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Design 2nd Sem 2019-2020v1

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_____________,LA UNION

Design problem and specifications:

The barangay of __________________, La Union prospective customers may be

classified into residential, commercial, institutional and industrial. In addition, there is municipal
street lighting. The residential customers will be classified and indicated as follows:

A - customers with lighting loads only

B - customers with lighting and refrigerator loads

C - customers with lighting and electric range loads

D - customers with lighting and water heater loads

E - customers with lighting, ref and electric range loads

F - customers with all the loads

Name of small
commercial , - rectangular block used to represent small size commercial/industrial
industrial, /institutional loads ( not less than 15 m x 15 m )
establishment - power supply is either 1 – Ø or 3 - Ø

Name of large
commercial ,
- rectangular block used to represent large size commercial/industrial
institutional /institutional loads ( not less than 30 m x 30 m )
establishment - power supply is either 1 – Ø or 3 - Ø

Residential 1 – Ø dwelling unit not less than 10m x 10m ( not less than
5mm x 5mm appearing in the scaled drawing )

All customers are drawn using the above dimensions and scale
in your own map.

1. 400 residential customers MUST be provided for the baranggay.

2. Small size commercial, institutional and industrial loads numbering to 150
( mix of 1-Ø and 3-Ø phase ) customers for the baranggay must also be
3. Power requirements for residential, and commercial customers are
determined by the designer. Power factors and demand factors for this are
assumed to be unity.
4. Assume that the terrain is flat for all areas.

The commercial customers are the theaters, parlors, shops, gasoline stations,
rice mills, pumping stations, restaurants, videoke bars, internet café, hospital, machine
shops, store/grocery and other customers intended solely for business purposes.

Design requirements:

Part I Design of the Secondary Distribution System: ( 40 % )

1.1 Redraw the map using the desired scale of the baranggay given to you.

1.2 Draw the additional 400 residential customers for the baranggay. Draw the
additional single and three phase commercial, institutional & industrial
customers using one blue print. Using the same map, lay out the transmission
line route. Place the transmission line post by using a span of 150 ft. Next,
connect the service entrance conductor of each of the customers conductor to
the nearest electrical post.

1.3 Provide the secondary line route. The brgy. must have a minimum of 3
secondary lines.

1.4 Show on the secondary distribution map of the brgy. the following:
1.4.1 service wire from post to customer (length per span is 150 feet) for
single phase customers only. Three phase customers must be
connected in part 2.

1.5 Using an overhead transmission lines, stranded copper conductor, determine

the kva rating of the transformers required, the location and designation is
predetermined, to serve different groups of customers including the street lights
within the area to be serve by each transformer. Indicate in the distribution map
the location of these transformers.

1.6 Determine the sizes of the secondary distribution lines or feeders to be used.
The size of the line will be determined not only for its adequate current carrying
capacity but also for the voltage drop from the distribution transformer to the
end of each branch circuit of the secondary line. The voltage drop shall not
exceed 3 % of the secondary distribution voltage of 230 volts.

1.7 Finally, activities 1.1 to 1.6 must be back up in a soft copy stored in a flash
drive to be passed in the given date .

1.8 1.8.1 The textual content must be calibri, font 12, with the following
1.8.1. spacing between the lines is 1.5.
1.8.2 Bond paper to be used is the FORMATTED BOND PAPER
1.8.3 Use autocad software for all drawings and figures.
1.8.4 Left side margin is 1.5 inches, bottom margin is 1 inch, 1 inch for
the right margin and 1 inch for the bottom margin.

1.9 All pages must be named, sectioned and other required information.

Due date: March 4 ,2020 ( Leave a copy of your own of what you will submit )
What to submit: Secondary Map- _________________Output of 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
1.7 . All solutions must be submitted in a final copy as specified.

Prepared by: Engr. JRB DUGENIA

Part II Design of the Primary Distribution System: ( 25 %)

Using the second blue print ( w/customers ), indicate the same posts placement as in the
first blue printed map , together with all the single phase transformers as well as the three phase
transformers, locate now the baranggays power plant substation which is adjacent to the
baranggays power plant as well. The baranggays must have at least 2 3-Ø primary lines and
terminating/connected at the power plants substation. Assume that the primary voltage is 7.62
kv. Conductor to be used is stranded copper conductor , spaced 44 inches measured on center,
arranged in horizontal configuration ( parallel spacing). Additional poles may be added.. Assume
that all the commercial customers have unity power factor.

2.1 Connect now on the primary map the three phase commercial, industrial and
institutional as well as the additional three phase commercial, institutional & industrial
customers together with its service transformer including three phase loads in part 1. .
Additional customers may be added as desired.

2.2 Determine the sizes of the primary distribution feeders to be used. The size of the line
shall be determine not only for its adequate current carrying capacity but also for the
voltage drop from the power plants substation to the end of each branch circuit.
Primary voltage drop shall not exceed 5 % of the primary distribution voltage of
4.62 kv.

2.3 Show on the primary distribution map the route of the primary line from the power
plants substation to all the distribution transformers

2.4 Show the detailed transformer connection to the secondary and primary lines
including detailed post attachment scheme. Include detailed branch circuit
connection. Indicate on a table the manner to what phase a particular transformer is

2.5 Indicate on a table the transposition point of the 3-Ø primary lines.

Due date April 6, 2020 ( Leave a copy of your own of what you will submit )
What to submit: Output of 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5. All solutions must be submitted in a
final copy as specified.

Prepared by: Engr. JRB



At any place of the baranggay, locate an industrial zone primarily composed of medium
sized manufacturing plants whose loads are as follows:

Plant No.1 : Lighting load – 50 kw, 3-Ø, 230 volts

Demand factor – 70%

Motor load – 209 kw, 3-Ø, 230 volts

Demand factor – 80 %

Average power factor – 88 %

Diversity factor – 102 %

Plant No.2 : Lighting load – 80 kw, 3-Ø, 230 volts

Demand factor – 84 %

Motor load – 269 kw, 3-Ø, 230 volts

Demand factor – 84 %

Average power factor – 83 %

Diversity factor – 110 %

Plant No.3 : Lighting load – 90 kw, 3-Ø, 230 volts

Demand factor – 82%

Motor load – 169 kw, 3-Ø, 230 V volts

Demand factor – 84 %

Average power factor – 84 %

Diversity factor – 120 %

Plant No.4 : Lighting load – 90 kw, 3-Ø, 230 volts

Demand factor – 82%

Motor load – 159 kw, 3-Ø, 230 volts

Demand factor – 83 %

Average power factor – 82 %

Diversity factor – 1001 %

Plant No.5 : Lighting load – 90 kw, 3-Ø, 230 volts

Demand factor – 82%

Motor load – 149 kw, 3-Ø, 230 volts

Demand factor – 83

Average power factor – 86 %

Diversity factor – 109 %

For the individual loads:

Assuming that the secondary distance is 540 feet and the primary distance can be
determined from the map.
1. Find the individual secondary feeder size, following the specifications of part 1.

2. Find the individual primary feeder size, following the specifications of part 2.
The zone must be provided by a single primary line from the site to the baranggays own
power plants substation. The primary feeder (use a copper conductor) should meet the design
specifications as required. All the industrial customers must be provided by an indoor type
substation whose service is to be metered on the secondary side of the transformer bank
consisting of 3 single phase units.

At another place of the barangay, locate 2 large sized manufacturing plants whose power
requirements are as follows:

Plant No.6 : Lighting load – 305 kw, 3-Ø, 220 volts

Demand factor – 86 %

Motor load – 302 kw, 3-Ø, 220 volts

Demand factor – 84 %

Average power factor – 86 %

Diversity factor – 110 %

Plant No.7 : Lighting load – 305 kw, 3-Ø, 220 volts

Demand factor – 84 %

Motor load – 325 kw, 3-Ø, 220 volts

Demand factor – 86 %

Average power factor – 85 %

Diversity factor – 105 %

Plant No.8 : Lighting load – 98 kw, 3-Ø, 220 volts

Demand factor – 85%

Motor load – 159 kw, 3-Ø, 220 volts

Demand factor – 85 %

Average power factor – 86 %

Diversity factor – 109 %

Plant No.9 : Lighting load – 93 kw, 3-Ø, 220 volts

Demand factor – 83%

Motor load – 149 kw, 3-Ø, 220 volts

Demand factor – 82 %

Average power factor – 83 %

Diversity factor – 109 %

For the individual loads:

Assuming that the secondary distance is 500 feet and the primary distance can be
determined from the map.
1. Find the individual secondary feeder size, following the specifications of part 1.
2. Find the individual primary feeder size, following the specifications of part 2.

Each individual plant on this zone must be provided by their separate and individual
primary lines from site to the baranggays own power plant substation. These primary lines (use
copper conductor) must meet the design specifications for primary lines as required. The plants

each must be provided by an outdoor type substation whose service is to be metered on the
primary side of a 3-Ø transformer.
Finally, at one place of the baranggays, locate power plant and its substation facility.

Part III Design of the industrial customers requiring indoor and outdoor substations: (15 %)
Using the last and third map, accomplish the following.

3.1 For customers requiring an indoor type substation whose service is to be metered on
the secondary side of the transformer bank:

3.1.1 For each customer, determine the sizes and ratings of the following
equipments which may be required: busbar ratings open fused cut out ratings instrument transformers and accessories (if necessary) lightining arrester transformer ratings ( 3-phase ) shunt capacitor ratings transducer ratings recloser ratings circuit breaker ratings draw the electrical lay-out and schematic wiring diagram of the
transformer vault showing all electrical equipments. The electrical
lay-out shall be a working drawing of at least 3 views.

3.1.2 Size of the primary line serving the customers. Use stranded copper
3.1.3 Location of the post supporting the primary lines. Indicate also the route of
the line. Include the transposition schedule in a table.

3.2 For customers requiring an outdoor type substation whose service is to be metered
on the primary side of the transformer bank:

3.2.1 For each customer, determine the sizes and ratings of the following
equipments which may be required: busbar ratings open fused cut out ratings instrument transformers and accessories (if necessary) lightining arrester transformer ratings ( 3 -1-phase units ) shunt capacitor ratings transducer ratings recloser ratings circuit breaker ratings draw the electrical lay-out and schematic wiring diagram of the
transformer vault showing all electrical equipments. The electrical
lay-out shall be a working drawing of at least 3 views.
3.2.2 Size of the primary line serving the customers. Use copper conductor.

3.2.3 Location of the post supporting the primary lines. Indicate also the route of
the line. Include the transposition schedule in a table

3.3 For indoor and outdoor type substations, draw the following:

3.3.1 substation lay out
3.3.2 bus configurations
3.3.3 control house layout

Due date: April 22, 2020 ( Leave a copy of your own of what you will submit ). Outputs
must be in a final copy format.

1. Designs with duplicated and copied figures will be given a failing grade!!!
2. Part 3 is a requirement in the design of part 4. No part 3 is equivalent to no part

Prepared by: Engr. JRB DUGENIA

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