Signs of Subterranean Termite Infestation

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Signs of Subterranean Termite Infestation

Dini M. Miller, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Entomology, Virginia Tech

Introduction ture between the foundation and brick veneer, stucco

or expandable foam insulation (EFIS) that is below the
Subterranean termites have a cryptobiotic or “hid- grade level. This is a major problem because there is no
den” lifestyle. This means that they are always hidden external evidence of the termite presence until the dam-
from our view either beneath the surface of the soil, age becomes obvious. Also, wood structures in direct
beneath the surface of the wood, or in their mud tun- contact with the ground such as decks or porches invite
nels. This cryptobiotic nature contributes to their suc- termite entrance.
cess in invading human structures. The termites enter
our buildings from beneath the soil surface and forage The source of most of subterranean termite infestations
within the wood. We usually do not detect their pres- is a colony living in the soil. However, some infesta-
ence until damage becomes evident or termite swarm- tions originate from above ground (aerial infestations).
ing takes place. Often we have no idea how the termites Above ground infestations occur either when a termite
got into our home. This can make it very difficult to king and queen begin a new nest within a structure or
control them. The following are descriptions of how when foraging termite workers become isolated indoors
termites typically invade structures, building practices and cannot return to the parent colony. Such infesta-
that encourage termite attack, and how you can detect tions are rare in most of Virginia because they require
the signs of termite infestation. extremely moist conditions year round. However,
homes with flat roofs or chronic leaks are sometimes
at risk because enough moisture is retained within the
Usual Point of Entry structure to allow the termites to become established.
Subterranean termites usually invade a structure from The constant moisture allows the termite colony to sur-
the soil along the foundation. They commonly enter vive with no connection to the soil. In such cases the
through cracks in the slab, utility conduits, expansion structural moisture problems may be as damaging to
joints, and plumbing connections. A common problem the home as the termite activity.
in Virginia is subterranean termites entering a struc-

Monolithic slab with veneer Supported slab with veneer Floating slab
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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2010
Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion,
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Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia State University,
and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Rick D. Rudd, Interim Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia
Tech, Blacksburg; Wondi Mersie, Interim Administrator, 1890 Extension Program, Virginia State, Petersburg.
Indicators of Infestation Problematic Construction
A subterranean termite infestation is usually recognized Practices
by the following 3 indicators:
Several common construction practices contribute to
1. Mud tubes. The termite subterranean termite infestation either by providing the
foraging tubes extend termites with access into the structure or by creating
from the ground to the moisture conditions ideal for termite colonization. The
infested wood. The following are examples of construction and landscape
tubes provide shelter practices that lead to subterranean termite infestation:
for the foraging ter-
1. Wood to soil contact. Provides termites with a direct
mites. The tubes are
highway from the colony in the soil to the structural
flattened and muddy
looking in appearance.
Most are about the 2. Form boards not removed after construction. Form
width of a pencil. They boards, grade stakes, tub trap boxes, and spacers left
are most obvious when in the slab allow termites to eat their way into the
they extend over con- structure.
crete foundations and other exposed surfaces. How-
ever, the tubes are often less visible, running along 3. Wooden debris left inside CMUs. Filling the cavities
cracks, underneath flooring, or behind siding and in concrete masonry units with wood scraps allows
baseboards. termites to forage through the concrete voids.

2. Swarmers. Winged 4. Wood refuse buried under the slab or stoop. Bury-
termites emerg- ing construction debris under a porch, stoop or slab
ing indoors or out- causes large numbers of termites to congregate
side from swarming directly adjacent or under the structure.
tubes immediately
adjacent to the struc- 5. Stucco below grade. Stucco, brick veneer or EFIS
ture are often the below grade provide the termites with hidden access
first sign of a subter- into the structure. The infestation will typically go
ranean infestation. Swarming termites are attracted undiscovered until damage becomes obvious.
to light. Therefore, swarmers indoors are often found
around lighting fixtures, windows, doors and vents. 6. Improper drainage. Some structures are built in a
Also, large numbers of discarded termite wings on depression. Others may have insufficiently extended
windowsills, floors or in spider webs are a sure sign eaves, or have short downspouts. These characteris-
of infestation.

3. Wood damage. A
common indication
of subterranean
infestation is the
presence of dark
areas or blisters in
wood flooring. However, subterranean termite dam-
age can go unnoticed because the termites only eat
the spring wood leaving the grain and exterior sur-
face intact. However, the galleries can be detected
by tapping the wood every few inches with the han-
dle of a screwdriver. The damaged wood sounds hol-
low and the screwdriver may even break through the
wood into the galleries. If the galleries are active the
worker termites will be observed inside. Form boards not removed after the slab is poured.

tics will result in moisture accumulation at the base In the United States subterranean termite infestation
of the foundation. This moisture provides an ideal amounts to billions of dollars in damage each year. It is
habitat for subterranean termites. therefore very important to have your home thoroughly
inspected for termite activity if you observe any of the
signs of infestation. Also, when purchasing a home most
mortgage companies will require a Wood Destroying
Organism (WDO) inspection and a written report indi-
cating any termite activity or damage. Be sure to have
the home inspected by a pest control operator who has
been certified by the Virginia Pest Management Asso-
ciation (VPMA) for WDO inspections. Also, schedule
the inspection for a time when you can be present. This
way you can have the operator point out conditions
around your home that are conducive to termite infes-
tation and tell you how to correct them.

Potter, M. F. Termites, pp. 232-333. In S. A Hedges and
D. Moreland [eds.], Mallis Handbook of Pest Control,
eighth edition. Mallis Handbook and Technical Train-
ing Company. 1997.

Short down spout causes improper drainage at Koehler, P. G., D. E. Short, and W. H. Kern. Pests In
foundation. and Around the Florida Home. University of Florida
Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS No. SP 134.
7. Landscaping. Landscaping, including the spreading Gainesville FL. 1998.
of mulch or gravel against the foundation, causes
moisture to be retained at the base of the structure.
Because moist soil is prime termite habitat, the area
immediately adjacent to the foundation should be
kept as dry as possible so that termites will prefer to
live and forage elsewhere.

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