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Training TM-1842

AVEVA Catalogue
Guide Cable Catalogue & Specifications

AVEVA Catalogue (2.1)
Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

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AVEVA Catalogue (2.1)
Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

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11/01/2014 0.1 Issued for Review SS

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14/01/2014 1.0 Approved for Training AVEVA Catalogue (1.1) SS KB KB
01/07/2015 1.1 Issued for Review WR
01/08/2015 1.2 Reviewed WR MB
27/11/2015 2.0 Approved for Training AVEVA Catalogue (2.1) WR MB KB


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Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

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1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................9
1.1 Aim ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Objectives.......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Course Structure............................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Using this Guide ............................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Setting up the Training Course ..................................................................................................... 10
2 Catalogue Overview .............................................................................................................13
2.1 Objectives........................................................................................................................................ 13
2.2 The Catalogue Database Structure ............................................................................................... 14
2.3 Part World (PRTWLD) ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.4 Catalogue (CATA) ........................................................................................................................... 15
2.5 Specification World (SPWL) – Selection Tables.......................................................................... 16
2.6 Units ................................................................................................................................................. 16
2.6.1 Current Session Units................................................................................................................ 17
2.7 Forward Planning............................................................................................................................ 18
2.8 Paragon - General Application Menu............................................................................................ 18
2.9 The Catalogue Explorer.................................................................................................................. 19
3 Coding Systems ...................................................................................................................21
3.1 Why Have a Coding System? ........................................................................................................ 21
3.2 Standard Coding Systems ............................................................................................................. 21
3.3 Are Element Names Significant? .................................................................................................. 22
3.4 What System? ................................................................................................................................. 22
4 Component Creation............................................................................................................23
4.1 Enter Catalogue in the Training Project ....................................................................................... 23
4.2 Creating the Catalogue Hierarchy................................................................................................. 24
4.3 Automatic Naming .......................................................................................................................... 24
Exercise 1 – Create the Catalogue and Section Hierarchy ......................................................25
4.4 Creating a Component Category (CATE) Element – A Worked Example ................................. 26
4.4.1 Parameter Definitions ................................................................................................................ 27
4.4.2 Modifying the Components (SCOM) Element ........................................................................... 28
4.4.3 Creating a Component Copy ..................................................................................................... 28
4.4.4 Entering the Parameter Values ................................................................................................. 29
4.4.5 Copying the PTSE Element....................................................................................................... 29
4.4.6 Modifying the Component (SCOM) References........................................................................ 30
5 Pointsets...............................................................................................................................31
5.1 Displaying P-Points ........................................................................................................................ 32
5.2 Types of P-Points............................................................................................................................ 33
5.2.1 Cartesian Ppoint (PTCA) ........................................................................................................... 33
5.2.2 Axial Ppoint (PTAX) ................................................................................................................... 33
5.2.3 Mixed Ppoint (PTMI) .................................................................................................................. 33
5.2.4 Position (PTPOS) ...................................................................................................................... 34
5.3 Creating the Elconn Pointset – A Worked Example.................................................................... 34
Exercise 2 – Point Set Creation .................................................................................................36
6 Creation of Geometry Sets ..................................................................................................37
6.1 Creating a Geometry Set (GMSE).................................................................................................. 37
Exercise 3 - Geometry Set Creation for 2 and 3 Electrical Terminal connections .................41
7 Creating Cable Components ...............................................................................................43
7.1 Creating a Cable Component with Core Connections ................................................................ 43
7.2 Creating a Component Category (CATE) Element ...................................................................... 43
7.3 Modifying the Cable Components................................................................................................. 44
7.3.1 Creating Cable Cores ................................................................................................................ 45

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Catalogue (2.1)
Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

Exercise 4 – Creating Cable and Cable Core Sets....................................................................46

8 Creating Text Elements .......................................................................................................47
8.1 Detail Text ........................................................................................................................................ 47
8.2 General Text .................................................................................................................................... 48
8.3 Text requirements on Specifications............................................................................................ 48
Exercise 5 – Creating Text Elements ........................................................................................49
9 Component Part Families ....................................................................................................51
9.1 Creating a Part World ..................................................................................................................... 51
9.2 Creating a Part Family .................................................................................................................... 52
9.3 Creating Parts from a Category..................................................................................................... 53
9.4 Setting the Isometric Description ................................................................................................. 53
9.5 Setting the Component Weight ..................................................................................................... 54
Exercise 6 – Part Creation (Cables / Elconns) ..........................................................................55
10 Selection Tables................................................................................................................57
10.1 Creating a Cable Selection Table (Specification) .................................................................... 57
10.2 Adding a Table Heading ............................................................................................................. 59
10.2.1 Editing Heading Questions ........................................................................................................ 59
10.3 Removing / Deleting Items form the Selection Table .............................................................. 61
Exercise 7 – Selection Tables Creation (Cables / Elconns) ....................................................62
11 Design Parameters ...........................................................................................................63
11.1 Extra Design Parameters............................................................................................................ 63
11.2 Design Database Parameters..................................................................................................... 63
12 Cable Tray Components ...................................................................................................65
12.1 Creating a Cable Tray Component (Straight) - A Worked Example ....................................... 65
Exercise 8 – Cable Tray Component Creation..........................................................................71
Exercise 8a - RIGHT HAND BEND (CATE BEND.RH) ...............................................................72
Exercise 8b - OUTSIDE RISER (CATE RISER.OR) ....................................................................73
Exercise 8c - EQUAL TEE (CATE TEE.FL) – Optional Exercise...............................................74
12.3 Create GPART for Cable Tray - A Worked Example ................................................................ 75
Exercise 9 – Creating GPART elements for Cable Tray ...........................................................77
12.4 Creating Selection Table for Cable Tray - A Worked Example............................................... 77
12.4.1 Adding a Table Heading ............................................................................................................ 78
12.4.2 Editing Heading Questions ........................................................................................................ 79
Exercise 10 –Selection Table Creation for Cable Tray.............................................................81
13 Cable / Cable Tray Properties ..........................................................................................83
13.1 Creating Cable Component Properties Data – A Worked Example ....................................... 83
Exercise 11 – Creating Cable Properties ..................................................................................85
APPENDIX A - Catalogue Primitives .........................................................................................87
Primitive Elements..................................................................................................................................... 87
Box (SBOX)................................................................................................................................................. 87
Cone (SCONE)............................................................................................................................................ 87
Disc (SDISK) ............................................................................................................................................... 88
Sphere (SSPHE) ......................................................................................................................................... 88
Cylinder (SCYL) ......................................................................................................................................... 88
Cylinder (LCYL).......................................................................................................................................... 89
Dish (SDSH)................................................................................................................................................ 89
Snout (LSNO) ............................................................................................................................................. 89
Circular Torus (SCTO)............................................................................................................................... 90
Rectangular Torus (SRTO)........................................................................................................................ 90
Line (LINE) .................................................................................................................................................. 90
Tube (TUBE) ............................................................................................................................................... 90
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AVEVA Catalogue (2.1)
Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

Slope – Bottomed Cylinder (SSLC).......................................................................................................... 91

Pyramid (LPYR).......................................................................................................................................... 91
Boxing (BOXI) ............................................................................................................................................ 92
User Defined Extrusion (SEXT) ................................................................................................................ 92

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AVEVA Catalogue (2.1)
Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

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1 Introduction

This course is aimed at Electrical Designers with AVEVA Everything3D™ (AVEVA E3D™) Cable Design
experience and aims to cover the creation of Electrical Connections, Cables, Cable Core Elements and Cable
Tray specifications for use by Engineering teams within AVEVA Plant products.

1.1 Aim

The aim of this training guide is to provide knowledge and skills that will enable designers to be able to build
and maintain Cable/Cabletray components and specifications.

1.2 Objectives

 Understand CATALOGUE and its benefits.

 Use the Catalogue Explorer to access the Catalogue, Properties, Design and Draft Databases.

 Create component Categories and Components.

 Create component Point Sets and Geometry Sets.

 Create Part Families and GPART’s.

 Set GPART reference attributes to 3D Model, 3D Templates, Draw Symbol Sets, etc.

 Create and maintain Cable Specifications.

 Create Properties Data.

 Test the created items within the Model module.

1.3 Prerequisites

It is necessary to have a good understanding of the rules and conventions in AVEVA Everything3D. the
participants should have already completed the AVEVA Everything3D Foundations course and the AVEVA
Everything3D Cable Design course.

1.4 Course Structure

Training will consist of oral and visual presentations, demonstrations and set exercises. Each workstation will
have a training project, populated with model objects. This will be used by the trainees to practice their
methods, and complete the set exercises.

1.5 Using this Guide

Certain text styles are used to indicate special situations throughout this document.

Button press actions are indicated by bold dark turquoise text.

Information the user has to Key-in will be bold red text.

Additional information notes and references to other documentation will be indicated in the styles below.

 Additional information

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Catalogue (2.1)
Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

 Refer to other documentation

System prompts will be bold and italic in inverted commas i.e. 'Choose function'.

Example files or inputs will be in the courier new font, colours and styles used as before.

1.6 Setting up the Training Course

Login to AVEVA Catalogue using the details provided by the Trainer. They will typically be as shown below:

Project: TRA (Training)

Username: A.CABLEMAN

Password: A


Click the Paragon tile.

From the Training group of the TOOLS tab, click the Setup button to display the Training Setup

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Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

Check the Setup Training Course checkbox, click the Apply button and Close the form.

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AVEVA Catalogue (2.1)
Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

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2 Catalogue Overview

This chapter gives an overview of Catalogue functionality, describes the hierarchy of the Catalogue DB and
the main component members, and introduces the user interface. The chapter will also highlight and stress
the importance of having clear conceptual component designs before the design process begins.

AVEVA Catalogue enables the catalogue designer to build and maintain the AVEVA Catalogue databases by
creating or modifying Cable Components, Piping Components and Steelwork Components, and updating the
associated specifications using a standardised graphical user interface (GUI). This training guide will cover
items pertaining to Cabling components only.

As with other AVEVA Product modules and databases, only authorised users have write access to them.
Catalogue databases can be accessed in either Multi-write or Update mode. The User Interface for Multi-write
Claiming and Querying is identical to that of the AVEVA E3D Model module.

Catalogue’s graphical user interface presents the user with a series of forms on which they can define each
catalogue component by entering the following types of data:

 Create Hierarchy.

 Categories or component type.

 Components including.

 Point Set or Structural Point Set references

 Geometry Set or Structural Geometry Set references.

 Detailing and Material Text references.

 Part and Part Families.

 Parts are used in the catalogue to fully describe a component, bringing together the component details
Text, material text and component properties

The Catalogue application also allows the user to build and modify Specifications by creating.

 Selection Tables.

 Properties Data.

 Part.

 Property data such as weight, resistance, voltage etc. can be added in Catalogue.

A major feature of Catalogue is the way in which it can display a ‘live’ 3D view of the catalogue component on
which the user is currently working. This allows the user to see the effects their changes have immediately,
as they modify the component’s attribute settings.

2.1 Objectives

At the end of this session, the User will be able to:

 Describe the hierarchy of the Catalogue database.

 Name the top-level members.

 Understand the need for forward planning.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Catalogue (2.1)
Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

2.2 The Catalogue Database Structure

When using Catalogue, assuming that the appropriate access rights exist, the User is automatically directed
to the first catalogue database available within the particular MDB. It is highly likely that there will, in fact, be
more than one catalogue database in an MDB.

On entry to Catalogue, there are four visible Worlds: Catalogue, Design, Draft and Property which, can all be
modified from within the appropriate application.

The diagram below shows the top level of the hierarchy within the Catalogue World.

Catalogue WORLD


Part World (PRTWLD) Connection Tables (CCTA)

Table World (TABWLD) Catalogue (CATA)

Nominal Bore World (NBRWLD) Bolt Tables (BLTA)

Spec-world (SPWL) insu (UNITS)

The significance of four levels, Part-World (PRTWLD), Spec-world (SPWL), Catalogue (CATA) and Units are
explained in detail as appropriate and, together with their successive hierarchies introduced by the following

 The WORLD is a different one from that in the design database. Co-ordination between the various
‘worlds’ is automatically established and maintained through the system database, which is effectively
invisible to the user.

2.3 Part World (PRTWLD)

The Part World (PRTWLD) can own any number of Part Families (PRTELE). Part Families consist of a number
of Parts (GPART) which, have reference attributes pointing to the 3D Model, material, Isodraft description,
etc. Parts are used in the catalogue to fully describe the components without the need for a cable specification.

PRTWLD Is an administrative level of the

PRTELE Each element represents a

PRTELE PRTELE PRTELE GPART family corresponding to a specific
GTYPE, e.g. CABL, etc. PRTELE’s contain a
number of GPART elements, each of which fully
defines an individual component. GPART
elements have attributes as follows:


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Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

2.4 Catalogue (CATA)

The members of a Catalogue (CATA) are Sections (SECT). These sections are for the convenience of users
and generally it is accepted that the different generic types are contained in separate sections, i.e. Cables,
Elconns, etc. The sections own categories (CATE), which would in turn own specific types within the same
generic field, i.e. Power Cable, Signal Cable to various standards.

Although variable, the category usually owns four distinct ‘types’ of elements:

 SCOM contains the parameters of the specific component and reference the 3D geometry (GMSE),
the axial configuration (PTSE), the Dataset (DTSE) and the Bolt set (BTSE).

 PTSE (Point Set) defines the axis system and it’s associated Ppoints. Components can share a
PTSE which leads to further economy in data storage.

 GMSE (Geom Set) contains a number of primitives which together describe the physical appearance
of a component, and are related to a PTSE. Many components use the same GMSE.

 SDTE contains the component detail text string and its isometric symbol reference (SKEY).

 DTSE (Dataset) contains a number of DATA elements describing the component parameters and
can be used in AVEVA E3D Model, e.g. to modify component properties.

 BTSE (Bolt set) defines the bolting requirements of a flanged component.

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AVEVA Catalogue (2.1)
Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

2.5 Specification World (SPWL) – Selection Tables

The purpose of Selection Tables in AVEVA E3D is similar to that in a manual design situation, in that it limits
and controls the designer’s choice of components for a given application. The selection tables are created
interactively using the Catalogue GUI.

The Selection Tables are populated by selecting the specific GPARTs for use in the AVEVA E3D Model
module. The Selection Table hierarchy is as shown below.

A TABGRO item may contain a number of selection tables that are related in some way. Each selection table
(CTABLE) contains a Table Header (TABHEA) and at least one Table Item (TABITE). The Table Header
defines the selection questions (TABHQU) for that table. The table items (TABITE) have references to the
corresponding GPART and also hold that selection answers (TABITEM) for that part.

2.6 Units

The Units primary element in the first catalogue database can be used to set the default unit for Bore and
distance for the project.

Catalogue WORLD


There are two main attributes Bore units (Bunits) and Distance units (Dunits)

Bunits and Dunits can be set to 'MIL/LIMETRES' 'MM', ‘IN/CH’ or 'FIN/CH'

 The catalogue should always be built in metric units.

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Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

2.6.1 Current Session Units

When the User enters dimensional data in any window, the units applied are taken from default settings. The
default units are specified independently for each unit type.

To change the default units, select PROJECT Tab > Options > System > Units to display the Current
Session Units window.

A system default file is supplied for both metric and imperial units:

 %AVEVA_DESIGN_DFLTS%/system-current-units-Met.pmldat

 %AVEVA_DESIGN_DFLTS%/system-current-units-Imp.pmldat

To set the default units for a specific project the Administrator must select the required units using the Current
Session Units window and click Save. A file, %AVEVA_DESIGN_USER%/xxx-save-current-units-
Met.pmldat or %AVEVA_DESIGN_USER%/xxx-save-current-units-Imp.pmldat is then created.

The created file must be copied to the project defaults folder and renamed to %xxxdflts%/project-current-units-
Met.pmldat or %xxxdflts%/project-current-units-Imp.pmldat. The User is then permitted to use the Project
Defaults or use a saved file previously created.

On Global projects, it is necessary to propagate the units settings file to all project satellites. If the "Other Data
Transfer" mechanism has been implemented, (refer to Transfer of Other Data in Running Global Projects
guide), project unit settings files could be propagated. Otherwise, the most practical method of propagating a
project units file is simply to e-mail the file to all satellites and have the file copied to the appropriate project
folder. In practice, project units files will be configured at the beginning of a project, and are unlikely to be
changed frequently during the life of a project.

The User Settings, Save and Restore buttons can be disabled by the Administrator which forces the User to
use the project default settings. To disable the buttons, the Administrator must open the file saved in the
project defaults folder and change the following line:

!!comFormats.allowUserSaveFile = true


!!comFormats.allowUserSaveFile = false

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Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

The Save and Restore buttons are now disabled.

Although the user cannot save their user settings, they are still able to change the unit formats for the current
working session. When the user ends the current sessions the unit format reverts back to the project defaults.

2.7 Forward Planning

Although Catalogue makes it very easy for the user to define Catalogue database items in terms of their
connectivity (point sets), physical shape (geometry sets), dimensions (typically defined in terms of design
parameters), and other relevant attributes, you must have a clear idea of exactly what each component is to
look like and how its dimensions are to be defined before you begin.

Catalogue uses the latest technology to automate the component design process as far as possible, but there
is no substitute for a pencilled sketch of any new type of component, with the required design parameters
marked on it, to guide the user as they enter their data on the various forms.

2.8 Paragon - General Application Menu

This section introduces the GENERAL Application Main Menu Bar and uses the Catalogue Explorer to
navigate around the Catalogue, Design, Properties and Draft Database Worlds

A default screen layout will be displayed comprising the Microsoft® Office Fluent™– based user interface and
the Catalogue Explorer.

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Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

Paragon’s main applications are:

 PIPING create / modify catalogue piping components and piping specifications

 EQUIPMENT create / modify equipment part families and nozzle specs

 ELECTRICAL create / modify electrical components and cable specifications

 STRUCTURES create / modify steelwork Profiles, Fittings or Joints

 SUPPORTS create / modify discipline support standards

This course covers the ELECTRICAL and EQUIPMENT applications which display the relevant forms for
component data entry, modification, etc.

2.9 The Catalogue Explorer

The catalogue explorer allows the user to navigate through and manipulate
elements of the Catalogue, Design, Draft and Property worlds.

There are a number of different ways in which the user can navigate around
the hierarchy in order to access a specific element. The database navigation is
carried out in exactly the same way as with all other AVEVA modules.

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Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

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3 Coding Systems

This chapter discusses the need for a coding system in the cable catalogue and the format of the AVEVA
coding system.

3.1 Why Have a Coding System?

AVEVA Plant suite of products require an element, such as a catalogue component, to have a unique name.
With so many elements being ‘structured’, Paragon adheres itself to a coding system in a number of areas.
Some examples are:

 Catalogue References

 GPART Names and References

 Specification Components

 Point Set (PTSE) Names

 Geometry Set (GMSE) Names

 Connection Type

 Detail Text Names

The advantages of using a coding system are:

 Duplication of names is avoided.

 Creation of ad-hoc names generated on the spur of the moment is avoided and so names can be

 Relocation of elements within Paragon is made easier.

3.2 Standard Coding Systems

Standard AVEVA Catalogue has a catalogue containing approximately 50,000 components and has a
developed coding system which allows the definition of unique names for the supplied and future components.
Indeed, the coding system could generate in excess of 60 billion different names.

There are real advantages to having a standard coding system for catalogue component names and
connection types. Adopting a standard naming structure allows the following:

 Direct transfer of components from the context of one project to another.

 Queries relating to a component or range of components can be referred to precisely by name and
without encountering conventions unique to a company.

 An ‘off-the-shelf’ service, reducing ‘downtime’ at the start of a project.

 The retrieval of components, at any stage, beyond those being used from a given range and required
for a particular application.

 Complete documentation - providing size ranges, parameters and symbol representation.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Catalogue (2.1)
Cable Catalogues & Specifications TM-1842

3.3 Are Element Names Significant?

To AVEVA Catalogue, element names are inconsequential but to the User, as already suggested, a standard
code would ease identification/ relocation.

Conventions will vary from company to company but some conventions that are possibly not company
orientated are:

 Specification component-names are usually meaningful.

i.e. /ELCONN-T3 would be an Electrical Connection with three terminal points.

 Detailing text names - the name usually includes the short-code required by the detailing interface.


 Branch numbers are usually prefixed by the cableway name, also electrical connections (Elconn’s) etc.,
by equipment name.

i.e. /32P01B/E1.

3.4 What System?

The type of coding system very much depends on what is being coded, but at the offset two very basic
questions need answering:

 Should the system be meaningful?

 What does the system need to include?

The answer to the first one is usually yes for reasons already given. The answer to the second is a little more
involved and is best explained by an example. As the content up to now has basically revolved around the
catalogue coding system, this would be a suitable area to investigate.

Cable components can be classified by the following:

 Manufacturer / Standard

 Specific Standard

 Type

 Specific Type

 End Connection

 Rating

 Material.

The material need not be included in the basic coding system because there is sufficient scope with other
fields but individual users may add a material code, which is company orientated by simply editing the
catalogue macros.

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4 Component Creation

Paragon uses the latest technology to automate the component design process as far as possible, but there
is no substitute for a precursory sketch of any new type of component; complete with the required design
parameters marked. It is beneficial to mark the required Ppoints along with their number on the sketch; this is
useful when creating Point Sets.

 Diagrams of Ppoint layouts, as used by Paragon, can be found in the Isodraft Reference Manual.

4.1 Enter Catalogue in the Training Project

Enter Paragon using the login

user name and password
described previously.

The Electrical application is

used to create catalogue
Selecting the ELECTRICAL
application will add the
new Microsoft® Office
Fluent™-based user
 SPECIFICATION Tab interface

In the Catalogue world, navigate to CATA-CABLE-A

 The database name is dependent on the login


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4.2 Creating the Catalogue Hierarchy

To create a new Catalogue (CATA) element, select the: CATALOGUE Tab then click Catalogue button from
the Create group

Enter ELECTRICAL.CATA in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to EQUI and click the OK button.

 The CATA element has been created in the

CABLE/CATA-A database.

Underneath CATA in the hierarchy are Section (SECT) elements. The Section allows the user to hold different
components i.e. Elconn’s, Cables, etc. into manageable storage areas. Since an Elconn connects to an
equipment element the purpose will be set to EQUI for this section.

Click the Section button from the Create group to display the Create Section form:

Enter ELCONNS in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to EQUI and click the OK button.

4.3 Automatic Naming

In order that all subordinate members of the hierarchy are given a meaningful name, Automatic Naming should
be turned on at this point.

Select the Naming button from the Configure group of the

MANAGE tab to display the Naming Settings form

Turn Auto Naming On by Ticking the Auto Naming On/Off

checkbox and then clicking the OK button.

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Exercise 1 – Create the Catalogue and Section Hierarchy

1. Create the Catalogue and Section Hierarchy as described in the previous sections.

2. Set the Auto Naming to ON.

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4.4 Creating a Component Category (CATE) Element – A Worked Example

Select the SECT ELCONNS Section created in the excercise, and then select the Route Node Category
button. Enter ELCONNS-TERM in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to EQUI and click the OK button to display

the Model View form the Create group of the CATALOGUE
tab to display the Create Category form.

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At this stage, the hierarchy has been created for the category /ELCONNS-TERM:

SDTE Text element containing the Isodraft description and


PTSE Point Set administrative element.

GMSE Geometry Set administrative element.

DTSE Dataset administrative element.

BTSE Boltset administrative element.

TEXT Text element, one for each component parameter

with the attribute STEXT set to the parameter

SCOM Individual component element, one for each elconn.

4.4.1 Parameter Definitions

Before continuing, it is necessary to consider the parameters required to define the electrical connection
component, the P-Point layout of the component, and the 3D geometry. For the Elconn component four
parameters are required and the following information can be allocated.

Parameter 1 Height

Parameter 2 Displacement

Parameter 3 Outside Diameter

Parameter 4 Inside Diameter

The existing Parameter 1 description can be changed by selecting the

parameter in the Parameter Definitions section and modifying the text
in the Desc: text box.

Modify the Parameter 1 to Height and click the Apply button.

To create a new Parameter, click the New button under the Parameter
Definitions section of the form and type Displacement in the Desc:
text box.

Click Apply.

Repeat the procedure for the remaining two parameters. Notice the
addition of TEXT elements to the hierarchy.

Query the STEXT attribute of the TEXT elements as they are created.

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4.4.2 Modifying the Components (SCOM) Element

The newly components can be modified by selecting Component in the Model References pane.

The Model View form will update to display References.

Change the Name to /ELCONNS-T1 and the Description to Electrical Connection 1 Terminal.

Click the Apply button and then click the Back button.

4.4.3 Creating a Component Copy

The component can now be copied to create a further two components in the category for the ELCONNS i.e.
NAME Height Displacement Outside Inside
Diameter Diameter

ELCONNS-T1 30 0 20 10
ELCONNS-T2 30 10 20 10
ELCONNS-T3 30 20 20 10

From the Model View form under the Model References section, select the Category /ELCONNS-TERM. At
the bottom of the form select the row /ELCONNS-T1 using the arrow

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Select Copy

Select the new component and repeat the Copy operation to create a third component. Name the new
components as described earlier using Components on the Model References pane.

4.4.4 Entering the Parameter Values

Complete the parameter values as shown here:

 Fields are entered using the mouse or Tab Button.

4.4.5 Copying the PTSE Element

Additional Point set (PTSE)

elements are required, one for each
Elconn as each connection will
have a different number of

To copy the PTSE element,

navigate using the Catalogue
Explorer to the PTSE ELCONNS-
TERM/PTSE_001 and then select
the Copy Element button from the
Create group of the HOME tab to
display Copy Element form.

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TERM/PTSE_002 in the Rename
textbox and click the Apply button.

Repeat this process to create a

third PTSE element and name it

Click the Cancel button to close the


4.4.6 Modifying the Component (SCOM) References

The components /ELCONNS-T2, /ELCONNS-T3 need to be referenced against the correct PTSE element as
they represent different number of terminals.

Select /ELCONNS-T2 in the component grid and select Component in the Model References pane.

In the Catalogue Explorer navigate to the PTSE ELCONNS-TERM/PTSE_002 element and select the CE
button next to the P-Point Set field to change the Point Set reference, the Description will also require
changing i.e. Electrical Connection 2 Terminal

Click the Apply button to retain the changes.

Similarly, modify the point set reference and the Description for /ELCONNS-T3

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5 Pointsets

A Point Set is a definition of the axis system and associated P-points for an electrical components, piping
components, cabletray components etc.

Consider the construction of equipment in AVEVA E3D Model; the User defines the axis system of the
equipment and primitive elements. A similar task is required in catalogue creation but whereas P-points are
defined in a fixed relationship to the equipment geometry, in the instance of electrical components the
primitives are effectively draped about the Ppoints. Ppoints must be defined before the component geometry
is created.

The Point Set provides information to several modules. Each P-point contains details of bore, connection type,
relative positions and direction for all the components that use it. The Point Sets underpin a number of
fundamental operations used in AVEVA E3D Model and Draw modules, and their configuration is of great
importance when producing isometrics from Isodraft.

One Point Set can be used for many similar components with varying dimensions. Consequently, the point
sets are parameterised so that the dimensions can vary for each component size.

P2 - Default Component
Leave Point
-X Y

PO - (Component Origin)

-Y X
P3 - (Branch P- point)
P1 - Default. Component
Arrive Point

Example Pointset for a TEE

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5.1 Displaying P-Points

To display P-points and P-point numbers graphically:

Select the Graphics Settings button from the View group on the
HOME tab to display the Graphical Settings form.

Tick both the Ppoints Display, and Numbers check boxes, then
change the Background Colour to White.

Click the Apply button and Cancel the form.

To display the component Axes system, tick the Axes check box at the top of the Model View form as shown

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5.2 Types of P-Points

There are four types of P-point elements:

 PTAXI Axial P-points

 PTCAR Cartesian P-points

 PTMIX Mixture of Axial and Cartesian P-points

 PTPOS P-point defined by specifying a position expression PTCPOS and using PTCD to
specify a direction expression.

The type used depends on the position and orientation of the point relative to the component origin.

5.2.1 Cartesian Ppoint (PTCA)

A PTCA is defined in terms of an axial direction (in any plane) and an explicit position (X, Y, Z coordinates).
The significant attributes are:

 Number – point number.

 Ptcdirection – point direction. May be expressed as Y 45 X or N 30 E, etc.

 Px, Py and Pz – positional offsets from origin.

5.2.2 Axial Ppoint (PTAX)

A PTAX is defined in terms of an axial direction (parallel to X, Y or Z, or in the XY, YZ or ZX plane) and a
distance along that axis. The significant attributes are:

 Number – point number.

 Paxis – axial direction. May be expressed as Y 45 X or N 30 E, etc.

 Pdistance – distance from the origin along the axial direction.

5.2.3 Mixed Ppoint (PTMI)

A PTMI is defined in terms of an axial direction (parallel to X, Y or Z, or in the XY, YZ or ZX plane) and an
explicit position (X,Y, Z coordinates), i.e. a mix of PTCA and PTAX. The significant attributes are:

 Number – point number.

 Paxis – axial direction. May be expressed as Y 45 X or N 30 E, etc.

 Px, Py and Pz – positional offsets from origin.

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5.2.4 Position (PTPOS)

A PTPOS is defined in terms of an axial direction (in any plane) and an explicit position (X, Y Z co-ordinates).
The significant attributes are:

Number – point number.

Ptcdirection – axial direction. May be expressed as Y 45 X or N 30 E, etc. or by referencing

another Ppoint, e.g. PDIR 1.

Ptcposition – position. May be expressed as X0, Y0, Z0, by referencing any position attribute or
by referencing another Ppoint, e.g. PP1.

 If the expression contains references to attributes Catalogue cannot resolve then the PTPOS element
will not be displayed correctly and will need to be tested in AVEVA E3D Model module to ensure it works

5.3 Creating the Elconn Pointset – A Worked Example

Select /ELCONNS-T1 from the component list on the Model View form.

Select Point Set on the Model References pane, the bottom part of the form will change to Point Set

Select Cartesian P-Point (PTCA) from the New pull-down menu. Enter data for the first P-point as follows:
P-point Number 1
Purpose TERM
Pskey NULL
ConnectionType 0
Bore 0
Pvisibility Visible in All
Direction Y
PZ Axis Z
X Co-ordinate 0
Y Co-ordinate PARAM 1
Z Co-ordinate 0

Click the Apply button. The image below illustrates the PTSE required for /ELCONNS-T1.

Notice the changes to the PTSE hierarchy.

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A new PTCAR element has been created under the PTSE administrative level. Note the attributes for PTCAR

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Exercise 2 – Point Set Creation

Create the P-Points for the SCOMs /ELCONNS-T2 and /ELCONNS-T3 using parameters shown below.


SCOM PointSet P-point Purpose PZ Axis X Co-ordinate Y Co-ordinate


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6 Creation of Geometry Sets

A Geometry Set (GMSE) is a key part of the catalogue, being visible to everyone connected by a project.

In practice, creating a GMSE in PARAGON is a similar operation to creating EQUIPMENT with primitives in
MODEL. CATALOGUE uses the same primitives which, aside from having no P-points, represent the same
generic shapes together with levels and obstruction.

 See Appendix A for Catalogue Primitives.

There are also two additional ‘flags’ associated with Catalogue primitives; one for tube representation
(TUFLA) and one for centre line representation (CLFLA).

It is normal practice to model three representations of a catalogue component, a Centre Line, a Detail and an
Obstruction representation.

Centre Line Visible to designer when selecting the Centre Line representation in Model and Draw.
This representation is often used on Drawings for clarity and may include weld blobs.

Detail Normal representation used by the designer.

Obstruction Used by Clasher and should include both hard and operational soft volumes. In the majority
of cases the Obstruction volume can be the same as the detail volume.

6.1 Creating a Geometry Set (GMSE)

When creating equipment it is necessary to have a mental image of the equipment origin and its axis system.
For Catalogue components, this information is provided in the form of a PTSE.

Geometry Sets use parameters in the same way as Point Sets.

In order to begin creation of the GMSE, it is necessary to be armed with the details of the relevant PTSE.
Methods of documenting such information are dealt with elsewhere, but at this stage a pictorial method, such
as the diagram below, would be instructive.

Height PA1

Y Displacement




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To create the GMSE, select Geometry on the Model References pane.

The reference section at the bottom of the Model View form is updated for Geometry References as shown:

To represent the Elconn, select a Positive LCYL (Cylinder) primitive from the pull down menu and tick the
Show Geometry Plot check box.

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The primitive LCYL is shown in the graphical display area of the Model View form.

The Show Geometry Plot assists the user to set the required attributes for each particular primitive. In this
case, they are PAXI, PBDI, PDTI and PDIA.

The Axis will normally correspond with the P-points definition.

Set the following:

Axis Y

Dist to Bottom 0

Distance to Top PARAM1

Diameter PARAM3

 This is the OD of the


Purpose TERM

To complete the primitive definition, set the Repr to Piping Detail.

This will automatically set:

 Drawing Level 0 to 10

 Obstruction to Hard

 Tube Flag On to display the outline of the elconn.

Click the Apply button. Uncheck the Show Geometry Plot tick box and, select Piping Detail from the top
Representation Pull Down.

To represent the hole in the middle of the Elconn, a negative cylinder will be used.

Select Negative NLCY (Cylinder) primitive from the pull down menu.

Set the following:

Axis Y

Dist to Bottom 0

Distance to Top PARAM1

Diameter PARAM4

 This is the ID of the


Purpose TERM

Set the Representation to Piping Detail and set the Obstruction to None.

Click the Apply button.

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The ELCONN geometry is now complete and is as shown below.

 Holes Drawn can be enabled by clicking the Graphics Setting button from the View group on the HOME
tab to display the Graphical Settings form and ticking Holes Drawn.

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Exercise 3 - Geometry Set Creation for 2 and 3 Electrical Terminal connections

1. Create the Geometry Sets for the remaining two components created earlier, ELCONNS-T2 and
ELCONNS-T3, and assign them to the relevant SCOM.

2. Create the Geometry


 Hint: Below are the parameters used to create one of the Terminals on ELCONNS-T2


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7 Creating Cable Components

This chapter describes the creation of Cable Components (SCOM’s), Cables Core Sets (CCORSE’s) and the
Cable Cores Elements (CABCOR’s).

7.1 Creating a Cable Component with Core Connections

The ELECTRICAL application is used to create cable catalogue


 Selecting the ELECTRICAL application will add the CATALOGUE

and SPECIFICATION tab to access the additional menu options that relate
exclusively to this application

Navigate to CABLE/CATA-A in the catalogue explorer and click the Catalogue button from the Create group
on the CATALOGUE tab to display the Create Catalogue form.

Enter /CABLES in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to CORE and click the OK button

Click the Section button from the Create group on the CATALOGUE Tab to display the Create Section form.

Enter CABLES.MGCG in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to CORE and click the OK button.

7.2 Creating a Component Category (CATE) Element

To create a new Category element, click the Cores Category button from the Create group of the
CATALOGUE tab, to display the Create Category form.

Enter CABLES.MGCG.POWER in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to CORE and click the OK button to

display the Model View form.

The Model View form is displayed.

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The cable Category hierarchy is as shown below:

 CCORSE or Cable Core Set elements are specific to

the Cable element, and contains CABCOR elements
(discussed later) which hold detailed information
about cable cores such as Core Tag, Number etc.

7.3 Modifying the Cable Components

The new components can be modified by selecting Component

in the Model References pane.

The Category Creation form will update to display References.

Change the Name to CABLES.MGCG.POWER/1x25 and the Description to MGCG Power Cable 1 x 25.
Set the Generic Type to CABL.

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Click the Apply button and then click the Back button.

 MGCG Power Cable 1 x 25 where MGCG is the Make / Manufacturer, 1 is the number of cores and 25
is the core cross sectional area in mm2.

7.3.1 Creating Cable Cores

Now from the Model References pane, select Cable Core Set,
the bottom of the form changes to show the Cable Cores section.

Click the New button.

Enter the following information:

Number (NUMB) 1
Purpose (PURP) CORE
Description (DESC) Core Connection
Core Tag Beige

Click the Apply button.

 The purpose for the core connection could also be set to LIVE (Live), NEUT (Neutral), EART (Earth) etc.

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Exercise 4 – Creating Cable and Cable Core Sets

1. Re-name CCORSE CORES.MGCG.POWER/1x to CORES.MGCG.POWER/1x25 and Auto-name

all CABCOR elements.

2. Create the following Cables and Cable core connection sets.

Core Tag Black
Core Tag Blue

Core Tag Black
Core Tag Blue
Core Tag Brown

Core Tag Black
Core Tag Blue
Core Tag Brown
Core Tag Black

The complete hierarchy should look as shown below:

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8 Creating Text Elements

This chapter describes the creation of Detail Text and General Text elements and their attribute settings.

8.1 Detail Text

Each GPART element has a reference indicator - DETREF. This is a reference to the name of a Detail Text
element (SDTEX). The purpose of a SDTEX is to carry textual information defining the various E3D catalogue
components. This information is used when selecting component types in AVEVA E3D Model, in material
take-off reports and as an output on the ISODRAFT isometric material list.

SDTEX elements are owned by a SECT or CATE in the catalogue.

Use the Catalogue Explorer to navigate to the Category CABLES.MGCG.POWER and then click the Detail
Text button from the Create Group of the CATALOGUE tab to display the Detail Text Definition form.


Detail (Isodraft): Fire Resisting Power Cable;

Fire proof; #coresxNom. Xarea(mm2): 1X25

Interface B: 0.6/1KV, PVC:INSU, PVC:SH,

Galvanized steel wire braided, PVC:OSH

Click the Apply button.

Each SDTEX element has the common attributes TYPE, NAME, LOCK and OWNER and in addition, SKEY,
RTEX, STEX, TTEX, MtoLength, and MtoQuantity.

 RTEX, STEX and TTEX are the actual text strings carried by the DTEX element.

 Detail (Isodraft) is the field for the RTEX. This identifies the default used by Isodraft.

 Interface B is for STEX creation and Interface C for TTEX. Either can be used in place of RTEX.

 By default, ISODRAFT uses RTEX to generate component descriptions, but it is also possible to use
STEX or TTEX for the same purpose. This allows three different descriptions to be used for components.
In some European companies, this has been used to provide different language output formats.

 The fields Length and Quantity relate to the use of additional material take-off data in ISODRAFT. The
value, to which these attributes (MtoLength & MtoQuantity) have been set, will be output on the ISOs
only if the MTOR attribute has been set in AVEVA E3D Model for that component. The MTOR must be
set to a relevant GPART reference or SPREF, which selects the DTEX and MTEX information plus any
length (MtoLength) or (MtoQuantity) which is set. This does not apply to the cable elements.

 If both are set then only the Length will be shown. If the Quantity is required then the Length must be
unset to allow this as only one attribute may be displayed.

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8.2 General Text

The Text is a general element that can occupy many positions in the hierarchy. It can be used to store
additional information about an owning or adjacent element. The TEXT element should not be confused with
the SMTEX and SDTEX elements described above. The text itself exists as the STEX attribute of the TEXT.

Use the Catalogue Explorer to navigate to the Category CABLES.MGCG.POWER and then click the Text
button from the Create group on the CATALOGUE tab to display the Text Definition form.

Set the Text: to High Voltage Cable

Click the Apply button, and Cancel the form.

8.3 Text requirements on Specifications

When creating a new specification, a TEXT element is created as the first item. This TEXT element is required
by the AVEVA E3D Model moule. If the TEXT element is not present, and it is not the first item, or does not
have its STEX set correctly, the specification will not be displayed on the Specification Selection Form.

The STEX should be set to one of the following depending on what the specification is to be used for.

 STEX ’PIPING’... for pipework components

 STEX ’TRAY’... for cable tray components

 STEX ’HVAC’... for HVAC components

 STEX ’STEELWORK’... for steelwork components

 STEX ’INSUL’... for Insulation

 STEX ’TRACE’... for tracing.

On cable tray Specifications an additional TEXT element is required. The element should be the last member,
after all the Selectors, and should have its STEX set:

 STEX ’2400’... Default cable Tray Fixed section Lengths

If these rules are not followed, the result will be that the use of the spec is by entry on the command line only
and not by the Graphical User Interface.

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Exercise 5 – Creating Text Elements

1. Create a Detail Text for each of the components previously created in Exercise 3.

Detail (Isodraft) text string Fire Resisting Power Cable; Fire proof; #coresxNom. Xarea(mm2): #x25

 Replacing # with the correct number of cores

(Interface B) text string 0.6/1KV, PVC:INSU, PVC:SH, Galvanized steel wire braided, PVC:OSH

2. Modify the General Text element to set the Stext to High Voltage Power Cable and rename the TEXT
element to be CABLES.MGCG.POWER/TEXT/1

The Catalogue hierarchy should now look as shown below:

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9 Component Part Families

GPART Families and elements are used in the catalogue to fully define a component without the need for a
specification. The structure of the hierarchy is as follows:





PRTWLD is an administrative level of the hierarchy.

Each PRTELE element represents a GPART family corresponding to a specific GTYPE, e.g. ELBO, INST,
REDU, etc...

PRTELEs contain a number of GPART elements, each of which fully defines an individual component. GPART
elements have attributes as follows:

Reference Attributes Type Attributes

Catref Catalogue Reference Pritype Primary Type e.g. ELBO
Detref Detail Reference Sectype Secondary Type e.g. BW
Matxt Material Reference
Cmpref Properties Reference
Bltref Bolting Reference
Tmpref Template Reference
Drssref Drawing Symbol Reference
Srftref Surface Treatment

9.1 Creating a Part World

Navigate to CABLE/CATA-A in the catalogue explorer. Click

the Part World button from the Create group of the
CATALOGUE tab to display the Create Part World form.

Enter CABLES.PRTWLD in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to CABL Click the OK button.

 If the purpose required is not an option in the pull-down menu, the user can type in the required purpose.

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9.2 Creating a Part Family

Click the Part Family button from the Create group of the CATALOGUE tab to display the Create Part Family

Enter MGCG-PARTS in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to CABL

Click the OK button; this will display the Part Family form.

The Part Family form allows users to

create and modify GPARTs using
various options available in the Tasks

The View and Edit Properties

section allows users to :

General Attributes – this allows

users to modify general attributes
such as Name, Description, Type,
Purpose etc. for any existing GPART

References – this allows users to

modify various references on existing
GPART elements to other E3D
elements such as 3D components,
Isometric Descriptions, Physical
Properties etc.

Navigate to 3D Model/Selected Part

- this option navigates user to its
respective position in the hierarchy.

Modify 3D Model – this displays the Model View form for the selected GPART.

The Create and Delete Parts section allows users to :

 Create a New Part – this allows users to create a new GPART without any references and attributes
assigned to it.

 Create Copies of Selected Part – this allows users to copy a selected part from the grid.

 Create Parts from Category – this allows users to create new GPART(s) from an existing category of
components. Users can either navigate directly to the CATE element before selecting this option or
search for the specific category.

 Create Parts From Template Area – this allows users to create new GPART(s) from an existing
Template Area within a design database.

 Delete Selected Parts – Deletes the selected parts in the grid from the hierarchy.

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9.3 Creating Parts from a Category

Using the Catalogue Explorer, navigate to the Category CABLES.MGCG.POWER.

To create GPARTs from the category created previously, click the Create
Parts from Category link label under the Create and Delete Parts section
of the Part Family form.

The grid on the Part Family form should automatically be populated with the
newly created GPART elements.

Select /MGCG.PARTS/GPART_001 from the grid and click the General Attributes link label.

Enter the following in their respective textbox:

Name: E/MGCG/POWER/1x25


Subtype: POWER

Description: Fire Resisting Power Cable; Fire proof;

#coresxNom. Xarea(mm2): 1X25

Click the Apply Changes button and then click the Back to Tasks link label.

9.4 Setting the Isometric Description

From the Tasks panel select References under the View and Edit Properties section.

From the Reference list select Iso Description

Navigate to SDTE element CABLES.MGCG.POWER/1X25-SDTE in

the Catalogue Explorer.

Click the CE button in the Tasks > References panel. The Detref textbox should now be populated with
the name of the selected SDTE element.

Click the Apply Change button. This will update the detail text reference (DETREF) attribute of the GPART
with appropriate data.

The Edit Iso Description… button is activated once the DETREF attribute is updated with a valid reference.
Clicking this button displays the Detail Text Definition form, which allows users to modify the SDTEXT
element and update any changes.

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9.5 Setting the Component Weight

From the Tasks > References list select Physical Properties

The Tasks > References panel is updated to display the CMPREF

(Component Reference) details.

The Physical Properties of a cable include attributes such as Outside

Diameter, Unit Weight, Dinterference, Current, Cross-Sectional Area

 The cable property (CABD) elements are stored in the Properties

database and are discussed later in the training course.

The Physical Properties can be set in two ways; either by selecting the required property and clicking the CE
button or by using the Search feature as discussed below.

Click the Search Panel for Reference Data button in the Tasks > References pane to display the Search
for Cmpref panel.

The Search for Cmpref allows users to search for the appropriate elements using various configurable
filtering criterions.

Click the Find button.

The results are now listed in the grid, select the required properties element i.e. /CABD-DIN.MGCG-1X25 and
click the Use button.

Th e components Uweight reference is added to the Weight text box, click the Apply Changes button.

The results can be filtered to make finding and selecting an

element easier, to do this, either type part of the name
required into the heading cell of the Name column, as the
shown: or by selecting options from the pull-down menu in the

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Exercise 6 – Part Creation (Cables / Elconns)

1. Rename the remaining GPART elements and then set the Type, SubType and Description attributes
as shown below. Add the References for the Iso Description created in Exercise 4. Set the Weights
from the Properties database as shown below.

Weight Elements for Cables

2x25 - /CABD-DIN.MGCG-2X25
3x25 - /CABD-DIN.MGCG-3X25
4x25 - /CABD-DIN.MGCG-4X25

2. Create a Part Family and Parts for the ELCONNS created previously. Name the new Part Family
ELCONNS.PRTELE. Name the parts as shown below.

 Remember to set the Part Family Purpose and Type to EQUI.

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10 Selection Tables

The purpose of Selection Tables in AVEVA E3D is similar to that in a manual design situation, in that it limits
and controls the designer’s choice of components for a given application. The selection tables are created
interactively using the Catalogue GUI.

As discussed previously, the Selection Tables are populated by selecting the specific GPARTs for use in the
AVEVA E3D Model module. The Selection Table hierarchy is as shown below and is discussed in detail
throughout this chapter.

10.1 Creating a Cable Selection Table (Specification)

Using the Catalogue Explorer, navigate to the CABLE/CATA-A element.

Click the Specification World button from the Create group of the SPECIFICATIONS tab to display the
Create Specification World form.

Enter CABLE.SPWL in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to CABL and click the OK button.

Click the Selection Table button from the Create group of the SPECIFICATIONS tab to display the Create
Table Group form.

Enter CABLE.MGCG in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to CABL and click the OK button to display

the Selection Table form.

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From the Selection Table form, select the Table Attributes link label under the Table section.

The Table Attributes pane is now displayed at the bottom of the form. Set the following in their respective


Description: MGCG Power Cables Fire Resistant

Discipline: Electrical

Sub-Discipline: CABL

Click the Apply button and then click the Back button.

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10.2 Adding a Table Heading

On the Selection Table form, under the Headings section select the Add Heading… link label.

The Add Heading panel is now displayed at the bottom of the form.

Set the Description to DIN.MGCG Fire Resistant Power Cables

Click the Apply button.

The Add Heading panel now changes to Edit Heading.

Enter CABLE-DIN.MGCG-POWER in the Name textbox and set the Purpose to CABL.

Click the Apply button and then click the Back button.

Using the Catalogue Explorer, navigate to the MGCG.PARTS (PRTELE) element created previously.

Select the Add Items (form CE) link label under the Items section.

The cables from the Part Element (PRTELE) are now added to the Selection Table forms grid.

10.2.1 Editing Heading Questions

The heading questions are added to selections tables to aid filtering when working with large sets of data. For
example, Number of Cores in a cable element. This will allow designers to filter cable catalogues based on
number of cores.

Select all the items in the Selection Table grid, then under the Headings click the Edit Heading Questions…
link label. The bottom section of the form changes to display the Edit Questions pane.

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Click the Add Question button. Enter the following details in their respective fields:

Purpose: NCOR

Description: Number of Cores

Question Type: Text

Question: Number of Cores

Answer Type: Text

Click the Apply button.

Similarly, add the following questions:

Purpose AMPS Purpose INSU

Description Current Description Insulation

Question Type Text Question Type Text

Question Current Question Insulation

Answer Type Text Answer Type Text

Once all the questions have been added click the Back button.

Now select each added element and click the Edit Selection… link label, from under the Items section on the
form. The bottom section of the form changes to show the Edit Items pane.

Select the first question from Questions list. The Format and Answer text boxes become active. Enter 1 in
the Answer textbox and click the Apply button.

Similarly, update the Answer for AMPS to 120 and INSU to HEMP.

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10.3 Removing / Deleting Items form the Selection Table

Modification of a recently created Selection Tables (Specifications), which has not been used, can be done
with freedom. If, however, cables have already been used in AVEVA E3D Model using the selection tables, it
is necessary to consider the consequences of any modification.

When a cable component has been created and selected in AVEVA E3D Model, it has a specification
reference (SPRE), which in turn contains references to the catalogue. If an item in the specification is deleted
when there are elements in the Model referencing that item, the references to the catalogue are lost. This
would mean that it would not be possible to produce drawings, isometrics or carry out clash checks since
references provide the geometry and orientation of each component.

To Delete SPCOMS, navigate to the selection table using the Catalogue Explorer, and then click the Selection
Table button from the Modify group of the SPECIFICATION

Select the items required to be deleted and select the Delete Selection link label from the tasks panel.

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Exercise 7 – Selection Tables Creation (Cables / Elconns)

1. Edit the remaining answers for the three cable components in the selection table with the
information provided below.

2. Create a Selection Table for the previously created Electrical Connections (ELCONNS) as shown
below. Name the new SPWL element ELCO and leave the TABGRO name to the default setting. Set
the Purpose for the SPWL and TABGRO to ELEC.

Set the selection Table Heading to Electrical Connections, the Discipline to Equipment and the Sub-
Discipline to ELEC.

Add a Heading Question that, requests the number of connections, and set the Purpose of the question to

3. Open AVEVA E3D Model and login using User: A.CABLEMAN, Password: A and MDB: A-CABLE.
Test that the newly created Cable Selection Table works by accessing the Cable Design application.

4. Test that the newly created ELCONN Selection Table works by adding an electrical connection to an
Equipment element in AVEVA E3D Model.

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11 Design Parameters

The design parameters (DESPARAM) are used to aid the Catalogue Administrator, in the creation of catalogue
components the use of parameters reduces the number of geometry and point sets that are required, design
parameters (DESPARAM) can also be used in a similar way to that of catalogue parameters.

11.1 Extra Design Parameters

There are occasions when certain parameters need to be variable. Users will be accustomed to stating
HEIGHT of nozzles (which are catalogue components) and less obviously, to stating the angle on some pulled
bends by defining a non-orthogonal direction. To achieve this, the users are allowed to state design data
height (HEI or DDHEI), design data angle (ANG or DDANG) and design data radius (RAD or DDRAD). These
are used in Pointsets and Geomsets, on those elements, which have attributes of height, angle or radius.

For instance in AVEVA E3D Model, when creating a bend the user could state ANG 60 to specify the design
data angle.

In order to cater for the setting of angles in a Pointset, the catalogue administrator would need to describe the
direction of the points for a PTAX element to allow for the variable angle. For ANG 60 the PAXI attribute would
not be co-linear to an axis, i.e. PAXI Y ANG Z or PAXI Y DDANG Z where ANG or DDANG means use the
angle attribute from the design database.

The Model Parameters form is displayed from the CATALOGUE tab then click the Model Parameters button
from the Settings. This form can be used to specify the Component Design Data attributes. The Default values
are shown when the form is first selected and these are Design Angle 90, Design Height 100 and Design
Radius 225.

11.2 Design Database Parameters

Design parameters allow components to take dimensions from the design parameter array in the design
database. Each design element has a design parameter array which allows any component with a SPREF to
use the values stored in AVEVA E3D Model to complete that components definition. i.e. DESPARAM 4 would
refer to the fourth value of the design parameter array of the design element. Design parameters can be used
anywhere that component parameters are used. i.e. the display of the Ppoint could be defined by entering PY
(PARAM[1]), this means that the value assigned to the distance along the Y axis is the value of parameter 1
from the catalogue component.

Alternatively using design database parameters, the distance could also be expressed as PY (DESPAR[4]),
this statement uses value 4 from the Desparam array attribute in the Design Database.

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12 Cable Tray Components

Typically a Cable Tray catalogue will consist of a number of component categories to represent components
such as Fixed Length Straights, Variable Length Straights, Inside / Outside Risers, Crosses, Tees, etc.

12.1 Creating a Cable Tray Component (Straight) - A Worked Example

The graphical representation for a straight piece of variable length cable tray is shown below.

SBOX primitives will be required to represent the two sides and the bottom of the cable tray. The length of the
tray will be variable based on the value of the design parameter DDHEIGHT (HEIG). Additional SBOX’s will
be required for soft and hard obstruction volumes around the cable tray.

Navigate to CABLE/CATA-A in the Catalogue Explorer and click the Catalogue button from the Create group
of the CATALOGUE tab to display the Create Catalogue form.

Enter CABLETRAY in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to TRAY.

Click the OK button.

Click the Section button from the Create group of the CATALOGUE Tab button to display the Create Section

Enter HEAVYDUTY.TRAY in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to TRAY

Click the OK button.

Click the Tray Category button from the Create group of the CATALOGUE tab to display the Create
Category form.

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Enter STRAIGHTS.VL in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to TRAY and click the OK button to display

the Model View form.

Create five Parameter Definitions as mentioned below:

Parameter 1 Tray Width

Parameter 2 Flange Height

Parameter 3 Connection Compatibility

Parameter 4 Cable Clearance

Parameter 5 Thickness

Set the following parameter values for the first component.

Name Gtype PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5
STRAIGHTS.VL/100 FTUB 100 32 BOXI 100 2

Copy the first component twice and set the following parameter values.
Name Gtype PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5
STRAIGHTS.VL/150 FTUB 150 32 BOXI 100 2
STRAIGHTS.VL/200 FTUB 200 32 BOXI 100 2

Once the SCOM’s have been created and the parameter data entered for each one, the Point Sets can now
be created for them.

Select Point Set on the Model References paneL. The bottom part of the form will change to display the
Point Set References.

Create the first P-point, by selecting Axial P-point (PTAX) from the pull-down menu, and enter the data for
the P-point as follows:
P-point number 1
Pskey NULL
Connection Type PARAM 3
Bore PARAM 1
Pvisibility Visible in
Axis Direction -Y
PZ Axis Z
Distance 0

Click the Apply button.

This has defined P1 of the Straight, it has used two parameters, one for the connection type, and the second
for the width (PARAM 1).

P2 may be defined in the same way - the choice of axis, number and distance differs; all other parameters
remain the same.

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Using the same method as previously shown, enter data for the second P-point as follows:
P-point type PTAX
P-point number 2
Pskey NULL
ConnectionType PARAM 3
Bore PARAM 1
Pvisibility Visible in ALL
Axis Direction Y
PZ Axis Z
Distance HEIGHT

Create the following P-points, using the method discussed above.

P-point type PTAX
P-point number 3
Pskey NULL
ConnectionType 0
Bore 0
Pvisibility Visible in ALL
Axis Direction Z
PZ Axis Z
Distance 0

P-point type PTCA

P-point number 4
Pskey NULL
ConnectionType 0
Bore 0
Pvisibility Visible in ALL
Direction -Y
PZ Axis Z
X Co-ordinate 0.5 * PARAM 1
Y Co-ordinate 0
Z Co-ordinate 0.5 * PARAM 2

P-point type PTCA

P-point number 5
Pskey NULL
ConnectionType 0
Bore 0
Pvisibility Visible in ALL
Direction Y
PZ Axis Z
X Co-ordinate 0.5 * PARAM 1
Y Co-ordinate HEIGHT
Z Co-ordinate 0.5 * PARAM 2

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P-point type PTCA

P-point number 6
Pskey NULL
ConnectionType 0
Bore 0
Pvisibility Visible in ALL
Direction -Y
PZ Axis Z
X Co-ordinate -0.5 * PARAM 1
Y Co-ordinate 0
Z Co-ordinate 0.5 * PARAM 2

P-point type PTCA

P-point number 7
Pskey NULL
ConnectionType 0
Bore 0
Pvisibility Visible in ALL
Direction Y
PZ Axis Z
X Co-ordinate -0.5 * PARAM 1
Y Co-ordinate HEIGHT
Z Co-ordinate 0.5 * PARAM 2

P-point type PTAX

P-point number 30
Pskey NULL
ConnectionType 0
Bore 0
Pvisibility Visible in ALL
Axis Direction Z
PZ Axis Z
Distance 0

P-point type PTAX

P-point number 31
Pskey NULL
ConnectionType 0
Bore 0
Pvisibility Visible in ALL
Axis Direction Z
PZ Axis Z
Distance 0

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The complete Point set for the straight should look as shown below.

 Pointset References 30 and 31 are required for the old Cable Tray application but are not required by the
Cable Design application. They are used by the system to determine the open direction of the connecting

Once the P-points have been created and the parameter data entered for each, the Geometry Set can now
be created for these.

Select Geometry on the Model References panel. The bottom part of the form will change to Geometry

Select SBOX from the Positive pull-down menu. Enter data for the required geometry as follows:

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An Obstruction volume is required for the Tray component to cater for Cable Clearance.

Select SBOX from the Positive pull-down menu. Enter data for the required geometry as follows:

The Geometry for a Variable Length Straight is now complete. Select Category on the Model References
panel. Select different components in the Component Grid to the bottom of the form and observe the
geometric changes within each component.

Width - 100mm Width - 150mm Width - 200mm

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Exercise 8 – Cable Tray Component Creation

Referring to the information contained within Exercises 8a to 8c:

 Create the required catalogue hierarchy for the cable tray components.

 Consider the geometric representation.

 Consider the parameters required for Pointset and Geomset definition.

 Consider the p-point layout required.

 Consider naming convention.

 Refer to Appendix A for details of the Catalogue primitives available to be used in this exercise.

Where possible, use the following conventions when building components:

Parameter 1 Tray Width

Parameter 2 Flange Height

Parameter 3 Connection Compatibility

Parameter 4 Cable Clearance

Parameter 5 Thickness

Parameter 6 Face to CL

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Tray Width Flange Height Connection Cable Clearance Thickness Face to CL

(Value ‘A’) (Value ‘B’) Compatibility (Value ‘C’) (Value ‘D’) (Value ‘E’)
PA 1 PA 2 PA 3 PA 4 PA 5 PA 6
100 32 BOXI 100 2 300
150 32 BOXI 100 2 300
200 32 BOXI 100 2 300
100 32 BOXI 100 2 450
150 32 BOXI 100 2 450
200 32 BOXI 100 2 450

 All values in mm unless otherwise stated.

P-Point Configuration

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Tray Width Flange Height Connection Cable Clearance Thickness Face to CL

(Value ‘A’) (Value ‘B’) Compatibility (Value ‘C’) (Value ‘D’) (Value ‘E’)
PA 1 PA 2 PA 3 PA 4 PA 5 PA 6
100 32 BOXI 100 2 300
150 32 BOXI 100 2 300
200 32 BOXI 100 2 300
100 32 BOXI 100 2 450
150 32 BOXI 100 2 450
200 32 BOXI 100 2 450

 All values in mm unless otherwise stated.

P-Point Configuration

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Exercise 8c - EQUAL TEE (CATE TEE.FL) – Optional Exercise

Tray Width Flange Height Connection Cable Clearance Thickness Face to CL

(Value ‘A’) (Value ‘B’) Compatibility (Value ‘C’) (Value ‘D’) (Value ‘E’)
PA 1 PA 2 PA 3 PA 4 PA 5 PA 6
100 32 BOXI 100 2 300
150 32 BOXI 100 2 300
200 32 BOXI 100 2 300
100 32 BOXI 100 2 450
150 32 BOXI 100 2 450
200 32 BOXI 100 2 450

 All values in mm unless otherwise stated.

P-Point Configuration

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12.3 Create GPART for Cable Tray - A Worked Example

Navigate to CABLE/CATA-A in the catalogue explorer and click the Part World button on the Create group
of the CATALOGUE to display the Create Part World form.

Enter TRAY.PRTWRLD in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to CABL and click the OK button.

 If the purpose required is not an option in the pull-down menu, the user can type in the required purpose.

Click the Part Family button from the Create group of the CATALOGUE tab to display the Create Part Family

Enter TRAY.PRTWRLD.STRAIGHTS in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to TRAY and click the OK button to

display the Part Family form.

Using the Catalogue Explorer and Navigate to the Category STRAIGHTS.VL

To create GPARTs from the category created previously, click the Create Parts
from Category link label under the Tasks pane on the Part Family form.

The grid on the Part Family form should automatically be populated with the newly
created GPART elements.

Select all the newly created elements from the grid and click the General Attributes link label located in the
View and Edit Properties Section under the Tasks pane.

Enter the following in their respective textboxs:

Type: FTUB

Subtype: VL

Description: Straight Heavy Duty Galv.

Click the Apply Changes button.

Select the individual elements from the grid and edit the Names to HDCTG.TRAY.STRA/100,
HDCTG.TRAY.STRA/150 and HDCTG.TRAY.STRA/200 respectively for each straight, as shown below.

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Now Save Work.

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Exercise 9 – Creating GPART elements for Cable Tray

Create three further Part Family (PRTELE) elements under the TRAY.PRTWRLD created in the previous
worked example, for the other tray components.
TYPE of Elements BEND ELBO
Description Bend Heavy Duty Galv. Riser Heavy Duty Galv.


TYPE of Elements TEE
Description Tee Heavy Duty Galv.

Rename the all the GPART elements as follows according to their respective widths/bend radius:

HDCTG.TRAY.BEND/100-300, 150-300, 200-300, 100-450, 150-450, 200-450

HDCTG.TRAY.RISER/100-300, 150-300, 200-300, 100-450, 150-450, 200-450

HDCTG.TRAY.TEE/100-300, 150-300, 200-300, 100-450, 150-450, 200-450

12.4 Creating Selection Table for Cable Tray - A Worked Example

Using the Catalogue Explorer, navigate to the CABLE/CATA-A element.

Click the Specification World button from the Create group on the SPECIFICATION tab to display the Create
Specification World form.

Enter CABLE.TRAY.SPWL in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to TRAY

Click the OK button.

Click the Selection Table button from the Create group of the SPECIFICATION tab to display the Create
Table Group form.

Enter CABLE.TRAY.TABGRO in the Name textbox.

Set the Purpose to TRAY

Click the OK button to display the Selection Table form.

From the Selection Table form, select the Table Attributes… link label under the Table section.

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The Table Attributes pane is now displayed at the bottom of the form. Set the following in their respective

Description: Heavy Duty Cable Tray

Discipline: Electrical

Sub-Discipline: TRAY

Click the Apply button and then click the Back button.

12.4.1 Adding a Table Heading

From the Selection Table form, select the Add Heading… link label under the Headings section.

The Add Heading panel is now displayed at the bottom of the form. Set the Description to HDCTG Variable

Click the Apply button.

The Add Heading pane now changes to Edit Heading. Enter CT-HDCTG-STRA in the Name textbox and
set the Purpose to TRAY.

Click the Apply button and then click the Back button.

Using the Catalogue Explorer, navigate to the newly created selection table CT-HDCTG-STRA. Click the
Attributes button from the Disply group on the HOME tab to display the Attributes form.

Using the Attributes form, set the attribute SPType to ELEC

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Again, using the Catalogue Explorer, navigate to the TRAY.PRTWRLD.STRAIGHTS (PRTELE) element
created previously.

Select the Add Items (from CE) link label under the Items section, to populate the Selection Table grid, with
the Part Element (PRTELE) members, as shown below.

12.4.2 Editing Heading Questions

Select all the items in the Selection Table grid. Click the Edit Heading Questions… link label. The bottom
section of the form changes to display the Edit Questions pane.

Click the Add Question button, and enter the following details in their respective fields:

Purpose TYPE

Description TYPE

Question Type Word

Question TYPE

Answer Type Text

Click the Apply button.

Similarly, add the following questions:

Question Type Word Word Word Word
Answer Type Text Text Text Text
Default Answer Unset 6000 Unset Unset

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The Questions should look like this:

Once all the Questions have been added click the Back button.

Now re-select all elements in the Selection Table grid and click the Edit Selection… link label under the
Items section of the form.

The bottom section of the form changes to show the Edit Items panel.

Select the first question from Questions list. The Format and Answer text boxes become active. Enter
CTSTRA in the Answer textbox and click the Apply button.

Similarly, update the Answer for STYP to VL, LENG to 6000 and HEIG to 10.

Now select the first element in the grid and navigate to Question 4 WIDT in the Questions list. Set the answer
for this to 100mm, 150mm and 200mm for the respective elements in the grid.

Once all the Answers have been added click the Back button.

Save Work.

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Exercise 10 –Selection Table Creation for Cable Tray

1. Add a new Heading to the CABLE.TRAY.TABGRO. Set the Description to HDCTG Right Hand
Bends. Set the Name for the new Selection Table to CT-HDCTG-BEND-RH, Purpose to TRAY and
SPType to ELEC.

Add the Bends created in previous exercise to the selection table.

Add the following Heading Questions to the selection table.


Question Type Word Word Word Word Word
Answer Type Text Text Text Text Text
Default Answer Unset Unset Unset Unset Unset

Set the TYPE for all items in the selection table grid to CTBEND, STYP to RH and ANGL to 90. Set the answer
for RADI to 300, 450 and WIDT to 100mm, 150mm and 200mm for the respective elements in the grid.

2. Create a third heading under the table group CABLE.TRAY.TABGRO. Set the Description to HDCTG
Outside Risers. Set the Name for the new Selection Table to HDCTG-RISERS-OR, Purpose to TRAY
and SPType to ELEC.

Add the Risers created in previous exercise to the selection table.

Add the following Heading Questions to the selection table.


Question Type Word Word Word Word Word
Answer Type Text Text Text Text Text
Default Answer Unset Unset Unset Unset Unset

Set the TYPE for all items in the selection table grid to CTRISE, STYP to OR and ANGL to 90. Set the
answers for RADI and WIDT based on their respective sizes.

3. Create a final heading under the table group CABLE.TRAY.TABGRO with the Description set to
HDCTG TEES. Set the Name for the new Selection Table to HDCTG-TEES, Purpose to TRAY and
SPType to ELEC.

Add the Tees created in previous exercise to the selection table.

Add the following Heading Questions to the selection table.


Question Type Word Word Word Word
Answer Type Text Text Text Text
Default Answer Unset Unset Unset Unset

Set the TYPE for all items in the selection table grid to CTTEE. Set the answers for RADI, BRWI and WIDT
based on their respective sizes.

4. Once complete test in the Cable Design module.

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13 Cable / Cable Tray Properties

The Component Property data in the properties database is referenced from the specification component
(SPCO) component reference (Cmpref). The Component Properties database contains the following element
CMPW (component world)
CMPT (component type)
CMPD (component data)
TUBD (tube data)
CABD (cable data)

The TUBD, CMPD and CABD elements store the physical data, and it is these elements which are referenced
by the component reference (Cmpref). Attributes for Outside Diameter (OUTD) and Actual Bore (ACBO) is
common to CMPD, TUBE, Outside Shield Diameter (OUTSD) is only for the CABD, whilst component weight
(CWEI) is used on CABD and CMPD and unit weight (UWEI) on TUBD. The Cross Section Area (XArea) is
only for the CABD.

The figure below shows the component properties database hierarchy.

13.1 Creating Cable Component Properties Data – A Worked Example

Using the Catalogue Explorer, expand the Property WORL * node, and navigate to the CABLE/PROP-A

Click the Material Properties button from the Modify group of the HOME tab to display the Material
Properties form. From the New pull down list select CMPW. The new element and associated attributes are
created, select the row with the Name attribute in the grid, and in the Name field that appears at the bottom
of the form enter in CABLES_CMPW.

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From the New pull down list select CMPT, the new element and associated attributes are created, select the
Name attribute and in the Name field at the bottom of the form key in CABLES_MGCG_POWER.

Again, from the New pull down list select CABD, The new element and associated attributes are created,
select the Name attribute and in the Name field at the bottom of the form key in

Select the rows in the grid, and enter the following information for the newly created CABD element.

Outdiameter: 10.5mm

Outsdiameter: 10.5mm

Uweight: 0.2kg/m

MinBend: 100mm

Dinterference: POWER

VoltAC: 1000volt

VoltDC: 1000volt

Current: 5ampere

XArea: 10mm2

The Properties form should look like the one shown below:

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Exercise 11 – Creating Cable Properties

1. Create the CABD elements along with their attributes as shown below.

Component Name (CABD)

Outdiameter 18.5mm 19.5mm
Outsdiameter 18.5mm 19.5mm
Uweight 0.6kg/m 0.7kg/m
Dinterference POWER POWER
VoltAC 1000volt 1000volt
VoltDC 1000volt 1000volt
XArea 20mm2 30mm2

Component Name (CABD)

Outdiameter 21mm
Outsdiameter 21mm
Uweight 0.9kg/m
Dinterference POWER
VoltAC 1000volt
VoltDC 1000volt
XArea 40mm2

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APPENDIX A - Catalogue Primitives

Primitive Elements

The following three-dimensional primitive elements are all used by geometry sets (GMSET). They all have
common attributes LEVEL, CLFLA, TUFLA and OBSTR. The particular attributes of each element are
described on the following pages.

Box (SBOX)

The SBOX has the following particular attributes:

PX X co-ordinate position of box

PY Y co-ordinate position of box

PZ Z co-ordinate position of box

PXLEN X dimensions of box

PYLEN Y dimensions of box

PZLEN Z dimensions of box

Box (SBOX) Catalogue Primitive

Cone (SCONE)

The Cone (SCONE) has the following particular attributes:

PAXIS direction of axis of cone

PDIST height of vertex above base

PDIAM diameter of base

Cone (SCONE) Catalogue Primitive

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Disc (SDISK)

The Disk (SDISK) has the following particular attributes:

PAXIS direction of axis of disc

PDIST distance along axis to centre of disc

PDIAM diameter of disc

Disc (SDISK) Catalogue Primitive

Sphere (SSPHE)

The Sphere (SSPHE) has the following particular attributes:

PAXIS direction of axis on which centre of sphere lies

PDIST distance along axis to centre of sphere

PDIAM diameter of sphere

SCALE logical flag indicating whether or not the sphere is to be

drawn to scale. If SCALE is set to FALSE, the sphere is drawn
at a fixed size by taking the resulting value of PDIAM to be in

Sphere (SSPHE) Catalogue Primitive

Cylinder (SCYL)

With this type of cylinder, primitive, the size and location is defined by the distance to the bottom face from the
origin and the height. SCYL has particular attributes as follows:

PAXI direction of axis of cylinder

PHEI height of cylinder

PDIA diameter of cylinder

PDIS distance along axis to centre of nearest surface

Cylinder (SCYL) Catalogue Primitive

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Cylinder (LCYL)

The height of the LCYL is defined as the distances from the origin to the two end faces. LCYL has particular
attributes as follows:

PAXI direction of axis of cylinder

PDIA diameter of cylinder

PBDI distance along axis to centre of bottom surface

PTDI distance along axis to centre of top surface

Cylinder (LCYL) Catalogue Primitive

Dish (SDSH)

This is similar to the DISH available in the Design Data. It allows symbolic modelling of control valves and
closer modelling of other Components. SDSH has the following particular attributes.

PAXI direction of axis of dish

PDIS distance along axis to centre of top surface

PDIA diameter of dish base

PHEI maximum height of dished surface above


PRAD corner radius (Any value greater than 0,

makes it semi-elliptical instead of semi- spherical)

Dish (SDSH) Catalogue Primitive

Snout (LSNO)

The Snout primitive is a cylindrical element of varying diameter along its length. It may be eccentric or
concentric. LSNO has particular attributes as follows:

PAAX Direction of axis normal to top surface of snout (the

A axis)

PBAX Offset direction

PTDI, PBDI Distance along A axis to top, bottom surfaces of snout

PTDM, PBDM Diameter of top, bottom surfaces of snout

POFF The offset/eccentricity of the snout as measured in

the PBAX direction

Snout (LSNO) Catalogue Primitive

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Circular Torus (SCTO)

The circular torus is only part of a torus. It is not permitted to subtend more than 180 degrees. It is circular in
cross–section. SCTO has particular attributes as follows:

PAAX, PBAX Direction of axes normal to the end faces of the torus

PDIA Diameter of the cross–section of the torus.

Circular Torus (SCTOR) Catalogue Primitive

Rectangular Torus (SRTO)

The rectangular torus is similar to the circular torus except that it is rectangular in cross–section. SRTO has
particular attributes as follows:

PAAX, PBAX Direction of axes normal to the end faces of the


PDIA Width of the cross–section of the torus

PHEI Height of the cross–section of the torus

Rectangular Torus (SRTO) Catalogue Primitive

Line (LINE)

In addition to the three–dimensional primitive elements, 3D Geomsets may contain Line (LINE). A LINE has
one particular attribute:

PTS: a set of numbers (up to six) representing P–point numbers of the P–points of the associated Pointset,
determine the course of the line.

The values held in PTS are set by preceding the P–point number by ‘P’ or ‘T’, e.g. P1 P2 T3 P4.

When prefixed with P it starts or finishes at the p-point.

When prefixed with T it becomes a tangent point and thus a curve is drawn.

Tube (TUBE)

Used only in the representation of implied tube. Has the single particular attribute:

PDIA the tube diameter

 If PDIA is 0 then a line is produced. Depending on the scale to which a drawing is to be produced, a small
positive value would effectively give a thicker line.
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Slope – Bottomed Cylinder (SSLC)

The Slope – Bottomed Cylinder (SSLC) has the following particular attributes:

PAXI direction of axis of cylinder

PHEI height of cylinder

PDIA diameter of cylinder

PXTS inclination of top face to X–axis

PYTS inclination of top face to Y–axis

PXBS inclination of bottom face to X–axis

PYBS inclination of bottom face to Y–axis

PDIS distance from origin

 Inclinations are angles stored to the nearest 0.01 degree.

Slope Bottomed Cylinder (SSLC) Catalogue Primitive

Pyramid (LPYR)

The main use of this element is in the creation of rectangular reducers for ducting etc. LPYR has the particular
attributes as follows:
PAAX Direction of axis normal to top face of pyramid (the A axis). This is
taken to be in the Z direction.
PBAX, PCAX The directions of the two axes perpendicular to the A axis
and mutually perpendicular to define the position of the B
and C sides
PBTP, PCTP Length of top faces in B axis and C axis directions
PBBT, PCBT Length of bottom faces in B axis and C axis directions
PBOF, PCOF Top face offsets in B axis and C axis directions
PTDI Distance from origin to centre of top face along A axis
PBDI Distance from origin to centre of bottom face along A axis

Pyramid Catalogue Primitive

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Boxing (BOXI)

Components whose GTYPE attribute is TUBE can use BOXI elements to give, for example implied tube of
rectangular cross-section. BOXI elements can be used for modelling ducting, trunking and cable tray. BOXI
has the particular attributes as follows:

PXLE Cross section X-direction length.

PZLE Cross section Z-direction length.

PAXI Position and orientation of normal to centre of end


BOXI Catalogue Primitive

User Defined Extrusion (SEXT)

This primitive is generated by extruding a user-defined 2D shape, known as a Loop (SLOO), whose outline is
defined by a set of member elements called Vertices (SVER). The lines joining adjacent SVERs form the
edges of the SLOO. The extrusion distance is defined by the height of the SEXT to give the final 3D volume.

In addition to the attributes defining its position, each SVER can have a radius, which applies a convex or
concave fillet to the loop at that point.

SEXT has the particular attributes as follows:

PX,PY,PZ Co-ordinates of origin of SLOO.

PAAX,PBAX Direction of axes of SLOO. (These will define co-ordinate system for SVERs).

PHEI Distance by which 2D SLOO is extruded to form 3D SEXT.

SLOO has no special attributes.

SVER has particular attributes as follows:

PX, PY Co-ordinates of vertex.

PRAD Fillet radius of loop at vertex position.

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