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Elimination Reactions

Just as there are two mechanisms of substitution (SN2 and SN1), there are two
mechanisms of elimination (E2 and E1).
E2 mechanism — bimolecular elimination
E1 mechanism — unimolecular elimination
The E2 and E1 mechanisms differ in the timing of bond cleavage and bond formation,
analogous to the SN2 and SN1 mechanisms.
E2 and SN2 reactions have some features in common, as do E1 and SN1 reactions.

Base removes a proton from the β-carbon atom,

while the halogen atom leaves from the α-carbon
resulting in the formation of a π-bond. Such
eliminations are also called β β-elimination
The Zaitsev (Saytseff) Rule
When alkyl halides have two or more different β carbons, more than one alkene product
is formed.
In such cases, the major product is the more stable product—the one with the more
substituted double bond. This phenomenon is called the Zaitsev rule.

The Zaitsev product or the more substituted alkene product is more stable than the less
substituted product. The stability of the more substituted alkene is a result of number of
different contributing factors, including hyperconjugation.

Each alkyl group that can involve in hyperconjugation with the double bond stabilizes
it by approximately 6 kcal/mol
The E2 Mechanism

The most common mechanism for dehydrohalogenation is the E2 mechanism.

It exhibits second-order kinetics,, and both the alkyl
y halide and the base appear
pp in the
rate equation
rate = k[(CH3)3CBr][HO−]
The reaction is concerted—all bonds are broken and formed in a single
g step.

E2 reactions are regioselective and favor the formation of Zaitsev products.

Energy Profile for an E2 Reaction



(CH3)3CBr + OH−

((CH3)2C=CH2 + H2O + Br−

Factors Affectingg the Rate of an E2 Reaction

There are close parallels between E2 and SN2 mechanisms in how the identity of the
base, the leaving group and the solvent affect the rate.
The base appears in the rate equation, so the rate of the E2 reaction increases
as the strength of the base increases.
strong negatively charged bases like OH−
E2 reactions are generally run with strong,
and OR−.
Polar aprotic solvents increase the rate of E2 reactions
There is a partial breaking of the bond to the leaving group in the transition
state. So, the better the leaving group the faster the E2 reaction.

Rate of reaction follows the order,

R−I > R−Br > R−Cl > R−F
Factors Affectingg the Rate of an E2 Reaction

The SN2 and E2 mechanisms differ in how the R group affects the reaction rate.

As the number of R groups on the carbon with the leaving group increases, the rate of
the E2 reaction increases.

The increase in E2 reaction rate with increasing alkyl substitution can be rationalized in
terms of transition state stability.
In the transition state, the double bond is partially formed. Thus, the transition state for
a more substituted alkene is lower in energy, reducing the activation energy for the
reaction and making the reaction faster.
Characteristics of an E2 Reaction

Kinetics – Second order

Mechanism – Single step
Identity of R group – More substituted halides react faster
Rate: R3CX > R2CHX > RCH2X
Strength of the base – Stronger bases favor the reaction
Leaving group – Better leaving group leads to faster
reaction rates
Type of solvent – Favored by polar aprotic solvents

E2 reactions are stereoselective, resulting in the formation of trans-double bonds

The E1 Mechanism

The E1 reaction proceeds via a two-step mechanism: the bond to the leaving group
b k first
breaks fi t before
b f th π bond
the b d is
i formed.
f d The
Th slow
l step
t isi unimolecular,
i l l involving
i l i onlyl
the alkyl halide.
It exhibits first-order kinetics,
t = k[(CH3)3CCl]

E1 reactions also are regioselective and follow Zaitsev rule

Energy Profile for an E1 Reaction

δ+ δ−



(CH3)2C=CH2 + HX
Factors Affectingg the Rate of an E1 Reaction
The rate of an E1 reaction increases as the number of R groups on the carbon with the
leaving group increases.
Increasing rate of E1 reaction


11° 22° 33°

RCH2+ R2CH+ R3C+

1° 2° 3°

i stability
bili off carbocations
b i

The strength of the base usually determines whether a reaction follows the E1 or E2
mechanism. Strongg bases like OH− and OR− favor E2 reactions,, whereas weaker bases
like H2O and ROH favor E1 reactions.
Characteristics of an E1 Reaction

Kinetics – First order

Mechanism – Two steps
Identity of R group – More substituted halides react faster
Rate: R3CX > R2CHX > RCH2X
Strength of the base – Favored by weaker bases such as H2O and ROH
Leaving group – Better leaving group leads to faster reaction rates.
Just as in SN1 reactions,
reactions the rate determining step
involves the C—X bond cleavage
Type of solvent – Favored by polar protic solvents, which can
stabilize the ionic intermediates
SN1 and E1 Reactions
SN1 andd E1 reactions
ti h
have exactly
tl the
th same first
fi t step—formation
t f ti off a carbocation.
b ti
They differ in what happens to the carbocation.

Since in both the reactions, the rate determining steps are the same, they cannot be
individually controlled.
Because E1 reactions often occur with a competing SN1 reaction,
reaction E1 reactions of alkyl
halides are much less useful than E2 reactions.
SN1,, SN2,, E1 or E2

3º Alkyl Halides
Wi h strong bases:
With b E2 elimination
li i i occurs
With weak nucleophiles or bases: A mixture of products from SN1 and E1 reactions

1º Alkyl Halides
With strong nucleophiles: Substitution occurs by an SN2 mechanism
With strong sterically hindered bases: Elimination occurs by an E2 mechanism

2º Alkyl Halides
With strong bases and nucleophiles: A mixture of SN2 and E2 reaction products are
With strong sterically hindered bases: Elimination occurs by an E2 mechanism
With weak nucleophiles or bases: A mixture of SN1 and E1 products results
Stereochemistry of the E2 Reaction

The transition state of an E2 reaction consists of four atoms from the substrate (one
hydrogen atom, two carbon atoms, and the leaving group, X) aligned in a plane. There
are two ways for the C—H and C—X bonds to be coplanar.

E2 elimination occurs most often in the anti periplanar geometry. This arrangement
allows the molecule to react in the lower energy staggered conformation,
conformation and allows
the incoming base and leaving group to be further away from each other.

The anti periplanar geometry also allows direct interaction between the bonding
electrons of C—H bond and the anti-bonding orbital of the C—X bond.
E2 Reactions in 6-Membered Rings
The stereochemical
Th t h i l requirement
i t off an anti
ti periplanar
i l geometry
t ini an E2 reaction
ti has
important consequences for compounds containing six-membered rings.


For E2 elimination, the C

C—ClCl bond must be anti periplanar to the C
C—H H bond on a β
carbon, and this occurs only when the H and Cl atoms are both in the axial position.
The requirement for trans-diaxial geometry means that elimination must occur from the
less stable conformer.
Dehydrohalogenation of cis-1-Chloro-2-methylcyclohexane

Cl H3C
In this conf ormer two Hs are In this conf ormer Cl is in an
anti periplanar to the Cl. equatorial psition and has no
Hs periplanar to it.

The conformer with Cl in an axial orientation reacts to give two alkenes. The alkene
that is more substituted is the major product.
disubstituted alkene
minor product

trisubstituted alkene
major product
Dehydrohalogenation of trans-1-Chloro-2-methylcyclohexane

The conformer with Cl in an axial orientation has just one β-H atom. Only one product
is formed, which is not what is predicted by the Zaitsev rule.

In conclusion,
conclusion with substituted cyclohexanes,
cyclohexanes E2 elimination should occur with a trans
diaxial arrangement of the leaving group and the β-H, and as a result of this
requirement, the more substituted alkene is not necessarily the major product.
Stereospecificity in E2 reactions

Diastereomeric starting compounds yield diastereomeric products after an E2 reaction

E1cB Reaction
An elimination
A li i ti reaction
ti that
th t happens
h when
h a compoundd bearing
b i a poor leaving
l i group
and an acidic hydrogen is treated with a base.

E1cB stands for Elimination Unimolecular conjugate Base. Base The reaction is
unimolecular from the conjugate base of the starting compound, which in turn is
formed by deprotonation of the starting compound by a suitable base.

The electron withdrawing group (EWG) can be a carbonyl group (keto, aldehyde,
ester), a nitro group, an electron deficient aromatic group etc. Dehydration of aldol is
the most common E1cB reaction


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