Sleep Problems Solved!: The No.1 Hidden Cause of For People Over 50
Sleep Problems Solved!: The No.1 Hidden Cause of For People Over 50
Sleep Problems Solved!: The No.1 Hidden Cause of For People Over 50
N at u ra l S L E E P Rese a r c h surprising discovery
“Most people are taking Maybe you’ve tried melatonin to help you sleep better, and if
so, there’s good reason.
The New York Times reports: “The natural hormone
*Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are not affiliated with this product nor do they endorse it.
2 © Healthy Directions These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Not sold in stores • Call Toll Free 1-800-648-1593 today 3
More is not better.
great sleep!
No. 1
Take less melatonin each night for
Fact: Most people are taking 10…20…even 30 times more melatonin these higher dosages won’t work for you. You may experience
morning grogginess and “hangovers,” and your sleep problems
than they need, which can make sleep problems worse! will likely continue, even get worse.
But by taking a much lower dosage of melatonin, you can
f you go to the health food store or supermarket looking 11:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m., then fall shortly before the time of
actually restore your melatonin to youthful levels and sleep
for melatonin—or if you buy it online—you’ll likely find light onset.
better, every night. Sounds crazy, but…
it in dosages of 3 milligrams…5 milligrams…or even But as I mentioned, nighttime peak levels of melatonin fall
10 milligrams. sharply as you age. And by age 70, you may only have one quar- …clinical tests don’t lie: Our sleep improved dramatically.
These dosages have been THE standard for melatonin over ter of the melatonin you need for a good night’s sleep.
the years. Why? Because in the natural health world, more al- “sleep efficiency” improved up to But now, here’s one better!
ways seems better.
You do NOT want to supersize your 88 percent with a lower dosage! Until recently, my regimen consisted of taking 0.3 mg of
This is why many people take mega-doses of vitamins and “Sleep efficiency” is the ratio of time you are asleep to the time melatonin an hour or so before going to bed. Then, should I
melatonin dosage…too much melatonin you spend in bed. And in a landmark, double-blind, placebo- wake up too early, I would take another 0.3 mg dosage. This is
natural supplements. They’re safe and natural, right, so why not
take more and get better results? makes your sleep problems worse. controlled study I helped conduct, a lower 0.3 mg dosage of mela- important because the half-life of a melatonin pill is only about
tonin improved sleep efficiency better than a higher dosage. four hours. This means, after four hours, any melatonin pill you
While that may be true for some vitamins and nutrients,
In this study, we examined the effect of varying dosages of take has fallen to half its initial value.
the opposite is true for melatonin. In fact, you do NOT want to
supersize your melatonin dosage. This is why taking melatonin is absolutely the best way to melatonin using 30 subjects who were 50 years or older with or Taking this second dosage of 0.3 mg melatonin ensured my
help correct most sleep problems. without sleep problems. We tested a placebo against melatonin melatonin levels stayed elevated throughout the night—and
Surprisingly, clinical studies now prove that you can…
The real shocker? For people age 50+, LESS dosages of 0.1 mg, 0.3 mg and 3 mg, orally, 30 minutes gave me even better, deeper sleep.
…restore your melatonin to youthful MELATONIN, NOT MORE, IS BETTER! Clinical before bedtime for a week. But the reality is, you’ll have a hard time finding melatonin
studies show that a much smaller dosage of in a 0.3 mg dosage in any store or online. And who wants to get
levels and enjoy better sleep each night by melatonin—as little as 0.3 mg—restores your
The results? Shocking to the sleep “experts”!
up in the middle of the night?
taking a much smaller dosage melatonin back where it should be to help you sleep Sleep longer every night That’s why I’m so excited about my new Vital Sleep formula.
Each night, when darkness falls, the pineal gland of your better. That’s just 1/10th of a “typical” 3 mg dosage. with lower melatonin dosage
brain releases melatonin that tells your brain it will soon be time If you take higher dosages of melatonin—such as 3 mg, Sleep efficiency is the ratio of time you Thanks to my new dual-dose technological
to go to sleep. 5 mg or 10 mg—the melatonin receptors in your brain get are asleep to the time you spend in bed.
asleep awake advance, you can now get this lower, optimal
Levels of melatonin peak in the middle of the night between overwhelmed and become desensitized. The result? Eventually, 50% sleep efficiency
(you sleep only 4 hours dosage of melatonin—and keep your melatonin
but you’re in bed 8 hours)
level elevated all night—so you can quickly fall
Fall asleep 20 minutes faster by taking 88% sleep efficiency
asleep and sleep the night through…
less melatonin, not more. Here’s proof… with 0.3 melatonin
(you sleep 7 hours out
of 8 hours) continued, next page…
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A meta analysis2 of 17 studies looked at the effects melatonin had on key sleep problems. Hours in bed
Remarkably, melatonin was shown to…
As this chart to the right shows, in subjects with age-related
4 Significantly decrease the time it takes to fall asleep The better
As published in leading sleep issues, 0.3 mg of melatonin restored sleep efficiency bet-
4 Significantly improve poor sleep medical journals ter than 0.1 mg or 3 mg. In fact, with 0.3 mg of melatonin, poor melatonin™
4 Significantly increase total sleep time sleep quality in aging adults improved to 88 percent of a perfect breakthrough
One of the studies reviewed included a small study my associates and I on the effects of night’s sleep! for better
0.3 mg of melatonin on sleep efficiency and sleep latency (the time it takes you to fall asleep)3. sleep
Remarkably, the 0.3mg dosage of melatonin helped subjects fall asleep 20 minutes faster! My new “better melatonin” every night, doctor-
guaranteed! approved
That’s great news if you’re having trouble falling asleep at night.
Brzesinski A, Vangel MG, Wurtman RJ, et al. Sleep Med Rev 2005:9():41–50
breakthrough for even better, deeper sleep formula!
Wurtman RJ, Zhdanova IV. Lancet 1995;346(8988):1491 When I first began using this much lower 0.3 mg dosage
of melatonin, my wife Judith and I experienced great results.
4 The better melatonin breakthrough for better sleep every night, guaranteed! Not sold in stores • Call Toll Free 1-800-648-1593 today 5
What happens if you take too much melatonin?
Your sleep problems get worse!
M ost store-bought melatonin is in dosages at
10…20…or even 30 times more than what
you need each night. With these high dosages, you’ll
ing for you altogether or even makes your sleep prob-
lems worse.
[Illustration No. 1: Shows melatonin That’s why I highly recommend my new Vital
likely feel morning grogginess…even have hypother-
receptors without enough melatonin to Sleep. You get the optimal dosage of melatonin you
mia (reduced
activate them, body
so theytemperature)…and
look dormant] desensitize need each night for better sleep, guaranteed.
your melatonin receptors, so melatonin stops work-
It’s now possible with Vital Sleep’s Vital Sleep’s unique dosage and
unique “cap-in-cap” technology delivery system help you sleep better,
I’m thrilled to tell you that my decades of research on every night, guaranteed!
melatonin have been merged with the very best in technology to New!
help you enjoy better sleep, every night—guaranteed! dual-
It’s possible with a brand new better melatonin formula release
This liquid melatonin is in a form that’s immediately technology
called Vital Sleep. released into your system.
For the very first time… It restores your melatonin to youthful levels so you quickly
1) My recommended dosing regimen of melatonin…and fall asleep.
2) A unique delivery system of a capsule within a capsule n An inner capsule filled with a 0.3 mg dosage of melatonin The optimal dosage for
…have been combined to restore your body’s melatonin to in the form of exclusive, time-release beadlets. adults 50+ in an advanced
Vital Sleep is backed by years of scientific rese
youthful levels each night and keep it there. All to help you fall
asleep faster and sleep all night long.
This second dosage of melatonin has been specially formulated
the latest technological breakthroughs ensurin
arch and dual-release capsule!
to be released into your system three to four hours after you take it. g you
better sleep every night. Here is Dr. Wurtman See page 17 for special savings and
As you can see in the illustration above, each Vital Sleep is a This ensures your level of melatonin will remain at its optimal level doing
research with some of his colleagues early in FREE Gifts valued at $86.87!
capsule within a capsule. This includes… all night—to help you enjoy deep, restful sleep or to help you fall his career.
quickly back asleep should you awaken. To Try Vital Sleep completely RISK FREE…
n A revolutionary outer capsule filled with a 0.3 mg dosage
of melatonin in a special liquid form. 4
Waldhauser F, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metabol 1988;66:648–652 Call 1-800-648-1593
8 The better melatonin breakthrough for better sleep every night, guaranteed! Not sold in stores • Call Toll Free 1-800-648-1593 today 9
Vital Sleep resets your body’s I’ve advised NASA
on better sleep for 3 myths
natural “sleep clock” so you enjoy deeper, astronauts, and about poor sleep
more blissful sleep once again here’s why…
Did you know that astro-
Millions of Americans are unnecessarily suffering from
poor sleep because they believe these myths…
by 50%
rhythm: the dark cycle and melatonin secretion. you sleep better every night.
These results were so eye opening, this study became the
basis for using melatonin to combat jet lag. NEW Vital Sleep. Technological
The problem is, your body’s internal
“sleep clock” changes as you age
Now, with Vital Sleep’s unique melatonin dosage and
cap-in-cap delivery system, you can reset your body’s sleep
and sleep peacefully again dual-dose advance means you’ll
Like a clock with a weak battery, your body’s internal “sleep clock and enjoy deeper, more blissful sleep once again. In yet another study6 I conducted, a lower 0.3 mg sleep better every night, guaranteed!
clock” can go haywire as you age. But there’s another big benefit you’ll get with better sleep as dosage of melatonin or a placebo was given to older
My colleagues at Harvard Medical School report that as you you’ll now see… people with sleep problems (ages 51 to 78) for three
continued, on page 12… Cutting edge
age, the window during which your internal clock allows you to consecutive days.
sleep narrows. This may explain why you wake up so early in the Amazingly, those taking the 0.3 mg of melatonin… guarantees
morning and fall asleep so early at night. 5
Dollins AB, Zhdanova IV, Wurtman RJ, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA n Reduced restlessness at night by 50 percent… you better New!
sleep first time
n Fell asleep twice as fast…
every night! offered!
n Lessened the number of nighttime wake ups by 65%…
Fix your body’s internal “sleep clock” and sleep great again! n Improved sleep quality!
awake 6Wurtman RJ, Zhdanova IV. Lancet 1995;346(8988):1491 To Try Vital Sleep completely RISK FREE…
Circadian Signal SLEEP
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6 a.m. 9 a.m. 7 p.m. 10 P.m. 6 a.m.
10 The better melatonin breakthrough for better sleep every night, guaranteed! Not sold in stores • Call Toll Free 1-800-648-1593 today 11
Special Health Alert:
n Poor sleep may even shorten
12 The better melatonin breakthrough for better sleep every night, guaranteed! Not sold in stores • Call Toll Free 1-800-648-1593 today 13
Age 50 or over
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Your “Best Deal” means
You will sleep better every night with Vital Sleep, …scientifically formulated to give you the exact dosage of
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Two FREE Special Health Reports Written by Dr. Judith Wurtman (Ph.D. and specialist in
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FREE Special Report No. 1: Melatonin The Miracle of
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