Revisiting The "City Life Cycle": Global Urbanization and Implications For Regional Development
Revisiting The "City Life Cycle": Global Urbanization and Implications For Regional Development
Revisiting The "City Life Cycle": Global Urbanization and Implications For Regional Development
[email protected]
4 Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Lipová 9, CZ-37005 České Budějovice,
Czech Republic
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +40-727315750
Abstract: A comparative, diachronic analysis of urban population dynamics allows for the
identification of specific demographic trajectories influencing metropolitan expansion worldwide.
However, a wide-ranging characterization of long-term population trends in metropolitan areas
identifying sequential urban cycles with distinctive demographic dynamics is still incomplete. By
hypothesizing a trade-off between ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ population dynamics that reflect ‘high’ and ‘low’
fertility regimes in both advanced and emerging economies, the present work investigates the
relationship between city size (considering absolute population) and population growth rate in
1,857 metropolitan agglomerations (> 300,000 inhabitants in 2014) of 154 countries across the globe.
Analysis covers a relatively long time period (1950–2030) and uses descriptive statistics (average
and coefficient of variation) of the spatial series of population growth rates derived from United
Nations demographics by metropolitan agglomeration and time interval. The results of our study
indicate that metropolitan growth was associated with highly variable rates of population growth,
being highly positive before 2000 and declining progressively in the subsequent decades. Despite
important differences at the regional scale, an inverse relationship between population growth and
city size was observed up to the late 1990s, with a higher spatial heterogeneity reflecting a moderate
slowdown in demographic dynamics during recent years. Rapid population expansion dependent
on city size and a higher spatial heterogeneity in growth rates insensitive to city size, evidence
distinct metropolitan cycles reflecting worldwide transition from high to low fertility, ageing, and
more unpredictable migration patterns.
Keywords: population trends; urban growth; global cities; world population statistics;
1. Introduction
Continuous urbanization has occurred in the last century and is still evolving under the
differential influence of population growth and migration [1–5]. Long-term population growth
reflects socioeconomic transformations better than other territorial factors and processes [6–9]. Urban
expansion has been of long-standing interest to social science because of the association of
urbanization and demographic change with economic growth [10–13]. Short and long-term changes
in population growth at both local and regional scales were considered to identify metropolitan life
cycles, defined as a time interval with consolidation and decline of a specific urban phase with a
(more or less) clear linkage with demographic dynamics, social trends and economic performances
Ambiguity in the definition of sequential urban cycles was traditionally motivated by the fact
that a multitude of factors co-operate at different spatial scales, leading to new urban transformations
[17–19]. At the same time, settlement expansion was progressively decoupled from population
growth—with the former advancing more rapidly than the latter—questioning the overall
sustainability of contemporary urban systems [20–22]. Relative city growth gives indication on
demographic shifts at both local and regional scale likely better than more accurate indicators in a
spatially implicit context [23–25]. Analysis of urban growth by size class of towns would also
contribute to understanding the stages of metropolitan development in a given country [26–29].
Differential growth rates indicate the extent of (internal and international) migration, and local
changes in fertility and mortality rates [30–32].
City size (considering the absolute number of population at a given time point) is also regarded
as an important attribute influencing population growth [33]. Given the increased role of urban
regions in a globalized economy [34], it is expected that bigger cities will grow faster than smaller
ones [35], but this has been not found true in some cases [36]. More specifically, small towns are
expected to grow slowly compared to larger cities in the early phases of urbanization [37]. During
late urbanization, small towns are expected to grow more as a result of congestion and crowding in
large and intermediate towns [38]. However, other studies found that cities of different sizes grow at
similar rates [39].
Time-series approaches in which present size is determined by past size are proposed with the
aim to explain city growth dynamics [27]. Being intrinsically linked with urban life cycle theories,
Gibrat's law was frequently applied to city size and population growth rate, by hypothesizing that
no regular behaviour of any kind can be inferred between population growth rate and the initial size
of cities [40]. Mixed evidence in favour of a Gibrat's law relating the population growth rate to city
size was proposed. In this regard, it was supposed that larger cities attract and maintain (political
and economic) hegemonic roles within national, continental or even world (urban) hierarchy.
However, other works indicate spatial patterns in contrast with the Gibrat’s law, i.e., a negative
relationship between city size and population growth rate, under the assumption that scale effects
matter, i.e., the growth rate of the biggest cities has less variance than the smallest ones [41]. This
implies that smaller cities may frequently grow faster than larger cities [28,35,42].
Unfortunately, cyclical urbanization models—often incorporating the predictions of Gibrat’s
law—reflect only partly the complex dynamics of worldwide urban development. While
urbanization has traditionally been understood as a by-product of economic development [43], this
explanatory framework fails to account for more specific phenomena, including “urbanization
without economic growth” observed in developing regions of the world and, less frequently, in some
developed countries. Under the assumption that metropolitan expansion is basically fuelled by
population growth [27], empirical evidence outlines the increasing importance of the ‘demographic
dimension’ of urban growth and the intimate linkage with more general processes, including – but
not limited to – the second demographic transition [44]. These studies also indicate that urban
agglomerations do not show a single evolutionary stage of urban development, with a coexistence of
different developmental waves, less regulated by fertility trends and more strongly dependent on
international migration and increasing residential mobility at both younger and older ages [45].
This interpretative framework contributes to link economic theory with historical approaches
grounded on a comparative understanding of the role of past cities’ structure, being inherently
influenced by land-use policies stimulating or containing settlement expansion, and (more or less
strict) regulation of immigration [46]. According to Fox [47], “urbanization is better understood as a
global historical process driven by population dynamics associated with technological and
institutional innovations that have substantially improved disease control and food security in urban
settlements across the globe. These innovations first emerged in Europe in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries and were subsequently diffused through colonialism, trade, and international
development assistance”.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 1151 3 of 19
Understanding the latent linkage between urbanization and population dynamics at various
spatial scales revealed crucial when investigating demographic changes influenced by a mix of
institutional, political, economic, and cultural factors [13,48–50], and is particularly useful for policy
purposes. Being grounded on a wide-ranging comparison among cities, understanding urbanization
processes relies, to a large extent, on the availability of accurate and consistent information on the
spatial distribution, size and growth of metropolitan areas worldwide [51]. At the same time, (local
and regional) developmental strategies increasingly oriented toward sustainability should more
effectively govern the apparent and latent mechanisms of urban expansion, promoting a spatially
balanced growth and an environmentally sustainable enlargement of metropolitan regions.
However, despite a rising interest in the role of long-range urbanization on demographic processes
around the world, a comparative knowledge of long-term population trends in metropolitan areas is
still partial and fragmented [34,37,52]. Owing to the intrinsic conditions (e.g., social, cultural,
political) of each urban context, contemporary cities gave increasing evidence of new, multifaceted
relationships between demographic dynamics and the underlying socioeconomic context [43,53,54].
For instance, while the highest rates of population growth in advanced economies were observed in
the 1960s and the 1970s, more heterogeneous demographic patterns characterize emerging countries
and reflect inherent transformations in socio-spatial structures and a persistent polarization in
metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas [2].
A comprehensive understanding of developmental patterns in metropolitan regions worldwide
may therefore benefit from a long-term, comparative analysis of spatially explicit patterns of
population expansion. Results of this analysis allow identification of sequential phases of urban
growth and decline, informing policy design and implementation of a strategy for sustainable
metropolitan development. Analysis of urban cycles was traditionally based on a scheme interpreting
urban development as a sequence of separate stages of growth, starting from compact and dense
urbanization and finishing with a more complex and latent re-urbanization phase (Figure 1). In this
regard, investigating the relationship between city size (measures as total population) and city-level
rates of population growth—considered as a basic demographic indicator of regime shift—can
provide the necessary background to achieve a comprehensive overview of recent urban trends [55].
Deviations from the abovementioned scheme may indicate more complex development patterns that
require specific investigation. Although based on a simplified analysis of the long-term evolution of
metropolitan system, the city life cycle was (and is still) considered a background interpretation of
apparent (and latent) mechanisms of urban growth [34,46] that can be integrated with refined
approaches to metropolitan complexity [1,30,41]. This framework seems to be particularly
appropriate when investigating the present and future evolution of metropolitan systems
experiencing late re-urbanization, which is considered a particularly hard task because of the inherent
volatility of population dynamics in contemporary cities [38,43,51].
Sustainability 2020, 12, 1151 4 of 19
Figure 1. A general scheme of the ‘City Life Cycle’ covering the time interval between World War II
and nowadays: the ellipse indicates the most recent urban dynamics; the arrow indicates time.
Based on these premises, the purpose of our work is to investigate spatio-temporal shifts in the
relationship between city size and population growth over a sufficiently long time period (1950-2030)
in 1,857 world cities with at least 300,000 inhabitants (or more) in 2014. The analysis allows
identification of spatial similarities in metropolitan expansion, so as to infer relevant characteristics
and timing of urban cycles by continents, macro-regions or homogeneous economic areas. The
sample considered in this work includes cities from 154 countries and is representative of global
urban conditions and population trends [45]. Based on largely differentiated demographic dynamics
[25,32,56], the present work brings insight to the debate over the present and future development of
urban agglomerations worldwide.
2. Methodology
(Euclidean distance with Ward’s agglomeration rule) was finally run on the same data matrix used
as input for FA (see above) with the aim to assess timing of population growth (or shrinkage) and the
intrinsic role of city size. Hierarchical clustering identifies patterns of similarity or divergence in large
datasets referring to input variables, input cases or both [60]. Hierarchical clustering was considered
appropriate to identify time intervals with homogeneous population trends [49]. The integration of
different exploratory techniques allows for a refined analysis of large datasets distinguishing among
demographic regimes and verifying distinctive models of urban growth at regional scale [21].
3. Results
Table 1. Average metropolitan population growth rate (and the related coefficient of variation) by
time interval and world macro-region, 1950–2030.
Middle East 0.74 0.73 0.82 0.83 0.76 1.23 0.82 0.54
America 0.81 1.07 1.07 1.88 1.24 0.98 0.99 0.47
Russia 0.85 0.77 1.81 0.91 4.98 2.20 1.58 2.10
Grand CV 0.85 0.87 0.93 1.19 1.42 1.01 0.86 0.71
Except for Chinese agglomerations during 1990–2000, African cities maintained the highest rate
of growth during the entire study period, spanning from 9% (1950–1960) to 4% (2020–2030). China,
Middle East, and Latin American agglomerations experienced an accelerated growth up to the late
2000s but are estimated to expand slowly in the coming decade. Indian and the remaining Asian cities
(except China, Russia and India) experienced a relatively high and persistent rate of population
growth. North American cities showed accelerated dynamics in the first decades, decelerating slowly
since the early 2000s. While displaying accelerated dynamics in the first three decades of
investigation, Russian cities experienced a moderate population increase since the early 1980. Finally,
European cities displayed the lowest rate of growth over the entire study period. These evidence
suggest that Europe, likely the most mature and consolidated metropolitan system in the world, was
anticipating population trends that are (and will be) observed in the other regions, with a further
delay between advanced economies with accelerated dynamics (North America, Russia), emerging
economies with mixed dynamics (Asia, China, India, Latin America) and developing countries with
late growth (Africa and, in part, Middle East).
Table 2. Correlation analysis between city size and population growth rate by time interval and
macro-region (bold indicates significant coefficients at p < 0.001 after Bonferroni’s correction for
multiple comparisons).
America −0.480 −0.485 −0.407 −0.401 −0.266 −0.231 −0.135 0.001
Middle East −0.646 −0.600 −0.544 −0.531 −0.598 −0.400 −0.379 −0.096
America −0.293 −0.400 −0.636 −0.546 −0.489 −0.414 −0.288 −0.140
Russia −0.714 −0.647 −0.432 −0.409 −0.237 −0.202 −0.067 0.145
Spearman non-parametric correlation coefficients
Africa −0.467 −0.375 −0.396 −0.387 −0.460 −0.418 −0.257 −0.008
Asia −0.257 −0.217 −0.251 −0.597 −0.605 −0.404 −0.124 0.114
China −0.726 −0.805 −0.787 −0.675 −0.622 −0.324 −0.210 0.018
Europe −0.361 −0.409 −0.336 −0.339 -0.159 −0.044 0.006 0.101
Inia −0.250 −0.202 −0.161 −0.253 −0.208 −0.216 −0.091 0.101
America −0.426 −0.441 −0.396 −0.410 −0.183 −0.188 −0.090 0.032
Middle East −0.580 −0.553 −0.624 −0.518 −0.499 −0.321 −0.368 −0.113
America −0.348 −0.394 −0.592 −0.400 −0.484 −0.402 −0.287 −0.092
Russia −0.609 −0.642 −0.649 −0.339 −0.340 −0.225 −0.082 0.127
In the 1990s, correlation coefficients began to decline, although they remained statistically
significant in almost all macro-regions (except for Europe and Russia). The highest values were
observed in China, in other Asian countries and in the Middle East. North America, Latin America
and Africa had negative and significant correlation coefficients, but lower than those observed in the
macro-regions mentioned above. In the following decade (2000–2010), Europe and Russia showed
non-significant correlation coefficients. On the contrary, the highest negative coefficients were
observed in African and Asian macro-regions, as well as in the Middle East. The correlation between
city size and population growth was particularly high and negative in North America.
In the most recent decade, the correlation coefficients between size and population growth
decreased in most of the macro-regions. Based on population projections for 2020, this correlation is
significantly negative in only three macro-regions (Africa, Middle East and North America). A
weaker evidence of negative correlation between the two dimensions is observed in China. In the last
decade of study, it is estimated that the relationship between city size and population growth will be
not significant in all macro-regions.
Figure 2. Results of a Factor Analysis run on the correlation matrix of Pearson coefficient (see Table
Figure 3. Results of a Factor Analysis run on the correlation matrix of Spearman coefficient (see Table
Results of the FA differentiate world macro-regions based on the first two components. China,
Russia, Europe and Latin America are the regions that received the highest and negative loadings
along component 2, experiencing the highest growth rates and the most significant (negative)
correlation with city size in the first phase. Urban agglomerations in Africa, North America, the rest
of Asia and, in part, Middle East and India, were more closely linked to population dynamics
observed since the 1990s. In these regions, high rates of growth have been observed even in the most
recent decades, being still related negatively to city size.
Results of a hierarchical clustering allow identification of time intervals with homogeneous
population trends and negative correlation with city size, possibly contributing to define urban cycles
characterized by distinctive demographic regimes (Figure 3). Notably, clusters on Pearson and
Sustainability 2020, 12, 1151 10 of 19
Spearman correlation matrices provided similar results. Small differences between the two
dendrograms contribute to better profile the characteristics of urban cycles. Ward’s clustering on
Pearson correlation matrix provided a simplified discrimination between earlier decades (between
the 1950s and the 1990s, with two particularly homogeneous decades: 1950s and 1960s) and a more
recent period encompassing the last two decades (2000s and 2010s) and the coming one (2020–2030).
Ward’s clustering on Spearman correlation matrix separated three homogeneous decades (1950s,
1960s and 1970s) from a longer time period (between the early 1980s and the late 2010s) displaying a
marked heterogeneity in respect with earlier decades. The coming years (2020–2030) are represented
as an outlier period based on the different correlation regime between city size and population
4. Discussion
Long-term urbanization patterns worldwide underlie the inherent influence of multiple factors
of growth and change, with a prominent role of demographic dynamics [30,61–63]. However,
metropolitan growth was far from being a homogeneous process over space and time, since different
types of population dynamics and relationship with city size influenced long-term urban cycles,
shaping the overall spatial structure of metropolitan regions and their socioeconomic role in the
global arena [10,20,23,64,65]. Emerging approaches in urban studies attempt to combine theoretical
perceptions behind scale and agglomeration effects with a definite focus on demographic effects
within cities which may inspire a more comprehensive analysis of metropolitan systems, going
beyond the linear interpretation imposed by economic laws, both theoretically-oriented and
empirically grounded [11,14,34,46]. While being based on exploratory thinking, correlation analysis
and multivariate statistics allow a detailed analysis of global urban cycles, contributing to clarify the
interplay between long-term demographic dynamics and short-term urban transitions [5,25,26].
Analysis of sequential phases of urban expansion, characterized by distinctive rates of urban
expansion and varying intensity of the relationship between city size and rates of population growth,
provides a useful contribution to analysis of different metropolization patterns and processes. In
these regards, the present study overcomes analysis’ gaps – mainly referring to a spatially explicit,
long-term investigation of global urban cycles vis à vis population dynamics, under the framework
of the second demographic transition, reflecting fertility decline, ageing, and a more volatile impact
of migration on regional and urban dynamics [6,8,19].
The results of our study indicate that metropolitan expansion was associated with largely
variable rates of population growth, highly positive before 2000 and reducing progressively over
more recent years. Despite important differences at the regional scale, population growth in urban
agglomerations reflects contrasting demographic regimes with a break point in the late 1980s or early
1990s – depending on the world macro-region. More specifically, the 1990s were a transitional period
from a spatially homogeneous demographic regime based on high rates of population growth strictly
dependent on city size, to a different regime grounded on low rates of population growth varying
over space irrespective of city size [24]. The transitional phase was characterized by spatially
heterogeneous dynamics of growth, either between and within macro-regions, and a decline in the
strength of the correlation between city size (population) and demographic growth [29]. In this
period, the coefficient of variation in population growth rates was particularly high in every macro-
region (with a particularly high value observed in Europe, North America and Russia). At the same
time, the correlation between city size and demographic growth was more evident when urban
population grew rapidly, evidencing a latent process of convergence between smaller and larger
cities. More specifically, global demographic change—with pronounced falls in fertility and mortality
in emerging economies—has led to a progressive convergence of demographic patterns around the
world, including vital rates and population size [15].
Increasingly mixed patterns of demographic growth were observed for urban agglomerations
in both advanced and emerging countries, evidencing common patterns beyond the traditional
economic polarization in advanced and emerging countries or socio-political and cultural divides
(e.g. global north vs south, or ‘western’ vs ‘eastern’ urban systems). These results also justify a refined
Sustainability 2020, 12, 1151 11 of 19
growth have turned negative [17]. In Russia, shrinkage was primarily associated with different urban
functions, consolidating territorial disparities [65]. Demographic shrinkage was also observed in
China, with shrinking cities rising by 71% from 164 in the 1990s to 281 in the 2000s [66]. In the United
States, these results are even more complicated thanks to unanticipated shifts in metropolitan-
nonmetropolitan population change and migration, with the latter being acknowledged as a key
driver of regional diversity in population dynamics [67]. Taken together, such dynamics are reflected
in the empirical results of the correlation analysis presented in our study.
These findings are also of particular interest for refining city-scale and regional-scale population
projections that take account of the recent evolution of metropolitan systems, with urban growth
shifting from a spatially homogeneous process governed by urban density and agglomeration factors
toward more heterogeneous dynamics driven by regional scale factors and city-level processes,
identifying the expanding role of individual trajectories of growth in metropolitan agglomerations
[68–70]. According to a global scenario [54], the degree of convergence in urbanization across
countries will differ substantially as a result of population dynamics that are typical of regions in
different stages of urbanization and development levels, as clearly revealed in our analysis.
5. Conclusions
For the first time in history, the majority of the world population now lives in cities. Global
urbanization will continue at high speed with the world's urban population is projected to increase
by more than 3 billion people between 2010 and 2050. While cities maintain a key role in shaping
worldwide population trends, different developmental paths emerge depending on the rate of
urbanization, possibly indicating that future demographic dynamics will overlap only partly with
those observed in the past, being less sequential and more unpredictable and heterogeneous over
space. A refined comprehension of worldwide metropolitan cycles is gaining a decisive role in a
globalized economic system where, together with increasing emphasis on sustainable development,
the importance of the demographic dimension of urban growth has been strengthened.
Urban agglomerations with high rates of population expansion combined with cities growing
moderately and even with towns experiencing demographic shrinkage, making analysis of
population trends in metropolitan regions a particularly complex and challenging task. In this
framework, the contribution of natural balance (births and deaths) to population growth in
metropolitan regions has progressively declined, leaving urban growth driven largely by migration.
Supra-national and country-specific developmental policies could be inadequate or inefficient in
promoting a sustainable urban development in metropolitan regions of both advanced and emerging
countries without considering the specificity of local contexts and intrinsic demographic dynamics.
Intensity of urban expansion and spatial heterogeneity among metropolitan agglomerations
definitely express a trade-off between ‘fast’ (e.g., migration) and ‘slow’ (e.g., change in natural
balance) demographic dynamics [8]. This trade-off can be more intensively investigated to support
recently proposed theories of sequential city growth, making a relevant contribution to policy
making, especially in countries where urban growth is still evident [66]. Innovative approaches for
the large-scale modelling of global demographic processes are vital to the study of metropolitan
growth, while being also linked to issues of socioeconomic development [29]. These questions need
to be further investigated to dealt with future urbanization waves and demographic dynamics
To cope with these deserving research questions, a consistent set of global urbanization
projections that cover long time horizons and span a full range of uncertainty is increasingly required.
Existing urbanization projections, including those from United Nations Population Division
extensively used in our study, provide only a single scenario over the next few decades, a period
during which urbanization is likely to be highly dynamic in many countries. A long-term, new global
set of urbanization projections at country level should be developed that cover a plausible range of
uncertainty [62].
To provide policymakers with useful scientific guidance in the upcoming urban era, researchers
will finally need to refine their data sets to include spatial factors as well as city-scale vital rates and
Sustainability 2020, 12, 1151 13 of 19
Appendix A
Table A1. List of countries reporting the number of cities classified in each world region (part 1).
Latin North
Afric Asi Chin Europ Indi Middl Russi Tota
Country Americ Americ
a a a e a e East a l
a a
Afghanistan 4 4
Albania 1 1
Algeria 8 8
Angola 9 9
Argentina 17 17
Armenia 1 1
Australia 11 11
Austria 1 1
Azerbaijan 3 3
Bahrain 1 1
Bangladesh 11 11
Belarus 6 6
Belgium 5 5
Benin 4 4
Bolivia 4 4
Bosnia and
1 1
Brazil 59 59
Bulgaria 3 3
Burkina Faso 2 2
Burundi 1 1
Cambodia 1 1
Cameroon 7 7
Canada 17 17
Central African
1 1
Chad 1 1
Chile 6 6
China 424 424
China, Hong Kong
1 1
China, Macao SAR 1 1
China, Taiwan P.
8 8
Colombia 18 18
Congo 2 2
Costa Rica 3 3
Côte d'Ivoire 2 2
Croatia 1 1
Cuba 3 3
Czechia 2 2
Sustainability 2020, 12, 1151 14 of 19
Table A2. List of countries reporting the number of cities classified in each world region (part 2).
Latin North
Afric Asi Chin Europ Indi Middl Russi Tota
Country Americ Americ
a a a e a e East a l
a a
Georgia 1 1
Germany 22 22
Ghana 4 4
Greece 2 2
Guatemala 1 1
Guinea 1 1
Guinea-Bissau 1 1
Haiti 1 1
Honduras 2 2
Hungary 1 1
India 181 181
Indonesia 33 33
Iran (Islamic Republic
28 28
Iraq 17 17
Ireland 1 1
Israel 4 4
Italy 32 32
Jamaica 1 1
Japan 33 33
Jordan 6 6
Kazakhstan 9 9
Kenya 6 6
Kuwait 1 1
Kyrgyzstan 1 1
Lao Dem. Republic 1 1
Latvia 1 1
Lebanon 1 1
Liberia 1 1
Libya 3 3
Lithuania 1 1
Sustainability 2020, 12, 1151 15 of 19
Madagascar 3 3
Malawi 2 2
Malaysia 11 11
Mali 2 2
Mauritania 1 1
Mexico 53 53
Mongolia 1 1
Morocco 11 11
Mozambique 7 7
Myanmar 3 3
Namibia 1 1
Nepal 2 2
Netherlands 5 5
New Zealand 3 3
Nicaragua 1 1
Niger 2 2
Nigeria 50 50
Norway 1 1
Oman 2 2
Pakistan 25 25
Panama 1 1
Papua New Guinea 1 1
Paraguay 2 2
Table A3. List of countries reporting the number of cities classified in each world region (part 3).
Latin North
Afric Asi Chin Europ Indi Middl Russi Tot
Country Ameri Ameri
a a a e a e East a al
ca ca
Peru 10 10
Philippines 31 31
Poland 9 9
Portugal 2 2
Puerto Rico 2 2
Qatar 3 3
Republic of Korea 25 25
Republic of Moldova 1 1
Romania 4 4
Russian Federation 66 66
Rwanda 1 1
Saudi Arabia 17 17
Senegal 3 3
Serbia 1 1
Sierra Leone 1 1
Singapore 1 1
Slovakia 1 1
Somalia 5 5
South Africa 15 15
Sustainability 2020, 12, 1151 16 of 19
South Sudan 1 1
Spain 14 14
Sri Lanka 1 1
State of Palestine 1 1
Sudan 7 7
Sweden 3 3
Switzerland 5 5
Syrian Arab Republic 9 9
Tajikistan 1 1
TFYR Macedonia 1 1
Thailand 28 28
Togo 1 1
Trinidad and Tobago 1 1
Tunisia 2 2
Turkey 27 27
Turkmenistan 1 1
Uganda 1 1
Ukraine 15 15
United Arab Emirates 5 5
United Kingdom 28 28
United Republic of
Tanzania 7 7
United States of
America 142 142
Uruguay 1 1
Uzbekistan 5 5
Venezuela 16 16
Viet Nam 11 11
Yemen 7 7
Zambia 3 3
Zimbabwe 3 3
Total 220 239 434 178 181 209 129 159 108 1857
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.S. and R.H.C.Z.; methodology, L.S.; software, S.C.; validation, S.C.,
formal analysis, L.S.; investigation, R.H.C.Z.; resources, R.H.C.Z.; data curation, S.C.; writing—original draft
preparation, L.S.; writing—review and editing, R.H.C.Z.; visualization, S.C.; supervision, S.C.; project
administration, S.C.; funding acquisition, R.H.C.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: The APC was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministery of Research and Innovation, project
number 10PFE/16.10.2018, PERFORM-TECH-UPT - The increasing of the institutional performance of the Polytechnic
University of Timișoara by strengthening the research, development and technological transfer capacity in the field of
"Energy, Environment and Climate Change", within Program 1 - Development of the national system of Research
and Development, Subprogram 1.2 - Institutional Performance - Institutional Development Projects - Excellence
Funding Projects in RDI, PNCDI III”.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 1151 17 of 19
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the
study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to
publish the results.
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