The Einstein-Myth and The Crisis in Modern Physics
The Einstein-Myth and The Crisis in Modern Physics
The Einstein-Myth and The Crisis in Modern Physics
F. Winterberg
University of Nevada
Modern physics consists of two paradigms and one myth: The theory of relativity,
quantum theory and the Einstein myth. While both, the special theory of relativity and quantum
mechanics, are confirmed by a very large body of experimental facts, this cannot be said about
the general theory of relativity. But it is the general theory of relativity and gravitation which
has created the Einstein myth through the fascination of the non-euclidean geometry adopted by
Riemannian curved space-time which has led to a profound crisis in modern physics, no less
profound than was the crisis of physics at the beginning of the 20th century, resolved by the
To overcome the present crisis several leading theoretical physicists have entered a maze
of speculations from which there appears to be no escape: The conjectured existence of higher
dimensional spaces, previously reserved by the spiritists as the seat for the ghosts of the dead, not
supported by a single piece of physical evidence, with all physics laboratories still three-
particles he only tried to change the postulates of quantum mechanics, but did not question the
special theory of relativity. This example shows that the question to be asked should be: Could it
be that either quantum mechanics or the theory of relativity, or perhaps both be “wrong,” in the
same sense “wrong” as Newton’s mechanics was found to be “wrong” in the face of quantum
In my talk I will present compelling reasons why the special theory of relativity, and by
implication the general theory of relativity, cannot be the ultimate truth describing the physical
universe. And the same must be said about quantum mechanics with its strange, over 10 meters
We only know with some certainty that physics must have its roots at the Planck energy
of ∼ 1019 GeV . This view is also shared by the string- and M-theorists. Even though this energy
formulated at the Planck energy must be capable to reproduce all the known facts of low energy
physics, like the masses of all elementary particles and the coupling constants as the finestructure
In opposition to the string- and M-theorists, who got stuck in their higher dimensional
speculations, a growing number of physicists are, in what is called “Analog Models of General
Relativity,” trying to understand gravity, not with a curved space-time, but in a more
conventional way with analogs taken from condensed matter physics. Following this line of
thought I have tried not only to find a condensed matter analog of general relativity, but also of
quantum mechanics. This model is formulated at the Planck energy of ∼ 1019 GeV , and it can at
least in a qualitative way explain all the features of the standard model of elementary particle
1. Introduction
It was Einstein’s obsession that geometry is marble and matter is wood, and that all
attempts to find the fundamental law of nature should be directed by the quest to turn wood into
marble. In the context of the general theory of relativity marble means the non-Euclidean
structure of space-time, while in the context of quantum mechanics matter means atoms. In
contrast to Einstein, who believed that the fundamental law can be found in geometry, it was
Heisenberg’s belief that it should be found in quantum mechanics, that is in an atomic structure.
It is the same ancient schism between Plato and Democritus, with Plato believing in geometry as
the fundamental truth and Democritus believing that everything can be explained by atoms
to marble, i.e. geometry and not to wood, i.e. atoms. While Heisenberg failed in his attempt to
reduce all the laws of physics to an atomic structure with a nonlinear spinor theory, Einstein’s
epigones still seek to find the answer in higher dimensions of space, at the last count (F-theory) a
unavoidable divergences, which can be seen to result from the special theory of relativity even
Heisenberg did not dare to question. The adding of even more dimensions, done by the
epigones, is reminiscent of the numerous attempts by the epigones of Ptolomaeus to save his
system by adding an increasing number of epicycles, which led them into a maze from which
there was no escape, and I predict the same fate for the epigones of Einstein.
The Aristotelean myth was a geometric universe ruled by the laws of Euclidean
geometry, with the axiom of circular motions around the earth. The Einstein myth is a non-
1. The velocity of light is constant and equal to c in all inertial references systems.
The Ptolemaic system was overcome by a simplifying principle placing the sun in the center, and
I predict a future theory with a novel simplifying principle will derive Einstein’s axioms from a
2. Einstein’s Program – The March of the Geometries or Making Marble out of Wood
The Ptolemaic system was cast in the concrete of circular motions, permitting us to add
an arbitrary number epicycles. In a similar way Einstein’s universe is cast in the concrete of
1 8π G
Rik − gik R = 4 Tik (1)
2 c
geometry is expressed by the curvature tensor on the left hand side, and matter by the energy
momentum tensor on the right hand side, with Newton’s constant G a measure of the strength
with which matter curves space-time. The trajectory of a test particle in the gravitational field
δ ∫ ds = 0 (2)
where ds is the four dimensional line element of the Riemannian non-Euclidean metric.
Compare this with quantum theory where the force is explained by the exchange of “virtual”
particles, borrowing energy from the vacuum with Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Einstein’s
program is to bring the r.h.s. of (1) onto the l.h.s. by also giving the r.h.s. a geometric meaning.
For this to be done, it has first to be recognized that the r.h.s. contains two very different parts,
one from bosonic and the other from fermionic fields, making up the so-called standard model.
The bosonic part consists of the electromagnetic field, the strong and weak interaction fields, and
the fermionic part of the quark and lepton fields. The bosonic fields, in particular the
electromagnetic field, have the character of force fields, whereas the fermionic fields are
representative of a particle described by the Dirac equation. At first, and that is what Einstein
tried to do is to bring the bosonic part to the l.h.s. of eq. (1), describing the trajectory of a
space as it is done for an uncharged particle in a gravitational field. To do this is relatively easy.
It is more difficult to bring the fermionic fields to the l.h.s. of (1) as well.
into the spacetime curvature tensor on the l.h.s., whereby the trajectory of an electrically charged
2. By further increasing the number of dimensions, Yang-Mills theories, describing the weak
and strong nuclear interactions could likewise be brought to the l.h.s. of (1).
3. By doubling the four spacetime dimensions of the curved Riemannian space, where the
coordinates are ordinary commuting numbers like 3 × 4 = 4 × 3 , resp. ab = ba , with four space-
time dimensions where the coordinates are anticommuting Grassmann numbers, ab = −ba
geometric meaning.
Riemann + Einstein = Gravity
This completes Einstein’s program for a unified classical field theory for all fields in physics, or
the conversion of all “wood” into “marble.” But because it leaves out quantum mechanics it
cannot be complete, and it is here where supergravity fails. Therefore, supergravity was not the
Finally, an irony: Grossmann brought the work of Einstein’s landsman Riemann to the
attention of Einstein, which gave Einstein the decisive clue to solve the problem of gravity. If
someone else had brought the work of Einstein’s other landsman Grassmann to Einstein’s
attention, Einstein could have discovered the theory of supergravity a long time ago, and fulfilled
“Let me say something that people who worry about mathematical proofs and
inconsistencies seem not to know. There is no way of showing mathematically that a physical
conclusion is wrong or inconsistent. All that can be shown is that the mathematical assumptions
are wrong. If we find that certain mathematical assumptions lead to a logically inconsistent
The reason why quantum theory prevents supergravity to be the final theory is because its
quantization leads to infinite results. It is often incorrectly claimed that the problem of infinities
already occurs in classical electrodynamics in computing the energy, and hence mass, of a point
charge. This claim is quite incorrect, because Maxwell’s equations have no point charge
1. A mechanism with a finite number of degrees of freedom, for example an atom, if quantized
has a discrete set of energy levels. And a field, for example Maxwell’s electromagnetic field,
quantized leads to photons as the quanta of this field. Similarly, Dirac’s equation can be viewed
as a classical field equation, which if quantized leads to electrons as the quanta of this field.
2. The theory of relativity requires that the particles of the quantized field must be pointlike,
because the time sequence of cause and effect can otherwise be changed by a Lorentz
passing through the particle is infinite, i.e. superluminal, which according to the theory of
relativity would violate causality in the sense that an effect must always follow the cause in any
reference system. Therefore, extended particles are always composed of some smaller particles,
or what is the same, held together by fields which if quantized would have pointlike particles as
the quanta of this field. A good example for an extended particle is a proton which is composed
of three pointlike quarks held together by the field of gluons. The infinities then simply follow
from the application of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, which says that for a vanishing
length, i.e. point, the energy fluctuation diverges inversely proportional to the length.
force, and 2. Quantum chromodynamics, describing the force between quarks by the
chromodynamic force, the electrons, resp. quarks, are surrounded by virtual electron-positron,
resp. quark-antiquark pairs, screening the electric charge of an electron, resp. anti-screening the
chromodynamic charge of a quark. In both cases this makes the infinite selfenergy diverge only
logarithmically. Primarily because of this weak divergence, one can, with the so-called
works as follows: The experimentally known particle mass (resp. energy) is assumed to be the
difference of two infinite quantities, the infinite unrenormalized mass of the particle, and the
infinite energy stored in the field surrounding the pointlike particle. In these renormalizable
theories, virtual particle pairs borrow their energy for a short time out of the vacuum with the
theory of quantum gravity, Einstein’s general theory of relativity and gravitation, but also
supergravity cannot be renormalized and quantized. According to Feynman this simply means
that the mathematical assumptions are wrong. These assumptions are here Einstein’s
gravitational field equations and quantum mechanics. Therefore, either one of them or both
cannot be completely correct. Here is where string theory claims to provide an answer.
Qualitatively one can say this: In classical electrodynamics the selfenergy of an electrically
charged sphere is inversely proportional to the diameter of the sphere, and the selfenergy of a
string is proportional to the logarithm of its diameter. With the selfenergy of a charged sphere
reduced by electron positron pair production to a logarithmic dependence, it seems plausible that
for a charged string the selfenergy is finite. However, this is really not true because the
divergent selfenergy is there compensated by the infinite stress in the zero diameter string.
4. Unphysical Properties of Einstein’s Marble
In the special theory of relativity any object is described by a world line in a four
dimensional space. It is the Minkowski spacetime, encompassing the past, present and future.
With the velocity of light the highest possible velocity, a world line must be positioned inside the
light cone, and there can be no closed world line because it would have to pass through forbidden
regions outside the light cone, requiring superluminal velocities. But as it was first shown by
Goedel, what is not possible in the flat spacetime of special relativity, is possible in the curved
spacetime of general relativity. Solutions with closed world lines occur in a rotating universe,
but also in the vicinity of rotating black holes. Solutions with closed world lines, make possible
travel back in time, obviously not possible in physical reality. Other solutions of general
relativity discovered by Newman, Unti and Tamburino, are multivalued, which too have to be
As beautiful as Einstein’s theory is (as was the Ptolomaic wheels in wheels theory of the
must not be totally wrong, because it can quite well describe astronomical anomalies, like the
5. Einstein – Parmenides and the Ontological Proof for the Non-Existence of God
continuum implies a kind of superdeterminism with the future completely determined down to
the smallest detail. This was the reason why Einstein believed time is an illusion and why Karl
Popper told Einstein “You are Parmenides,” the Greek philosopher (515-445) who believed that
being is not becoming and time (becoming) an illusion. With everything exactly predetermined
there can be no free will, not even a hypothetical God, and a God without free will is an
ontological impossibility.
One therefore can say: If Einstein is right, then there can be no God. The opposite
though, is not true; true rather is if God exists then Einstein must be wrong.
A deeper insight is gained if one realizes that quantum mechanics has two faces:
1. The deterministic evolution of the wave function describing a particle moving with subliminal
2. The indeterministic collapse of the wave function going with superluminal velocity outside
Whereas for the deterministic evolution of the wave function there exists a well
developed theory (Schrödinger and Dirac equation) no such theory exists for the superluminal
Because the superluminal collapse occurs in the course of making a measurement, this is
wrongly called the measurement problem, with the claim that the Copenhagen interpretation of
quantum mechanics provides the missing theory. This is also the position taken by the string
theorists. Taking instead the position that the wave function is an object of physical reality, not
just an expression of our limited knowledge of reality as the Copenhagen interpretation claims,
the occurrence of the superluminal wave function collapse (with certainty observed over
postulate, and it is only through the stochastic nature of the wave function collapse that a
peaceful coexistence of quantum mechanics with the special theory of relativity seems possible.
A deterministic theory of this collapse, required if the wave function is real, would destroy this
coexistence and with it special theory of relativity and the Minkowski spacetime. And it would
also bring down string theory and its latest successor, the M-theory.
But if the wave function is real and its collapse going with superluminal velocity, the
straightjacket of the Minkowski spacetime is broken, reestablishing the possibility of a free will
Mach’s principle is the conjecture that inertia has its cause in the accelerated motion
relative to all masses in the universe. According to this conjecture the Coriolis and centrifugal
forces observed on a rotating platform would be the same if all the masses of the universe are
brought into a rotational motion around the platform. Support for this conjecture seemed to be
provided when Thirring (Physik. Z. 19, 33 (1918)) showed that Einstein’s gravitational field
equations, applied to the space inside a hollow sphere of mass M and radius R set into rotation
around its axis with the angular velocity ω , predict in the center of the sphere a force (per unit
f = ( 8π GM c 2 R ) ⎡⎣ 2 v × ω + ω ( ω × r ) ⎤⎦ (3)
Setting R equal the world radius R = 8π GM c 2 , with M the mass of the universe, this force
becomes the same as the Coriolis and centrifugal force observed on a rotating platform. But it
would take the time R c after the cosmic sphere is set into rotation, that is billions of years,
before the force f is felt in the center of the sphere of radius R . Thirring’s solution therefore is
not a derivation of Mach’s principle from general relativity. In fact, inertial forces occur even in
Minkowski spacetime void of any matter, making Newton’s absolute space true as ever.
Overlooked is the zero point vacuum energy. With inertia “present,” and not transmitted with a
long time delay as in Thirring’s solution, it can only be the vacuum energy that is responsible for
the phenomenon of inertia. As quantum mechanics tells us this vacuum energy has a divergent
ω 3 frequency spectrum. If cut off at the Planck length it gives the vacuum a mass density of
∼ 1095 g cm3 . It is this huge mass density which can explain why inertia is highly isotropic. At
Mach’s time the vacuum energy was not known. With the vacuum energy, complete kinematic
equivalence would then be achieved if not only all the masses of the universe are brought into a
rotational motion around a stationary platform, but also the vacuum energy.
The ω 3 frequency dependence of the zero point vacuum energy is the only one which is
Lorentz invariant. This suggests that it must be the vacuum energy which “erects” the Minkowki
spacetime. But because the vacuum energy has to be cut off at the Planck length, Lorentz
invariance is broken, establishing a privileged reference system at rest with the vacuum energy.
As Selleri has shown the slightest violation of Lorentz invariance, no matter how small, will
ultimately bring down the whole edifice of special relativity and by implication of general
relativity, as it was feared by Einstein shortly before his death in a letter to his friend M. Besso.
The conclusion that the zero point vacuum energy must be the reason why Minkowski
effect. This effect predicts a small increase in the velocity of light by a reduction of the zero
Now we can understand why Heisenberg failed in his attempt to reduce all marble to
wood. In Einstein’s program the Minkowski space-time is the most elementary form of marble,
with general relativity given the marble of space-time only a different shape. If Heisenberg’s
goal was to reduce all marble to wood, he should have done the same with space-time, or what is
the same reduce space-time to atoms. “Atoms,” of course, in the finitistic sense, as opposed to
“I consider it quite possible that physics cannot be based on the field concept, i.e., on
continuous structures. In that case, nothing remains of my entire castle in the air, gravitational
theory included, [and of] the rest of modern physics.” A. Einstein (1954) in a letter to his friend
M. Besso.
In his marble versus wood analogy Einstein understood marble as a metaphor for non-
Euclidean geometry, but it seems that he never asked himself the question what would be the
metaphor of wood. I make the claim that it is a metaphor for what mathematicians call non-
Archimedian geometry.
drawing a sequence of polygons inside a circle with an ever increasing number of sides. This
“exhaustion” method though must fail if there is a smallest length. It was Planck who in a 1899
paper had shown that the fundamental constants of physics, h , G and c , give us such a small
m0 = c G and fundamental time t0 = G c 5 . These three quantities are sufficient for the
root in the expression for m0 gives us only the freedom to have two possible signs for m0 , but
nothing more.
9. Planck Mass Plasma
With Planck’s finite size elements of space, time and mass, the most simple configuration
one can think of is what one may call a Planck mass plasma.
1. Space is densely filled with an equal number of positive and negative Planck mass particles,
with each Planck length volume element occupied by one Planck mass particle.
2. The Planck mass particles interact over a Planck length with the Planck force c 4 G , with
particles of equal sign repelling, and those of opposite sign attracting each other.
3. The interaction obeys the laws of Newtonian mechanics, except for lex tertia, which under the
assumed force law is violated during the collision between a positive and a negative Planck mass
The violation of the lex tertia means that during the mutually attractive collision between
a positive and a negative Planck mass particle, the momentum, not the energy, fluctuates. This
establishes Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle at the most fundamental level, explaining why
In addition to quantum mechanics the Planck mass plasma leads to Lorentz invariance as
a dynamic symmetry, with a spectrum of quasiparticles greatly resembling the particles of the
standard model. It also gives a novel perspective on Einstein’s quest to unify gravity with
electromagnetism, with gravity and electromagnetic waves interpreted as the symmetric and
antisymmetric vortex lattice wave modes of the superfluid Planck mass plasma. And because of
Futhermore, Dirac spinors can be explained as excitonic particles made up from the
positive and negative mass component of the Planck mass plasma, with the compensating effect
of the negative masses explaining the smallness of the typical fermion mass in terms of the
Planck mass. Finally, the Planck mass plasma may conceivably be able to explain the
superluminal wave function collapse as a gravitational collapse enhanced by the hidden presence
of negative masses.
One of the major outstanding problems of modern physics is quantum gravity. Because it
quantized. This is possible with string (M) theory, but the price to be paid is high: It is the need
to assume the existence of the higher dimensions, in particular 10 spacetime dimensions. But
with physical reality taking place in 4 spacetime dimensions, the superfluous 6 dimensions have
to be compactified, with physics suggesting that they have to be compactified down to the Planck
length of ∼ 10−33 cm . Since this can be done in a very large number of different ways, each
In the Planck mass plasma, where gravity is associated with a transverse vortex lattice
wave, which for small amplitudes has the same property as Einstein’s gravitational waves in the
weak field limit of general relativity, the situation is quite different. In this theory, special
theory of relativity by Lorentz and Poincare. It assumed the existence of an aether, taken up by
the Planck mass plasma. With the Planck mass plasma made up of discrete elements for which
the laws of Newtonian mechanics apply, there can be no infinities, as in the many body problem
of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. It appears to the author that such a finitistic description of
A comparison of the string- and Planck mass plasma model is also instructive. In the
Planck mass plasma, the zero diameter strings in 9 space and one time dimension, are replaced
by vortices in 3 space and one time dimension, with a diameter of the vortex core equal one to
Planck length. And the closed strings with a ring radius equal to the Planck length are replaced
by vortex rings, with a ring radius about thousand times larger than the Planck length. In both
models, gravitational waves are described by the same kind of elliptic deformations of the closed
For the details of the Planck Mass Plasma model I may direct the interested reader to my
paper “Planck Mass Plasma Vacuum Conjecture”, Z. Naturforsch. 58a, 231-267 (2003), and