ECEN 5863 Programmable Logic Embedded System Design
ECEN 5863 Programmable Logic Embedded System Design
ECEN 5863 Programmable Logic Embedded System Design
Course materials include textbooks, papers, lecture slides, project guides, and other online
Textbooks (CU bookstore, and also online through the CU Library)
Embedded SoPC Design with NIOS II Processor and Verilog Examples, by Pong P.
Chu; ISBN 978-1-118-01103-4.
[optional] Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems, SOPC Edition, by Hamblen, Hall,
and Furman
Course website
Course lecture slides posted weekly on Canvas at
Course labs and project material posted weekly on Canvas
Other online materials
DE10-Lite Development Kit
Microsemi SmartFusion Evaluation Kit
Altera DE1-SoC Development Board
ARM information center
The course grade will be based on in-class participation, homework assignments, quizzes,
course projects, and 2 exams. The grade proportions are as follows:
Homework and class participation 20%
Course projects 30%
Quizzes 10%
Final and Mid-term Exam 40%
Honor code
To summarize: "Violations of the Honor Code are acts of academic dishonesty and include but
are not limited to plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, aid of academic dishonesty, lying to course
instructors, lying to representatives of the Honor Code, bribery or threats pertaining to
academic matters, or an attempt to do any of the aforementioned violations."