International Conference: Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
International Conference: Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
International Conference: Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
The authors need not restrict to the above topics alone. Suggestions for including new topics related to the three
categories are also welcome.
Keynote Addresses will be delivered by eminent academicians and prominent industrialists in areas related to Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics.
More than 400 papers will be presented by authors over forty five sessions, with eight presentations in each session related
to a particular field of study. The papers are categorized as: (i) Contributed Papers (Papers that describe original research
output, applications and developments that have not been presented elsewhere previously by any one), (ii) Students Papers
(We provide an opportunity to undergraduate and graduate students (NOT PhD students) to express their novel ideas,
views and findings). Students are requested NOT to CUT and COPY from Internet. On the other hand they are advised to
take support from faculty members while writing their papers. An award and a citation would be presented to the author of the
best student paper selected during the oral presentation by a team of experts in their respective stream of field.
This event is essentially a competition among students (Undergraduate as well as Post Graduates). Undergraduate students
are encouraged to demonstrate their projects that have been approved by their departments for on-the-spot peer evaluation.
Best undergraduate projects in various categories would be identified for award. Post Graduate students (M.E./ M.Sc./
M.Tech) and research scholars (PhD) are also encouraged to present their approved theses before the review committee
members during the conference and best thesis award would be conferred based on referees' recommendations. There will
be a meeting wherein PhD scholars can discuss their problems and seek technical support from other participants.
Technical workshops will be conducted by international and national companies and research laboratories regarding the
various nuances of their technology and products for the benefit of the Academicians, Industrialists and Students.
Internationally renowned Professors will give tutorial lectures on topics of current research interests. Those who are
interested to benefit from these tutorials have to register in advance.
There will be Panel Discussions on varied topics. The speakers and participants will include some of the Who’s-Who of the
varied segments of Society, Scientists and Technocrats.
The Conference Exposition is aimed at bringing together intellectuals and entrepreneurs from different walks of academics
and business under a common roof for constructive interaction and development. It will showcase to the world community,
the latest and the most advanced Software, Hardware, IT products and scientific literature.
Invited Speakers of Previous Conferences
S. S. Iyengar (LSU) Dieter Lukoschus Michel McKubre (SRI) Claudio Moraga S. N. Vassilyev (Russia)
Peter A. Glass (Stony) Alexander Ya Kaplan Brian O’Leary (NASA) Gerhard Chroust Richard M. Stallman (MIT)
W. M. Wonham Srinivas Pentyala Paramahamsa Tewari Danny Ng Siew L'Leong Gary SS. Metcalf (USA)
Edmond Storms M. Srinivasan Matjaz Mulej (Slovakia) Sr. Judge M. Chawki S. A. Patil
Stephen Moo Kim Y. S. Rajan Xing Zhong Li (China) Steve Krivit (USA) W. Schutzeberger (Germany)
Pradeep Khosla (CMU) R. Sethuraman Charles Winer (Purdue) Dirk van Dalen Steve Tyson (Australia)
Cornelis M. Keur Col. Kimball B. G. Dogra IPS Lt Gen Patil Rajiv Sharma
(Consul General, USA, Hyd.) (Director, S&T, US Army) (Indian Army) (IIT Madras)
Kambhamettu (Udel) Routray (IIT Kgp) Deepak (AIIMS, New Delhi) B. G. Siddharth Mohanty (IIT Kgp)
International Conference
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
January 05 - 08, 2011
How to send a paper ?
Prepare your paper using the paper template.doc that is available in the web site. Send a soft copy
of the paper by email to [email protected]. Send all the forms duly filled in all respects along
with the paper using the same email ID. Please go through the instructions given in web site
thoroughly before you attempt to send the paper and the accompanying forms. Hard copy of the paper
along with the hard copies of the respective forms and evaluation fee (Rs. 300/- for Undergraduate
and Post Graduate Students and Rs. 500/- for PhD students, Professionals and Faculty Members) in
the DD form to be sent to the following address:
Important Dates
Last date for submission of full length papers and proposals : September 30, 2010
Acceptance of papers and proposals would be informed by : October 20, 2010
Last date for submission of final / camera ready papers: November 30, 2010
Last date for early registration : November 30, 2010
Last date for FINAL registration : December 10, 2010
Important Note
Authors are requested to submit their papers and complete all formalities well before the stipulated
last dates and help us serve you better. Please understand ICSCI events are organized by a research
company with a service motto and hence the conference secretariat is staffed with minimum number
of people. Inordinate delay in providing required details during any transaction would cause
unbearable burden on the staff. Co-operate with us in all dealings. It is your conference and hence you
are entitled to suggest and advise the secretariat for a successful conduct of the events.
Contact Us
Send Papers and Proposals to
[email protected]
Conference Chair
Dr. E. G. Rajan (President, Pentagram Research Centre Pvt Ltd. Hyderabad, India)
Dr. E. G. Rajan’s Mobile: +9849164747
Conference Co-Chair
Dr. Akhilesh Upadhyay (Vice Principal, Sagar Institute of Research and Technology
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India; Mobile Number: +919039993954)
Conference Secretary
Dr. Manish Prateek (Professor, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India; Mobile: +919849210505)
Contact Address
# 201, Venkat Homes, MIGH - 59, Mehdipatnam
Hyderabad - 500 028, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Telephones: +91-40-23553986; +91-40-23533108
Fax: +91-40-23531542