NEW Life in Christ: More Biblical Answers To Common Lies

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Volume 5
Living free
by knowing
the truth...

More biblical answers to common lies

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First English edition 2013 Copyright Mark Robinson

Produced by Mark Robinson
Camino Global, 8625 La Prada Dr., Dallas, TX 75228, USA
Drawings by Samuel Valatierra

March 30, 2014


Teachers guide ............................................................... 4

Step 1 Don’t judge. Be tolerant! ................................ 6
Step 2 I don’t feel like a new creature ......................... 8
Step 3 Hypocrites in the church ................................... 10
Step 4 Machismo (male chauvinism) ............................ 12
Step 5 Real men ......................................................... 14
Step 6 The modern woman ......................................... 16
Step 7 The gospel and prosperity ................................ 18
Step 8 Prosperity, Part 2 ............................................ 20
Step 9 Am I still saved? ............................................... 22
Step 10 I have questions before I receive Christ ............. 24
Step 11 Now what? The truth or lies? .......................... 26
Memory verses ............................................................... 28
Certificate ...................................................................... 29

8. Try to have the students think about the
practical implications for their lives. Help them
to understand specific, practical applications.

TEACHER’S STOP Each lesson has sections marked by a

STOP sign. These are designed for the
GUIDE students to stop and think about the implica-
tions of the lesson for their lives. Take time to
meditate on these sections.

1. We congratulate you for accepting the The assignments in the boxes at the side of
challenge of discipling new believers using each lesson are designed for this purpose.
New Life in Christ as your guide. The results Make use of them.
of this study can produce eternal fruit.
9. Help students cultivate the habit of prayer.
2. Let the Bible always be your authority in Teach them by praying together with them.
answering the questions. The students should
look up the Bible passages by themselves and 10. It is important to understand that discipleship
try to answer the questions based on what the is much more than studying the lessons of
Bible says. New Life in Christ. Discipleship implies a life
change for the disciple.
Some new believers need a brief orientation
on how to find the references in their Bibles. This manual is just an initial aid in their growth.
The students will need God’s continued help
3. This manual may be used in many different to change their character, ways of thinking,
ways. In most cases, you will study one lesson habits, etc.
a week, encouraging the student to do all the
assignments in each lesson. 11. It is of the utmost importance that the stu-
dents learn habits like daily Bible reading,
4. Try not to let your sessions get too long. Keep prayer, and Scripture memorization.
an eye on your audience’s attention span.
At the beginning of each lesson, take time
5. Encourage the students to answer the to review the previous memory verse and ask
questions in their own words. Avoid how the daily Bible study is going. Do not
copying the Bible word for word. Using scold students who have not completed some
their own words will help them to analyze of the assignments, but be sure to encourage
the meaning of the text being studied. them to finish.

6. Avoid preaching. Use questions to discover 12 Be sensitive to what God is doing in each
what the students understand and to stimulate student’s life. Take time out of each session to
active participation. answer any questions they might have, or to
help with problems in their personal life.
7. Prepare well for each session. As the teacher,
you should be familiar with the content and Keep in mind that there are times when it is
key concepts of each lesson. not possible to get to every question in the
lesson because of time limitations. In these
Your preparation should include prayer for cases, choose the most important questions to
your students and for your own heart. discuss.

shall be
your shield
and buckler.
Psalms 91:4

This book is dedicated to the study of some of the
lies that the world and the devil use to confuse
We will look at topics like tolerance, hypocrisy,
male chauvinism (machismo), the prosperity
gospel and more...
Each lesson seeks to give biblical answers that
will allow you to make choices that will lead to

Step 1
Don’t Judge! Be Tolerant!

Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)

_____ I don´t have the right to tell anyone else what they should do.
_____ The most important thing in life is to be tolerant of others.
_____ Judging others is a problem in today’s world.


This lie has several variations: • “Jesus said don’t judge, so who am I to criticize or tell others what to do?”
• “I don´t want to offend anyone.” • “All the rules at church are just legalism.” • “I don’t like anyone to tell me
what to do; I know how to run my own life.” We hear things like this often. Are they true? Or like most lies,
are they halftruths?

JUDGING Tolerance

1. What is the problem with judging others? Matthew 7:1-4 _________________ “In the world it is called
Tolerance, but in hell it
___________________________________________________________________ is called Despair, the sin
Think about your own mistakes before looking at the faults of others. that believes in noth-
ing, cares for nothing,
2. Does that mean that we should never be critical of what others say or do? seeks to know nothing,
Explain. ___________________________________________________________ interferes with nothing,
___________________________________________________________________ enjoys nothing, hates
nothing, finds purpose
in nothing, lives for
3. Is there a difference between judging, exhortation, and admonition? ________ nothing, and remains
___________________________________________________________________ alive because there is
nothing for which it will
Judging seeks to criticize or condemn others, while exhortation and admonition
die.“ Dorothy Sayers
seek to correct and restore them. While it is true that Jesus commanded us to not
judge, in no way does this free us from the responsibility to exhort and admonish Do you agree with this
others in the faith. Volume 3 of New Life in Christ speaks about these subjects. quote? Why or why

4. The kind of tolerance that is often taught today does not limit itself to being friendly and respectful of oth-
ers. Instead, it has been converted into a doctrine, almost a religion. It affirms the idea that all beliefs are
equally valid, so that no one has the right to examine other beliefs critically.

Ironically this modern “tolerance” is a dogmatic belief system that is intolerant of any who dare to question
it. It condemns, in the strongest terms, any proclamation of absolute or biblical truth. While it promotes the
validity of all beliefs, it rejects biblical Christianity as antiquated and extremist.

5. Based on the following passages, what would you say to those who say, “You should tolerate and never offend
anyone.” Matt. 23:25-27 _____________________________________________________________________
Titus 1:5, 9-13 _______________________________________________________________________________

6. Do you ever have the right to tell anyone what to do? 2 Timothy 4:2-4 ______________________________
7. Read Galatians 6:1. How would you answer those who say, “If you’re my
friend, you have to accept me as I am without judging me?” ___________
In previous generations _______________________________________________________________
people sought the truth
and believed it could Precisely because you are their friend, you need to speak the truth in love
be found in the Bible. because you care about them and seek their restoration. You can’t be
indifferent to a friend’s sin. Only someone who isn’t a friend could say,
Today many say that
each one makes his “I don’t care about that. It’s your problem.”
own truth. They Ephesians 4:25 “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully
do not believe that to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.”
absolute truth exists.

Today the emphasis CHECK YOUR ATTITUDE

is not on truth, but on
tolerance, which has 8. What should your attitude be when dealing with someone who is in sin or
become the new with whom you disagree?
“religion” of many.
Galatians 6:1 ___________________________________________________
The irony is that this Ephesians 4:2 ___________________________________________________
new religion does not
tolerate those who do _______________________________________________________________
not bow their knee Colossians 3:12-13 ______________________________________________
to it or question its
absolute dominance _______________________________________________________________
over the modern mind. Tolerance that accepts any kind of behavior is wrong. But that doesn’t give us
permission to be judgmental or unkind. God calls us to bear with one another,
What do you think about the
being kind, gentle and humble because we also have many faults. In love we
above statements? forgive so as not to become proud or bitter. We hate sin but love sinners.

________________________ LEGALISM
________________________ There is a false idea that any church with rules is legalistic. Yet how can we explain
________________________ the fact that the New Testament is full of rules and prohibitions? Rules can help or
hurt a church but true legalism is something else.

The legalist thinks he is better than others because he follows a set of rules he consid-
ers necessary to be spiritual. Like the Pharisees, he takes the attitude: “Thank God,
I’m not like them.” He measures his spirituality not by an inner righteousness, but
rather by his ability to fulfill a list of external rules. Through self-effort, he produces
an exterior appearance of holiness. He often believes that the best way to motivate
others is by shaming them.
STRONGER The problem is not the rules but the heart of the legalist who trusts in his own
righteousness instead of depending on the Holy Spirit to produce a holy life.
Read Judges 1-7 A spiritual Christian abstains from many things because they don’t edify, not
(one chapter per day).
because abstinence will get him into heaven. He desires to have his inner life
Memorize 2 Tim 4:2 conformed to God’s will. His way of motivating others is by challenging them to
a holy life, not by shaming them.
“Preach the word; be prepared
in season and out of season; TWO EXTREMES TO AVOID
correct, rebuke and encourage
with great patience and careful • Judging others: Looks upon others with scorn. Lacks love land grace.
instruction.” NIV • Permissive, tolerating anything: Fears offending others, “Who am I to judge?” .
“Preach the word! Be ready Both extremes show a lack of love and an indifference towards others.
in season and out of season.
Convince, rebuke, exhort, with Note: Sometimes it is necessary to take a stand against evil. A church which tolerates sin
all longsuffering and teaching.” cannot expect God’s blessing because “...a little yeast leavens the whole batch” (1 Cor. 5:1-2,
NKJV 6). To study more about church discipline see Matt. 18:15-17; Gal. 6:1-2; 2 Cor. 2:5-11;
2 Thess. 3:14-15; 1 Tim. 5:20; and Acts 5:11 in context.

Step 2
I don’t feel like a new creature

Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)

_____ If you don’t feel like a new creature in Christ, you probably aren’t.
_____ True liberty is being able to choose to become God’s servant.
_____ To be dead to sin means that we are free to follow righteousness
instead of sin.


When they see their weaknesses, many Christians feel frustrated or discouraged. They ask,
“Why don’t I feel special like when I first received Christ? Yes, I’m saved, but why do I keep on
failing? I don’t feel like a new creature.” There are two possible answers to these questions:
• It’s possible that they were never born again. It is important to review their “conversion.” Did
they understand the gospel or was it just an emotion? Were they pressured to accept Christ?
• In this lesson we want to examine another possibility. It is possible that when a true believer looks at his
faults, his emotions bring doubt about whether he is saved. Or if he knows that he is saved, he doubts that
it will be possible to find the victory he seeks. This lesson deals with the lie that says the our emotions are
a good measurement of our spiritual condition. It’s better to see what the Bible says.


The problem with depending on emotions is that they aren’t trustworthy. Whatever your emotions might be tell-
ing you, Romans 6 helps you sort things out and understand the truth about your position in Christ. Romans 6
has three key words which clear things up: Know (v. 3-10); Consider (v. 11); Present/Offer yourself (v. 12-14).

1. KNOW. When someone asked Paul in v. 1 if a Christian could go on sinning, what was his answer?
What does it mean to be dead to sin? Keep on reading Romans 6.

2. Read verses 2-10. What words or concepts are repeated? _________________________________________

Some say the baptism mentioned in v. 3-4 refers to water baptism; but that would imply that one is not saved until he is baptized.
The Bible teaches that salvation is by faith alone, without works, including baptism. Others believe that these verses refer to the
baptism of the Spirit that identifies us as members of the body of Christ when we are converted (1 Cor. 12:13). When we believe
we are identified with Christ in his death, burial and resurrection. Water baptism symbolizes this death and resurrection to a new life

3. What should we KNOW? v. 5-6 ______________________________________________________________


STOP Meditate on the significance of the word “if” in v. 5. Is it important? Why?

4. What’s the difference between KNOWING and CONSIDERING that we are dead to sin but alive to God? v. 11
The word “consider” is key. If we believe that nothing has changed, then nothing will change. When we
consider ourselves to be dead to sin and alive to God, we pass from theory to reality. We are saying, “I believe
it’s true because God says so!” This reflects a change of mindset, to see ourselves as God sees us. Knowledge
without faith is of little value. I accept my position in Christ by faith, even when I don’t feel it. I accept the
finished work of Christ which makes it possible to be the new person God says I am.
• When someone says: “I don’t feel like a new person,” ask,
IT’S A QUESTION OF THE “What is more reliable, how I feel or what God says?”
• Do you really consider yourself to be dead to sin and alive to God?
One can • How would your life change if every morning and evening your told yourself,
know all “I consider myself dead to sin and alive to God, even in those moments when I
about new don’t feel it.”
life but until
he considers
himself to be a new creature 5. PRESENT YOURSELF (NKJV) or OFFER YOURSELF (NVI):
there will be no change. Verses 12-14 speak of the battle for your soul. Will you permit the evil
There are many who believe
desires of sin to rule your life, or is there an alternative? What are the two
the truth but live as if it were alternatives mentioned in v. 13? ____________________________________
a lie.
This man has tuned into
what God says about him... 6. Give examples of how we would present specific parts of our bodies to God.
He considers
himself as v. 13 ___________________________________________________________
dead to sin ________________________________________________________________
and alive to
God even
when his • Think about times when you have presented some of the members of
STOP your body to sin.
tell him • Write down on a separate sheet specific ways you desire to offer those same
something else. He decides members to God as instruments of righteousness.
to present every part of his
body to God on a moment
by moment basis. 7. What are the two alternatives mentioned in v. 16? _____________________
So, are we slaves, or are we free? ___________________________________
Contrary to popular belief, absolute freedom doesn’t exist. We are always
under the authority of another. It is impossible to be free from slavery to sin
without previously submitting ourselves as slaves to a higher authority. To be
free, we must submit ourselves as slaves to righteousness. The only freedom
we have is to decide to whom we will submit ourselves. Of course, when we
submit to and obey God, we will be free from the power of sin (v. 17).

8. What are the two types of fruit mentioned in the following verses?
v. 21, 23 ________________________________________________________
v. 22 ___________________________________________________________

Read Judges 8-14 • Know that when we receive Christ, the old man dies and a new person is born.
(one chapter per day). • Consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God. If not, then sin will continue to
dominate our lives. We need to adopt a new mentality as to who we are. Consider
Memorize Romans 6:11 means to believe that what God says is true, even when we don’t feel it.
“In the same way, count • Present or offer the members of our bodies to God and not to sin. We must decide
yourselves dead to sin but what we will serve, sin or righteousness. Will we serve God or ourselves?
alive to God in Christ Jesus.”
NIV Prayer: Lord, you know that I still struggle with sin and at times doubt that it is possible
to overcome it. While I do not fully understand, by faith I declare that I am dead to sin
“Likewise you also, reckon and that I don’t have to obey it any more. I consider myself to be a new creature, even
yourselves to be dead indeed to when I don’t feel like it. I accept this by faith because you tell me it’s true. Lord, I offer
sin, but alive to God in my whole self to you. I give you my hands, mouth, feet, ears, and above all, my mind.
Christ Jesus our Lord.” NKJV I choose to submit myself to you moment by moment.

Step 3
Hypocrites in the church

Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)

_____ All Christians are hypocrites.
_____ There is no such thing as a perfect church.
_____ There are people in church who aren’t real believers.


Some say, “All Christians are hypocrites; they judge others yet do the same. Preachers use their position to control
and exploit others, taking money from the poor while they live in luxury.” It is tragic that in some cases, these
accusations are true. This type of hypocrisy is a huge stumbling block which gives some an excuse to reject God.


1. Jesus confronted the Pharisees and teachers of the law in Matthew 23. What was the result of their hypocrisy?
v. 13 __________________________________________________________________________. What is the
hypocrite’s main problem? v. 23, 28 _____________________________________________________________
They were careful to keep up appearances, while at the same time their hearts were full of evil. As a consequence,
they lead others to evil and condemnation. The same thing occurs today when Christians don’t live up to their faith.
• Many flee the church because of hypocrisy. They reject Christ because they reject the “Christians” they know.
• Others who are Christians fall into the same trap of hypocrisy due to the example they see in fellow believers.

2. Are there people who claim to serve God, yet are not even converted? Matthew 7:21-23 Yes ❏ No ❏
How can we spot a real Christian? v. 21 _________________________________________________________


3. How should we respond to those who claim all of us are hypocrites? ________________________________
This is a half truth. In part they are right because all of us have acted hypocritically at times even though
this is not our normal way of living. If we understand the that church is to be a hospital for sinners, it
should not surprise us to find faults in those who are in the process of healing, just as we all are.

4. It’s necessary to distinguish between hypocrites and Christians who occasionally sin.
The Hypocrite: What is the lifestyle of the hypocrite? ___________________________________________
In public he pretends to be a Christian, but his lifestyle in private (and at times in public) is full of contradic-
tions. He may not yet be converted. Others are believers, but they will be disciplined for their lifestyle.
The Sincere Christian: Check those that apply. ❏ Does not sin. ❏ Recognizes and confesses his sin.
❏ Believes he is better than others. ❏ Still battles with his sin nature. He is not perfect yet.
❏ Is a sinner saved by the grace of God who occasionally sins.

The sincere Christian imitates Christ in public and in private. Even so, he is still a sinner saved by grace.
When he fails, he admits his sin, asks forgiveness and continues onward. He is transparent, not covering
up his defects, nor blaming others, or making excuses. Even the Apostle Peter fell into hypocrisy and had
to be admonished by Paul (Galatians 2:11-14).

John Newton was an evil man, 5. Read the quote from John Newton in the side column. What was he
captain of a slave ship during trying to say? __________________________________________________
the 18th century. In spite of
his overwhelming sinfulness, _______________________________________________________________
he was redeemed by the grace
of God and later wrote the 6. What is Christ’s invitation in Matthew 11:28? ________________________
famous hymn “Amazing Grace.”
Meditate on his words: _______________________________________________________________
The church is not for the perfect, but for the weak, like a rehab center
“I am not what I ought to be,
I am not what I want to be,
that helps those suffering from spiritual disease. We should not be surprised
I am not what I hope to be to find weakness in the church, rather it should motivate us towards grace
in another world; and compassion for we know that we ourselves are in need of God’s grace.
but still I am not what
I once used to be, and
7. What’s the purpose of meeting together with other believers? Heb. 10:24-25
by the grace of God
I am what I am.” _______________________________________________________________

8. What things did the first Christians do? Acts 2:42, 46-47 _____________

9. What identifies someone as a true child of God? John 13:34-35

GROWING _______________________________________________________________
10. Steps for sincere Christians:
Read Judges 15-21
(one chapter per day). • Make sure you follow Christ and not men. Doing this, you will not become
discouraged when others fail.
Memorize Matthew 6:1 • Examine yourself and confess your sin. Don’t be a stumbling block to others.
• Denounce hypocrisy. Combat it with teaching, exhortation, and discipline.
“Be careful not to practice your
righteousness in front of others • Don’t be intimidated by accusations of hypocrisy. Use them as an occasion
to be seen by them. If you do, to examine yourself, confess, and continue on. Don’t let guilt paralyze you.
you will have no reward from When you see hypocrisy, look at faithful Christians, not the hypocrites.
your Father in heaven.” NIV Meditate on the heroes of the faith who lived in a world surrounded by sin.
“Take heed that you do not do • Depend on the Spirit to produce his fruit and eliminate the works of the
your charitable deeds before flesh. Galatians 5:16-22
men, to be seen by them. • How do others see you? Ask them to speak truth into your life.
Otherwise you have no reward
from your Father in heaven.” We need to guard our testimony. What kind of a message are you sending?
NKJV STOP ❏ My life attracts people to Christ ❏ Sometimes I’m a stumbling block.
Has anyone ever called you a hypocrite? Explain.

Warning for those who reject church because “it is full of hypocrites.”
For Christians: For those who don’t believe:
• Will your problems go away if you leave the church? Be • Look at Christ, not people. Yes, there are hypocrites in
honest. If you think the world offers something better, the church, but Christ isn’t one of them.
you might be in for a bitter surprise. • Watch out, you could end up spending eternity with
• Focus on Christ, not other people. some of these hypocrites.
• Don’t reject the message because of the messenger. • What is the real reason for your resistance? Is it really
The truth is still the truth, even if others fail. the hypocrisy of others, or is it just that you don’t want
• There have always been and always will be hypocrites to submit to Christ’s rule in your life? John 3:19-20
in the church, yet that does not excuse your unfaithful- • Christ offers you forgiveness, eternal life, and a better
ness. If you are cold towards the Lord, the problem is life. The decision is yours alone, don’t let others’ faults
not with others but with yourself. Beware! Don’t let steer you onto the wrong path. Don’t reject the message
the devil deceive you by blaming others. because of the messenger.
Step 4
Machismo (male chauvinism)
Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)
_____ The man’s role is to dominate women.
_____ To be a man is not so much a privilege as a responsibility.
_____ The main job of a husband is to love his wife.


Compare the two columns and mark which of the characteristics belong to real men. Compare the characteristic in the left
hand column with the opposite on the right. A real man is...
❏ Is tough and never cries. ❏ Is strong yet tender; knows how to express his feelings.
❏ Does not depend on anyone except himself. ❏ Asks for help when he needs it. He’s humble.
❏ Looks at women as inferior. ❏ Respects women as being of equal value.
❏ Jealous, and controlling towards his wife. ❏ Trusts his wife to make her own decisions.
❏ Climaxes quickly during sex, leaving his wife unsatisfied. ❏ Takes the time to satisfy his wife during sex.
❏ Is a heavy drinker. ❏ Is self controlled and knows when to stop.
❏ Is a womanizer. ❏ Is capable of loving and being faithful to one woman.
❏ Uses women as the object of his jokes. ❏ Controls his tongue and defends women.
❏ Is resentful and seeks vengeance. ❏ Forgives his enemies.
❏ Doesn’t stand up to injustices, keeps quiet. ❏ Speaks up to confront evil.
❏ Follows the crowd. ❏ Swims against the current when necessary.
❏ Makes all the family decisions. ❏ Is wise and seeks his wife’s input and opinion.
❏ Is proud and egotistical. What kind ❏ Is humble and knows how to serve others.
❏ Mistreats or batters his wife. of a man ❏ Is considerate and hates abuse and violence.
❏ Blames others for his problems. am I? ❏ Accepts his own responsibility and asks forgiveness.
❏ Lies to get ahead or to win. ❏ Always speaks the truth, even when it hurts or is costly.
❏ Is bossy, controlling. ❏ Encourages others to develop and take the initiative.

The machista (chauvinist) is egotistical and shows an Men, you might object that you aren’t as bad as that.
attitude of superiority, especially in relation to women. Perhaps not, but it is important to realize that chauvinistic
Sadly, many men are pathetic failures who have aban- attitudes have subtly penetrated our culture, without us
doned their responsibilities and wander purposelessly, realizing it. Stop being defensive and listen to the Word
controlling and abusing. They are alone, without love, of God. May this lesson help you to see if your attitudes
worthy of pity instead of admiration. are worthy of a Christian man.


Jesus was strong: Chasing vendors out of the temple, confronting the Pharisees, and suffering abuse and the pain
of the crucifixion without complaint. Yet, he wept when Lazarus died, spent time with children, healed the sick,
respected women, felt compassion for the multitudes, and on the cross asked his Father to forgive his tormentors.

1. How is the bravery and steadfastness of Paul revealed in 2 Cor. 11:23-27? ____________________________
______________________________________________ Yet, his concern was for others, not himself (v. 28-29).
He was tough, yet what lifestyle did he recommend to believers? Colossians 3:12-13 ___________________
How did he treat others? 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8 __________________________________________________


2. When a man reads Ephesians 5:22-28, 33, does he see it from a different point of view than a woman does?
Explain. _____________________________________________________________________________________
3. What does Ephesians 5:21 say to both men and women? ______________

4. What is the command for men in vv. 25 and 28? _____________________

How should he love his wife? v. 25 _________________________________

5. What does it mean to be the head of the woman? Eph. 5:23-24 See below.
What it is: To be the head is not so much a privilege as it is a responsibility.
Does helping his wife with It implies responsible and loving leadership. It means to love her as Christ loved
household chores make the church and gave himself for her (v. 25-26). The husband sacrifices himself for
him less of a man?
his wife. His love builds her up, honors her, and gives her preference. (Phil. 2:3-4).
THINK ABOUT IT He is a servant who guides his family towards righteousness. If he is wise, he lis-
tens to his wife and delegates responsibility to her. They work together, instead of
What do you think about the competing against each other.
following statements?
What it is not: It is not competition or a pretext to dominate her, crush her, or
manipulate her, but rather to guide her. He is not dictatorial (I’m in charge here),
• Be protective, but not nor egotistical (Everyone must serve me). He does not consider her incapable,
inferior, or of less worth (see Prov. 31:10-31). He doesn’t invalidate her opinions
• Jealousy is the best way to or her emotions, nor does he make all the decisions or control everything.
poison a relationship. The
man who tries to control 6. In your opinion, what percentage of men are real leaders in their homes?
her so as not to lose her is ______% Many men limit themselves to paying the bills. The chauvinist
destined to lose her.
isn’t a leader in disciplining or raising the children, nor in protecting his
• Women need to hear con- wife’s feelings or in defending the home from evil influences. He has every-
tinuously that their spouses thing backwards, wanting privileges without responsibilities. Few men are
love them. There are many true leaders for good in their homes.
ways to do this but one of
the best is simply to say,
“I love you.” 7. If a husband is a responsible leader who treats his wife like Christ loves the
church, will it be difficult for her to submit to him or follow his lead?
• Machismo is obviously a ________________________________________________________________
problem in our society.
Does it exist in the Christian

STOP Husbands:
community too? Can you
give examples?
• Review the two columns on the previous page to identify areas your thinking is
confused regarding the meaning of true masculinity.
• Ask your wife to review question 5 and get her opinion. Listen with humility
to what she says. Be careful not to control her answers.
GROWING • Are there changes that you need to make? Write them on a separate sheet.

Read 1 Timothy 1-6,

Philemon • Machismo isn’t just a problem for men, but for women too. By tradition,
(one chapter per day). many women accept this as a valid lifestyle for the men in their lives and even
teach their children to follow this anti-biblical model. Meditate on your own
Memorize views about this subject.
Ephesians 5:25
• Share your feelings with your spouse about the list at the beginning of the
“Husbands, love your wives, just lesson. Share how you feel being his wife, good or bad?
as Christ loved the church and • Nagging is counterproductive. It produces antagonism instead of cooperation.
gave himself up for her” NIV
Both: Be careful. The reason for this study is not to cause conflict or compe-
“Husbands, love your wives, just
as Christ also loved the church tition in your home. The goal is that each one admit, confess, and repent of
and gave Himself for her.” NKJV their errors, seeking to love their spouse as God commands. Remember, the
command of Ephesians 5:21 is that both submit to one another.

Step 5

Real Men

Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)

_____ Women are more fragile and need to be treated with consideration and
_____ The most important thing for women is to have nice clothes and sex.
_____ A wise man listens to his wife and takes her ideas into account.


1. Husbands ______________ your wives and don’t be _____________________ with them. Colossians 3:19

2. Make a list of six concrete ways that a husband could show love towards his wife. If you are a woman,
write down six ways that you would like for your husband to show you his love.
• __________________________________________ • __________________________________________
• __________________________________________ • __________________________________________
• __________________________________________ • __________________________________________

3. Why is the warning in Colossians 3:19 necessary? ________________________________________________


4. How does 1 Peter 3:7 contradict the machista viewpoint? _________________________________________


5. Write down three ways to treat your wife with consideration and understanding.
_________________________________________________________________ GROWING
_________________________________________________________________ STRONGER

_________________________________________________________________ Read 2 Tim. 1-4,

1 Samuel 1-3
6. What does it mean that the wife is a heir together with her husband of the Memorize 1 Peter 3:7
grace of life? 1 Peter 3:7 ___________________________________________
“Husbands, in the same way
_________________________________________________________________ be considerate as you live
with your wives, and treat
7. What things are necessary to have a healthy relationship between a man and them with respect as the
weaker partner and as heirs
a woman? 1 Peter 3:8 ______________________________________________ with you of the gracious gift
of life, so that nothing will
_________________________________________________________________ hinder your prayers.” NIV
“Husbands, likewise, dwell
_________________________________________________________________ with them with understand-
ing, giving honor to the wife,
8. If both husbands and wives put into practice what 1 Peter 3:9 says, how as to the weaker vessel, and
as being heirs together of
would it affect their relationship? ____________________________________ the grace of life, that your
_________________________________________________________________ prayers may not be hin-
dered.” NKJ

9. Many men would say that what is most important for their wives is, a house, food, clothes, and sex. What
would women say is most important? ___________________________________________________________

In reality, a woman needs much more. THINGS A WOMAN’S

There are at least five basic things she needs: E
• Love, tenderness and respect. Y
• To speak heart to heart. NE SECU
• Honesty and transparency. Don’t keep secrets. CO
• Security: physical, emotional, economic and spiritual.



• Commitment - She needs to know that he values her

and is committed to maintain a healthy relationship.


STOP Checkup for men:
Are you fulfilling these 5 basic need of your wife? ❏ Yes ❏ No
Sit down with her and ask her what her needs are. Listen without interrupting. Don’t be on the defensive if you hear
something you don’t like. Do you need to make changes? ❏ Yes ❏ No What changes do you need to make?
On a separate sheet make a practical plan of the changes you need to make and how you will make them.


The machista brings suffering to others, especially to women, but he IS EMOTIONAL
too falls victim to his twisted way of thinking. A man might think
of himself as “the man,” but suffer great losses, for example: • She needs your understand-
ing and sympathy instead of
• He knows that he is not as tough as he acts. He says he doesn’t cry, offering her solutions.
but on the inside, behind his mask, yes, he cries.
• She needs to know that
• He finds it hard to express his emotions. His emotions are frozen. her man is listening to her.

• Since he does not admit that he needs others or affection, he distances himself • Most men want to offer
solutions too quickly.
emotionally from his family and other significant relationships. He’s alone.
What should the man do?
• He looks for love and acceptance in the wrong places.
• Listen. Don’t talk.
• He is unwilling to admit his need for God and therefore lives separated from Him.
• Listen. Don`t offer advice.
• When he is confronted with personal problems, he flees, finding refuge in his
“friends,” television, sports, work, reading, alcohol, an affair, etc. • Listen
and take
• He refuses to accept responsibility for his problems, choosing to blame others or her in
bad luck. Therefore he will never find a real solution. your
• He lives confused about who he is and why he is here.
• Listen.
• Jealousy is a way to cover his insecurities. Jealousy limits the possibility of having There
normal relationships based on love and trust. will be time to talk later.

• His lack of success in life leaves him depressed, angry, and bitter.

10. Men, as you think about the price the machista pays, which of the consequences mentioned above have you
seen in your life? ____________________________________________________________________________
Seek advice from your pastor or a mature friend. At times it might be helpful to seek professional counseling.

Step 6

The Modern Woman

Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)
_____ A woman who submits to her husband will lose her own identity.
_____ Submission means to obey without expressing your own feelings
or opinions.
Partners or competitors? _____ Modern women need to claim their rights because men are very


There are many points of view regarding the role of women. Traditionally the ideal woman was considered to be pure,
long-suffering, passive and a martyr who sacrificed for her family. The traditional woman was defined more by her role as
mother than as a wife. Her identity revolved around her family. In contrast the concept of the modern woman is one who
is liberated and independent. She defends her rights, controls her own destiny, and has her own life independent of that
of her husband and her home. Which of these represents the role the Bible lays out for women? Or is there another?


1. Read Proverbs 31:11-31 and underline in your Bible key phrases that describe a woman of virtue. Then on a separate
sheet write down the characteristics that most caught your attention.

2. What can a woman do if she wants to be praised? v.30 _____________________________________________________

3. Is the woman described in Proverbs 31 passive or weak? Why? ______________________________________________


4. How can a wife win her husband for Christ? 1 Peter 3:1-2 __________________________________________________

5. What does 1 Peter 3:4-6 say about the way a godly woman dresses? __________________________________________
What makes a woman beautiful? ________________________________________________________________________

6. When v. 7 describes the woman as “weaker,” does it mean she is inferior? What does it mean? ___________________

7. What is the command in Ephesians 5:22-24? __________________________________ v. 33 _____________________

What submission is not: How submission works:
• Submission is not to be forced. She herself • According to Ephesians 5:21, submission is mutual. The
decides to submit, not out of fear but to obey man also submits to her. (1 Peter. 3:7 and Phil. 2: 3-4)
God and bring harmony to the home. Force
• Submission permits both to work together as equals, not as
does not bring submission but slavery; and
competitors, seeking the good of the whole family. Both
the life of both husband and wife will be full
win because this allows the family to live in peace as they
of frustration and bitterness.
seek to resolve conflict instead of provoking it.
• It does not mean she is inferior or of lesser value. • If the husband loves his wife as Christ loved the Church, it
• It does not prevent her from thinking for herself or from will be easy for her to submit; both will be equal partners. If
expressing her own ideas, needs, and feelings. he treats her badly, it will be much harder for her to submit.
• It is not a license for the husband to be abusive. The Bible • Men need to assume leadership for their homes and del-
commands the husband to love his wife as Christ loves us. egate responsibilities. While many men believe they are in
Mistreatment will begin a cycle of conflict and complaint charge, it is often the woman who is forced to carry most
that will affect the whole family negatively. of the load.
• It does not mean she is to be passive, like a rug for everyone • Submission encourages him to treat her with respect. The
to walk on (including her kids). Neither is she obligated to Golden Rule is based on mutual respect. (Matt. 7:12)
sin in order to please or obey her husband.
What happens if the husband doesn’t respect her, doesn’t assume leadership VICIOUS
in the home, or is irresponsible? She gets frustrated and resorts to complain- CIRCLE
ing and criticism to get what she needs. She takes the reins, and the man,
in anger, withdraws into passivity. The more she complains, the more he
withdraws, so she complains more and more. It’s a vicious circle.

Although they won’t admit it, few men really lead in their homes. They leave
many of the most important things to the wife, like child rearing, planning,
etc. Many men want the privileges without taking on the responsibilities of
leadership. They want submissive wives, but their passivity forces their wives
to take the reins. Then, men complain that their wives are too bossy.
Have you seen this in your home? ___________________________________
Since he doesn’t lead, she complains and
9. What does Proverbs 21:9 and Proverbs 27:15-16 say about the effects of constant he responds with anger or by withdrawing.
She complains even more, causing him
complaining? _____________________________________________________ to withdraw more. Nobody wins.
Complaining is counterproductive and only produces more conflict, more withdrawal, or more verbal, emotional
or physical abuse. Even so, abuse by a spouse is never justified. Each one is responsible for his or her own actions.

10. What can the wife do to break this vicious circle when she feels disrespected? Ephesians 4:25 tells us to put off
______________ and speak ______________ to our neighbors, for we are ________________________________.
It’s necessary for women to speak the truth in love (Eph 4:24-32). Many wives believe that submission requires them to
keep silent, pretending that everything is fine. But keeping silent in the face of an unacceptable situation isn’t submis-
sion, it’s lying. They need to understand that they have the right to express their feelings and needs. If they don’t speak
out, they will only become more and more frustrated until they explode and start the vicious cycle again.

11. Ephesians 4:29 warns us to avoid unwholesome talk, like the kind that causes family disputes.
“The woman was
What kinds of words should we use? ______________________________________________ made of a rib out of
the side of Adam;
12. What does Ephesians 4:31-32 say that would help bring peace to our homes? not made out of his
v. 31 __________________________________________________________________________ head to rule over
him, nor out of his
v. 32 __________________________________________________________________________ feet to be trampled
upon by him, but
13. On which of the three things mentioned in v. 32 do you need to focus your attention? out of his side to
_______________________________________________________________________________ be equal with him,
under his arm to
Finding a balance (read and discuss the following points). be protected, and
GROWING near his heart to
• Even as she submits, she needs to learn to speak up and set limits.
be beloved.”
With respect, she should tell her spouse and kids what she needs and
Matthew Henry
Read expect them to help around the house. With appropriate words she
1 Sam. 4-10 may be able to motivate them to take more responsibility at home.
Memorize • A wise woman takes care of herself. If not, she will be frustrated and bitter and
Proverbs 31:30 there will be conflict in the home. She needs friends with whom she can share,
especially wise and mature women. She needs to set aside time for the things
“Charm is decep- that she likes, take care of her health, etc.
tive, and beauty
is fleeting; but a • A wise man will listen to his wife; if not, there will be more conflict.
woman who fears • A husband must defend his wife and teach the children to respect her. Meanwhile, she should not
the Lord is to be allow disrespect. If she does, she will be sowing the seed of machismo in her sons and daughters.
praised.” NIV

“Charm is deceitful 13. Read Proverbs 14:1. List things that will build up your home.
and beauty is ___________________________________________________________________________
passing, but a
and things that will destroy it. ______________________________________________________
woman who fears
the Lord, she shall ___________________________________________________________________________
be praised.” NKJV
STOP Answer on a separate sheet: How do you want your family to remember you?

Step 7
The Gospel and Prosperity

Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)

_____ God’s will for every believer is to be prosperous and healthy.
_____ Poverty is a sign of lack of faith.
_____ God warns us to guard against greed because there are many
other things more important than money.


Today many proclaim a new interpretation of the gospel very good deal.” (Gloria Copeland, God’s Will Is Prosperity , p. 171)
which says that God’s will for every believer is prosperity.
They believe that health and wealth are the rights of every They have their own definition of faith, sometimes called
believer and evidence of God’s favor. They consider sickness “Name It, Claim it” or “Word of Faith.” They say faith is a
and poverty to be curses that no believer need suffer. This force which is activated by the spoken word. When a person
message appeals to many because we all want to live well. declares with his mouth and believes in the desired result,
everything that he claims will come to pass. For them, faith
They say that prosperity comes through faith and giving is not so much based on the promises of God’s word as on
to the ministries of those who teach this new gospel. The what one desires and believes he will receive from God. If
more one gives the more prosperous he will be. They speak one’s prayers are not answered, they would say it is due to a
about money continuously and link God’s blessings to the lack of faith or because of sin in his life. They do not use the
offerings one gives, almost as if it were an investment with phrase “If it be your will” because they claim to already know
guaranteed results. One of them has said: what God’s will is. Many emphasize prophetic utterances.
“Give $10 and receive $1000; give $1000 and receive $100,000... Is this prosperity gospel the same that was preached by Christ
Give one house and get one hundred houses back, or one house and the Apostles? Does God really promise health and wealth
worth one hundred times as much... In short, Mark 10:30 is a
to every believer? What does the Bible say?


1. What was the focus of the gospel that the apostles preached? Did it emphasize the in-
terior life of the believer (holiness) or their material prosperity and health? The following
verses are typical of apostolic teaching. Summarize the main thoughts in each passage.
Colossians 1:21-22 _________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ STRONGER
Col. 3:1-3 _________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ 1 Samuel 11-17
Col. 3:5 ___________________________________________________________________ (one chapter per day).
Col. 3:12-13 _______________________________________________________________
The focus here is on leaving sin in order to seek holiness, where the inner spiritual life pre- Luke 12:15
dominates over the exterior life. Although those who teach prosperity would not deny this,
their preaching and practices communicate something else, emphasizing the material over “Watch out! Be on
all else, so that even many non-believers scoff at this unbalanced and unbiblical approach. your guard against
all kinds of greed; life

does not consist in an
sions.” NIV
Since so many ministries speak of prosperity, let’s see if this is the biblical focus. What does
the Bible say about riches and prosperity? “Take heed and be-
ware of covetousness,
2. What does Matthew 6:19-21 say about material possessions? _______________________ for one’s life does not
consist in the abun-
____________________________________________________________________________ dance of the things
v. 24 _______________________________________________________________________ he possesses.” NKJV

Jesus didn’t encourage his disciples to seek riches. He warned against pursuing them. To those who sought his kingdom
first, he promised to provide their basic necessities like food and clothing, but he never promised wealth. Matt 6:25-34

3. Why should we guard against greed? Luke 12:15 _________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________ (See the parable that follows in verses 16-21.)

4. Jesus warned, “The worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word...” Mt. 13:22 He also said, “it’s
easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” Matt. 19:24
What did Jesus say when someone wanted to follow him? Matthew 8:19-20 _________________________________

5. Some think that “Godliness is a means to financial gain” (1 Timothy 6:5). Summarize Paul’s attitude towards material
possessions and suffering. 1 Timothy 6:6-8 ______________________________________________________________
v. 9-10 _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Philippians 4:11-13 ___________________________________________________________________________________
4:19 _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Paul never sought prosperity, instead he learned to be content whatever his circumstances, whether he had plenty
or whether he was in need. He was satisfied just by having clothes on his back and something to eat. He warned
that the love of money enslaves, calling it the root of all evil (1 Tim. 6:10).

6. If poverty signals a lack of faith, how can we explain the fact that Lazarus the beggar, instead of the rich man, is
presented as an example of a man blessed by God? Poverty is not necessarily a sign of a deficient spiritual life.


7. After thinking about these passages, meditate on the following:

• If prosperity is so important, why didn’t Jesus and the apostles emphasize it more?
• The New Testament never presents prosperity as a priority, or as something to seek
after; but the epistles are full of advice on how to attain an inner life that is holy.
• The New Testament warns against the dangers of materialism. It is impossible to serve Something
God and riches. Riches are temporary, and yet they have entangled and ruined many. is wrong if
you begin to
• The emphasis on prosperity can easily become a selfish gospel that appeals to greed. see God as
It emphasizes the material over the spiritual, the exterior instead of the interior. your ATM
• The Christian life is a mixture of good and hard times; suffering is part of it. God isn’t against prosperity.
At times he blesses in abundance, but wealth was never Jesus’ nor the apostle’s main enfasis.

8. Galatians 1:9 says “If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s
curse!” Thinking about what we have learned in this lesson, is the prosperity gospel another gospel? ___________

SO HOW SHOULD WE LIVE? Learn to be content.

9. Where should we focus our attention? 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 ______________________________________________

Colossians 3:2 adds, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” The material is secondary.

10. In James 1:9, what is the advice given to the poor? ________________________________________________________
In v. 9-10 what is the advice for the rich? ________________________________________________________________
Riches don’t last. In addition, materialism can cause the rich to forget that, like the poor, the only thing they can really
be proud about is their glorious position in Christ.

11. What does Hebrews 13:5-6 say about contentment? ______________________________________________________

STOP Check your attitude: Are you able to be content like Paul whether you have much or little?

Sounds good, but
Step 8
is it really true?
Prosperity... Part 2
Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)
______ My faith is a force that can change my reality.
______ There are programs on Christian television that should be of
concern to any believer who knows his Bible and thinks for himself.
______ God has said that his power is made perfect in weakness.


The Bible gives many examples of men of faith, but one of the most well known is Abraham.
By faith he believed that God would give him a son when he was 100 years old, and by faith STRONGER
he was willing to sacrifice that son, Isaac, in obedience to God’s command.
1. In Romans 4:20-22, what is the main characteristic of Abraham’s faith? ___________ 1 Samuel 18-24,
one chapter
_________________________________________________________________________ each day.
He pleased God because he was convinced that God would do what he had promised.
2. Where does faith come from? Romans 10:17 __________________________________ Romans 4:20-21
Biblical faith is always based on the Word of God and its promises. He who says, “I “Yet he did not waver
believe because the Bible says...” is depositing his confidence in the Bible, not in his through unbelief regarding
the promise of God, but was
own desires and beliefs. The one that says, “I believe, therefore I know God will do it,”
strengthened in his faith and
bases his faith on what he himself feels, wants, or believes instead of what God has gave glory to God, being
promised. One is Bible centered, the other, man centered. fully persuaded that God
had power to do what he

The prosperity gospel presents a very different concept of faith that some refer to as “the “He did not waver at the
Word of Faith” or “Name it and claim it.” Its proponents define faith as a force that promise of God through
has the power to change things. They say that when one declares with his mouth what unbelief, but was strength-
he believes in faith, his words have power. One of their preachers explains it like this: ened in faith, giving glory
to God, and being fully
“You speak the desired result and do not doubt in your heart. You believe that your words convinced that what He had
have power, and the things you say will come to pass. The result is that you can have promised He was also able
whatever you say when you believe.” (Kenneth Copeland, The Force of Faith, p. 21) to perform.” NKJ
“You should only speak words you want to come to pass and believe they will produce
results. By getting into the Word of God and continually feeding on it so faith controls our
vocabulary, you can come to the place where all your words will come to pass. When your
words are words of faith, God will be able to trust you with His power in the words of your
mouth. What you speak, good or bad, is what you will receive.” (The Force of Faith, p. 22) By faith I had declared
victory over my illness...
As you can see the emphasis is not on a concrete promise from the Bible, but rather on So why was
one’s conviction of a desired result. It is common to hear phrases like, “I declare it... in I still in
my wheel
the name of Jesus.” Now think: Isn’t it a bit presumptuous to claim something will hap- chair?
pen if we do not have a specific promise from God?
While they claim to base their faith on the Word, what if their interpretation of the Word
is in error? Dreams and prophecies are not on the same level as a direct promise from the Now I
Bible. One could be mistaken so it is important to test these revelations before putting have
all our faith in them. learned
to be
content in whatever
Based on 1 Peter 2:24, “by his wounds you have been healed,” many conclude that the situation because God
death of Christ guarantees healing of all physical infirmities. However, if we examine this tells me: “My grace is
passage in its context, we see that it is not speaking about material healing, but rather sufficient for you, for
about the forgiveness of sin, in order to live in justice. Claiming that God’s will is to heal My strength is made
perfect in weakness.”
all sickness is based on a doubtful interpretation of 1 Peter 2:24.
Some things that are seen in churches, Christian television or radio programs should concern
Read the following any believer who knows his Bible and thinks for himself. Read and discuss the following list
passages and jot down to see if you believe that some of these abuses are occuring today:
on a separate piece of
paper what they say • Many small churches suffer economically because their members give much of their offerings
about biblical leadership: to certain mega churches or popular radio and television ministries.

1 Peter 5:2-3 • Many prosperity preachers live in luxury at the expense of sincere but much poorer believers.
2 Peter 2:2 • Their focus is not in accord with the biblical teaching about riches. While they emphasize
1 Timothy 3:2-4 riches, Luke 12:15 says “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not
Titus 1:7 consist in an abundance of possessions.”
John 13:13-15
• Although they claim biblical backing for their luxurious lifestyle, their way of interpreting
Scripture is confusing, verses taken out of context, prophetic revelations, etc., all to justify
what seems to be just plain old materialism. They ignore clear passages about the dangers of
riches, and warnings about using religion as a way to enrich themselves. All prophecy should
be tested and should never contradict scripture.
• Their “gospel” is not working. In spite of being people of great faith and sincerity, many of
their followers continue to be poor or sick. To justify the lack of results, many leaders blame
the poor and sick, saying their problems stem from a lack of faith or from sin in their lives.
• It seems like many leaders have hypnotized their followers with their personal magnetism.
Claiming to live by faith, they rely more on their charisma to convince and motivate people.
Many use intimidation and fear as well as appealing to people’s desires for a better life.
• Few followers of this movement know their Bibles well. They tend to trust what the preacher
HEALING FOR ALL? says, without thinking for themselves or asking if the teaching is biblical or not. Those with
doubts often fear to question the teaching because this type of leader does not like to have
Of course God heals, but his authority questioned. He considers himself to be “God’s anointed.”
is there a biblical base to • God commands believer’s to work “that they may have something to share with those in
assure us that His will for need” (Eph. 4:28). In many ministries the emphasis is on asking the poor for money instead
all believers in all cases of giving to the poor.
is to be healed? If that is
• In many cases there is a notable lack of humility and gentleness in the way leaders treat their
so, how can we explain the
followers. It is hard to say that most are following the exhortation of 1 Peter 5:2-3: “Be
following passages?
shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them... eager to serve...not
1 Timothy 5:23 Paul told lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.”
Timothy: “Stop drink- • Many give the impression that giving offerings to their ministries is the only way to see one’s
ing only water, and use a prayers answered or be liberated from a problem. Does God only work in response to the offer-
little wine because of your ings given (the bigger, the better)? It reminds one of the ancient practice of selling indulgences.
stomach and your frequent
illnesses.” • They criticize those who pray “Lord if it is your will...” They say that this is an excuse not to
pray in faith. This is probably true in some cases, but none of us can claim to know all the
2 Corinthians 12:7-9 will of God for each person. That would be presumptuous. 1 John 5:14-15.
“Therefore, in order to
ing conceited, I was
given a thorn in my flesh, • 1 Thessalonians 2:5-7 “You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover
a messenger of Satan, to up greed—God is our witness. We were not looking for praise from people, not from you or
torment me. Three times I anyone else, even though as apostles of Christ we could have asserted our authority. Instead,
pleaded with the Lord to we were like young children among you. Just as a nursing mother cares for her children...”
take it away from me. But • 2 Corinthians 6:4, 10 “Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in
he said to me, “My grace great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses... sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor,
is sufficient for you, for my yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.”
power is made perfect in
weakness.” Therefore I will • 2 Corinthians 2:17 “Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the
boast all the more gladly contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.“
about my weaknesses, so • Is it possible that Matthew 7:22-23 speaks of some of these prosperity preachers when it
that Christ’s power may says, “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in
rest on me.” your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them
plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’”
In 2 Timothy 4:20 Paul
said, “... and I left Trophi-
mus sick in Miletus.” Are your sufficiently alert to detect these abuses?
STOP Study your Bible. Think for yourself.

Step 9
Am I Still Saved?

Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)

_____ My assurance of eternal life depends on my faithfulness to God.
_____ Believing that I cannot loose my salvation gives me a license to
_____ There are many “Christians” who live in sin, but they never
really understood the gospel. They were never saved.


Do you know someone who made a profession of faith, walked with the Lord, but then went astray? Is he still
saved or has he lost his salvation? Or on a more personal note, are you a sincere believer who lives in fear and
frustration because you have not yet attained what you consider to be a holy life? Do you fear that you might
have lost your salvation or that you could lose it? The evangelical church is divided on this point. Some believe
that it is possible to lose your salvation, while others say it is not. Is this something important to discuss, or is it
just a minor doctrinal issue? Of course, it must be discussed. Is there anything more important than knowing
where you will spend eternity? There are two errors that have caused confusion and controversy:

A cheap gospel Living in fear and uncertainty

Some, believing that they cannot loose their salvation, Although some use the idea that they can lose their
fall into a life of sin. Their attitude is, “I’ve got my ticket salvation as a motive for holy living, others go far
to heaven; now I can do as I please.” This shows one of beyond that. Some churches manipulate believers by
two things. Either these “believers” never understood using fear. Believers in these churches are always try-
the gospel and therefore never had eternal life or they ing to please their church and God by following a list
are ignorant of what the grace of God is all about. of “Do’s and Don´ts.” This system tramples grace by
They have confused liberty in Christ with license to replacing it with human effort. In other words, while
sin. The Apostle Paul warned against this attitude in we are saved by grace, not works, they believe that
Romans 6:1-6, “Shall we go on sinning so that grace in order to stay saved, we must meet certain require-
may increase? By no means! We are those who have ments (works). The Christian life turns into an effort
died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” to continue to deserve salvation.

It doesn’t matter what the opinion of the author of New Life in Christ is or any other well-intentioned
believer, or even that of a well-known preacher; the only thing that matters is what God says.


1. Are all those who claim to be Christians saved? Matthew 7:21-23 __________________________________
Which of the following assures us that someone is truly a Christian?
❏ Attends church. ❏ Raised their hand in an evangelistic service. ❏ Gained victory over drugs and alcohol.
❏ Reads the Bible. ❏ Felt sorry for their sin. ❏ Was baptized. ❏ Teaches a Sunday School class.
❏ Tithes faithfully. ❏ Speaks in tongues. ❏ Helps the poor. ❏ Is a sincere person.
❏ Has repented of sin and believed on Christ, accepting him as his one and only sufficient Savior.

2. A key question is: Does my salvation depend on my works or the finished work of Christ on the cross?

3. What is the only requirement for salvation? John 1:12; John 3:16, Eph. 2:8-9 _________________________
Many believe with their heads but not with their hearts. How could you explain to someone what it means
to “receive” or “believe” in Christ? ____________________________________________________________
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT 4. Salvation is called “eternal life”. Does it begin, now or when we get to
heaven? John 5:24? _____________________________________________
Someone said, “I have been in
churches that believe you cannot Although it seems obvious, eternal means without end. Is it possible that
lose your salvation and others we could have it today and lose it at a future date? ______________________
that believe you can. I feel dou-
bly blessed. If it cannot be lost, I
have the security of heaven. If it 5. According to Ephesians 1:13-14, each believer has been sealed with the Holy
can be lost, this motivates me to Spirit. This guarantees that we are marked as God’s eternal possession.
live in holiness.”
When are we sealed? v. 13 _______________________________________
Do you agree with this? Why?
Until when are we sealed? v. 14 ___________________________________
That which should motivate us to
holiness is: ❏ Fear _______________________________________________________________
❏ Thankfulness The Spirit is a down payment to guarantee our inheritance until the final
redemption. Please note: It is the Holy Spirit who guarantees salvation,
not the believer with his good works.
6. When you read John 10:27-30, does it bring confidence or fear in regards
Read Ephesians 2:8-9. Although to the security of your soul? _______________________________________
the Bible teaches clearly that
salvation is by grace through Note: Be careful not to vaccinate people against the gospel with a superficial
faith without works, it also presentation of the gospel, making them believe they are saved when they
teaches in v. 10 that we were are not. Many so-called “believers” have never understood grace. When
saved for good works. This is we evangelize, we need to be clear so as to avoid the errors mentioned in
not a contradiction. The one and
only means to be saved is by
questions 1 and 2. We are saved by grace and preserved by grace.
faith. The result of being saved
is a changed life characterized by BE CAREFUL
good works.
7. As we have noted, having eternal life is not a license to sin. What can we
Let’s stop the indifference to- say about those who say they are Christians but continue to live in sin?
wards sin. We are saved to live
in holiness. At the same time, • Perhaps they were never true Christians, but instead had fooled themselves and
we are saved to live securely others. They might not have understood the gospel and truly believed.
because our eternal destiny has • If truly converted, they are carnal Christians. They continue to be God’s children,
already been decided. We live but are not experiencing the benefits of daily communion with God.
in the liberty of grace. There is
nothing we can do to deserve • They will be subject to God’s discipline in order to bring them back into fel-
salvation, nor can we continue to lowship with God. Hebrews 12:5-11.
deserve it. Our only hope is the • They will lose their rewards at the judgment seat of Christ. 1 Cor. 3:11-15
finished work of Christ.

8. Read 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 carefully. What about good works? The works
GROWING STRONGER of each believer will be judged at the judgement seat of Christ. This judg-
ment is not to determine if they are saved or not, but rather to give rewards.
Read 1 Samuel 25-31 They will be rewarded for works done in the power of the Spirit (gold, silver,
(one chapter each day) and precious stones). Works done in the flesh (human effort) will be burned
Memorize John 5:24 up like wood, hay, and straw, even if they were “good” things.
“Very truly I tell you, whoever 9. Is it possible to “serve God” and not receive rewards? ❏ Yes ❏ No
hears my word and believes him What reward will a Sunday School teacher receive who teaches with a bad attitude
who sent me has eternal life
and will not be judged but has or out of pride? v. 15 ______________________________________________
crossed over from death to life.”
NIV 10. What does v. 15 say about believers who build their Christian lives on their
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he
own efforts? ____________________________________________________
who hears My word and believes Will they be saved? _____ What will they lose? _______________________
in Him who sent Me has everlast-
ing life, and shall not come into
Are you sure where you will spend eternity? Why or why not?
judgment, but has passed from STOP
death into life. NKJV Who does your eternal destiny depend on?
Are you trusting in Christ alone or on your ability to be faithful?

Step 10
I Have Questions
Before I Receive Christ
Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)
_____ It’s better to wait until I have my life in order before I come to
_____ If I accept Christ I will live a good but boring life.
_____ There’s no rush. There is plenty of time to receive Christ.


There are always questions that come up when we present the gospel. Some say that these unanswered
questions are keeping them from making a decision. In some cases they have sincere doubts. In other cases
they are just excuses people use when they are confronted with the need to make a decision for Christ.
Below we list some of these questions and their biblical answers.

“I’m afraid of what my friends or family will say.”

1. There are times when a new believer is rejected by his friends or even his family because of his faith. Give
examples. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. How do the following verses help someone who is afraid of what others will say about his new faith?
Mark 8:36 _________________________________________________________________________________
We could paraphrase it this way, What’s the point in having my friend’s approval if I lose my own soul?
Psalm 27:10 _______________________________________________________________________________
Hebrews 13:5-6 ____________________________________________________________________________

3. One fears he will lose his friends; but are there some friends that we would be better off losing? Why?

4. If a friend does not respect you when you say no to the things you used to do, is he a real friend? Why?

5. What do the following passages say about the possibility of finding new friends in Christ?
Ephesians 2:19 _____________________________________________________________________________
1 John 1:3, 7 ______________________________________________________________________________

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to follow through and be faithful. I don’t want to play games with God.”

Is it necessary to straighten out your life before coming to God? Or should you come to him first, asking his help
to change what you are unable to change? If you wait until all is “fixed,” will you ever come to Christ? No.

6. How do the following verses help those who are afraid of not being able to be faithful?
Philippians 4:13 ____________________________________________________________________________
1 John 1:9; 2:1-2 ___________________________________________________________________________
1 Corinthians 10:13 ________________________________________________________________________
The Bible
1 John 4:4 _____________________________________________________
gives me The beautiful thing about the Christian life is that it isn’t for the perfect
answers. but for sinners saved by God’s grace. This is exactly why God has made
provision to forgive your sins when you fall. He also promises a way to
escape in every temptation.

“I’ll have to stop having fun and live a boring life.”

How clever is the devil to make us believe that the world offers us more then
Christ! Not only does the world offer parties, friends, money, influence, lovers,
but much more...whatever we want. But this “wide path” that is popular among
so many leads to destruction and frustration (Matt. 7:13-14).

7. You need to ask if your present life is really as “happy” as you believe.
What are the things you fear losing? ______________________________
Do you believe that some of
these obstacles are keeping _______________________________________________________________
some of your friends from Be honest, have these things really made you happy? Are you at peace?
accepting Christ?
__________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Which obstacles are bothering 8. Is being a Christian boring or sad?

John 10:10b ___________________________________________________
1 John 1:4 _____________________________________________________
9. Galatians 5:19-23 compares the works of the flesh with those of the Spirit.
Which lifestyle will make you happier? _____________________________
Pray, asking God to give you an
opportunity to share with your Which one do you want? _________________________________________
friends. Write down the names
of some with whom you hope
to talk.
“It will cost me too much to become a Christian.” (Similar to the previous).
10. How do the following verses answer this doubt?
Mark 8:36 _____________________________________________________
Matthew 6:19 __________________________________________________
Matthew 6:33 __________________________________________________

“I think it’s best to wait. There is still time.”

11. How secure is the future? Is there any guarantee that there will be an
Read Mark 1-8
(one chapter each day)
opportunity tomorrow? Proverbs 27:1 _____________________________

12. Why not wait? 2 Corinthians 6:2 __________________________________

Memorize Mark 8:36 _______________________________________________________________
“What good is it for someone
to gain the whole world, yet 13. Psalm 95:7-8 warns against _______________________________________
forfeit their soul? NIV
14. What is Christ doing? Revelation 3:20 _____________________________
“For what will it profit a man if
he gains the whole world, and _______________________________________________________________
loses his own soul?” NKJV
What answer will you give to Christ today? _________________________
Step 11
Now What?
t ruth The Truth or Lies?
Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)
_____ It’s difficult to find the truth but perhaps if I study and ask a
lot of people I might find it after a long time.
_____ The truth is my defense against the forces of the devil.
_____ It’s important to study the Bible but it is a bit tedious and


1. What kind of a reaction can one expect from the world when he lives as God commands? Why? I Cor. 1:18
What will happen to human wisdom? v. 19 _____________________________________________________

STOP What the world calls “truth” is really a dead-end street that only leads to loss. In contrast, the gospel changes
both your life now and your eternal destiny. So why worry about what others say?

2. Read Romans 1:21-25. What does it say about those who reject the truth in favor of lies? v. 21 ________
v. 22, They thought they were _______ but were really ________. Does this happen today? ____________
Give an example ____________________________________________________________________________

v. 25, They exchanged the ________ of God for _________, and worshiped __________________________
instead of the _____________. Explain in your own words the meaning of this verse: __________________
The lie leads to idolatry. We have a type of modern idolatry today which will be discussed in question 5.

4. Isaiah 44:16-20 comments on human wisdom. It describes how a man cuts down a tree.
He uses part of the wood for ____________________________________________________________ v.16
What does he do with what is left over? ___________________________________________________ v.17
What does Isaiah conclude in v. 18? ____________________________________________________________
In v. 20? ___________________________________________________________________________________
It would be comical if it weren’t so tragic. Without biblical truth, one is blind and lost.

5. Looking at what Isaiah says about idolatry, it would be easy to say, What fools they are to think that a piece
of carved wood could help them. Today many still worship images, but there is also a modern idolatry that
bows to material things like money, sex, beauty, education, music and entertainers, sports, power, religion,
having the latest “stuff,” etc. Even good things like work and family can crowd God out of our lives.
What are some of the things that have become “idols” in your life: _______________________________


6. What will happen in later times? 1 Timothy 4:1-3 _______________________________________________
7. What will false teachers look like when they come?
Matthew 7:15 __________________________________________________
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 __________________________________________

8. What does Luke 6:26 say about popularity? ________________________


9. Have you encountered false teachers in churches? Explain. ____________


10. What tools do we have to test those who teach us today? _____________
“Bread gained by 11. In your opinion, what percentage of believers today know their Bibles well
deceit is sweet to a
enough to be able to distinguish between truth and error in their church?
man, but afterward
his mouth will be _______ %
filled with gravel.”

12. Do you think that by reading the Bible we all acquire understanding and
wisdom automatically? Yes ❏ No ❏
“Blessed is that man
who makes the Lord his
What is needed to accurately understand the Word? Psalm 119:18
trust, And does not _______________________________________________________________
respect the proud, nor
Since God is the one who opens the eyes of understanding, our attitude
such as turn aside to
lies.” Psalm 40:4 should be, “Here I am Lord, listening and waiting to hear from you.”

13. What attitude do we see reflected in Psalm 119:28-30 when the author
was passing through difficult times? _______________________________

STOP A CHALLENGE UPON FINISHING VOL. 4 & 5: The battle for your mind.

In these two manuals (Volumes 4 and 5) we have examined common lies and
GROWING responded with biblical answers. The goal is not to memorize an answer
to each lie, but to learn to think biblically, examining everything from God’s
Read Mark 9-16 point of view. To do this you need to spend time in the Scriptures, permitting
(one chapter each day) them to flood your thinking. This is the only way to discern between truth
and error. The battle is won or lost in the mind.
Proverbs 20:17 • How has this manual and the previous (Vol. 4) helped you?
• Do you feel intimidated when people scoff at your faith?
“Bread gained by deceit
is sweet to a man, but af- • What are you doing to be able to think biblically?
terward his mouth will be
filled with gravel.” NKJV • Do you have a time set apart each day to be with God, praying and
filling yourself with his Word? If not begin today. See Vol. 1, Step 8 of
“Food gained by fraud NLIC. Sign below to indicate your desire:
tastes sweet, but one ends
up with a mouth full of I purpose to set aside at least 30 minutes each day to be with God. I will
gravel.” NIV
do it at _________ (time) and in ______________________________ (place).
_______________________________________________________ Signature

Mark 8:36 Step 10 Luke 12:15 Step 7 Ephesians 5:25 Step 4 2 Timothy 4:2 Step 1

“What good is it for someone “Watch out! Be on your guard “Husbands, love your wives, “Preach the word; be
to gain the whole world, yet against all kinds of greed; life just as Christ loved the prepared in season and
forfeit their soul? NIV does not consist in an abun- church and gave himself up out of season; correct,
dance of possessions.” NIV for her” NIV rebuke and encourage
“For what will it profit a man if with great patience and care-
he gains the whole world, and “Take heed and beware of “Husbands, love your wives, ful instruction.” NIV
loses his own soul?” NKJ covetousness, for one’s life just as Christ also loved the
does not consist in the church and gave Himself for “Preach the word! Be ready
abundance of the things her.” NKJV in season and out of season.
he possesses.” NKJV Convince, rebuke, exhort,
with all longsuffering and
teaching.” NKJV
Cut on the lines. Carry these cards with you and memorize the verses.

Romans 4:20-21 Step 8 1 Peter 3:7 Step 5

Proverbs 20:17 Step 11
“Yet he did not waver through “Husbands, in the same way
Romans 6:11 Step 2
unbelief regarding the promise be considerate as you live
“Bread gained by deceit is
of God, but was strengthened with your wives, and treat
sweet to a man, But afterward “In the same way, count
in his faith and gave glory to them with respect as the
his mouth will be filled with yourselves dead to sin but
Appendix 1

God, being fully persuaded that weaker partner and as heirs

gravel.” NKJV alive to God in Christ Jesus.”
God had power to do what he with you of the gracious gift
had promised. ” NVI of life, so that nothing will
“Food gained by fraud tastes
hinder your prayers.” NIV
sweet, but one ends up with a “Likewise you also, reckon
mouth full of gravel.” NIV “He did not waver at the prom- yourselves to be dead indeed
ise of God through unbelief, “Husbands, likewise, dwell
to sin, but alive to God in
but was strengthened in faith, with them with under-
Christ Jesus our Lord.” NKJV
giving glory to God, 21 and standing, giving honor to
being fully convinced that what the wife, as to the weaker
He had promised He was also vessel, and as being heirs
able to perform.” NKJ together of the grace of life,
that your prayers may not be
hindered.” NKJV

John 5:24 Step 9 Proverbs 31:30 Step 6 Matthew 6:1 Step 3

“Very truly I tell you, whoever
hears my word and believes “Charm is deceptive, and
beauty is fleeting; but a “Be careful not to practice
him who sent me has eternal your righteousness in front of
life and will not be judged but woman who fears the
Lord is to be praised..” others to be seen by them.
has crossed over from death to If you do, you will have no
life.” NIV NIV
reward from your Father in
“Charm is deceitful and heaven..” NIV
“Most assuredly, I say to you, beauty is passing, but a
he who hears My word and be- woman who fears the “Take heed that you do not
lieves in Him who sent Me has Lord, she shall be praised.” do your charitable deeds
everlasting life, and shall not NKJV before men, to be seen by
come into judgment, but has them. Otherwise you have
passed from death into life. no reward from your Father
in heaven.” NKJV


Presented to

who has satisfactorily completed all the lessons of the course

New Life in Christ Volume 5

Living free by knowing the truth...
More Biblical answers to common lies

“He shall cover you with His feathers,

And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” Psalm 91:4

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