College of Accountancy & Finance
College of Accountancy & Finance
College of Accountancy & Finance
COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course provides the review of the of the accounting process and the following topics such as the formation of a partnership, operation
of a partnership (includes the different methods of dividing the profits and losses of the partnership, preparation of the Financial Statements
etc.) , dissolution of a partnership (by admision, retirement, withdrawal of a partner / or partners.)
due care, confidentiality, professional behavior and moral values.
6. Sense of Nationalism and Global A BSA & BSMA graduate should possess general knowledge in gaining and
Responsiveness understanding of the different cultures in the world and developing an
7. Community Engagement international objective thus, he must possess competency in English language,
adaptability to foreign business practices, level of trainability and good capabilities
in dealing with foreign partners.
8. Adeptness in the Responsible Use of A BSA and BSMA graduate should not only be conversant with IT concepts for
Technology business systems but sound knowledge on internal control in computer-based
systems, development standards and practices for business systems,
management of the adoption, implementation and use of IT, evaluation of
computer business systems, and managing the security information.
9. High Level of Leadership and A BSA and BSMA graduate should possess broad base of knowledge concerning
Organization Skills macro-environmental, economic and industry issues, business process
structures, functions and practices. It includes knowledge in areas such as
economics, quantitative models and busines statistics, organizational behavior,
internation business, ethics and corporate governance.
1 3 Orientation on The student will be able to understand Presentation of the Subject Students and
course syllabus; the contents of the course syllabus, grading system; Syllabus parents to sign
grading system; grading system and appreciate the class management Student the confirmation
class need of instructional materials policies and the rest Handbook letter containing
management of the syllabus the college rules
policies; required & regulaltions
Review of the At the end of the lesson, the student Lecture Any local Oral Recitation
basic concepts of will be able Shared discussion authored book Board
accounting Comprehend the nature, Graded recitation Any foreign presentation by
purpose, functions, scope and authored book students of their
objectives of accounting Other answers to
Describe the role of accounting instructional assigned
in business, and its specialized Materials exercises and
fields problems
Differentiate the forms of quiz on the topic
business organizations, types
of business operations and the
users and elements of financial
Comprehend the generally
accepted accounting principles
2-3 6 Review of the At the end of the lesson the student will Lecture Any local Oral Recitation
accounting be able to recall how to Shared discussion authored book Board
process of a Analyze the effects of business Board work Any foreign presentation by
service business transactions on the accounting Graded recitation authored book students of their
equation Problem Solving Other answers to
Apply the rules of debit and Case problem on instructional assigned
credit the complete Materials exercises and
Construct Financial statements accounting cycle of problems
as the end product of the a service enterprise quiz on the topic
accounting cycle
2-4 6 Accounting for At the end of the lesson, the student Lecture Any local Oral Recitation
Merchandising will be able to Shared discussion authored book Board
Business Have attained a Board work Any foreign presentation by
comprehensive understanding Graded recitation authored book students of their
of the different types of Problem Solving Other answers to
Adjusting Journal entries Case problem on instructional assigned
Differentiate the the accounting cycle Materials exercises and
activities/transactions affecting of a merchandising problems
the service business from business using quiz on the topic
those affecting the special journals
merchandising business
Distinguish between periodic
and perpetual systems and
Comprehend value added tax
Identify the nature, purpose
and types of special journals
and to make use of subsidiary
Able to illustrate the
relationship between a control
account and subsidiary ledgers
and be able to prepare
schedules for Account
Receivables and Accounts
Identify as to which journal
(general or special) will the
transaction be recorded
Illustrate and prepare
worksheet and financial
statements of a merchandising
8-10 9 Nature and Formation of At the end of the lesson the student will Lecture Any local Oral Recitation
a Partnership be able to Shared discussion authored book Board
Define and comprehend the Board work Any foreign presentation by
basic characteristics of a Graded recitation authored book students of their
partnership Problem Solving Other answers to
Weigh the advantages and instructional assigned
disadvantages of a partnership Materials exercises and
as compared to a single problems
proprietorship and a quiz on the topic
Differentiate the accounting
cycle for a partnership as
compared to a sole
dissolution of the partnership Completion of a instructional assigned
caused by admission of a new practice set Materials exercises and
partner is by purchase of Prescribed problems
interest or by investment of Practice set quiz on the topic
assets for Partnership
Prepare the necessary entries business
to record the dissolution of a
partnership that is caused by
the withdrawal, death or
incapacity of a partner
Accounting for Partnership and Corporation, Baysa, Gloria & Lupisan, Ma. Concepcion, 2017
21st Century Partnership and Corporation accounting, Manuel, Zenaida Vera Cruz, 2013
Principles of Accounting, 2014 by Baguino, Armando D. et al
Thunderbird Trucking Services, Balbarino, Melinda & Doquenia, Marietta,
Practice Set for a partnership form of business
Class Standing 70%
Quizzes 70%
Assignments, recitation 10%
Seatwork, files, notebook 10%
Attendance, right conduct 10%
Departmental examination 30%
Total 100%
The allowed number of absences for students enrolled in this subject with once-a-week meeting is 9 hours (3 meetings). Request for excused absences or waiver of absences
must be presented upon reporting back to class. Special examinations will be allowed only in special cases, such as prolonged illness etc. It is the responsibility of the student
to monitor his/her own tardy incidents and absences that might accumulate leading to a grade of “FA,” (Failed due to Absences). It is also his/her responsibility to consult with
the teacher, chair or dean should his/her case be of special nature.
All BSA/BSMA students are expected to be academically honest. Cheating, lying and other forms of immoral and unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Any student found
guilty of cheating in examinations will (at a minimum) receive a grade of 5.0 in the said test.
Prepared by the Committee on Financial Accounting & Reporting P-1 Syllabus Revision:
Reviewed by:
Approved by:
Student’s Copy
I have read the course syllabus and I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of the course and the expectations from me as a student of during the First Semester
of SY 2018-2019. I am fully aware of the consequences of non-compliance with the above-mentioned requirements and expectations.
Teacher’s Copy
I have read the course syllabus and I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of the course and the expectations from me as a student , during the First Semester
of SY 2018-2019. I am fully aware of the consequences of non-compliance with the above-mentioned requirements and expectations.
Effective School Year 2018-2019