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Dr.A.M.Bhavikatti, HOD ,
Dept of ECE, BKIT, Bhalki
Outline of presentation - Chapter-1
1.2Multimedia information representation
44.1 KHz:
Even higher audiophile rates (e.g. 24-bit, 96 KHz)
Data Video
1.1.9 Interactive
Key feature of multimedia
User determines what content is delivered,
when it is delivered and how.
Delivering Multimedia
Compact disc-Inexpensive, easy mass produce
and distribute
Kiosk-Computer system to access info, perform
transactions or play games. It is convenient,
reduces personnel costs, but expensive
Online-Web pages, product advertisement,
demos, etc.
1.1.10 Forces driving
communications that facilitate
multimedia communications
Evolution of communications and data networks
Increasing availability of almost unlimited
bandwidth demand
Ever increasing amount of memory and
computational power
Sophisticated terminals
Workstation, PC Processing
1.1.12 Elements of Multimedia
Two key communication modes
Person-to-person(e.g. email)
communications(e.g. web-browsing)
Use Use
Interface Interface
Storage and Transport
In general, two people communicate with each
other through suitable terminal equipment(TE).
While a person interacts with a system using
Data networks
Entertainment applications
1.4.1Interpersonal communications
Interpersonal communications may involve
speech ,image, text or video.
In some cases, just a single type of medium is
involved while in others two or more media
types are integrated together. only-Telephony, Voice-mail,
Teleconferencing/telephony gateway are
some of applications in this group.
Telephony have been provided using
telephones that are connected either to a
public switched telephone network -----
---(PSTN/ISDN/Cellular phone network) or a
PBX. The scheme is shown in figure 1.6.
Alternatively, by using a multimedia PC
Interactive television
media stored at source
transmitted to client
streaming: client playout begins before all data
has arrived
timing constraint for still-to-be transmitted
data: in time for playout
The continuous media is called real-time media
as it's generated in a time-dependent way.
The source stream can be generated at a
Best suited for one-to-many or many-to-many
delivery of data.
Applications that Need Multicast
Audio and video conferencing
Multimedia distribution (audio, video)
Multimedia Systems
Channels in packet-mode:
Operates in a time-varying way
Figure 4.34 Asynchronous transmission
Circuit Switching
Seeking out and establishing a physical copper path
from end-to-end. Circuit-switching: switching based
on position (space, time) of arriving bits.
Circuit switching implies the need to first set up a
dedicated, end-to-end path for the connection before
the information transfer takes place.
Once the connection is made the only delay is
propagation time.
Circuit switching designed for voice
Resources dedicated to a particular call
Much of the time a data connection is idle
4 3 2 1
The messages associated with the setting up
and clearing of a connection are known as
signaling messages.
There is a call/connection setup delay.
connection .
Each packet contains a virtual circuit identifier
instead of destination address
No routing decisions required for each packet.
Virtual circuits
This type of network is also known as a packet
switched network.
A connection-oriented network:
Connectionless Protocols
No set up is needed.
Each packet contains information which allows
the packet to be individually routed hop-by-
hop through the network.
CL: Packets routed based on address
information in headers.
Connectionless Internetworking
Connection-oriented Protocols
A setup stage is used to determine the end-
to-end path before a connection is
Data flow streams are identified by some
type of connection indicator (e.g. OSI, X.25,
CO: Connection set up (resources reserved)
prior to data transfer.
Connection-Oriented Circuits
Connectionless network:
and decentralized.
The centralized mode is used with circuit-switched
networks such as a PSTN or an ISDN.
Loss and delay in Packet switching
packets queue in router buffers
packet arrival rate to link exceeds output link capacity
packets queue, wait for turn
packets queueing (delay)
free (available) buffers: arriving packets
1-132 dropped (loss) if no freeTaxonomy
Four sources of packet delay
A propagation
processing queueing
1-133 Taxonomy
Delay in packet-switched networks
3. Transmission delay of link: 4. Propagation delay of
R=link bandwidth (bps)
d = length of physical link
L=packet length (bits)
s = propagation speed in
time to send bits into link =
1-134 processing queueing Taxonomy
The decentralized mode is used with packet-switched
networks which support multicast communications. (e.g,
LAN, intranet and the Internet).
A third mode known as the hybrid mode can also be
Fig 2.21
Why Quality of Service (QoS)?
QoS is the concept for specifying how “good” the
offered services are.
Quality of service is a concept based on the
Is retransmission required?