Implementation of Digital Communication Using Matlab (Graduation Project For B.Sc. Degree)
Implementation of Digital Communication Using Matlab (Graduation Project For B.Sc. Degree)
Implementation of Digital Communication Using Matlab (Graduation Project For B.Sc. Degree)
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ali Kamal Taqi on 16 November 2017.
Zena Mohammed
Ali Kamal
Supervised By
Dr.Eng.Riyadh J.S
Supervisor’s Certificates
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References 42
Chapter One
Chapter One
1.1 Introduction
In the simplest form, a transmission-reception system is a three-block system,
consisting of a) a transmitter, b) a transmission medium and c) a receiver. If we
think of a combination of the transmission device and reception device in the form
of a ‘transceiver’ and if (as is usually the case) the transmission medium allows
signal both ways, we are in a position to think of a both-way (bi-directional)
communication system. For ease of description, we will discuss about a one-way
transmission-reception system with the implicit assumption that, once understood,
the ideas can be utilized for developing / analyzing two-way communication
systems. So, our representative communication system, in a simple form, again
consists of three different entities, viz. a transmitter, a communication channel and a
receiver. A digital communication system has several distinguishing features when
compared with an analog communication system. Both analog (such as voice signal)
and digital signals (such as data generated by computers) can be communicated
over a digital transmission system. When the signal is analog in nature, an
equivalent discrete-time discrete-amplitude representation is possible after the
initial processing of sampling and quantization. So, both a digital signal and a
quantized analog signal are of similar type, i.e. discrete-time-discrete-amplitude
signals. A key feature of a digital communication system is that a sense of
‘information’, with appropriate unit of measure, is associated with such signals. This
visualization, credited to Claude E. Shannon, leads to several interesting schematic
description of a digital communication system. For example, consider Fig.1.1 which
shows the signal source at the transmission end as an equivalent ‘Information
Source’ and the receiving user as an ‘Information sink’. The overall purpose of the
digital communication system is ‘to collect information from the source and carry
out necessary electronic signal processing such that the information can be
delivered to the end user (information sink) with acceptable quality’. One may take
note of the compromising phrase ‘acceptable quality’ and wonder why a digital
transmission system should not deliver exactly the same information to the sink as
accepted from the source. A broad and general answer to such query at this point is:
well, it depends on the designer’s understanding of the ‘channel’ (Fig. 1.1) and how
the designer can translate his knowledge to design the electronic signal processing
algorithms / techniques in the ’Encoder’ and ‘decoder’ blocks in Fig. 1.1 We hope to
pick up a few basic yet good approaches to acquire the above skills. However,
pioneering work in the 1940-s and 1950-s have established a bottom-line to the
search for ‘a flawless (equivalently, ‘error-less’) digital communication system’
bringing out several profound theorems (which now go in the name of Information
Chapter One
Chapter One
Figure 1.2: A possible breakup of the pervious diagram (following Shannon’s ideas)
To elaborate this potentially useful style of representation, let us note that we have
hardly discussed about the third entity of our model, viz. the ‘channel’. One can
define several types of channel. For example, the ‘channel’ in Fig. 1.2 should more
appropriately be called as a ‘modulation channel’ with an understanding that the
actual transmission medium (called ‘physical channel’), any electromagnetic (or
otherwise) transmission- reception operations, amplifiers at the transmission and
reception ends and any other necessary signal processing units are combined
together to form this ‘modulation channel’. We will see later that a modulation
channel usually accepts modulated signals as analog waveforms at its inputs and
delivers another version of the modulated signal in the form of analog waveforms.
Such channels are also referred as ‘waveform channels’. The ‘channel’ in Fig. 1.1, on
the other hand, appears to accept some ‘encoded’ information from the source and
deliver some ‘decoded’ information to the sink. Both the figures are potentially
useful for describing the same digital communication system. On comparison of the
two figures, the reader is encouraged to infer that the ‘channel’ in Fig. 1.1 includes
the ‘modulation channel’ and the modulation- demodulation operations of Fig. 1.2.
The ‘channel’ of Fig. 1.1 is widely denoted as a ‘discrete channel’, implying that it
accepts discrete-time-discrete-amplitude signals and also delivers discrete-time
discrete-amplitude signals.
Chapter Two
Related Theory
Chapter Two
In the modulation process, the baseband signals constitute the modulating signal and
the high-frequency carrier signal is a sinusiodal waveform. There are three basic ways
of modulating a sine wave carrier. For binary digital modulation, they are called binary
amplitude-shift keying (BASK), binary frequency-shift keying (BFSK) and binary phase-
shift keying (BPSK). Modulation also leads to the possibility of frequency multiplexing.
In a frequency-multiplexed system, individual signals are transmitted over adjacent,
non-overlapping frequency bands. They are therefore transmitted in parallel and
simultaneously in time. If we operate at higher carrier frequencies, more bandwidth is
available for frequency-multiplexing more signals.
Chapter Two
constellation diagram of the BASK signals is shown in Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.2 shows the BASK signal sequence generated by the binary sequence
0 1 0 1 0 0 1. The amplitude of a carrier is switched or keyed by the binary signal
m(t). This is sometimes called on-off keying (OOK).
Figure 2.2: (a) Binary modulating signal and (b) BASK signal.
Chapter Two
The effect of multiplication by the carrier signal Acos 2πf c t is simply to shift the
spectrum of the modulating signal m (t) to f c . Figure shows the amplitude spectrum
of the BASK signals when m(t) is a periodic pulse train.
Figure 2.3: (a) Modulating signal, (b) spectrum of (a), and (c) spectrum of BASK
Since we define the bandwidth as the range occupied by the baseband signal m(t)
from 0 Hz to the first zero-crossing point, we have B Hz of bandwidth for the
baseband signal and 2B Hz for the BASK signal. Figure shows the modulator and a
possible implementation of the coherent demodulator for BASK signals.
Chapter Two
A i = A[2i - (M - 1)]
Figure 2.5: (a) M-ASK and (b) 4-ASK signal constellation diagrams.
Chapter Two
Figure shows the 4-ASK signal sequence generated by the binary sequence 00 01 10 11.
Figure 2.6: 4-ASK modulation: (a) binary sequence, (b) 4-ary signal, and (b) 4-ASK
Chapter Two
Figure 2.7 shows the modulator and a possible implementation of the coherent
demodulator for M-ASK signals.
Chapter Two
The simplest FSK is binary FSK (BFSK). BFSK uses a pair of discrete frequencies to
0T 0T 0T 0T 0T 0T 0T 0T 0T 0T 0T 0T
where A is a constant, f 0 and f 1 are the transmitted frequencies, and T is the bit
duration. The signal has a power P = A2/2, so that A = 2P . Thus equation can be P P
written as
and f 1 = n/T for integer n > integer m and f 1 - f 0 must be an integer multiple of
2 2 th
1 / 2 T. We can take φ 1 ( t) = cos 2π f 0 t and φ 2 ( t ) =
R R sin 2π f 1 t as e R R R R R R
orthonormal basis functions . The applicable signal constellation diagram of the
orthogonal BFSK signal is shown in Figure 2.8.
Chapter Two
Figure 2.9: (a) Binary sequence, (b) BFSK signal, and (c) binary modulating and
BASK signals.
Chapter Two
It can be seen that phase continuity is maintained at transitions. Further, the BFSK
signal is the sum of two BASK signals generated by two modulating signals m 0 (t)
and m 1 (t). Therefore, the Fourier transform of the BFSK signal s(t) is
= f c + f. Then
f1 - f0 = 2 f
Figure 2.10 shows the modulator and coherent demodulator for BFSK signals.
Chapter Two
Figure 2.12 shows the 4-FSK signal generated by the binary sequence 00 01 10 11.
Figure 2.12: 4-FSK modulations: (a) binary signal and (b) 4-FSK signal.
Chapter Two
Chapter Two
where A is a constant, m (t) = +1 or -1, f c is the carrier frequency, and T is the bit
duration. The signal has a power P = A2/2, so that A = 2P .
Chapter Two
Figure 2.15: (a) Binary modulating signal, and (b) BPSK signal.
Figure 2.16 (a) Modulating signal, (b) Spectrum of (a), and (c) spectrum of BPSK
Chapter Two
for i = 0, 1, ..., M - 1. Here, A is a constant, f c is the carrier frequency, θ' is the initial
phase angle, and T is the symbol duration. By expanding equation (23.3), we have
Figure 2.17: (a) M-PSK and (b) 4-PSK signal constellation diagrams.
Figure 2.18 shows the 4-PSK signal sequence generated by the binary sequence 00
01 10 11.
Chapter Two
Figure 2.18: 4-PSK modulation: (a) binary sequence and (b) 4-PSK signal.
Chapter Two
Figure 2.19 shows the modulator and a possible implementation of the coherent
demodulator for M-PSK signals [3, 4].
Chapter Three
Modeling of Digital
Communication System
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
3.2.4. TCM
The Matlab Simulink block diagram of the for TCM shown in figure (3.18) with the BER
performance in figure (3.19)
Chapter Three
Also let the state of the encoder be defined as the L-component vector
Where the binary digits 𝛼𝑖,ℎ ,𝛽𝑖,ℎ and 𝜇𝑖,ℎ may take any one of their two possible
values 0 and 1.
The operation of the convolutional encoder may now be described as follows: for
each input sequence 𝛼𝑖 ,the encoder generates the sequence 𝛽𝑖 at its output ,while
changing its state from 𝜇𝑖 to its next state 𝜇𝑖+1 .since for every n input bits , 𝑙 bits are
produced by the encoder ,so the rate of the convolutional encoder is R=n/ 𝑙.
Where 𝑆𝑖 and 𝑆𝑗 assume all valid pairs of coded sequences that the convolutional
encoder/modulator combination can produce and excludes all the cases whrer the
two sequences are identical . and |𝑆𝑖 -𝑆𝑗 | is the unitary distance between the two
sequences 𝑆𝑖 and 𝑆𝑗
The asymptotic coding gain of the coded system over the corresponding uncoded
system is given by
Chapter Three
Where 𝑑𝑓 is given by Eq. 3.4, and 𝑑𝑢𝑛 is the minimum Euclidean distance of the
uncoded system .Here Eq.3.5 assume that the average transmitted signal energy of
the coded and uncoded system is the same.
For an example to find the 𝑑𝑓 and 𝐺𝑐 for a coded 4-PSK signal with signal
constellation (M=4) .let us consider the encoder in Figure (3.21) and its state-
transition diagram in Figure(3.22).
The 𝑑𝑓 can be calculated by assuming the correct state as the all-zero state.
Where 𝑑2 (i,j) is the square Euclidean distance between the signal points i and j ,
and I (or j) is the decimal representation of the output coded digits.
The asymptotic coding gain of the coded 4-PSK ( in this example) over the uncoded
2-PSK with 𝑑𝑢𝑛 =4 is
Thus an advantage of about 1.76 dB in tolerance to AWGN can be obtain with coding
Each state has associated with it accost, which is the sum of the surviving
branches cost up to that state (the surviving branches are the branches which
produce the smallest new state cost). To determine the surviving branches, the
branches cost is added to the state cost in the previous stage of the trellis.
After evaluating a number of stages of the trellis the surviving paths in the
latest stage will originate (with a high probability) from a single state in the first
Chapter Three
stage of the trellis. After this. The most likely state of the encoder in the first stage
will be known, and hence it can be deduced the original input data, even though a
decision has not yet been made for the latest
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Figure3.24: calculation the minimum free distance of the encoder in Figure (3.20)
Figure 3.25: Trellis diagram of the encoder assuming the initial and terminal states
are zero
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Four
[1] B.P. Lathi: Modern Digital and Analog Communication, Oxford University
Press, New York, 1998