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Voided Slab: % Weight Savings

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)

Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540

Voided Slab
Abhay M. Pande, Anup M. Bhendale, Dr. Manish M. Bais
Civil Engg Departmeent, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra, India

Abstract -The present report discusses the various structural

behavior of voided slab or bubble deck slab and their structural
benefits over traditional concrete slab. Bubble deck slab is a 50
method of virtually eliminating all concrete from the middle of a 45
floor slab, which is not performing any structural function, 40

thereby dramatically reducing structural dead weight. High 35
density polyethylene hollow spheres replace the ineffective 30
concrete in the center of slab, thus decreasing the dead weight 25
and increasing the efficiency of the floor. A biaxial hollow slab Series1
system is widely known as one of the effective slab system which 15
can reduce the self - weight of slabs. By introducing the gaps 10
leads to a 30 to 40 % lighter slab which reduces the loads on the 5
columns, walls and foundation, and of course of the entire
building. A Bubble Deck slab has two dimensional arrangements
of voids within the slab to reduce self-weight. The behavior of 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Bubble Deck slabs is influenced by the ratio of bubble diameter SLAB THICKNESS
to slab thickness.
Keywords— weight reduction, reduction in thickness II. LITERATURE REVIEW

I. INTRODUCTION The use of flat plate slab is gaining much popularity

amongst architects, because the flat plate slab system provides

T he voided slabs are reinforced concrete slabs in which

voids allow to reduce the amount (volume) of concrete. In
building construction, slab is very important structural
a way for the architect to achieve the concept of high and
completely flat ceiling with no beam. As we know that, slab is
one of the largest members consuming concrete, when the
member to make a space. And the slab is one of the largest load acting on the slab is large or clear span between columns
member consuming concrete. The main obstacle with concrete is more, the slab thickness is on increasing. It leads to
constructions, in case of horizontal slabs, is the high weight, consume more material such as concrete and steel, due to that
which limits the span. For this reason major developments of self-weight of slab is increase. To avoid these disadvantages
reinforced concrete have focused on enhancing the span various studies carried out and researchers suggest voided flat
reducing the weight or overcoming concrete’s natural plate slab system to reduce the self-weight of the slab.
weakness in tension. In a general way the slab was design
only to resist vertical load. However recently due to more use In building constructions, the slab is a very important
at domestic level slabs are subjected to more noise and structural member to make a space. And the slab is one of the
vibration, so to minimize it there is need to increase the largest member consuming concrete. The main obstacle with
thickness which ultimately result in increased weight of slab. concrete constructions, in case of horizontal slabs, is the high
Increasing the slab thickness makes the slabs heavier, and will weight, which limits the span. For this reason major
increase column and foundation size. Thus, it makes buildings developments of reinforced concrete have focused on
consuming more materials such as concrete and steel enhancing the span reducing the weight or overcoming
reinforcement. To avoid these disadvantages which were concrete's natural weakness in tension. In a general way, the
caused by increasing of self-weight of slabs, the voided slab slab was designed only to resist vertical load. However, as
system is used. people are getting more interest of residential environment
recently, noise and vibration of slab are getting more
The Bubble Deck method for the two direction important, as the span is increased; the deflection of the slab is
reinforced composite concrete slab with gaps was inverted in also increased. Therefore, the slab thickness should be
Denmark, it is licensed and it was conceived to achieve saving increase. Increasing the slab thickness makes the slabs
of concrete and energy in building construction. The heavier, and will increased column and foundations size.
composite slabs are made of Bubble Deck type slab elements Thus, it makes buildings consuming more materials such as
with spherical gaps, poured in place on traversal and concrete and steel reinforcement. To avoid these
longitudinal direction. disadvantages which were caused by increasing of self-
weightof slabs, the voided slab system, was suggested.

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540


Shear Strength:- COBIAX Technology
Shear strength of slab mainly depends on effective In Cobiax system, decks form the bottom of the slab,
mass of concrete, as the special geometry shaped by the and the bottom layer of reinforcing steel must also be placed.
ellipsoidal voids acts like the famous roman arch, hence The voids are locked in steel wire meshes which can be
enabling all concrete to be effective. This is only valid when altered to fit the particular application (Corey, 2013). The top
considering the bubble deck technology. Due to use of plastic layer of steel reinforcement can be placed after the bundles
bubbles, the shear resistance of bubble deck greatly reduces in are in place. Concrete is then poured in two lifts. The first
comparison of solid slabs. The results of a number of practical concrete pour covers the bottom reinforcement and a portion
tests confirm that the shear strength depends on the effective of the voids and holds the voids in place as the concrete
mass of concrete. The shear capacity is measured to be in the becomes stiff. The second lift is poured after the first lift is
range of 72-91% of the shear capacity of a solid deck. Areas stiff but still fresh, finishing the slab. This method requires
with high shear loads need therefore a special attention, e.g. more formwork and on-site labor, but requires less
around columns. That is solved by omitting a few balls in the transportation of materials.
critical area around the columns, therefore, giving full shear
Cobiax Technology is based on generating specific
hollows inside a reinforced concrete slab. Massive concrete is
Bending Strength:- replaced by synthetic void formers and remains only in
statically relevant areas. Thus, it is possible to construct
The bending strength is same for both bubble deck
buildings with flat slabs while allowing for remarkable span
and solid slab and that the stiffness of bubble deck is slightly
lower. Bending stresses in the bubble deck slab are found to
be 6.43% lesser than that of solid slab. The ultimate load U-BOOT Technology
value obtaining bending tests were up to 90% greater than the
U-boot is a voided slab system which uses recycled
ultimate load value. The bottom reinforcement steel and the
polypropylene formwork designed to create two-way voided
top compressive portion of stress block contribute to flexural
slabs and rafts. These void formers create many “I” shaped
stiffness in the bending.
beams making up the slab (U-boot Beton, 2011). The U-boot
Fire Resistance:- system is cast entirely On-site using formwork. After forms
are erected, the steel and void formers are placed before the
The fire resistance of slab is a complex matter but is
concrete is poured in two lifts. In addition, this system is
chiefly dependent on ability of the steel to retain sufficient
advantageous because the shape of U-boot void formers
strength during a fire when it will be heated and lose
allows them to be stacked efficiently during transportation to
significant strength as the temperature rises. The temperature
the site, saving space and potentially leading to reduced
of the steel is controlled by fire and the insulation of the steel
shipping costs compared to spherical former systems (Corey,
from the fire. In any case, all concrete is cracked, and in a fire,
it is likely that the air would escape and the pressure
dissipated. If the standard bubble material is used (HDPE), the BUBBLE DECK Technology
products of combustion are relatively benign, certainly
Bubble Deck is a plastic void system which comes in
compared to other materials that would also be burning in the
three forms- a precast filigree element, reinforced modules
vicinity. In an intense, prolonged fire, the ball would melt and
and finished planks (Nasvik, 2011).The revolutionary Bubble
eventually char without significant or detectable effect. Fire
Deck method virtually eliminates concrete from the middle of
resistance depends on concrete cover nearly 60-180 minutes.
a slab not performing any structural function, thereby
Smoke resistance is about 1.5 times the fire resistance.
dramatically reducing structural dead weight.
Reinforced concrete slab structures are generally less
susceptible to vibration problems compared to steel framed Weight Reduction
and light weight skeletal structures, especially using thin
slabs. However bubble deck slab is light and is not immune Dimension of One way Slab = 0.3 M X 0.75 M
from vibration in all cases so this must be checked just as it Dimension of Two way Slab = 0.6 M X 0.6 M
should be in appropriate solid slab applications. Where
deflections are large, as indicated by the static design, it is Thickness of Slab = 0.15 M ….. (For both slabs)
often an indication that the structure is sensitive to vibrations. Volume of Concrete = (0.3 X 0.75 X 0.15) + (0.6 X 0.6 X
0.15) = 0.0877 𝑀3

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540

No of Balls Used = 24 V. CONCLUSION

Diameter of each ball = 69 MM This innovative slab system with considerable
4 reduction in self-weight and savings in materials combines all
Volume of ball = 24 × × Π × 𝑟 3 advantages of the other floor system, solving all problems

4 caused by their disadvantages in the same time. Besides that

24 × × Π × 34.53 the new floor system enhances the structural possibilities in
3 combination with an improved cost-effectiveness. Further on
4128165.844 𝑀𝑀 3 the floor system gives a tremendous contribution to
sustainable development.
0.00413 𝑀3
The benefits of using plastic voided slabs, rather than
Volume of Concrete (with ball) = 0.0877 – 0.00413 = 0.08357
solid slabs are greater for larger spans. Smaller spans do not
𝑀3 require substantially thick slabs, therefore only small voids
Weight of Concrete (with ball) = 0.08357 X 25 = 2.089 KN can be utilized and minimal savings are achieved. Larger
=208.9 KG spans are capable of using larger voids that greatly reduce the
overall weight of the slab while meeting load capacity
Weight of Concrete (without ball) = 0.0877 X 25 = 2.192 KN requirements.
=219.2 KG
208 .9  Deflection of bubble deck slab is found to be more
Weight Reduction = 100 − × 100 = 4.7 % than the solid slab

Cost Analysis  Weight reduction is 4.7% compared to solid slab.

Volume of Concrete (wet volume) = 0.0877 + 0.52 X 0.0877  Voided slab is economical when the slab
= 0.133 𝑀3 construction is comparatively large and becomes
uneconomical for very small construction.
Weight of Cement = 50 KG
Weight of Sand = 87 KG REFERENCES
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