Typical Uses: Product Description: Solids: Tubes: Rectangles: Standard Lengths: Shape/Form: Compliance
Typical Uses: Product Description: Solids: Tubes: Rectangles: Standard Lengths: Shape/Form: Compliance
Typical Uses: Product Description: Solids: Tubes: Rectangles: Standard Lengths: Shape/Form: Compliance
C as t P r o d u cts
Cast • GreenAlloy™
Rectangles: Up to 15"
C 9 5 4 0 0 HT
Standard Lengths: 144"
Shape/Form: semi-finished, mill stock or near-net shapes, anode, bar stock, billet/bloom, squares, hex, plate, profile or
structural shape, flats/rectangular bar
Compliance: C95400 is compliant with key legislation including (1) Federal Safe Drinking Water Act 1974 – SDWA,
(2) Federal Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act of 2011 and (3) California AB1953
Typical Uses
Automotive weld guns
Industrial bearing segments for the steel industry, bearings, bushings, gears, heavily loaded worm gears, high-strength
clamps, landing gear parts, machine parts, pawl, pickling hooks, pressure blocks for the steel industry, pump
parts, spur gears, valve bodies, valve guides, valve seats, valves, worm gears
Chemical Composition
Cu% Fe% Ni%1 Al% Mn%
14315 State Route 113 • Wakeman, OH 44889 • Phone 800.626.7071 • Fax 724.538.3956
C95400HT continued
C 9 5 4 0 0 HT
Copper Alloy UNS No. Machinability Rating Density (lb/in³ at 68 ˚F)
C95400 60 0.269
C as t Pr o d u cts
Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength, min Yield Strength, at 0.5% Elongation, in 2 in. or Brinell Hardness Remarks
Extension Under Load, min 50 mm min (3000 kg load)
14315 State Route 113 • Wakeman, OH 44889 • Phone 800.626.7071 • Fax 724.538.3956