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A Field Guide to the Ore Deposits of NE Greece

Field trip leaders: V. Melfos and K. Bogdanov

19th-22nd October 2012

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. The Xylagani Mesozoic Gold-Bearing Fe-Cu-(Zn-Pb) Stratabound Deposit........................ 6
3. The Perama Hill High-Sulfidation Epithermal Au-Ag-Te-Se Deposit, Petrota Graben, NE
Greece.................................................................................................................................... 7
4. The Intrusion-Related Cu-Fe-Mo-Bi-W-Au Deposit at Kimmeria, Xanthi........................... 9
6. Carbonate-Replacement Pb-Zn Deposits of Olympias and Stratoni and Porphyry Cu-Au
Deposit of Skouries in NE-Chalkidiki................................................................................. 16
7. References ............................................................................................................................ 18

In the frame of the cooperation between the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Sofia
University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, the Sofia University SEG Student Chapter and financially
supported by the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG), Assarel-Medet JSC and
GEOTECHMIN. With the support of Eldorado Gold, Hellas Gold and Thracean Gold Mining.

Geological setting of Greece consists of various elongated geotectonic terrains which
represent successive episodes of oceanic riftings, spreadings, subductions and collisions in the
region of Neotethys, known as Hellenide orogen. The evolution of the Neotethys Ocean and
the related lithosphere plates caused magmatic processes which led to the formation of
considerable ore mineralizations.
Tertiary basins and volcanic terrains in Macedonia and Thrace, north-eastern Greece, have
been recognized as a favorable province for polymetallic replacement, intrusion-related,
porphyry, epithermal and skarn type ore deposits as well as stratiform volcano-sedimentary and
fracture-controlled vein deposits, with significant gold and/or silver concentrations. These
mineralizations are spatially related to the Tertiary magmatism in northern Aegean Sea and
onshore and constitute a part of the Pb-Zn and Sb-Cu-Mo metallogenic provinces, extended in a
large NW-SE trending belt from Yugoslavia to southern Bulgaria and northern Greece, with a
continuation to western Anatolia as well. Mineral exploration and mining activity of these
deposits for precious and base metals date back to the ancient times due to their economic
The Serbomacedonian and Rhodope metamorphic massifs comprise the crystalline
basement of the Alpine orogenic belt in the Balkan peninsula and consist of amphibolite
facies metamorphic rocks of continental and oceanic origin (Fig. 1, 2). They demonstrate a
structural record of a late Mesozoic deformation episode overprinted by an early Cenozoic
extensional deformation.

Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of the Serbomacedonian metallogenic province in Greece,

displaying the major ore deposits and prospects (Melfos and Voudouris 2012).

The deposits of the Serbomacedonian and Rhodope metallogenic provinces were

formed during the final stage of the Tertiary orogenic collapse, which led to the formation of
widespread Oligocene-Miocene silicic to intermediate magmatism (Fig. 3.). This magmatism,
considered to be part of the Cretaceous to Miocene Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinaride
orogen, resulted from subduction and collision of the Pelagonian and Apulian
microcontinents, detached from Africa in Triassic, with the European plate. Slab detachment
and/or roll-back was the principal mechanism, which resulted in the local ascent of

asthenospheric mantle into the metasomatized mantle lithosphere and to magma generation.
Magmas were intruded to shallow depths along deep seated detachment faults, forming mafic
to intermediate mantle-derived plutonic, subvolcanic and volcanic rocks of calc-alkaline,
high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic to ultra-potassic (lamprophyric) affinities.

Fig. 2. Simplified geological map of the Rhodope metallogenic province in Greece displaying the
major Tertiary ore deposits and prospects (Melfos et al 2002 with modifications). Thrm: Thermes,
KmX: Kimmeria/Xanthi, Klt: Kalotycho, Me: Melitena, Mr: Maronia, Ko: Konos/Sapes, SB: St.
Barbara/Kassiteres, SD: St. Demetrios/Sapes, V: Viper, PH: Perama Hill, Mk: Mavrokoryfi, PR:
Pagoni Rachi/Kirki, SPh: Agios Philippos/Kirki, Pf: Pefka, Ltr: Loutros, Kl: Kallyntirion, M-E:

Numerous mineral deposits were formed during the Tertiary magmatism in the southern
Balkan peninsula forming two major zones, defined as the Rhodope metallogenic province
and the Serbomacedonian metallogenic province (Fig. 4). They comprise skarn-,
metasomatic-, vein-, impregnation-, volcanosedimentary- intrusion-related-, porphyry-,
epithermal-type mineralizations. They are often bound to fracture zones, which acted as
pathways for the mineralizing fluids. The ore deposits are genetically associated with
volcanic-intrusive granitic to granodioritic magmas and are characterized by Pb-Zn, Sb, Bi,
Cu and Mo deposits, as well as smaller Fe and Sn and minor Au, Ag, U, W, Hg, and As
occurrences. Some of these mineralizations are of economic interest and form potential ore
deposits in northern Greece, Bulgaria, FYROM and Yugoslavia.

Fig. 3. Oligocene-Miocene magmatic rocks (plutonic and volcanic) in Southern Balkan peninsula
(Soldatos et al. 2001).

Fig. 4. Simplified map displaying the distribution of the Tertiary (Oligocene-Miocene) ore districts
and deposits within the Rhodope and the Serbomacedonian metallogenic provinces in the southern
Balkan peninsula (Melfos et al 2002). RM=Rhodope massif, SMM=Serbomacedonian massif,
CRB=Circum Rhodope belt, AZ=Vardar zone, SG=Srednogorie zone. 1. Esymi, 2. Kirki-Sapes, 3.
Kavala, 4. Thasos, 5. Thermes-Madan-Laki, 6. Spahievo, 7. Lozen, 8. Madjarovo, 9. Zvezdel, 10.
Chalkidiki, 11. Kilkis (Doirani-Gerakario-Vathi-Pontokerasia), 12. Buchim-Damjan, 13. Kratovo-
Zletovo, 14. Osogovo-Sasa-Toranica, 15. Dren Boul, 16. Voras-Kazuf, 17. Balikesir.

The gold-bearing Fe-Cu-(Zn-Pb) stratabound deposit (Fig. 5) is situated near Xylagani,
where intense mining took place during 1900-1910. The mineralization is hosted in Mesozoic
volcanic rocks (lavas and tuffs) which belong to the Circum Rhodope belt (Fig. 3, 4) and have
been metamorphosed to very low to low grade stage. Geochemical criteria show that these
rocks have an island-arc tholeiitic to boninitic composition and were likely formed in a supra-
subduction zone setting. Sea water was involved during their hydrothermal metamorphism.

Fig. 5. The Au-bearing Fe-Cu-(Zn-Pb) stratabound deposit of Xylagani, Rhodope. A. An old mining
gallery (1900-10). B. Massive chalcopyrite-pyrite mineralization in the form of sill with a length >10
m and up to 10 cm thick, in the Mesozoic met-volcanic rocks. C. Folded thin layers, consisting mainly
of pyrite, parallel to bedding of the host rocks, in quartz matrix. D. Angular gold grain (light grey) in
pyrite (dark grey). Polished section, SEM. E-F. Framboidal pyrite within the silicified matrix. SEM.

Lensoidal silicified mineralized bodies are hosted in the metavolcanic rocks. On the basis
of textural features, five types of mineralization are recognized: thin layered, disseminated,
disseminated to massive and massive sulphide (pyrite or chalcopyrite-pyrite) mineralization
as well as quartz veins poor in sulfides. Average metal contents of the mineralization are Fe
18.94 wt%, Cu 2.0 wt%, Zn 367 ppm and Pb 458 ppm. The Au contents vary between 0.1 and
6.4 ppm, averaging 3.5 ppm. The ore mineral assemblage consists of framboidal pyrite,
pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, pyrrhotite, tennantite and gold. The main gangue
minerals are quartz, white mica and chlorite. Chlorite compositions suggest formation at
temperatures between 286 and 329° C. The δ34S values of pyrite range from +2.02 to +2.24
per mil and support a hydrothermal origin.
A circulating hydrothermal system in a submarine volcanic environment is probably
responsible for the ore formation. However, a direct magmatic derivation for the ore
constituents can not be excluded. Cooling of the hydrothermal system due to mixing with sea
water is considered to be the responsible mechanism for ore deposition, at temperatures not
exceeding 300° C.


The Perama Hill deposit is a high-sulfidation Au-Ag-Te-Se epithermal system hosted
in silicic- and argillic altered andesitic rocks and overlying sandstones, which were emplaced
on the eastern margin of the Petrota graben, northeastern Greece (Fig. 6, 7). The deposit
evolved from an early stage silica-pyrite rock and argillic alteration followed by the
deposition of sulfide-, sulfosalt- and telluride-bearing quartz-barite veins and stockworks (Fig.
8). Early ore formation is characterized by a high-sulfidation-type enargite-galena bearing
ore assemblage (consisting of enargite, watanabeite, Fe-free sphalerite, covellite, kesterite,
bismuthinite, selenian bismuthinite, lillianite homologues, kawazulite-tetradymite,
goldfieldite, and native gold), followed by the formation of an intermediate-sulfidation-type
tennantite-bearing assemblage characterized by ferrian/zincian tennantite, tellurobismuthite,
tetradymite, melonite, native tellurium, Au-Agtellurides (calaverite, krennerite, sylvanite,
hessite, petzite, stützite), altaite and electrum. Quartz, barite, kaolinite, sericite and minor
aluminum-phosphate-sulfate minerals are gangue minerals.

Fig. 6. Generalized geologic map of Mavrokoryfi-Perama Hill area, in the Petrota graben, outlined by
two normal faults (Arikas and Voudouris 1998, Voudouris et al. 2011).

Fig. 7. Stratiform Indermidiate Sulfidation-High Sulfidation epithermal mineralization at multiple
stratigraphic levels, Perama Hill (Eldorado Gold 2012)

Fig. 8. Strong underlying NNW-oriented structural control (veins, mineralized fault zones), Perama
Hill (Eldorado Gold 2012).

Fluid inclusion data demonstrate that the ore system evolved from an initial high
temperature (up to 330°C) and low salinity (up to 4.9 wt.% NaCl equiv.) fluid towards a
cooler (200°C) and very low salinity (0.7 wt.% NaCl equiv.) hydrothermal fluid suggesting
progressive cooling and dilution of the ore fluid (Fig. 9). The kawazulite/tetradymite ss-gold
association at Perama Hill suggests that it formed from a sulfide melt in the Bi-Au-Se-Te
system as Au was scavenged from the hydrothermal ore-forming fluid at elevated
temperatures. The presence of tellurides, and Bi and Sn-bearing minerals in the ore system is
compatible with direct deposition of metals from the vapor phase of a degassing magmatic
(porphyry) body.
The gold reserves and resources are illustrated in Fig. 10.

Fig. 9. Homogenization temperatures versus salinity plot for the FIAs measured in quartz and barite
from Perama Hill (Voudouris et al. 2011).

Fig. 10. Gold reserves and resources of the Perama Hill Prospect (Eldorado Gold 2012)


The Xanthi area belongs geotectonically to the Rhodope massif, which comprises rocks
of low- to high-grade metamorphism like phyllites, epidote-chlorite schists, mica schists,
gneisses, amphibolites, marbles and ultramafic rocks. These rocks are intruded by the
Oligocene Xanthi pluton (Fig. 11) with a composition ranging from gabbro through
monzonite to granodiorite. In the area of Kimmeria the pluton consists of a post-tectonic
Hb-Bi to Bi-Hb granodiorite. This intrusion has created an extensive metamorphic aureole
within the surrounding marbles, gneisses and amphibolites. Two different ore types are
genetically connected with this granodioritic intrusion: 1. Massive Au-bearing skarn-type
mineralization (Fig. 12) and 2. Mo-Cu-Bi-W quartz vein mineralization (Fig. 13).
An extensive skarn formation outcrops 2-3 km NNE of Kimmeria village at the contact of
the Xanthi granodiorite to the marbles, consisting mainly of andradite-rich garnet,
clinoryroxene, epidote, hematite, wollastonite, vesuvianite and secondary amphibole,
chlorite, quartz and calcite. A magnetite ore deposit accompanied by pyrrhotite,
chalcopyrite, pyrite and subordinate specularite (hematite variety), sphalerite, scheelite-
powellite, molybdenite, gold and galena is hosted in this skarn formation between marble
and altered granodiorite. Specularite forms very often radial clusters in epidote, garnet and
calcite. Molybdenite and scheelite-powellite occur locally as disseminated crystals and more
rarely as massive aggregates. Gold was found in the form of irregular grains of 5 to 450 μm

across in pyrite and chalcopyrite and occasionally as fracture fillings of pyrite crystals.
Tungsten mineralization occurs as scheelite (CaWO4). Tungstite (WO3.H2O) appears as an
alteration product of scheelite. Powellite (CaMoO4) is also observed intergrown with
scheelite. Wollastonite, usually associated with chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite and aikinite
occurs in the skarn of Kimmeria.
The Mo-Cu-Bi-W mineralization is related with sheeted quartz veins and stockworks
crosscutting sericite-carbonate altered granodiorite, rich in pyrite, molybdenite, scheelite,
wolframite and chalcopyrite.

Fig. 11. The Xanthi pluton, the skarn occurrences (A, B) and the mineralized vein system.

Fig. 12. The skarn mineralization at Kimmeria. A. Mining area (1930’s). B. Andradite-rich garnet
(andr). C. Wollastonite. D. Epidote. E. Magnetite-pyrrhotite-pyrite mineralization. F. The mineralization
under microscope, magnetite (mt), pyrrhotite (po), chalcopyrite (cpy), pyrite (py).

Fig. 13. The Mo-Cu-Bi-W mineralization related with sheeted quartz veins and stockworks at
Kimmeria. A. Long quartz mineralized vein and an old gallery (1930’s). B. Mineralized sheeted quartz
veins. C. Malachite (mal). D. Malachite (mal) in quartz (qu). E. Molybdenite (mol) in quartz (qu). F.
Molybdenite (mol) in the Xanthi granodiorite (grdr).


The Maronia copper-molybdenum mineralization, which belongs to the Rhodope
metallogenic province, is hosted in a porphyry microgranite (Fig. 14, 15) located 30 km south
of Komotini in Thrace, NE Greece. The geology of the area is dominated by metamorphosed
Mesozoic sediments and volcanic rocks and by Tertiary plutonic and subvolcanic intrusions.
The metamorphic rocks belong to the Makri Unit of the Circum Rhodope belt and consist
mainly of marbles and calc-schists in the lower part and schists in the upper part. The marbles
and schists of the Makri Unit are intruded by the Oligocene (29-31 Ma) Maronia pluton
(Fig. 16) of gabbroic-monzogabbroic-monzonitic composition. Wide Fe-oxide veins cross-cut
the marbles close to an impressive normal fault along to the sea side (Fig. 16). A high
temperature skarn (Fig. 14, 16) is formed at the western contact zone of the Maronia pluton
with the calcareous schists and the marbles. The Maronia skarn is up to 10 m wide and is Ca-
and Al-rich and poor in Fe. The main minerals observed are melilite, wollastonite, larnite,
calcite, grossular-andradite garnet, diopside, vesuvianite, Al-phlogopite, clinopyroxene,
augite, sodalite. The andradites are sometimes Ti-rich and Ti-Cr-Zr-rich forming black
A younger porphyry microgranite, which is the host of the Cu-Mo(±Au) mineralization,
intrudes the metamorphic rocks and the Oligocene pluton (Fig. 14, 16). Three hydrothermal
alteration zones (Fig. 15) have been recognized in the porphyry microgranite: an argillic, a
phyllic and a propylitic, which extends also to the surrounding rocks. Additionally, three
highly silicified zones crop out at the northeastern, southeastern and southern part of the

Fig. 14. Geological sketch map showing the geology of the Maronia porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization
(Melfos et al. 2002).

Fig. 15. Sketch map of hydrothermal alteration zoning of the Maronia porphyry type deposit. Phyllic,
silicified, argillic and propylitic zones are illustrated (Melfos et al. 2002).

Fig. 16. A. Maronia pluton. B. Fe-oxide veins crosscutting the marbles. C. Maronia normal fault
(Marmaritsa area). D. Andradite and melanite garnets from the skarn of Maronia. E. Grossular garnet
from the skarn of Maronia. F. Vesuvianite from the skarn of Maronia. G. The porphyry microgranite
which hosts the Cu-Mo mineralization. H. The Re-rich molybdenite from the porphyry Cu-Mo type

microgranite. The mineralization, which is concentrated mainly in the silicified zones, is
found in the form of disseminations, veinlets and segregations.
Chemical analyses of surface samples show concentrations of up to 7600 ppm Mo, 5460
ppm Cu and 1 ppm Au. Geochemical data from a drill-core revealed a 10 m thick horizon
containing up to 12 ppm Au, 17 ppm Ag and 2.00 % Cu. Argillic and phyllic alterations
display lower REE abundances (average total: 88 and 95 ppm respectively) and negative Eu
anomalies, compared to the propylitic alteration where REE contents are higher (average
total: 133 and 221 ppm) and Eu anomaly positive.
The Cu-Mo mineralization is associated with the phyllic and propylitic alterations and is
mainly restricted to zones of intense silicification. The mineralogical composition (Fig. 17)
consists of sulphides (pyrite, chalcopyrite, cubanite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite,
molybdenite, sphalerite, galena and bismuthinite), sulphosalts (tetrahedrite, tennantite,
zinkenite, chalcostibite, famatinite, bournonite, boulangerite) and an oxide (magnetite).
The chemical composition of the molybdenites revealed unusual high and variable Re
concentrations, from 0.12 to 4.21 wt%.

Stages of mineralization and paragenetic assemblages

Propylitic alt. Phyllic alt. NE silicification SE silicification S silicification
Mineral py-mt-cpy- py-cpy-po py-cpy-po py-cpy-po- py-cpy-po-boul-
po±mol mol±(ss-mt) sph-ga
Fig. 17. Simplified paragenetic sequences for the assemblages of ore and alteration minerals in the
Maronia porphyry Cu-Mo deposit (Melfos et al. 2002). Line thickness represents schematically the
relative abundances of the minerals. py: pyrite, mt: magnetite, cpy: chalcopyrite, po: pyrrhotite, mol:
molybdenite, ss: sulphosalts, boul: boulangerite, sph: sphalerite, ga: galena.

Microthermometric study of the four types of fluid inclusions revealed salinities from 5

to 55 wt% NaCl equiv, while the homogenization temperatures vary mainly from 260 to 460
°C (Fig. 18). The estimated pressures of the fluids range from 150 to 510 bar. Boiling is
considered to be the main process for the ore mineral formation. The formation temperatures
of the main minerals followed a cooling path: magnetite in propylitic zone: 420-400 °C, pyrite:
400-320 °C, molybdenite: 340-280 °C, tetrahedrite-chalcostibite: <359 °C and chlorite in
propylitic zone: 328-300 °C. It is evidenced therefore that the depositional process was
continuous without any pause, which is in agreement with the observed paragenetic

Fig. 18. Homogenization temperature versus

salinity plot for the fluid inclusions from the
Cu-Mo mineralisation, Maronia area (Melfos et
al. 2002).

The δ34S composition of pyrite and molybdenite (averaging +4.14 ‰ and +3.73 ‰
respectively) suggests a homogeneous mineralizing magmatic source. The underground Cu-Au-
rich ore mineralization supports the suggestion that a potassic alteration is extended below the
phyllic alteration (Fig. 19) and new drilling of the Maronia porphyry complex is strongly
recommended for prospecting Au, Cu, Mo and Re.
a b

Fig. 19. Schematic cross-sectional model of the Maronia alteration system and ore mineral deposition d
in the Maronia porphyry type deposit (not to scale). Prop=propylitic zone, Arg=argillic zone,
Phyl=phyllic zone, Pot=Potassic zone.

Geological Overview
Serbomacedonian massif (SMM) has been recognized as a favorable metallogenetic
province for polymetallic, porphyry and skarn type ore deposits as well as for fracture-controlled
quartz vein deposits, with significant gold and/or silver concentrations (Fig. 1). Mineral
exploration and mining activity of these deposits for precious and base metals, date back to the
ancient times due to their economic potential.
According to the most recent studies, the Serbomacedonian massif is considered to be the
western extension of thrust units belonging to the Rhodope metamorphic core complex. It is
subdivided into two series: the underlying Kerdilion series to the east and the overlying
Vertiskos series to the west. The Kerdilia Unit is mainly composed of biotite gneisses,
amphibolite and hornblende-biotite gneisses. Three distinct marble horizons are intercalated in
the gneiss series of Kerdilia Unit. These metamorphic rocks are intruded by a complex network
of meta-aplitic/pegmatitic dikes and sills. The Kerdilia Unit has been metamorphosed under
upper amphibolite facies conditions and locally incipient anatectic features have been observed.
The Vertiskos Unit follows the “upper” marble horizon of the Kerdilia Unit in a tectonic
contact and consists of ortho- and para-gneisses, schists and amphibolites, as well as ultrabasic
rocks. A two-mica and/or biotite granite (of Arnea type) of Late Triassic age intrudes the Lower
Vertiskos sequence. Pliocene to Pleistocene sediments and Quaternary alluvial deposits overlie
the older rocks.
Various plutonic to subvolcanic intrusives were emplased in the SMM during the
Tertiary. The largest post-Alpine intrusion in the district is the Stratoni granodiorite with an age
of 27.1 ± 1.1Ma, whereas other smaller subvolcanic intrusions of early Miocene age are present
in Skouries, Tsikara, Fisoka and Alatina, related to porphyry type mineralizations.

Ore deposits
The NE part of Chalkidiki peninsula has been recognized as a region with significant
mineral potential where a variety of metallic occurrences exist. Some of these were being
exploited in the past and are currently being exploited locally. The most important
mineralization types in the district are porphyry Cu-Au, carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn-(Ag-Au)
orebodies, copper skarn and oxidized manganese ores (Fig. 20).

Lead-Zinc-(Silver-Gold) carbonate-replacement ores

The polymetallic Pb-Zn-(Ag-Au) mineralizations form complex replacement bodies in
marbles and meta-pegmatites/meta-aplites of the Kerdilia Unit. The most important deposits
of this mineralization type are those of Olympias and Madem Lakkos, which are hosted by
the lower marble horizon of Kerdilia Unit, near the contact to the hanging wall Kerdilia
gneisses and the Mavres Petres deposit, which is situated in the upper marble horizon, near
the contact to the hanging wall Stratoni-Varvara fault. The Olympias deposit is generally
stratabound or fracture controlled and in places stratiform. The main paragenesis is pyrite,
sphalerite, galena, arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite. Gangue minerals include quartz,
rhodochrosite and calcite. Two ore stages occur at Madem Lakkos deposit: 1. an early
massive replacement ore consisting mainly of sphalerite, galena and pyrite and 2. a
disseminated ore consisting of quartz, manganoan calcite, pyrite, sphalerite, galena, fahlore,
chalcopyrite ± sulphosalts. In 2012 the reserves of Stratoni project (Madem Lakkos and
Mavres Petres) were estimated at 18 Mt at 6.3% Pb, 8.6% Zn, 177g/t Ag with 10Moz Ag,
whereas the reserves (proven and probable) of the Olympias deposit are 13.5 Mt at 4.4 % Pb,
5.9 % Zn, 132 g/t Ag and 8.7 g/t Au, with a total of 3.8 Moz Au and 57.7 Moz Ag.

Fig. 20. The geology and the ore mineralizations of Chalkidiki (Eldorado Gold 2012)

Porphyry copper type ores

The porphyritic syenite of the Skouries deposit intruded the metamorphic basement of the
Serbomacedonian massif in the northeast Chalkidiki peninsula at 19 Ma. The final
emplacement was controlled by dominantly northeast-southwest-trending steep faults that
created pathways for the deep-seated magma to rise to shallow crustal levels. Ore
mineralization occurs in the form of veinlets and disseminations, which form a stock-work-
type mineralization. The ore reaches, according to drillings, the depth of 700 m. The main ore
minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, magnetite, minor galena and tetrahedrite. Gold is
found within chalcopyrite, whereas molybdenite has been found only in traces. A 40 m thick
oxidation zone with malachite, azurite and limonite occur and an enrichment zone follows, 2-
3 m thick, where cobelite, chalcosite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and magnetite coexist with
malachite and azurite.
Following its emplacement (stage I), the porphyritic syenite suffered a pervasive potassic
alteration (stage II, approximately 590°-640° C). Two later veining stages with propylitic
characteristics (stage IIIA, approximately 480° C; stage IIIB, approximately 380° C) brought
in most of the Cu, which was deposited in the form of chalcopyrite. Quartz sulfide-(calcite)
veins transect the porphyritic syenite as well as the country rocks in a narrow (<50 m wide)
halo around the stock only. The range of δ18O values from 3.5 to 7.6‰ for the fluids in
equilibrium with vein quartz is within the typical range of early ore-forming fluids associated
with porphyries, representing magmatic fluids that may, to some extent, have interacted with
the igneous wall rock.
A subsequent late propylitic alteration (stage IV, approximately 210° C), more localized
and patchy, affected the country rocks and the porphyritic syenite and deposited disseminated
pyrite and chalcopyrite. The δ34S values from vein and disseminated sulfides range from -2.1
to +0.3‰, indicative of a magmatic origin for the sulfur.
The 207Pb/204Pb ratios from pyrite and chalcopyrite deposited in stage IIIA (early) and

stage IIIB (late) veins (15.683-15.687) are markedly lower than those from disseminated
sulfides related to stage IV (15.696-15.734) and lie within the range of 15.672 to 15.696
defined by feldspars from the porphyritic syenite. The Pb isotopes therefore indicate an
evolution of the fluid composition from one characterized by magmatic components to one
dominated by the country rocks, whereas ore hosted in veinlets (stage III) contains lead from
both sources. These data confirm the Pb isotope trends and indicate that Sr contamination
took place where the veins crosscut the country rocks. Fluids in veins within the porphyry
could ascend rapidly from deeper levels without reacting with the porphyry and thus show an
unaffected magmatic Sr isotope signature. Pb and Sr isotopes in inclusion fluids are shown to
be extremely sensitive tracers for elucidating the hypogene leaching processes in the Skouries
porphyry system.
The proven and probable reserves of the Skouries porphyry deposit reach 138 Mt at
0.53% Cu and 0.8g/t Au, with 738 Kt Cu and 3.6 Moz Au.

Skarn ores
Metasomatic calc-silicate rocks (skarns) occur in Chevallier, Agios Nikolaos and
Koulocheras, due to the intrusion of the Stratoni granodiorite in the lower marble horizon of
the Kerdilia Unit. The main paragenesis of calcic skarns is garnet, clinopyroxene±anhydrite,
epidote and magnetite. Gilg (1993) reported the presence of magnesium skarns in dolomitic
marbles of the Kerdilia Unit. They mainly consist of forsterite, magnetite, phlogopite and

Manganese ores
In NE Chalkidiki, manganese ores are mainly developed near the borders of Madem
Lakkos and Olympias polymetallic ores and along the Stratoni-Vavrvara fault. They are
hosted in the marbles, near the contact with the biotite gneisses of Kerdilia Unit. In Madem
Lakkos and Mavres Petres, the paragenesis gradually changes from east to west from lead-
zinc ore to manganese ores at Piavitsa and Varvara. Manganese ores also occur at
Olympias, Basdek Lakkos and the zone Zepko-Stratoniki. These ore deposits are
genetically associated with Mn-rich hydrothermal fluids, which followed the formation of the
polymetallic sulfides or they were formed from the in-situ alteration of the sulfides and the
carbonate minerals. Au concentrations range from 0.84 to 3.57 g/t, whereas the highest Ag
concentration is mentioned at zone Zepko-Stratoniki with 72 g/t Ag.

Arikas K., Voudouris P. (1998). Hydrothermal alterations and mineralizations of magmatic
rocks in the southeastern Rhodope massif. Acta Vulcanologica, 10, 353-365.
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