Jacob (2012, p.259: Challenges Faced by Starbucks in Maintaining CSR CSR Implementation Cost
Jacob (2012, p.259: Challenges Faced by Starbucks in Maintaining CSR CSR Implementation Cost
Jacob (2012, p.259: Challenges Faced by Starbucks in Maintaining CSR CSR Implementation Cost
The issue of corporate social responsibility has turned out to be sufficiently pervasive in that the
amongst organizations. As indicated by Jacob (2012, p.259) CSR forms effective means of
mitigating new forms of risks emerging in a company. There exists no framework in which CSR
is any firm could be evaluated. Thus, CSR activities expose firms to challenges which are faced
in the process of working to meet the needs of other stakeholders. The essay looks into
challenges faced by Starbucks with regard to CSR. Starbucks was started in the year 1971 being
the first retail store which opened within Seattle’s Pike within United States of America. Howard
Scultz became part of Starbucks in the 1981and worked hard in formulating ideas which had the
potentiality of steering the restaurant forward. Presently, Starbuck has reached new heights of
success in terms of business expansion globally. Starbucks aims at offering better excellent
client services in maintaining firm’s reputation. All these have compelled Starbucks in venturing
The key challenge Starbucks faces with CSR is that it cost the company disproportionally in
ensuring that the company maintains service delivery in its budgetary allocations. The cost of
meeting CRS activities is huge and particularly in monitoring the activities which have been put
in place. The company is pressured by safety regulators to ensure that the firm looks into various
environmental degradations. In this scenario, the restaurant faces cost challenges which affect
key operations of the company. Starbucks has to cut its service and product delivery costs in
meeting CSR operations. The majorly affected stakeholders are the employees who at times
undertake pay-cut in order to make the restaurant meet its activities. The key impact related to
costs is that the firm sacrifices other essential activities which could have led to effective
CSR cost is an obstacle for Starbucks. At times, CRS exercises are futile. The management of
Starbucks has a fiduciary onus for its stakeholders. The Starbucks management is to ensure that
profit maximization. However, as result of CRS activities, managers have forsaken profits so as
to ensure that Starbucks benefits the society. In this state, Starbucks management encourage
managers to look into various alternatives of operations which are likely to make the company
have better operations meant to enable the restaurant generate profits as it engages in CSR
Green-washing challenges
Starbucks has been labelled all natural being a coffee restaurant. The company has been
experiencing push from various pressure groups to make Starbucks produce organic foods.
However, this is carrying particular meanings for various Stakeholders in meeting the daily
operations. Customers have often reacted positively to the green-washing services. However,
others have been worried whether Starbucks meets its CRS exercises with regard to the green-
washing operations. With this challenge, employees are required to look into various measures of
ensuring that the company meets its environmental obligations with the regard of food products
produced. Due to green-washing acts, shareholders are forced to undertake some losses in order
to meet all the needed requisites by the company. It is thus essential for Stakeholders to look into
various activities which are likely going to have impacts in its daily operations. Employees are
required to come up with ideas in terms of their service delivery that would make Starbucks to
continue offering services and products which are recommended with the environmental groups.
The company trains customer representations that get empowered in various ways to promote the
Starbucks brand images via creation of amazing client experiences. Thus, the company
undergoes additional costs in making sure that focus on green washing is attained.
Part Two
Jacob, C.K., 2012. The impact of financial crisis on corporate social responsibility and its