quired for nuclear export by regulating M ubiquitination. Sendai virus engineered to
express a ubiquitination-defective M does not produce infectious virus but instead displays
extensive cell-cell fusion while M is retained in the nucleolus. Thus, some Paramyxoviri-
nae M proteins undergo regulated and active nuclear and subnuclear transport, a prerequi-
site for viral morphogenesis, which also suggests yet to be discovered roles for M in
the nucleus.

Paramyxoviruses include pathogens of global medical and agricultural concern. These viruses
occupy broad ecological niches infecting a wide range of hosts including mammals, reptiles,
birds and fish, and they cause diverse outcomes ranging from asymptomatic infection to lethal
disease. Measles virus (MeV), mumps virus (MuV), the human parainfluenza viruses (hPIVs),
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and human metapneumoviruses remain significant causes of
human morbidity and mortality [1]. Animal pathogens, such as Newcastle disease virus
(NDV) and the recently eradicated Rinderpest virus [2], have caused significant rates of lethal
disease in birds and cattle, respectively. The newly emergent zoonotic paramyxoviruses Nipah
virus (NiV) and Hendra virus (HeV) are among the most deadly known pathogens, showing
case-fatality rates in excess of 70% in humans, and are classified as biosafety level 4 pathogens
due to the absence of vaccines or therapeutics approved for human use [3–6].
Paramyxoviruses are released as enveloped virions from the host cell plasma membrane.
Virions are ~150–300 nm in diameter and are spherical, pleomorphic or filamentous in shape,
depending on the virus and the producer cell-type. The non-segmented, single-strand, nega-
tive-sense RNA genomes of paramyxoviruses consist of six principal genes: nucleocapsid (N),
phosphoprotein (P), matrix (M), fusion (F) and attachment (HN, H or G) glycoproteins, and
polymerase (L) [1,5,7]. The attachment and fusion glycoproteins mediate binding to sialic acid
moieties or to specific protein receptors on the cell surface and the fusion of the viral envelope
with the host cell plasma membrane [8–10]. Within the virion, the ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
consists of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase complex formed by P and L associated with
the N-encapsidated RNA genome. L is required for viral RNA synthesis during viral replication

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

M is the primary viral structural protein [1,5,7]. A number of studies have found that M
proteins oligomerize, bind lipids, and form a grid-like array on the inner surface of the viral
membrane (_((((xxx))))_)[7,11–25]. M proteins can serve as a molecular scaffold by interact-
ing with the cytoplasmic tails of the transmembrane glycoproteins and the RNP via N
[7,17,25–35]. Many paramyxoviral M proteins (NiV-M, MeV-M, NDV-M, SeV-M, and
hPIV1-M) can drive viral budding and form virus-like particles (VLPs) in the absence of other
viral components [13,31,36–42], albeit with varying efficiencies. However, the budding of some
others (PIV5-M and MuV-M) requires coexpression of N and/or the envelope glycoproteins
[43,44]. MeV and SeV engineered with budding-defective or deleted M proteins have been
found to have severe defects in viral replication [45–47].
Although paramyxoviruses are classic cytoplasmic replicating viruses, some paramyxoviral
M proteins have been observed to traffic through the nucleus. For example, SeV-M, NDV-M
and RSV-M can be detected in the nucleus at early stages of infection [48–53]. These findings
suggest that paramyxoviral M proteins may perform roles beyond viral assembly at the plasma
membrane. However, with the exception of RSV, which belongs to the Pneumovirinae subfam-
ily, the cell biology of M protein nuclear trafficking has not been examined in a systematic fash-
ion for most Paramyxovirinae subfamily members. We previously found that NiV-M
translocates to the nucleus at early stages of infection. The high homology between NiV-M and
HeV-M (~90% amino acid identity) suggests that HeV-M also localizes to the nucleus, and it
was recently found that overexpression of ANP32B, a nuclear protein, results in nuclear accu-
mulation of HeV-M and NiV-M [54]. We have shown that nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of
NiV-M is mediated by a classical bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLSbp), homologous to
NDV-M’s NLSbp, and a leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) [39,48]. We further demon-
strated that nuclear trafficking is regulated by ubiquitination, presumably on a conserved lysine
residue (K258) located within the NLSbp of NiV-M (244RR-X10-RRK258). The K258A mutant
is defective in nuclear import, while the K258R mutant retains a functional NLS but is defective
in nuclear export; both mutants have decreased levels of ubiquitination and have budding de-
fects [39].
The canonical NES and NLSbp that we functionally characterized in NiV-M are highly con-
served across most, if not all members of the Paramyxovirinae. Therefore, it is important to re-
solve whether ubiquitin-dependent nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of M is unique to NiV, or
to what extent other members of the subfamily also exhibit a nuclear-trafficking phenotype.
Uncovering the mechanisms that govern paramyxovirus M protein trafficking has direct bear-
ing on the fundamental biology of paramyxoviral replication, and may reveal host-dependent
pathways and factors that can be exploited for antiviral strategies. Here, we specifically analyze
ubiquitin-dependent nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of M proteins across representative virus-
es from all five major genera of Paramyxovirinae (Respirovirus, Rubulavirus, Morbillivirus,
Henipavirus, and Avulavirus). We use a panoply of methods including quantitative 3D confo-
cal microscopy analysis of M nuclear localization, bimolecular fluorescence complementation
(BiFC) assays of M ubiquitination, and introduction of M mutations into live recombinant vi-
ruses with the use of reverse genetics. Our findings demonstrate that ubiquitination of M, regu-
lated by a lysine within the second basic patch of the NLSbp, critically modulates the
subnuclear and nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of M proteins from prototypic viruses of the
Henipavirus, Rubulavirus and Respirovirus genera. Proteomic identification of nuclear trans-
port receptors and nuclear pore complex components that copurify with paramyxoviral M pro-
teins further supports a model for active transport of M in and out of the nucleus, and also
hints at possible non-structural functions of M proteins.

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Nuclear export of some Paramyxovirinae matrix proteins is regulated by
the ubiquitin-proteasome system
Since the nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of the Nipah virus matrix protein (NiV-M) is reg-
ulated by its monoubiquitination [39], we wondered whether the ubiquitin-proteasome
system similarly regulates the nuclear sojourn of other Paramyxovirinae M proteins. We
cloned 3X-Flag- and GFP-tagged-M from prototypical members of the five Paramyxoviri-
nae genera: NiV-M (genus Henipavirus), Hendra virus M (HeV-M, genus Henipavirus),
Sendai virus M (SeV-M, genus Respirovirus), Mumps virus M (MuV-M, genus Rubula-
virus), Newcastle disease virus M (NDV-M, genus Avulavirus), and Measles virus M (MeV-
M, genus Morbillivirus). To biochemically detect ubiquitination of M proteins, we
cotransfected HEK 293T cells with HA-UbK0 and each of 3X-Flag-tagged NiV-M, HeV-M,
SeV-M, MuV-M, NDV-M or MeV-M [55]. HA-UbK0 functions as a ubiquitin (Ub) chain
terminator or as monoubiquitin because all lysines have been mutated to arginines. We
used this construct to visualize discrete ubiquitin bands and to determine if matrix proteins
can be monoubiquitinated since this posttranslational modification can regulate the func-
tion of proteins without promoting proteasome-dependent protein degradation [56]. Cell
lysates were subjected to anti-Flag immunoprecipitation (IP) and immunoblots were si-
multaneously probed with anti-HA and anti-Flag antibodies. As shown in Fig. 1A, for all
the M proteins the majority of M is unmodified (M0) at steady state. However, a detectable
minority of M (M1) is size-shifted by the molecular weight of at least one ubiquitin mono-
mer (Ub, ~8.5 kDa) (Fig. 1A, merge). These results indicate that all 3X-Flag-tagged M pro-
teins investigated are ubiquitin substrates.
We have found that proteasome inhibition results in nuclear retention of NiV-M in trans-
fected and in NiV-infected cells (S1 Fig.) [39]. Proteasome inhibition stabilizes polyubiquiti-
nated proteins and depletes the cellular levels of free ubiquitin available for conjugation
[57–62]. To determine whether ubiquitination is involved in the nuclear export of the other
Paramyxovirinae M proteins, we treated GFP-M-expressing HeLa cells with the proteasome
inhibitor MG132 (Fig. 1B-G). We used quantitative 3D confocal microscopy to characterize
the subcellular localization of M. The cells were counterstained with DAPI to visualize nuclei,
and with fluorescent phalloidin to visualize the entire cell, and the proportion of nuclear M
was determined computationally as described in Materials and Methods. As with GFP-NiV-
M, ubiquitin depletion via proteasome inhibition resulted in significant nuclear retention of
GFP-tagged HeV-M, SeV-M and MuV-M (Fig. 1B-E) [39]. We further confirmed biochemi-
cally that MG132 reduces the direct conjugation of ubiquitin to 3X-Flag-tagged NiV-M,
HeV-M, SeV-M, MuV-M, MeV-M and NDV-M by co-IP of each and HA-UbK0, as de-
scribed above, with quantification of immunoblot band integrated intensities as described in
Materials and Methods (S2 Fig.). The ubiquitination of the various M proteins were differen-
tially sensitive to proteasome inhibition with NDV-M and MeV-M being the least and most
sensitive to proteasome inhibition, respectively (S2E–F Fig.). For NDV-M (Avulavirus) and
MeV-M (Morbillivirus), reduction of ubiquitin conjugation did not result in a nuclear reten-
tion phenotype under the conditions and cell type examined (Fig. 1F-G), suggesting there is
no strict correlation between the degree of matrix ubiquitination per se and M nuclear locali-
zation. In contrast, the ubiquitin-proteasome system appears to regulate the nuclear-
cytoplasmic trafficking of the Henipavirus (NiV-M, HeV-M), Respirovirus (SeV-M), and
Rubulavirus (MuV-M) matrix proteins.

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Fig 1. Analysis of the ubiquitin-regulated nuclear export of matrix proteins from five Paramyxovirinae
genera. (A) Ubiquitination of M proteins. HEK 293T cells were cotransfected with HA-UbK0 and 3X-Flag
tagged NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M, MuV-M, NDV-M, or MeV-M. After 24h, 3X-Flag-tagged-M was
immunoprecipitated, and M and its ubiquitinated species were detected by immunoblotting against Flag and
HA, respectively. (B-G) 3D confocal analysis of M nuclear localization in cells depleted of free ubiquitin.

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Extended Focus (maximum intensity projection) view of 3D confocal micrographs of HeLa cells transfected
with GFP-tagged (B) NiV-M, (C) HeV-M, (D) SeV-M, (E) MuV-M, (F) NDV-M, or (G) MeV-M. At 16 h post-
transfection, cells were treated with 50 μM MG132/0.5% DMSO or 0.5% DMSO for 8h. Cells were
counterstained with DAPI to visualize nuclear DNA, blue, and fluorescent phalloidin to visualize the F-actin
cytoskeleton, red. Scale bar 10 μm. In the corresponding graphs, the nuclear M fluorescence per cell was
quantified from 3D-reconstructed confocal micrographs. *p<0.05; ****p<0.0001; NS, not significant by
Student's t-test.

Nuclear export of some Paramyxovirinae matrix proteins is regulated by

a putative NES and a lysine within the NLSbp
We have shown that the nuclear-export of NiV-M is regulated by a leucine-rich nuclear export
signal (NES) as well as by the K258 lysine residue located within the second basic patch of the
bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLSbp; Fig. 2A, blue residues) [39]. A K258A mutation
partially disrupts the NLSbp and decreases nuclear localization of NiV-M, while a K258R muta-
tion is unexpectedly retained in the nucleus despite having intact NES sequences and preserva-
tion of the positive charge necessary for NLSbp function. However, both mutants are impaired
for ubiquitination [39]. Sequence alignment of M proteins indicates that a lysine is present in
the homologously aligned position across the Paramyxovirinae genera. Thus, we hypothesized
that this residue might be conserved for regulation of M ubiquitin-dependent nuclear export
(Fig. 2A, bold and underlined blue residues). To interrogate our hypothesis, we mutated the
NLSbp-lysine to an arginine in all M proteins studied and analyzed their subcellular localization
by quantitative 3D confocal microcopy as described above (Fig. 2B-G, quantified in Fig. 2H).
Since NDV-M contains another lysine adjacent to this position we mutated both (Fig. 2A, bold
and underlined blue residues). A lysine to arginine mutation is expected to preserve the nuclear
import function of the putative NLSbp, but prevents posttranslational modification at that posi-
tion. As a comparison for nuclear retention, we also mutated the leucines that correspond to
the NES of NiV-M within all M proteins (Fig. 2A, bold and underlined blue residues) [39].
Mutation of the NES of GFP-NiV-M (ML106A L107A) resulted in a significant increase in nu-
clear localization of the protein, which confirms our previous findings (Fig. 2B, 2H) [39]. Simi-
larly, but to varying degrees, GFP-tagged HeV-ML106A 107A, SeV-ML102A L103A, and MuV-
ML106A also exhibited significantly increased nuclear retention compared to their respective
wild type (WT) proteins (Fig. 2C-2E, 2H). In contrast, GFP-NDV-ML103A L106A had an appar-
ent nuclear exclusion phenotype (Fig. 2F, 2H) contrary to expectations, while the nuclear local-
ization of GFP-MeV-ML90A 191A was not significantly different than WT (Fig. 2G, 2H),
indicating that these motifs are either redundant or non-functional in NDV-M and MeV-M.
Mutation of the NLSbp-lysine resulted in significantly enhanced nuclear localization of
GFP-tagged NiV-MK258R, HeV-MK258R, SeV-MK254R, MuV-MK261R, and NDV-MK259R K260R,
but not MeV-MK240R (Fig. 2B-2G). These phenotypic differences are quantified in Fig. 2H.
Note that the spread in the degree of nuclear localization for any given M mutant also empha-
sizes the need to score a sufficient number of cells by computationally defined volumetric crite-
ria (see Materials and Methods) in order to obtain robust statistics from inherently variable cell
biological data. Thus, each data point in Fig. 2H (as in Fig. 1B-G) represents reconstructed vol-
umetric data from a single cell, acquired from ~20–30 confocal optical Z-stacks (at 0.3–0.5 μm/
step) per cell. In contrast to the NLSbp-lysine-to-arginine mutations, our attempt to disrupt the
NLSbp consensus sequence through alanine substitutions in the second patch of basic residues
(bp2) resulted in diffuse cytoplasmic localization of GFP-tagged NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M, and
MuV-M (S3 Fig.). However, similar mutations did not appear to disrupt the localization of
MeV-M or NDV-M (S3 Fig.) indicating that this motif does not function as the NLSbp in MeV-

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Fig 2. Mutational analysis of the role of a putative NES and a lysine within the NLSbp in nuclear export
of Paramyxovirinae matrix proteins. (A) Alignment of Paramyxovirinae M sequence motifs that correspond
to NiV-M's leucine-rich NES and NLSbp, which contains a putative ubiquitinated lysine. Predicted critical
residues are colored blue. Residues mutated in this study are also underlined in bold font. (B-G) Extended
Focus (maximum intensity projection) views of 3D confocal micrographs of HeLa cells transfected with WT, or

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

the indicated mutant GFP-tagged (B) NiV-M, (C) HeV-M, (D) SeV-M, (E) MuV-M, (F) NDV-M or (G) MeV-M.
Cells were counterstained with DAPI to visualize nuclear DNA, blue, and fluorescent phalloidin to visualize
the F-actin cytoskeleton, red. Scale bar 10 μm. (H) The amount of nuclear M fluorescence per cell was
quantified from 3D reconstructed confocal micrographs. *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; ****p<0.0001;
NS, not significant by one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons.

M or that additional mutations are necessary to fully disrupt the function of the NLSbp as has
been previously shown for NDV-M [48].

Ubiquitination of Nipah, Hendra, Sendai and Mumps matrix proteins is

dynamically regulated by an NLSbp lysine
Since the proteasome inhibitor MG132 inhibits the nuclear export of GFP-tagged NiV-M,
HeV-M, SeV-M, and MuV-M (Fig. 1), we wanted to test whether the NLSbp-lysine that regu-
lates their nuclear export (Fig. 2B-E) also regulates their ubiquitination. In Fig. 3, we first as-
sessed the ability of 3X-Flag-tagged NiV-MK258R, HeV-MK258R, SeV-MK254R, MuV-MK261R,
MeV-MK240R and NDV-MK259R K260R to be ubiquitinated biochemically, via co-IP of 3X-Flag-
tagged-M with HA-UbK0, as described above (Fig. 3A-D). Although NDV-M and MeV-M did
not exhibit a ubiquitin-dependent nuclear trafficking phenotype (Fig. 1F-G), we included
NDV-MK259R K260R and MeV-MK240R in this experiment since the ubiquitin conjugation of
WT NDV-M and MeV-M was sensitive to MG132 inhibition, albeit to varying degrees (S2E–
F Fig.). We controlled for protein abundance by normalizing the integrated intensity of the Ub
band by the integrated intensity of the total M (Ub/M0+M1). Using this measure, 3X-Flag-
tagged NiV-MK258R (Fig. 3A), HeV-MK258R (Fig. 3B) and MeV-MK240R (Fig. 3E) exhibited the
greatest reduction in relative monoubiquitination compared to the WT proteins (>70%), while
3X-Flag-tagged SeV-MK254R (Fig. 3C) and MuV-MK261R (Fig. 3D) showed only a modest to
mild impairment in monoubiquitination (36% and ~15% reduction, respectively). 3X-Flag-
tagged NDV-MK259R K260R did not display reduced ubiquitination (Fig. 3F). Residual ubiquiti-
nation of the matrix mutants indicates that other lysines within the 3X-Flag-tagged M proteins
are also targets of ubiquitin conjugation. Table 1 summarizes the results obtained thus far: al-
though ubiquitinated species can be detected for all six matrix proteins examined (Fig. 1A,
S2 Fig.), only NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M, and, MuV-M displayed a ubiquitin-dependent nuclear-
cytoplasmic trafficking phenotype (Fig. 1B-1E, S2B–S2E Fig.) that was also dependent on a ly-
sine in the NLSbp (Fig. 2B-2E).
Ubiquitination is a dynamic process determined in part by the rates of conjugation versus
de-conjugation, but our co-IP and immunoblot analysis of HA-UbK0-modified 3X-Flag-
tagged M is a steady-state assay. It is possible that this assay for ubiquitinated M might not effi-
ciently detect subtle differences that arise from such dynamic processes since i) ubiquitinated
3X-Flag-tagged M proteins are of low stoichiometry relative to unmodified native protein, ii)
3X-Flag-tagged M proteins might be mono- and/or polyubiquitinated on multiple lysines, fur-
ther obscuring a contribution of any single lysine to the sum total ubiquitination, iii) ubiquiti-
nation is reversible, and iv) HA-UbK0 must compete with endogenous ubiquitin. In an
attempt to overcome these issues, and to further assess whether NiV-MK258R, HeV-MK258R,
SeV-MK254R and MuV-MK261R are impaired for ubiquitination, we developed a bimolecular
fluorescence conjugation (BiFC) ubiquitination assay in which ubiquitin-conjugation of M
produces an irreversible fluorescence signal (S4 Fig.) [63,64]. We fused Ub and M to split N-
and C-terminal fragments of the fluorescent protein Venus, VN173 and VC155, respectively.
Covalent conjugation of Ub to M brings the spilt Venus fragments into close proximity and al-
lows the two otherwise non-fluorescent Venus fragments to reconstitute a functional

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Fig 3. Biochemical analysis of Paramyxovirinae matrix ubiquitination regulated by a lysine within the
NLSbp. (A-F) Immunoblot analysis of ubiquitination of the NLSbp-lysine mutants of NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M,
MuV-M, NDV-M and MeV-M. HEK 293T cells were cotransfected with HA-UbK0 and the WT or the indicated
NLSbp-lysine mutant 3X-Flag tagged (A) NiV-M, (B) HeV-M, (C) SeV-M, (D) MuV-M, (E) NDV-M, and (F)
MeV-M. After 24h, 3X-Flag-tagged-M was immunoprecipitated, and M and its ubiquitinated species were
detected by immunoblotting against Flag and HA, respectively. The background subtracted integrated
fluorescence intensities of the monoubiquitin bands (Ub) normalized to total M (M0+M1) was determined
using LI-COR Odyssey software.

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Table 1. Summary of Paramyxovirinae matrix protein nuclear trafficking phenotypes.

Presence Ubiquitin Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear NES and Nuclear Ubiquitin Proteasome
of ubiquitin conjugates localization localization localization NLS exclusion conjugates inhibition
conjugates decreased by increased increased increased bp aligned at increased decreased phenocopies
(basal MG132 by MG132 with with homologous with with NLSbp2 nuclear and
levels) NES NLSbp2 positions NLSbp2 [R/ [K!R] nucleolar
mutation [K!R] K,R/K, mutation phenotype of
mutation K!AAA] NLSbp2 [K!R]
mutation mutation
Fig. 1A (IP- S2 Fig. (IP-IB) Fig. 1 (MIP) Fig. 2 (MIP) Fig. 2 (MIP) Fig. 2A S3 Fig. (MIP) Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Matrix Live
IB) (IP-IB) (BiFC) only virus
+ + + + +++ +++
NiV- Yes (S2B) (1B) (2B) (2B) Yes Yes Yes Yes
+ ++ +++ +++
M (Fig. 5A) (S1
++ +++ +++ ++++ ++ +++
HeV- Yes (S2C) (1C) (2C) (2C) Yes Yes Yes N.D.
M (Fig. 5B)
+++ ++ ++ +++ + ++
SeV- Yes (S2D) (1D) (2D) (2D) Yes Yes Yes Yes
M (Fig. 5C) (Fig. 6
and 7)
+++ + + + +/- ++
MuV- Yes (S2E) (1E) (2E) (2E) Yes Yes Yes (S5
M (Fig. 5D) Fig.)
NDV- Yes +
(S2F) - (1F) (-)
* (2F) +
(2F) Yes No** (-)
N.D. N.D. N.D.
+++ ++
MeV- Yes (S2G) - (1G) - (2G) - (2G) Yes No** N.D. N.D. N.D.
,<0%;-, 0–10%;
, 10–25%;
, 25–50%;
, 50–75%;
, 75–100%;
IP-IB, immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblot;
MIP, maximum intensity projection of 3D confocal micrographs;
BiFC, bimolecular fluorescence complementation; XYZ, XYZ planes view of 3D confocal micrographs;
N.D., not determined;
*, NES mutation gave unexpected increased nuclear exclusion rather than the expected increased nuclear localization (see Fig. 2H for quantification);
**, Subcellular localization phenotypes of the NES and the various NLSbp2 mutants for NDV-M and MeV-M are not congruent (compare S3 Fig. and
Fig. 2F and 2G);
***, Recombinant MuV rescued with NES or NLSbp2 mutations. Defects in viral morphogenesis were observed but subcellular localization of MuV-M
could not be determined due to a lack of specific anti-MuV-M antibodies.


fluorophore [65,66]. This complemented Venus will remain associated with M (via VC155-M)
even if the VN173-Ub moiety is subsequently cleaved from M by a deubiquitinating enzyme
(DUB), preserving an atemporal record of ubiquitin conjugation (S4A Fig.). Analysis of total
cellular fluorescence showed that the Ub-M BiFC signal was decreased by almost 80% for the
Henipavirus-M K258R mutants, confirming the significant role of K258 in ubiquitination of
NiV-M (Fig. 3A, Fig. 4A) and HeV-M (Fig. 3B, Fig. 4B). In addition, we determined that the
Ub-M BiFC signals for SeV-MK254R (Fig. 4C) and MuV-MK261R (Fig. 4D) were also significant-
ly decreased in BiFC signal by nearly 70% compared to the WT proteins.

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Ubiquitination and a lysine within the NLSbp regulate the subnuclear

localization of Nipah, Hendra, Sendai and Mumps virus matrix proteins
We observed a punctate localization of GFP-tagged NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M, and MuV-M
within DNA-void regions of the nucleus when cells were treated with MG132 (Fig. 1B-E). Na-
tive untagged NiV-M also exhibited similar subnuclear localization in NiV infected cells treated
with bortezomib, an FDA-approved proteasome inhibitor (S1 Fig.). We determined that
MG132 redistributes GFP-tagged NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M and MuV-M to nucleoli by counter-
staining cells with anti-nucleolin antibodies (Fig. 5A-D, second vertical panels). Similarly,
treatment of cells with MG132 caused a significant increase in the nucleolar localization of
SeV-M during infection with live eGFP-expressing recombinant Sendai virus (rSeV-eGFP).
This rSeV-eGFP is derived from a Fushimi strain engineered with mutations that permit repli-
cation in mammalian cells without the addition of trypsin as described in Materials and Meth-
ods (Fig. 6) [67]. The nucleolar localization of M proteins during ubiquitin depletion predicts
that mutations in M that prevent efficient ubiquitination would also cause nucleolar retention.
Indeed, GFP-tagged NiV-MK258R, HeV-MK258R, SeV-MK254R and MuV-MK261R phenocopied
the MG132-induced nucleolar localization of the WT proteins (Fig. 5A-D, compare the second
and third vertical panels). In contrast, the nuclear localized NES mutants, GFP-tagged NiV-
ML106A 107A, HeV-ML106A 107A, SeV-ML102A L103A, and MuV-ML106A, were primarily enriched
within the nucleoplasm and not the nucleolus. Thus, NES mutants are stalled at a different
stage of subnuclear trafficking compared to the NLSbp-lysine mutants (Fig. 5A-D, fourth verti-
cal panels). In sum, for the cognate paramyxovirus matrix proteins that exhibit a consistent nu-
clear trafficking phenotype that is both ubiquitin- and motif-dependent, our data supports a
model where proper matrix ubiquitination is required for efficient nucleolar exit and/or pre-
venting retention in the nucleolus.

Recombinant Sendai virus bearing matrix nuclear export mutants are

defective for viral morphogenesis
We previously determined that NiV-ML106A 107A and NiV-MK258R are defective at budding
virus like particles (VLPs) [39]. We wanted to compare the effects of the corresponding muta-
tions in 3X-Flag-tagged SeV-M or MuV-M, however these proteins have a poor budding effi-
ciency that is less than 10% of 3X-Flag-tagged Henipavirus-M proteins (Fig. 7A). This may be
due to the presence of the 3X-Flag-tag or to the fact that SeV-M and MuV-M do not efficiently
bud VLPs without the support of other viral proteins [41–43]. To overcome these technical dif-
ficulties and to study these mutations in a biologically relevant context, we engineered SeV-
ML102A L103A and SeV-MK254R into a recombinant T7-driven, GFP-expressing Sendai virus ge-
nome (rSeV-eGFP) that can be rescued as live virus via the cotransfection of support plasmids
expressing N, P, L (comprising the necessary replication complex) and a codon-optimized T7
polymerase. This highly efficient reverse genetics system allows us to quantify the number of
rescue events directly in transfected producer cells at early time-points (see Materials and
Methods). At two days post-transfection, GFP-positive cells (rescue events) could be observed
by epifluorescence and quantified by FACS analysis. As a control for background GFP expres-
sion in the absence of virus production, we found that cotransfection of WT rSeV-eGFP and
T7 polymerase without the N, P and L support plasmids resulted in no GFP-positive cells. We
determined that rSeV-eGFP-ML102A L103A, and rSeV-eGFP-MK254R rescued at similar if not
higher efficiencies than rSeV-eGFP-MWT (Fig. 7B). However, only rSeV-eGFP-MWT produced
infectious viral titers (~107 I.U./ml) at day 6 post-rescue, while the mutants did not produce
detectible infectious virus (<10 I.U./ml) (Fig. 7C).

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Fig 4. Quantitative BiFC analysis of Nipah, Hendra, Sendai and Mumps virus matrix ubiquitination regulated by a lysine within the NLSbp. (A-D)
Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) analysis of ubiquitination of WT or NLSbp-lysine mutants of (A) NiV-M, (B) HeV-M, (C) SeV-M and (D)
MuV-M. Top, Extended Focus (maximum intensity projection) view of 3D confocal micrographs of HeLa cells cotransfected with VN173-Ub and WT, or the
indicated NLSbp-lysine mutants of VC155-tagged NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M or MuV-M. At 24h post-transfection, cells were counterstained with DAPI to
visualize nuclear DNA, blue, and fluorescent phalloidin to visualize the F-actin cytoskeleton, red. BiFC fluorescence is pseudocolored green. Scale bar 10
μm. Middle, the background subtracted BiFC fluorescence per cell was quantified from 3D-reconstructed confocal micrographs. *p<0.05; ***p<0.001;
****p<0.0001 by a Mann-Whitney test. (E-H) Control immunoblots comparing expression levels of WT or NLSbp-lysine mutant of VC155-tagged (E) NiV-M,
(F) HeV-M, (G) SeV-M and (H) MuV-M in whole cell lysates (WCL) of transfected HeLa cells.

To determine the nature of the defect in viral replication, we counterstained the viral rescue
cells with anti-SeV-M or anti-SeV-F antibodies and analyzed them by 3D confocal microscopy.
By day 6 post-rescue of rSeV-eGFP-MWT, infection has spread to all cells without evidence of
cell-cell fusion (Fig. 7D). It is known that SeV replication in cell culture does not result in cell-
cell fusion [45,47,68], an unusual phenotype as most paramyxovirus infections result in exten-
sive cell-cell fusion (e.g. see S1 Fig. for NiV). Interestingly, although the rSeV-eGFP-ML102A
L103A and rSeV-eGFP-MK254R rescue cells did not produce infectious virus, the GFP-positive
rescue cells did initiate the formation of large foci of fused cells (Fig. 7D, second and third hori-
zontal panels). Virus-cell and cell-cell fusion require the presence of F and HN [9,10], and we
confirmed that SeV-F is expressed on rSeV-eGFP-ML102A L103A and rSeV-eGFP-MK254R foci
(Fig. 7E). Recombinant MuV-eGFP genomes engineered with M nuclear export mutants were
also unable to efficiently spread beyond the fused cells formed at sites of rescue (S5 Fig.). These
data indicate that proper M nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking is necessary for
viral morphogenesis.
To determine the nuclear localization of SeV-M, we counterstained rSeV-eGFP rescue cells
with DAPI to visualize nuclei and anti-fibrillarin antibodies to visualize nucleoli. SeV-MWT
was primarily extranuclear at the cell periphery (Fig. 7D, 7F). SeV-ML102A L103A did not have
an obvious nuclear localization in the viral context, although intracellular inclusions were ap-
parent, suggesting that this mutant nonetheless had an altered localization (Fig. 7F). SeV-
MK254R, on the other hand, was strongly nuclear and enriched within the nucleoli (Fig. 7D, 7F).
These results are consistent with the previous transient transfection experiments in which SeV-
MK254R was also more strongly localized to the nucleus than SeV-ML102A L103A (Fig. 7H). Thus,

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Fig 5. Subnuclear localization of Nipah, Hendra, Sendai and Mumps virus matrix during perturbation of ubiquitination. (A-D) XYZ Planes View of 3D
confocal micrographs of HeLa cells transfected with WT or the indicated mutants of GFP-tagged (A) NiV-M, (B) HeV-M, (C) SeV-M or (D) MuV-M for 16 h
then treated with 50 μM MG132/0.5% DMSO or 0.5% DMSO for 8h. Cells were counterstained with DAPI to visualize nuclear DNA, blue, and anti-nucleolin
antibodies to visualize nucleoli, red. Scale bar 10 μm.

these live virus results support our model that ubiquitination regulates the nuclear and subnu-
clear trafficking of SeV-M.

Proteomics analysis supports a model of regulated nuclear transport of

Paramyxovirinae matrix proteins that involves a critical nucleolar transit
Having characterized determinants of Paramyxovirinae M nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking en-
coded within some M proteins, we turned to identifying potential cellular regulators of this
process. We generated inducible 3X-Flag-M-expressing stable HEK 293 cell lines to efficiently
copurify M-interacting proteins and analyzed their composition using multidimensional

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Fig 6. Nucleolar localization of Sendai M during live virus infection and perturbation of ubiquitination.
HeLa cells were infected with WT rSeV-eGFP at MOI 10. At 18h post infection, cells were treated with 50 μM
MG132/0.5% DMSO or 0.5% DMSO for 8h. (A) Wide field epifluorescence of cells counterstained with anti-
SeV-M antibodies, red, and with DAPI to visualize nuclei, blue. (B) XYZ Planes View of 3D confocal
micrographs. Cells were counterstained with DAPI to visualize nuclei, blue, anti-SeV-M antibodies, red, and
anti-Fibrillarin antibodies to visualize nucleoli, grayscale. Relative nucleolar localization of SeV-M was
determined by its localization to Fibrillarin signal. Scale bars 10 μm. ****p<0.0001 by a Student’s t test.

protein identification technology (MudPIT) as described in Materials and Methods (S1–S4 Ta-
bles). We opted to determine the protein interactomes of NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M and NDV-
M since these are the Paramyxovirinae M proteins with confirmed nuclear trafficking during
live virus infection (Fig. 6, Fig. 7, S10 Fig.) [39,48,51–54,69], and because these proteins cover
the widest range of sequence homology to NiV-M: ~90% amino acid identity for HeV-M,
~37% amino acid identity for SeV-M, and ~20% amino acid identity for NDV-M.
S6 Fig. shows our experimental schema and stringent filtering that resulted in our list of pu-
tative M protein interactors detailed below and listed in S1–S4 Tables. Nonspecific interactions
in MudPIT analyses tend to be independent of the bait of interest. Rather, they are background
contaminants related to the cell type and the affinity purification scheme [70]. To remove back-
ground contaminants, our putative M interactomes represent only those proteins identified in
the sample purifications that are absent in 3 independent negative-control purifications using
lysates from the parental/isogenic Flp-In T-REx-293 cells, irrespective of relative abundances
(S6 Fig., Worksheet 1 in S1–S4 Tables). As an independent confirmation of stringency, com-
parison of the putative NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M, and NDV-M interactomes to 21 relevant con-
trol experiments in the mass spectrometry contaminant repository, CRAPome, revealed
relatively few additional proteins that are common sources of contamination (S6 Fig., Work-
sheet 2 in S1–S4 Tables) [70]. These were primarily actins, tubulins, histones and ribosomal
proteins, which are also the most common contaminants across the entire CRAPome (Work-
sheet 2 in S1–S4 Tables) [70]. During manuscript revisions, another group published the iden-
tification of ~130 HeV-M-interacting proteins using affinity-purification, in-gel digestion and
mass spectrometric identification, and further characterized AP3B1 as a Henipavirus M inter-
actor that regulates VLP production [71]. A majority of their proteins either went undetected
by our global analyses or were excluded as background contaminants because they were pres-
ent in the control purifications. For the purpose of comparison, the proteins in their paper that

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Fig 7. Analysis of rescue efficiency, replication, and matrix localization of recombinant Sendai virus bearing matrix nuclear export mutants. (A)
Comparison of virus-like particle (VLP) budding between 3X-Flag-tagged NiV-M, HeV-M, MuV-M, and SeV-M. Anti-Flag immunoblots of cell lysate and
purified VLPs from HEK 293T cells 24 h post transfection with the indicated constructs. Normalized budding index was calculated from immunoblot integrated
intensities. (B) Quantification of rescue events (GFP+ cells) from three independent rescues of rSeV-eGFP containing WT, L102 L103 mutant, or K254R
mutant SeV-M at day 2 post rescue in HEK 293T cells. (C) Quantification of viral titers from the rescues of rSeV-eGFP containing WT, L102 L103 mutant, or
K254R mutant SeV-M at day 6 post rescue in HEK 293T cells. (D) Extended Focus (maximum intensity projection) view of 3D confocal micrographs of HEK
293T cells at day 6 post rescue of rSeV-eGFP containing WT, L102 L103 mutant, or K254R mutant SeV-M. Cells were counterstained with anti-SeV-M
antibodies, red. (E) Extended Focus (maximum intensity projection) view of 3D confocal micrographs of HEK 293T cells at day 6 post rescue of rSeV-eGFP
containing WT, L102 L103 mutant, or K254R mutant SeV-M. Cells were counterstained with anti-SeV-F antibodies, red. (F) XYZ Planes View of 3D confocal
micrographs of HEK 293T cells at day 6 post rescue of rSeV-eGFP containing WT, L102 L103 mutant, or K254R mutant SeV-M. Cells were counterstained
with DAPI to visualize nuclei, blue, anti-SeV-M antibodies, red, and anti-Fibrillarin antibodies to visualize nucleoli, grayscale.

are also present in our HeV-M and/or NiV-M interactomes, excluding some ribosomal pro-
teins, are KRI1, RFC1, FAM120A, SMC1A, SART3, UPF1, Nat10, Smarca5, UTP14A, POP1,
ZC3HAV1, RAD18, AP3D1, USP7, Tat-SF1, SKIV2L2, PARP-1, and Importin-7 (Worksheet
1 in S1 and S2 Tables). Other than PARP-1, these proteins were unlikely to be present as con-
taminants in the 21 relevant CRAPome control experiments. We noted that the E3 ubiquitin li-
gase RAD18 was not present as a contaminant in any of the 21 CRAPome control experiments
and was the least likely to be encountered in the entire CRAPome database; it was found in

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

only 4 of 411 experiments with an average of only 1.3 spectra per experiment, whereas we mea-
sured 11 unique spectra (22.6% coverage) in the NiV-M affinity purification [70]. We con-
firmed the interaction of NiV-M with RAD18 by co-IP and immunoblot analysis (S7A Fig.),
indicating that a combination of experimental and computational approaches to background
contaminant subtraction can facilitate the identification and characterization of bona fide pro-
tein-protein interactions (S6 Fig.). Other ubiquitin ligases identified in our proteomics experi-
ments (UBE2O and Cullin ring ligases) were also confirmed for copurification with M proteins
by co-IP and immunoblot analysis (S7B–C Fig.).
Confident that our putative M interactomes were largely reflective of true protein-protein
interactions, we further analyzed the interactomes bioinformatically and biochemically (Fig. 8,
S7–S9 Fig.). Comparisons of our putative NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M, and NDV-M interactomes
to one another revealed significant overlap; over 60% of the proteins found in any single inter-
actome were also found in the interactomes of one or more of the other three (Fig. 8A). Fur-
thermore, we identified 178 proteins common to all M interactomes, the majority of which are
not present in the 21 historical control experiments (Worksheet 3 in S4 Table). This common
set of proteins represents 24–48% of all the proteins in any single viral M interactome (Fig. 8A,
S1–S4 Tables). Interestingly, proteins associated with the nuclear pore complex were signifi-
cantly enriched within individual M interactomes as well as the subset of common interacting
proteins (Fig. 8B,-log10(p-value)>10). These include nuclear pore complex components
(RanBP2, Nup37, Nup93, Nup107, Nup155, Nup205, Sec13, Seh1), nuclear transport receptors
(NTRs) required for nuclear import of proteins (α/β-importins), nuclear export of proteins
(Exp1/CRM1, Exp2), nuclear export of dsRNA/dsRNA-binding proteins (Exp5), nuclear ex-
port of tRNA (Exportin-T), nuclear export of mRNA (Rae1), and a regulator of the RanGTP/
GDP cycle that modulates the association/dissociation of cargo with NTRs (RanGAP1)
(Fig. 8C, Worksheet 1 in S1–S4 Tables). All of these proteins were unlikely background con-
taminants (Worksheet 2 in S1–S4 Tables) and we confirmed that NiV-M interacts with α-
importins and Exp1/CRM1 (S8 Fig.). Thus Paramyxovirinae M proteins interact with a highly
interconnected network of proteins necessary for transport of NLS and NES containing cargo
proteins across the nuclear pore.
Our cell biological and proteomic findings are synthesized into a working model for ubiqui-
tin-regulated nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of M proteins shown in Fig. 8D. Consistent with
the nucleolar transit phase exhibited by the Paramyxovirinae M proteins under study, the M
interactomes also revealed a significant enrichment of resident or transient nucleolar proteins
(Fig. 8E and 8F). One of these, the RNA polymerase I transcription factor UBF-1 (UBTF) had
abundant spectral counts in the SeV-M and NiV-M interactomes but was essentially absent in
the matched CRAPome control experiments (S1 Table and S3 Table). We determined that
UBF-1 sequesters NiV-M in the nucleus and inhibits NiV-M budding when overexpressed
(S9 Fig.). Thus, our proteomic and functional data indicate that M proteins interact with an
array of nuclear and nucleolar proteins, at least some of which can modulate M nuclear-
cytoplasmic trafficking.

Whether or not they replicate in the nucleus, many viruses are known to target, modify, and hi-
jack nuclear components and nuclear functions to promote the infectious life cycle. It is gener-
ally thought that paramyxoviruses replicate in the cytosol without a nuclear stage. However, it
is becoming increasingly clear that nuclear trafficking of M is shared by a number of para-
myxoviruses. It was previously observed that SeV-M, NDV-M and RSV-M traffic through the
nucleus [49,50,69] and a functional bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLSbp) has been

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

Fig 8. Identification of nuclear pore complex proteins, nuclear transport receptors and nucleolar
proteins that interact with Paramyxovirinae matrix proteins. (A) Overlap of NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M and
NDV-M protein interactomes identified by MudPIT analysis. (B) Functional annotation enrichment of proteins
associated with the nuclear pore within the NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M, NDV-M and common interactomes using
DAVID Bioinformatics Resources. (C) Protein-protein interaction network of nuclear pore complex proteins

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

and nuclear transport receptors within the NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M and NDV-M interactomes using Cytoscape
with the GeneMANIA plugin. (D) A model for matrix nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking. Import through the
nuclear pore complex is mediated by the interaction between an importin and the NLSbp of M proteins.
Nuclear export is mediated by the interaction between an exportin and the NES of M proteins. Ubiquitination
of some matrix proteins by as yet unknown E3 ubiquitin-ligases regulates nuclear export and/or nuclear re-
import by masking the NLSbp. (E) Functional annotation enrichment of proteins associated with the nucleolus
within the NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M, NDV-M and common interactomes using DAVID Bioinformatics
Resources. (F) Protein-protein interaction network of a subset of proteins associated with the nucleolus within
the NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M and NDV-M interactomes using Cytoscape with the GeneMANIA plugin. M
proteins and the nucleolar proteins bound by only one M-bait were omitted for clarity.

defined within NDV-M [48]. Here, we show that the NLSbp of NDV-M is functionally con-
served for nuclear import along with NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M and MuV-M (Fig. 8D, S3 Fig.)
[39,48]. NLSs specify translocation through the nuclear pore through high-affinity interactions
with importins, which in turn interact with cognate nuclear pore components on the cyto-
plasmic side [72]. In our proteomic analyses we identified numerous importins, exportins and
nuclear pore complex components as common candidate interactors of NiV-M, HeV-M,
SeV-M and NDV-M (Fig. 8, S8 Fig., S1–S4 Tables). Thus, the size of Paramyxovirinae M pro-
teins (>40 kDa), the presence of a functional NLSbp within M proteins, and the interaction
with nuclear transport receptors are strong evidence that the nuclear localization of M proteins
is an active and regulated transport process. That the putative M interactomes show such a
strong enrichment of proteins involved in nuclear-cytoplasmic transport also suggests that M
proteins may antagonize the nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of host proteins and RNA to facil-
itate viral replication [73].
In addition to the NLSbp, we show that a leucine-rich NES sequence is functionally con-
served within NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M and MuV-M (Fig. 2, Fig. 5, Fig. 8D). We note that mu-
tation of the corresponding region in NDV-M resulted in decreased nuclear localization.
However, this sequence is not as well conserved as in the other M proteins (Fig. 2A) and a re-
cent study identified other functional NES motifs within different regions of NDV-M [52].
Thus, Paramyxovirinae M proteins appear to have both shared and unique determinants of nu-
clear-cytoplasmic trafficking depending on their evolutionary heritage. We also acknowledge
that our experimental system utilizing human cells may not fully recapitulate the regulation of
NDV-M trafficking since NDV is an avian virus, while NiV, HeV, SeV, MuV and MeV are
mammalian viruses.
Nuclear export of NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M and MuV-M is also regulated by a lysine within
the second basic patch of the NLSbp. Mutating this lysine to an arginine results in decreased
ubiquitination and a nuclear retention phenotype that is phenocopied by pharmacological de-
pletion of free ubiquitin with a proteasome inhibitor (Fig. 1B-E, Fig. 2B-E, Fig. 5, Fig. 6). We
hypothesize that mutation of this lysine prevents its ubiquitination. Alternately, mutation of
this lysine may prevent the ubiquitination of a nearby lysine within the NLSbp by preventing
the interaction of M with a ubiquitin ligase. Whether ubiquitination regulates MeV-M or
NDV-M function(s) remains indeterminate. The subcellular localization phenotypes of the
NES and the various NLSbp mutants for NDV-M and MeV-M are not congruent (compare
S3 Fig. and Fig. 2F-G). Furthermore, NDV-M and MeV-M also exhibit divergent sensitivity
with regards to ubiquitin conjugation (S2E–F Fig.), and neither were found to be sensitive to
MG132 induced nuclear retention (Fig. 1F-G). Altogether, our results suggest that the degree
of the nuclear trafficking phenotypes of transfected M proteins mutated at the putative NES,
the putative NLSbp, or the homologously aligned lysine within the NLSbp, are strongest for the
Henipavirus M proteins, moderate for SeV-M and MuV-M, variable for NDV-M, and incon-
clusive/absent for MeV-M under the cell type and conditions examined (Table 1). Although we

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

did not find conclusive evidence for ubiquitination of NDV-M on the lysine that corresponds
to the Henipavirus M K258, it is probable that NDV-M is a biological target of posttranslational
modification on other lysines within the NLSbp. Our proteomic analysis detected a peptide
from the NLSbp of NDV-M containing 114.0492 Da mass signatures indicative of the vestigial
diglycine of ubiquitin that remains attached to the modified lysine (K[114.04292]) after trypsin
cleavage (249GKK[114.04292]VTFDK[114.04292]LEKKIRSLDLSVGLSDVLGPSVLVK281)
How could NLS ubiquitination regulate nuclear trafficking? Protein import into the nucleus
is regulated by the affinity of importins for cargo NLSs, which can be modulated by intermolec-
ular or intramolecular masking of the NLS itself [75,76]. For example, ubiquitination of the
NLS of p53 by MDM2 has been shown to block p53 nuclear import by preventing the binding
of importin-α3 [77]. It was recently shown that the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBE2O
multi-monoubiquitinates tumor suppressor BAP1 on its NLSbp to promote cytoplasmic locali-
zation. It was further determined that UBE2O specifically binds and ubiquitinates a number of
similar bipartite NLSs within nuclear trafficking proteins known to regulate RNA processing,
transcription, DNA replication, and chromatin remodeling [78]. We hypothesize that ubiquiti-
nation of M on a lysine within the NLSbp itself prevents importin binding as a means to prevent
nuclear re-entry once the protein has completed its nuclear sojourn (Fig. 8D, S8A Fig.). Given
this model for ubiquitin-dependent nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking, it is possible that M uti-
lizes a nuclear-resident E3 ubiquitin ligase [79]. Our proteomic analyses identified a number of
candidate ubiquitin ligases that interact with M proteins including UBE2O, which was found
within the NiV-M and NDV-M interactomes (S7B Fig., S1 Table, S4 Table). Further study of
these ubiquitin ligases will help resolve the spatiotemporal dynamics of M ubiquitination
vis-à-vis nuclear trafficking (S7 Fig.).
Nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking is a prerequisite for M budding and viral morphogenesis.
We previously showed that NiV-M mutants defective in either nuclear import or nuclear
export were also defective at budding VLPs [39]. Alternately, overexpression of a nuclear NiV-
M-interacting protein UBF-1 can sequester NiV-M in the nucleus and inhibits efficient bud-
ding of VLPs (S9 Fig.). Other viruses have been reported to interact with UBF-1 and utilize or
modify UBF-1 function. For example, UBF-1 is inactivated during Poliovirus infection as part
of a viral strategy to inhibit host cell transcription globally [80]. The DNA viruses Adenovirus
and HSV-1 co-opt UBF-1 into viral DNA replication centers, and it has been hypothesized that
UBF-1 is used as a cofactor in viral DNA replication [81–83]. Finally, the SV40 large T antigen
and the HCV NS5A protein stimulate RNA Pol I transcriptional activity and enhance rRNA
synthesis by hyperphosphorylation of UBF-1 [84,85]. Such rRNA transcriptional activation is
thought to contribute to the cell transformation caused by these tumorigenic viruses. For NiV,
even though NiV-M clearly interacts with overexpressed UBF-1, and is colocalized with UBF-1
in the nucleus, it is unclear whether NiV utilizes UBF-1 to benefit viral replication under physi-
ological expression levels and conditions (S9 Fig.). Nonetheless, the inhibitory effects of nuclear
UBF-1 on VLP budding supports the model that functional trafficking to the plasma mem-
brane requires properly regulated nuclear import and export (Fig. 8D).
Here, we also engineered M nuclear export mutants into recombinant SeV. rSeV-eGFP-
ML102A L103A or rSeV-eGFP-MK254R were completely attenuated for production of infectious
virus, but formed large foci of fused cells at sites of viral rescue. Moreover, nuclear localization
of SeV-MK254R, the ubiquitination mutant, was observed in both virus rescue and transient
transfection experiments (Fig. 2D, Fig. 5C, Fig. 7F). It is known that mutations that abrogate
the interaction of M with the glycoproteins, including M deletion, can increase cell-cell fusion
in SeV and MeV, while mutations that enhance their interaction can decrease cell-cell fusion
[33,34,45–47,68]. Since M and F proteins were expressed in the foci of fused cells, our results

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indicate that rSeV-eGFP-ML102A L103A and rSeV-eGFP-MK254R are defective in proper assem-
bly of viral components at the plasma membrane rather than in expression of viral components
necessary for budding per se. The link between viral replication and M ubiquitin-dependent
nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking may explain why proteasome inhibitors that deplete free cellu-
lar pools of ubiquitin have been found to inhibit SeV and NiV replication [39,86].
Beyond regulating nuclear import/export itself, we previously found that ubiquitination of
NiV-M is necessary for membrane targeting and budding [39]. It is possible that the ubiquiti-
nation of M proteins promotes recognition by cellular factors such as ESCRT complexes
known to mediate transport and budding of many enveloped viruses [56,87,88], especially in
light of known sequence motifs in PIV5-M, SeV-M and MuV-M that can bind ESCRT complex
components [27,43,89]. The status of M ubiquitination may also regulate the interactions of M
with cellular factors inside the nucleus and within subnuclear compartments such as the
nucleolus. A number of cellular proteins become enriched in the nucleolus upon proteasome
inhibition, including p53 [90–99]. Similarly, pharmacological or genetic inhibition of NiV-M,
HeV-M, SeV-M, and MuV-M ubiquitination sequesters these proteins in the nucleolus (Fig. 5,
Fig. 6), and nucleolar localization of SeV-MK254R was also confirmed in the context of rSeV-
eGFP rescue (Fig. 7F). Nucleolar localization of M proteins is a natural feature of the nuclear
sojourn of some M proteins, with M enriched at nucleoli during the early stage of live NiV and
NDV infections (S10 Fig.) [69,100]. Although M proteins do not have an evident nucleolar lo-
calization signal (NoLS) that would have predicted this observation [101], our proteomics ex-
periments suggest that Paramyxovirinae M proteins can interact with a number of nucleolar
hub proteins (Fig. 8E and F, S1–S4 Tables) [102].
Most, if not all, viral families interact with the nucleolus, often to usurp cellular functions
and promote viral replication [103–105], as the nucleolus is a dynamic structure involved in a
vast array of biological functions beyond ribosome biogenesis, including tRNA and mRNA
processing and export from the nucleus, cell cycle regulation, and response to cellular stress.
Additionally, there is growing recognition that NLS containing viral proteins target the nuclear
pore complex to alter the export of macromolecules and mRNA, thereby counteracting antivi-
ral responses and promoting viral gene expression at the expense of host gene expression [73].
For example, influenza NS1 is a multifunctional protein known to translocate to the nucleolus
and to the nuclear pore where it inhibits host mRNA export factors resulting in impaired im-
mune responses and enhanced viral virulence [106]. Vesicular stomatitis virus M also inhibits
mRNA nuclear export through interaction with nuclear pore components [73,107]. Further,
RSV-M is shuttled to the host cell nucleus where it inhibits host gene expression and induces
cell cycle arrest, indicating that paramyxovirus M proteins also antagonize nuclear functions
[108,109]. We hypothesize that ubiquitin-dependent nuclear and subnuclear trafficking of
some Paramyxovirinae M proteins is part of a viral strategy to promote viral replication. There-
fore, the study of M interactions with the nucleolus and the nuclear pore complex represents
an opportunity to gain new insights into the cell biology of the nucleus and to identify novel
antiviral targets.

Materials and Methods

Cell culture and transfection
HeLa, Vero, and HEK 293T cells were maintained at 37°C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere in Dulbec-
co’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and
1% 100X penicillin/streptomycin solution (Gibco/Life Technologies, Gaithersburg, MD). For
confocal microscopy imaging, cells were seeded on 22 mm #1.5 coverglass coated with Collagen
Type I (BD Biosciences, San Jose, California). Cells were transfected using Lipofectamine LTX

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per the manufacturer’s instructions (Invitrogen/Life Technologies). 3X-Flag-M Flp-In T-REx-

293 cell lines, generated as described below, were maintained at 37°C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere
in DMEM supplemented with 10% dialyzed FBS and 1% 100X penicillin/streptomycin solu-
tion. 3X-Flag-M protein expression was induced and immunoprecipitated as described below.

Plasmids, cell lines and virus reverse genetics constructs

3X-Myc-tagged Cullin constructs (Addgene plasmids 19896, 19892, 19893, 19951, 19922,
19895 and 20695) are described in [110–113]. GFP-UBF-1 (Addgene plasmid 17656) is de-
scribed in [114]. Flag-tagged Karyopherin constructs were the kind gift of Dr. Christopher
F. Basler (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY). 3XFlag-CRM1 (Addgene
plasmid 17647) is described in [115]. The Myc-UBE2O construct was the kind gift of Dr. El
Bachir Affar (Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Research Center, Department of Medicine,
University of Montreal, Montreal) and is described in [78]. HA-UbK0 (Addgene; plasmid
17603; all lysines mutated to arginines) is described in [55]. Codon optimization and cloning of
untagged, 3X-Flag-tagged and 3X-Flag-GFP-tagged Nipah virus matrix (NiV-M) and genera-
tion of corresponding NiV-M mutants is described in [39]. We similarly codon optimized and
cloned the open reading frames encoding M from Hendra virus (HeV-M, genus Henipavirus),
Sendai virus (SeV-M, genus Respirovirus), Mumps virus (MuV-M, genus Rubulavirus), and
Measles virus (MeV-M, genus Morbillivirus), and also a non-codon optimized Newcastle dis-
ease virus M (NDV-M, genus Avulavirus): briefly, eGFP was fused to the N-terminus of M by
overlap extension PCR (OE-PCR). WT or GFP-fused HeV-M, SeV-M, RSV-M, MuV-M, and
MeV-M were inserted within the HindIII and XhoI sites of pCMV-3Tag-1, while NDV-M was
inserted within HindIII and ApaI sites of pCMV-3Tag-1 (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara
CA) to generate 3X-Flag- and 3X-Flag-GFP-tagged-M constructs. Alignment of M sequences
using Clustal Omega identified sequences motifs corresponding to NiV-M’s nuclear export se-
quence (NES) and bipartite nuclear localization sequence (NLSbp) [39,116]. Mutations were
generated using the QuikChange II site-directed mutagenesis kit using PAGE-purified muta-
genesis primers designed using the online QuikChange primer design tool (Agilent Technolo-
gies). A RAD18 cDNA clone was purchased from Origene (SC323786). 3X-Flag-GFP-RAD18
was generated by replacement of the NiV-M insert in HindIII/XhoI digested 3X-Flag-NiV-M.
The Flp-In T-REx system (Invitrogen) was used to generate doxycycline-inducible 3X-Flag-
M cell lines. Codon-optimized 3X-Flag-tagged NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M, and NDV-M were in-
serted within the KpnI and XhoI sites of pcDNA5/FRT/TO. The constructs and pOG44 were
cotransfected into Flp-In T-REx-293 cells, and stable cell lines were selected with hygromycin
and blasticidin according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Constructs for bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) analyses were generated
with split Venus residues 1–172 (VN173) and 155–238, A206K (VC155) [65,117]. VN173 and
VC155 were PCR amplified from pBiFC-VN173 (Addgene plasmid 22010) and pBiFC-VC155
(Addgene plasmid 22011), and were fused to the N-termini of Ub and M proteins via a flexible
linker encoding GGGGSGGGGGR by OE-PCR. VN173-Ub and VC155-M were inserted with-
in the NotI and XhoI sites of pcDNA3.1(+) (Life Technologies). Mutations within VC155-M
constructs were generated using the QuikChange II site-directed mutagenesis kit using PAGE-
purified mutagenesis primers designed using the online QuikChange primer design tool (Agi-
lent Technologies).
The recombinant Sendai virus (rSeV) anti-genome RGV0, a Fushimi strain construct with
F1-R strain mutations in F and M, and helper plasmids encoding SeV N, P and L were the kind
gift of Dr. Nancy McQueen and are described in [67]. The encoded virus has the ability to rep-
licate in mammalian cells without the addition of trypsin. We further modified the rSeV anti-

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genome construct by inserting an eGFP reporter flanked at the 3’ end by a unique NotI site be-
tween the N and P genes. A hammerhead ribozyme sequence was inserted between the optimal
T7 promoter and the start of the anti-genome. Mutations were introduced into the SeV-M
ORF by OE-PCR using primers containing the desired mutations, followed by insertion into
NotI and AfeI sites in the parental rSeV-eGFP construct.
The full-length construct encoding recombinant Mumps virus (rMuV) anti-genome of the
Jeryl Lynn 5 (JL5) vaccine strain and helper plasmids encoding MuV-JL5 N, P and L proteins
were a kind gift from Dr. W. Paul Duprex and are described in [118]. We modified the rMuV
anti-genome construct by inserting an eGFP reporter between the NP and P genes. A hammer-
head ribozyme sequence was inserted between the optimal T7 promoter and the start of the
anti-genome. Mutations were introduced into the MuV-M ORF by OE-PCR using primers
containing the desired mutations, followed by insertion into SalI and SbfI sites in the parental
rMuV construct.

Multidimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT) analysis of

matrix interactomes
3X-Flag-M Flp-In T-REx-293 cell lines were grown to ~80% confluency and induced for pro-
tein expression with 100 ng/mL doxycycline for 24h. Cells were washed three times in dPBS
and lysed in 100 mM Tris-HCL pH 8, 150 mM NaCL, 5 mM EDTA, 5% glycerol, 0.1% NP40,
complete protease cocktail (Roche), PhosSTOP (Roche) and 25 mM N-ethylmaleimide. Cell ly-
sate was clarified by centrifugation at >15,000×g for 15 min at 4°C and incubated with lysis
buffer-equilibrated anti-Flag M2 affinity gel (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) for 2 hours at 4°C.
The affinity gel was extensively washed with lysis buffer and then with elution buffer consisting
of 100 mM Tris-HCL pH 8, 150 mM NaCL, 5 mM EDTA, and 5% glycerol. Bound proteins
were eluted from the affinity gel with elution buffer containing 3X-Flag peptide (Sigma-
Aldrich), were precipitated with trichloroacetic acid, washed with acetone twice, dried, and
stored at -20°C until further processing.
Protein samples were resuspended in 8M urea in 100 mM Tris pH 8.5, reduced, alkylated
and digested by the sequential addition of lys-C and trypsin proteases as previously described
[119]. The digested peptide solution was fractionated online using strong-cation exchange and
reverse phase chromatography and eluted directly into an LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometer
(Thermofisher) [119,120]. MS/MS spectra were collected and subsequently analyzed using the
ProLuCID and DTASelect algorithms [121,122]. Database searches were performed against a
human database containing the relevant paramyxovirus M protein sequence. Protein and pep-
tide identifications were further filtered with a false positive rate of less than 5% as estimated
by a decoy database strategy [123]. Normalized spectral abundance factor (NSAF) values were
calculated as described [124]. Proteins were considered candidate M-interacting proteins if
they were identified in the relevant affinity purification but not present in 3 independent con-
trol purifications using lysates from the parental Flp-In T-REx-293 cells. Analysis of other po-
tential background contaminants was performed using CRAPome [70]. Venn diagrams were
generated using jvenn [125]. Gene-annotation enrichment analysis was performed using
DAVID Bioinformatics Resources 6.7 [126,127]. Physical and predicted protein interaction
networks were visualized using the GeneMANIA plugin for Cytoscape 3.1 [128,129].

Immunoprecipitations and immunoblot analysis of matrix ubiquitination

Transfected HEK 293T cells were washed once in dPBS and lysed in 100 mM Tris-HCL pH 8,
150 mM NaCL, 5 mM EDTA, 5% glycerol, 0.1% NP40, complete protease cocktail (Roche) and
25 mM N-ethylmaleimide. The cell extract was clarified by centrifugation at >15,000×g for

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15 min at 4°C before incubation overnight at 4°C with lysis buffer-equilibrated anti-Flag M2 af-
finity gel (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). The affinity gel was extensively washed with lysis
buffer and then with elution buffer consisting of 100 mM Tris-HCL pH 8, 150 mM NaCL,
5 mM EDTA, and 5% glycerol. Bound proteins were eluted from the affinity gel with elution
buffer containing 3X-Flag peptide (Sigma-Aldrich), were subjected to SDS-PAGE and trans-
ferred to immobilon-FL PVDF membrane (EMD Millipore, Billerica, MA). To analyze M ubi-
quitination by immunoblot, HEK 293T cells were cotransfected with 3X-Flag-M and
HA-UbK0 for 24h and subjected to immunoprecipitation as described above. Membranes were
simultaneously probed with mouse anti-Flag M2 primary antibodies (Sigma-Aldrich) and rab-
bit anti-HA primary antibodies (Novus Biologicals, Littleton, CO) followed by anti-mouse-680
and anti-rabbit-800 secondary antibodies (LI-COR, Lincoln, Nebraska) and imaged on an Od-
yssey infrared scanner (LI-COR) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. To quantify rel-
ative ubiquitination, the background subtracted integrated fluorescence intensities of the
monoubiquitin bands (Ub) normalized to total M (M0+M1) was determined using LI-COR
Odyssey software.

Depletion of cellular free ubiquitin

For 3D confocal microscopy analysis, transfected HeLa cells were treated with 50 μM MG132
or 0.5% DMSO at 16 h post-transfection for 8 hours, then fixed and processed for quantitative
image analysis as described below. For immunoblot analysis of M ubiquitination during ubi-
quitin depletion, transfected HEK 293T cells were treated with 10 μM MG132 or 0.1% DMSO
at 18 h post-transfection for 6 hours, and 3X-Flag-M was immunoprecipitated as
described above.

Quantification of virus-like particle budding

VLP budding assays were performed as described in [39]. Briefly, precleared supernatants
from 3X-Flag-M transfected HEK 293T were ultracentrifuged through a 20% (w/v) sucrose at
36,000 rpm for 2 h at 4°C (AH-650 rotor, Thermo Scientific). VLP pellets and cells were resus-
pended in lysis buffer and subjected to SDS-PAGE and anti-Flag immunoblotting. Relative in-
tegrated intensity of VLP/cell lysate bands were quantified and normalized relative to the
budding of 3X-Flag-NiV-M.

Nipah virus infection and recombinant virus rescue

HeLa cells were infected with Nipah virus under biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) conditions as de-
scribed in [39]. For rescue of WT or mutant rSeV-eGFP, 2X106 HEK 293T cells were trans-
fected with recombinant plasmid encoding the anti-genome (4 μg) along with the cognate
accessory plasmids encoding SeV NP (1.44 μg), P (0.77 μg), and L (0.07 μg), and a codon opti-
mized T7 RNA polymerase (4 μg) using Lipofectamine LTX (8.9 μL) and Plus Reagent
(5.5 μL), according to manufacturer’s instructions. Cells were harvested for FACS analysis at
48 hours post-transfection (the earliest time point when GFP-positive cells can be observed by
epifluorescence microscopy, yet when supernatant titer is still not detectable) to quantify rescue
efficiency. The number of GFP-positive cells (rescue events) was determined from 500,000
cells analyzed with a FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer (BD Biosciences) and FlowJo software
(TreeStar Inc., Ashland, OR). Cells plated on coverslips were fixed at day 6 post-transfection
for analysis of rescued virus infection by 3D confocal microscopy. Supernatant was collected
from rescue cells at day 6 post-transfection for quantification of viral titers. Briefly, supernatant
stored at -80°C was thawed on ice and serial diluted 2-fold in serum-free DMEM. 100 μL of
each dilution was used to infect ~60,000 Vero cells in a 24-well plate for 1 hour. After 1 h, 500

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μL of DMEM 10% FBS was added to each well and the cells were incubated at 37°C. Cells were
harvested for FACS analysis at 24 h post infection and titers were calculated based on percent
infection in the linear range of supernatant dilutions. For rescue of WT or mutant rMuV,
4X105 BSR-T7 cells were transfected with recombinant plasmid encoding the anti-genome
(5 μg) along with the cognate accessory plasmids encoding MuV NP (0.3 μg), P (0.1 μg), and L
(0.2 μg), and a codon optimized T7 RNA polymerase (2 μg) using Lipofectamine LTX (18.75
μL) and Plus Reagent (7.5 μL), according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Microscopy and antibodies

Nipah virus-infected cells were fixed in 10% formalin solution for a minimum of 24 h prior to
removal from the BSL-4 laboratory. For all other immunofluorescence microscopy, samples
were fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde in 100 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) for 15 min. Fixed
cells were permeabilized in blocking buffer containing PBS, 1% saponin, 3% bovine serum al-
bumin, and 0.02% sodium azide. After incubation with antibodies/probes in blocking buffer,
samples were extensively washed in blocking buffer and mounted on glass slides with Vecta-
shield mounting medium with DAPI (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, California, United
States). The samples were imaged with a Leica SP5 confocal microscope (Leica Microsystems,
Buffalo Grove, IL), acquiring optical Z-stacks of 0.3–0.5 μm steps. Z-stacks were reconstructed
and analyzed in three dimensions using Volocity 5.5 software (Perkin Elmer, Waltham, Massa-
chusetts). Widefield microscopy was performed using a Cytation 3 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode
Reader (BioTek, Winooski, VT) or a Nikon TE300 microscope. NiV-M was detected with rab-
bit anti-NiV-M antibodies (1:1000) [39]. SeV-M was detected with mouse anti-SeV-M ascites
(1:200), and SeV-F was detected with mouse anti-SeV-F ascites (1:200) kindly provided by Dr.
Toru Takimoto [130]. Nucleoli were detected with mouse anti-nucleolin antibodies (1:500)
(Invitrogen/Life Technologies) or rabbit anti-fibrillarin antibodies (1:500) (Abcam, Cambridge,
MA). Alexa-fluor conjugated Anti-IgG antibodies of appropriate species reactivity and fluores-
cence spectra were used for secondary detection (1:300–1:1000) (Invitrogen/Life Technolo-
gies). F-actin was visualized by incubating samples with Alexa-fluor conjugated phalloidins
(1:300) (Invitrogen/Life Technologies).
Immunoblots were imaged on an Odyssey infrared scanner (LI-COR) using secondary anti-
bodies of appropriate species reactivity and fluorescence spectra (LI-COR). An antibody to the
C-terminus of GFP (LS-C51736, LifeSpan BioSciences, Inc., Seattle, WA) was used for immu-
noblot detection of VC155-fusion proteins. Anti-Flag M2 (F3165, Sigma-Aldrich) was used to
for immunoblot detection of Flag-tagged proteins. Anti-HA (NB600–363, Novus Biologicals,
Littleton, CO) was used for immunoblot detection HA-tagged proteins. Anti-Myc Tag, clone
4A6 (05–724, Millipore, Temecula, CA) was used for immunoblot detection of Myc-tagged
proteins. Anti-UBE2O (NBP1–03336, Novus Biologicals) was used for immunoblot detection
of UBE2O. Anti-β-Tubulin (T7816, Sigma-Aldrich) and Anti-COX IV (926–42214, Licor)
were used for loading controls.

Quantitative analysis of 3D confocal micrographs

Random 40X fields were imaged using acquisition settings ensuring no under-saturated or
over-saturated pixel intensities. Volocity 5.5 software was used for quantitative analysis of 3D
confocal images. To determine the quantity of nuclear M, the nuclear compartment was de-
fined with the find objects function within the DAPI-fluorescence channel. Holes in objects
(DNA-absent regions such as nucleoli) were filled, and fluorescent objects smaller than nuclei
were excluded. The entire cell body was defined by drawing a region of interest (ROI) encom-
passing all F-actin staining. The sum of voxel intensities in the GFP channel was measured

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within these defined sets. The average voxel fluorescence of untransfected cells was used for
background subtraction. To determine the quantity of nucleolar M, the nucleolus was defined
with the find objects function within the Fibrillarin-stained-fluorescence channel. Nucleolar
objects were grouped within their respective nuclei, defined as above based on the DAPI-
fluorescence channel. To quantify fluorescence from bimolecular fluorescence complementa-
tion images, a ROI was drawn around cells fluorescent in the YFP channel. The average voxel
fluorescence of untransfected cells was used for background subtraction.

Statistical analysis
For analysis of M nuclear localization, p-values were generated with a Student’s t test when an-
alyzing two sample groups. To analyze three or more sample groups, p-values were generated
by ANOVA with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. To analyze BiFC experi-
ments, p-values were generated using a Mann-Whitney test. All graphs and statistical analyses
were generated with Prism 6 (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA).

Supporting Information
S1 Fig. Proteasome inhibition sequesters Nipah virus matrix in the nucleus during live
virus infection. Extended Focus (maximum intensity projection) view of 3D confocal micro-
graphs of HeLa cells infected with Nipah Malaysia strain at MOI 0.1. DMSO or 1 μM bortezo-
mib was added at 8 h post-infection and cells were fixed at 23 h post-infection. Cells were
stained with anti-NiV-M antibodies, green, and counterstained with DAPI to visualize nuclear
DNA, blue.
S2 Fig. Analysis of the effect of proteasome inhibition on ubiquitination of Paramyxoviri-
nae matrix proteins. HEK 293T cells were cotransfected with HA-UbK0 and 3X-Flag tagged
(A) NiV-M, (B) HeV-M, (C) SeV-M, (D) MuV-M, (E) MeV-M or (F) NDV-M. At 18 h post-
transfection, cells were treated with 10 μM MG132/0.1% DMSO or 0.1% DMSO for 6h. 3X-
Flag-tagged-M was immunoprecipitated, and M and ubiquitinated species were detected by
immunoblotting against Flag and HA, respectively. The background subtracted integrated fluo-
rescence intensities of the monoubiquitin bands (Ub) normalized to total M (M0+M1) was de-
termined using LI-COR Odyssey software.
S3 Fig. Alanine substitution within the second part of the putative NLSbp of Paramyxoviri-
nae matrix proteins. Top, alignments of the NLSbp in WT and bp2-mutants of GFP-tagged
NiV-M, HeV-M, SeV-M, MuV-M, NDV-M and MeV-M. Residues mutated to alanines are un-
derlined in blue. Bottom, Extended Focus (maximum intensity projection) views of 3D confo-
cal micrographs of HeLa cells transfected with the WT or bp2-mutant GFP-tagged NiV-M,
HeV-M, SeV-M, MuV-M, NDV-M and MeV-M. Cells were counterstained with DAPI to visu-
alize nuclear DNA, blue, and fluorescent phalloidin to visualize the F-actin cytoskeleton, red.
Scale bar 10 μm.
S4 Fig. Experimental schema and additional controls for ubiquitin-matrix bimolecular
fluorescence complementation (BiFC). (A) The N and C-terminal fragments of Venus
(VN173 and VC155, respectively) are fused to the N-terminus of Ubiquitin (Ub) and viral Ma-
trix (M) proteins as described in Materials and Methods. Covalent conjugation of VN173-Ub
to VC155-M by a ubiquitin ligase (E3) brings the spilt Venus fragments (VN173 and VC155)
into close proximity to reconstitute a functional Venus fluorophore. The reconstituted

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fluorescent Venus moiety is stable and essentially irreversible. Thus, the fluorescent Venus tag
remains associated with M even if M is subsequently deubiquitinated by a deubiquitinating en-
zyme (DUB). (B) Background controls for ubiquitin-matrix BiFC include mutations in M or
ubiquitin that prevent conjugation. (C) Extended Focus (maximum intensity projection) view
of 3D confocal micrographs of HeLa cells cotransfected with VC155-NiV-M and HA-VN173-
Ub or a nonconjugable control, HA-VN173-UbK0.G76V. At 24h post-transfection, cells were
counterstained with DAPI to visualize nuclear DNA, blue, anti-HA antibodies to visualize the
Ub containing Venus fragment, red, and anti-NiV-M antibodies to visualize the NiV-M con-
taining Venus fragment, grayscale. BiFC fluorescence is pseudocolored green. The matrix mu-
tations that result in decreased ubiquitin-matrix BiFC are the data shown in Fig. 4A-D. (D)
BiFC assay performed with VC155-fused WT and K258R NiV-M as described above. The
BiFC fluorescence (pseudocolored green) per cell was normalized to the matrix fluorescence
(red, anti-NiV-M antibodies) in that cell. This normalized Ub BiFC/Matrix was plotted for
each cell population expressing WT or K258R NiV-M (n>30 each). p<0.0001 by Student’s
t test. (E) Immunoblots of transfected HeLa cell lysates performed exactly as for Fig. 4E-H, ex-
cept that polyclonal anti-NiV-M was used to detect VC-155-fused WT or K258R NiV-M in-
stead of anti-VC155.
S5 Fig. Rescue of recombinant GFP-reporter Mumps virus bearing matrix nuclear export
mutants. Fluorescence and phase contrast wide-field micrographs of BSRT7 cells at day 4 and
8 post rescue of rMuV-eGFP containing WT, L106A, or K261R mutant MuV-M.
S6 Fig. Experimental and computational schemata for evaluating the specificity of protein-
protein interactions identified using MudPIT analyses. Left: 3X-Flag-M affinity purification
and mass spectrometry (AP-MS) identification of proteins. Nonspecific proteins identified in 3
independent negative-control AP-MS experiments were removed from the list of proteins
identified in the 3X-Flag-M AP-MS to generate the putative M interactome presented in Work-
sheet 1 of each Supplementary Table. Right: Comparison of the putative M interactomes to 21
historic negative-control experiments from the CRAPome mass spectrometry contaminant re-
pository are shown in Worksheet 2 of each Supplementary Table. Those proteins present in the
putative M interactomes but seldom found as sources of background contamination in the
CRAPome database are considered the most promising for further protein-protein interaction
and functional studies.
S7 Fig. Interaction of matrix proteins with ubiquitin ligases by coimmunoprecipitation
and immunoblot analysis. Anti-flag co-IP from transfected HEK 293T cells as described in
Materials and Methods confirming the interaction of (A) NiV-M with RAD18 (B) NiV-M and
NDV-M with UBE2O, (C) NiV-M, HeV-M and SeV-M with various Cullin ring ligases, and
(D) NiV-M and HeV-M, but not SeV-M, with the Cul1 adaptor FBXW11.
S8 Fig. Interaction of NiV-M with α-importins and CRM1 by coimmunoprecipitation and
immunoblot analysis. Anti-Flag co-IP from transfected HEK 293T cells as described in Mate-
rials and Methods confirming the interaction of (A) NiV-M with multiple Flag-tagged α-
importins and (B) NiV-M with 3X-Flag-CRM1.

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Analyses of Paramyxovirinae Matrix Nuclear Trafficking

S9 Fig. Overexpressed UBF-1 sequesters NiV-M in the nucleus and inhibits the budding of
virus like particles. (A) Anti-Flag co-IP from HEK 293T cells transfected with 3X-Flag-NiV-
M and GFP-UBF-1. (B) XYZ Planes View of 3D confocal micrographs of HeLa cells transfected
with GFP-UBF-1 and/or mCherry-NiV-M. Scale bar 10 μm. (C) Relative budding of NiV-M
with increasing expression of GFP-UBF-1.
S10 Fig. Nipah virus matrix localizes to nucleoli during live virus infection. (A) Extended
Focus (maximum intensity projection) view of 3D confocal micrographs of HeLa cells infected
with Nipah Malaysia strain at MOI 10. Cells were fixed with 10% formalin at the indicated
time point and stained with anti-NiV-M antibodies, green, and counterstained with DAPI to
visualize nuclear DNA, blue. Note prominent nuclear localization at 12 h post-infection. (B)
XYZ Planes View of a 3D confocal micrograph of HeLa cells infected with Nipah Malaysia
strain at MOI 10 for 12 hours. Cells were stained with anti-NiV-M antibodies, green, and coun-
terstained with anti-nucleolin antibodies to visualize nucleoli, red, and with DAPI to visualize
nuclear DNA, blue.
S1 Table. Putative Nipah virus matrix interacting proteins identified by MudPIT analysis.
S2 Table. Putative Hendra virus matrix interacting proteins identified by MudPIT analysis.

S3 Table. Putative Sendai virus matrix interacting proteins identified by MudPIT analysis.
S4 Table. Putative Newcastle disease virus matrix interacting proteins identified by Mud-
PIT analysis.

The authors would like to thank Frederic Vigant, Nicholas Webb, and Christopher T. French
for technical assistance, experimental suggestions, and helpful discussions. MP is indebted to
Natasha K. Griffith, Director of High Containment Facilities at UCLA for BSL3 training and
use of the SP5 confocal microscope housed in the MIMG BSL3 facility. Microscopy was also
performed on the SP5 confocal microscope at the Microscopy CORE at the Icahn School of
Medicine at Mount Sinai. The authors thank Toru Takimoto for the kind gift of antibodies
used in this study and also Nancy McQueen, Paul Duprex, El Bachir Affar and Christopher
F. Basler for the various expression constructs used in this study.

Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: MP AAV SMB BL. Performed the experiments: MP
AAV TL TV SMB AP YEW TEY. Analyzed the data: MP AAV TL TV SMB. Contributed re-
agents/materials/analysis tools: MP AP YEW ANF JAW BL. Wrote the paper: MP BL.

1. (2011) The Biology of paramyxoviruses. Norfolk, UK: Caister Academic Press.

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