Research On Context
Research On Context
Research On Context
Funds of Knowledge
The interviews I conducted with both the student and the student’s parents helped me
gather great insight into the child’s funds of knowledge and helped me feel better equipped to
teach this student in the classroom and other school environments (i.e. playground). I
interviewed the parents first when I met them during parent teacher conferences. Both Mom and
Dad showed up to the conference and participated equally in the conversations. I learned that
both Mom and Dad are involved in the theatre and that Mom teaches a theatre class up at the
University of Utah. Both parents' careers play a role in their home life, as they try to incorporate
theatrical opportunities for their daughter both in and out of the home. Also, when Dad has a big
show coming up, he will often spend anywhere from 1-2 days without speaking in order to save
his vocals for the show. The Mom often has a quiet time on Saturday mornings where Dad gets
up early and makes breakfast for their daughter and watches tv with her in order to give Mom a
break. This tells me two things; that the Mom does a majority of the work throughout the week
but also that Dad notices this and understands that she needs a break by the end of the work
The daughter has shared with her parents that she longs for a best friend like you see in
movies and in television shows. She wishes she had one very close friend that she would always
be with and who she could share secrets with. Mom shared with me that she used to have a friend
like that, but the friend moved a couple states away and so now they don’t get to see each other
as often. They still keep in touch but their daughter longs for a best friend who lives closer to
them. The parents feel that her biggest struggle in school is that she bounces from one friend
group to the next and they are afraid this could mean she struggles to make deep connections
with her peers.
Interviewing the student herself was fascinating and resulted in her feeling more
comfortable around me. This helped when giving instruction and providing feedback to this
particular student because she trusted me to be her teacher. I also learned that she is very hard on
herself and oftentimes holds herself to impossible standards. I believe this to be one of her
greatest weaknesses, as this “need to be perfect” is what drives her to intense frustration when
she does not understand something. Knowing this going forward is useful to me because it
allows me to better understand where her frustration is coming from and to help her set goals for
herself that are challenging but also achievable. I also discovered that she has a bit of social
anxiety when interacting with her peers and is more confident when speaking to adults.
After conducting the interview with the parents, I felt like I understood the home life of this
student, which helped me understand more about her non-academic life. The interview I
conducted with the actual student herself helped provide me with great insights about her self-
confidence and where she is developmentally. This will help me adapt the curriculum to meet her
needs because I understand the areas she needs assistance in. I will use the information I
gathered from these interviews to inform my decisions for my unit plan to create a comfortable
yet challenging academic environment.
Community Inquiry Activity and Analysis
The Surrounding Community
Whittier Elementary is located in the neighborhood directly behind Salt Lake Community
College and is considered an inner city school. Having the community college so close to the
school is beneficial for both the teachers and students of Whittier Elementary because the
Community College has a library that the students and faculty of Whittier have access too. The
science department of this library also has telescopes that students can sign out and bring home
for a few nights. Many of the students live close to the school and bike or walk to school,
oftentimes without a parent. There is a lot of culture and racial diversity among the members of
this community, but not a whole lot of socioeconomic diversity among this population. Most
students come from single parent households or a family where only one parent provides the
family’s income.