Experiences of Parents of Children With Disabilities in Peñafrancia Daraga, Albay
Experiences of Parents of Children With Disabilities in Peñafrancia Daraga, Albay
Experiences of Parents of Children With Disabilities in Peñafrancia Daraga, Albay
Region V
Division of Albay
Sagpon, Daraga, Albay
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
SY 2019-2020
Joshua Bermejo, Roselyn N. Belista, Mark Angelo Brillante, Kyla M. Lorilla, Shine Arneth R.
Maraño, Rodante M. Pabillar, Trisha Angela S. Nidea, Paolo M. Malate
Group 1; Joshua Bermejo, Roselyn N. Belista, Mark Angelo Brillante, Kyla M. Lorilla, Shine Arneth
R. Maraño, Rodante M. Pabillar, Trisha Angela S. Nidea, Paolo M. Malate in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for Practical research has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval
3 I’s Adviser
_____________________ _____________________
Member Member
_____________________ _____________________
Member Member
Research Coordinator
We wish to recognized the assistance and support extended by the following persons in the
The Daraga National High School for the privilege of being able to delve into the School files
Merle A. Lupo, Asst. Principal II, for the moral support and for not giving the researchers a
Edelyn M. Brizueala, HUMSS 4 3I’s adviser, whose encouragement and support gave focus
Lenie Lorayes-Lozares, our Practical Research 1 and 2 teacher, for the many times she has to
listen over and over to the account of our experiences and for never tiring of it and always
encouraging us to do more.
Our Parents, for their belief, financial assistance and unconditional love.
Thank You.
Authors: Joshua Bermejo, Roselyn N. Belista, Mark Angelo Brillante, Kyla M. Lorilla,
Shine Arneth R. Maraño, Rodante M. Pabillar, Trisha Angela S. Nidea, Paolo M.
Raising or parenting a child with disabilities is a challenge to most parents. The study explored
the experiences of parents of children with disabilities in Peñafrancia Daraga, Albay. Specifically, it
sought to identify the various experiences of parents of children with disabilities encounter at home,
school and community. This study was also identified the socio demographic profile of the
respondents and the type of children’s disabilities. Participants were parents, (30) females and (20)
males who were purposively being interviewed. A questionnaire was used for data collection. The
study uses interview in data collections. The findings revealed that parents encounter challenges at
home, school and community such as feeling of isolation, feeling of guilt, financial instability, scarcity
of time, fear and worry and the most challenges experienced by the parents was stress, however,
parents recounted the valuable nature of their dealing strategies including spiritual beliefs, keeping
focus, and hope in raising their children with disabilities. It is also revealed that the help they get from
the local government and other private sectors are not regular and some of them were totally don’t
received any assistance. The findings suggest the need for the development training programs which
will empower parents with knowledge to better partner with educators for the benefit of the child,
knowledge in parenting and livelihood programs to support themselves financially. To address these
challenges, government shall need to put in place policies which will look at the needs of parents of
children with disabilities. Local government and other private sectors should devise a wide range
Parents are among the most important people in million Filipino Children are living with
into a family and remains a lifelong family research on this subject has suggested varying
member. Among all the social institutions, for outcomes for families. In support of the view
example the church, the school and the that disability leads to negative outcomes, a
community, family is the most significant and couple of comparative studies have noted
is universally regarded as exerting the most greater stress in parents of children with
guidance and direction to children (Monk & & Stahmer, 2005; Dyson, 1997). Although
2005) that are associated with having a child Families of children with special needs face
with a disability. yet, rewards from having a both the normal pressures and tensions of
family member with a disability, such as family life and in addition, adjustments to the
personal and spiritual growth, have also been presence of a child with disability. Such family
negative family outcomes including added The study was designed to determine the
stress and parental depression has underpinned difficulties experienced by parents with
much of the research of the past three decades disabled children of Simon of Cyrene
(see Baxter, Cummins, & yiolitis, 2000; Peñafrancia Daraga, Albay. Participants are
parents, (30) females and (20) males who are Table 1: Socio Demographic Profile of the
Below 5,000 38 76 1.1 Table 1.1 indicates that the majority of the
5,000-10,000 9 18
10,000- 2 4 respondents were females comprising of 30
the respondents , that 10 or 20% of the total respondents were found Roman Catholic
half of the total respondents 23 or 46% 1.9 Table 1.9 shows the gender of children with
1.6 Table 1.6 shows the economic status of the parents children with disabilities were
the respondents earned 5,000 below which remaining 23 43% were found females.
is 38 or 76%, 9 or 18% of the respondents 1.10 Table 1.10 indicates the age bracket of
10,000-15,000 and the remaining 1 or 2% 12% fell in the 5-9 year age category, 11 or
of the respondents earned 15,000 above per 22% fell in the 10-14 year age category, the
1.7 Table 1.7 shows the educational attainment, 19 or 38%, 9 or 18% fell in the 20-24 year
that about 14 or 28% of the respondents age category, 3 or 6% fell in the 25-29 year
56% were educated up to secondary level, 7 fell in the 30-34 year age category.
Disability disability?
Autism 8 16 Heredity 1 2
Cleft Palate 3 6 By Birth 32 64
Cerebral 10 20 Acquired 17 34
Total 50 100
Palsy Table 3 shows the cause of child’s disability,
Muscular 1 2
that about 1 or 2% cause by heredity, 32 or
Down 1 2 64%, the most higher percentage were found
time prayers
Fear and 1 2 Patient 2 4
Total 50 100
worry Table 5 shows how parents deal with their
Total 50 100
Table 4 shows the challenges faced by the children with disabilities, that about 17 or 34%
parents of children with disabilities, that about of the total respondents deals by keeping the
9 or 18% of the total respondents faced feeling focus to their child (Setting aside your personal
of isolation, the most higher percentage was issues and prioritizing your child), 15 or 30%
stress which has 20 or 40% of the total were being a good listener, the second higher
respondents, 9 or 18% was feeling of guilt, percentage of the total respondents deals with
same with has challenges in financial instability their child’s disability through prayers or god’s
which also has 9 or 18%, 2 or 4% were scarcity grace and the remaining 2 or 4% were found
disability? assistance
Keep the 17 34
from the
(Setting aside
your personal
? If yes,
issues and
training or
your child)
Be a good 15 30 assistance it
is? muscular dystrophy and down syndrome. The
YES 25 50
Medical 7 14 study revealed that some children were born
government get by the parents of children with disability is manifested (Zilalem, 2002).
disabilities, that about half of the total Raising a child with disability is an
respondents respond yes which has 25 or 50%, experience which lives the parents with
this includes the following assistance namely, stress and a number of caregiving challenges.
medical assistance which has 7 or 14% of the From the research findings it has been revealed
total respondents that respond yes, 8 or 16% that the parents encounter a lot of challenges.
were found educational assistance, same with Some of the challenges they encounter include
financial assistance which also has 8 or 16% the following; social isolation, stress, feeling of
and the remaining 2 or 4% of the total guilt, financial instability, scarcity of time and
supply of goods, and the half of the total Mrs. Florida who had a child with autism had
respondents (50) respond no which also has 25 this to say “sometimes I’m blaming myself for
or 50%. the cause of my child’s disability, I tend to
The types of disability ranged from visual argue with my husband and start overthinking,
impairment, intellectual disability, mental start thinking negatively, but after a several
health condition, deaf and mute, physical time just like that I already control my
disability, autism, cleft palate, cerebral palsy, emotions and start thinking positive things and
attention he want” Beresford et al. (2007) some of them are supportive and some are not.
states that no matter how severe the special The families have enough challenges to
needs of the child are, the parents are overcome, to secure the support they need
inevitably affected in one way or the other. without also having to cope with prejudice and
He further states that parents often struggle isolation. They want the same things as other
with guilt; they feel as though they somehow families, they want to be included and
caused the child to be disabled, whether from supported by their communities and they want
genetics, alcohol use, stress or other logical or to enjoy time together and have fun. The
illogical reasons. This guilt can harm the parents of children with disabilities revealed
parent’s emotional health if it is not dealt that they sufferers from extreme tiredness and
with, some parents experience a spiritual stress due to the degree of the amount of care
crisis or blame the other parent may be for not needed by their children with disabilities,
giving the support which is needed. playing with them, feeding, clothing, bathing
their socializing time was no longer there, The interviews also revealed that parents of
because they now spent a lot of time with their children with disability also have financial
child with special needs can dig deeper into the children treat the children with special needs.
pocket of the parent. Raising a child with Some of the parents we’ve been interviewed
disability can be too expensive than raising a prefer to choose not to sent their child to school
normal or typical child. These expenses may to prevent some negative effect to their
arise from medical equipment and supplies children, because of the unequal treatment to
such as medical care, and care giving their child cause by negative attitudes by others
specialized transport or learning equipment . a need that government must train the teachers,
Most parents complained that they do not have communities of how to treat these children.
enough money for giving the child the right Negative attitudes and unequal treatment by
medication or for taking the child to the others should not be barriers which will make
hospital. When Mrs. Gina was asked to say these children with disability not to live a
some challenges she had faced as a parent of normal life. Parents of children with disability
children with special needs, she said “due to deals with the nature of their child’s disability,
financial problem we could not take our child some of them said that they deal with their
to the hospital for the second treatment, may child disability through resilience, keeping their
be that is why he died at a young age” another focus (setting aside their personal issues and
parent complained that they were not employed prioritizing their child), prayer or God’s grace,
so they were unable to give their children all keeping things in perspective, patient, courage
the medical attention they needed. Children and accepting the child as he/she is. The study
with special needs are discriminated, ridiculed revealed that resilience plays an important
and even somehow not considered in the role to the parents of children with disabilities.
community, when then choose people to Some of the parents said when they feel that
represent the community somewhere they are the burden is beyond them, they simply prayed
not considered. A majority of parents were not to God so that he can give them the strength
children with disabilities doubted if the help with disability needs to be supported by every
they were giving to their children is enough member of the society especially the
and they also doubted if the assistance their government itself.. Parents are all in view of
children get from teachers in the inclusive assistance provided by the government. When
schools was enough, because they felt that even asked if they ever received training from
the teachers were not properly trained for government or any financial assistance, some
teaching these kind of children. Parents and of them said that they get medical assistance,
educators should work hand in hand in educational assistance, financial assistance and
providing the child with the education they supply of goods, but again all the parents
deserves. Some parents said they were trying to claimed that this help from the government are
collaborate with teachers and others said that not regular, means to say that these help are
they prefer to teach their children personally given if there is an event or program in their
about some important matters of course with community for the children with disabilities
the guidance of educators. Parents need to be and when it is most needed by the child with
motivated to become involved in the education disability especially in terms of health problem
of their children. Parents play a crucial role in or condition. With these grants and financial
the education of their children. Parents know services assisted by the government they can
their children better and are able to inform continue their lives positively, as one of the
educators with their child’s learning capacity parents said, “even though the help are not
and problems. They can help teachers to given regulary, it help a lot, for my child with
understand their children better, they can give disability and for my family”.
allocate funds necessary for the success assisting their disabled children everyday. They
6. The government shall help the parents member of the family. Parents also need to be
of disabled children to be one of the trained or assisted with ways in which can help
grantees in Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino them to be better able to cope with their
Social Welfare and Development should work hand in hand in providing the
(DSWD) is the lead government agency education the child deserves. Government
of the 4Ps. For the parents to have a needs to support the the parents financially for
monetary support that can be indeed a their children. Local government and private
big help for them in raising their sectors should devise a wide range of
7. The government shall provide health for their children with disabilities.
Nationality: Filipino
Type: O
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Age: 17
16 Gender: Male
Occupation: Painter
S. Nidea
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Blood Type: A