Taboo in Aceh
Taboo in Aceh
Taboo in Aceh
In every culture, taboo is something that is exists due to the belief of the ancestral.
Taboo means a social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular
practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing. Taboo is believed
by the culture especially the older people such as the ancestral. Taboos are often meant to
protect the human individual, but there are numerous other reasons for their existence. A
taboo acknowledges by a particular group or tribe as part of their ways helps them to stand
out and maintain its identity. Breaking a taboo is usually considered objectionable by society
in general, not merely a subset of a culture.
In Acehnese culture, taboos are expected to be believed because they are known as
sacred. There are some taboos that are popular in the society and this paper will discuss about
them and explain its meanings.
The word taboo derived from Polynesian starting with the words tabu or tapu in the Tongan
language. Then, at 18th century Captain James Cook who was first noted the word taboo
introduced it into the English language which then achieved widespread currency. Although
taboos are often associated with the Polynesian cultures of the South Pacific, they have
proved to be present in virtually all societies past and present. Taboo means an action that is
prohibited based on the belief that such behaviour is either too sacred and consecrated or too
dangerous and accursed for ordinary individuals to undertake.
According to (Akerlof & Kranton, 2000) Taboos are authorized by social discipline. The
most recognizable social discipline includes the frames of mind and responses of different
individuals from society. Taboos are necessary piece of social identity. Taboo can represents
one’s culture. Each country or each culture has different kind of taboos which also has
different purpose or meaning.
In Aceh, the word taboo is known as hame or seumaloe. Taboo became unwritten rules that is
being told orally by acehnese people, especially from the old generation to the young
generation. Eventhough taboo have been told since long time ago and now it slowly
disappear, there are still people who hold into it. We can see in the city, most of the young
generation are unfamiliar with taboos and it is quite hard to find acehnese people who knows
a lot about taboos in Aceh unless the elders or people who live in the village (gampong)
The benefit of hame or seumalo among acehnese is to educate the children in ethics and
behavior and some cultural things. In order to make children grow up with a good and polite
attitude. Taboo in Aceh probably arises because children have limited understanding, so
familiar vocabulary and Mythical misfortune are being used and then being told to them
therefore that children trust and hold into it as a part of their beliefs eventhough actually there
is actual reason why the elders tell not to this or that and become taboo. However in ancient
times, there are several misfortune that really happen if someone did not pay attention to what
elder say, especially if the child didnt pa attention to what his/her parent say.
Generally, taboo in Aceh mostly related with religioun reason (Islam) because Islam is the
dominant religion in Aceh. Besides, taboo in aceh also related with politeness,culture, and
condition in ancient times . Due to some reasons, there are some taboo action that we couldnt
find the mythical misfortune or the actual reason and in fact that there are also some taboo
that being told with no reason at all and everyone believed it and held into it without asking
why. Here are the example of taboo in Aceh:
Do not spill rice on the bed You will dream of a It is hard to clean because
(bek peureo bu ateuh tika eh) terrible tiger the rice is sticky
Do not sit on the stairs/on the You will stop the wealth it is bloking the way so
doorway from entering people cannot go out
(bek duek bak reunyeun/ dikeu your house
Playing around with kicking It is impolite
(Meuayang deungôn seumipak)
Hitting in the head (Tapék bak It is impolite
Farting while in crowded It is impolite
(Töh Geuntét lam Kawan Ramé)
Steppin on headdress The headdress in wore on
(Gilhöe Keupiyah atawa head, and step on
Idja/Tangkulöek Ulée) headdress is equal to step
on someone’s head
Striding someone who is Parents will die It is impolite
sleeping (Ta lingkéu uréung Éh/
Ulée Uréung Éh.)
Kicking or stepping on food You will sweep away all It is impolite and haram
(Tasipak /Tagilhöe Makanan) wealth
Visiting someones’s funeral with It is impolite because it’s
fancy outfit (Tadjak bak ureung like you dont respect the
meuninggai ngôn Peukayan people who mourn
Walking in front if elder It is impolite
(Tadjak dikéu ureung tuha)
Dont combing hair in the Cause hair loss it is not good to comb hair
evening (Bek meusugoet oek at that time, cause it is
watee meugreeb) time to pray
Do not refuse gift/something You will sweep away all It is not polite to refuse
(Bek tulak raseuki) wealth gift which means you dont
respect the giver
Do not hit the children with rice Based on the story that
spoon (bek Taseupöt Aneuk Miët The child will turn into being told by the elders,
ngôn sendok bu) monkey that it was really
happening because the
child was rebellious to his
b. Taboo that related with Islam
Eating with cracked plate (Padjöh You will get harelip It will hurt you
bu lam pingan Beukah)
Taboos can be found in every culture because somehow it shows the identity of a
culture. Taboos also have the meaning behind them that most of them are mean to protect
people from bad things. Taboo should be acknowledged by the society because it is
considered as sacred and related to the norms, beliefs, and religions of a place.
Syahputri, V. N., Keumala, M., Rahma, E. A., Idami, Z., & Saputra, E. (2019). “Don’t sweep
the floor!” Verbal and nonverbal taboo in Nagan Raya, Aceh. Studies in English
Language and Education, 6(2), 309–318.