Handbook EPS1995 PDF
Handbook EPS1995 PDF
Handbook EPS1995 PDF
have done a commendable job in compiling the Handbook covering all the
relevant aspects relating to the implementation of Employees' Pension
Scheme, 1995.
I trust this Handbook will serve as a useful tool to the officers and staff
in the field offices as well as Headquarters office, who are dealing with the
n,,,-k ~viiiii:i::-~d with the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995. This publication
will also prove to be an instant means of reference to the members of the
Central Board of Trustees, Employees' Provident Fund.
Secretary (Labour),
Government of India,
& Chairman, Pension Implementation
Committee, C.B.T., Employees' Provident Fund.
2. Clarifications 27-50
I 24.
by persons taking up employment
Pension Fund Account
of the Employees' Pension Fund
after the Fund has been established
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 6A of the Employees' Provident Funds and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 (19 of 1952), the Central Government hereby makes the following
Scheme, namely;-
(1) This Scheme may be called the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995;
(2) (a) This Scheme shall come into force on 16th day of November, 1995;
(b) Subject to the provisions of this Scheme the employees have an option to become the
members of the Scheme with effect from the 1 st April, 1993 ;
(3) Subject to the provisions of Section 16 of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous
Provisions Act, 1952, this Scheme shall apply to the employees of all factories and other
establishments to which the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,
1952 applies or is applied under sub-section (3) or sub-section (4) of Section 1 or Section
3 thereof.
2. Definitions
(1) In this Scheme unless the context otherwise requires ;-
(i) "Act" means the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 (19
of 1952);
(ii) "actual service" means the aggregate of periods of service rendered from the 16th November,
1995 or from the date of joining any establishment whichever is later to the date of exit from
the employment of the establishment covered under the Act;
(iii) "Commissioner" means a Commissioner for Employees' Provident Funds appointed under
Section 5D of the Act;
(iv) "contributory service" means the period of 'actual service' rendered by a member for which
the contributions to the fund have been '[received or are receivable] ;
(v) "eligible member" means an employee who is eligible to join the "Employees' Pension
(vi) "Existing Member" means an existing employee who is a "Member of the Employees' Family
i Pension Scheme, 1971";
(vii) "Family" means
(i) wife in the case of male member of the Employees' Pension Fund;
(ii) husband in the case of a female member of the Employees' Pension Fund: and
(iii) sons and 2[***J daughters of a member of the Employees' Pension Fund;
1. . Subs. by G.S.R 134 dated 281h February 1996. for the word "received" (w.e.f 161h March 1996)
The word "unmarried" omitted. ibid (w.e.f, 16 th March, J996)
Explanation :
The expression "sons" and "daughters" shall include children '[legally adopted by the
(viii) "Pension" means the pension payable under the Employees' Pension Scheme and also includes
the family pension admissible and payable under the Employees' Family Pension Scheme,
1971 immediately preceding the commencement of the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995
with effect from the 161h November, 1995.
(ix) "Member" means an employee who becomes a member of the Employees' Pension Fund in
accordance with the provisions of this Scheme.
2Explanation :
An employee shall cease to be the member of Pension Fund from the date of attaining 58
years of age or from the date of vesting admissible benefits under the Scheme, whichever is
(x) "Non-Contributory Service" is the period of "actual service" rendered by a member for
which no contribution to the "Employees' Pension Fund" has been 3[received or are
recei vable]. I
"orphan" means a person, none of whose parents is alive 4[***].
"past service" means the period of service rendered by an existing member from the date
of joining Employees' Family Pension Fund till the 151h November, 1995.
(xiii) "Pay" means basic wages, with dearness allowance, retaining allowance and cash value
of food concessions admissible, if any.
(xiv) "Pension fund" means the Employees' Pension Fund set up under sub-section (2) of Section
6A of the Act.
(xv) "pensionable service" means the service rendered by the member for which contributions
have been' [received or are receivable].
S[(xvi) "permanent total disablement" means such disablement of permanent nature as
incapacitates an employee for all work which he/she was capable of performing at the time
of disablement, regardless whether such disablement is sustained in the course of
employment or otherwise;]
(xvii) "Table" means Tableappended to this Scheme.
(xviii) The words and expressions defined in the Act but not defined in this Scheme shall have'
the same meaning us assigned to them in the Act.
1. Subs. Ibid .. for "adopted by the member legally before death in service' (w.e.f. 16'h March, 1996).
2. Inserted by G.S.R. 66 dated 22nd February. 1999 (w.e.f. 6.3.99)
3. Subs. by.G.S.R. 134 dated the 28th February. 1996 for the word "received" (w.e.f. 16th March. 1996)
4. Certain words omitted, ibid (w.e.f, Ioth March. 1996).
5. Sub. by G.S.R. 134 dated the 28th February 1996. (w.e.r. 16th March. 19961
3. Employees' Pension Fund.
(1) From and out of the contributions payable by the employer in each month under Section 6
of the Act or under the rules of the Provident Fund of the establishment which is exempted
either under clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 17 of the Act or whose
employees are exempted under either paragraph 27 or paragraph 27-A of the Employees'
Provident Fund Scheme, 1952, a part of contribution representing 8.33 per cent of the
Employee's pay shall be remitted by the employer to the Employees' Pension fund within 15
days of the close of every month by a separate bank draft or cheque on account of the
Employees' Pension Fund contribution in such manner as may be specified in this behalf by
the Commissioner. The cost of the remittance, if any, shall be borne by the employer.
(2) The Central Government shall also contribute at the rate of 1.16 per cent of the pay of the
members of the Employees' Pension Scheme and credit the contribution to the Employees'
Pension Fund:
Provided that where the pay of the member exceeds '[rupees six thousand and five hundred]
per month the contribution payable by the employer and the Central Government be limited
to the amount payabl.: on his pay of rupees ~~ sa'I1louaadFiveHu.o.dred Oal,
(3) Each contribution payable under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be calculated to the nearest
rupee, fifty paise or more to be counted as the next higher rupee and fraction of a rupee less
than fifty paise to be ignored.
(4) The net assets of the Family Pension Scheme, 1971 shall vest in and stand transferred to the
Employees' Pension Fund.
~. Payment of contribution
(1) The employer shall pay the contribution payable to the Employees' Pension Fund m respect
s of 2[each member] of the Employees' Pension Fund employed by him directly or by or through
a contractor.
s (2) It shall be the responsibi lity of the principal employer to pay the contributions payable to the
~ Employees' Pension Fund by himself in respect of the employees directly employed by him
f t and also in respect of the employees employed by or through a contractor.
i 5. Recovery of damages for default in payment of any contributions
e (1) Where an employer makes default in the payment of any contribution to the Employees'
Pension Fund, or in the payment of any charges payable under any other provisions of the
Act or the Scheme, the Central Provident Fund Commissioner or such officer as may be
authorised by the Central Government, by notification in the Official Gazette, in this behalf,
may recover from the employer by way of penalty. damages at the rates given below :-
Subs. by G.S.R. - dated ~ 1st May. ~()OI for "rupees five thousand" (w.e.f, 1st June. 2001)
Subs. by G.S.R. 134 dated ~8th February. 96. for "the member" (w.e.f, 16th March. 1996)
Period of default Rate of damages
(Percentage of arrears per annum]
(a) Less than two months Seventeen
(b) Two months and above Twenty-two
but less than four months
(c) Four months and above Twenty-seven
but less than six months
(d) Six months and above Thirty-seven
(2) The damages shall be calculated to the nearest rupee, 50 paise or more to be counted as
the nearest higher rupee and fraction of a rupee less than 50 paise to be ignored.
1[6. Membership of the Employees' Pension Scheme
Subject to sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 1, the Scheme shall apply to every employee
(a) Who on or after the 16th November, 1995, becomes a member of the Employees' Provident
Fund Scheme, 1952, or of the Provident Funds of the factories and other establishments
exempted by the appropriate Government under section 17 of the Act, or in whose rase
exemption has been granted under paragraph 27 or 27-A of the Employees' Provident Fund
Scheme, 1952, from the date of such membership;
(b) Who has been a member of the ceased Employees' Family Pension Scheme, 1971 before
the commencement of this Scheme from 16th November, 1995;
(c) Who ceased to be a member of the Employees' Family Pension Scheme, 1971 between I"
April, 1993 and 15th November, 1995 and opts to exercise his option under Paragraph7;
(d) Who has been a member of the Employees' Provident fund or of Provident Funds of factories
and other establishments exempted by the appropriate Government under section 17 of the
Act or in whose case exemption has been granted under Paragraph 27 or 27 A of the
Employees' Provident Fund Scheme, 1952, on 15th November, 1995 but not being a member·
of the ceased Employees' Fami ly Pension Scheme, 1971 opts to exercise his option under
paragraph 7 J.
Explanation :
All employer shall cease to be the member of Pension Fund from the date (~f attaining
58 years of age or from the date of vesting admissible benefits under the Scheme,
whichever is earlier.
Z[6A. Retention of membership
A member of the Employees' Pension Fund shall continue to be suclt member till he
attains the age of 58 years or he avails the withdrawal benefit to whicb he is entitled.
under para 14 of the Scheme, or dies, or the pension is vested in him ill terms of para
12 of the Scheme, whichever is earlier.)
L Subs. by G.S.R.134 dated 28th February, 1996 (w.e.f. 16th March, 19%)
2. Ins. by G.S.R. 66, dated the 22nd February. 1999 (w.e.f. 6th March. 1999)
1[7. Option for joining the Scheme.
(1) Members referred to under sub-para (c ) of Paragraph 6 who have died between 151April,
1993 and 151hNovember, 1995 shall be deemed to have exercised the option of joining the
Scheme on the date of his death.
(2) Members referred to in sub-paragraph (c ) of paragraph 6 who are alive shall have the option
to join the Scheme as per the provisions of paragraph 17 from the date of exit from the
(3) Members referred to in sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph 6 shall have the option to join the
Scheme as per the provisions of Paragraph 17 from 16th November, 1995.]
ted as
8. Resolution of doubts.
If any doubt arises whether an employee is entitled to become a member of the Employees' Pension
Fund, the same shall be referred to the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner who shall decide
the same:
ments Provided that both the employer and the employee shall be heard before passing final order in the
e case matter.
t Fund
9. Determination of eligible service.
oeforc The eligible service shall be determined as follows:
(a) In the case of "new entrant" the "actual service" shall be treated as eligible service. The total
een IS1 actual service shall be rounded off to the nearest year. The fraction of service for six months
'aph7: or more shall be treated as one year and the service less than six months shall be ignored.
of the Explanation :
of the In the case of employees employed seasonally in any establishment the period of "actual
iember service" in any year, notwithstanding that such service is less than a year shall be treated
under as a full year.
(b) In the ease of the "existing member" the aggregate of actual service and the 'past service'
shall be treated as eligible service.
aining Provided that if there is any period in the "past service" for which the contributions towards
iheme. the Family Pension Scheme, 1971 has not been received, the said period shall count as eligible
service only ifthe contributions thereof have been received in the Employees' Pension Fund. -
Explanation :
till he
For tile purpose of this sub-paragraph the total past service for less than six months shall
be ignored and the total past service for six months and above shall be rounded to a year.
Subs. by G.S.R. 114 dated the 28th February. 1996 (w.e.f. 16th March. 1996)
10. Determinatio.n of Pensi~nable Service. .. . f
(1) The pensionable service of the member shall be determined with reference to the contnbutions I'.,.
I [received or receivable] on his behalf in the Employees' Pension Fund. •
(2) In the case of the member who superannuates on attaining the age of 58 years, and/or who'
has rendered 20 years pensionable service or more, his pensionable service shaIl be increased I
by adding a weightage of 2 years. ~•.
"[Provided that if a member was not in receipt of full pay during the period of twelve
months preceding the day he ceased to be the member of Pension Fund, the average of
previous 12 months full pay drawn by him during the period for which contribution to
the pension fund was recovered, shall be taken into account as pensionable salary for
calculating pension}
(2) If during the said span of 12 months there are non-contributory periods of service including
cases where the member has drawn salary for a part of the month, the total wages during
the 12 months span shall be divided by the actual number of days for which salary has been i
drawn and the amount so derived shall be multiplied by 30 to work out the average monthly
(3) The maximum pensionable salary shall be limited tofive thousand rupees per month.
4[Provi?ed that if at the oPti.on of the employer and employee, cont~ib~tion paid on salary f'"
exceeding Rs 5,000/- per month from the date of commencement ot this Scheme or from' .
the date salary exceeds Rs. 5000/- whichever is later, and 8.33 per cent share of the
employers thereof is remitted into the Pension Fund, pensionable salary shall be based on
such higher salary.
rr who
Monthly member's pension = Pensionable salary X Pensionable service
(3) In the case of an employee 2[who was a member of the ceased Family Pension Scheme,
piece- 1971] and who has not attained the age of 48 years on the 16th November, 1995 :
.ng the
Superannuation/retirement/short service pension shall he equal to the aggregate of ;-
(a) Pension as determined under sub-paragraph (2) for the period of pensionable service renderer
from the 16th November, 1995 or Rs 635/- per month whichever is more;
age of
'ion to 3[(b) Past service pension benefit shall be as given below :- -
'ry for The past service benefit payable on completion of 58 years of age on 16.11,95
subject to a minimum of Rs. 800/- per month provided the past service is 24 years. If the aggregate
service of the member is less than 24 years, the pension and the benefits computed as above shall be
reduced proportionately subject to a minimum of Rs. 450/- per month]
tires on '
<I[ (c) On completion of the age of 58 years after 16-11-95, the benefit under column (2) or column
tires or ; (3) above. as the case may be shall be multiplied by the factor given in Table B corresponding
to the period between 16-11-95 and date of attainment of age 58 to arrive at past-service
• pension payable.]
ss than
I. Certain words omitted by G.S.R. 134 dated the 281h February, 1996 (w.e.f. 161h March 1996)
Subs. by G.S.R. 134 dated the 28.1, February. 1996 (w.e.f 16110 March 1996).
I . Subs. by G.S.R. 134. dated the 28'" February, 1996 (w.e.f 16'" March 1996).
Ins. ibid. (w.e.f. 16'" March 199(,).
(4) In the case of an employee '[who was a member of the ceased Family Pension Scheme, 1~71]
and has attained the age of 48 years but less than 53 years on the 16,thNovember, 11995, the
superannuation/retirement pension shall be equal to the aggregate of : -
(a) pension as determined under sub-paragraph (2) for tne period of service rendered from the
16th November, 1995 or Rs. 438/- per month whichever is more;
(b) past service benefit as provided in sub-paragraph (3) subject to a minimum of Rs. 600/- per
month provided the past service is 24 years. Provided further that if it is less than 24 years
the pension payable and the past service benefits taken together shall be proportionately less
subject to the minimum of Rs. 325/- per month.
(5) In the case of an employee 2[who was a member of the' ceased P~~~!~' ?~!"!~!~!"!Scheme, !971)"~d
who has attained the age of 53 years or more on the 16th November, 1995, the superannuation/
retirement pension shall be equal to the aggregate of :
(a) pension as determined under sub-paragraph (2) for the period of service rendered from the
16th November, 1995 per month or Rs.335/- per month whichever is more.
(b) Past service benefits provided in sub-paragraph (3) subject to the minimum of Rs. 500/- per
month, provided the past service is 24 years. Provided further that if it is less than 24 years
the pension payable and the past service benefits shall be proportionately lesser but subject
to the minimum of Rs. 265/- per month.
(6) Except as otherwise expressly provided hereinafter the monthly members pension under sub-
paragraphs (2) to (5) mentioned herein above, as the case may be, shall be payable from a date
immediately following the date of completion of 58 years of age notwithstanding that the member
has retired or ceased to be in the employment before that date.
(7) A member, if he so desires, may be allowed to draw monthly reduced pension from a date earlier
than 58 years of age but not earlier than 50 years of age. In such cases, the amount of pension
shall be reduced at the rate of 3[three per cent for every year the age falls short of 58 years].
(8) If a member ceases to be in the employment by way of retirement or otherwise earlier than the
date of superannuation from which pension can be drawn, the member may, on his option, either
be paid pension as admissible under this Scheme on attaining the age exceeding 50 years or he
may be issued a scheme certificate by the Commissioner indicating the pensionable service, the
pensionable salary and the amount of pension due on the date of exit from the employment. If hel
she is subsequently employed i~ an establishment coverable under this Scheme, his/her earlier service
as per the scheme certificate shall be reckoned for pension along with the fresh spell of pensionable
service. The member postponing the commencement of payment of pension under this paragraph
shall also be entitled to additional relief sanctioned under this Scheme from time to time:
1. Subs. by G.S.R. 134 dated the 28,h February, 1996 (w.e.f. 16'h March 1996)
2 Subs. byG.S.R. 134, dated the 28'h February, 1996 (w.e.f 16'h March, 1996)
3. Subs. by G.S.R. 134, dated the 28,h February. 1996b (w.e.f, 16'hMarch, 1996).
l] Provided that if the member does not take up an employment coverable under this Scheme, but
dies before attaining the age of 58 years, the amount of contributions received in his Case shall
be converted into a monthly widow pension/children pension. The widow pension in such cases
shall be calculated at the scale laid down in Table 'C' and the children pension at 25 per cent
thereof for each child (upto two). If there is no widow then the orphan pension shall be payable
at the rate of 75 per cent of the amount which would have been payable as a widow pension
~r subject to the provisions of the paragraph 16.
rs I
I Explanation :
If for example, the normal pension under paragraph 12 is Rs. 600, and the pensioner opts
to commute one third of his monthly pension, the commuted value will be equal to 1/3
x 600 x 100 = Rs.20,000 and the same shall be paid at the time of exercise of option for
commutation. The balance of pension payable on monthly basis is Rs. 400.
Options for return of capital.
)- (1) A member eligible to pension may, in lieu of pension normally admissible under paragraph 12,
te 2[subject to commutation of pension, if any, under paragraph 12A] opt to draw for reduced
pension and avail of return of capital under anyone of the three alternatives given below :-
S.No. Alternatives Revised pension payable Amount payable as
return of capital
n 1. Revised pension 90% of original 100 times the original
during life time of monthly pension monthly pension on
e member with return of death of member to the
:r capital on his death. nominee.
e 2. Revised pension during 90% of original 90 times the original
the life time of member, monthly pension monthly pension on
further reduced pension to the member. On death of widow/
e during life time of____ __ his death 80% of remarriage to the
e the widow or her the original nominee.
h remarriage whichever monthly pension
is earlier and to the widow.
return of capi talon
Widow's death/re-marriage.
Ins. by G .S.R. 134, dated the 28 February, 1996 (w.e.f. 16th March, 1996)
Ins: by. G.S.R. 134, dated the 28th February, 1996 (w.e.f 16'h March, 1996)
S.No. Alternatives Revised pension Amount payable
payable as return of Capital
3. Pension for a fixed 87.5% of the 100 times the original
period of 20 years original monthly monthly pension at the end
notwithstanding pension for a fixed of 20 years from the
whether the member period of 20 years. date of commencement
lives for that period The pension wiIl of pension to the member
or not. cease thereafter. if he is ali ve, otherwise
to his nominee.
Explanation 1.
In alternative 2, if the '[spouse] dies or remarries before the death of member, capital equal to
times the original monthly pension shall be paid to the nominee on the member's death.
Explanation 2.
In alternative 3, if the member dies before the end of 20 year period, the pension shall be
to his nominee for the balance period.
Explanation 3.
In the case of a member who is eligible for permanent total disablement pension, and where
payment of such pension is to commence before his attaining the age of 50 years the options
also be admissible but in such cases the actual pension payable shall be reduced by 1% and
return of capital shall be further reduced by Rs. 1,000/- for every year by which the age at
commencement of pension falls short of 50 years.
2[Expiallation 4.
In cases of exercise of option for commutation under paragraph 12A, balance monthly pen'
payable after commutation shall be deemed to be the original monthly pension for the purpose
this paragraph.]
(2) The option under sub-paragraph (1) shall be exercised by the member at the time of submissi
of the application form for pension in accordance with the provisions of this Scheme. The opti
once exercised shall be final. If no option is exercised, the member shall be deemed not to
exercised any option under this paragraph and his/her pension shall be determined under
provisions of paragrapn12:- -- - .
(3) Notwithstanding that the capital is returned under this paragraph the widow/children shall
to be eligible for normal widow pension/children pension/orphan pension under paragraph 16 of
Scheme from the date immediately following the date of death of the; member. .
1. Sub';. by G.S.R. 134. dated the 28,h February. 1996 (w.e.f 16,h March 1996).
2. Ins. Ibid. ( we.f. 16'h March 1996).
Benefits on leaving service before being eligible for monthly member's pension.
(1) If a member has not rendered the eligible service prescribed in 'paragraph I [9] on the date
of exit, or on attaining 58 years of age whichever is earlier, he/she shall be entitled to a
withdrawal benefit as laid down in Table 'D' or may opt to receive the scheme certificate
provided on the date he/she has not attained the 58 years of age:
Provided that an existing member shall receive additional return of contributions for his/her
past service under the Employees' Family Pension Scheme, 1971 computed as withdrawal-
cum-retirement benefits as per Table 'A' multiplied by the factor given in Table 'B'.
(ii) in the cases covered by clause (b) of sub-paragraph 0), equal to the monthly member's
pension which would have been admissible as if the member had retired on the date of
exit or l[Rs. 450/- per month] or the amount indicated in Table 'C' whichever is more.
(m) in the cases covered by clause (c ) of sub-paragraph (1), equal to 50 per cent of the
monthly member's pension payable to the member on the date of his death subject to
a minimum of l[Rs. 450/- per month.]
2[(iv)in all the cases, where the amount of family pension sanctioned under the
Ceased Family Pension Scheme, 1971 and is paid/payable under this scheme is
less than Rs. 450/- per month, the amount of family pension in such cases shall
be enhanced to Rs. 450/- per month.]
(b) the monthly widow pension shall be payable upto the date of death of the widow or remarriage
whichever is earlier.
Note:- In cases where there are 2 or more widows, family pension shall be payable to the eldest
surviving widow. On her death it shall be payable to the next surviving widow, if any. The
term "eldest" would mean seniority with reference to the date of marriage.
, (4) (a) If the deceased member is not survived by any widow but i~ survived by children falling
.te of within the definition of family or if the widow pension is not payable, the!children shall
-ct to
II be entitled to a monthly orphan pension equal to 75 per cent of the amount of the
monthly widow pension as payable under sub-paragraph (2) (a) (i) provided that
minimum monthly orphan pension for each orphan shall not be less than I[Rs. 250/- per
(b) In the event of death or remarriage of the widow/widower after sanctioning of widow/
. the widower pension the children shall be entitled in lieu of the monthly children pension,
ne is to a monthly orphan pension from the date following the date of death/remarriage of the
shall widow/widower.
2[~r.) Thf" monthly orph:m pension shall be admissible to a maximum of 2 orphans at a time
riage and shall run in order from the oldest to the youngest orphan.]
(5) (a) A member who is not married or who does not have any living spouse and/or an eligible
child may nominate a person to receive benefits as laid down hereinafter provided that
-ldest in the event of his/her acquiring a family subsequently, the nomination so made shall
. The become void. In the event of death of the member such a nominee shall be entitled to
receive a monthly pension equal to the monthly widow pension, as admissible under
sub-clauses (i) and (ii) of clause (a) of sub-paragraph (2).
3[(aa). If a member dies leaving behind no spouse and/or an eligible child falling
nition within the definition of family and no nomination by such deceased member
mthly exists, the widow pension shalt be paid under sub-clauses (i) and (ii) of clause
(a) of sub-paragraph 2 either to dependent father or dependent mother as the
nount case may be. On grant of Pension to such dependant father and in the event of
.nsion death of the father pensioner, the admissible pension shall be extended to the
msion surviving mother life long.]
onth.] (b) If the deceased member had not rendered pensionable service on the date of exit from
the employment which would have made him entitled to a monthly members pension
under paragraph 12, but had opted to retain the membership of this Scheme under sub-
a time paragraph (8) of paragraph 12, 4[~henominee or the dependant father or the
dependant mother as the case may be] shall be entitled to return of capital as
ho is provided in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 13.
ed to '[16A. Guarantee of pensionary benefits
ry be, None of the pensionary benefits under the Scheme shall be denied to any member or
o the .. beneficiary for want of compliance of the requirement by the employer under sub-paragraph
(1) of paragraph 3 provided, however, that the employer shall not be absol ved of his liabilities
under the Scheme.]
1. Subs. by G.S.R. 41 dated 12thJanuary 2000 (w.e.f. 29th January, 2000)
2. Ins. by G.S.R. 134, dated the 28lh February, 1996 (w.e.f 16th March 1996).
1 Inserted by G.S.R. 66 dated 22nd February, 1999. (w.e.f 6.3.99)
4. Sub. by G.S.R. 66 dated 22nd February, 1999 (w.e.f 6.3.99)
S. Inserted by G.S.R. 134 dated the 28th February 96 (w.e.f. 16lh March 1996)
1[17. Payments on exercise of option
(1) Beneficiaries of the deceased members of Employees' Famify Pension Scheme, referred to
in sub-para (1) of paragraph 7, shall receive higher of the benefits available under the
Employees' Family Pension Scheme, 1971 and under this Scheme. .
(2) Members referred to in sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 7 shall have the option to join the
Scheme by returning the amount of withdrawal benefit received, if any, together with interest
at the rate of 8.5% per annum from the date of payment of such withdrawal benefit and date.
of exercise of the option, to receive monthly pension as per the provisions of this Scheme.
(3) Members referred to in sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 7 shall be deemed to have joined
the ceased Employees' Family Pension Scheme, 1971, with effect from 1.3.1971 on remittance
of past period contribution with interest thereon.].
2[17A. Payment of Pension
The claims, complete in all respects submitted along with the requisite documents shall be.
settled and benefit amount paid to the beneficiaries within thirty days from the date of its
receipt by the Commissioner. If there is any deficiency in the claim, the same shall be recorded
in writing and communicated to the applicant within thirty days from the date of receipt of
such application. In case the Commissioner fails without sufficient cause to settle a claim
complete in all respects within thirty days, the Commissioner shall be liable for the delay
beyond the said period and penal interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum may be,
charged on the benefit amount and the same may be deducted from the salary of the
Commissioner. ]
18. Particulars to be supplied by the employees already employed at the time of commencement
of the Employees' Pension Scheme
Every person who is entitled to become a member of the Employees' Pension Fund shall be asked"
forthwith by his employer to furnish and that person shall, on such demand, furnish to him for.
communication to the Commissioner particulars concerning himself and his family in the form
prescribed by the Central Provident Fund Commissioner.
19. Preparation of Contribution Cards
The employer shall prepare an Employees' Pension Fund Contribution Card in respect of each'
employee who has become a member of the Employees' Pension Fund.
20. Duties of Employers.
(1) Every employer shall send to the Commissioner within three months of the commencement
.~- "
of thiifSch-eme, a consolidated return of the employees entitled to become members 'of the
Employees"Pension Fund showing the basic wage, retaining allowance, if any, and dearness]
allowance including the cash value of any food concession paid to each of such employees;'
Provided that if there is no employee who is entitled to become a member of the
Employees' Pension Fund, the employer shall send a "Nil" return.
1. Subs. by G.S.R. 134, dated the 28'h February, 1996 (w.e.f 16'h March, 1996).
~ ~
2. Ins. by G.S.R. 376 dated the 27 October, 1997 (w.e.f, 8 November. 1997)
'erred tol
! (2) Every employer shall send to the Commissioner within fifteen days of the close ofeach month
a return in respect of the employees leaving service of the employer during the preceding
ider thef month.
Provided that if there is no employee leaving service of the employer during the preceding
join the r month the employer shall send a "NIL" return.
interest I (3) Every employer shall maintain such accounts in relation to the amounts contributed by him to
md date I the Employees' Pension Fund as the Central Board may, from time to time, direct and it shall
)C.h~me·r be the duty of every employer to assist the Central Board in making such payments from the
Employees' Pension Fund to his employees as are sanctioned by or under the authority of
ruttance II the Central Board.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this paragraph, the Central Board may issue such
directions to the employers generally, as it may consider necessary or expedient, for the
purpose of implementing the Scheme, and it shall be the duty of every employer to carry
out such directions.
le of its
ecorded 21. Employer to furnish particulars of ownership.
ceipt of Every employer in relation to a factory or other establishment to which the Act applies or is
a claim applied hereafter shall furnish to the Commissioner particulars of all the branches and departments,
e delay owners, occupiers, directors, partners, managers or any other person or persons who have the
nay be ultimate control over the affairs of such factory or establishment and also send intimation of any
of the change in such particulars, within fifteen days of such change, to the Commissioner by registered
24. Declaration by persons taking up employment after the Fund has been established
The employer shall before taking any person into employment, ask himther to state in writing Ulh.F>th ••
or not he is a member of the Employees' Pension Fund and, if he/she is, also ask himlher to
a copy of the Scheme Certificate issued by the Commissioner to him/her in respect qf the
employment in terms of paragraph 12 as the case may be. If the person concerned was not i
employment previously or had availed of return of contribution in respect of his/her pre
employment, he/she shall, on demand by the employer, furnish to him, for communication to
Commissioner particulars concerning himlherself and his/her family in the Form prescribed by
Central Provident Fund Commissioner.
25. Employees' Pension Fund Account
T~~ ~~~vui'~':'a~~vJ
i.il~ "Einpioyees' Pension Fund Account" shall be opened by the COImlnISl)IOlrteli
in such manner as may be specified by the Central Board with the approval of Central
lhed 30. Audit
The accounts of the Employees' Pension Fund including the administrative expenses incurred in
running this Scheme shall be audited in accordance with the instructions issued by the Central
Government in consultation with Comptroller and Auditor-General of India.
las not i .
31. Rounding up of the Benefits
All items of benefits shall be calculated to the nearest rupee, 50 paise or more to be counted as
ion to th
the next higher rupee and fraction of a rupee less than 50 paise shall be ignored.
led by th
32. Valuation of the Employees' Pension Fund and review of the rates of contributions and
quantum of the pension and other benefits
1[(1) The Central Government shall have an annual valuation of the Employees' Pension Fund made
/emmen by a Valuer appointed by it.]
(2) At any time, when the Employees' Pension Fund so permits the Central Government may
alter the rate of contributions payable under this Scheme or the scale of any benefit admissible
under this Scheme or the period for which such benefit may be given.
33. Disbursement of Pension and other benefits.
The Commissioner shall with the approval of the Central Board enter into arrangement for the
ion Fun
disbursement of pension and other benefits under this Scheme with disbursing agencies like Post
e Central
Offices or Nationalised Banks or Treasuries. The commission payable to the disbursing agencies
and other charges incidental thereto shall be met as provided in paragraph 27 of this Scheme.
34. Registers, Records, etc.
The Commissioner shall, with the approval of the Central Board, prescribe the registers and records
to be maintained in respect of the employees, the form or design of any identity card, token or disc
for the purpose of identifying any employee or his nominee or a member of a family entitled to
receive the pension and such other forms/formalities as have to be completed in connection with
the grant of pension and other benefits or for the continuance thereof subject to such periodical
verfication as may be considered necessary.
35. Power to issue directions.
The Central Government may issue, such directions as may be deemed just and proper by it for
resolving any difficulty in the disbursement of pension and other benefits or for resolving any difficulty
in implementation of this Scheme.
36. Regional Committee •.--· '\
The Regional Committee set up under paragraph 4 of the Employees' Provident Fund Scheme,
1952, shall advise the Central Board, on such matters, in relation to the administration of this
Scheme as the Central Board may refer to it from time to time and in particular, on - -
. (a) progress of recovery of contributions under this Scheme both from factories and
establishments exempted under Section 17 of the Act and other factories and establishments
covered under the Act.
I. Subs. by G.S.R. 134, dated the 28th February, 1996 (w.e.f 16th March 1996)
(b) expeditious disposal of prosecutions.
(c) Speedy settlement of claims relating to pension and other benefits under this Scheme.
41. Interpretation.
Where any doubt arises with regard to the interpretation of the provisions of this Scheme, it shall
be referred to the Central Government who shall decided the same.
(See Paragraph 14)
1[(See Paragraphs 12 and 14)]
Less than 1
I Less than 2
Less than 3
Less than 4
Less than 5
Less than 6 1.689
Less than 7 1.858
Less than 8 2.044
Less than 9 2.248
Less than 10 2.473
Less than 11 2.720
Less than 12 2.992
Less than 13 3.292
Less than 14 3.621
Less than 15 3.983
Less than 16 4.381
Less than 17 4.819
Less than 18 5.301
Less than 19 5.810
Less than 20 6.414 "
SUbs. by G.S.R. 134, dated the 28'h February, 1996 (w.e.f 16'h March. 1996).
(See Paragraph 16)
Salary at day of Equivalentwidow pension
death not more than
(1) (2)
(Rupees) (Rupees)
Upto 300 250
400 343
450 359
500 375
550 391
600 408
650 425
700 442
750 159
800 476
850 493
900 510
950 527
1000 544
1050 561
1100 578
1150 595
1200 612
1250 629
1300 646
1350 664
1400 682
T45(f·-. 700 ,
1500 718
1550 736
1600 754
1650 772
1700 797
1750 808 Contd.l-
Salary at day of Equivalent widow pension
death not more than Rs. Rs.
1800 826
1850 844
1900 862
1950 880
2000 898
2050 916
2100 935
2150 954
2200 973
2250 992
2300 1011
2350 1030
2400 1049
2450 1068
2500 1087
2550 1106
2600 1125
2650 1144
2700 1163
2750 1182
2800 1201
2850 1221
2900 1241
2950 1261
3000 1281
3050 1301
3100 1321
3150 1341
3200 1361
3250 1381
3300 1401
3350 1421
3400 1441
3450 1461
3500 1481
Note: In the case of employees drawing wages above Rs. 3500 p.m. the widow pension shall be
increased by Rs. 20 p.m for every increase in wages of Rs. 50 or part thereof subject to the
maximum ofRs. 1750/-
(Return of contribution on exit from the employment)
(See Paragraph 14)
1 1.02
2 2.05
3 3.10
4 4.18
5 5.28
6 6.40
I 7.54
8 8.70
9 9.88
o the
SCHEME, 1995
o D.
[PARA 6; PARA 7 & PARA 171
(v) In cases where the establishment was covered from a retrospective date, the E.P.E contri
is also collected from a retrospective date whereas contribution to the E:EP.S, 1971 was rec:ov'ere:c:t.[P.I
only from the prospective date i.e., from the date of issue of coverage letter. In such cases, al
the employees of that establishment become members of EPF from the date of coverage,
membership to the EFPS, 1971 was treated only from the prospective date (i.e. from the date
issue of coverage letter). Accordingly, the benefits under the EFPS, 1971 are also admissible
reference to his membership to the EFPS, 1971.
In a related case the Gujarat High Court decided the issue and as per the operative part of
judgement, an employee becomes family pension fund member w.e.f. the date he becomes eli
to contribute to the P.E under the E.P.F. Scheme, 1952. In view of this, on option, necessar
diversion may be made from the P.E accumulations from the date the member becomes
to contribute to the E.P.F. (Le. for the pre-discovery period). After such diversion the
would become eligible for Monthly Pension benefits under the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1
with reference to the date from which the employee became member of the EPE
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:Pensionl2/4/Clarificationl97, dated 7UtApril, 1998]
(vi) A PF member who retired between 1.4.1993 and 15.11.1995 and got his P.E account settled
was not a member of the erstwhile Employees' Family Pension Scheme, 1971 .is not eligible to
exercise his option in favour of the E.F.P.S, 1971lEmployees' Pension Scheme, 1995
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:2(4)Clarificationl96, dated 17thJuly, 1996.]
Ithough Minimum pension provided for in sub-para (3), (4) and (5) of Para 12 would be applicable in
e, their ~pect of retirees who will be availing their pension on attaining 58 years of age. The same consideration
date of ~iJl not be extendable to premature retirees who are applying for early pension. In their cases,
-le with otwithstanding their age, they will be clubbed with the current retirees and their claims settled in
~cordance therewith on par following the provision of sub-para (5) under Para 12 i.e. allowing uniform
~inimum pension of Rs.500 in every case without eo-relating to their age group from the equity point
t of the
(view as clarified in the table indicated below:
cessary I
ough Minimum pension provided for in sub-para (3), (4) and (5) of Para 12 would be applicable in
their respect of retirees who will be availing their pension on attaining 58 years of age. The same consideration
te of will not be extendable to premature retirees who are applying for ear1y pension. In their cases,
with notwithstanding their age, they will be clubbed with the current retirees and their claims settled in
accordance therewith on par following the provision of sub-para (5) under Para 12 i.e. allowing uniform
minimum pension of Rs.500 in every case without eo-relating to their age group from the equity point
view as clarified in the table indicated below:
1995 Rs. Rs. Rs.
50 500 120 380
51 500 105 395
52 500 90 4LO
53 500 75 425
54 500 60 440
55 500 45 455
56 500 30 470
57 500 15 485
58 500 500
In case a member desires to draw Reduced Pension before completion of the age of 58 years, he
be granted pension if he is otherwise eligible but subject to the condition that he is not continuing
The drawl of early pension under para 12(7), earlier to attaining the age of 58 years is linked to
conditionaJities, namely:
1. Exit from service; and
2. Express desire indicated by the member to draw reduced pension after discounting at prescri
It will therefore, be appropriate to regulate it strictly in accordance with the desire/choice
by the member and any decision for regulating it administratively either following the date of
or date of filing the application form will be relatively arbitrary and may not suit every
requirement. Since the payment of early pension involves financial implications in the form of
arrears if allowed retrospectively and permitting higher pension prospectively for a longer
of time besides other preferences of the member, it will be inappropriate to follow any
determined process in this regard rather allowing it to be regulated in accordance with the
being expressed by the member concerned.
It is, therefore, felt that you may ascertain the position properly from the member
Endeavor may be made for providing a column in the application form itself to indicate this pas;t.
by the member concerned while applying for sanction of early pension. In an event, when in
of asking, the member concerned has not indicated any specific choice, date of application
be treated as the date from which the early pension is to be paid.
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:Pension-In(2)98/CEPSlPt, dated 11th March, 1999.]
As per para 12(7), the pension shall be reduced @ 3% for every year the age falls short
years. Reduced Pension is to be calculated on diminishing balance.
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:Pensionl2(4)/Clarificationl96, dated 24th January, 1997.]
A member exit from service on voluntary retirement scheme before attaining the age of 50
if so desires, may draw a monthly reduced pension from a date earlier than 58 years of age
earlier than the 50 years of age subject to application of reduction factor as prescribed in Para
of Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 .
. [C.P.F.C.'s circular No:PensionlClarification!95, dated 29'h January, 1996.]
ON 16..11.1995 - CLARIFICATION
The factual legal position as actuarially conceived regarding paragraph 12(3), (4) & (5) of the EPS,
)995, is as under.-
Sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of paragraphs 12(3), 12(4) and 12(5) are to be read independent of
the words "subject to a minimum of Rs.800/-", "subject to a minimum of Rs.600/-" and "subject to
a minimum of Rs.500/-" provided the past service is 24 years. In other words, a person will be entitled
10 a minimum pension of Rs.800/-, Rs.600/- or Rs.500/-, as the case may be, only if:
0) On the date of his superannuation on attaining the age ot 58 years, he had rendered 24 years of
service; and
(Ji) The aggregate of (a) and (b) under paragraphs 12(3), 12(4) and 12(5), as the case may be, is less
than the prescribed minimum of Rs.800/-, Rs.600/- or Rs.500/- as the case may be.
In case the past service, i.e. eligible service on the date of attaining 58 years of age is less than
24 years of service, pension (i.e. pension according to formula) and the benefit (i.e. the past service
'ED benefit) will be reduced proportionately and in such cases, the minimum pension and past service
benefit taken together will be Rs.450/- p.m., Rs.325/- p.m. and Rs.265/- p.m. respectively.
This may be treated as interpretation of the provisions of paragraph 12 decided by the Central
Government under paragraph 41 of the EPS, 1995.
[Ministry of Labour letter No.R-15025/01/99-SSII, dated 10th May, 1999 circulated vide C.P.F.C.'s circular
No:PensionlI2/33IEPS/Amendmentl96, dated 11th/17thMay, 1999.]
Following further clarification with appropriate examples are issued with regard to computation of
Monthly Member Pension and in regulating the quantum of Pension amount payable under para 12(3)
to 12(5) of E.P.S., 1995 :
1.1 As per Rule 12(2) Future Service Pension to be calculated (say FPEN). If FPEN is more than the
minimum prescribed (e.g., 635/438/335 as the case may be),then FPEN will not beincreased.
If FPEN is less than the-Minimum, then FPEN will be increased to the Minimum.
1.6 Total Service == Family Pension Scheme Service + Employees' Pension Scheme Service (Say T
If TS is 24 years and above then MPEN is the Pension Payable. '
If TS is less than 24 years then Pension Payable == MPEN x TSI24. •
2.1 Sub-paragraph (a) & (b) of Para 12(3), 12(4), 12(5) are independent of the minimum pensi
proviso clause, as clarified by Government. That if "Total Pension" is more than "Minimu •
Aggregate Pension" then "Total Pension" shall be payable notwithstanding the period of servi
rendered. In such a case linkage of 24 years service requirement and proportionate reductions
the service is less than 24 years will not be relevant. The aggregate of (a) & (b) being equal
or more than the minimum prescribed in the proviso clause as the case may be, shall be payab] 3)
2.2 Aggregate minimums prescribed under proviso clause of Para 12(1\ I ?(d). 12~5) i.e. R:;.~QO,' 3
Rs.600/- or Rs.500/- as the case may be, are payable only if the following conditions are sausned
I Eligible Service = Actual Service + Past Service
21 + 1 = 22 years 178 + 335 = 513 Since the aggregate of (a) & (b) is more than
21 + 2 = 23 years 196 + 335 = 531 the minimum aggregate Pension of Rs. 500/-,
21 + 3 = 24 years 216 + 335 = 551 proportionate reduction will not apply even if
ension -" -.~----. -
_. the eligible service is less than 24 years.
"Tot Accordingly aggregate of (a) & (b) as
calculated shall be payable.
For "Y" Category
ible. •. 21 + 1 = 22 years* 157 + 335 = 492 500 X 22124 = 458*
:Iigibl 21 + 2.= 23 years 173 + 335 = 508 Proportionate reduction not applicable
• *In the case of 22 years of eligible service for "Y" category Rs. 458/- will be payable.
• In the case of 23 years of eligible service Rs. 508/- will be payable,
( Please see and be guided as clarified under 2.4)
3.2) Example 2 :-
Past Service 12 years
Pensionable Service 5 years
Eligible Service 12 + 5 = 17 years
Age at Exit 58 years
Pensionable Salary Rs.5000/-
95 X 1.689 = 160 5000 X 5170 = 3571- 160 + 357 = 517/- Since the aggregate of (a)
105 X 1.689 177= 50(lO X 5170 =
357/- 177 + 357 =
534/- & (b) is more than the
minimum aggregate Pension
of Rs. 500/-, proportionate
reduction will not apply
even if the eligible service is
less than 24 years.
Accordingly aggregate of (a)
& (b) as calculated shall be
The detailed procedure followed in developing the software (for calculation of commutation amount
through computers) for release of commutation is as under.-
i) Commutation of Pension is effective from 16.11.1998 onwards.
ii) All the existing eligible member pensioners (granted under Para 12) in payment as on 16.11.1998
are entitled to exercise the commutation option. Option is required to be filed in writing on a plain
paper by the eligible member pensioner himself.
iii) The commutation option should be from the prospective date oniy. In other words from the date
the application for commutation option is filed (on or after 16.11.1998) the amount of commutation
will be worked out from the first of the following month, so as to make necessary adjustments in
the pension in payment and also to avoid administrative inconvenience,
:tion iv) Commutation can be made upto a maximum of 1I3rdof pension. It implies that the member pensioner
can commute at any percentage rate not exceeding one third (33.33%) of the original monthly
vii) For the existing member pensioners in payment as on 16.11.98, the payment of pension is to be
regulated as per the example shown under point (vi) on filing the option for commutation
on or after 16.11.98.
viii) Option once exercised is final and irrevocable. These options for commutation and Roe shall be
exercised while submitting the claim form in respect of claims that will be filed and received on or
after 16.11.98.
ix) On allowing the commutation option on or after 16.11.98, an Annexure showing the calculation of
commutation revised ROe, Pension in Payment shall be prepared and sent to the paying branches!
members pensioners concerned, for incorporating in the PPOs appropriately. A revised PPO
indicating the changes made be forwarded to the paying branches for record and to regulate the
payment to the member pensioner accordingly.
x) Annual relief as applicable is to be calculated on the original monthly pension as at (a) instead of
on the balance of original monthly pension as at (d), even after allowing commutation, to the eligible
xi) Commutation facility is not applicable to permanent and total disablement pensioners.
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:2/4/Clarificationl961B, dated 30tla October, 1998.]
PARA 13.
Explanation 3 under Para 13(1) of the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 provides that in the
case of a member who is eligible for permanent total disablement pension and where the payment of"
such pension is commenced before~his attaining the age of 50 years, the option shall also be
admissible but in suc~h~~s~s the actual pension payable shall be reduced by 1% and the return 6f
capital shall be further reduced by Rs.I ,000/- for every year by which the age at commencement of
pension falls short 50 years.
The matter has been examined in detail in consultation with the Consultant Actuary, and it is
clarified that in the event of payment of disablement pension commencing before attaining age of 50
years thededuction wiIl apply both in the quantum of pension as also in the amount of capital return
as under:-
• Consider a disabled Pensioner aged 35
• Original Pension Rs.500/- - opted for ROC
• ROC Pension in normal course would have been Rs.450/- and ROC as Rs.50,000/-.
1 be
• In case of Disablement Retirement Reduction In ROe = ks.45u x.OJ x (50 - 35) = R~.67.50
• ROC Pension Payment = Rs.450 - Rs.67.50 = Rs.382.50
n of • Return of Capital = Rs.50,OOO - (50-35) x Rs.1,000 = Rs.35,000.
This will mean that a pension in payment is to be reduced by 1% and the Return of Capital is
to be further reduced by Rs.1,000/- per year falling short of years to 50 years of age.
f PARA 14
For calculation of Withdrawal Benefits under the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995, full pay last
o drawn may be rounded up to next Rs.lO/- as was done in the erstwhile Employees' Family Pension
.m SCheme; 1971 .
[C.P.F.C. 's circular No:Pensionl2(4)/Clarificationl96, dated 171b July, 1996.J
If a member has put in less than 6(six) months contribution and is leaving the membership without
becoming eligible for any benefit under the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995, he may be refunded the
contribution component only.
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:PIPICNI/96, dated lOlh May, 1996.]
It implies that:
• The disablement could occur in the course of employment or otherwise, In other words, the injury
need not be restricted to employment injury alone or relating to work place. However, it need be
lout during employment contributing to the membership of the fund and not extendable during non-
the cmployrnent period of membership, if any.
:E/ • Such permanent total disablement shall incapacitate the member employee for all work which he/
she was capable of performing at the time of disablement. Incapacitating any member rendering
unfit for the ongoing employment or rendering unfit for any employment partially will not suffice.
The above-mentioned requirements are to be fully satisfied upon conduct of medical examination
hen of the members concerned by any authorised Medical Board of a Central/State Govt.IESIC Hospital
or other prescribed authorities. In order to follow uniform procedure, two proformae have been
designed one for regulating such cases and other for obtaining the report from the Medical Board.
(For proformae refer to the "Forms and Returns" Section at the end of this Handbook).
[C.P.F.C.'s circular l\To:Pension/2(4)/Clarificationl96/, dated 24thMarch, 1999.]
One month's contribution laid own under Para 16(1)(a) does not mean full month's contribution.
One month's contribution for all purposes wiII constitute of contribution payable in that month in respect
of the employee for the number of days served before death in service. Accordingly, widow and children
would get pension if the member died after contributing for a part of the month during which he served.
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:Pensionl2(4)/Clarificationl96/3157, dated 9thDecember, 1996.]
')or The term 'SALARY' appearing in table 'C' of EPS,95 may be construed in accordance with the
llch provision of 'Pensionable Salary', in terms of Para 11(2) read with Para 2(xiii)which defines the 'Pay'
and as basic wages with dearness allowance, retaining allowance and cash value of food concession,
admissible, if any. Same is the concept followed in the case of EPF which is relatable in terms of Para
38 of the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995.
[C.P.F.C;'s circularNo:Pension/2(4)/Clarificationl96, dated 17" July, 1996.]
age of 58 years, such cases shall be regulated as per proviso under para 12(8) for payment of widowl
children/orphan pension.
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:PensionJ2(4)/ClarificationJ96, dated 24thJanuary, 1997.] .
To understand the implications/clarifications better, six examples are worked out as under:
• pt Normal Child
First 2 normal children (upto 25 years age) will draw pension. Since 3rd and 4th children are disabled
children they will also get Children pension in addition to 1st and 2nd child.
• pt Normal Child
151 and 2nd children will get pension automatically on the basis of the seniority to begin with.
4th child being disabled shall also draw pension in addition to first two children.
3rd will not get at all as 2nd and 4th will be drawing pension life long.
I"' and 2nd children will only get pension since they will draw pension for life.
)'d and 4th child will not have the occasion to draw pension unless any vacancy arises otherwise.
~st Normal Child
2nd Disabled Child
3rd Normal Child
41h Normal Child
1" and 2nd children will get pension. On completion of age of 25 years of 1st child, 3rd will occupy the
pt child slot, likewise 4th child on completion of 3rd child.
I" and 2nd children will only get pension. On completion of age of 25 years of 2nd child, 3rd will
occupy the slot and likewise 4th will occupy the 3rd child position, on completion of 25 years age
of 3rd child.
para 2(xvi) read with Para 15(3) of Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 needs to be followed.The child
should be totally unfit for the employment, for consideration of permanently and totally disabled children!
orphan pension, after the same is considered and certified by the prescribed Medical Board.
[Ministry Ot Labour letter No.R-15011/1l2000-SSIl, dated 20th June, 2000 & C.p.F.e's circular No:Pension-
In(2)2000/CEPS, dated 13th July, 2000.]
Nomination filed under E.P.F. Scheme, 1952 can not be made applicable to Employees' Pension
Scheme, 1995. Separate nomination under EPS, 1995 is required to be executed for authorisation of
nominee pension Ilnill"r thl" rr;"'i~i0~~ of Para !6(5)(a).
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:Pensionl2(4)/Clarificationl96, dated 24tb January, 1997.]
16.11.1995 AND 05.03.1999
Claim for payment of pension to dependant parents may be accepted and settled as per the
scheme provision in respect of death of the member occurring between 16.11.1995 and 05.03.1999 i.e.,.
the date of implementation of the EPS 1995 and the amendment notified. However, since provision
permitting pension payment to parents have been brought in through amendment notified and effective
from 06.03.1999, the payment of pension to the parents shall be payable from the said date only i
06.03.1999 onwards. In other words, the claims received in respect of death of the member occurring
between 16.11.1995 and 05.03.1999 i.e. interregnum period between introduction of the EPS 1995
from 16th November, 1995 till the date of amendment of the Pension Scheme permitting pension payment
to dependent parents effective from 06.03.1999 shall be admitted for settlement uui 4\..Luui. payrueiu ui
pension to parents shall be released from 06.03.1999 onwards only i.e. the date from which such payment
has been authorised under the scheme through the amendment cited.
[Authority: Decision of the CBT, EPF in its 1510t meeting held on 14.08.1999 and Ministry of Labour
Ref.No.R-15012/2/99-SS.II, dated 18.10.1999] [CPFC", circular No: Pensionl12/33/96, dated 26th Octonee
(1) Date of joining: 1.12.1995; Date of leaving 1.1.1996; Salary Rs.5,0001-; Date of death
Notional pension should be based on the scheme formula: Rs.5,000 x 1170=Rs.71. So,
beneficiary will get Rs.71 x 100 times = Rs.71001- as Capital Value of Pension.
(2) Date of joining: 7.12.1988; Date of leaving 15.12.1996; Date of death: 1.4.1997; Salary
Rs.5,0001- .
Past service Pension is = Rs.85/-. Future Scheme Pension = Rs.5,OOOx 1170= Rs.711-. Noti
pension payable = Rs;85 + Rs.71 ·Rs;-l56I-. So; Nominee beneficiary will get Rs.156 x 100
Rs.15,600 as Capital value ofPension. "
(3) Date of joining: 15.1.1996; Date of exit: 1.1.2005; Date of death: 1.8.2005; Salary: Rs.5
Past Service Pension = O. Further Service Pension = Rs.5,OOOx 9170 = Rs.642/-. So, n
beneficiary will get Rs.642 x 100= Rs.642001- .
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:Pensionl2(4)/ClarificationlI6(S)(b)/96, dated 4th June, 1998.]
)t be
ith :
3/84-2/85 1600
3/85-8/85 &
160012500 322 19x6+29x6=288
In keeping with the requirement made in para 17A of the E.P.S., 1995, to complete the settlement
process of pension claim within a period of 30 days, it has been decided that the PPOs generated during
a calendar week should not be put on hold but be forwarded to the Link Branch of the designated Banks
on weekly basis. The PPOs generated from Monday to Friday need be forwarded to the designated
Bank by Friday evening alongwith an account payee cheque covering the amount of pension payable
upto the previous month (including arrears and commuted value, if any).
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:Pension-I/22(1)2000, dated 21,t January, 2000.]
b) In case of School Leaving Certificate, it may be prudent to get it verified to ensure genuineness.
Authenticity of the document may be got established by making reference to such authority
who have issued such certificate and the regulatory authority, if any, as counter checking.
c) In the absence of proof of age/Date of Birth, as above, Medical Certificate issued by the
Competent Civil surgeon after examining the concerned member medically supported with
affidavit on oath by the member duly authenticated by a first class Judicial Magistratel
Metropolitan Magistrate and accepted/endorsed by the employer.
parties (CPFC/RPFClEmployer) to alter their year of birth as 1941 instead of 1943 and pay them
higher pension.
The Forum refused to give this relief. The operative part of the order is as under:
"But ongoing-through the-records we are afraid thatthe complainants cannot be given this
Ex.Rl to R3 are admittedly the nomination forms given by these complainants for joining in the scneme
I!1 these forms the year of birthof all these complainants are shown as 1943. Admittedly all
complainants have signed in this forms and further they have given a declaration that the particulars
in the forms are true and correct. Thus having once given a declaration saying that their year of
is 1943 and having allowed the opposite parties to initiate the proceedings acting on these n<>,rtlr'l1
thus furnished by them, they cannot now turn around and say that the year of birth shown in Ex.RI
R3 is wrong. Or to put it differently, having given a declaration rather categorically that their year of
is 1943, they are now estopped from saying that the said information is wrong and that their year of birth
is 1941, even if the year of birth shown in Ex.R 1 to R3 is wrong. So much so the action of the opposite
parties fixing the P.P. Pension of the complainants taking their year of birth as 1943 cannot be termed
as either improper or illegal as sought to characterized by the counsel for the complainants. This being
the position, we have no other option but to dismiss this complainr. The complaint is therefore dismissed
but however without any order as to costs. Pronounced in open court this the 19th day of May, 2000."
[Order dated 18/19 May. 2000 of the Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum. Kozikode in O.P. No.70/2000 -
circulated vide CPFC's circular No.Pensionl3/8/0rissal97IPt. dated 2pl Aueust. 2000)
SCHEME. 1971
Central Government has allowed additional relief to the beneficiaries of the ceased FPS, 1971 as under:
Ministry of Labour-has allowed 4% relief on pension in payment as on 15.11.1996 to existing
pensioners, widow pensioners and orphan pensioners. '"
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:Actuary/18(1)/96NoI.II, dated 3rdDecember, 1997.]
Ministry of Labour has allowed 4% additional relief on the original pension to all pensioners as on
31.3.99 w.e.f. 1.4.1999.
[C.P.F.C. circular No. : Pension-I118(l)199Nol. I, dated 14th June, 2001.]
In order to streamline the procedure and to have uniformity, the Exemption Applications received
by Sub-Regional Offices be submitted to Regional P.R Commissioner-in-charge of the Region for proper
scrutiny and disposal. RPFC-in Charge of Region will only forward the pmpm:~lo;:whirh ~!"'::'!!! ~0!!!p!et:
form and found in order as per the prescribed procedure/guidelines, with his specific comments!
recommendations. Controller of Pension [now the RPFC (Pension)] in the Regions are to assist the
RPFC-in-Charge, to scrutinise, monitor and regulate disposal of Exemption Applications and for
overseeing compliance under Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995.
[C.P.F.C.'s circular No:PensionlGenllExeml9713264, dated 12thJune, 1997.]
~ __ 0_ •• _- __ 0 ___ . __ . ____ __
.. _-
0 D
On introduction of the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995, it was felt that it would not be
easy to deal with a large number of covered establishments; members and the beneficiaries. Manual
processing of collection and compilation of data about the beneficiaries and their family members is
virtually impossible. It was, therefore, felt that the entire operation starting with coverage of the
establishments, enrolment of the members, processing of the applications for settlement of pension, issue
of pension payment order, handling of the PPO in the banks/post offices and final disbursement of pension
would require computerisation so that the operation would be smooth, authentic, accurate, uptodate and
credible. Keeping this objective in view a system software package was conceptualised with the help
of Consultant Actuary and the officers of the NIC LISD. An appropriate software was designed and
tilt; illiiiai programme upto the stage ot generating Pension Payment Orders was put to use. Later, the
programme was enlarged with other work areas and the modified/enlarged versions released to make
it more useful. By now the Organisation has developed 8 sub-programmes and all the sub-programmes
are being used. These sub- programmes are as under:-
1. Creation of a master record for all existin2 members in the required format.
Input: a) Form-9, Form-2
b) Form-5, Form-lO
c) Form-3(PS), Form 4(PS), Form 5(PS)
Output: Check list for the details of member and his family in regard to
Provident Fund Scheme and Pension Scheme.
Input: a) Form-l0D
- -._-- .------- "-
b) Form-lOC
Output: a) Worksheet
b) PPO
c) Scheme Certificate
d) Worksheet for Withdrawal benefit.
4. Updating of individual pension accounts with their aggregations as to estts. Regions
and general consolidations
Input: a) Form-3A (Un-exempted Estts.) - Capturing the Pension Fund
Contribution; and
b) Form-7(PS) (Exempted Estts.) - NCP days
Output: a) Form-24 : Aggregate of Pension Fund Contribution and NCP days
b) Form-23: Indicating the aggregate NCP days to the member concerned.
6. Reconciliation of Bank Accounts and to issue letters to pensioners not receiving pension.
Input: PPO database, Pension relief directory, Bank branches code directory.
Output: a) Monthly statements paying branch-wise
b) Summary statement for the Link Branch
c) Updation of Life Certificate, Non-remarriage Certificate, Death Certificate, etc.
d) Updation of confirmation of date of credit of Pension Amount.
8. Printout of Actuarial valuation data on a concurrent basis
Actuary developed this for the valuation of Pension Fund on Annual basis. It contains capturing
of :-
a) EPM Records
b) EPP Records
c) EPE Records
d) Processing of the data to be furnished to Actuary for conducting the Actuarial work.
The above-mentioned 8 sub-programmes have been developed with the help of NIC LISD. The
<toovementioned software programmes have been duly inter-linked and integrated with CAMPS 1995,
CRAS and put into operation in all the field offices. An operational & user manual for all the above
mentioned sub-programmes, under CEPS has also been prepared and circulated to all the field offices
separately vide circular letter No:Pension-I17(2)/98/CEPS/Vol.I, dated 6.8.1999.
D -- --
~--------- .- ._- - -
In order to ensure that the pensioners under the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 receive their
pension promptly and also aiming at a trouble free service to them, the Employees' Provident Fund
Organisation, by virtue of the provisions of Para 33 of the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995, finalised
an arrangement in consultation with Indian Banks' Association and Department of Banking, with the
State Bank of India and other Nationalised Banks. Accordingly, the Regional Provident Fund Commis-
sioners are authorized to enter into an agreement with one or more banks having wider network of
branches located throughout the Region.
AS ON 10.01.2001
7. Kerala 1) Canara Bank
2) State Bank of India
3) Syndicate Bank
4) Indian Bank
8. Karnataka 1) Canara Bank
2) Syndicate Bank
3) State Bank of India
4) State Bank of Mysore
9. Maharashtra 1) Bank of India
2) Punjab National Bank
3) State Bank of India
10. Madhya Pradesh 1) Punjab National Bank
2) State Bank of India
11. North East Region 1) Punjab National Bank
2) State Bank of India
12. Orissa i) Bank of India
2) State Bank of India
3) UCO Bank
13. Punjab 1) Punjab National Bank
2) State Bank of India
14. Rajasthan 1) S.B of Bikaner &Jaipur.
2) Punjab National Bank
15. Tamil Nadu 1) Indian Bank
2) State Bank of India
3) Indian Overseas Bank
16. UUar Pradesh 1) Punjab National Bank
2) State Bank of India
17. West Bengal 1) Punjab National Bank
2) United Bank of India
3) State Bank of India (for North Bengal only)
The Pension Payment Order (PPQ) is generated through Computer in the Regional/Sub-Regional
Office of the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation. A specimen of the PPO is given in the 'Forms
& Returns' chapter at the end of' this Handbook. The PPO contains two portions, viz., - Pen
portion and Disburser's portion. The Pensioner's portion of the PPO will be given to the pensioner by
the disbursing bank through its paying Branch. The Disburser's portion will be retained in the safe custody
of the paying Branch.
The PPO will indicate the details of persons eligible to draw pension, the quantum of pension
payable and the period upto which payable. The joint photograph of the pensioner alongwith his spouse
will be affixed in the PPO. On death of the pensioner drawing his life pension, the pension will be passed
on to the widow/widower and to the children (upto two children at a time, upto the age of 25 years)
as specified in the PPO, through a separate Savings BankAccount opened by each of the widow/
widowerlchildren including minor children. Wherever the Children Pension is payable to a person who
is a major/minor, a separate Savings Bank Account may be opened duly obtaining the photograph (in
duplicate). In the case of minor children the photograph of the guardian who operates the account in the
name of minor should be obtained.
(d) The paying branch shall obtain an undertaking from the pensioner that excess payment, if any,
credited to him/her account, shall be recovered by the Bank.
(e) On the first appearance of a pensioner at the paying branch, the designated Officer of the Branch
will satisfy himself about the identification of a pensioner by ensuring that:-
(i) the personal identification marks, if any, on the face or/and hand of the pensioner given
in the disburser's portion of the PPO have been checked.
(ii) The pensioner has produced hislher personal copy of the intimation received directly from
the authority issuing the PPO or any other documentary proof establishing his/her identity
as pensioner.
(iii) The pensioner bears a close resemblance with the photograph as affixed on the disburser's
portion of the PPO.
(iv) The pensioner's specimen signatures or thumb and fingers/great toe impressions, as the
case may be, to be obtained by him in the space provided for the purpose in the
disburser's portion of the PPO agree with the attested signatures or thumb/and fingers/
great toe impressions received with the PPO; and
(t) The personal identification of the pensioner as prescribed in the preceding paragraphs, will be
only for the first payment of pension at the paying branch.
Applications for transfer of pension may fall under any of the followirig categories-
(i) Transfer from the Paying Branch to another Branch falling within the same Link Branch.
tu) Transfer from one Link Branch jurisdiction to another of the same Bank (such transfers to be
allowed only once in a financial year); and
(Ui) Transfer from one Bank to another Bank at same or different station.
Request falling under category (i) may be entertained by the Link Branch itself.
In cases falling under categories (ii) and (iii) above, the pensioner shall be required to return the
own half of the PPO to the Paying branch. The Paying Branch through its Link Branch would
return both the portions of the PPO to Regional/Sub-Regional Office concerned. The ROISRO
of the EPFO will then forward the PPO with appropriate endorsement thereon, to the new Link
Branch for payment of pensions through the desired Paying Branch, under intimation to the
pensioner, duly observing the laid down procedure.
- - --
D 0
Section 17 (I-C) provides that the appropriate Government may, by notification in the Official
Gazette, and subject to the condition on the pattern of investment of pension fund and such other
conditions as may be specified therein, exempt any establishment or class of establishments from the
operation of Pension Scheme if the employees of such establishment or class of establishments are either
members of any other pension scheme or proposed to be members of such pension scheme, where the
pensionary benefits are at par or more favourable than the Pension Scheme under the Act.
Para 39 of the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 further provides for gram of exemption rrom
the operation of the Statutory Scheme if the employees are either members of any other Pension Scheme
or propose to be members of a Pension Scheme wherein the Pensionary benefits are at par or more
favourable than the benefits provided under the Statutory Scheme. .
The employer of the concerned establishments seeking exemption need to submit the exemption
together with Pension Scheme of the establishments and other prescribed document to the
Regional Provident Fund Commissioner-in-charge of the Sub-RegionallRegional Office under whose ju-
risdiction the establishment is covered under the EPF & MP Act, 1952. The RPFC is required to scrutinize
.the application in the prescribed manner and submit it to the CPFC. On being satisfied that the pension-
lIlY benefits provided in the establishment pension scheme are at par or more favourable than the benefits
provided under the statutory scheme and also other terms and condition governing grant of exemption
aTe fulfilled, the CPFC shall forward the exemption proposal alongwith his recommendations to the ap-
propriate Government for decision. The appropriate Govt. shall issue a notification granting exemption
or otherwise issue an appropriate order rejecting the exemption application, as the case may be.
Accordingly, request for Exemption will be entertainable both in the event, the establishment is
baving any existing scheme or going in for any New Scheme with comparable benefit parameters. There-
fore. in scrutinizing and comparing the establishments scheme provisions, stress need to be given to
comparing the provisions relating to coverage, eligibility, entitlement and benefit quantum of pension
pimarily. Funding and other modalities may not be the relevant and perhaps would be taken care of by
obtaining Actuarial Certificate about economic viability of the scheme in the long run. Comparison
may thus suffice as above.
The employer shall establish a Board of Trustees for the management of the Pension Fund fol-
lowing the directions as may be given by the Central Provident Fund Commissioner or by the
appropriate Government, as the case may be, from time to time.
The Pension Fund shall vest in the Board of Trustees who will be responsible for and accountable
to the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation, inter-alia for proper accounting of the receipts
into and payment from the Pension Fund and the balances in their custody.
3. The Board of Trustees shall meet atleast once in every 3 months and shall function in
with the guidelines that may be issued from time to time by the appropriate Go
Provident Fund Commissioner or any other officer authorized by him.
4. The accounts of the Pension fund maintained by the Board of Trustees shall be subject to
by a qualified independent Chartered Accountant annually. Where considered necessary, the
tral Provident Fund Commissioner shall have the right to have the accounts re-audited by
other qualified auditor and the expenses so incurred shall be borne by the employer.
5. A copy of the audited annual Pension fund accounts together with the audited balance sheet
the establishment for each accounting year shall be submitted to the Regional Provident
Commissioner within 6 months after the close of the financial year. For this purpose, the U"'Ull\"la
year of the pension fund shall be I" April - 31st March.
6. The employer shall transfer to the Board of Trustees the contribution payable to the PPt1'C!'n1
Fund by the 15th of each month following the month for which the contribution is payable.
employer shall be liable to pay damages for any delay in transfer of the funds to the Board
.,,. The Board of Trustees shall invest the monies in the Pension Fund as per the directions that
be given by the Government/Central Provident Fund Commissioner from time to time. The
curities shall be obtained in the name of Board of Trustees and shall be kept in the custody
a scheduled bank under the control of the Reserve Bank of India.
8. Failure to make investment as per directions of the Government shall make the Board of
severally and jointly liable to surcharge that may be imposed by the Central Provident
Commissioner or any other officers authorized by him.
9. The Board of Trustees shall maintain scrip wise register and ensure timely realization of
10. The Board of Trustees shall maintain detailed accounts to show the Pension contributions
ceived, Pension amount disbursed and interest received on the Pension Fund.
11. The Board of Trustees may issue pass books showing their Pension fund accretion to
employee. T~ss-books shall-remain in the custody of employees arid will be brought
date by the Board on presentation of the employees.
12. The employer shall make good any loss that may be caused to the Pension fund due to
burglary, defalcation, mis-appropriation or any other reason..
13. The employer as well as the Board of Trustees shall submit such returns that may be on:~SCI1~
by the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner/Central Provident Fund Commissi
ate Government from time to time.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Pension Fund of the establishment, if on the.cessation
of any individual from the membership of the Provident Fund consequent on retiring from service
or on taking up the employment in some other establishment, if is found that the benefits under
Provident Fund rules of the establishment are less favourable as compared to those under the
Statutory Scheme, the difference shall be borne by tlre employer,
15. The employer shall bear all the expenses of the administration of the Pension Fund including the
maintenance of accounts, submission of returns etc.
16. The employer shall display on the Notice Board of the establishment, a copy of the rules of the
of Pension fund as approved by the appropriate authority and as and when amended there to
[ld alongwith ::ttr::tn~hltinn nf th.,:, salient point thereof in the language of the majority of1he employ-
17. The appropriate Government may lay down any further conditions for exemption of the estab-
lishment from the operation of the statutory Scheme.
18. In the event of an employee who is already a member of the Pension Scheme (either in the·
exempted or un-exempted establishment) is employed in his establishment, the employer shall
immediately enroll him as a member of the Pension Scheme and arrange to have the accumula-
tions in the Pension fund account of such employee with his previous employer transferred and
credited to pension fund account.
19. All categories of employees should stand covered either under the same scheme or different
scheme/schemes of the establishment irrespective of nature of employment namely permanent!
temporarylcasual!contract employees etc.
20. Comparative statement of benefits should be prepared and submitted indicating corresponding
position about pensionary benefits and other items.
21. Consent of the majority of the employees of the establishment in favour of establishment scheme!
schemes should be furnished.
22. Actuarial certificate endorsing the financial viability and economic sustenance of the scheme!
schemes in the long run should be furnished.
23. Employer should undertake either to provide or bear the cost for extending managerial and fi-
nancial experti-se to thePenslon "Fund Trust. - .. ,
24. Income Tax and other statutory recognition required for operating Pension Fund be obtained and
25. The exemption will be liable to be cancelled for violation of any of the above conditions.
[C.P.F.C.'s circular letter No. PensionIPIC/6tb Meeting dated 14tb June, 1996)
2. "Pc:th 39 further provides that 'Exemption Application' shall be disposed of within a oeriod
6 months from the date of its receipt or such further time that may be extended for reasons
be recorded in writing. In case the 'Exemption Application' is not disposed of within the
fied period, the exemption applied for shall be deemed to have been granted. An explanation
been provided under para 39 through which it has been clarified that the period of 6 months
count from the date on which the application for exemption is given in complete form to
satisfaction of the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner.
3. Certain employer are addressing the 'Exemption Application' to the Central Provident Fund
missioner, where as some employers are presenting their applications to the Regional
Fund Commissioner concerned. Keeping in view the provision of para 39 any 'Exemption
plication' received directly in Central Office will be forwarded to the Regional Provident
Commissioner concerned to scritinize the same and take appropriate action in accordance
the provision of para 39 of the Scheme. To facilitate scrutiny of 'Exemption Application',
lines were circulated vide Central Office Circular No. PensionlPIC/Vith Meeting/2782
4. Besides, modalities for grant of exemption as suggested by the Actuary are given hereunder
further guidelines: -
A. In case of Existing Pension Fund the exemption procedure will be as follows:
i) Establishment will provide Income Tax approved Trust Deed and Trust Rules of the
which shall contain all the provisions of Annexure 'A'.
ii) Consequent of the majority of employees of the establishment in favour of creating
empted Pension Fund in Annexure 'B'.
iii) - Confirmation by Employer-that-all categories of Employees associated with the -estaOlll
ment are covered in Annexure 'D'.
iv) Declaration by the Trustee that the investment has been made as per approved format
v) Actuary of the fund will sign:
(a) Annexure 'E' confirming that benefit of the scheme is at least at par with
of EPS Scheme.
(b) Annexure 'F' confirming solvency and adequacy of fund.
vi) Establishment agrees to submit by 30th September of every year:
(a) Account of the fund audited by a Chartered Accountant.
(0) Annual Actuarial Valuation of the fund by an Actuary.
(c) Confirmation by Trustees that investment of the fund is as per format.
(d) Benefits paid to employees in no case was less than that available under EPS, 95.
1. The Employer shall establish a Board of Trustees for the management of the Pension Fund fol-
lowing the directions as may be given by the Central Provident Fund Commissioner or by the
appropriate Government as the case may be from time to time. Such Board of Trustees shall have
atleast one employee representative.
2. The Pension Fund shall vest in the Board of Trustees who will be responsible for and accountable
to the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation, inter-alia, for proper accounting of the receipts
into and payment from the Pension Fund and the balance in their custody.
3. The Board of Trustees shall meet atleast once in every 3 months and shall function in accordance
with the guidelines that may be issued from time to time by the appropriate Government/Central
Provident Fund Commissioner or any other officer authorized by him.
4. The accounts of the Pension Fund maintained by the Board of Trustees shall be subject to audit
by a qualified independent Chartered Accountant annually. Where considered necessary, the Cen-
tral Provident Fund Commissioner shall have the right to have the accounts re-audited by any
other qualified auditor and the expenses so incurred shall be borne by the Employer.
5. A copy of the audited Pension Fund accounts together with the audited balance sheet of the
establishment for each accounting year shall be submitted to the Regional Provident Fund Com-
missioner within 6 months after the close of the financial year. For this purpose, the financial year
of the Pension Fund shall be 1SI April to 31 SI March.
6. The employer shall transfer to the Board of Trustees the contribution payable to the Pensi
Fund by the 151h of each month for which the contribution is payable. The employer shall
liable to pay damages for any delay in the transfer of funds to the Board of Trustees.
7. The Board of Trustees shall invest the monies in the Pension Fund as per the directions that
be given by the Government/Central Provident Fund Commissioner from time to time. The
curities shall be obtained in the name of the Board of Trustees and shall be kept in the cusroav
of a scheduled Bank under the control of the Reserve Bank of India.
8. Failure to make investment as per directions of the Government shall make the Board of Trllldfloj~
severally and jointly liable to surcharge that may be imposed by the Central Provident
Commissioner or any other officer authorized by him.
9. The Board of Trustees shall maintain scrip wise register and ensure timely realization of interest
1o. The Board of Trustees shall maintain detailed accounts to show the Pension contributions
ceived, pension amount disbursed and interest received on the Pension Fund.
11. The Board of Trustees may issue pass books showing their Pension Fund accretion to every
employee. These pass books shall remain in the custody of employees and will be brought upto
date by the Board on presentation of the employees.
12. The employer shall make good any loss that may be caused to the Pension Fund due to theft,
burglary, defalcation, mis-appropriation or any other reason.
13. The employer as well as the Board of Trustees shall submit such returns that may be prescribed
by the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner/Central Provident Fund Commissioner/ Appropri-
ate Government from time to time.
14. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Pension fund rules of the establishment, if on the ces-
sation of any individual from the membership of the Pension Fund consequent on retiring from
service or on taking up the employment in some other establishment, it is found that the benefits
under Pension Fund rules of the establishment are less favourable as compared to those under
the Statutory Scheme, the difference shall be borne by the employer.
15. The employer shall bear all the expenses of the administration of the Pension Fund including the
maintenance of accounts, submission of returns etc.
16. The employer shall display on the Notice Board of the establishment, a copy of the rules of the
Pension Fund as approved by the appropriate authority and as and when amended thereto
alongwith a translation of the salient point thereof in the language of the majority of the employ-
:ar 17. The appropriate Government may lay down any further conditions for exemption of the estab-
lishment from the operation of the statutory scheme.
on 18. In the event an employee who is already a member of the Pension Scheme (either in exempted
be or in Unexempted establishment) is employed inhis establishment, the employer shall immediately
enroIl him as a member of Pension Scheme and arrange to have the accumulations in the Pension
fund account of such employee with his previous employer transferred and credited to Pension
lay fund Account.
ldy 19. Employer should undertake either to provide or bear the cost for extending managerial and fi-
nancial expertise-to t~e Pension Fund Tr~t.
ees '. ,
.md 20. Income Tax and other statutory recognition required for operating Pension Fund be obtained and
-est, 21. The exemption will be liable to be cancelled for violation of any of the above conditions.
Has advised that they have created an Exempted pension fund at par with that of EPS, 1995.
We, the following undersigned, have opted in favour of this Exempted Pension fund.
Names Signatures
The duly Constituted Attorneys of
Do hereby confirm:
1. All permanent employees of this company have been covered under this scheme.
2. All Temporary employees of this Company have been covered under this scheme.
3. All Casual employees of this Company have been covered under this Scheme.
4. All Seasonal employees of this Company have been covered under this scheme.
5. All Contractor's Labour have not been covered under this Scheme:
6. The following employees have not been covered under this scheme.
-. _. -- ----~
" - ,
. .'~
Certificate of the establishment for furnishing the annual accounts/actuarial valuation, etc.
I hereby undertake to furnish the following documents/certificates by 30111 September of every year
to the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner in respect of the Pension Fund formulated for the
employees of Mls .
(c) Confirmation by the Trustees that investment of the Fund is as per the pattern; and
(d) Certificate confirming that the benefits paid to the employees in no case was less than that
available under Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995.
Signature .
[Refer S.No. 3 below Para 39 - Clarifications]
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. MEMBERSHIP (i) Every employee of the
Establishment contributing
to EPF Scheme' 1952 and
FPF Scheme' 1971.
(ii) All new entrants joining the
establishment w.e.f 16.11.95.
(para 6)
(iii) All the categories of employees
including temporary, casual
employees engaged by or
through contractor.
2. CON1RIBUTlON (i) 8.33% of Employer Share.
(ii) 1.16% of wages as Govt. Share.
5. BENEFITS OF (a) Refund of contribution as Per
LEAVING Table 'D' for the Service less
SERVICE than 10 years. (Para 14)
BEFORE (b) Alternatively, Member can
BECOMING obtain scheme certificate
ELIGIBLE FOR retaining the services for
MONTHLY Futurepensionl Family Pension
MEMBERS Benefits (Para 12(8).
"IT. FAMILY (a) Death while in service with
'.~ PENSION one month contribution
(b) Death away from service
while holding Scheme
Certificate. - -
(c) Death as Pensioner. I
(Para 16)
. 73
. &
0 D
Returns to be submitted Page
by Employers Purpose No.
1 Form 9 (Revised) Initial return of Employees who are entitled and required to become
members of the Employees' Provident Fund and Pension Fund -
one time. 75
2 Form 5 - A Return of Ownership - Initial-one time. 77
3 Form No. 5 Return of Employees qualifying for membership of the Employees'
Provident Fund for the first time during the month - monthly. 79
4 Form No. 10 Return of the members leaving service during the month - monthly. 80
5 Form No. 12 - A Statement of Contribution for the month - monthly. 81
6 Form No. 3 (1'3) Consolidated return of employees who are entitled and required to
become members of the pension Fund on the date the Pension Scheme
comes into force - for exempted establishments-Initial-one time 82
7 Form No. 4 (PS) Return of employees entitled for membership of the Pension Fund
during the month-for exempted establishments - Annual. 83
8 Form No. 5 (PS) Return of Members Leaving Service during the month-for exempted
establishments - monthly. 84
9 Form No. 6 (PS) Statement of contribution for the month-for exempted
establishments-monthly. 85
10 Form No. 7 (PS) Contribution card for members for the year-for exempted
establishments-Annual. 86
11 Form No. 8 (PS) Annual Statement of Contribution-for exempted estrt-Annual option
to become member of the EPS,95 87
Forms Used By Members/Pensioners
12 Form 1 (EPS) Option Form to become member of E.F.P.S., 19711E.P.S., 1995. 88
13 Form 2 {Revised} Declaration and Nomination Form. 90
14 Form 11 (Revised) Declaration by a person taking up employment in an establishment
in which the Fmployees' Provident Funds & Family Pension Fund
Scheme enforce. 92
15 Form No. 9 (PS) Declaration by a person taking up employment in which the
Employees' Pension Scheme is in force [establishments exempted
from Employees' Provident Fund Scheme, 1952] 93
16 Form lOC For claiming Withdrawal Benefit/Scheme Certificate 94
17 Form 10D For claiming Monthly Pension by member himself/family 101
18 Proforma For making reference to Medical Board of Central/State Govt./ESIC
(Annexure I)·· -Hospital under Para 15(3) of Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 llZ
19 Proforma To be completed by the Medical Board on examining the disabled
(Annexure 11) Member 114
Life Certificate/Non To be submitted by the Pensioner in the month of November each
Remarriage Certificate year 116
Forms used by EPFO
21 Pension Payment Order Il7
22 Scheme Certificate 126
FORM - 9 (Revised)
1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
NOTE: (1) This Form should be accompanied by declaration in Form-2 byevery employee.
(2) Any change in the authorized official/designated Medical Officer should be inti-.
mated mtlRfCottrtnissioner.
Folio No , .
S. Account Name Father's Date Sex. Date of Total Machine! Initials Date Remarks
No. number of the name (or of eligibi- period of EDPNo. ofS.S. and and
empl- husbands birth lityof previous of Ledger reason initials on
oyee (in name in .. memb- service Card of settlement
block the case ership (excluding opened leaving D.C.S.S.,
capital) of periods of service A.O.,
married breaks) as E.P.F.,
women) on the E.P.S.
date of JJ.L.~.
joining the
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
-. --.,----
"FORM NO. 5-A"
8. Particulars of owners :
9. If on lease, particulars of leaser:
Name Age Father's name Residential address Date from which in
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
A. Occupier
B. Manager
11. Particulars of the person mentioned above, who are in charge of, and responsible for, the conduct
of, the business of the establishment.
Name Age Father's name Residential address
(a) (b) (c) (d)
NOTE:- Any change in the information given above should be intimated in writing to the Re
gional Commissioner within fifteen days of such change by registered post and in the
prescribed manner.
FORM - 5
Return of Employees qualifying for membership of the Employees' Provident Fund for the first time dUring\:
the month of .
[To be sent to the Commissioner with Form 2 (Revised)]
Name and address of the FactorylEstt .
Code Number of FactorylEstablishment .
S. Account Name of the Father,s Date of Sex Date of Remarks
No No. Employee in name (or Birth eligibility for
Block (capital) husband's membership
name in
case of
FORM -10
..). Account Name of Father's name (or husband's Date of Reasons Remarks
No. No member Name in case of married leaving for
(in block woman) service. leaving
letters) service
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
*Please state whether the member is (a) retiring according to para (69) (1) (a) or (b) of the Scheme (b)
leaving India for permanent settlement abroad or taking up employment abroad (c) retrenchment (d) dis-
charged (e) resigning from or leaving service (f) taking up employment elsewhere (The name and address
of the Employers should be stated)
Note:- A member who attained the age of 58 years Is ceased to be a member under the Employees
Pension Scheme, 1995. He is eligible to avail the benefits under the EPS - 95.
FORM 12A (Revised)
Only for exempted establishments
'i;om 1
p~~i~ SI April 200 Dto 31 sI March 200 D (To be filled in by the EPFO)
Establishment Status
Statement of contribution for the Month ot
I I Group Code
FORM NO. - 3 (PS)
(For exempted Establishments)
Consolidated Return of employees who are entitled and required to become members of the pension Fund
on the date the Pension Scheme comes into force.
This form should be accompanied by declaration and nomination in form 2 by every employee
mentioned in column 3.
The employees who have attained the age of 58 years andlor receiving Pension under the EPS 95
are not required to become a member of the Pension Scheme.
(3) In case the employee surrenders the Scheme Certificate, the Control No. of the certificate should
be 'entered.
(4) The membership under P.P. and Pension will commence simultaneously.
FORM NO. - 4 (P.S.)
(For exempted Establishments)
[Paragraph 20]
Return of employees entitled for membership of the Pension Fund during the month of .
Name and Address of Establishment. .
Code No. of the Establishment. .
Note: An employee who has attained the age of 58 years and/or drawing Pension under the EPS-
95' is not to be enrolled as a member.
FORM NO. - 5 (P.S.)
(For exempted Establishments only)
[Paragraph 20 (2)]
Return of Members Leaving Service During the Month of ••••..... 200 •••••
Father' name
1 "I
11 'I
I Date of
. .
I Reas~ns ~or leaving
set VIce note
(in block) name in the service given below)
case of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
An employee who has attained the age of 58 years will cease to be a member of the scheme and
entitled to receive the ~u_eE,en~fit under the E~S-95.
FORM - 6 (P.5)
(For Exempted establishment Only)
(2) If any arrears of contributions or damages are included in the figures under column 4 suitable
details indicating the circumstances, amount, No. of subscribers and the period involved should be
furnished in the 'Remarks' column or on the reverse.
FORM - 7 (P.S.)
(For exempted Establishments only)
[Paragraph 19)
Contribution card for members for the year 200 200 .
1) Alc No.
2) Name (in Block capitals) .
3) Father's/Husband's Name .
4) Name & Address of Establishment .
5) Whether opted to contribute on wages, in excess of Rs.5000/-
Certified that the difference between the total number of contributions shown under Col. (3) of the above
er table and that arrived at the total wages shown in Col. (2) at the prescribed rate is solely due to the
.1) rounding off of contribution to the nearest Re. under the rules.
Certified that the total amount of contributions indicated under Col. (3) has already been remitted in full
in Account No ...lO (Pension-Fund Contribution) .
Date 200 .
Signature of the Employer
e (With Official Seal)
be • Indicate the no. of days for which the member has not earned wages.
FORM NO - 8 (P.S)
(For exempted Establishments only)
[Paragraph 20]
Annual statement of Contribution for the Currency period from 1'1 200 to 200 .
Name and Address of the establishment. .
Code No. of theestablishment. ; .
S. Account Name of Wages. retaining allowances (if any) Contribution to Remarks
No. number member (in and D.A., including cash value of food Pension Fund
block concession paid during the currencv 833%
letters) period (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6
FORM - 1
(To be exercised before 16.5.96)
1 opt to become a Member of Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995, With Effect From
I opt to become a Member of Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995, With Effect From
I) I undertake to pay the Contributions due to the Pension Fund
2) I undertake to refund the benefits received under the EFP Scheme, 1971.
Witness Signature
Signature DATE:
Designation Designation:
r . Note: Widow/widower of a FPF member who died on or after 1.4.93 but before 16.11.95 can
also exercise the option.
·Strike. out whichever is not applicable.
The provisions of the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 were explained to the above member in
presence and were properly understood by himlher before exercising the above option, it was made
to the optee that option once exercised is final and irrevocable.
Declaration and Nomination Form under the Employees' Provident Funds & Employees' Pension Scheme,
(Paragraph 33 & 61 (1) of the Employees' Provident Funds Scheme, 1952 & Paragraph 18 of the Em-
ployees' Pension Scheme, 1995).
I hereby nominate the person(s)/cancel the nomination made by me previously and nominate the person(s)
mentioned below to receive the amount standing to my credit in the Employees' Provident Fund, in the
event of my death.
~-~- -
1. *Certified that I have no family as defined in para 2(g) of the Employees' Provident Fund Scheme,
1952 and should I acquire a family hereafter the above nomination should be deemed as cancelled.
2. *Certified that my father/mother is/are dependent upon me.
(Para 18)
I hereby furnish below particulars of the members of my family who would be eligible to receive widow/
children Pension in the event of my death.
S.No. Name and address of the Address Date of birth Relationship with
famil member member
1 2 3 4 5
**Certified that I have no family, as defined in Para 2(vii) of Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 and should
I acquire a family hereafter I shall furnish particulars thereon in the above form.
I hereby nominate the following person for receiving the monthly widow pension [admissible under Para
16 (2)(a) (i) & (ii)] in the event of my death without leaving any eligible family member for receiving
Name and address of the nominee Date of birth Relationship with the member
Certified that the above declaration and nomination has been signed/thumb impressed before me by Shri/
Smt/Kum employed in my establishment after he/she has read
the entries/entries have been read over to him/her by me and got confirmed by him/her.
Form ·11 (Revised)
i/ (To be filled by the employer only when the person employed had not already been a member of the
.d Employees' Provident Fund)
Dated . Signature of the Employer/Manager or other
Authorised Officer
FORM NO - 9 (P.S)
(For PF exempted Establishments only)
[Paragraph 24]
1. .
*son/wife/daughter of
do hereby solemnly declare that:
*(a) I was lastly employed in .
(Name and full address of the establishment)
and left service on 200 .
*(b) I was a member of Provident Fund
1. A member of the Employees' Family Pension Scheme, 1971/ Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995.
a) Who has left the employment before completion of 10 years service;
b) Who has attained the age of 58 years before completion of 10 years service - whether
in servicelleft the service.
2. A member, who has completed 10 years service on the date of his leaving the service has not
attained the ate of 50 years on the date of filing this application or has attained the age of 50
years on the date of filing this application or has attained the age of 50 years or more but less
than 58 years, and not willing for reduced pension.
NOTE: 1 To determine the period of 10 years service rendered from 01.03.1971 to 15.11.1995
(if any), shall also be taken.
NOTE:2(i) A member who has completed 10 years service and attained the age of 58 years, where
In service or not, is eligible for Monthly Member Pension.
(ii) A member who has completed 10 years service and also attained the age of 50 years
is eligible to draw pension at reduced rate, after leaving the employment.
(ill) A member who has left the service on account of total and permanenl disablement,
irrespective of his age and period of service, is eligible for monthly disablement
(iv) To claim the Monthly pension, application in Form IO-D should be submitted.
However, a member falling under item lea) above is advised to opt for Scheme Certificate on
account of following advantages: .;
(i) . On taking up employment in another establishment, his earlier service period will be carried
forward and clubbing both the spe~ls together pension entitlement shall be regulated.
(ii) If the member does not take up employment and dies before attaining the age of 58
years. His family will get Family Pension. On his survival he will get withdrawal benefit
with weightage as may be prescribed.
(iii) While availing a Scheme Certificate, there is not bar to withdraw the P.P. accumulation
by the member.
SI. No. 1(a) Write your name in CAPITAL letters as given in the service records of your es-
1(b) To be furnished only when the application is preferred by a person other than the
member himself (i.e. Nominee/family member).
10 To be furnished when the claim is preferred by nominee of the family member (s),
11. To be completed only when a member is eligible for withdrawal benefit and opted
for it in lieu of Scheme Certificate (not applicable to those who are entitled for
Scheme Certificate or opted for Scheme Certificate in lieu of withdrawal benefit)
12 In case, the member is drawing Family Pension/ Pension under the Employees'
Pension Scheme, 1995, the details should be furnished.
Advance Receipt
To be given where the withdrawal benefit is admissible and opted for payment by cheque. (The Advance
Receipt need notbe.signed.hz the ..member, if the payment is opted through Money Order) ..
(i) Manager of the Bank where the member is holding an account;
(ii) Head of Educational Institution;
(iii) A Gazetted Officer;
(iv) Sub-Post Master;
(v) The Magistrate
(vi) Member of Central Board of Trustees, Employees' Provident Fund or Regional Committee.
(vii) ChairmanfSecretarylMember of the MunicipallDistrictlLocal Board;
(viii) President of the village Union/ .::'ali~:ia'yau' ~v~vHli;vl UI Pc:ui.iafIl~ntiMember of Legislative
(ix) Any other officer approved by the Regional P.F Commissioner.
5. For further guidancel clarifications required, if any, The Public Relation Officer in the nearest
Provident Fund Office (including Provident Fund Inspectorates) may be contacted.
Serial No. _
2. Date of Birth
3. a) Father's Name
b) Husband's Name
8. Are you willing to accept Scheme (a) ,(b)
Certificate in lieu of withdrawal benefits. Yes
D No D
9. Particulars ofFamiiy (Spouse & Children & Nominee)
Name Date of birth Relationship with Member Name of the guardian
of minor
(a) Family
(b) Nominee
10. In the case of death of member after attaining the age of 58 years without filling the claim:
a) Date of death of the member
b) Name of the Claimant (s)/ and relationship with the members
By postal money order at my cost to the address given against item No. 7
Account payee cheque sent direct for credit to my SB Ale (Scheduled Bank)
Under Intimation to me.
S.B.Account No.
Name of the Bank
(In Block Letters)
(In Block Letters)
Full address of the Branch
(In Block Letters)
(The Space should be left blank which shall be filled by Regional Provident Fund Commissioner/Officer-
Signature & left hand thumb impression of the member on the stamp.
Certified that the particulars of the member given are correct and the member has signed/thumb im-
pressed before me.
The details of wages and period of non-contributory service of the member are as under: -
Form 3AI7(EPS) enclosed for the period for which it was not sent to Employees' Provident Fund
YearIMonth No-of-days
Date: .
Signature of Employer/Authorised Official.
S.S. AC (Cash)
Serial No.
(To Be Printed)
(Supplied free of cost)
Application for monthly Pension
Form lO-D (EPS)
6. Indicate the actual date of leaving service.
This need not be filled by a member who has attained 58 years and continued to be ins e r -
vice. Indicate, 'still in service'.
7. If the reason for leaving service was on account of total and permanent disablement, as indicated
by the establishment to the P.E Office through Form 10, then only the member is entitled for
Disablement Pension. In all other cases the actual reason for leaving service may be given.
However, a member who continues in services beyond the age of 58 years may indicate "still in
9. SI. No. 9 is applicable only to a member of the Pension Scheme and not for his family. The
applicant is eligible to commute upto a maximum of 1/3 of his pension so as to receive 100 time
of the pension commuted. If a pensioner who is getting an original pension of Rs.600/- commutes
1/3rd of it, he will get Rs.20,OOO/- as commuted value. The commutation will be effective only
from 16.11.1998. The applicant may give his option for commutation in the application and this
will be effective and paid only if the member - pensioner continues to draw his pension as on
On opting for commuted value of pension, the original pension mentioned for Return of Capital
will be the balance of pension after commutation.
10. The member can give his option for Return of Capital. Option once exercised is final. He may
choose anyone of the following and indicate the no. shown under alternative against SI. No. 10
of the application.
Alternative Quantum of Pension Return of Capital
1. 90% of original pension On member's death 100 times the
original monthly pension to nominee.
2. 90% of original pension to On death or remarriage of
member. On his death 80% of Widow/Widower whichever is earlier.
pensi~n toWidow /Wi dower .. 90 times of original pension to nominee.
11. The member is required to furnish the details of his/her nominee for receiving the Return of Capital.
A member can nominate his/her spouse or sons or daughters. A married member who is not
survived by any member of his family (spouse/sons/daughters) and a bachelor/spinster may
nominate a person of his/her choice to receive Return of Capital/Pension, due if any, under
Altemati ve 3 as per Serial Number 10 above.
12. This should be completed by the member. In his absence, by the spouse/Children. The list of
surviving family Member, covering his spouse, all children should be furnished. The particulars of
Guardian should be given in respect of each minor child, as on the date of application. In support
of the age of children, age proof certificate obtained from the School or Registrar of Birth-death
or E.S.I. Record, or Municipal authorities should be enclosed. In the case of Guardian other than
natural guardian, a Guardianship Certificate should be enclosed.
13. Applicable only in case the member is not alive. In support to the date of death, Death Certificate
should be enclosed.
14. The details of Bank Saving Bank Account Number should be given.
In case the claim is preferred by spouse, he/she should give hislher Saving Bank Account Number
and also separate Saving Bank Account Numbers. In respect of each child Saving Bank Account
Numbers of children who are below the age of 25 years (as on date of death of the member)
should be given. On behalf of minor child, Saving Bank Account opened in the name of minor
and operated by the guardian of the minor and Account Number should be given.
Pension is payable through any branch of the *(to print the name of designated bank(s) on
the specified day of each month by credit to the Saving Bank Account of eligible pensioners.
Hence, Saving Bank Account should be opened only in the said Bank. Necessary guidelines have
been given to all branches of the Bank to open a Saving Bank Account for the pensioners. The
applicant may approach any branch of the said bank to open the account.
The member, spouse and children (minor or major) should necessarily open Saving Bank Ac-
counts in the same branch of the Bank.
Whenever pension is opted from a place beyond the jurisdiction of the Region in which the
member was last employed, he should ascertain the name of the designated bank applicable in
that Region and open a Saving Bank Account therein.
On sanction.of.Penaion, iruimation will be sent to the pensioner to contact the bank.
14 (A) In case of death of the member before attaining 58 years without leaving any eligible
family members to received the pension, the nominee as appointed by the member through the
Form 2 (Revised) already sent to the P.P. Office may apply giving his particulars against this
15 In case the member was working in different establishments and obtained Scheme Certificate, the
details should be furnished against this column. In case, no Scheme Certificate was received or
not applied for the same, the details of past employment may be indicated in this column.
16. If the applicant is already receiving pension under Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 or claim
Pension, The details should be furnished against the column.
17. List of documents to be enclosed and specified under Column No. 17:
(a) Descriptive role of pensioner and his/her specimen Signatureffhumb impression in duplicate.
(b) 3 pass-port size photographs (if claimed by the member Joint photo with spouse). If the
pension is claimed by member, there is no need to send photograph of the children. If claimed
by widow, the photograph should be sent for widow/widower and his/her two children (be-
low 25 years) separately. The photographs are to be attested by the employer or his au-
thorized official, indicating the person to whom the photograph relates and also the P.P'
Account Number of the member, written on the reverse and placed in a separate envelope.
(c) In the case of a member, who is permanently and totally disabled during the employment,
he/she should undergo a Medical Examination before the Medical Beard as advised by the
E.P.P' Office. However, the disablement should occur while in employment.
(d) The application should be forwarded through the establishment in which the member last
served/died. The establishment should furnish the certificate and wage particulars duly at-
tested by the authorized Officer.
(e) Only if the establishment is closed, the application should be forwarded through the Mag-
istrate/Gazetted Officer/ Bank Manager/ any other authorized officer as may be approved
by the Commissioner.
For Office Use Only i
Inward No.
(b) Sex
(c) Marital Status
Date of Birth
Note: If any child is physically handicapped, please indicate "DISABLED" below the name.
SI. No. Name of the Claimant(s) Saving Bank AccountNo,
(1) Name
(2) Relationship with the
deceased ~ember
Member, if any
Not Received
Not Applicable
If Received, indicate
SI. No. Scheme-Certificate Control No. Authority who issued the Scheme
16. If Pension is being drawn
Under E.P.S., 1995
issued by
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
4. FatherIHusband Name
5. Sex
6. Nationality
7. Religion
8. Height
(ii) _
10. Specimen signature of Pensioner 1.
(ii) _
(ii) _
Certified that:
(ii) I am not drawing Pension under Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995
(ii) The particulars' given in this application are true and correct.
= •..
.......................•. /
Certified that:
ii) the particulars of Wages and Pension Contribution for the period of 12 months preceeding the date
of leaving service are as under: -
(In case, the wages is not earned for all 12 months, the block of 12 months will commence back-
wards from the last pay drawn)
Signature of Employerl
Authorised Official of
The Establishment with
Seal & Date
Certified that the particulars in the application have been verified with the relevant concerned documents.
The claimant is eligible for Pension. The Input Data Sheet is placed below for approval.
Sos. 4.4.0. A.P.F.C.
Date Date Date Date
The Input data sheet verified with reference to the application and the documents enclosed and found
correct. P.P.o. may be generated through Computer.
S.S. A.A.O. A.P.F.C. (Pension)
Date Date Date Date
P.P.O. No.
S.S. A.A.O. A.P.F.C.
Date Date . Date - Date
I 11
[For making reference to Medical Board of Central/State GovtJESIC Hospital under Para 15(3)
of Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995]
Medical Board
Copy to:
for information and to appear before the Medical Board for medical examination and arrange to submit
Annexure- 11
[To be completed by the Medical Board on examining the disabled Member]
2. Father's Name
5. Residential Address
13. Report of the Medical Board and their recommendations: -
Note: - The Medical Board should clearly certify the permanent and total disablement on
the above lines [Refer Para 2 (XVII), 15(3)].
14. Signature of the Members of the Board with office seal and date: -
on this date.
SignaturefI'humb impression
of pensioner
Place: Name _
* I hereby declare that I have not been re-married and I undertake to report such an event
promptly to the Pension Disbursing Authority/Bank.
Place: Signature _
P.P.O. No. _
I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the above declaration is correct.
Signature of a responsible
Officer or a well-known
Place: Person
Date: Name
Designation _
~' .
Bank Code
S.B. A/e
PART -11
(Applicable in the case of cessation of service due ~o
any reason other than death)
3. Permanent Address
7. Monthly reduced Pension Rs.
Section - 3
Details of WidowlWidower Pension including Children Pension/Orphan Pension
payable on the death of the Pensioner
3. Orphan Pension:
In the event of death/or .re-marriage of the Widowl
Widower, the children shall be paid in lieu of
Monthly Children Pension, the Monthly Orphan Pension
to maximum of two children at a time
Section - 4
Name of the nominee for payment of pension for the balance of 20 years paid under capital return
option 3 on the death of membei pensioner before expiry of 20 years period from the date of
commencement of pension:
3. _
The payment should commence from the date following the date of death of the pensioner & shall
continue to be made till the date of happening on the event stated below:
(i) Re-marriage/death of Sh.lSmt.
whichever is earlier.
(ii) On attaining the age of 25 Yrs. in case of childrens
In the event of cessation of widow/widower pension due to death or re-marriage of the widow/
widower, the children shall be paid Monthly Orphan Pension. in lieu of the Monthly Children
Pension, at the rate of Rs. 207 Upto 3111211999,338 wef Jan 2k each per month. The payment
..should commence from the date following the date of death/re-marriage of widow/widower. The
Monthly Orphan Pension shall continue to be paid till the date of attaining the age of 25 Yrs.
Bank Code:
S.B. Ale
Particulars of the Member of Employees' Pension Scheme 1995
Scheme Certificate No.
SCHEME, 1995
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (011) 6172677
Fax: (011) 6172677
(Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India)
NEW DELHI-110 066
Sub:- Prescribing consolidated monthly return for collection of information/data from regions
relating to the implementation of Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 - regarding.
As you are aware, that at present, all the Regions are required to send to the Pension Wing at Head-
quarters Office, the following periodical returns: -
Subject Periodicity
(1) Receipt, Disposal & Pendency of Withdrawal Benefit Monthly
Scheme Certificate claims (F/IOC claims)
(2) Receipt, Disposal & Pendency of Pension Claims (FIlOD) Monthly
(3) Database creation - Members Data in Form 2 Fortnightly
(4) Classification of pensioners Fortnightly
(5) Details of pensioners with wage-slab wise break up Monthly
(6) Compliance under the EPS, 1995 Monthly
(7) Commutation amount released to pensioners Monthly
(8) Pensioners with classification of pension amount Monthly
(9) Defaulting establishments > No. and amount. Monthly
(10) Receipt, Disposal & Pendency of Exemption applications Monthly
Actuarial valuation Information
(11) Establishment details EPSF-I Annual
(12) Financial data EPSF-4 Annual
(13) Pension payments EPSF-5 Annual
2. The aforesaid returns are collected from the regions with a view to:-
./' Monitoring the progress of implementation of Employees"Pension Scheme, 1995
in the region concerned .
./' Reporting the figures to PIC/CBT/GovernmentlAnnual Report .
./' Utilising the figures for Annual Valuation by the Consultant Actuary.
These returns were prescribed from time to time as and when need arose for collecting the
requisite information. With the passage of time, the requirement of the Pension Wing (Head-
quarters) office has been assessed. It has, therefore, been decided that instead of a number
of returns, a consolidated return may be prescribed in the manner stated below.-
./' The returns mentioned at S.No. (1) and (2) are dispensed with .
./' Fortnightly returns at S.No. (3) & (4) above would continue to be furnished as
separate returns .
./' A consolidated format has been designed in place of monthly returns at S.No. (5)
to (10) and Annual returns at S.No. (11) to (13) and the details/information/data
may be furnished on monthly basis by the Regional Offices, for the region as a
whole .
./' SROs should send the relevant information to their Regional Headquarters by 5th
of the following month .
./' The Regional Offices should compile and consolidate the information for the
whole region and furnish the same through single monthly return, to the Head-
quarters Office by 10th of the following month.
3. The format of the consolidated return contains six (VI) parts as under:-
( I) Part I Classification of pensioners.
(2) Part 11 Database Creation (Members Data in Form-91F0rm-2)
(3) Part III Details of Exemption Applications received/disposed etc.
(4) Part IV (a) No. of establishments (un-exempted exempted);
Establishments in default; Amount in default etc.
(b) Bifurcation of defaulting establishments/amount -
Public/pri vate sector-wise .
.. ... - ------ .
(5) Part V Actuarial Valuation data:
(a) Establishments;
(b) Pension Fund Membership;
(c) Contribution;
(d) Pensioners not opted/opted for Return of Capital;
(e) Scheme Certificate issued;
(f) Scheme Certificates surrendered.
(6) Part VI Financial data for Actuarial Valuation
(a) Amount paid towards monthlypension (lOD) cases
- during the month.
(b) Amount paid towards monthly pension (lOD) cases
- during the year.
(c) Commutation of pension (COP).
(d) Return of Capital paid.
(e) Capital value of Pension (ROC) paid to Nominee.
(f) Withdrawal Benefits paid (Form lOC cases)
4. Suitable instructions with regard to filling up of the format of consolidated monthly return have
also been attached on the top of the format. It will facilitate the functionaries in the SROs/Regional
Offices to furnish the relevant information correctly and uniformly. It has also been decided that the new
return may be implemented from 1st February, 2001. First return should contain the information for the
month of January, 2000. The SROS/SAOs should submit the requisite information in the prescribed for-
mat relating to their respective SROISAO to their Regional information so received from theSROs
including the information relating to the Regional Office, and furnish it to the Headquarters by IO" of
the concerned month. It is, however, made clear that on introduction of the new consolidated monthly
return, the fortnightly returns mentioned at S.No. (2) & (3) would continue and should be sent as before
within the prescribed time.
Addl. Central Provident Fund Commissioner (Pension)
Copy to:-
(1) FA & CAO.
(2) Addl. CPFCs(NorthlEast/WestlSouth Zones).
(3) Director (NATRSS)/All ZTIs.---
(4) Director (MIS).
(5) All Zonal Audit Officers.
(6) PS to CPFC.
(7) Advisor
Part I Classification of Pensioners:
(a) Cclumn-(a) i.c., sub-columns (i) to (iii) relate to the 'Member Pensioners'. It has three categories viz.,
Early Pension (availed pension between the age of 50-57 years), (ii) Superannuation Pension (availed
pension on attaining the age of 58 years), and Disablement Pension (availed pension by the disabled
(b) The first column relates to the opening balance which means the pensioners in position as on the begin-
ning of the month (carried forward from the earlier months). The next column 'added during the month'
means the member pensioners in the three categories sanctioned pension during the month. Next to this
column is the pensioners 'deleted' during the month. This means, the number of existing pensioners who
have ceased due to death; re-marriage etc. (in case of spouse pension) are to be entered in this column.
(c) Column (b) relates to 'spouse pensioners'. This includes cases of "Death in service" as well as
"death away from service". Also include here the cases of the erstwhile EFPS, 1971 in the category
of 'Death in service' since the erstwhile EFPS, 1971 permitted pension to the spouse only in the case
of death of the member while in service.
(d) Similarly, the figures in column (c) relate to the 'Children pension' granted so far under the erstwhile
EFPS, 1971 and under the EPS, 1995.
(e) SimiIartreatment has to be given to the columns at (d); (e) and (f) in this part.
Part IV
(a) Establishment/amount in default under the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995
• First column relateste-tetalnumber of establishments' to which the Employees' Pension Scheme.,
1995 applies. Establishments exempted from the EPS, !995 need not be included in this part. Informa-'
tion relating to Un-excmpted and exempted establishments as at the beginning of the month, to which
this return relates, only need be shown. However, "exempted establishments' in this part mean those
establishments Which are exempted from the E.P.F. Scheme, 1952 but not exempted from the EPS,
• Similarly "number of establishments in default" will mean the establishments who have defaulted in the
matter of compliance either for contributions or for any other reasons.
• In the third main column "Progressive Amount in default", means the amount in default relating to EPS
contribution (including contribution in default under the EFPS, 1971). This should be progressive amount
i.e., total carried forward from earlier years to the end of the month to which the return relates.
• Fourth main column relating to "Amount of contribution in default.." should be filled with the amount of
default for the current year i.e. 1st April to the closing of the month to which the return relates. Figures
should be furnished in "Rs. in lakhs" only.
(a) & (b) Information under the sub-heads 'Establishments', and the 'Membership' with regard to the open-
ing balance; added during the month and particularly the establishments/members 'ceased during the
month' due to various reasons has to be furnished separately under each of the columns.
(c) As regards information to be furnished under the sub-head 'Contribution' it is for guidance that in the
first column figures for the 'contribution due' for the current year i.e., April to the month of the return, be
furnished. Similarly, the next column be furnished with the total contributions received upto the month,
i.e., April to the month of the return. Contribution shall mean Contribution under the EPS, 1995.
The next column relates to the 'establishments not contributing' under the EPS, 1995. This has to be
filled with the cumulative figures forthe current year i.e., 'April to the current month'. This column
includes 'No. of establisnments as well as the total amount of default for the current year till the current
(d) This part relates to the 'Return of Capital' benefit opted by the members under para 13 of the EPS,
1995. Informauoahastobe furnished in four columns. In the first column.numberof cases where Return
of Capital has not been opted. The other three columns relate to the three options available for availing
the Return of Capital. Inf onnation should be collected and furnished separately for the differ ent options.
There are three options available under this para. First option allows Revised Pension (90%) for life
time of member with Return of Capital on his death. Under the second option Revised pension (90%)
during the lifetime of member, furtherrednced pension (80%) during lifetime of the widow/remarriage,
whichever is earlier and Return of Capital on her deathlremani age. ThIrd option allows pension (87.5%)
for a fixed period of 20 years and Return of Capital at the end of 20 years to the member/nominee.
Figures relating to Return of capital opted/not opted against the three types of pensions viz., Superannuation;
Early Pension; Disabled Pension should be furnished separately. Figures for the current year i.e., 'April to current
month' and the progressive figures (i.e., carried forward from earlier years) should be furnished in the relevant
1 (e) Capital value of Pension (Return of Capital) paid to nominee:
Para 16(5)(b) of the EPS, 1995 provides for allowing to the nominee the Return of Capital under para
13(1) if the member who had retained membership, dies without rendering pensionable service on the
date of exit from employment. Similar to sub-para (c) & (d) above, this part has also two main columns
and each main column has further two sub-columns relating to the current month and the current year.
Information may be furnished accordingly.
MONTH ....,--_
Part I
Classification of Pensioners
Opening Added Deleted Closing
Balance during the during the balance
month month (End of this
a) Member Pensioners
i) Early Pension (50-57 years)
ii) Superannuation Pension(58 years)
b) Spouse Pensioners
i) Death in service
- EFPS 71
- EPS 95 .
ii) Death away from
c) Children Pensioners
i) EFPS, 1971
ii) EPS95
d) Orphan Pensioners- -"_."" -
e) Nominee Pensioners
t) Parent Pensioners
Grand Total
Part 11
Database Creation (Members Data in Form-9IForm-2
Part m
Detalls of Exemption Applications
Note: - Enclose the list of establishments sent to Head Office for cross verification.
Part IV
a) Establishmentl Amount in Default under the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995
Rs. inlakhs
(Rs. in lakbs)
Unexe. Exe. Total· Unex.·· E& Total Unex. Exe. Total Unex. Exe. Total
,· .• ·0',,.
,•.".! .•, ..
Note:- The above figures should tally with the MIS/ABP/Annual Report figures of the region.
b) Details of default - Public Sector and Private Sector - Bifurcation
2 Union Territory
3. State Govt.
4. Local Bodies/Municipal
Committee etc.
TOTAL (1 to4)
5. Private Sector
• Progressive total carried forward from earlier years to the end of current month
Part V
a) Establishments
Category Opening Added during the Ceased during the month Closing balance
balance month
- • _··'._c
- -,
Exe. ,
10fAL =
b) Pension Fund Membership
Category Opening Added Clg.
Balance During Bal.
the Ceasedduring the month
month --
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
c) Contribution
Category Toml centrfbutlo» due Total contributleus Estts. Not contributing upto
upto the month received upto the the month
(April-current month) month (April-current menfh)
(April-current month)
No. of Estts. Total amount
Early pension
Disabled ,
* Progressive . .
details carried forward from earlier years to the end of cu"elll molllh.
e) Number of Scheme Certificates issued
No. of Scheme certificates issued to members
During the month During the year
(April-current month)
f) Number of Scheme Certificates surrendered by Members (issued earlier by the EPFO offices)
Part VI
Details of amount paid towards monthly pension (Form 10 D cases)
a) During the month
Member Pensioners Widow Pension Children Orphan Nominee Parent Total
Pension Pension Pension Pension Amount
Super Early Disab- Death Death Death Death Death Death Death
annua Pens- led in away of inI of in! of
tion Ion Pensio- Service From Member Away Member Away Member
ners Service Pensio- From Pensio- From Pensio-
ner Service ner Service ner
Super Early Oisab- Death . Death Death Death Death Death Death ,
annua Pens- led in away of inI of inI of
tion Ion Pensio- Service From Member Away Member Away Member
ners Service Pensio- From Pensio- From Pensio-
ner Service ner SeJVice ner
.~ '
• cJ Details of cases relating to commutation of Pension (COP)
Amount disbursed towards COP Amount disbursed towards COP during the
during the month current year (April-current month)
Number . Amount Number Amount
(Rs. in lakhs) (Rs. in lakhs)
',,', i )
Note:- The payment figures (a) to (0 should tally with the Balance Sheet Figures of the Region.
;Ii .