Incom Gaming's - TWD Road To Survival Campaign
Incom Gaming's - TWD Road To Survival Campaign
Incom Gaming's - TWD Road To Survival Campaign
With each victory, your Survivors will improve their 1. Roll for every model that was alive at the end of
skills, and you can earn points which can be spent on the game but had been bitten (i.e. their health
recruiting new members of the group and purchasing counter was flipped to show the red bite icon).
equipment. Reduce the Survivors heath by the number rolled on
the die, ignoring any !. if this takes them to zero,
WINNING AND LOSING they are treated as if they had been removed as a
A simple scoring system will determine your place on the casualty.
leader board.
• 3 points for a win 2. For each model removed as a casualty during the
• 1 point for a draw (in which the Walkers win) game (including any from step 1), roll another .
• 0 points for a loosing The number rolled is the number of health points
that are deducted from the Survivors starting value
After each campaign turn is complete, scores will be in the next game – note this on your roster in pencil.
marked down, and the leader board adjusted in
necessary. If there is a tie at the end of the Campaign, 3. If this die rolls a !, the Survivor may not have
the top-players will have to battle again to determine escaped with their life.
who is the greatest Survivor!
a. A Bitten character that rolls a ! has died, and it
along with all of their equipment are lost.
CAMPAIGN ROSTER Remove them from your roster sheet. You may
Using the guidelines on page 28 of the core rulebook not recruit the same character again during the
(including custom survivors if you wish from page 16 course of the campaign.
Days Gone Bye expansion). Everyone will start with 150
points and your group is to be written down on the b. Otherwise, roll . On a the character has
roster provided. survived, but on a blank the character has died
as described above.
In addition, you should use the blank Survivor cards
downloadable “here” for each of your Survivors, as their If a character does not die, any Bites are ignored and the
characteristics can change as the campaign progresses. health counter will be flipped back over for the next
game. Perhaps it was all a mistake and the blood wasn’t
CAMPAIGN TURN theirs, or they manage to fight off the infection long
Each campaign turn starts with players pairing up and enough for one more battle.
playing games against each other. These could be the
standard “The Walking Dead” scenario, or any other of AMPUTATIONS
the players choice. If a character permanently dies from a Bite as described
above, they can be saved by a emergency amputation if
After each round, the players must complete the you wish. Roll to see whether their arm or leg is affected
following sequence, then they are ready for the next as normal (see page 38 of the core rulebook).
If a Survivor lives, but suffered an Amputation either
Post Game Sequence during or after a game, they must miss the next
1. Life and Death campaign game while they recover. Also, any effects to
2. Experience their movement or hand slots are carried forward for
3. Supplies the rest of the campaign.
LOSS OF A LEADER Athletic: This model may Run 10” instead of 8”.
If your group’s leader dies during the course of the Disarm: If this Survivor wins a Melee and rolls any !, it
campaign, you must either nominate another member may force one opponent to discard an equipped Melee
of your group to be the leader, or purchase a new leader Weapon of their choice.
using your supplies.
Dirty Fighter: Whenever this Survivor attacks in melee
and loses, immediately add to its melee attack roll.
Distract: When performing the Make NOISE Action, this
A player if they wish may simply retire a group and start
model may choose any point within 6” of itself (but not
afresh with a brand new group. All of their points up to
another model) from which to create the NOISE.
that point are removed. They start the next turn with a
new group of Survivors. Expert Shot: When this model performs a ranged attack,
it may force the target to discard a Cover dice of their
2. EXPERIENCE choice.
At the end of each game, any character that was not Healer (Support only): As a special Action, this Survivor
removed as a casualty during the game receive an may restore health lost earlier in the game to itself or
Experience bonus of one red die , and increases their a friendly model in its Kill Zone.
points value by 3 points. This die may then be allocated Hunter: This Survivor does not halve its movement when
to any of the Survivors Melee, Shoot or Defence moving through Area Terrain.
characteristics, or maybe saved to spend on other
improvements later. Keep a note of these saved dice in Inspiring Leadership (Support only): At the start of its
the Experience column on the campaign roster. activation, this Survivor may sacrifice one of its Actions
and give it to a friendly model within its Kill Zone that is
After you have calculated experience increases for your yet to activate.
group, any survivors may exchange two red dice ( ) Level-headed: This model, and all friendly models within
from their characteristics or saved dice pool for a single its Kill Zone, may reroll the Panic Dice. You must accept
white ( ), or two white dice ( ) for a single blue the second result.
dice ( ), and these may be allocated to their card as
Nimble: At the start of a Melee this model may reroll .
before. Remember that no characteristic may have a
On a , the model moves out of base contact and at
total of more than three dice.
least 1” away from all current enemies, by the shortest
route possible (moving through models in necessary).
In addition, you may exchange any three dice to upgrade
a Survivors Nerve by one level, or to learn a new Special Quick: This model may perform two Move Actions in the
Rule of your choice (see Special Rules below or page 19 same turn (if it has the Actions to spend), although it
of the Days Gone Bye Expansion). may not Run twice.
Safety in Numbers: This model treats its Nerve as one
3. SUPPLIES level higher than it actually is while its group contain
Your group gains 10 points for each supply counter it more members than the opposing group.
controlled when the game ended. These points may be Scrapper: This model always pushes back its opponents
spent on new Survivors and/or new Equipment cards. in a drawn combat, even when it is fighting other
During this step you may also swap any items between Survivors and its side doesn’t have the Initiative.
your Survivors. Any leftover points are recorded in the
Unspent Points section of the roster sheet. Stab!: This Survivor may reroll any or all of its melee
attack dice when using a weapon with the Sharp
For every full 15 points difference between the two Strong: If this model carries a Bulky weapon, it only
groups at the start of a game, the group with the lower takes up one hand slot instead of two.
points value gains , which it gathers together into a The Muscle: If this model is on the winning side in melee
pool. These dice may be used during a game, and added and chose to attack, his side inflicts 1 extra point of
to any Attack or Defence roll you are required to take. damage against the enemy.
No more than on Underdog die may be used on a single
Unstable: At the start of each of this models activations,
roll. Any dice not used by the end of the game are lost.
before Panic is rolled, roll one . This is how many
Actions the model may take this turn.
Vulnerable (Support only): If this Survivor is in the Kill
Adrenaline Junkie: This model gains an extra Action
Zone of a friendly model from the same Faction, that
each turn as long as the Treat Level is High.
model will not Panic.
Campaign Roster
Player Name: Group Name: