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Bill Corwin3

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CASE STUDY -3 10-04-20

TITLE: Principles of Management

Brief introduction of case: -

Management is very important for the success of banks and companies.

Whenever there is a proper management there is success in the banks and management. when

coming to the disclosure of the case,

 Accomplishment of goals

 Motivation and specialization

 Encourages initiatives

 Encourages team work

 Innovation

When these are not maintaining in between employees and management in

particularly banking sector the performance and the quality of work decreased day by

day. This is what happening in the bank where the bill crowin employed.

Bill Corwin was employed by a large bank for several years. He started as a messenger, and

then was assigned to a branch. He progressed in this branch from a bookkeeping clerk to a

platform assistant. In this position he had a variety of duties largely centring on

administrative assistance to the officers of the branch.

In order to check company quality and performance we need to maintain dedicated people to

observe and analyze the company situations and control their branches. Boost morale

employees is also important in the banking sector.

Major and minor facts of case:

 Bill was transferred from the branch in which he had worked for 12 years to a

branch in another region.

 At the time of his transfer he was told that the branch was completely “run

down” as to operational procedures and systems.

 The branch had a normal complement of 4 officers and 35 staff members. One

month prior to Bill’s transfer, one of the four officers had retired, and two

weeks after this retirement the branch manager was hospitalized with serious


 Customer complaints were rampant, there was both a record of excessive

absenteeism and excessive overtime

 The branch had received very poor audit report by the bank’s internal auditors

with the same major exception reported on the previous four audits.

 The two officers did not know Bill, and they were informed by the regional

office that he was being assigned to the branch as a platform replacement for

only two weeks.

 During his first week at the branch Bill discovered that the senior clerks were

not qualified to train other staff members.

 After two weeks Bill was called to the regional office and offered the job of

operations officer. He was told that he would receive the official title in two

Suggestions and recommendations:

 Principle of stability of job creates team spirit and a sense of belongingness among

the workers which ultimately increase the quality as well as quantity of work.

 Order principle is concerned with proper and systematic arrangement of people and


 Unity of direction emphasizes the attainment of common goal under one head.

 Discipline means sincerity, obedience, respect of authority, observance of rules and

regulations of a company especially in a banking sector.

 Coming to case study bill crowin make some suggestions towards bill transfer in the


 After two weeks Bill was called to the regional office and offered the job of

operations officer. He was told that he would receive the official title in two months.

 He was also told that the present operations officer, who had held the job at this

branch for seven years, was to be relieved of all operational responsibilities and that

he would be instructed to work with Bill until the branch was functioning effectively.

 Over the next three months he worked almost every night until 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. He

tried to correct the problem that had developed over several years.

 The training of employees involved considerable time, and he found it necessary to

release 12 clerks who were causing trouble in various ways.

1. If you were Bill, how would you answer the branch manager?

If I were bill, I would take some necessary steps to change the branch from poor

quality of performance to good quality of performance.

 First, I started to find out loopholes in the branch according to that take action on

people those who are not in a better working position over several years.

 Identify whether the problem in the operational side or management system side.

 After that I should take initiative to create my own work with more hours to complete

the task within span of time. Because I know my professional work capability.

 I can handle this branch in better way compare to the previous situation.

 This is the way to give answer to my branch manager if I were bill.

2.Did the regional office handle Bill’s transfer properly?

 yes, regional office had selected right person for branch office which is in trouble.

That person was bill crowin.

 Bill crowin has capable to deal with this type of situations. first bill only asked for


 When Bill arrived at his new assignment, he found a rather demoralized situation.

Complete lack of interest was shown by two remaining officers and the rest of the

staff was not properly trained or disciplined.

 The two officers did not know Bill, and they were informed by the regional office

that he was being assigned to the branch as a platform replacement for only two

 After two weeks Bill was called to the regional office and offered the job of

operations officer

 The regional office had a good monitoring and controlling the bills transfer.

3.What should be done by the regional office now?

 The regional office should give the opportunity to the bill crowin in the branch


 Because he has ability to manage operational procedures and system control towards

the troublesome in the branch office.

 He is having good quality of work performance to run the better way even before


4.Do you believe that Bill can function effectively as a manager in this

I believe that bill doing effective work as designation of manager in the branch office because

he already proved himself as better quality worker as operational and other areas .bill

following principles of management in the bank that is why he is solving any problems

arising in the branch office. The training of employees involved considerable time, and he

found it necessary to release 12 clerks who were causing trouble in various ways. The

remaining staff and replacements started to function smoothly.


In every organization quality of work should be maintained for that company follow the

some principles related to the management and employees. Mostly we should implement the

strict rules and regulations, employee motivation, team spirit, coordination with subordinates,

delegation of authority.S

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