Mid Term Examination Answers (Labour and Industrial Law)
Mid Term Examination Answers (Labour and Industrial Law)
Mid Term Examination Answers (Labour and Industrial Law)
A. Industrial dispute is mentioned under section 2(k) of The industrial Disputes Act 1947
means any dispute of difference between employees and employers or between
employers and workmen or between workmen and workmen, which is connected with
the employment or non-employment of the terms of employment or the conditions of
work of any person.
Every human being has certain requirements/needs e.g., economic needs, social
needs, security requirements. When these requirements do not get satisfied, there
arises a conflict between the worker and the capitalist/employer.
Case Law
In the case of Ball Vs. William Hunt 1912 A.C. 496 , an employee was blind in one eye but
they did it was not visible. After sometime he suffered an Employment injury necessitating
the removal of the eyeball of the injured eye, consequently, as a result of this visible defect he
could not get employment although he was physically capable of doing any job which he
could do before the accident. It was held that incapacity for work includes 'liability to work'.