Promotion of Adventitious Root Formation of Miracle Fruit (Synsepalum Dulcificum Daniell) Through Stem Cuttings and Air Layering Technique

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Transactions on Science and Technology Vol. 4, No.

1, 1 - 7, 2017

Promotion of Adventitious Root Formation of

Miracle Fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum Daniell)
Through Stem Cuttings and Air Layering
Rozalia Mohd Geoffery, Hamsawi Sani*
Faculty of Resource Science and Technology Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Jalan Dato Mohd Musa, 94300, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, MALAYSIA
*Corresponding author. E-Mail: [email protected]; Tel: +6082-582973; Fax: +6082-583160

ABSTRACT: Synsepalum dulcificum or Miracle fruit plant is a medicinal shrub that belongs to the family Sapotaceace are

known to exert an extraordinary effect of changing sour taste to sweet. The increase in industrial demand may cause
depletion on the raw materials source as it is a slow-growing plant. Propagations of miracle fruits are restricted due to
difficulties in rooting through cuttings and the seeds are recalcitrant. This study was to overcome the needs to supply
large number of seedlings for large-scale planting by inducing adventitious root formation through vegetative propagation
methods such as stem cutting and air layering (marcotting). A total of 140 softwood stem cuttings were treated with four
IBA concentrations (0, 500, 1000, and 2000 mg/L) and planted in sand bed under non-mist system. Another experiment
involved air layering was initiated on vertical young shoots treated with commercial rooting hormone Seradix No.2 (3000
ppm). Percentages of rooting (%), mean number of root (%), and mean root length (cm) per rooted cutting were collected
2 months after planting. Stem cuttings soaked in control treatment produced the highest percentage of rooting (54.28%)
per cutting. However, mean root numbers per rooted cutting increases with high concentrations of IBA treatment.
Adventitious root started to emerge four weeks after propagation period in air layering method. Results showed that
73.33% air layers successfully induced roots with mean root length 5.98cm. Thus, vegetative propagation is a promising
technique that can be applied to promote adventitious rooting in hard-to-root species as in Synsepalum dulcificum.

KEYWORDS: Adventitous root, Air Layering, IBA, Stem cutting, Synsepalum dulcificum

Received 7 November 2016 Revised 29 November 2016 Accepted 9 December 2016 In press 26 January 2017 Online 20 March 2017
© Transactions on Science and Technology 2017

Miracle fruit or known as Synsepalum dulcificum Daniell is an African native shrub that belongs
to the family Sapotaceace. Small ellipsoid berries of large seed coated with thin layer of edible pulp
are produced throughout the year. The fresh pulps of the fruits were known to exert an
extraordinary effect by causing acidic food consumed to taste sweet. This sweetening property is
caused by the action of a miraculin; a type of glycoprotein compound found in the tasteless pulp of
the miracle fruit. The mechanism works on the taste buds of the tongue by distorting the sweet
receptor under acidic condition which makes the food taste sweet (Metcalfe & Chalk, 1972).

Nowadays, nutritionist are more interested into natural food sweetener as compared to some
artificial sweetener that contain carcinogenic compound such as cyclamates and saccharine which
may cause health problems to the consumer (International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1980). S.
dulcificum are found to be one of the possible sources of natural food sweetener which the fruit can
be used to overcome diabetic patients from consuming sweet food without taking in sugar (Kant,
2005). For centuries, people in West African often use miracle fruit to sweeten their sour foods and
drinks such as acidulated maize bread and sour palm wine (Inglett et al., 1965).

Demand of miracle fruits in industry has increased drastically due to the need for large scale
productions and for further research to enhance the potential uses of the plant in medicinal areas.

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Without proper management to maintain the propagation, raw source of S. dulcificum will be
depleted. The problems will continue to arise as the S. dulcificum is a slow growing type plant that
takes about 3 to 4 years until it reaches maturity to bear fruits. Propagation of S. dulcificum faces
some difficulties in which the seeds can lose its viability when dried and rooting through cutting is
not easily obtained (Okhapkina, 2006). According to Joyner (2006), fruiting of miracle plant began
earlier when grown through stem cutting as compared to seedlings that takes 3 to 4 years to mature
and produce fruits. Research has been conducted on the effect of IBA hormone to enhance rooting in
stem cuttings however there has been no report on rooting performance of miracle fruit plant
through air layering method in this species. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of higher
concentrations of IBA hormone on stem cuttings and application of air layering method in
promoting adventitious root in S. dulcificum.


Source of Explant
Sample of stem cutting explants were collected in the morning from four healthy stock plants
planted in Plant and Tissue Culture Laboratory of Faculty Resource Science and Technology in
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNiMAS). Explants for stem cuttings measured 5 to 8 cm composed of
two-nodes with a single leaf on the upper part were obtained. The cuttings were cut below the
second node from the stock plant and placed in a beaker filled with water to avoid the stem from
drying due to transpiration. Air layering technique requires young upright branches composed of
actively growing buds and leaves that were still attached to the stock plant.

Rooting of Stem Cuttings

A total of 140 selected S. dulcificum stem cuttings were treated with IBA using the modified
quick-dips method as described by Hartman (2002). Each treatment consists of 35 cuttings and
soaked for 5 minutes in different concentrations (0, 500, 1000, and 2000 mg/l) of Indole-3-butyric acid
(IBA) hormone. The experiment was repeated three times. The cuttings were then planted on rooting
media composed of sieved river sand that were filled with water equivalent to half of the sand
depth. The experiment was conducted in a polystyrene container (18”x12”x12”) and was tightly
sealed to allow non-mist system to function. Watering was done at every interval of 4 weeks. Stem
cuttings treated with 0 mg/l IBA was the control treatment of the experiment.

Air Layering Technique (Marcotting)

Three healthy stocks of S. dulcificum plants were used and 15 upright branches with actively
growing shoot were selected for marcotting exercise. Each branch about 10-15 cm long was selected.
A cutting of 2-3 cm was cut to remove the cambium. Commercial rooting hormone Seradix No. 2
(2000 mg/l IBA) was applied to the marcot area and wrapped tightly with Jiffy-7 medium containing
sphagnum peat in a transparent plastic tied at both ends. This is to maintain high humidity level of
the marcot to promote rooting. Rooting performance of explants through air layering was compared
with stem cuttings method.

Observation and Data Analysis on Rooting Response

Observation and data for both stem cuttings and air layering method were collected after 8
weeks. Rooted cuttings are counted only to those cuttings that clearly form initial root measured ≥ 2
mm (Nandi et al., 1996). Data on percentages of rooting (%), mean number of roots per rooted
cutting, and mean length of roots per rooted cutting (cm) were recorded and statistically analysed.
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedures in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)

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version 22 were used to test on the significant effect of the treatment on rooting response. Different
between mean are tested by using Duncan Multiple Range Test (p ≤ 0.05).


Rooting of stem cuttings

Propagation through stem cutting has been widely used to overcome rooting problem in most
woody plant and shrubs (Evertt et al., 1978; Hassanein, 2013). This method was applied to enhance
rooting capacity in S. dulcificum stem cuttings because this species was known as difficult-to-root
woody plant (Duke & DuCellier, 1993). Rooting response of S.dulcificum cuttings was examined
inside polystyrene box separated based on the treatments given. Observation after 4 weeks of

planting showed that majority of cuttings in control treatment initiates primary roots as compared to
cuttings treated with IBA hormone. The data obtained for rooting ability of S. duclificum stem
cuttings are given in Table 1 in the final observations (8 weeks), and it reveals that there is no
significant difference in the concentration of IBA on the rooting response based on the three
parameters given in Table 1 (p > 0.05). Present study showed that higher rooting percentage was
achieved in control treatment which 54.28% cuttings were success in forming roots (Figure 1A).
However, cuttings treated with IBA (500mg/l) were found to be slightly effective resulted in the
lowest success of rooting with only 37.14% cuttings produce roots. Each rooted cutting in the control
treatment produce longer mean root length of 1.45 ± 0.32 cm as compared to other treatments
(Figure 1B). Cuttings treated with 1000mg/l (Figure 1C) found to be effective for highest average of
1.46 ± 0.34 roots per rooted cuttings (Table 1). Over the three parameters, it can be concluded that
there is a tendency to increase the rooting response within S. dulcificum cuttings with respect to
increase in IBA concentration but higher concentration (2000mg/l) can exert inhibitory effect that
will reduce the rooting capacity (Figure 1D).

Figure 1. Formation of adventitious roots in S.dulcificum cuttings treated with A) control, B) 500 mg/l
IBA, C) 1000 mg/l IBA and D) 2000 mg/l IBA after 8 weeks of planting.

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Table 1. Rooting percentage, mean root numbers per rooted cutting and mean root length per rooted
cutting of two-node miracle fruit cuttings under different concentrations of IBA hormone.

IBA Rooting No. of roots per rooted Root length per rooted
(mg L-1) (%) cutting cutting (cm)
0 54.28a 0.80 ± 0.15ab 1.45 ± 0.32a
500 37.14 a 0.63 ± 0.16 a 1.07 ± 0.27a
1000 45.71a 1.46 ± 0.34b 1.20 ± 0.28a
2000 42.86a 1.11 ± 0.33ab 0.71 ± 0.17a
Sig. 0.66 0.13 0.25
Mean values ± Standard Error of Mean (SEM) values followed by the same letter within a column
are not significantly different (p ≤ 0.05 using Duncan Multiple Range Test)

Application optimum concentration of hormone is the key of success in rooting of cuttings for
most difficult-to-root species (Leakey et al., 1982; Purohit et al., 2009). Growth hormone plays an
important role in the production of roots through cell division, multiplication and specialization
(Davis & Hassig, 1990). Ability to produce roots in hard-to-root species was also highly related to the
presence of endogenous hormone produced naturally in the shoot apices and young leaves. This
hormone plays an important role in controlling the growth and development of adventitious roots
(Krajnc et al., 2013; Went & Thinman, 1937). Auxin is the best known rooting hormone that can exist
endogenously or applied exogenously to the plants. Common used auxin was Indole-acetic acid
(IAA) or Indole-butyric acid (IBA). Current study showed that not only rooting percentage (54.28%)
gave the highest results but also the longest mean root length (1.45±0.32 cm) per rooted cuttings in
control treatment. This clearly explains the role of endogenous auxin within S. dulcificum cuttings
that aids in the formation of roots throughout the process. Same situation occurs in past study
during rooting process of pea plants, there was increase in the concentration of endogenous auxin at
the base of cuttings when no external hormones applied (Blahova, 1969). Contrast to the results
obtained in previous study on S. dulcificum which control gave the lowest rooting percentage
(0.86±0.86%). The results varied within the concentration of endogenous IAA that was highly
dependent to each individual species (Blakesley et al., 1991; Baraldi et al., 1993).

Treating cuttings with external rooting hormones will also help in accelerating the formation of
roots and to increase percentage, homogeneity, quality and number of roots per cutting. IBA is a
synthetic auxin that was previously tested on the same species with high percentage of success.
However, the present study did not agree to the previous findings conducted by Chen et al., (2012)
on the same species that high concentration of IBA (800 mg/l) gives highest rooting percentage of S.
dulcificum stem cuttings. A study showed that application of hormones at doses higher than
8000mg/L were known to cause damage in woody ornamental plants (Loach, 1988). Hence, increase
in IBA concentration does not necessarily increase the rooting percentage which cuttings treated
with 2000 mg/l IBA shows a slightly decline in all the three parameters. Some other species however,
failed to root although when treated with optimum concentration of hormone due to high sensitivity
of rooting of cuttings towards the auxin formulation (Beyl & Trigiano, 2016). Previous research
recorded that certain plant species also showed decrease in rooting response when cuttings were
treated with IBA concentration greater than 0.2%. This indicates that certain level concentration of
IBA will give inhibitory effect to the formation of roots in cuttings (Leakey et al., 1990). Furthermore,
auxin was said to give effect as promotory at low concentration and inhibitory at supra-optimal
concentration on formation of roots (Sugiyama, 1999).

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Origin of adventitious roots in stem cuttings also affects the rooting performance of a species.
Cross-section of the stem in woody plants is different from herbaceous plants in terms of the
arrangement of vascular bundles, presence of sclerenchyma and cork cambium. Generally, young
secondary phloem is the origin for adventitious roots formation while in some cases rooting may
arise from vascular bundle, cambium or pith (Davies and Hartmann, 1988; Hartmann & Kester,
1983). Rooting of S. dulcificum originated from secondary phloem which penetration of root
primordia through the cortex was visible 5 weeks after planting (Chen et al., 2012). The same
observation was found in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.), the primordial root arises from
procambium protrudes through the cortex and epidermis of the stem (Belehu et al., 2004). Failure in
rooting of S. dulcificum cuttings were the cause of lignification and sclerefication processes that occur
in the sclerenchyma located in between phloem and cortex as the stem matured and gets older. The
process then leads to formation of sclerenchyma ring that blocks the emergence of roots that arise in

the phloem (Hartman, 2002).

Air layering technique (Marcotting)

Other technique applied to promote rooting in S. dulcificum is through air layering (marcotting).
Marcotting is a horticultural technique used to propagate new plants that are difficult to grow from
cuttings due to rooting problems. Lychee, jabong, hibiscus and guava are examples of plants that
commonly grew by marcotting (Bornhorst, 2005). A total of 15 young branches are randomly chosen
from three healthy stock of S. dulcificum plant. Each branch is girdled by removing 4-5 cm of the bark
and vascular cambium to interrupt the growth and phloem transport downwards towards the roots.
High deposition of nutrients, carbohydrates and hormone reserves essential for rooting will remain
above the wound area. Commercial rooting powder is then applied at the scratch inch of the bark to
enhance rooting process (Sadhu, 1989). Within 4 weeks after the treatment, 46.67% marcots began to
produce roots as it is visible through sphagnum peat medium (Figure 2A). Results recorded after 8
weeks gave 73.33% success in promoting roots for S. dulcificum through marcotting which the mean
number of roots is 2.93 ± 1.04 and 3.99 ± 1.14 cm mean root length per rooted marcot (Figure 2B &

Several air-layers were found to form only callus at the upper part of the cut (Figure 2C). Failure
to form root are due to lacking several factors that may lead to unfavourable condition for rooting to
occur. Factors such as time for treatment, size of branch, type and amount of rooting hormone used
and the moisture content in peat moss media may be varied that will affect rooting potential of the
plant. The air-layers are prepared early in the morning which the rate of transpiration is the lowest.
Previous research claims that hormone injury can affect the rooting of the air-layers because of too
much rooting powder applied on the cut (Wyman, 1951). Maintaining optimum moisture content in
the air-layers is crucial because rooting does not favour in a wet or dry condition. Most plants can be
propagated from both “hardwood” and “softwood” branches but in some species only one of the
branch type will enhance rooting (Wyman, 1986). Softwood branches of S. dulcificum used are found
to be effective for inducing roots with more than 50% cuttings successfully forms roots.

Table 2. Rooting percentage, mean root numbers per rooted cutting and mean root length per rooted
cutting of miracle fruit stem through marcotting.

Rooting Rooting No. of roots per rooted Root length per rooted
Hormone (%) marcot marcot (cm)
Seradix 73.33 2.93 ± 1.04 5.98 ± 1.14
Mean values ± Standard Error of Mean (SEM) values

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Figure 2. Rooting of S. dulcificum air-layers 4 weeks (A) and 8 weeks (B, C, D) after treatment.

There are positive results obtained showing that formation of adventitious roots in Synsepalum
dulcificum can be propagated through stem cutting and air layering technique (marcotting).
Application of commercial rooting hormones (Seradix No.2) was proven to increase the rooting
capacity of S. dulcificum through air layering technique. However, higher concentrations of IBA
hormone does not affect the rooting performance but the study showed that endogenous auxin plays
an important role in regulating the growth of adventitious roots in S. dulcificum cuttings. Among all
the treatments, control achieved the highest percentages of rooting and longest mean length of root
per rooted cuttings in S. dulcificum cuttings. On the contrary, auxin can also exert inhibitory effects
that cause reduction in the rooting capacity of S. dulcificum cuttings when applied at high
concentration of 2000 mg/l IBA.

The authors would extremely thankful to Faculty Resource Science and Technology, UNiMAS
for providing financial support.

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