Brainstorming Make An Essay
Brainstorming Make An Essay
Brainstorming Make An Essay
First of all, there is a beautiful ayah from our beloved Kitab, The Holy Qur’an.
ِ ِ أَْن َفعُ ُه ْم ل. This hadith tell to us that Islam really considers in humanism and in al-Qur’an.
After that, why a muslim doctor have to understand about this deen, especially in fikh.
Because a man can get permission to do shalah by sitting, or by lying down, if the doctor said,
“Sir, please, your body is not enough to hold your body to stand up, you can do your shalah by
sitting”. And there are still many examples that we will not discuss here.
Then, the relationship between doctor and patient is so unique. Maybe there is patient
that do shalah infrequently, many ustadz have give their best advise for that patient to do
shalah frequently, but the patient is still do shalah infrequently. But, If their doctor say, “Sir, if
you want to get healthy quickly, beside take up your medicine, you have to do shalah
frequently, especially in jama’ah”. And what will the patient do ? only take the medicine and
do not shalah? Take medicine and do shalah!
Last but not least, al-Imam Muhammad bin Idris Asy-Syafi’I rahimahullah said:
*ِ ب لِلْألَبْ َد
ان *ِ َالديْ ِن لِلْأل َْدي
ِّ ِّان َو ِعلْ ُم الط ِ ِعلْم, ان
ِ إِمَّنَا العِلْم ِعلْم
َ ُ
Indeed knowledge is divided in two grup, ilm deen for religion and ilm thibb for body
So amazing, Al-Imam rahimahullah want to tell us that medical science is so important,
and there are many glory in this science, but the people who knows that glory is only the
people who see that glory. Are you ready for being the part of this glory?