What Is Market Orientation?: Research
What Is Market Orientation?: Research
What Is Market Orientation?: Research
Firms using green marketing must ensure that their activities are not
misleading to consumers or industry, and do not breach any of the
regulations or laws dealing with environmental marketing. The
media came up with the term "green washing" to describe cases where
organizations misrepresented themselves as environmentally
responsible. Examples of environmentally-beneficial products and
services: Cereals sold without excess packaging, Energy-efficient
cars, Cleaning supplies that do not harm humans or environment,
Wood harvested from sustainable forests, Energy-efficient light bulbs,
Energy from renewable sources of energy such as windmills and solar
Ethical problems in marketing stem from conflicts and disagreements. Each party in
a marketing transaction brings a set of expectations regarding how the business
relationship will exist and how transactions should be conducted. Each facet of
marketing has ethical danger points as discussed below.
Market Research
Some ethical problems in market research are the invasion of privacy and
stereotyping. The latter occurs because any analysis of real populations needs to
make approximations and place individuals into groups. However, if conducted
irresponsibly, stereotyping can lead to a variety of ethically undesirable results.
Market Audience
The advertising of certain products may strongly offend some people while being of
interest to others. Examples include: feminine hygiene products as well as
hemorrhoid and constipation medication. The advertising of condoms has become
acceptable in the interests of AIDS-prevention, but are nevertheless seen by some
as promoting promiscuity. Violence is an issue especially for children’s advertising
and advertising likely to be seen by children.
Through negative advertising techniques, the advertiser highlights the disadvantages
of competitor products rather than the advantages of their own. These methods are
especially used in politics.
Delivery Channels
Deceptive marketing is not specific to one target market, and can sometimes go
unnoticed by the public. There are several ways in which deceptive marketing can be
presented to consumers; one of these methods is accomplished through the use of
humor. Humor provides an escape or relief from some kind of human constraint, and
some advertisers intend to take advantage of this by deceptively advertising a
product that can potentially alleviate that constraint through humor.
Anti-competitive Practices
Bait and switch is a form of fraud where customers are “baited” by advertising for a
product or service at a low price; second, the customers discover that the advertised
good is not available and are “switched” to a costlier product.
Pyramid Scheme: This business practice relies on getting the initial investor or “captain” to enroll others
for a fee to them who in turn will also enroll others in order to get paid.
Pricing Ethics
Predatory pricing is the practice of selling a product or service at a very low price,
intending to drive competitors out of the market, or create barriers to entry for
potential new competitors.
42 & 55 7 Stages or Steps Involved in Marketing Research Process
The various stages or steps in the marketing research process are discussed below: 1.
Identification and Defining the Problem: The market research process begins with the
identification “of a problem faced by the company. The clear-cut statement of problem may
not be possible at the very outset of research process because often only the symptoms of the
problems are apparent at that stage. Then, after some explanatory research, clear definition of
the problem is of
crucial importance in marketing research because such research is a costly process involving
time, energy and money.
Clear definition of the problem helps the researcher in all subsequent research efforts
including setting of proper research objectives, the determination of the techniques to be
used, and the extent of information to be collected.
It may be noted that the methods of explanatory research popularly in use are—survey of
secondary data, experience survey, or pilot studies, i.e., studies of a small initial sample. All
this is also known as ‘preliminary investigation’.
2. Statement of Research Objectives: After identifying and defining the problem with or
without explanatory research, the researcher must take a formal statement of research
objectives. Such objectives may be stated in qualitative or quantitative terms and expressed as
research questions, statement or hypothesis. For example, the research objective, “To find out
the extent to which sales promotion schemes affected the sales volume” is a research
objective expressed as a statement.
On the other hand, a hypothesis is a statement that can be refuted or supported by empirical
finding. The same research objective could be stated as, “To test the proposition that sales are
positively affected by the sales promotion schemes undertaken this winter.”
Example of another hypothesis may be: “The new packaging pattern has resulted in increase
in sales and profits.” Once the objectives or the hypotheses are developed, the researcher is
ready to choose the research design.
3. Planning the Research Design or Designing the Research Study: After defining the
research problem and deciding the objectives, the research design must be developed. A
research design is a master plan specifying the procedure forcollecting and analysing the
needed information. It represents a framework for the research plan of action.
The objectives of the study are included in the research design to ensure that data collected
are relevant to the objectives. At this stage, the researcher should also determine the type of
sources of information needed, the data collection method (e.g., survey or interview), the
sampling, methodology, and the timing and possible costs of research.
4. Planning the Sample: Sampling involves procedures that use a small number of items or
parts of the ‘population’ (total items) to make conclusion regarding the ‘population’.
Important questions in this regard are— who is to be sampled as a rightly representative lot?
Which is the target ‘population’? What should be the sample size—how large or how small?
How to select the various units to make up the sample?
5. Data Collection: The collection of data relates to the gathering of facts to be used in
solving the problem. Hence, methods of market research are essentially methods of data
collection. Data can be secondary, i.e., collected from concerned reports, magazines and other
periodicals, especially written articles, government publications, company publications,
books, etc.
Data can be primary, i.e., collected from the original base through empirical research by
means of various tools. There can be broadly two types of sources
(i) Internal sources—existing within the firm itself, such as accounting data, salesmen’s
reports, etc. (ii) External sources—outside the firm.
6. Data Processing and Analysis: Once data have been collected, these have to be converted
into a format that will suggest answers to the initially identified and defined problem. Data
processing begins
with the editing of data and its coding. Editing involves inspecting the data-collection forms
for omission, legibility, and consistency in classification. Before tabulation, responses need to
be classified into meaningful categories.
The rules for categorizing, recording and transferring the data to ‘data storage media’ are
called codes. This coding process facilitates the manual or computer tabulation. If computer
analysis is being used, the data can be key punched and verified.
Analysis of data represents the application of logic to the understanding of data collected
about the subject. In its simplest form analysis may involve determination of consistent
patterns and summarising of appropriate details.
The appropriate analytical techniques chosen would depend upon informational requirements
of the problem, characteristics of the research designs and the nature of the data gathered.
The statistical analysis may range from simple immediate analysis to very complex
multivariate analysis.
7. Formulating Conclusion, Preparing and Presenting the Report: The final stage in the
marketing research process is that of interpreting the information and drawing conclusion for
use in managerial decision. The research report should clearly and effectively communicate
the research findings and need not include complicated statement about the technical aspect
of the study and research methods.
Often the management is not interested in details of research design and statistical analysis,
but instead, in the concrete findings of the research. If need be, the researcher may bring out
his appropriate recommendations or suggestions in the matter. Researchers must make the
presentation technically accurate, understandable and useful.
Internal idea sources: the company finds new ideas internally. That means R&D, but also
contributions from employees.
External idea sources: the company finds new ideas externally. This refers to all kinds of
external sources, e.g. distributors and suppliers, but also competitors. The most important
external source are customers, because the new product development process should focus on
creating customer value.
2. Idea screening – The New Product Development Process
The next step in the new product development process is idea screening. Idea screening means
nothing else than filtering the ideas to pick out good ones. In other words, all ideas generated are
screened to spot good ones and drop poor ones as soon as possible. While the purpose of idea
generation was to create a large number of ideas, the purpose of the succeeding stages is to
reduce that number. The reason is that product development costs rise greatly in later stages.
Therefore, the company would like to go ahead only with those product ideas that will turn into
profitable products. Dropping the poor ideas as soon as possible is, consequently, of crucial
The marketing strategy statement consists of three parts and should be formulated carefully:
o A description of the target market, the planned value proposition, and the sales,
market share and profit goals for the first few years
o An outline of the product’s planned price, distribution and marketing budget for
the first year
o The planned long-term sales, profit goals and the marketing mix strategy.
5. Business analysis – The New Product Development
Once decided upon a product concept and marketing strategy, management can evaluate the
business attractiveness of the proposed new product. The fifth step in the new product
development process involves a review of the sales, costs and profit projections for the new
product to find out whether these factors satisfy the company’s objectives. If they do, the product
can be moved on to the product development stage.
In order to estimate sales, the company could look at the sales history of similar products and
conduct market surveys. Then, it should be able to estimate minimum and maximum sales to
assess the range of risk. When the sales forecast is prepared, the firm can estimate the expected
costs and profits for a product, including marketing, R&D, operations etc. All the sales and costs
figures together can eventually be used to analyse the new product’s financial attractiveness.
The R&D department will develop and test one or more physical versions of the product concept.
Developing a successful prototype, however, can take days, weeks, months or even years,
depending on the product and prototype methods.Also, products often undergo tests to make
sure they perform safely and effectively. This can be done by the firm itself or outsourced.
In many cases, marketers involve actual customers in product testing. Consumers can evaluate
prototypes and work with pre-release products. Their experiences may be very useful in the
product development stage.
The amount of test marketing necessary varies with each new product. Especially when
introducing a new product requiring a large investment, when the risks are high, or when the firm
is not sure of the product or its marketing programme, a lot of test marketing may be carried out.
5. Commercialisation
Test marketing has given management the information needed to make the final decision: launch
or do not launch the new product. The final stage in the new product development process is
commercialisation. Commercialisation means nothing else than introducing a new product into
the market. At this point, the highest costs are incurred: the company may need to build or rent a
manufacturing facility. Large amounts may be spent on advertising, sales promotion and other
marketing efforts in the first year.
Some factors should be considered before the product is commercialized:
o Introduction timing. For instance, if the economy is down, it might be wise to wait
until the following year to launch the product. However, if competitors are ready to introduce their
own products, the company should push to introduce the new product sooner.
o Introduction place. Where to launch the new product? Should it be launched in a
single location, a region, the national market, or the international market? Normally, companies
don’t have the confidence, capital and capacity to launch new products into full national or
international distribution from the start. Instead, they usually develop a planned market rollout
over time.
In all of these steps of the new product development process, the most important focus is on
creating superior customer value. Only then, the product can become a success in the market.
Only very few products actually get the chance to become a success. The risks and costs are
simply too high to allow every product to pass every stage of the new product development
47.) Packaging can help sell the product because it provides space for sharing
information about the product, such as nutritional information, usage or directions.
For example, some packaging contains marketing messaging on the front to attract
customers to pick it up and look at the product.
When developing a product in a new market, it is important to conduct market
research, such as focus groups, to determine what is appealing to the new market.
For example, preferences of colours, pictures and labels on products can differ from
one country to another or from one group of customers to another. Packaging is
such an essential part of the marketing process, companies spend a considerable
amount of time and money planning and designing it.
1. Protect Products
Product packaging ensures that products are safe when they are shipped to
consumers and stores, as well as when they sit on store shelves. It's important to
marketers that customers receive their products in undamaged containers, so that
customers experience the care and consideration companies put into planning the
packaging the products. Poorly packaged products can turn into customer service
and public relations problems for companies. Consumers perceive products as
inferior and lacking quality if they are not packaged appropriately.
2. Attract Consumers
3. Provide Information
Product packaging features and the branding elements that companies work hard
to keep consistent, such as logos, product characters and tag lines. Branding
elements help consumers instantly recognize products on shelves and in
Many food products — from bread to cookies — stay fresher when sealed in
packaging. For example, bread becomes stale in mere minutes outside of its
packaging. Foods that are canned or vacuum-sealed can stay fresh on a shelf for
months or even years, while they'd last only days in the refrigerator before spoiling.
Packaging keeps fluids like ink and perfume from evaporating. Paper becomes
discoloured and glue unusable when exposed to the air, but keeps for years in its
packaging. Items that could be sold without packaging — like stuffed animals and
other toys — are shielded from the dings and dirt they encounter during shipping
or sitting on store shelves.
What is Labelling?
Labelling is the process of providing identification to the product. It is a
subpart of the branding process & aims at providing uniqueness to the
product. It is simply a printed slip that is attached to the product. It contains
all the information regarding the product like price, ingredients used,
quantity, manufacture date etc.
Provides Identification
Labelling plays an efficient role in providing uniqueness & identity to
products. It helps the consumers in the identification of products among
large number of products available in the market.
Provides Description
Label is a medium that communicates the information regarding the
product to customers. It is basically a slip that contains detail like nature,
quality, price, quantity etc. Customers can easily get each & every required
information by simply reading labels. It will help them in making their
decision during the buying process fast & easily.
Customers just by reading the labels of different products can choose the
best one as per their choice. It enables the customers in understanding &
checking product even before using it.
Helps in Marketing
Labelling is considered an efficient sales tool for marketing of the product. It
helps in the promotion of products easily. It adds attraction to the products.
Labelling helps in attracting more & more consumers for the products.
Many times the people are encouraged to buy a product just by seeing the
labels of the product. Businesses should try to design attractive & small
labels for their products. It will create a long-lasting influence on your
They can get all the details regarding the manufacturing date & date of
expiry from labels. It helps in assuring the customers whether the product is
right or not. Making the wrong choice during the buying process will have ill
effects on customers. Therefore, it avoids all chances of wrong decisions
during the buying process.
There are certain poisonous & hazardous products, with which providing
safety tips & certain warning is very important to be mentioned. Likewise in
the case of different tobacco products giving health warning is important.
All these requirements of the law are fulfilled by business by printing labels
with all these details.
2.He provides his own storage facilities in so doing he relieves the manufacturer of the
burden and cost of maintaining warehouse in every town and city.
3.The wholesaler finance the manufacturer through the depot which often run into thousands
of dollars, to him in in lies of supplies .
4.He gives the producer vital information regarding the market situation of the products he
deals in.
5.The wholesaler sometimes provides credit facilities to the retailers.
Retailer 1.The retailer is the last link of distribution he has the right goods in the right place
and at the right time.
2.Sometimes, the retailer take the goods to where it is most convenient to the customers.
3.Retailers may provide credit facilities to customer in the sense that they do not
immediately pay for what they buy.
5.They may advise the wholesaler and manufacturer on the goods they market.
Demands are wants for specific products backed by ability to pay, need
for the product and willingness to pay a price for a specific good or
service. Holding all other factors constant, an increase in the price of a
good or service will decrease the quantity demanded, and vice versa.
For example, the demand for cars of various brands, such as Toyota,
Maruti Suzuki, Tata, and Hyundai, in India constitutes the industry’
demand. The distinction between organization demand and
industry demand is not so useful in a highly competitive market.
For example, the demand for food, shelter, clothes, and vehicles is
autonomous as it arises due to biological, physical, and other
personal needs of consumers. On the other hand, derived demand
refers to the demand for a product that arises due to the demand for
other products. For example, the demand for petrol, diesel, and
other lubricants depends on the demand of vehicles.