NCERT Lesson Plans Class 7th Eng Honeycomb by Vijay Kumar Heer

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Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)

Lesson No. : 01 Chapter name: Three Questions No. of periods required: 05
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of Pedagogy and use of Question Answers Oral and written works
lesson ICT/TLM/ABL/ Blackboard
and other materials and plan Evaluate
Engage, of activities to achieve the
Explore Los
Explain and Elaborate
In the short Objectives Working with the Text: (Page 14 & 15)
Q1. Why was the king advised to go to magicians?
story • To enable students to Ans: The king was told that in order to decide the right
“ Three understand the passage time for doing something, it was necessary to look into the
and grasp its meaning. future. Since only magicians could do so, he was advised
Questions ” • To enable the students to to go to magicians.
read English passage
Q2. In answer to the second question, whose advice did

Leo Tolstoy loudly with correct

pronunciation. the people say would be important to the king?

explores the
• To enable them to Ans: The second question also got varied responses. As

theme of understand the passage answer to this question, some said that the people most
by silent reading. necessary to the king were his councillors. Hence, their

wisdom, • To enable them to advice would be the most important. Others said that the

acceptance, express the ideas of the priests were the most important. A few others chose the
passage orally and in doctors. And yet others said that his soldiers were the
kindness, writing. most important.
• To enrich their active Q3. What suggestions were made in answer to the third
and and passive question?
forgiveness. vocabularies. Ans: In answer to the third question, some said that the
• To read the passage from most important thing was science. Others said fighting;
The story is Three Questions with and yet others chose religious worship.
about a king correct pronunciation.
Q4. Did the wise men win the reward? If not, why not?
• To enable the students to
who wants express the ideas of the
Ans: No, the wise men did not win the reward. As he got
passage orally and in very different answers to his questions, the king was not
to know the writing. satisfied, and therefore, he chose not to give the reward to
answer of • To enable them to get anyone.
knowledge contained in Q5. How did the king and the hermit help the wounded
the three the lesson. man?
questions so • To enrich their Ans: When the king and the hermit saw the large wound
vocabulary. on the man’s stomach, the king washed and covered it
as to get • To make the students with his handkerchief. Since the blood did not stop
learn the importance of flowing, he re-dressed the wound until it stopped
enlightenme time and develop the bleeding. When the man felt better, he gave fresh water to
nt. In order right attitude in them. him. Then, with the help of the hermit, he took the
New Words wounded man into the hut and laid him on the bed. This is
to run the Council : a group, student council how they helped the wounded man.
kingdom in Hermit : saint,He saw a hermit in Q6. (i) Who was the bearded man? Ans: The bearded man
the forest.
an enemy of the king. The king had put the man’s brother
a proper Greet : welcome
The President was greeted with to death and had also seized his property. That is why he
way, he catcalls. wanted to take revenge on the king.
wanted to Faint : to become unconscious (ii) Why did he ask for the king’s forgiveness?
A student fainted in the morning Ans: He had come with the intention of killing the king.
know the assembly. When he left his hiding place, the king’s bodyguard
Seized : took away recognized him and thus, wounded him. He managed to
solutions The terrorists seized the
escape, but would have died if the king had not taken care
from his politicians
Comprehension Check (Page of him and dressed his wounds. Ironically, he was saved
countrymen. 10) by the very person whose life he wanted to take. That is
Q1. Why did the king want to why he asked for the king’s forgiveness.
know answers to three questions? Q7. The king forgave the bearded man. What did he do to
disguised Ans: The king wanted to know show his forgiveness?
the answers to the three questions Ans: The king forgave the man. He showed his
himself and because he thought that he would forgiveness by telling him that he would send his servants
then went never fail once he knew the r
and his own doctor to look after him. He also promised to
answers to the questions.
give back the man his property.

on to find Q2. Messengers were sent

throughout the kingdom Q8. What were the hermit ’ s answers to the three

solutions to (i) to fetch wise men. questions? Write each answer separately. Which answer

his answers. (ii) to find answers to the do you like most, and why?
questions Ans: In answer to the first question, the hermit said that

The hermit (iii) to look for the wise hermit. there is only one time that is important and that time is
(iv) to announce a reward for ‘Now’. It is the only time when one has any power to

tells the those who could answer the act.

king that all questions.
The hermit answered the second question by saying that
Mark your choice.
the answers Ans: to announce a reward for
the most necessary person is the person you are with at a
those who could answer the particular moment. This is because no one knows what
are within will happen in the future and whether we will meet
himself. By Comprehension Check (Page anyone else.
14) The hermit’s response to the third question was that the
helping the Complete the following most important thing is to do good for the person one is
wounded sentences by adding the with. This is because all are sent into this world for that
appropriate parts of the sentences purpose alone.
man and by given in the box. All the answers are linked to each other and have their
1. Many wise men answered the
spending own significance.
king ’ s questions,_______
Working with Language (Page 15 & 16)
time with _____
2. Someone suggested that there
Q1. Match items in List A with their meanings in List B.
the hermit should be a council of wise men A B
________ _______ (i) wounded got up from sleep
he gets to (ii) awoke give back
3. Someone else suggested that
know the the king should have a timetable (iii) forgive small patches of ground for plants
_______________ _
answer to 4. The king requested the hermit (iv) faithful severely injured
_______ _____________ (v)pity pardon
his 5. The king washed and dressed (vi) beds loyal
questions the bearded man’s wound, ____ (vii) return feel sorry for
but the bleeding would not stop. Use any three of the above words in sentences of your
which he to answer three questions.
own. You may change the form of the word.
but their answers were so varied
got through Answer:
that the king was not satisfied.
(i) wounded = severely injured
self-realizati and follow it strictly.
to help the king act at the right (ii) awoke = got up from sleep
on. He time. (iii) forgive = pardon
(iv) faithful = loyal
learned to Answers:1. Many wise men
answered the king’s questions, (v) pity = feel sorry for
do good to but their answers were so varied (vi) beds = small patches of ground for plants
that the king was not satisfied. (vii) return = give back
others 2. Someone suggested that there Q2. Each of the following sentences has two blanks. Fill
without should be a council of wise men in the blanks with appropriate forms of the word given in
to help the king act at the right brackets.
thinking time. Answers:
3. Someone else suggested that
about own- (i) The judge said that only fresh evidence would make
the king should have a timetable
him change his judgement.
self. and follow it strictly. r
4. The king requested the hermit (ii) I didn’t notice any serious difference of opinion

to answer three questions. among the debaters, although they differed from one
5. The king washed and dressed another over small points.

the bearded man’s wound, but (iii) It’s a fairly simple question to answer, but will you

the bleeding would not stop. accept my answer as final?

VIDEO LINKS FOR THE (iv) It isn’t necessary that necessity should always be the

LESSON:- mother of invention.

Vi (v) Hermits are wise men. How they acquire their wisdom
o no one can tell. (vi) The committee has decided to make Jagdish captain of the team. The decision is likely to please everyone.
(vii) Asking for forgiveness is as noble as willingness to
Students will listen to the teacher
carefully and follow the Homework:
instructions given to them. They The Comprehension check and other textbook questions
will note the Blackboard work will be done in the respective periods and the answers will
and question answers in their be found by the students with help of the teacher. It will
note-books. They will follow the also be written by students in their notebooks and they
homework related instructions as will be checked by the teacher during the week. The
desired by the teacher students will be given meaning of new words and also key
questions related to the lesson. Weekly test will be taken
on Friday/Saturday every week.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Lesson No. : 2 Chapter name: A Gift of Chappals No. of periods required: 06
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Question Answers Oral and written works
lesson Blackboard and other materials and plan of
activities to achieve the Los Evaluate
Explain and Elaborate
Mridu Objectives Q1. What did Ravi say?
lives in • To make them understand the chapter.r Ans: Ravi said when they tried to be kind
Chenna • To Promote reading habits through towards animal people scold them.

story. Q2. Why did Ravi have to drink milk?

i with

her • To intact emotional feelings towards Ans: Ravi had to drink milk because Paati
animals. suspected him.

• To add new words to their vocabulary. Q3. Where was the milk poured?

rents.O New Words Ans: Ravi poured the milk in the coconut shell.
ne day Scrawny : thin (suggesting skinny toes) Q4. Who is Mahendran?

she A long scrawny neck. Ans: The name of the kitten -‘Mahendran’.
goes to Protested : express an objection to what Q5. Who did open the door?
visit someone has said or done Ans: Rukku Manni opened the door.
The suspect protested his innocence. Q6. What did Mridu see?
Dragged : pull (someone or something) along Ans: Mridu saw a pair of old slippers.
aunt Q7. How were they?
forcefully, roughly, or with difficulty.
Rukku He dragged the big suitcase behind him. Ans: They were large black, dirty, mark of toes,
Manni Lapping :take up (liquid) with quick Q8. What was in the backyard?
and her movements of the tongue. Ans: A kitten was in the backyard.
cousins The cat lapped up the milk. Q9. Why would Pati leave for Paddu mama’s
Lalli, Tumbler : a drinking glass with straight sides house?
and no handle or stem. Ans: If she knew about Mahendran – the
A glass with a flat bottom but no handle or kitten.
and stem; originally had a round bottom. Answer following questions in short.
Meena. Key Points Q1) What is the secret that meena shares with
Mridu • Family meeting of Mridu, Ravi, Mridu in the backyard?
noticed Meena and Rukku Manni. Ans1) Meena told Mridu about the small kitten
a pair • Introducing the chappals around that they found a kitten outside the gate. Their
which the whole lesson lingered. mother did not know about it. They put it inside
of large • The children’s love for animals. a torn football lined with sacking and filled with
chappal • Brother-sister behavior. sand. It took milk from a coconut half –shell.
s when • The impact of the elders of the house Q2) How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?
she on children. Ans2) Ravi told his mother that he was feeling
Comprehension Check (Page,22) hungry and wanted to drink milk. Mother gave
Page No.17 him milk. and asked him to keep the tumbler
their back. Ravi promised her that he would wash it
Question 1. What is the secret that Meena
house. shares with Mridu in the backyard? after finishing the milk.
Her Answer. Meena tols Mridu about the Q3) Who does he say the kitten’s ancestors
cousins small kitten which was lying inside a torn are? Do you believe him?
showed football lined with sacking and filled with Ans3) He said the kitten’s ancestors was the
her a sand, lapping milk from a coconut Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat, which was the
kitten half-shell. She told Mridu that they found emblem of the Pallava dynasty. And the
outside the gate that morning and that a mahabalipuram Rishi –cat was descendants of
in the
secret which their mother didn't know the cat-goddess of Egypt. We do not believe
backyar Question 2. How does Ravi get milk for him.
d which the kitten?
they Answer: Ravi told his mother hungry and Q4) What was the noise that startled mridu and
had wanted to drink milk. The mother gave frightened Mahendran?
found him and asked him to keep the tumbler r Ans4) Lalli was learning to play violin. The
back. Ravi told her that he would wash it sound of kreech coming from it startled Mridu

himself after finishing the milk. And this and frightened Mahendran.

was how he got the milk for kitten. Working with the text
same Question 3. Who does say the kitten's Question 1. Complete the following

mornin ancestors are? Do you believe him? sentences.

Answer: He said the kitten's ancestors was

g in (i) Ravi compares Lali's playing the violin

front of the Pallava's lion, the Mahabalipuram to ___________.

the Rishi-cat, which was the emblem of the (ii) Trying to hide beneath the tray of
Pallava dynasty. He said the chillies Mahendram ______.
Mahabalipuram Rishi-cat was the (iii) The teacher played the few notes on his
The descendants of the cat-goddess of Egypt violin and Lali _________.
contrast No, we do not believe it. (iv) The beggar said that the kind ladies of
betwee Question 4. Ravi has a lot to say about the household ________.
n what M.P Poonai. This show that: (v) After the lesson was over, the music
people (i) he is merely trying to impress Mridu. teacher asked ________.
say and (ii) his knowledge of history is sound. Answer.
(iii) he has a rich imagination. (i) Ravi compares Lali's playing the violin
(iv) he is an intelligent child. to the derailing of a train going completely
they Which of these statements do you off track.
actually agree/disagree to? (ii) Trying to hide beneath the tray of
practice Answer: We agree to: chillies Mahendram tipped a few chillies
has (ii) his knowledge of history is sound. over hiselves.
been (iii) he has a rich imagination. (iii) The teacher played the few notes on his
(iv) he is an intelligent child. violin and Lali stumbled behind him on her
Question 5. What was the noise that violin, which looked quiet helpless and
ed here startled Mridu and frightened unhappy in her hands.
where Mahendram? (iv) The beggar said that the kind ladies of
parents Answer: Lali was learning to play violin the household had feed his body and soul
advice and the sound of kreech coming from it together on for a whole week and he
startled Mridu and frightened Mahendram. couldn't believe that they would turn him
to take
-Comprehension Check (Page,28) away.
care of Question 1. The music-master is making (v) After the lesson was over, the music
animals lovely music. Read aloud the sentence in teacher asked She had seen chappals.
and on the text that express this idea. Question 2. Describe the music teacher, as
the Answer. "The music-master's notes seen from the window?
other seemed to float up and settle perfectly into Answer. The music-teacher, as from the
hand, the invisible tracks of the melody. It was window was a bony figure having a mostly
like the wheels of a train fitting smoothly bald head with a fringe of oiled black hair
into rails and whizzing along." failing around his ears and an old-fashioned
when Question 2. Had the beggar come to tuft. A gold chain gleamed around hid
you do Rukku Manni's house for the first time? leathery neck, and a diamond ring glittering
so with Give reasons for your answer. on his hand as it glided up and down the
animals Answer. No, the beggar had been coming stem of the violin. A large foot stuck out
brought for a week to Rukku Manni's house. Paati from beneath his gold-bordered veshti edge
from herself said that he had been coming there and he was beating time on the floor with
every day for the past week and that was the scrawny big toe.
the r
time he should find another house to beg Question 3. (i) What makes Mridu conclude

from. that the beggar has no money to buy

hey Question 3. "A sharp V-shaped line had chappals?

share formed between her eyebrows." What (ii) What does the suggest to show her

their does it suggest to you about Rukku concern?

Mann's mood? Answer.

Answer. This suggest that Rukku Manni (i) When the beggar stretched out his feet to

was very angry and annoyed when she show the large pink peeling blister on the
and came to know that the chappals of the soles of his bare feet, she (Mridu) concluded
how music teacher were missing. beggar has no money to buy chappals.
they Working with the Language (ii) Mridu asked Ravi and Meena to get a
fed Question 1. The music-master is making pair of slippers for the beggar in order to
milk to lovely music. Read aloud the sentence in show her concer for him.
the the text that express this idea. Question 4. "Have you children....." she
Answer. began, and them seeing they are curiously
Question 2. Fill in the blanks in the quiet, went on more slowly, "seen anyone
hiding following paragraph. lurking around the varandh?"
from Today is Sunday. I'm wondering whether I (i) What do you think Rukku Manni really
their should stay at home or go out. If I wanted to ask?
mother. ____(go) out, I ______(miss) the lovely (ii) Why did she change her question?
They Sunday lunch at home. (iii) What did she think had happened?
had If I_____ (stay) for lunch, I ____ (miss) Answer.
the Sunday film showing at Archana (i)Rukku Mni really wanted to ask the
Theatre. I think I' go out and see film, children if they had picked up and hided the
the cat only to avoid getting to fat. music-teacher's chappals.
Mahen Answer. (ii) She changed her question on seeing the
dravar Today is Sunday. I'm wondering whether I children curiously quite and innocent.
ma should stay at home or go out. If I go (go) (iii) She thought that someone must have
Pallava out, I i will miss (miss) the lovely Sunday entered the house and stolen the chappals.
lunch at home. Question 5. On getting Gopu Mama's
If I stay (stay) for lunch, I will miss (miss) chappals, the music teacher tried not to look
Tracing the Sunday film showing at Archana to happy.Why?
instanc Theatre. I think I' go out and see film, Answer. The music-teacher's chapplas were
es from only to avoid getting to fat. old and dirty. On getting Gopu Mama's new
history, Question 3. Complete each sentence chappals, he was happy but tried to look not
the below by appropriately using any one of too happy as he didn't want to show his
cousins the following: happiness to the house members and
if you want to/if you don't want him to moreover wanted to prove that his own
(i) Don't go to the theater_____. chapplas were much better and more
that the (ii) He'll post your letter____. expensive than those he got and thus, was
cat was (iii) Please use my pen ____. compromising on them.
a (iv) My neighbour, Ramesh, will take you Question 6. On getting gift chappals, the
descend to the doctor ______. beggar vanished in a minute. Why was he in
ant of a (v) Don't eat it ______. such a hurry to leave?
lion, Answer. Answer. On getting gift chappals, the
(i) Don't go to the theater if you don't beggar vanished in a minute because he did
the lion r
want to. not want any of the elder member of the

(ii) He'll post your letter if you want him house to come and know about it. He must
was the to. have feared that if any would came, they

emblem (iii) Please use my pen if you want him to. would snatch the gift from him.

of the (iv) My neighbor, Ramesh, will take you Question 7. Walking towards the kichten
to the doctor if you don't want to. with Mridu and Meena, Rukku, Mani began

(v) Don't eat it if you don't want to. to laugh. What made her laugh?

VIDEO LINKS FOR THE LESSON:- Answer. On thinking about Gopu Mama,
. They Rukku Mani laughed. She was imagining
thought the scene in the evening when Gopu Mama
that the would come from his work and would look
cat was for his chappals to the music teacher.
a Homework:
Mahaba The Comprehension check and other textbook questions will be done in the respective periods
and the answers will be found by the students
with help of the teacher. It will also be written
at.... by students in their notebooks and they will be
checked by the teacher during the week. The
students will be given meaning of new words
Students will listen to the teacher
and also key questions related to the lesson.
carefully and follow the instructions given
Weekly test will be taken on Friday/Saturday
to them. They will note the Blackboard
every week.
work and question answers in their
note-books. They will follow the
homework related instructions as desired
by the teacher
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Lesson No. : 3 Chapter Name: Gopal and the Hilsa Fish No. of periods required: 05
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of lesson Pedagogy and use of Question Answers Oral and written works
ICT/TLM/ABL/ Blackboard
and other materials and plan of Evaluate
Engage, activities to achieve the Los
Explore Explain and
The season of Objectives Q1: Why did the king want know more talk about the
Hilsa fish was Hilsa fish?
going on • To introduce students a Ans: The king wanted know more talk about the
everywhere as comic story to be Hilsa fish because he did not want to waste the time
we have season understood through of court.
of mangoes in r
pictures with strips of
summer. People Q2: What did the king ask Gopal to do to prove that

text for support

were talking • To make learning easy he was clever?

about Hilsa fish and enjoyable. Ans: The king asked Gopal to buy a Hilsa fish and
• To enhance English bring it to palace. He also should see that no body

and nothing
else. Even the reading. shhoukd ask him a word about it.

court was not an • To acquaint students


exception. The with ‘Reported speech Q3. What three things did Gopal do before he went to
king was tired under the shade of a buy his Hilsa fish?
of this. He comic story having Ans:Gopal followed three things
made and dialogues. 1. Half shaved his face.
announcement 2. Smeared himself with ash.
to buy a Hilsa New Words 3. Worn torn cloths.
fish and to bring Temper : state of mind. Q4. How did Gopal get inside the palace to see the
it to the palace Gopal loses his temper after a king after he had bought the fish?
without anyone quarrel with friend. Ans: Gopal got inside the palace in the following
asking a word Crazy : foolish. way-
about it. Gopal, 1. Began to dance- whan guards did not allow
Navjeet’s behavior shows he is
one of the Gopal to enter the palace he began to dance.
a crazy boy.
courtiers 2. Began to sing- Gopal also started to sing . The
Ridiculous : causing mocking.
accepts the king quickly ordered the guard to bring Gopal before
Anshu cracks ridiculous jokes.
challenge. He him .
Achieve : succeed in doing by
makes Q5. Explain why no one seem to be interested in
preparation. talking about the Hilsa fish which Gopal had bought?
Sudarshan achieved a great
Half shaves Ans: Gopal’s half shaven face, smeared with ash,
success against Garry in chess.
himself, smears torn clothes attracted people’s attention. Therefore,
Think of : take into account.
with ash and
wear torn Students must think of sincere nobody talked about the Hilsa fish bought by him.
clothes. Then, stud. Q1: what season is referred in this story ?
set out to the Key Points Ans: Season for Hilsa fish is referred in this story.
palace with a • Hilsa fish season. Q2: What where the fisher men doing ?
big Hilsa fish. • Talk on Hilsa fish only. Ans: The fisher men were selling only Hilsa fish.
Throughout the • King’s order in the Q3: What did the courtier ask the king?
way every body court. Ans: The courtier asked the king to see huge Hilsa he
talks and laughs • Gopal accepts the caught.
on his face and challenge. Q4: Who accepted the challenge?
strange • Gopal ’ s preparations Ans: Gopal accepted the challenge.
appearance, but about Hilsa fish. Q5: What did the king ask Gopal to do?
nobody says Ans: The King asked Gopal to bring the Hilsa fish to
• Gopal’s journey to
about Hilsa fish. the palace without anyone asking about it .
palace with Hilsa fish.
Finally Gopal Q6: What did Gopal’s wife ask him?
• People’s reaction to see
reaches to Ans: Gopal’s wife asked him why his face half
palace where shaven.
• Gopal’s efforts to get
the guards stop Q7: What did Gopal answer to his wife?
entry in the palace.
him to enter. Ans: Gopal answered that he was dressing up to
Gopal starts • Nobody asks about
Hilsa fish in the palace. buy a Hilsa fish .
singing so Q8: Where was Gopal going along with the Hilsa
• Courtier’s reactions r
loudly that king fish?
about Gopal.

allows the Ans: Gopal was going towards the palace .

stranger to • King asks about Gopal’s

Q9: What did the child on the road say about Gopal
come in. inside appearance.
to his mother?
• Gopal’s reminder about

the palace even Ans: The child on the road said that the man was
no one asks Hilsa fish. comical .

about Hilsa fish • Congratulations to Q10: How did the people on the road react about

accept Gopal. Gopal?

appearance. VIDEO LINKS FOR Ans: Some people said to him a mad man , others
even the king LESSON:- said him mystic.
asks about Q11: What did the kings guards asks Gopal?
Gopal ’ s Ans: The kings guards asked him what he wanted.
dressing and not Q12: What did Gopal begin to do near the palace?
Hilsa fish. In Ans: Gopal began to dance and sing loudly.
the ends Gopal Homework:
reminds the The Comprehension check and other textbook
king about the Students will listen to the questions will be done in the respective periods and
challenge. The teacher carefully and follow the the answers will be found by the students with help
king instructions given to them. They of the teacher. It will also be written by students in
congratulates will note the Blackboard work their notebooks and they will be checked by the
Gopal for and question answers in their teacher during the week. The students will be given
achieving the note-books. They will follow meaning of new words and also key questions related
impossible task. the homework related to the lesson. Weekly test will be taken on
instructions as desired by the Friday/Saturday every week.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Lesson No.& Name : 04 The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom No. of periods req.: 05
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Question Answers Oral and written works
lesson Blackboard and other materials and
plan of activities to achieve the Los Evaluate
Explain and Elaborate
The story Objectives:- Question 1: Why did the neighbors kill the dog?
contains a • To introduce students a comic Answer: The neighbors dragged the dog around
powerful story to be understood through their garden to find a treasure for themselves.
message When the dog stopped near a pine tree and
pictures with strips of text for
to adopt started scratching the ground, they dug happily
virtues support r
hoping to find a treasure. When they saw that
like • To make learning easy and there was nothing in there except a dead kitten,

honesty, enjoyable. they became furious at the dog. They kicked it


compassio • To enhance English reading. and beat it to death. They killed it because it did

n, and not help them find a treasure.

• To acquaint students with
truth. In
‘Reported speech under the

this Question 2:Mark the right item.

shade of a comic story having

Japanese (i) The old farmer and his wife loved the dog
story dialogues. (a) because it helped them in their day-to-day
about an Previous Knowledge Test:- work.
old couple • Should people keep pets? Why? (b) as if it was their own baby.
who love (c) as they were kind to all living beings.
their pet • Arguments for and against (ii) When the old couple became rich, they
Muko using animals in films and (a) gave the dog better food.
very movies. (b) invited their greedy neighbours to a feast.
much. • Which do you support- (c) lived comfortably and were generous
Muck Vegetarianism or towards their poor neighbours.
becomes (iii) The greedy couple borrowed the mill and
Non-Vegetarianism ?
instrument the mortar to make
al in • Can you give some arguments (a) rice pastry and bean sauce.
bringing for and against using animals (b) magic ash to win rewards.
riches to for lab testing and medical (c) a pile of gold.
the old research ? Answer: (i) The old farmer and his wife loved
couple. Synopsis:- the dog as if it was their own baby.
First, they This story from Japan is about an (ii) When the old couple became rich, they
get a pot lived comfortably and were generous towards
honest and hard-working old couple,
of gold on their poor neighbors.
digging and their pet dog Muko. The neighbors (iii) The greedy couple borrowed the mill and
the ground of the couple are greedy and cruel. This the mortar to make a pile of gold.
where greedy and cruel nature results in the
Muko was Question 1: The old farmer is a kind person.
sad death of the dog. However, the
trying to What evidence of his kindness do you find in
remove spirit of the dog gives solace and the first two paragraphs?
mud with support to his master in unexpected Answer: The old farmer was a kind person. He
his paws. ways with a hint of magical realism. loved his dog as if it was his own baby. He fed
They had Moral it with fish with his own chopsticks and all the
a greedy People are known by their deeds, just boiled rice it wanted. He was patient and kind
neighbor as a tree is known by its leaves and to everything that had life, and often dug up a
who sees sod on purpose to give food to the birds.
fruit. People and animals will all be
it and he
comes and kind to us if we are kind to them, but Question 2:What did the dog do to lead the
takes being mean or wicked usually makes us farmer to the hidden gold?
Muko less happy. Answer: The dog came running to the farmer,
along with Agree or Disagree putting its paws against his legs and motioning
him. But • The greedy neighbor wanted to with its head to some spot behind. He thought it
he doesn't was only playing and did not mind it. However,
please the daimio to get
get any the dog kept on whining and running to and fro
presents. r
gold and for some minutes. Then the farmer followed it a
• The spirit of the dog appeared

in his few yards to a place where it began scratching

anger, the in the old man's dreams. the ground. The farmer thought there was a

wicket • The owner of the dog mourned bone or a bit of fish buried there and therefore,

neighbor the dog's death as if he had been struck his hoe in the earth. However, what he
hit him found was a pile of gold.

his own child.

and he
• The dog helped the neighbors

died. The Question 3: (i) How did the spirit of the dog
old man discover treasure beneath help the farmer first?
buried (under) the pine tree. (ii) How did it help him next?
Muko and • The neighbors of the old couple Answer: (i) The spirit of the dog asked the
planted a fed bits of fish and other farmer to cut down the pine tree over its grave,
pine tree and make from it a mortar for rice pastry and a
dainties to the dog because they
on his mill for bean sauce. The farmer did so. Some
grave and were sensitive and kind. time close to the New Year, the farmer wanted
watered it • The dog harmed the white to make some rice pastry. When the rice was
daily. heron that walked in the boiled, his wife put it into the mortar and he
When the footsteps of the old man. pounded the mass into dough. When the pastry
tree grew • This story takes place in an was ready for baking, the whole mass turned
he thought into a heap of gold coins. Similarly, when beans
Indian village.
of making were ground in the hand-mill, gold started
a mortar • Neighbors are often more dropping from it like rain and in a few minutes,
out of the helpful than relatives. the tub under the mill was filled with gold.
tree. He Other Questions :- (ii) Informing the farmer about how his wicked
wanted to Answer: (i) Where is Anil? neighbours had burned the handmill, the spirit
make rice (ii) Where is Anil sitting? of the dog asked him to take the ashes of the
cake by (iii) What is Anil doing? mill and sprinkle them on withered trees to
pounding (iv) Where is Anil’s friend sitting?make them bloom. The old man did so and
rice in the found to his delight that the words of the spirit
(v) Who is writing on the
mortar. were indeed true. The bare cherry tree in his
When he blackboard? garden sprouted blossoms when a pinch of the
was (vi) What are some children doing? ashes were sprinkled on it. Later, he was
pounding rewarded by the daimio for making an old
boiled rice Question 2: Write appropriate withered cherry tree blossom once again.
to make Question words in the blank spaces
the cake, in the following dialogue. Question 4:Why did the daimio reward the
the rice farmer but punish his neighbor for the same
NEHA: ______________________
turned act?
into gold did you get this book? Answer: The daimio rewarded the farmer for
and the SHEELA: Yesterday morning. making an old withered cherry tree blossom
couple NEHA: ______________________ once again. Like the farmer, his greedy
became is your sister crying? neighbor also sprinkled ashes over a withered
richer. SHEELA: Because she has lost her cherry tree. However, the result this time was
The doll. different. The tree did not blossom, while the
neighbor wind blew the dust into the noses and eyes of
NEHA: ______________________
again saw the daimio and his wife. This was the reason
it and room is this, yours or hers? why the greedy neighbor was punished.

came to SHEELA: It’s ours.

them to NEHA: ______________________ Question 4: Add im- or in- to each of the

borrow do you go to school? following words and use them in place of the

mortar. italicized words in the sentences given below.

SHEELA: We walk to school. It is
The kind Patient Proper Possible Sensitive Competent

man gave near by. (i) The project appears very difficult at first

him Answer: NEHA: When did you get sight but it can be completed if we work very
mortar but this book? hard.
when he SHEELA: Yesterday morning. (ii) He lacks competence. That’s why he can’
used it, he NEHA: Why is your sister crying? t keep any job for more than a year.
didn't get SHEELA: Because she has lost her (iii) “Don’t lose patience. Your letter will
any gold. come one day,” the postman told me.
Then he
was NEHA: Whose room is this, yours (iv) That’s not a proper remark to make under
or hers? the circumstances.
(v) He appears to be without sensitivity. In fact,
and SHEELA: It’s ours.
he is very emotional.
burned the NEHA: How do you go to school? Answer: (i) The project appears impossible at
mortar. SHEELA: We walk to school. It is first sight but it can be completed if we work
When the
near by. very hard.
old man
came to (ii) He is incompetent. That’s why he can’t
ask for his Question 3: Fill in the blanks with keep any job for more than a year.
mortar, it the words given in the box. (iii)“Don’t be impatient. Your letter will come
was all Answer: (i) My friend lost his one day,” the postman told me.
ashes. He chemistry book. Now he doesn’t (iv) That’s an improper remark to make under
took ashes know what to do and where to look the circumstances.
home. for it. (v) He appears to be insensitive. In fact, he is
When he (ii) There are so many toys in the very emotional.
sprinkled Question 5: Use a, an or the in the blanks.
shops. Neena can’t decide which
ashes in Answer: There was once a play which became
his one to buy. very successful. A famous actor was acting in
garden, (iii) You don’t know the way to my it. In the play his role was that of an aristocrat
his cherry school. Ask the policeman how to who had been imprisoned in a castle for twenty
trees get there. years. In the last act of the play someone would
blossomed come on the stage with a letter which he would
(iv) You should decide soon where
, though it hand over to the prisoner. Even though the
was to start building your house. aristocrat was not expected to read the letter at
winter (v) Do you know how to ride a each performance, he always insisted that the
time. bicycle? I don’t remember when letter be written out from beginning to end.
Again the and where I learnt it. Question 6: Encircle the correct article.
neighbor A : Would you like (a/an/the) apple or
(vi) “You should know when to
came to (a/an/the) banana?
take ashes talk and when to keep your mouth B : I’d like (a/an/the) apple, please.
so that his shut,” the teacher advised Anil. A : Take (a/an/the) red one in (a/an/the) fruit
trees VIDEO LINKS FOR LESSON:- bowl. You may take (a/an/the) orange also, if
could also you like.

blossom. B : Which one?
Again his A : (a/an/the) one beside (a/an/the) banana.

Answer: A : Would you like an apple or a

didn't banana?

come true. B : I’d like an apple, please.

so, the A : Take the red one in the fruit bowl. You may

story take an orange also, if you like.

shows B : Which one?
how the A : The one beside the banana.
Students will listen to the teacher
spirit of Homework:
Muko carefully and follow the
The Comprehension check and other textbook
helps the instructions given to them. They
questions will be done in the respective periods
old will note the Blackboard work and and the answers will be found by the students
couple. question answers in their with help of the teacher. It will also be written
note-books. They will follow the by students in their notebooks and they will be
homework related instructions as checked by the teacher during the week. The
desired by the teacher. students will be given meaning of new words
and also key questions related to the lesson.
Weekly test will be taken on Friday/Saturday
every week.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Lesson No. : 05 Chapter name: Quality No. of periods required: 05
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of lesson Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Question Answers Oral and written
Blackboard and other materials and works
plan of activities to achieve the Los
Engage, Explore Explain and Elaborate Evaluate
The story starts with the Objectives:- Question 1: What was the author’s
description of the boot • To introduce students a comic opinion about Mr. Gessler as a
shop; on top was the name story to be understood through bootmaker?
plate ‘Gessler Brothers’ Answer: The author had a high
pictures with strips of text for
and a few shoes displayed opinion about Mr. Gessler as a
on the window. They bootmaker. He knew that Mr.
make shoes on order. The • To make learning easy and Gessler made only what was
enjoyable. r
narrator then narrates one ordered, and the boots that he made
• To enhance English reading.

of his meetings with Mr. never failed to fit. The author felt
Gessler. He says it has not • To acquaint students with that to make such boots as Mr.

been possible to go to him Gessler did seemed mysterious and

‘Reported speech under the

much because the shoes wonderful.

he made have lasted very shade of a comic story having Question 2: Why did the author

long and are the best of dialogues. visit the shop so infrequently?

their kind. Previous Knowledge Testing:- Answer: The author visited the
• Do you like handmade or shop so infrequently because the
One day the narrator goes boots made by Mr. Gessler lasted
readymade products ?
to their shop to get a pair for a long time.
of Russian-leather shoes. • Which are the measures of Question 3: What was the effect on
Mr. Gessler retreats quality which you consider Mr. Gessler of the author’s remark
upstairs and comes back valid before purchasing any about a certain pair of boots?
after some time holding a product in the market ? Answer: When the author remarked
fine golden Russian Synopsis that a certain pair of boots he had
leather piece. After the This story is about a struggling got earlier creaked, Mr. Gessler
narrator ’ s approval he shoemaker's dedication to his work. looked at him for a time without
says he’ll get his shoes The author knows him as someone who replying, as if expecting him to
tomorrow fortnight. thinks and works with the passion of an withdraw or qualify the statement.
artist, to the limit that the shoes he Then, he said that the shoes should
One day the narrator goes makes are masterpieces in themselves. not have creaked. He then asked the
to their boot shop and tells But in the end, the story tells us about author to send the boots back, and
him that the last shoes he the sad loss of art and quality in today's if he could do nothing of them, he
got from him creak. After world of mass-produced big brands and would take them off his bill.
a long pause Mr. Gessler consumerism. Question 4:
asks him to bring the Moral
shoes to him. He assures To become a master at any skill, it What was Mr. Gessler’s complaint
that if he can ’ t repair takes the total effort of your heart, against ‘big firms”?
them, he will give the mind and soul working together in Answer: Mr. Gessler’s complaint
money back. unison. against big firms was that they got
Discuss and Debate customers only because of
Another day he goes to • Branded versus Hand-Made advertising, and not because of any
Gessler Brothers to order • Quality versus Expensive quality work. Mr Gessler, who
a new pair, wearing a pair • Advantages and Disadvantages loved his job and who used to make
of shoes which he bought of Commercialization of Art good quality boots, had very little
due to some emergency Agree or Disagree work because people preferred the
from a big firm. Mr. • Mr. Gessler's business didn't do big firms.
Gessler at once recognizes well because he wasn't Question 5: Why did the author
that the shoes are not dedicated to his work. order so many pairs of boots? Did
made by him. He touches • Mr. Gessler was poor, because he really need them?
a particular spot on the most of the money that he Answer:The author knew that Mr
narrator’s shoe where it earned was spent in paying for Gessler made good quality boots.
isn’t comfortable for the rent and leather. Every single pair of boots was good
narrator and says that it • If Mr. Gessler's shoes got enough to last a long time. He came
hurts there. He expresses r
damaged and he couldn't repair to know from Mr. Gessler himself
his contempt that those them, he would offer his that in spite of his love for his job

large firms attract customer to deduct the price of he could not get much work. This

customers through shiny the shoe from the next bill. was because people preferred
impressive advertisements • Mr. Gessler's shop had big sign buying boots from big firms.

to sell their inferior boards and banners everywhere. Seeing his hardship and struggle,
• It is impossible to do quality

quality products. Then the the author decided to order many

author explains to him work and make a profit. pairs of boots even though he really

under what circumstances • Big-brand products are not of a did not really need them.
he had to buy those shoes. good quality. Question 1: Study the following
• Hand-made things are better phrases and their meanings. Use
The new shoes lasted than factory-made products. them appropriately to complete the
nearly two years. And in Other Questions:- sentences that follow.
his next visit he receives Question 1 Ans. look after: take care of
quite a shock. When he (i) After a very long spell of heat, the look down on: disapprove or regard
enters the shop, he sees as inferior
weather is looking up at last.
the younger Gessler look in (on someone): make a short
brother who informs him (ii) We have no right to look down on visit
of elder Gessler’s death. people who do small jobs. look into: investigate
That day he orders several (iii) Nitin has always looked up to his look out: be careful
pairs. It takes longer to uncle, who is a self-made man. look up: improve
make them but the quality (iv) The police are looking into the look up to: admire
is even better than the (i) After a very long spell of heat,
matter thoroughly.
previous ones. the weather is
(v) If you want to go out, I will look __________________ at last.
Soon after, the narrator after the children for you. (ii) We have no right to
leaves for abroad and (vi) I promise to look in on your ____________________people
returns after over a year. brother when I visit Lucknow next. who do small jobs.
The first shop he goes to (vii) Look out when you are crossing (iii) Nitin has always
is Mr. Gessler ’ s. Mr. the main road. _________________ his uncle,
Gessler, now seventy-five, who is a self-made man.
Que. 3 Answer:-
is unable to recognize him (iv) The police are
at first. Narrator gives a initial medial final ____________________ the matter
huge order. The wait is thoroughly.
longer than ever but the sheep fashion trash (v) If you want to go out, I will
quality only gets better. ______________________ the
shriek anxious marsh children for you.
After a week, while (vi) I promise to
shore portion fish __________________ on your
passing the little street, the
narrator thinks to go in brother when I visit Lucknow next.
sure ashes polish
and tell Mr. Gessler that (vii) _________________ when
the boots are perfect. But you are crossing the main road.
shoe nation moustache
when he goes to the place Answer:(i) After a very long spell
where the shop was, the – pushing – of heat, the weather is looking up at
name plate is no longer last.
there. Que.4:- Answer:- (ii) We have no right to look down
(i) Feature on people who do small jobs.
Disturbed, he goes into (ii) Archery (iii) Nitin has always looked up to

the shop and a young (iii) Picture his uncle, who is a self-made man.
English face greets him. (iv) Reaching (iv) The police are looking into the

The narrator enquires (v) Nature matter thoroughly.


about Mr. Gessler and (vi) Matches (v) If you want to go out, I will
comes to know of younger (vii) Riches look after the children for you.

Gessler ’ s death. Upon (viii) Batch (vi) I promise to look in on your


(ix) Church brother when I visit Lucknow next.

hearing this the narrator is
VIDEO LINKS FOR LESSON:- (vii) Look out when you are
quite shocked.
crossing the main road. Homework:
The young man explains
to him that Gessler died The Comprehension check and
from starvation; he used to other textbook questions will be done in the respective periods and
devote himself to shoe
making so much that he the answers will be found by the
used to forget about students with help of the teacher. It will also be written by students in
everything else. All the
money went in the rents Students will listen to the teacher their notebooks and they will be
and leather. The fate was carefully and follow the instructions checked by the teacher during the
quite obvious from the given to them. They will note the week. The students will be given
beginning. But both the Blackboard work and question answers meaning of new words and also key
narrator and the young in their note-books. They will follow questions related to the lesson.
man agrees that the the homework related instructions as Weekly test will be taken on
Gessler brothers made desired by the teacher. Friday/Saturday every week.
good quality boots.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Lesson No. : 06 Chapter Name: Expert Detectives No. of periods required: 06
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of lesson Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Blackboard Question Answers Oral
and other materials and plan of activities to and written works
achieve the Los
Engage, Explore Explain and Elaborate Evaluate
Maya , a girl of 10, and her Objectives:- Comprehension Check
brother Nishad, a boy of 7, • To encourage students to interrogate. (Page 89)
were very curious about • Making them aware to understand the 1. What did Nishad give
one Mr.Nath who had been poor. Mr. Nath? Why?
living at Shankar House for • To make them understand somebody's Ans: Nishad gave a bar
over an year and was their feeling. r of chocolate to Mr. Nath
mother's patient. He was a • To encourage them to collect difficult thinking he was poor

very lonely and thin man information from anywhere. and starving.

and looked starved. Maya Key Points:- 2. What is 'strange'

was of the opinion that he about Mr. Nath's

was a criminal on the run • Nishad and Maya are brother-sister. Sundays?

and had lots of money • They are very curious to know about Mr. Ans: On Sundays, a tall,
stacked somewhere in his fair, stout man wearing

room while Nishad, on the spectacles used to meet
• They start interrogation about Mr. Nath.
other hand, was Mr. Nath and he used to
• They collect information about him.
considering the possibility talk a lot.
• Maya takes Mr.Nath as a crook .
of him being just a poor, 3. Why did Nishad and
friendless soul who had no • Nishad doesn`t agree with her . Maya get a holiday?
proper means to sustain Other Questions:- Ans: The monsoon
himself. However, one Working with language (Page 93, 94) broke and dark clouds
thing that both agreed on 1. The word 'tip' has only three letters but many accompanies by
was that there was meanings. Match the words with meaning below. blinding flashes of
something peculiar and 1. finger tips - be about to say something lightning and roaring
strange about Mr. Nath. 2. the tip of your nose - make the boat rolls of thunder burst,
One day while playing one overturn flooded the streets with
of their marbles went into 3. tip the water out of - the end of one's a heavy downpour.
Mr. Nath's room and to fingers the bucket Therefore, no traffic
extract it the children went 4. have something on - give a rupee to him could move through the
there. For once, they had a to the tip of your tongue thank him flooded roads and thus
look at Mr. Nath and since 5. tip the bot over - empty a bucket tilting Maya and Nishad got an
began debating about him 6. tip him a rupee - the pointed end of your unexpected holiday.
and his possible profession. nose Working with the Text
Maya interpreted the burn 7. the tip of the bat - if you take this advice (Page 93)
marks on his face to be 8. the police were - the bat lightly 1. What does Nishad
caused by a fire started by touched the ball tipped off find out about Mr. Nath
the police to turn him out 9. if you take my tip - the end of the bat from Ramesh? Arrange
of his house. Nishad 10. the bat tipped the ball - the police were the information as
thought it to be too told, or warned suggested below.
far-fetched though he did Answer:1. finger tips - the end of one's fingers
not have much in defense 2. the tip of your nose - the pointed end of your What he eats.
of the man. On the Monday nose When he eats.
after their mamma's 3. tip the water out of the bucket - empty a What he drink and
birthday, as Maya had to bucket tilting when.
spend the day with a school 4. have something on the tip of your tongue - be How he pays.
friend, Nishad went to Mr. about to say something Ans: Nishad finds out
Nath's room alone and 5. tip the bot over - make the boat overturn from Ramesh that Mr.
offered him a chocolate bar 6. tip him a rupee - give a rupee to him, to thank Nath takes two meals in
considering his emaciated him a day every morning and
state. When he later told of 7. the tip of the bat - the end of the bat evening and he drinks
his encounter with the man 8. the police were tipped of - the police were two cups of tea, one in
to Maya, she was told, or warned the morning and one in
disappointed that she 9. if you take my tip - if you take this advice the afternoon. He is not
missed it but wanted to 10. the bat tipped the ball - the bat lightly touched particular about what he

know more about whatever the ball eats, it's always the
else her brother had found 2. The words helper, companion, partner and same food - two

out. Nishad had had a talk accomplice have very similar meanings, but each chapattis, some dal and

with Ramesh, who carried word is typically used in certain phrases. Can you a vegetable. He pays
food from the restaurant to fill in the blanks below with the most commonly cash and tips well.

the strange man's room, used words? A dictionary may help you. 2. Why does Mya think

and found out that every 1. business ______. Mr. Nath is a crook?
Sunday a talkative tall, fair, 2. my ______ on the journey. Who does she say the
stout and bespectacled man 3. I'm mother's little ______. Sunday visitor is?
came to visit Mr. Nath. He 4. a faithful ______ such as a dog. Ans: Maya thought that
also found out that Mr. 5. the theif's ______. Mr. Nath was a crook
Nath though did not care 6. find a good ______. because he used to get
what food was brought to 7. tennis/golf/bridge ______. food from a restaurant
him, tipped Ramesh well. 8. his ______ in his criminal activities. everyday, although he
Maya interpreted it all as a Answer: did not work. He never
great conspiracy and saw 1. business partner. talked to anyone at
the bespectacled man as an 2. my companion on the journey. Shankar House though
accomplice to Mr. Nath, 3. I'm mother's little helper. he had been living there
visiting him to give part of 4. a faithful companion such as a dog. for more than a year. he
the money they had looted 5. the thief's accomplice. had scars on his face
together. Nishad wondered 6. find a good partner. which according to
at his sister's imagination 7. tennis/golf/bridge partner. Maya, must have been
and thought Mr. Nath quite 8. his accomplice in his criminal activities. the burn scars which
ordinary. Maya rejected Question 3. Now let us look at the uses of the would have got when
Nishad's idea further world break. Match the words with it meanings police had set his house
adding that many criminals below. Try two find at least three other ways in on fire. Moreover, he
are usually ordinary which to use the word. didn't receive any letters
looking. The next day their the storm broke ==> could not speak; was too sad and had only one visitor
school was to reopen after to speak to visit him.
the summer holidays but, daybreak ==> this kind of weather ended According to Maya, the
because of incessant rain He voice is beginning to break ==> it began or Sunday visitor must be
they enjoyed another burst into activity his partner in crime and
holiday. Maya took a paper Her voice broke and she cried ==>the beginning he came every now and
and decided to jot down the of daylight then to give part of it to
developments in the The heat wave broke ==> changing as he grows his partner.
mystery of Mr. Nath's up 3. Does Nishad agree
identity. She shared it with broke the bad news ==> end it by making the with Maya about Mr.
her brother and talked workers submit Nath? How does he feel
about various points like break a strike ==> gently told someone the bad about him?
many being scared of Mr. news Ans: No, Nishad did not
Nath, his not receiving any (Find your own expression) ==> (Give its agree with Maya about
mail ever, his unfriendly meaning here.) Mr. Nath. He felt that he
nature, having just one Answer: the storm broke ==> this kind of weather was not a crook or
friend-a possible ended criminal as he was so
accomplice and so on. daybreak ==> the beginning of daylight thin and looked poor
Nishad countered Maya at He voice is beginning to break ==> changing as and starving. He thought

various points but was he grows up he was lonely and

constantly put down by her Her voice broke and she cried ==> could not wanted to have friends.

who just wanted to prove speak; was too sad to speak Homework:

that Mr. Nath was a The heat wave broke ==> it began or burst into The Comprehension
criminal. Nishad did not activity check and other

like this attitude and asked broke the bad news ==> gently told someone the textbook questions will

Maya to stop always bad news be done in the respective

referring to the man as a break a strike ==> end it by making the workers periods and the answers
criminal. Maya pointed out submit will be found by the
the futility of all their Tea-break ==> time to have tea students with help of the
snooping if it was not so VIDEO LINKS FOR LESSON:- teacher. It will also be
but Nishad said that it was written by students in
not necessary for the man their notebooks and they
to be a criminal for him to will be checked by the
want to know about him. teacher during the week.
He stormed out of the room The students will be
saying that he would given meaning of new
become the lonely man's Students will listen to the teacher carefully and words and also key
friend. Maya noticed his follow the instructions given to them. They will questions related to the
adamant take on the matter note the Blackboard work and question answers lesson. Weekly test will
and that her theory had had in their note-books. They will follow the be taken on
no effect on him. homework related instructions as desired by the Friday/Saturday every
teacher. week.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Lesson No. : 07 Chapter name: The Invention of Vita-Wonk No. of periods req.: 6
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Question Answers Oral and written works
lesson Blackboard and other materials and plan of
activities to achieve the Los Evaluate
Explain and Elaborate
The Objectives Working with the Text
present • To enable the students to read ,
write, speak and understand Q1.i. What trees does Mr. Wonka mention?
lesson is Which tree does he say lives the longest?
Ans: Mr. Wonka mentions so many kinds of
written by • To make them familiar with the r trees –Oak, Douglas fir, cedar and bristlecone
Roald invention made by Mr. Willy

pine tree. The bristlecone pine tree lives the

Wonka. longest.
Dahl. In

• To enable them to develop thinking


the skill and imagine imaginary stories. ii. How long does this tree live?
Where can you find it?
present • To motivate them to write

Ans: Bristlecone pine lives for over 4ooo

imaginary stories.

there was years. We can find this tree on Wheeler peak

• To make them familiar with new in Nevada, USA.
a scientist
words and phrases.
Mr. Willy • To enable them to use new words Q2. How many of the oldest living things can
Wonka. and phrases in their practical life. you remember from Mr. Wonka’s list? (Don’
t look back at the story!) Do you think all
He first • To make them familiar with
these things really exist, or are some of them
different kinds of trees and living purely imaginary?
invented a
things. Ans: I can remember five of the oldest things
tonic New Words from the list of Mr. Wonk. These ares-
Wonka- Knuckle : bone at the finger joint a. The tail of a 51-year-old Horse in
The boy has broken his knuckle. Arabia.
Vite b. The tail of a 207-year-old giant Rat
Elevator : a kind of lift
which from Tibet.
Recently a new elevator has been
c. The black teeth of a 97-years-old
made arranged for VIP at Agra cant railway Grimalkin living in a cave on Mount
station. Popocatepetle.
Swallow : drink d. The toe-nail clippings from a 168-year-old
younger. Swallow the tablets whole with a drink Russian farmer called Petrovitch
Mr. Willy of water. Gregorovitch
Squezee : press hard e. The whiskers of a 36-year-old cat
Mohan squeezed the egg with his hand. called Crumpets.
the f. I think most of the things are imaginary
Grimalkin : a cat, particularly an old
old things collected from a Russian farmer, a
scientist female cat tortoise, a flea, a rat and a horse.
invents a There was a grimalkin sitting on the
wall. Q3. Why does Mr. Wonka collect items from
Key Points the oldest things? Do you think is the right
named as way to begin his invention?
Vita – • Mr. Willy Wonka, the scientist Ans: Mr. Wonka collects items from the
oldest things in order to invent a new
invents a medicine named as Vita medicine that would make the young people
Wonka. older. No, this is not the right way to invent a
This • This medicine makes people new thing.
medicine younger.
makes • Mr. Wonka mentions different Q4. What happens to the volunteer who
swallows four drops of the new invention?
kinds of trees in the lesson.
people What is the name of the invention?
• They are –Douglas fir, Oak, Cedar, Ans: After taking four drops of medicine, the
younger. Bristlecone Pine tree.. volunteer grows very old. His hair and teeth

Mr. • He tells that the Bristlecone tree starts falling. His skin becomes dry and
lives the longest for more than 4000 wrinkled. A twenty year old man looks

Wonka seventy five. The name of invention is Vita –


mentions Wonk.
• We can find this upon the slopes of

different Wheeler Peak in Nevada, U.S.A. Comprehension Check


kinds of • He collected many different items

from the oldest living things. They Q1. Choose the correct answer.
trees in
are- a. Mr. Willy Wonka is (a) a cook (b) an
the lesson. inventor (c) a manager.
b. Wonka-Vita makes people (a) older (b)
They are I. Toe-nail from a 168 year old Russian
–Douglas c. Mr Wonka wants to invent a new thing
II. An egg laid by a 200 year old Tortoise. which will make people (a) younger
fir, Oak, III. The tail of a 51 year old Horse. (b) older
Cedar, IV. The tail of a 207 year old Giant Rat Answer:
V. The black teeth of a 97 year old a. Mr. Willy Wonka is (b) an inventor
Bristlecon b. Wonka-Vita makes people (b) younger
e Pine c. Mr Wonka wants to invent a new thing
VI. The knucklebones of a 700 year old
which will make people (b) older
tree. He Cattaloo.
tells that • Mr. Wonka prepared a black liquid Q2. Can anyone's age be a minus number?
by boiling and mixing of different What does "minus 87" mean?
the parts of different living things. Ans: No, one's age cannot be a minus number.
Bristlecon • He gave four drops of that black Here, "minus 87" means a person will have to
e tree lives liquid to a 20 years old man named wait for 87 years to born.
the as Oompa-Loompa.
• The volunteer, who swallowed four Q3. Mr. Wonka begins by asking himself two
longest for questions. What are they?
drops of the new invention became,
i. What is _____?
more than old, began wrinkling and ii. What lives _____?
4000years shrivelling up all over and his hair Answer:
starting dropping off and his teeth i. What is the oldest living thing in
. He gave
falling out and he turned into at the world?
four drops fellow of 75. The name of the ii. What lives longer than anything
invention was Vita-Wonk. else?
of that
black • Finally, the scientist got success in Working With Language
his new invention of Vita-Wonka.
liquid to a Short Questions in the Lesson:- 1. Fill in the blanks in the recipe given
20 years Short Questions below with words from the box.
Q1. What was the effect of the Easy Palak-Dal Ingredients
old man
medicine Vita-Wonka? • One ______
named as • One cup dal
Ans: Mr. Willy Wonka invented a new
Oompa-L medicine named as Vita-Wonka.It r • Two thin green chillies
____ a teaspoon red chilli powder

oompa. reduced people’s age. The age became

• Eight small bunches of palak
minus and people disappeared.

The • Two ______

Q2. What does the lesson tell you about •

volunteer, Salt to taste

Vita Wonk?

who Ans: A medicine was invented by Mr. Easy Palak-Dal Ingredients


swallowed Wonka. It was named as Vita- Wonka. • One Onion

It was helpful in reducing the age of • One cup dal
four drops
people ’ s age. The people looked • Two thin green chillies
of the new young. • half a teaspoon red chilli powder
invention Q3. Which type of things did Mr. • Eight small bunches of palak
Wonka collect? • Two tomatoes
Ans: Mr. Wonka collected old things of • Salt to taste
old, began ancient time. He also wanted to collect Wash and cut the vegetables; ____ the palak.
wrinkling things of the longest age. Put everything in a pressure ___. Let the
cooker. Whistle three ____, then switch if off.
and Q4. What do you know about
Fry a few cumin seeds in ____ and add to the
venomous squerkle? Palak-dal.
Ans: The venomous squrekle is very Answer:
up all over powerful and it can throw its poison Wash and cut the vegetables; shred the Palak.
and his fifty yards away from it. Put everything in a pressure cooker. Let the
Q5. Name the volunteer who cooker. Whistle three times, then switch if
hair off. Fry a few cumin seeds in oil and add to
swallowed the medicine?
starting the Palak-dal.
Ans: Oompa- Loompa swallowed that
dropping medicine. Speaking: Using Do for Emphasis
Q6. What was his first step to make a Charlie asks, “What did happen?”This is a
off and his
new tonic? way of asking the question “ What
teeth happened?” with emphasis.
Ans: He planned to find out the
falling out oldest living creature or plant in the Given below are a few emphatic utterances.
world. Say them to your partner. Let your partner
and he repeat your utterance without the emphasis.
Q7. What the phrase ‘rolled of my Your partner may also add something to show
sleeve’ mean? she/he disagrees with you.
into at YOU : I did study.
Ans: It means got ready.
fellow of Q8.Why did he select very old animals PARTNER : You studied? I don’t believe
and things? you. Look at your marks!
75. The
YOU : I did go there.
Ans: He selected old animals and
name of PARTNER : You went there? Then...
things to prepare a liquid that could YOU : I do play games.
the make people very old. PARTNER : I don’t believe you.
invention Q9. How did he produce his magic YOU : He does read his books.
liquid? PARTNER : I don’t believe you.
Ans: He took something from all old YOU : You do say the most unbelievable
Vita-Won r
animals, boiled them and produced the things!

k. liquid. PARTNER : I don’t think you say the most

Q10. Who was Charlie? unbelievable things.

Finally, YOU : The earth does spin around.

Ans: Charlie was Mr. Wonka’s friend.

the PARTNER : I don’t feel.

VIDEO LINKS FOR LESSON:- YOU : We all do want you to come with us.

scientist PARTNER : then why didn’t you invite me


got to come. YOU : Who does know how to cook?
success in PARTNER : I don’t know how to cook.
his new YOU : I do believe that man is a thief.
invention PARTNER : I don’t believe.
Students will listen to the teacher Homework:
of The Comprehension check and other textbook
carefully and follow the instructions
Vita-Won questions will be done in the respective
given to them. They will note the
periods and the answers will be found by the
ka. Blackboard work and question answers students with help of the teacher. It will also
This is an in their note-books. They will follow be written by students in their notebooks and
the homework related instructions as they will be checked by the teacher during the
imaginary week. The students will be given meaning of
desired by the teacher.
story. new words and also key questions related to
the lesson. Weekly test will be taken on
Friday/Saturday every week.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Lesson No. : 08 Chapter name: Fire Friend & Foe No. of periods required : 06
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Question Answers Oral and written works
lesson Blackboard and other materials and
plan of activities to achieve the Los Evaluate
Explain and Elaborate
Fire is Objectives:- Working with the Text
the result • To enable the students to know
of a about fire. Q3. Match the items in Column A with those in
chemical • To enable the students to know Column B:
reaction. the causes of fire A B
When • To impart the students practical r A fuel
oxygen in lighted matchstick

knowledge of putting off Fire.

the air • To enrich the vocabulary of the b. oxygen

combines students. air


with • To enable the students to make c. heat

carbon sentences of their own. coal

and New Words:-


hydrogen Puzzled : perplexed burning coal

, the Why are you puzzled?
reaction Absorb : soak wood
takes Roots of plants absorb water.
place. Extinguish : put out smouldering paper
Three Firefighters extinguish fire.
things are Key Points cooking gas
needed to • Three things are needed to
make make fire: fuel, oxygen and Answer A
fire: fuel, heat. B
oxygen a. fuel - coal, wood, cooking gas
• Fire is the result of a chemical
and heat. b. oxygen - air
The most c. heat - lighted match stick,
• The most common fuels are
common burning coal, smouldering paper
wood, coal, cooking gas and
fuels are
wood, Q4. What are the three main ways in which a fire
• The particular temperature at
coal, can be controlled or put out?
which the fuel begins to burn is
cooking Ans: The three main ways in which a fire can be
gas and called the ”flash point” controlled or put out are :
petrol. • Fire is a good servant but a very i. By Preventing oxygen from reaching it. No supply
The cruel master of oxygen means no fire. This can be done by
particular • We use fire to cook food, keep throwing a damp blanket or spraying foam of dry
temperat ourselves warm, produce carbon dioxide.
ure at electricity etc. ii. By Removing the inflammable material near the
which the • Uncontrolled fire burns homes fire like Gas, Oil, wood, Plastic etc.
fuel and forests, and also kills iii. By lowering the temperature below Flash Point
begins to people. of the burning material, using water etc.
burn is • We can put out the fire in three Q5. Match the items in Box A with those in box B.
called the ways. A i. To burn paper or a piece of wood
“ flash • If we take the fuel away, no ii. Small fire can be put out
point” or burning can take place. iii. When water is spread on fire.
kindling • The second way of putting out a iv. A carbon dioxide extinguisher is the best
temperat fire is to stop the supply of thing
ure of the oxygen. v. Space left between buildings.
fuel. Fire • The third way is to remove the B i. it absorb the heat from the burning material
is a good heat or bring down the and lowers the temperature
servant temperature. ii. reduces the risk of fire.
iii. with a damp blanket.
but a • Water spray cannot put out the
very iv. we heat it before it catches fire.
oil fire.
v. to put out an electrical fire.
cruel • Water should not be used to r
master. It Answer: i. To burn paper or a piece of wood - we
fight electric fire, but it may

is useful heat it before it catches fire.

cause electric shock.
ii. Small fire can be put out - with a damp blanket.

as long as • Firemen are highly trained

it is iii. When water is spread on fire - it absorb the heat

under from the burning material and lowers the

• Fire is still worshipped in many temperature.

parts of the world. iv. A carbon dioxide extinguisher is the best thing -
We use Other Questions :-

some to put out an electrical fire.

Short Questions v. Space left between buildings - reduces the risk
form of Q1. What are some common uses of
fire to of fire.
fire? Q6. Why does a burning candle go out when you
cook Ans: The common uses of fire are to
food, to blow on it?
cook food, warm our homes in winter. Ans: When we blow on burning candle, we remove
warm our Besides, many industrial processes
homes the hot air around the flame. Thus, we bring down
make use of fire for various types of its temperature below the flash point. Then the
and to activities in production of goods and
produce candle goes out.
services. In thermal plants fire from Q7. Spraying water is not a good way of putting out
electricit coal is used to generate electricity.
y. But an oil fire or an electrical fire? Why not?
Q2. What are the three things required Ans: Oil fire cannot be put out by spraying water on
uncontrol to make fire?
led fire it. The reason is that the oil floats to the top of water
Ans: The three things required to make and continues to burn. Secondly, it can flow quickly
burns fire are fuel, oxygen and heat.
homes carrying the burning oil. Thus the fire spreads.
Q3. What is called the ‘flashpoint’ of Water should not be used on electrical fire. Water is
the fuel? a good conductor of electricity. So the person
Ans: The particular temperature at spraying water can get electric shock and be killed.
and also
which a fuel begins to burn is called the
flash point or ‘kindling temperature’
people. of the fuel. Q8. What are some of the things you should do to
prevent a fire at home and in the school?
We can Q4. What is a fire brigade? Ans: Keep the gas cylinder at a safe distance. Check
put out Ans: Band of firefighting workers with the tube from time to time. The foul smell of the
the fire in special equipment is known as fire leaking gas should be tackled at the earliest.
three brigade. i. The school and office buildings often catch fire
ways. because of electric short circuit. So we should avoid
Firstly by Answers of the Textbook Questions overload and replace old wires. The electric fuses
taking the Q1. Mark the correct answer in each of and MCBs should also be checked from time to
fuel the following. time.
away, ii. We must not keep inflammable or combustible
secondly i. Early man was frightened of things like kerosene and petrol in our homes.
by a. lightning and iii. Fire extinguishers be installed in high-rise
stopping volcanoes. buildings.
the b. the damage Working with Language
supply of caused by them. 1. Read the following sentences.
oxygen c. fire. To burn paper or a piece of wood, we heat it
and before it catches fire. We generally do it with
thirdly by ii. a. Fire is energy. alighted match. Every fuel has a particular
removing b. Fire is heat temperature at which it burns.
the heat and light. The verbs in italics are in the simple

or c. Fire is the present tense. when we use it, we are not thinking
bringing result of a chemical reaction. only about the present . We use it to say that

down the something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that


temperat Answer: i. Early man was something in true is general.

ure. frightened of -(c) fire. Q2. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with

ii. Fire is the words in the box. you may use a word more than

Water result of a chemical reaction. once.

spray carbon, cause, fire, smother
cannot Q2. From the boxes given below Answer:
put out choose the one with correct order of the i. Gandhiji's life was devoted to the cause of
the oil following sentences. justice and fair play.
fire. In a. That is fire. ii. Have you insured your house against fire?
fact it can b. A chemical reaction take iii. Diamond is nothing but carbon in its pure from.
prove place. iv. If you put to much coal on the fire at once you
dangerou c. Energy in the form of heat will smother it.
s. Water and light is released. v. Smoking is said to be the main cause of heart
can carry d. Oxygen combines with disease.
burning carbon and hydrogen. vi. When asked by an ambitious writer whether he
oil with it (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
should put some fire into his stories, Somerset
and thus (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (iv) (iii) (ii)
Maugham murmured, "No, the other way round".
spread (i) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) vii. She is a carbon copy of her mother.
fire. Answer: The correct order is : (iv) (ii) viii. It is often difficult to smother a yawn when you
Likewise (iii) (i) listen to as long speech on the value of time.
water Oxygen combines with carbon and
should hydrogen. A chemical reaction take Q3. One words is italicised in each sentence. Find its
not be place. Energy in the form of heat and opposite in the box and fill in the blanks.
used to light is released. That is fire. spending, shut,
fight Answer the following Questions. destroy, subtract, increase
electric Q1. What do you understand by the Answer:-
fire, 'flash point' of a fuel? i. You were required to keep all the doors open,
because it Ans: Every fuel like paper, coal or not shut.
may wood begins to burn only at a particular ii. Pupil : What mark did I get in yesterday's
cause temperature. This temperature is Maths test?
electric provided generally with a lighted Teacher : You got what you get when you add
shock. match. This temperature is called the five and five and subtract ten from the total.
flash point of kindling temperature of iii. Run four Kilometres a day to preserve your
Today the fuel. health Run a lot to destroy it.
there are iv. If a doctor advises a lean and lanky patient to
firefighti Q2. i. What are some common uses reduce his weight further, be sure he is doing it to
ng squads of fire? increase his income.
in every ii. In what sense is it a 'bad v. The world is too much with us; late and soon.
town. master"? Getting and spending we lay
Firemen Ans: i. The common uses of fire are to waste our powers.
are cook food in the kitchen, warm our --Wordsworth
highly homes in winter. Beside many Q4. Use the words given in the box to fill in the
trained industrial process make use of fire for blanks in the sentences

persons. various type of activities in production Answer:

The of goods and services. In thermal plants a. The cat chased the mouse across the lawn.

discovery fire from coal is used to generate b. We were not allowed to cross the frontier. So

of fire led electricity. we drove along it as far we could an came back

to a ii. If fire gets out of control, it can happy.

settled be dangerous. It burns homes, shops c. The horse went past the winning post and

life. Fire and vast areas of forests. It also kills had to be stopped with difficulty.
is still and injures hundreds of people every d. It is not difficult to see through your plan.
worshipp year. Any one can see your motive.
ed in VIDEO LINKS FOR LESSON:- e. Go along the yellow line, then turn left. You
many will reach the post office in five minutes.
parts of Homework:
the The Comprehension check and other textbook
world. questions will be done in the respective periods and the answers will be found by the students with help of the teacher. It will also be written by students in their notebooks and they will be checked by the
Students will listen to the teacher teacher during the week. The students will be given
carefully and follow the instructions meaning of new words and also key questions
given to them. They will note the related to the lesson. Weekly test will be taken on
Blackboard work and question answers Friday/Saturday every week.
in their note-books. They will follow
the homework related instructions as
desired by the teacher.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Lesson No. : 09 Chapter name: A Bicycle in Good Repair No. of periods required: 05
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of Pedagogy and use of Question Answers Oral and written works
lesson ICT/TLM/ABL/ Blackboard and
other materials and plan of Evaluate
activities to achieve the Los
Engage, Explain and Elaborate
The Objectives Comprehension Check (Page 128)
technicia • To taste their previous
n knowledge about riding a 1. “I got up early, for me.” It implies that
proposed (i) he was an early riser.
a long (ii) he was a late riser.
bicycle • To make them use new r
(iii) he got up late that morning.
ride to words in speaking and

Mark the correct answer.

the child writing. Ans: he was a late riser.

and who • To taste the students' ability


agreed to comprehend. 2. The bicycle “goes easily enough in the morning and
willingly a little stiffly after lunch.” The remark is .
• To

to his test students'

understanding of the text. (i) humorous.

proposal. (ii) inaccurate.

The boy New Words
(iii) sarcastic.
woke up dissuade : turn away from by (iv) enjoyable.
early and persuasion (v) meaningless.
felt elated Negative campaigning will only Mark your choice(s).
for his Ans: humorous, sarcastic
dissuade people.
The day solemnly : in a grave and sedate
manner 3. The friend shook the bicycle violently. Find two or
three sentences in the text which express the author’s
lovely The judge sat there solemnly.
disapproval of it.
when fork : the act of branching out Ans: (i) I did not see why he should shake it; it had not
asked he or dividing into branchesShe done anything to him.
informed forked her fingers. (ii) I felt much as I should had he started whacking my
about the
triumph : a successful ending dog.
inconveni of a struggle or contest (iii) Don’t you trouble about it any more;you will make
ence The agreement was a triumph yourself tired. Let us put it back and get off.
paused for common sense.
while 4. “...if not, it would make a serious difference to the
dishevelled : extremely
bicycle in machine.” What does ‘it’ refer to?
the disorderly Ans: 'It' refers to the little balls of the wheel which
afternoon Key Points:- rolled all over the path.
. • The author agrees to a man Working with the Text (Page 132, 133)
Answer the following questions.
to go on a long bicycle
The man 1. Did the front wheel really wobble? What is your
holds the ride. opinion? Give a reason for your answer.
front • Next day the man comes Ans: No, the front wheel did not wobble. The author
wheel late in the morning and said that it did not wobble. There was nothing in it
and the starts shaking author’s worth calling a wobble. However, after the author’s
fork. friend was done with it, it definitely started to wobble.
bicycle violently.
Instead of 2. In what condition did the author find the bicycle
asking • The author doesn’t when he returned from the tool shed?
the boy, understand why he does Ans: When the author returned from the tool shed, he
he shook so. saw his friend sitting on the ground with the front wheel
it • The author gets irritated between his legs. He was playing with it, twiddling it
violently. but only observes round between his fingers, and the remnant of the
He machine was lying on the gravel path beside him.
that the • The man sends the author
3. “Nothing is easier than taking off the gear-case.”
front to bring a hammer to Comment on or continue this sentence in the light of
wheel repair the front wheel. what actually happens.

was • When the author comes Ans: The author’s friend wanted to check the chain of

back he sees the man the bicycle. For this, he began taking off the gear-case.
and asked The author tried to dissuade him from doing that by
sitting on the ground

for a telling him that if anything does go wrong with the

hammer. with the front wheel

gear-case of a bicycle, then it is cheaper to sell the

The boy between his legs.
bicycle than set about repairing the damaged gear-case.

wanted to • The remnant part of the However, his friend disagreed and said that nothing was
react but machine was lying on easier than taking off a gear-case. The author notes with
was the gravel path. sarcasm that his friend was indeed right. In less than
• The man then unscrews five minutes, he had the gear-case in two pieces, lying
something and out rolls on the path.
He 4. What special treatment did the chain receive?
dismantle some dozen or so little
Ans: The author’s friend tightened the chain till it did
d a lot of balls.
not move. Then he loosened it until it was twice as loose
parts of • Then the man takes off the as it was before.
the cycle gear-case even though
and laid 5. The friend has two qualities — he knows what he is
author tries to dissuade doing and is absolutely sure it is good. Find the two
them on
the gravel him. phrases in the text which mean the same.
path. He • At once the author feels to Ans: “ Cheery confidence ” and “ inexplicable
made a kick the lunatic man out hopefulness” are the two phrases which respectively
complain of the gate but he is too show that the author’s friend knew what he was doing
t emotional that he can’t and was absolutely sure that it was good.
regarding 6. Describe ‘the fight’ between the man and the
ball hurt anyone.
machine. Find the relevant sentences in the text and
bearings. • Finally they start to put write them.
The boy everything at its own Ans: When the author’s friend doubled himself across
wanted to place but due to missing the bicycle till he lost his balance and slid over on to his
stop him head, he lost his temper and tried bullying it. The
some balls and screws
but by bicycle showed spirit and there ensued a fight between
that time the machine really
him and the machine. One moment the bicycle was on
ball – wobbles. the gravel path and he on top of it. The next moment the
bearing • At the end the man gets position was reversed. He became happy with his
was himself hurt and author victory after the bicycle was firmly fixed between his
scattered sends him home back. legs. However, his triumph was short-lived. By a
on the Her clothing was sudden, quick movement, the bicycle freed itself and hit
road. He him sharply over the head with one of its handles by
collected turning upon him. After a while, he gave up, saying that.
them and Working with Language (Page 133, The bicycle looked as if it also had enough of it.
pull them 134, 135, 136) II. Use should/must/ought to appropriately in the
back in a following sentences.
hat. I. Rewrite each of the following
The sentences using should/oughtAnswer :(i) People who live in glass houses should not
narrator to/must in place of the italicized throw stones.
tried to (ii) You ought to wipe your feet before coming into the
words. Make other changes
dissuade house, especially during the rains.

him to wherever necessary. (iii) You should do what the teacher tells you.
spoil (i) You are obliged to do your duty(iv) The pupils were told that they should write more

further, irrespective of consequences. neatly.


but he Ans: You ought to do your duty (v) Sign in front of a park: You must not walk on the
did not grass.

irrespective of consequences.
stop. He (vi) You should be ashamed of yourself having made

took out such a remark.

(ii) You will do well to study at (vii) He left home at 9 o'clock. He should be here any
gear –
case and least for an hour every day. minute.
misplace Ans: You should study at least for (viii) “Whatever happened to the chocolate cake?”
d screws. an hour everyday. “How should I know? I have just arrived.”
played (iii) The doctor says it is necessary III. Divide each of the following sentences into its parts.
with for her to sleep eight hours every Write meaningful parts. If necessary, supply a word or
screws, two to make each part meaningful.
first by (i) I went to the tool shed to see what I could find. (3
tightenin Ans: The doctor says she must
g the sleep eight hours every night. Ans: (a) I went to the tool shed.
screws (iv) It is right that you show respect (b) I went (there) to see.
and later towards elders and affection (c) What could I find?
by towards youngsters. (ii) When I came back he was sitting on the ground. (2
loosening Ans: You should show respect parts)
them. Ans: (a) I came back.
towards elders and affection
(b) He was sitting on the ground.
Then I towards youngsters. (iii) We may as well see what’s the matter with it, now
started (v) If you want to stay healthy, it is out. (3 parts)
refixing exercise regularly. Ans: (a) We may as well see (it).
the wheel Ans: You must exercise regularly to (b) What (is) the matter with it?
by (c) It is out now.
stay fit.
holding (iv) He said he hoped we had got them all. (3 parts)
the fork. (vi) It is good for you to take a walk Ans: (a) He said.
However, every morning. (b) He hoped.
they Ans: You should take a walk every (c) We had got them all.
faced a morning. (v) I had to confess he was right. (2 parts)
problem. (vii) It is strongly advised that you Ans: (a) I had to confess.
Realizing don’t stand on your head. (b) He was right.
his IV. 'en' acts as a prefix (put at the beginning) or a suffix
mistake Ans: You must not stand on your (put at the end) to form new words. en + courage =
of not head. encourage, weak + en = weaken. 'en' at the beginning or
fixing (viii) As he has a cold, it is better at the end of a word is not always a prefix or a suffix. It
ball – for him to go to bed. is then an integral part of the word.
bearing Ans: As he has a cold, he should go
first, he to bed. Now arrange the box words given in the box under
searched three headings
for it. Answer:
LESSON:- en (prefix) en(suffix) en (part of

were word)

scattered fasten encourage barren

all dampen endanger even


around? soften enclose

He fixed listen weaken enable
six on enclave

one side
and five Homework:
on others. Students will listen to the teacher The Comprehension check and other textbook questions
carefully and follow the
will be done in the respective periods and the answers
instructions given to them. They
will note the Blackboard work and will be found by the students with help of the teacher. It
question answers in their will also be written by students in their notebooks and
note-books. They will follow the
they will be checked by the teacher during the week.
homework related instructions as
desired by the teacher. The students will be given meaning of new words and
also key questions related to the lesson. Weekly test will
be taken on Friday/Saturday every week.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Lesson No. : 10 Chapter name: The Story of Cricket No. of periods required: 05
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of lesson Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Blackboard Question Answers Oral and
and other materials and plan of activities to achieve written works
the Los
Engage, Explain and Elaborate Evaluate
Cricket grew Objectives Working with the Text
out of many • To enable the students to know the Origin and
stick-and-ball Development of Cricket. 1. Name some stick-and-ball
games played • To know the Rules and Regulations of Cricket games that you have
in England • To enrich the vocabulary of the students. witnessed or heard of.
500years ago, • To enable the students to make sentences of
under a variety r 2. The Parsis were the first
their own.
of different Indian community to take to

New Words
rules. The Dimensions - Area, Length and Breadth cricket. Why?

word ‘bat’ is A building of vast dimensions.


an old English Evolved - Developed 3. The rivalry between the

word that Children must evolve a sense of right and wrong. Parsis and the Bombay

simply means Equipments - Tools Gymkhana had a happy


stick or club. They made a check of their equipment. ending for the former. What
By the Elite - Upper Class People does ‘a happy ending’ refer
seventeenth Elite colleges. to?
century, cricket Enthusiastic - in High Spirit
had evolved Enthusiastic crowds filled the streets. 4. Do you think cricket owes
enough to be Rivalry - Enmity its present popularity to
recognisable as The teams were in fierce rivalry for first place. television? Justify your
a distinct Key Points answer.
game. Another • Cricket grew out of the stick-and-ball games
curious played in England 500 years ago. 5. Why has cricket a large
characteristic • A test match can go on for five days and still viewership in India, not in
of cricket is remain undecided. China or Russia?
that the length • The length of the pitch is 22 yards.
of the pitch is • The Weight of the ball was between 5.5 to 5.3 6. What do you understand by
• Laws of cricket were first drawn up in 1744. the game ’ s (cricket)
ds-but the size ‘equipment’?
• The stumps are 22 inch high and the bail is 6
or shape of the
inches across.
ground is not. 7. How is Test cricket a
• The world’s first cricket club was organized
Grounds can unique game in many ways?
be oval like the in 1760.
Adelaide Oval • The first LBW was published in 1774.
or nearly • The Pads were introduced in 1848. Followed 8. How is cricket different
circular, like by Gloves. from other team games?
Chepauk in • Indian Cricket had its origin in Bombay.
Chennai. . The • C.K. Nayadu was an Outstanding Batsman of 9. How have advances in
first written his Times. technology affected the game
‘ Law of • The Parsis founded the First Indian Cricket of cricket?
Cricket’ were Club in 1848.
drawn up in • Modern Cricket is Dominated by Test And 10. Explain how cricket
1744. The One-Day Internationals. changed with changing times
and yet remained unchanged
stumps must be • India Entered the World of Tests Cricket in
22 inches high in some ways.
and the bail • Television Coverage changed Cricket.
across them 6 Answers
• Chepauk Stedium Situated in Chennai and
inches. The Feroz Shah Kotla in Delhi.
ball must be 1. Hockey, Baseball, Golf.
I. Comprehension Check
between 5 and
6 ounces, and 2. Because they were the First
1. Cricket is originally a/an
the two sets of Indian Community to adopt
(i) Indian game.
stumps 22 Western ways and lifestyle.
(ii) British game. r
yards apart ”. (iii) international game.

The weight of 3. It refers to the Beating of

Mark the right answer. Bombay Gymkhana by a Parsi

the ball was

limited to cricket team in 1889.
2. “There is a historical reason behind both these

between 5 ½ oddities.” In the preceding two paragraphs, find two 4. Yes. Telecast of Cricket

to 5 ¾ , and words/phrases that mean the same as ‘oddities’. Matches has greatly increased
the width of

the number of viewers in

the bat to 4 3. How is a cricket bat different from a hockey stick? distant places. There is now a
inches. IN global market for cricket.
1774, the first Answers:(i) Cricket is Originally a British Game.
leg-before law (ii) Peculiarities, Curious Characters 5. Cricket is not a popular
was published. (iii) A hockey Stick is Curved at the bottom while the game in communist countries
The origins of Cricket Bat is Flat and Broad. like China or Russia, So, Very
Indian cricket II. Comprehension Check Few People watch Test
are to be found Write True or False against each of the following matches.
Bombay and sentences.
the Indian 1. India joined the world of Test cricket before 6. The ‘equipment’ refers to
community to Independence. the things required to play the
start playing 2. The colonizers did nothing to encourage the Parsis game. Some are tools others
the game was in playing cricket. are Protective. Bats , Balls
the small 3. Palwankar Baloo was India’s first Test captain. Stumps are tools, whereas
community of
4. Australia played its first Test against England as a pads and gloves and Helmets
Zoroastrians, sovereign nation. are Protective Equipments.
the Parsis. The Answers:
Parsis founded (i) True (ii) True 7. Cricket Game is Unique in
the first Indian
cricket club, (iii) False (iv) False the sense that even though a
the Oriental III. Comprehension Check test match is played for five
Cricket Club, 1. A ‘professional’ cricket player is one who makes days, It ends in a
in Bombay in a living by playing cricket. Find the opposite of draw.Another a Strange
1848. Modern ‘professional’ in the last paragraph. Feature of Cricket is the play
cricket is 2. In “the triumph of the one-day game”, ‘triumph’ ground. it can be any
dominated by Size.only the length of Pitch
means the one-day game ’ s superiority to Test
Tests and is Specified.
(i) inferiority to Test cricket.
internationals, 8. Cricket is Different From
(ii) achievement and success over Test cricket.
played other team games because it
(iii) popularity among viewers.
between goes on for a longer time.
Mark the right answer.
national teams. Secondly it has variety like
C.K. Nayudu, 3. “...the men for whom the world is a stage”. Test Cricket, One-day
an outstanding (i) It refers to the famous cricket fields in the world. International and Now even
Indian batsman (ii) It means that there are many cricket playing T-20 match.
of his time. countries in the world.
Palwankar (iii) It implies that cricketers are like actors and every 9. The invention of
Baloo, the cricket ground is like a stage on which the drama of vulcanized rubber made
greatest slow cricket is enacted the world over. possible the use of pads.
Mark the right answer. r
bowler of his Satellites have also enlarge
Answers:(i) Amateur

time. Sir the reach of telecast of

Donald (ii) Popularity Among viewers matches.

Bradman, the (iii) It Implies that cricketers are like actors and every

best ever cricket ground is like a Stage on Which the Drama of 10. Earlier the bat was made
batsman in the Cricket is enacted the World Over. of one piece, today it has a

history of VIDEO LINKS FOR LESSON:- separate blade and handle.

cricket. India
entered the Homework:
world of Test The Comprehension check
cricket in and other textbook questions
1932, a decade will be done in the respective
and a half periods and the answers will
before it be found by the students with
became an help of the teacher. It will also
independent be written by students in their
nation. notebooks and they will be
Students will listen to the teacher carefully and checked by the teacher during
follow the instructions given to them. They will note the week. The students will be
the Blackboard work and question answers in their given meaning of new words
note-books. They will follow the homework related and also key questions related
instructions as desired by the teacher. to the lesson. Weekly test will
be taken on Friday/Saturday
every week.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Poem No. : 01 Chapter name: The Squirrel No. of periods required: 04-05
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of lesson Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Question Answers Oral and written
Blackboard and other materials and plan of works
activities to achieve the Los
Engage, Explain and Elaborate Evaluate
In the poem Objectives 1. Why does the poet say the squirrel
'The Squirrel' “wore a question mark for tail ”?
• To instill among students the Draw a squirrel, or find a picture of a
the poet
squirrel sitting on the ground. How
aesthetic sense.
Mildred would you describe its tail?
Bowers • r Ans: The poet says that the squirrel
To invoke among them the habit of

wore a question mark because its tail

reading literature. looks like a question mark when it sits

describes a on the ground eating a nut. I will


squirrel that he To develop the habit of enjoying describe its tail as if it is a stick having

observes in his a hook at the top.

poetry and rhyme.
2. Do we usually say that an animal

garden. The
• To enrich their English language. ‘wears’ a tail? What do we say?
poet describes (Think: Does an animal wear a coat?
how the • To encourage them to have a love Consult a dictionary if you like, and
squirrel, find out how ‘ wear ’ is used in
for nature.
different ways.)
covered in gray
New Words Ans: No, we do not usually say that an
fur, sits in an animal wears a tail. We say that animal
upright Question mark for tail : has a tail.
position on a The tail which looks like question mark.
3. “He liked to tease and play”. Who
tree branch is teasing whom? How ?
Overcoat of gray :
eating a nut. Ans: The squirrel is teasing the poet.
His tail looks The squirrel appears wearing a gray coat. When the poet goes around, the squirrel
disappears behind the tree.
like a question Tease : to make fun of
Short Questions
mark because Q1. What is compared with gray
of its bent The students were teasing the fellow overcoat?
shape. The Ans: The squirrel’s body is compared
students. with gray overcoat.
happy and
Q2. Who is sitting on the ground and
Key Points
lively squirrel what is it doing?
loves to play • The squirrel is sitting on the ground. Ans: The squirrel is sitting on the
ground and is eating a nut.
with the poet
• To poet it appears in a different way. Q3. What does it do when we go
and her around?
friends. • Poet feels that its tail is like question Ans: It disappears behind the tree when
we go around.
Whenever they mark and body is covered with gray
Q4. How does poet describe the
ran around his squirrel?
tree, he would Ans: The poet describes the squirrel as
run to the other • It is very naughty and likes to tease. a naughty and intelligent animal whose
tail is like question mark and who
side of the tree. Video Links for the Poem:- wears a coat.
The poet tells r Q5. Do you like poets description of
the squirrel?

us about the
Ans: Yes, this description is very much

nature of the

like a squirrel appears.

squirrel that it Homework:


is innocently The Comprehension check and other

naughty and textbook questions will be done in the

likes to tease respective periods and the answers will
anyone who Students will listen to the teacher be found by the students with help of
comes near the teacher. It will also be written by
carefully and follow the instructions
him. students in their notebooks and they
given to them. They will note the will be checked by the teacher during

Blackboard work and question answers the week. The students will be given
meaning of new words and also key
in their note-books. They will follow the
questions related to the lesson. Weekly
homework related instructions as test will be taken on Friday/Saturday

desired by the teacher. every week.

Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Poem No. : 02 Chapter name: The Rebel No. of periods required: 04-05
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Blackboard Question Answers Oral and written
lesson and other materials and plan of activities to works
Engage, achieve the LOs
Explore Explain and Elaborate Evaluate
The Objectives:- Answers of the Textbook Questions
poem • To instill among students the habit of 1. The teacher will scold and will suggest
tells the thinking out of box. to wear uniform.
nature of • To encourage students to welcome people 2. When everyone wants a clear sky, the
a rebel with new ideas. rebel wants rain.
who • To develop among them the habit of 3. When the rebel has a dog for a pet,
does just fighting injustice. everyone else is likely to have cat.
opposite r
• To encourage them to read the literature. 4. It is good to have rebels because rebels
of what • To improve their English language. bring new ideas and can think out of box.

others New Words:- 5. It is not good to be a rebel oneself


do. The Rebel : someone who challenges something because it may invite many problems.

poet existing. 6. No, I’ll not be a rebel because I’m a

tells that I don’t want to be a rebel. learner and it is not possible to challenge

it is the things and learn at the same time.

Fantastic : Colourful

dangero Short Questions

I have bought a fantastic dress.
us but at Q1. What does the rebel wear when
Praise : To admire
the same everyone wears uniform?
I praised the student for their cooperation.
time it is Ans: When everyone wears uniform the
Key Points:-
good rebel wears fantastic dress.
• The poem is in form of unrhymed couplet.
because Q2. What does the rebel need when
• It talks about nature of a rebel.
it is everyone is praising Sun?
rebel • Every next couplet is in opposite of its
Ans: When everyone is praising Sun the
who preceding couplet.
rebel needs rain.
comes Video Links for the Poem :-
Q3. What does the rebel do when
with the
everyone agrees?
Ans: When everyone agrees he says, no
ideas. Students will listen to the teacher carefully and
thank you.
follow the instructions given to them. They
Q4. When does a rebel create
will note the Blackboard work and question
answers in their note-books. They will follow
Ans: A rebel creates disturbance when
the homework related instructions as desired
everyone is silent.
by the teacher.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Poem No. : 03 Chapter name: The Shed No. of periods required: 04-05
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Blackboard Question Answers Oral and
lesson and other materials and plan of activities to achieve written works
the Los
Explain and Elaborate Evaluate
The poem is Objectives:- Q1. Who is the speaker in the
about the • To make learners know about ‘The Shed’ poem?
shed which is and its significance in modern context. Ans: The poet is the speaker in the
a small room • To enable them to feel the richness of poem.
away from Q2. Is he afraid or curious, or

language, rhythm and music of words.

the main New Words:- Dare : To be courageous both?


house. It is enough to try or do something Ans: He is both afraid and curious.

located at the Q3. What is he planning to do

• How dare you to insult him publicly?


bottom of the soon?

• Chop off : Remove by or as if by cutting
poet ’ s Ans: He is planning to look into
• The woodcutter chopped the tree with his
garden. the shed soon.
It is in the Q4. “ But not just yet … . ”
• Ghost : A mental representation of some
worst haunting experience Suggests doubts, fear, hesitation,
condition. laziness or something else. Choose
• Vijay Singh met a stout ghost while
Whenever the word which seems right to you.
entering the haunted desert.
poet passes Tell others why you chose it.
• Hide : Prevent from being seen or
through it, he Ans: The phrase suggests
feels hesitation. He hesitates to expose
• She hid herself behind the curtain.
somebody is his brother. He wants to keep him
• Key Points:-
staring at away from the shed.
• Location of the shed is at the bottom of the
him. His Short Questions
brother garden. Q1.Where is the shed located?
threatens him • A spider’s web is seen hanging across the Ans: The shed is located at the
by saying door. bottom of the garden.
that a ghost • When the wind blows, the creaking sound Q2. What does the poet listen
stays in the of the rusty hinges attracts the poet ’ s when he is in bed?
shed who Ans: The poet listens the creaking
hides himself of the door in the wind.
• The poet is in the relaxed mood as he is now
under the
in bed and plans to satisfy his curiosity to Q3. According to poet’s brother,
rotten floor who lives in the shed?
see what is hidden inside the shed.
boards who
• Whenever the poet passes through the way, Ans: The ghost lives in the shed.
may jump Q4. Where does the ghost hide
he feels that someone is staring at him.
and attack on himself?
• But the poet’s brother convinces him by
the poet. Ans: The ghost hides himself
saying that a ghost lives in the shed and he
In fact there r
under the rotten floor boards.
may attack on him if he enters the shed.

is no ghost Homework:
• The poet is partially frightened but he does

inside the The Comprehension check and

not completely believe his brother and has a

shed. His other textbook questions will be

plan to look through the broken window one

brother tells done in the respective periods and


him lie to the answers will be found by the

Video Links for the Poem :-
keep the shed students with help of the teacher. It
for his den. will also be written by students in
At last the their notebooks and they will be
poet checked by the teacher during the
overcomes week. The students will be given
Students will listen to the teacher carefully and
his fear by meaning of new words and also
follow the instructions given to them. They will
saying that key questions related to the lesson.
note the Blackboard work and question answers
he ’ ll enter Weekly test will be taken on
in their note-books. They will follow the
the shed one Friday/Saturday every week.
homework related instructions as desired by the
day soon.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Lesson No. : 04 Chapter name: Chivvy No. of periods required: 04-05
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of lesson Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Question Answers Oral and written
Blackboard and other materials and plan of works
activities to achieve the Los
Engage, Explain and Elaborate Evaluate
The poem Objectives:- Q1. The last two lines of the poem
are not prohibitions or instruction.
• To make learners know about What is the adult now asking the
has been child to do? Do you think the poet is
instructions given by elders. suggesting that this is unreasonable?
composed Why?
• r Ans: In the last two lines, the adults
by the poet To make them appreciate and enjoy the
are asking the child to think himself

‘ Michael poem. and to be independent in taking


decisions which is unreasonable

Rosen ’ .

New Words:- Stare : Don’t stare at your elders. because they themselves don’t allow
The present the child to take any decision. They

always tell him what to do or what

poem deals The students stared at the teacher with

not to do. So, their asking the child to

with the amazement. make up his own mind is surely
feelings of
Drag : Drag the cart with full strength.
the poet Q2. Why do you think grown-ups say
the kind of things mentioned in the
like other He dragged the big suitcase behind him.
poem? Is it important that they teach
small kids Straight : Your answers should be straight and children good manners, and how to
behave in public?
who feel
to the point. Ans: The grown-ups say such kind of
irritated by things to their children in order to
Her naturally straight hair hung long and silky. teach them good manners, etiquettes
their elders
and how to behave in public. It is
who Interrupt : It’s not good manners to interrupt important to teach the children all
these things so that they learn good
manners and how to behave in the
while two persons are talking.
instruct society, at home and with their elders
and youngsters. Our elders are our
them to do We interrupt the program for the following
guide and friends.
or not to messages. Q3. If you had to make some rules
for grown-ups to follow, what would
do. The
Key Points:- you say? Make at least five such
grown-ups rules.
• Grown-ups have a habit of always Ans: If we have to make some rules
always say
for grown-ups to follow, we would
things like instructing the child. say:
‘ speak
• They ask him to do something or not to Don’t stop us from playing,
up ’ ,
do something else. Don’t ask us to study,
‘ don ’ t
• They do so mostly to teach children good Allow us to watch T.V.,
stare ’ ,
‘ don ’ t manners. Take us for outings,

point ’ , • Yet the truth is that most children don’t Above all,
‘ don ’ t Don’t Chivvy.
like it.
Short Questions
pick your r
Video Links for the Poem :- Q1. Why are the instructions given?

nose’, ‘sit Ans: So that they may learn good


up’, ‘say

Q2. Who have the habit of always

please ’ , instructing the child?

Ans: Grown-ups.

‘ less

Q3. How far are the instructions liked

noise’ etc. by the children?
The poet Ans: They are not liked by most
Students will listen to the teacher carefully and children.
leaves a
question to follow the instructions given to them. They will Q4. Do you have a hankie?
Ans: Yes
elders why
note the Blackboard work and question answers
can’t they Q5. It is good manners to keep your
in their note-books. They will follow the hand inside the pocket?
keep their Ans: No
suggestions homework related instructions as desired by the
Q6. Do you think the adults should
to teacher. stop instructions the children?
Ans: No, the adults must instruct the
children but they should do so in a
pleased way.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Poem No. : 05 Chapter name: Trees No. of periods required: 04-05
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of lesson Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Question Answers Oral and written works
Blackboard and other materials and plan
of activities to achieve the Los Evaluate
Engage, Explore Explain and Elaborate
SHIRLEY Objectives:- Q1. What are the games or human
BAUER explains • To make students learn the activities which use trees, or in which
in the poemthe importance of trees. trees also ‘participate’?
benefits of trees in • To sensitize the students towards Ans: We play hide and seek or swing on
our Life. Trees environment. its branch. Make tree-house or have a tea
give shelter to all • To make students learn the
r party under it. During summer we relax
living creatures value of trees. under its cool shade.

specially birds. • To introduce new vocabulary.


Children love to New Words:- Q2. “Trees are to make no shade in

play under the tree,

Tree house : A house built on the tree. winter.” What does it mean?
games like Swing : To move or cause to move Ans: During winter we play in sunny

‘hide&seek’ or rhythmically places with trees around like parks.

Swing on its Pears : Sweet juicy fruit

branches. Adults Chop : To cut something with axe Q3. "Trees are for apples to grow on, or
have tea parties Timber : piece of wood for construction pears.”Do you agree that one purpose of a
under its shade. Key Points:-The Poet says... tree is to have fruit on it? Or do you think
Trees also make • Trees give Shelter to Birds and this line is humorous?
kites caught in Human too during all Weather. Ans: Yes, one purpose of trees is to
their • Trees provide fruits and food. have fruits and poet humorously says
branches.Trees • People use trees in different apples and pears , which are most
provide tasty fruits ways : to build houses, common fruits.
like apples and furniture and to get timber. Homework:
pears. They give • Children use trees for playing The Comprehension check and other
us timber and games like swing and hide and textbook questions will be done in the
inspire mothers to seek. respective periods and the answers will be
paint lovely Video Links for the Poem:- found by the students with help of the
pictures but make teacher. It will also be written by students
fathers complain in their notebooks and they will be
that in autumn, Teacher will recite the poem and checked by the teacher during the week.
they have lots of elaborate its meaning.
leaves to rake.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Poem No. : 06 Chapter name: Mystery of Talking Fan No. of periods required:
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of lesson Pedagogy and use of Question Answers Oral and written works
Blackboard and other Evaluate
Engage, Explore materials and plan of
activities to achieve the
Explain and Elaborate
In the poem, "The Objectives:- Question 1:Fans don’t talk, but it is possible to
Mystery of the Talking • To make students imagine that they do. What is it, then, that
Fan', the poet, Maude learn the comparison of sounds like the fan’s chatter?
Rubin, has described a fan r
fan noise with human Answer: The fan’s chatter is actually electrical.
which produced some

chatter. It makes sound when something is stuck in its

noise during whirling. He • To sensitize the motor.

has described the function students towards Que.2 Ans:- Answer:


of one of the most environmental objects. (i) The chatter is electrical because fans cannot
mundane objects that we • To make students talk and the sound they produce is because of

use in our everyday lives, learn the value of useful something stuck in their motors producing some

i.e., a fan. He compares things at home. kind of friction, resulting in the noise they
the whirling noise made
• To introduce new make.
by the face to the human (ii) It is mysterious because it seems like the
chatter, which cannot sounds it is producing (chatters) are trying to
Video Links for the
always be comprehended. say something, which the poet cannot figure
Though, he makes a lot of out.
effort to decipher this Question 3:What do you think the talking fan
chatter, he is unable to do was demanding?
so. Before, he can be
Answer: It seems like the talking fan was
successful in demanding lubricating oil for its whirling motor
understanding the chatter so that it could reduce the friction and help it
of the fan, someone oils function smoothly.
the electrical motor in the Teacher will recite the Question 4: How does an electric fan manage to
fan, and it can no longer poem and elaborate its throw so much air when it is switched on?
produce a whirling noise. meaning. Poem related Answer: When an electric fan is switched on,
In other words, the homework will be given current starts flowing through it and the motor
chattering of the fan and poem will be recited starts running. This causes the blades of the fan
comes to an end. by the students. to rotate very fast, hence producing so much air.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Poem No. : 07 Chapter name: - Dad & the Cat & the Tree No. of periods required: 04-05
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Question Answers Oral and written works
lesson Blackboard and other materials and plan of
activities to achieve the Los Evaluate
Explain and Elaborate
One Objectives:- Question 1:Why was Dad sure he wouldn’t
morning, a • To make learners know about ‘The fall?
cat got stuckShed ’ and its significance in modern Answer: Dad was sure that he would not fall
in the tree. context. r as he thought he was a good climber and that
The • To enable them to feel the richness of climbing a tree was a child’s play.

narrator ’ s language, rhythm and music of words. Question 2: Describe Plan A and its

dad decided Key Explanations:- consequences.

that he will Answer: In plan A, Dad took out a ladder

Kit Wright was born in 1944 in Crockam

easily beBritain. He is known for being a poet and from the garden shed and placed it against

able to take children’s author. He worked as a lecturer the tree. However, it slipped and he landed
care of it. on the flower bed.

in Canada.
Narrator ’ s The poem is a humorous illustration of the Question 3:Which phrase in the poem
father actions of elders. Father boastfully climbed expresses Dad’s self-confidence best?
decided to on the tree to save a cat. However, he Answer: The phrase in the poem that
climb thebecame a subject of mockery for the expresses Dad’s self confidence the best is
tree. Hisbystanders. The rhyming scheme is ab CB ‘Child’s play, this is!’
wife warned is followed in the poem. The poet Question 4:Plan C was a success. What went
him that he successfully told a story in a humorous and wrong then?
might fall, lyrical way. Answer:Plan C was a success as Dad
but ignoring The poet speaks of an incident when a cat managed to climb the wall without falling.
her got stuck up in the tree in his garden. Poet’ However, when he leaped on to the tree, he
warnings he s father assures that he will do that. The landed right where the cat was stuck. This
climbed the tree is tall and soft, not very firm. The frightened the cat and it jumped from the tree
ladder, and landed safely on the ground. Hence, the
poet’s mom warned him, but ignoring her
slipped and cat was free and the plan was a success.
warnings he climbed the ladder, slipped
fell. However, what went wrong was that now
and fell.
He cleaned his face, hair, and dress with a Dad was stuck on the tree at the same place.
Having Question 5:The cat was very happy to be on
thought of trying again. To which mom
fallen once, the ground. Pick out the phrase used to
again questioned about his safety. Father
he thought
of trying ridiculed the mother and called it a funny express this idea.
again, joke. Answer: The phrase used to express the
another mentioned idea is ‘Pleased as punch to be
way. Yet However, when he swung himself, the safe and sound’.
again branch broke and he told again with a thud Question 6:Describe the Cat and Dad
ignoring his sound. Mom tried again to intervene and situation in the beginning and at the end of
wife asked to stop for it might harm his neck. the poem.
warnings, Dad was infuriated yet moved ahead with Answer: In the beginning of the poem, the
he swung plan C. cat was stuck on the tree and Dad was on the
himself up For him, the task was as easy as a winking. ground. However, at the end of the poem, the
on a branch. He leaped and climbed up again on the situation was totally reversed with Dad stuck
The branch garden wall. This time he did not fall rather on the tree and the cat free on the ground.
broke and he landed on the cat. The cat safely landed Question 7:Why and when did Dad say each
again he on the ground. of the following?
fell. Although it shrieked when dad fell on her (i) Fall?
but now she was contented for being safe. (ii) Never mind
Not giving It smiled but dad got stuck up on the ree, (iii) Funny joke
up still, the he wanted to be a savior of the cat and (iv) Rubbish
father turned out to be a laughing stock. This is Answer:(i) Dad said so when he was about to
climbed up how it turned out to be a humorous poem. climb the tree for the first time and his wife
the garden Video Links for the Poem:- asked him to be careful and not fall.

wall. (ii) Dad said so when he fell off the ladder as
Luckily this
ma it slipped and he landed on the flower bed.

time he did He said so while brushing off dirt from his

not fall. hair, face, trousers, and shirt.

However, (iii) Dad said so when he went ahead to try
the moment plan B and his wife asked him to not fall

he sprang Teacher will recite the poem and elaborate again.

unto the tree its meaning. Poem related homework will (iv) Dad said so when during plan B, the
the cat be given and poem will be recited by the branch on which he swung himself up broke
jumped to students. and he fell down heavily and as a result, his
the ground, wife asked him to stop as he would break his
safe and Homework: neck.
sound. Poor The Comprehension check and other Question 8: Do you find the poem
father, on textbook questions will be done in the humorous? Read aloud lines which make you
the other respective periods and the answers will be laugh.
hand, got found by the students with help of the Answer: The poem is humorous as the
stuck in the teacher. It will also be written by students situation gets completely reversed at the end
tree in their notebooks and they will be checked of the poem. Dad, who was set to free the cat
by the teacher during the week. The as it was stuck on the tree, got stuck himself
students will be given meaning of new at the same position on the tree in the end.
words and also key questions related to the The failed attempts and the continuing
lesson. Weekly test will be taken on self-confidence of Dad are surely funny.
Friday/Saturday every week.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Poem No. : 08 Chapter name: Meadow Surprises No. of periods required: 03
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of lesson Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Question Answers Oral and written
Blackboard and other materials and plan of works
activities to achieve the Los
Engage, Explain and Elaborate Evaluate
A meadow Objectives Read the lines in which the
• Meadows have surprises. following phrase occurs. Then discuss
reveals many
• It could be seen only if you look and with your partner the meaning of each
listen cautiously. phrase in its context.
things. It has • r
There are various surprises if you try

to discover them. 1. Velvet grass - It means the grass

surprises but

New Words:- which is as soft and smooth as is the


could be seen
Meadow - grass land velvet.

only if we look Meadows have many surprises.


2. Drinking straws -These are very thin

carefully. You Brook - a small river
The brook dried up every summer. and small parts of the butterfly ’ s
will find grass
Scare - afraid of/frighten mouth which is used like a straw to
as cozy as The stranger who hangs around the building draw nectar from the flower.

velvet. There scares me.

Dandelion - a kind of flower 3. Meadow houses -These are the
will be flower
Beneath - under burrows or holes made by the animals
and butterflies The floor beneath the table. like a rabbit in the ground.

drinking nectar Mound - a small heap of sand

They built small mounds to hide behind. 4. Amazing mound -The ants make
from them.
Burrow - a place for hiding their houses in the pile of soil which
You may see a Rats live in burrows. they gather to make a small mound.
Key Points:- The poet rightly calls them amazing.
rabbit hopping • The poet desires to explore the
habitats made by different animals 5. Fuzzy heads -The phrase refers to
around. Above
that live in the meadows. the dandelion flowers which are
all you will
• Meadows have hidden life and covered by soft fibers like hair. Hence
find wild secrets to be explored and share. the poet calls them fuzzy heads.

flower plants • One needs to be observant and

sensitive to the sights and sounds, to 6. Which line in the poem suggests that
like the
enjoy ‘Meadow surprises.’ you need a keen eye and a sharp ear to
dandelion. Video Links for the Poem:- enjoy a meadow? Read aloud the
stanza that contains this lines.
These are Ans-The last line of the poem suggests
burrows in the that you need a keen eye and sharp ear
ground which to enjoy a meadow.
r Short Questions
house certain

Teacher will recite the poem and elaborate 1. What do the butterflies do on
animals. In fact

its meaning. Poem related homework will flowers?


the meadows be given and poem will be recited by the Ans : Butterflies rest on buttercups and

suck nectar of the flower.

are full of students.

Homework: 2. How do you scare a rabbit?

surprises. He
The Comprehension check and other Ans : A rabbit sitting still would get
who knows textbook questions will be done in the scared by the sound of our feet.
how to see and respective periods and the answers will 3. Why do dandelions become airy
be found by the students with help of the parachutes?
listen will
teacher. It will also be written by Ans : Dandelions dry up, become light
discover them students in their notebooks and they will and may be blown off with alight blow
himself. be checked by the teacher during the of air, hence they are called air
week. The students will be given parachutes.
meaning of new words and also key 4. What type of houses do you see in
questions related to the lesson. Weekly meadows?
test will be taken on Friday/Saturday Ans-Burrows, nets and ants mounds
every week. could be seen in the meadows.
Class: VII Subject: English Book: Honeycomb (Prose and Poetry)
Poem No. : 09 Chapter name: Garden Snake No. of periods required: 03
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson

Gist of Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Blackboard and Question Answers Oral and
lesson other materials and plan of activities to achieve the written works
Engage, Explain and Elaborate Evaluate
A little boy Objectives:- Q1. Find the word that
• To make students understand and enjoy the
saw a snake refers to the snake ’ s
in his garden r
To make students appreciate the images and movement in the grass?


and was rhyming scheme. Ans: wiggle


scared for • To make students respect the environment and


Q2. There are four pairs of

creatures big and small.

people say rhyming words in the Poem.

New Words:-

snakes are Dangerous : Causing danger Say them aloud?

dangerous. A dangerous criminal.

Ans: Away / say
Kind : type , variety
But his good / food
What kinds of desserts are there?
mother told Run Away : to move away grass / pass

him that If you see this man, run away! mistake/

Wiggle : to move with jerky movements esp. from
garden snake
side to side.
snakes are Don't wiggle your finger while the nurse is putting on Q3. Pick out the line that

good since it the bandage!" suggests that the child is

Aside : on or to one side
eats up afraid of Snakes?
Stood aside to let him pass.
insects for its Key Points:- Ans:“I saw a snake and ran

food. So the • A little boy is afraid of a garden snake.

• People say all snakes are dangerous .
boy decided
• The boy’s mother assures him that the snake is Q4. Which line shows a
that next harmless. complete change of the
time if he • The boy believes that the garden snake
child ’ s .attitude towards
wouldn’t harm anyone.
sees the
Video Links for the Poem:- snake?
Ans: “I’ll stand aside and
snake, he let him pass and tell myself
will let him there is no mistake it is just
pass and
a harmless garden snake”.
would tell

Teacher will recite the poem and elaborate its Q5. But mother says that
himself that

meaning. Poem related homework will be given

kind is good….”What is .

garden snake and poem will be recited by the students.


Homework: Mother referring to?

is harmless.

The Comprehension check and other textbook Ans: The mother is referring
questions will be done in the respective periods
to the harmless garden
and the answers will be found by the students with
help of the teacher. It will also be written by snake.
students in their notebooks and they will be
checked by the teacher during the week. The
students will be given meaning of new words and
also key questions related to the lesson. Weekly
test will be taken on Friday/Saturday every week.

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