Wr20 Book of Oblivion PDF
Wr20 Book of Oblivion PDF
Wr20 Book of Oblivion PDF
Matthew Dawkins, Cassandra Khaw, Clayton Oliver, Matthew Rossi, Elsa Sjunneson-Henry
Credits Special Thanks:
Written by: Jiba Molei Anderson, Dale Andrade, Bruce I’m a lifelong reader of comic books, so I’m very familiar
Baugh, Jacob Burgess, Mark Carroll, Lillian Cohen-Moore, with cover blurbs proclaiming, “Because you demanded it!”
Matthew Dawkins, Cassandra Khaw, Clayton Oliver, Matthew Sometimes it was true, with the issue inside holding dramatic
Rossi, and Elsa Sjunneson-Henry developments for heroes and villains that fans had been speculat-
Developed by: Bruce Baugh and Matthew Dawkins ing about. Sometimes it wasn’t, with boring minor characters
World of Darkness Line Developer: Matthew Dawkins and under-baked newcomers getting spotlight time in the futile
Editor: Wade Wallace hope it would do their popularity some good. Until now, I’ve
never had the chance to write “Because you demanded it!”
Art Director: Mike Chaney
about a roleplaying-game book with which I was involved. So…
Book Design: Josh Kubat
Because you demanded it!
Interior Art: Drew Tucker, Ken Meyer Jr., Melissa Uran, Paul
Lee, Phil Simpson, John Cobb You did, after all. Most of the contents here are present
Cover Art: Drew Tucker because they were stretch goals in the Kickstarter for Wraith:
The Oblivion, and nothing expresses enthusiastic demand quite
Dedication like oboli. The rest is present because it answers longstanding
If you’re waiting for me on the other side Nigel, keep shuffling questions and concerns from our loyal readers, Storytellers, and
your VtES library and I’ll meet you someday. We’ll need another players — that’s you — and wishes on the part of authors and
couple of players though, so teach a couple of interesting wraiths developers to give substance and detail to elements of the setting.
how to play while you wait. — Matthew From start to finish, this is the Book of Answered Questions.
Roleplaying-game creation is, at its best, a joyfully social process,
and the Book of Oblivion was that. Its creators renewed old
associations and made new ones, with periods of discussion that
left me gasping with delight, awe, and outright laughter at the
cascade of invention. There were hard times, the Wraith curse
bringing us all a lot more misery than any of us needed, but
we did keep at it, and here it is for you. I’d like nothing quite
so much as discovering that you folks get to have anything like
the pleasure we had making it.
Thank you for making this book a reality. — Bruce
Redemption 31 The Storms to Come 49 Business and Mercantilism 71
The Stuff of Nightmares 32 (Relatively) Easy Tempest Travel 50 War Without End 72
The Path to Redemption 32 The Ferrymen 50 The Doomslayer Orders of Battle 72
Phase One 32 Osseum 73
Crossroads Ghosts 50
Phase Two 32 Peril, Incorporated! 75
Phase Three 33
Hitchhiker Ghosts 50
Rainbow 03: the Eagle Two 76
Phase Four 33 Sea Channel Ghosts 50
The HellBeetle 77
Phase Five 33 Kingdoms Built on Rubble 51
Unfortunate Events, In Sequence 52 The Dark Kingdom of Ivory 79
The Light of Salvation 33
Darksiders 33 Gust Front 52 Origins, both Humble and Grand 79
Helldivers 33 Moment of Truth 53 The Bridge 79
Illuminate 33 Save What You Can 53 The Marketplace 80
Spectre Cults 34 Built it Back, Better 54 The Crossroads 81
The Only Way Out Is Through 55 The Shade 81
The Sacrifices 35
The Sacrifices Past and Present 36 Those Who Light Torches 55 The Bush 81
The Maelstrom Bureau 55
Alex Salazar 36 The Mirrorlands 81
The Harbingers’ Guild 57
Est Machina 36 The Emerald Legion 58
The Power of Myth: The Era of Heroes 82
Lost American Religion 37 Necropolitan Offices The Order of Ya’Qub 83
The New Mary 37 of Emergency Management 58 The Dark Kingdom Falls 83
The True Spear 39 Reaping (After) the Whirlwind 59 The Shade Becomes “Komboni” 84
The True Spear 40 Ghosts in Disasters and Disasters in Ghosts 59 The Plantation of the Mirrorlands 86
Les Voyeurs du Mal 40 Echoes 59 The Desert 86
Valery Montaigne 41 A Memory of Broken Iron 60 Sankofa: Return of the Ijele 87
Valery Montaigne 42 Perpetual Screams 60 The Railroad 87
The Sailors of the Sunless Sea 43 Storytelling Disasters 61 Can it be Saved? 87
The Granddaughter 43 The Labyrinth 65 The Dark Kingdoms of the Americas 89
The Forever Wind: The Tempest 45 What is it Anyway? 65 Smoking Mirror —
The Storms Before 46 The Theory of the Labyrinth 66 The Dark Kingdom of Obsidian 89
The Storms Now 46 The Structure of the Labyrinth 66 History 89
The Everyday Tempest 46 Abscesses 67 Mictlan 90
Dwelling in the Storm 47 A Maze of Flesh: Fifth Sun Rising — The Four Houses Today 90
Valuable Objects 47 Body Horror and the Labyrinth 67
The House of the Werejaguar 91
Zones of Alienation 68
The Storms Themselves 48 The House of Ix Chel 91
The Dali Storm 48 Entrances and Exits 69 The House of Xipi Totec 92
The Veinous Stair 70 The House of Itzamna 93
The Arcane Storm 48 The Well of the Void 70
The Tempus Hurricane 48 Oblivion in the Flayed Lands 94
Babylon Favela 71
The Shadow Tornado 49 Nahui-Ollin — “Earthquake Sun” 94
Xibalba — “Place of Fright” 94 Coronation Park near Delhi 106 Background: Status (Serviteur) 119
Mitnal 94 The Taj Mahal 106 Serviteurs 119
Balance 95 Sanchi Stupa 106 Marks 120
Jatayu Earth’s Center 106
Eyes in the Forest — The Islands of Flint 95 Society 120
Garuda 106
History 95 Dow Hill of Kurseong 107
Factions 120
The Five Nations 95 Vijayanagara 107 Connaissance 120
The Haudenosaunee Nation - The Iroquois 95 Connaissance Systems 120
The Storm That Dreams 107
Anishinaabe — The People of Peace 96 • Les Yeux du Chasseur (Common) 121
The Abenaki — The Council of Tribes 96
The Thorns of Empire 108
• Reler Baka (Initiate) 121
The Cherokee Haudenosaunee 97 The Naga 109 •• La Langue (Common) 121
Inuktitut — The Inuit 98 “The Host-Chef” Persaud 110
•• Renvoyer Baka (Initiate) 121
Other Nations 99 The Night Markets 111 ••• Renforcer Les Chevaux (Common) 121
Mississippian Cultures 99 Life in Death 111 ••• Engagement (Initiate) 122
The Southwest 99 A Form of Commerce 112 •••• Retirer d’en bas de l’eau (Common) 122
The West 99 The Monsoon Markets 112 •••• Reler Mystere (Initiate) 122
The Pacific Northwest 99 The Cult of Salt 112 ••••• Bonté Abyssale: (Common) 122
Svarga’s View 112
Setting Sun — The Lands of Gold 99 ••••• Marrer Baka (Initiate) 123
Oblivion 101 The Mirrorlands 115 Appendix: Necropoli 124
The Lands of Emerald 101 Haiti 115 Seattle 124
Greater South America 101 Necropolis Port-au-Prince 117 The Modern Necropolis 124
Swar, the Dark Kingdom of India 103 External Relations 117 Mount Rainier 125
An Old Rage 104 Dominican Republic 117 The Underground 125
Children of Kali 104 Cuba 118 The Afterlife of the City 126
Storm Child 104 Puerto Rico 118 Harrowing 127
Water Children 105 Those That Came Before — Taino and Caribs 118 Halifax, Nova Scotia 127
Notable Locations 106 Oblivion 118 Zone Rouge 128
hat do the dead have to fear though, really? Labyrinth lies, waiting. Its horrifying denizens wait to escape or
How can life get any worse than when it ends? entice lost wraiths within.
The Book of Oblivion answers that The dead have a great deal to fear. Life can get worse after
question many times over. it ends.
Many Restless make the mistake of seeing This book shows you how.
their form of life as a second chance, where • Introduction — That’s what you’re reading right now.
hope springs eternal, and a form of immortality remains at hand. • Oblivion in the Soul: Shadows — There’s always something
They are soon disabused of this naïve notion. more to say about the Shadow. Here you’ll find some new
A wraith’s Shadow is the start of it. That voice in your head, Archetypes, new individual Thorns, and a new system for
compelling you to selfish, evil, abusive, and sometimes murder- collective Thorns, where multiple Shadows pool their power
ous ends. The Shadow wants to torment and control you, to to shape the Underworld around them.
push you over the edge into a state where you truly belong to it. • Machines in the Ghosts: Soulforging — The business of
Spectres — those wraiths who fell to Oblivion, succumbed turning souls into objects is one of the most distinctive
to the Shadow, or willingly embraced their darker natures — add and controversial features of the Underworld. This chapter
to the terror of being one of the Restless Dead. They will make brings clarity, advice, and mechanics to each step from the
your existences a perpetual nightmare, hound you, brutalize process of gathering raw materials to delivering finished
you, and drag you down with them. products, and shows you the cultures of those who do
A wraith might seek sanctuary in Stygia, but the threat the forging, their various special techniques, and some
of the Hierarchy identifying you as useless and ordering you examples of it all in use.
soulforged into furniture, building block, object of art, piece • In the Belly of the Beast: Spectres — What’s an Underworld
of machinery, or weapon is ever-present. without servants of Oblivion? We have new castes that
Venturing beyond the Necropoli is no guarantee of safety bring aspects of ghostly folklore and horror fiction into
either, as the Tempest guarantees the horrors of environmental play, some new Dark Arcanoi to make their wielders that
extremes. You will need the skills of an able Ferryman to survive much nastier, advice on using all of that, and a long look
a voyage on the former Sea of Shadows. at the cults Spectres form to pursue their various goals.
Beyond Stygia’s Dark Kingdom of Iron there exist the Dark You find detailed antagonists — their histories, methods,
Kingdoms of Ivory, the Mirrorlands, and more. Below it all, the and goals — all ready to use in your chronicle. You also get
Oblivion in
the Soul:
he Shadow is the wraith’s dark mirror,
a reflection of the worst depths of their
The Alien
personality in life. Although a wraith is The Alien was never human. It does not remember what
concerned with self-preservation, his Shadow it was, but if the Psyche is convinced she was once a human,
is ultimately concerned with Oblivion. and The Alien is her Shadow, it will cast doubt on every human
Heading straight for annihilation isn’t fun, emotion to exert its own narrative. The Alien believes it never
though. What’s fun is to draw the process out for as long and belonged to a human Corpus. The Shadow might not even
sadistically as possible — to offer the world and take it back know what it believes it once was — cryptid, alien, or spirit — but
piece by piece until nothing remains. The Shadow must let the it knows definitively what it was not.
wraith believe they can win, and even let them win sometimes. Of course, this Shadow is lying. It was a human Corpus,
It offers just enough to string the wraith along, but not enough but for whatever reason, it decided it was not. Maybe it’s just one
that the eventual end isn’t inevitable. giant lie to cast self-doubt on the Psyche, or perhaps it just likes
making the Psyche question her own memory of what she once
Shadow Archetypes ach Shadow has its own perspective and goals
was. The Alien lies by making the Psyche feel as though she was
not once human and distancing herself from those who were.
When dominant, this Shadow makes a Psyche doubt what
she remembers. It can convince the Psyche what she remembers
that ultimately lead to Oblivion, whether it is wrong and she was not what she thinks her Corpus was.
thinks it’s the path to a new existence, craves Extreme gaslighting is the name of the game with this Shadow.
nonexistence, or does it to forge its Psyche
into something new. Regardless, these goals The Conqueror
never lead anywhere desirable. The Conqueror wants to dominate and compel others to
If none of the Archetypes here or in Wraith: The Oblivion follow it and lead them to their collective doom. It wants to
suit the needs of your wraith, you can write your own with your conquer. Having a fraction of control is unacceptable to the
Storyteller’s permission. Give it a general set of priorities and Conqueror. After the Conqueror has total control of the Psyche,
goals, tactics to use when the Psyche is in control, and actions it’s not going to stop there. What the Conqueror wants isn’t just
it favors when the wraith is in Catharsis. dominion over one Psyche. No, that would be too small for it.
The Conqueror wants to own more Psyches — it wants followers and
its own place to call its domain. It wants the whole Underworld.
This Shadow does not negotiate or even consider negotiation
as a practical means to its goal. It prefers to use brute force to gain
whatever it seeks.
When dominant, the Shadow takes command of any situation
if possible, and does so with an iron fist. Everything this Shadow
does is in service of total control. The Shadow makes it so the
Psyche does everything that the Conqueror commands, whether
or not it is good for the wraith in question. It takes control of
everything around it.
The Destroyer
The Destroyer wants to wreck things, most especially things
important to its Psyche. Does the Psyche feel particularly attached
to a tether? That tether ends up in the sights of the Destroyer. If
the Psyche has a specific relationship she wants to strengthen, the
Destroyer guns for it with gusto.
This Shadow isn’t seeking control or power; it wants a com-
bustible end to everything its Psyche desires, including existence
itself. It wants to see the world burn and has little self-preservation
instinct. The Psyche will be fighting the Destroyer tooth and nail
not to set things on fire, not to break things to pieces, and not to
destroy relationships and precious Artifacts.
When dominant, The Destroyer does anything it wants.
It compels the Psyche to act on destructive impulses are often
detrimental to the Psyche.
The Disincarnate
This Shadow believes it’s never lived, and it has bubbled up
from the Labyrinth to attach itself to the newly dead Psyche. It
believes existence is a torment and a moment-to-moment hell from
which there’s only one true escape. If it could leave the Psyche
forever, it would instantly do so. However, because leaving isn’t
an option, it must drag the Psyche along with it into Oblivion,
and it will use any means to accomplish its goal.
The Disincarnate Shadow does its best to share its torment
with its Psyche by showing her that existence is a nightmarish hell
and a bombardment of unwelcome sensations and experiences.
When dominant, the Shadow lashes out at or escapes anything
that overstimulates it. It abandons any situation too bright, too
loud, too painful, or too much. If there’s an obvious source, it
puts an end to the source if possible. Although this reaction is
irrational, it’s not impulsive. It abandons companions and hurts
them if necessary at the worst possible moment. It leaves things
worse than it found them every time.
The Fearless
Courageous beyond measure, the Fearless Shadow is heroism
without compassion and a champion without mercy. It believes in
righteous action and pushes its Psyche to intervene in even the most
ambiguous situations because it believes there is a single decisively
correct course to take. The Shadow believes doing something, even
The Army of Shadow ven in the Labyrinth, there are constants among
and its many inhabitants will help take care of the problem of
the Restless being somewhere they shouldn’t be. Spectres lead
the way for lost Doomslayers, perishing along with them as the
corridor walls slam shut around them. Oblivion does not take
Spectres when they turn to violence. They have lightly to intruders.
ready access to Stygian steel, but rarely artillery.
The bombs that were dropped on the Western Temperament
Front are not common trinkets in the depths Spectres are often described as suicidal, and some are,
of the Underworld. Spectres find it almost but many are merely single-minded, driven, and unyielding.
impossible to back down from the fight, and complex maneuvers Destruction now or later is just a matter of timing to many of
are difficult at best for them. When the fight is brought to them,
them. The end of all things, including themselves, is a certain fact. Invading forces (either Restless or other Spectres) must be denied
They have no capacity for the denial of death, unless they aspire to time in which to think so that they do not gain the opportunity to
become one of the nightmarish gods slumbering around them in confuse, intimidate, or lead astray the mind of a spectral commander.
the Labyrinth. The brevity of the average Spectre’s existence and the In that moment of confusion, they have a hope of winning. Using
ceaseless gnawing hunger of Oblivion have taken reasoning with the elements of surprise, ignorance of the Labyrinth, and monopoly
the rank and file off the table. of low-visibility conditions, Spectres can make short work of many
Hunger underscores every moment of a Spectre’s existence, wraiths who thought they could invade the Labyrinth unscathed.
and it makes many of them who inhabit the Labyrinth quite Most groups of Spectres are little better than vicious dogs, but if a
volatile. In any engagement with the Restless, there is no avoiding war band has a commander, a wise wraith proceeds with caution.
the consequence of the relentless hunger and hate of the Spectres Fifty Shades commanded by a Nephwrack can be a horror show
under an officer’s command: casualties. unlike anything Stygia can offer. The low visibility in the Labyrinth
gives Shades an advantage to take wraiths unawares, with the units of
Units Restless realizing too late how many of the enemy have circled them.
When the Restless see even a platoon of Spectres, their morale The wars that the rank and file of the Hive fight inside the
suffers deeply. Shaking their Psyches is one of the reasons swarms Labyrinth are not the years-long wars that were fought by many
of Spectres work so well when it comes to fighting intruding forces. Spectral officers before their deaths. They also are not the wars of
Unlike a unit of Restless, Spectres don’t have the unpredictability plush Stygian bureaucrats, who send out wraiths to die on behalf
of each individual soldier having their own ideas, experience, or of their ambitions. These wars are brutal, and they usually don’t
breaking point. Among Spectres, matters of free will can be shoved last long.
aside when a spectral commander directs them. Subordinates are not Still, there are exceptions. Even in the Labyrinth, elite units rise
a command chain; they are merely a chain of minds to relay orders. and are typically led by a Nephwrack. These units recruit Renegades
Spectres appear to fight as one because they do. This lashed-together and runaways into their number, where the Restless serve with the
apparatus lumbers through each thought of the commander, whose Shadow-eaten. The Legions would go cold if they knew that for
strategy breaks into pieces as it passes along the chain as though it every military genius within the Hierarchy, another exists in the
were a warlike version of the children’s game Telephone. Without Labyrinth and serves Oblivion.
the mind commanding them, a spectral force falls apart.
The Labyrinth itself has its own internal process for dealing with
what goes on within it and not even the Spectres fully understand
And Now, The Weather
The weather that victimizes Stygia and ruins the Corpus and
it, let alone the Restless. It moves, builds, collapses, conceals, and lives of all it touches gets much of its start in the Labyrinth. The
reveals at its own pace, sometimes killing the inhabitants of miles-long fierce flux of energy that pulses in a revolting parody of life induces
sections as a new corridor opens as the prior corridor closes. Although shuddering contractions that expel a disgusting mix of Angst, Corpus,
it is unwise for a Spectre to depend on a predictable amount of aid and other sundry parts out of the recesses of the Labyrinth’s many
Time are suddenly far off course, miles beneath the top of the Labyrinth,
or even in another section entirely. Although these strange gates
The Labyrinth can do more than play with time during its are frequently stable and slow-moving, some move with terrifying
swift or slow seasons by choosing to twist time by days or even years velocity and travel far across the Labyrinth.
within its confines. It’s an unreliable bit of terrain, but if a Spectral
Dark Arcanoi
These Dark Arcanoi, like others available to Spectres, come
that might impact an entire necropolis. A Spectre
wielding False Life can conceivably go undetected
in the way a Harrowing cannot. No one says there
can’t be a Harrowing in the offing once a Psyche is
from their connection to Oblivion. A wraith can learn these arts suitably traumatized.
only with Storyteller approval and in unique circumstances.
False Life System:Spend 1 Angst, and then roll Charisma + False Life
This Dark Arcanos lures wraiths by using the scents, sounds, (difficulty 6). On a success, the target’s Perception rolls are at +1
presence, and sensations of life as it appears to the Quick. It then difficulty for the turn, plus an additional turn for every 2 additional
builds Angst within the wraith and distracts them from their mission successes.
and safety. When applied in the right circumstances, False Life can On a botch, Sounds of Life backlash on you and irritates you.
be part of a long operation to eliminate an entire Circle of Restless Each time that you use this art, your Psyche gains 1 Pathos point.
through fear and distrust, or it can be a fatal distraction to delay a
response to a hideous surprise attack. ••• Dangerous Distraction
This Arcanos is not popular because it empowers the Psyche The Spectre lures a target with a difficult-to-resist illusion of
of a Spectre and makes the Spectre vulnerable to those who seek significant meaning from their life by using scent, sight, or touch.
to turn Spectres back from Oblivion. It remains a potent tool, but System:Spend 2 Angst, and then roll Manipulation + False Life
the Hive is loath to use it. Perhaps its pleasures outweigh its risks, or (difficulty 7). The successes rolled indicate an additional sense that you
enough Spectral Psyches exert quiet pressure to keep the knowledge can engage beyond scent or an added note of complexity to a scent, such
in memory. Either way can lead the Spectre away from Oblivion. as the favorite scents of two deceased relatives of the target, or a glimpse
• Scent of Life of their daughter’s hair outside the Necropolis walls coupled with the
scent of their dead wife’s perfume. The target’s Perception rolls are at
The Spectre can conjure the scents of life for a target. Some +2 difficulty for the turn, plus an additional turn for every 2 additional
examples are fresh-turned earth, baking bread, their mother’s successes. Willpower rolls for the target are at +1 difficulty for the scene.
cookies…or congealing blood. Any scent from the other side of the
On a botch, you are inundated with fractured flashes of sights
Shroud is fair game.
and smells from your life before you were a Spectre. (If you have
System:Spend 1 Angst, and then roll Manipulation + False Life no memory of this life, you are instead inundated with visions and
(difficulty 6). On a success, the scent manifests for the target as a slow smells from the Quick that you glimpsed through the Shroud from
bloom or an abrupt slash. Whether it is revolting or heartbreaking, earlier uses of False Life). Your perception rolls are at +1 difficulty,
the target’s Perception rolls are +1 difficulty for the turn, plus an and your Willpower rolls are at +2 difficulty. This effect lasts for
additional turn for every 2 additional successes. the remainder of the scene.
On a botch, Scent of Life backlashes on you, which increases the Each time that you use this art, your Psyche gains 1 Pathos point.
difficulty of all your Perception rolls by 1 for the remainder of the scene.
Each time that you use this art, your Psyche gains 1 Pathos point. •••• Love’s Caress
The Spectre’s illusion convinces the target that they’re within
•• Sounds of Life arm’s reach of their loved one or an object of great value to them.
The Spectre evokes the sounds of life for the target. Some System:Spend 2 Angst and 1 Willpower, and then roll Charisma
examples are children laughing, a woman crying, happy humming, + False Life in a resisted action against the target’s Perception +
or even screams begging for help. Alertness or Willpower (whichever is greater). On a success, the target
The Sacrifices lex Salazar died at age 27 in 1991. She died from
rosary left behind by her mother, and she prayed. Please, she prayed
every night. Hasn’t it been enough? Both parents dead, massive loads
of debt, years spent working to help the sick just to get a chance to
get a job doing the same; hadn’t she given enough? Please. All she
a respiratory infection that she couldn’t afford to wanted was to realize the dream she’d settled for, the “good enough”
have treated. Her death happened after watching option. She just wanted that small thing.
both of her parents die: her mother from cancer
Prayer didn’t save Alex either. She died. The night it happened,
and her father from the crushing debt incurred
feeling her lungs fill up, she drank the last of her dwindling savings
from her mother’s illness. Her father was driving
in cheap vodka and coughed until her throat was raw and her sink
home from his second job when he crossed the median strip and
full of fluid. She knew she was dying. She also knew that if she called
collided with another car, killing himself and the family of that car.
an ambulance, the debt would destroy her. College would be over,
That was in 1982, when Alex was eighteen. There was no money
and she’d have to work two jobs just to pay for the doctors. Just like
left for Alex to go to school, so she started working as an orderly in
her father had. In the end, she wondered if he’d deliberately let his
the hopes of making the jump to nursing, which would at least be
car drift over that line.
adjacent to her lifelong dream of being a doctor.
She chose to drift. She died wholly in the grip of her doubts,
She worked extremely long hours at less than stellar pay, but
and so came to the Shadowlands already a Spectre. But it would
managed to get into a program at the University of Illinois at Chicago
be understandable if you didn’t suspect it on meeting her in the
that would allow her to get a degree and qualifications for a position
Underworld. To all outward appearances, Alex Salazar is quite possibly
as a registered nurse. The night she resigned from her job to prepare
the nicest wraith imaginable. She is what most Doppelgangers only
for starting college, she came down with a fever. Over the course
wish they could be: a Spectre who seems to be absolutely a wraith.
of a year, that fever and the coughing and wheezing that came with
Lost American Religion not speak prophetic truths or reveal to Spear and his followers how
to heal the sick or mend the growing divide in his beloved country.
It’s difficult for people today to realize that there was a time In short, it did nothing at all.
in American history where people preached from the pulpit that Spear left Lynn and died some thirty years later, in 1887. He
women should be treated as equals, that pre-marital sex wasn’t a never foreswore the Association of Electrizers and continued to follow
sin, and that slavery was an abomination because all men were their advice and teachings. He even retired from his self-declared
brothers. Spear was just one of many preachers in the era of “Bible ministry in 1872 at the demand of the Electrizers. He lived to see
Communism” who saw the rise of American industrialization as the end of slavery, although not from preaching and prayer but
a dehumanizing force. Unlike many of them, Spear didn’t view the through a bloody war. He never saw women gain equal rights or
mechanical era as an aberration to be feared. By the 1850s, Spear’s the end of the death penalty, but if his failure to create a Messiah
ideals had cost him his status within the Universalist Church, and haunted him in any way, he never seemed to show it.
he felt that the burgeoning tide of Spiritualism held more answers
than reading from an old book. He and his followers moved to High
Rock Road in Lynn, and there they began their work.
The New Mary
But not all of Spear’s followers were so sanguine about the failure
Spear was deeply troubled at the state of affairs in the world of the New Motive Power. One in particular was just as important
around him. Slavery seemed to be enduring despite decades of to the machine God’s birth as Spear: its mother. Although history
work opposing it, women still did not have the franchise, and the deliberately did not remember the name Elizabeth Bennetton-Cobb,
ideals of sexual and spiritual liberation that he held dear were hardly without her as the “New Mary” the New Motive Power would never
prospering as Massachusetts moved further into the Industrial era. have been built. Born in 1825, Elizabeth lived a life constantly grap-
Spear, like many of his profession, believed in the awesome power of pling with the constraints of a society that would not recognize her
God’s boundless love and forgiveness, and as he attempted to reach gifts. An accomplished linguist, chemist, and tinkerer, no one would
out to slaves and prisoners he came to view the death penalty as a take her on as an apprentice or allow her to secure a career in any
great injustice. His faith told him that human life was sacred, the of these fields. She had no desire for a husband or to keep a home,
souls of men were God’s to take, and God alone was to reap them. and she only barely managed to attend the new Oberlin Collegiate
Institute in 1842 when she was 17 years old. After her graduation
in 1844, she met Spear when she returned to Massachusetts.
Spear was the first person Elizabeth met who looked past her
gender and saw the genius she was. For her part, although Elizabeth felt
much of what Spear believed was questionable, she was mesmerized
by his calm, forceful belief in the equality of all and God’s universal
love. Their relationship was never sexual, but Spear’s preaching about
sexual liberation and universal emancipation affected how Elizabeth
came to view the world. As he shared his idea for the New Motive
Power with her, she grew to support its creation. With the few pen-
nies she could obtain and the scraps that Spear supplied, Elizabeth
designed the New Motive Power. She was the first to admit that it
was a ludicrous contraption, but she was working with schematics
seemingly dictated to an untrained clergyman by long dead men
who often had minimal actual training. Her rational mind told her
it would never work, but her need for an escape from a stifling role
imposed on her by others drove her ever onward.
She took part in the ritual as the “New Mary” out of desperation.
Spear believed; he wanted it to work, but when it didn’t his faith
assured him all would be well. Elizabeth needed it to work; when it
didn’t, she was crushed. By 1852, she was 27 years old, and unmarried
and perfectly happy that way. However, her family viewed her as an
expensive failure who’d educated herself out of any meaningful role.
Her father disowned her, and her mother and two sisters avoided
her out of fear of his anger. She had no work prospects except as a
tutor in languages to other young girls who would grow up to be just
Valery Montaigne
One representative member of the Voyeurs is Valery Montaigne.
He claims he died in 1919 after having just barely survived years on
the Western Front of WWI. He says his death was from influenza,
and he entered the Shadowlands alongside a flood of human misery
that caused a Great Maelstrom. If you ask Valery, he’ll happily tell you
that he and the Voyeurs aren’t crazed monsters because Oblivion is
neither something to be feared nor does it need them for anything.
“It would require more arrogance than I possess to believe that
there is even a contest to be had between paltry scraps that clutch at a
long-lost life by our fingernails and the Void. Life ends in death, and
death must ultimately end dragged past the Labyrinth. I remember
my Sunday lessons; I was raised with the sure knowledge that God
Dwelling in the Storm of the islands. The Great War brought U-boats into the Tempest
that stalk targets, and World War II brought minefields that might
For some Restless, the Tempest is not a transitional space still lie underneath the sands of some otherwise inviting beaches.
where passages are made and storms are dodged. Instead, it is their Any land or sea mines that mirror locations in the Skinlands and
home. There are many small archipelagos, islands, peninsulas, and took the lives of Restless find their way to the Shadowlands where
channel islands for would-be residents to claim, but the process they wait to explode. Relic mines can come from as far back as
is difficult. the Crimean War. Go even further back in time and you’ll find
There are many things already living on those islands, such as other dangers, such as Viking longboats and Grecian warships that
selkie wraiths, sirens, and even a cyclops or two, and all of them cross the Tempest. Sometimes Spectres crew them, and sometimes
eat wraiths. Some use their essence for power, others simply want they seem to operate themselves (For more information about the
to be left alone, and the sirens are always looking for a toy. Chosen and the Indwelling, see pp. 27-28).
Some of these islands are home to wild packs of ghostly dodos, There’s always the constant threat of Spectre armies coming
flocks of skeletal passenger pigeons, and other communities of down on a new settlement, destroying it, and taking the wraiths
extinct creatures, all of which make a wraith’s afterlife harder, there and using them as slaves. Dwelling in the Tempest always
more complicated, and significantly less pleasant. This is a unique means balancing the risks and reward of proximity to danger,
feature outside the Bush of Ghosts, as deceased animals are rarely distance and ease of access to Stygian strongholds, openness to
present in the Underworld. The Stygian Legions can be found the surrounding sea, and potentially valuable resources such as
roaming these islands on missions, and they’ll sometimes harvest dodo souls to Relics and Artifacts.
these creatures’ souls for their own purposes. In addition, if a
wraith is using one of these islands as a hideout and one of the Valuable Objects
Legions shows up, it might go poorly. But, the Legions aren’t the Ferryman’s Oar (Artifact Level 1) It’s pretty easy to get one
only ones trying to use dodos, pigeons, and turtles; Alchemists and of these oars. Ferrymen lose them in the Tempest all the time, for
Artificers also use the feathers and bones of long-dead creatures example, when a current snatches it away, a shark surprises them,
to fuel their creations. or one of their boats goes below the waves and never returns. A
Protecting these creatures falls primarily to Restless allied with wraith knows that they’re looking at a Ferryman’s oar and not
the Heretics and other organizations within the world of Stygia that a piece of driftwood because of the soft purple glow around
accept Transcendence and move on from this part of the afterlife. the rounded base of the oar. By using these oars, you can steer
Crossroads Ghosts be carried in a vehicle to get out of sight of the spot where they
died. How does that wraith manage to get from place to place?
A crossroads ghost is something between a demon and a
spirit. Depending on why their soul is tethered to this particular Sea Channel Ghosts
crossroad, they may or may not be angry about their circumstances. A shipwreck is a terrible thing. It can drown thousands at
A crossroads ghost is there to make a deal. They are there to see once. Channel ghosts are the kind of ghosts who don’t have a final
whether or not whatever they serve wants whatever a wraith has. resting place because their final resting place is the whole ocean. A
Kingdoms Built on Rubblearly morning over the wounded city and our pilot
reaching for my harness.
“We gotta go out. We don’t have to come back,” she confirms, and
then we’re out the door at a totally unsurvivable altitude. Her wings come
out at the same time as my hatchets and as she turns I can see a Nihil
is flying blind. chewing away the corner of the building. Our survivors aren’t screaming
Five crews are on this op, ferried in on the last any more. They’re too busy fending off the cousin of the thing our tail
Midnight Express run, our birds tarped down on rotor shredded. It’s a race to see whether the Spectre or the Labyrinth gets
flatcars. We were briefed before dawn in the railyard them first.
as the train pulled out, taking everyone who can’t The Spectre, the Labyrinth, or us.
or won’t fight or work. Siege conditions: Evacuate the noncombatants.
The Underworld wouldn’t exist without disasters. Death
Oblivion is hungry today.
and destruction feed the Stygian Empire’s insatiable engines
Blackwell is in the right seat, his visor down to hide what’s left of with wraiths, Relics, and Pathos. Stygia’s splendor is built on
his face after it lost a fight with a Vietnamese 57mm shell. Thankfully, memory and salvage drawn from every corner of the world that its
his wound doesn’t affect his aviating. We’re in a slow clockwise orbit, Shadowlands holdings touch, and the other Dark Kingdoms follow
scanning for survivors through two-bell winds and everything they carry. suit. Each Skinlands catastrophe infuses the Restless with wealth
lstroms occur
There is no “Maelstrom season.” Mae
ts among the living.
at any time of year in response to even
triggering events by
Some Maelstroms might precede their
up to several days.
ook. Better yet, listen. You need to know what you’re and nobody quits. You like that? I heard it in a movie once. Everybody
getting into. You’ve picked up a ticket to Hell and fights, nobody quits, and if you don’t do your part, I’ll feed you into the
if you’ve gotten this far you at least get to know all breech of a Slag Cannon myself.
about what that gets you. It’s a man’s life...afterlife…whatever…in the Doomslayers. You up
You’ve heard stories, you’ve seen the Shadow- for it, rook? Good. I hate wasting my time. Grab your ruck and come
eaten, and you think after the recruitment speech on. I’m going to tell you about the Labyrinth.
that you know what’s going on around here. You’re sitting there believing
you’re 10-feet tall and covered with hair and ready to take on every
Spectre in the Labyrinth. Maybe you’ve stomped a few Spectres or you
What is it Anyway?
Ask a dozen Restless what the Labyrinth is and you’ll get
want revenge, but it doesn’t matter. two dozen answers. It’s a shell around the Mouth of the Void.
You don’t know squat, rook. You ain’t seen a drop of the Hell around It’s an endless maze full of monsters. It’s always been here. There
here, not a touch of strange. You think you’ve got any idea at all what are so many other answers. The guilds think they’ve got the
it’s like here? You don’t. That’s why I’m here to give you the grand tour answers. Heretical cults lie about it to lure souls into their cult.
of the crap you’re in. If you’re smart, you’ll turn right around and leave. The independent scholars among the dead, who are inheritors
If you’re crazy, you’ll stick around. If you’re smart, you’ll pay attention. of the collegia, catch glimpses of the truth before the Legions
We’ve got a motto here on the edge, so learn it if you think you’re a shut them down for good. Nobody has all the answers, so it’s
Doomslayer. “If you come back from the Labyrinth with something useful, all best guesses made by looking at something through a shat-
it’s a miracle. If you come back at all, it’s a success. If the Spectres and tered lens. After all, how can you understand something that’s
freaks miss you, it’s luck. As for anything else, that’s fate.” fundamentally not there?
The next two things to remember are this: If you want to understand the Labyrinth, you must under-
You’re screwed. Damned. Spectre bait. We all are. We accept that, stand Oblivion. Forget the history you’ve heard and the party
we throw ourselves at it like a line of enemies not because we’re charged line. The basics are true: Oblivion is the emptiness, horror, and
with some holy task by Charon his own damn self. We do it because the outright evil eating away at the foundations of every soul in the
alternative is worse. Inevitably, some of us don’t come back. Shadowlands. Characterizing Oblivion as a mindless nothingness
The war never ends. Not if Oblivion’s there, and it’s not going doesn’t prepare you for what it is: a force without thought, will,
anywhere. You join up, you don’t get to walk away. Here, everyone fights and intent. It warps and twists everything it touches to the break-
ing point and beyond until that thing dissolves into the Void.
If that were Oblivion’s sole function, matters would be much Other hypotheses, mainly bandied about by Heretics, range
simpler. You could build a wall around it, keep it contained, and from a change in the personality of God to the disruption of the
rest easier in the afterlife. Oblivion has plans and it hungers. It’s a original planetary order in the fashion suggested by Immanuel
predator with a million eyes, always hunting for its next meal. Every Velikovsky’s heirs to the suggestion that the original Malfeans are
wraith carries its touch inside as their Shadow, which is the key to nightmares in the dreams of Creation.
understanding the Labyrinth. There seems to be prevailing wisdom about Oblivion’s
The Labyrinth did not appear without precedent. Its seeds eventual triumph. Some observers who are unable or unwilling to
lay in the thwarted ambitions, petty cruelties, lost nightmares, and think about it promulgate theories even less realistic than the ones
ill-defined fears that rain down on the Shadowlands from the living discussed here. Like the origins of the Labyrinth, the details are
world every day. Not all those bleak fragments issue from human open to dispute. There is something like agreement that the Sixth
minds or even minds that were once human. Venture deep enough Great Maelstrom will someday overwhelm the Shadowlands in the
into the endless passages and you’ll find fragments of worlds that absence of something sufficiently dramatic, such as the return of
existed long before the Earth or mortal man, or that came into Charon in his full strength and glory. A minority claims the danger
being long after they perished. is a tool of the Hierarchy’s control, with the triumph of Oblivion
Like Spectres and Restless, it is a dark reflection of the not due for long eons. Optimists who think that Oblivion is just
Shadowlands and a warped mirror pieced together by the vast and going to go away or reach stasis are subjected to ruthless mockery.
unknowable force of Oblivion. However, reflection is not all that Philosophically minded wraiths believe many underestimate the
the Labyrinth is. It is a temple for Specters and the Neverborn. It is a place of Oblivion and feel that it underlies not just the Shadowlands
fortress, and within its center Oblivion watches through the eyes of but the whole of the universe if you probe deeply enough. Doomslayer
its spawn and listens to the whispers of the Hive-Mind while slowly experience has yet to find boundaries on the Labyrinth, so these
and surely drawing its plans against all that is not itself. scholars take this fact as confirmation.
Beyond this, the Labyrinth is an engine. Powered by the endless
nightmare of the Void, it draws in hope and spoils it to bitterness. The Structure of the Labyrinth
It grinds the structure of the Shadowlands like grist in a mill and The Labyrinth runs wider and deeper than the human mind
returns it as a furtherance of its own ever-expanding structure. It can readily comprehend, and within infinite space there is infinite
smothers reason in its sleep to produce monsters. Its corrosive and diversity. There are also a few norms that those who spend time in
corrupting effluvium chokes the Shadowlands and the souls that the Labyrinth can come to rely upon in terms of what the place is
exist within it, and it leaves nothing and no one untouched. like and how the Restless function within it.
It is also vital to the existence of the Shadowlands. Although Structurally, the parts of the Labyrinth furthest from the Void
it is a potent source of Oblivion and a magnet for Specters, the lose their chaotic fluidity over time and hardened into a blackened
Neverborn, and horrors spontaneously created from nightmare, the and stone-like resin shot through with marble-like veins of white
Labyrinth is also where wraiths go to negotiate with their Shadows, material. Barring outside influences, this substance, pétra, remains
a repository of forgotten or destroyed resources, such as pure veins stable. But as any experienced dweller near or explorer of the
of Corpus, Angst, soulfire, and the rare hidden pockets of Pathos. Labyrinth can tell you that “stable” is at best an untrustworthy term.
The Theory of the Labyrinth When trod upon, the veins in pétra emit short moans and
sometimes discharge flashes of memory from those who have
The true nature of the Labyrinth is as mazy and confused as the already passed on down. Their intensity varies from featherweight
passages that permeate it. There are two points of general agreement: touches up to the hammer-lie blows of Mnemotechnics. Most are
• The Neverborn created the Labyrinth by tearing its substance the memories of the very recently departed, no more than months
from the raw essence of Creation at the beginning of time. old, but snippets of lives lost longer ago sometimes linger.
• Oblivion was not always as powerful and malevolent as it is today. The memory veins serve as a last test of the supplicant’s readi-
Despite overwhelming proof to the contrary, some wraiths ness: those who flinch or are startled still cling to their existence
refuse to believe in the Labyrinth’s existence. Deniers hold to the enough to be useful as tools. Oblivion leads them away from the
psychological interpretation of the Shadowlands and believe that brink to discharge some task. Only when the intrusion fails to
the Labyrinth has no objective existence at all. At best, these Restless disrupt the supplicant’s march into the Void is it truly time. Those
are deluded fools on the order of Flat Earthers and at worst are little who remain unshaken are ready to contribute their fragments to
better than the Shadow-eaten because such denial feeds Oblivion the Void to hasten the end of all things.
(deniers are the first ones tossed over the walls when a Maelstrom The best-known entrance and exit to the Labyrinth is the
hits). Wraiths who accept the Labyrinth’s existence (also known as Veinous Stair (see p. 70). It is comprised almost entirely of pétra.
“sane”) have a limited consensus about the origins of the Labyrinth. Its name comes from the threads and ribbons of frozen memory
Most Restless accept the thought that the Neverborn created the that constantly shift within what otherwise appears as black stone.
Labyrinth; it’s the specifics of the matter about which people argue. Once the Restless descend the Stair to the very upper and
outmost edges of the Labyrinth, the surety of pétra slowly gives
all straight lines curve. If the goal is unreachable, the wraith is in search of opportunities to feed and destroy. Any effort to extend a
for an extended stay. mine shaft or open a new one requires the support of the Legions.
There are Doomslayers who have been there for centuries. Little is impossible in the Labyrinth, and there are tales of epic
Periodically, younger wraiths encounter these wanderers, who reject mining disasters in which entire crews are crushed or lost, and their
all offers of aid. The ancient Doomslayers trudge on in pursuit of fates are painstakingly etched into the walls of the Stair.
their lost goals. Some of them somehow avoid succumbing to their Unreinforced passages open and close as frequently along the
Shadows and Spectral assaults, and linger on, and on; a minor Stair as anywhere else in the Labyrinth. The most stable ones are
school of Stygian philosophy says that they will survive even after subject to exploratory mining, and those passages that show instabili-
Stygia is smoking ruins. ties are shunned by the ranks of regular wraiths. For Doomslayers,
Sometimes exits close for other reasons. Tempest-Weaving the instability is a promising sign because it offer hopes of access
Spectres can draw the Labyrinth in upon itself (and often seize to new stretches of the Labyrinth. Those who are in the Labyrinth
the opportunity to follow Fetter links back to their owners). The because it’s their duty rather than their choice try to take no more
normal processes of Labyrinth realignment create risks of closure chances than are necessary, and the vistas of passage, chamber,
that grow greater the longer intruders spend below: avalanches and plasm offer little temptation to them. The occasional raids
cover valley chambers, tremors slam together the opposing sides of by foraging Shadowed plasmics do nothing to make exploring any
a rift, and storms fill open passages with caustic plasm. Sometimes, more attractive.
changes happen quickly as whole landscapes transform themselves To Spectres, the Stair is both a wonderful opportunity and a
in response to the dreams of the Labyrinth’s masters or perhaps galling and gaping wound. There are always plenty of desirable targets
their own impulses. creeping along it: miners, soldiers, and explorers, and they all are
far more appetizing than fellow Spectres as sources of nourishment.
The Veinous Stair Conversely, the Stair and its occupants are a reminder of how much
The Veinous Stair is the spine of the Labyrinth and the Axis of the universe has not succumbed to Oblivion. There are infinite
Mundi of the world under Oblivion’s sway. It is the counterpart of depths within the Labyrinth, but there’s an extensive, diverse, and
the River of Death in the Shadowlands, the place to which traffic vital span of existence above.
naturally flows, and the fixed point in the eons-long circulation of Spectres with arts of concealment sneak on to the Stair to write
the Labyrinth. It runs from a fixed point in Stygia to a fixed point slogans, paint diagrams, and carve frescoes that have propagandistic
in the surface of the Labyrinth and then on down. It is the only intent. These etchings mock Stygian history and accomplishments,
feature of the Labyrinth that remains stationary relative to the cast aspersions at the motives of those commanding the miners
universe above. Even the exterior mouth of the Well of the Void and soldiers assigned to the Labyrinth, and proclaim the inevitable
drifts along with its surrounding, but no changes of Labyrinthine triumph of Oblivion. The Spectres lay out little tableaus that show
terrain dislodge the Veinous Stair. the extent of Oblivion’s influence in the Shadowlands, and often
Its single almost-consistent feature is its steps: 18 inches wide gather details for these tableaus from available Shadows. They
and 12 inches deep with enough minor variations to cause the provide testimonials about the pleasures of the Shadow-eaten’s
unwary problems. Waves of distortion sometimes ripple upward existence, and often emphasize the new opportunities to fulfill
from the Well when the flow of souls is particularly heavy. Entire Passions and goals that Stygia denies. When all else fails, they settle
sections are altered by pulses that travel up faster than the fastest for straightforwardly shocking and disturbing images calculated to
Harbinger can bring warning. exploit the fears of viewers.
On the Stair, the main mode of commerce is mining and Some Doppelgangers have given up on the prospect of joint
recovering the materials and relics that have fallen from the Skinlands. action and prefer to operate solo. A lone Doppelganger stakes out
These items embed themselves in the pétra and await discovery. a vantage point and nabs the last straggling member of a group of
The upper reaches of the Stair are long-depleted, and those seeking wraiths. He quickly adopts the victim’s appearance and returns to
the wealth hidden within its substance risk much by descending Stygia with the others. Over time, a large contingent of Doppelgangers
ever-closer to the Labyrinth by inches because raids by Spectres are develops in miners’ and soldiers’ communities poised to disperse
common enough to be a serious threat. for action elsewhere in the Shadowlands.
The side shafts sunk into rich veins of Angst, soulfire, and
other valuable raw materials help give definition and stability to The Well of the Void
the Stair. Reinforcing rings of Stygian steel make it much harder The Void is the center and the bottom of the Labyrinth. In a
for passages to shift shape or position. This corporeal effort gains sense, it’s the Labyrinth’s core. Those who are sufficiently tired of
support from the sustained willpower of those who toil within the existence find it not far away, either around the next corner, down
Labyrinth for Stygian ends. Their beliefs unconsciously drive back a flight of steps, behind the last doorway, or at the foot of the bed.
the worst of the Labyrinth’s inconstancy. In compensation, the When it serves the purposes of the Neverborn to intervene, they
unmined passages just beyond the limits of regular Stygian passages can lead those seeking the Void along a lengthier route to a place
are more variable than usual, and some shift more rapidly than the where the doomed soul can perform one final service. Otherwise,
eye can follow. Nightmares of chaos sweep around the miners in the Void unfolds its final threshold for the convenience of the ready.
Babylon Favela
Communities of those souls not quite ready to meet Oblivion
eke out pathetic existences in chambers opening on to the Well.
Babylon Favela is named after the tiered Hanging Gardens, and it
is a typical example of many such settlements.
The settlers include a range of types, such as the deluded who
hope to summon the next Great Maelstrom by force of will, the
confused who seek a sign about how to proceed, and the despairing
who still retain some tie to the rest of the universe. All of them
scavenge what nourishment they can from those about to plunge
into the Well. While waiting for fresh supplicants, they turn to
carving their stories, hopes, and fears into the walls around them.
In some places, particularly along the two great stairways that spiral
down into the depths of the Well, the carvings reach back dozens
of feet from the original surface and reflect untold generations of
sculptors trying to efface or transform their predecessors’ work.
These lost souls shape their caves into echoes or parodies of their
Skinlands homes, places in the Shadowlands that they conquered
or destroyed, and other dwellings that made an impression in the
days before their drive to seek Oblivion became dominant.
Death emphatically does not make all people equal.
Labyrinth. She assists the team and the Squadron in planning one such project. The XF-12 Rainbow was Republic Aviation’s
daring drops into Shadow-eaten strongholds. Although the high-performance reconnaissance aircraft that could overfly Japan
records remain sealed by order of the Division, she led a dar- from American Pacific island bases. Its onboard technology, which
ing raid into the heart of a massive Tempest. Whatever they was revolutionary for the 1940s, enabled the crew to develop and
discovered there, it whispers Oblivion’s song to Copeland analyze reconnaissance photos in flight and analyze them for
every waking moment. intelligence, which vastly hastened the intelligence cycle for United
• “Haze”: A well-known musician in life, Haze refuses to go by States Army Air Corp commanders. Unfortunately for Republic
his Skinlands name. A rough fit for Peril at the time of his Aviation, the war’s end yielded a surplus of other airframes that
recruitment, he is nonetheless a skilled paratrooper, and his could be adapted for the same mission. The newly independent
unparalleled command of the Keening and Castigate Arcanoi United States Air Force canceled the program in 1948 only a few
have saved the team’s souls on multiple occasions. Shortly after weeks before 44-91003 crashed off Florida in Choctawhatchee Bay.
his death, Haze arranged for a Masquer to conceal his features At least, that’s what the history books of the time claim.
so that his face is perpetually cast in psychedelic shadows. His The truth of the Eagle Two is more colorful and bizarre than few
Relic Fender Stratocaster is one of the most powerful Chanteur wraiths dare suspect: It did not originate from the Skinlands they
instruments in the Shadowlands. know but from another continuum entirely. Unknown to Skinlands
They almost always work with others for specific missions. historians, the XF-12’s design originated decades earlier with the
As part of their general ethos of heroic adventure in the gravest work of aviation engineer and designer Dr. Alexander Corbin.
extreme, they welcome allies of good will and wiliness to cooperate As part of a group sponsored by Howard Hughes, Dr. Corbin’s
in the work of constant innovation. They can serve in a chronicle experimental aircraft had a long and strange history before the
as good guides to places, people, and phenomena that characters Second World War as it crisscrossed the globe to carry out covert
might not survive by discovering on their own. missions. It served as the primary transport for the International
Security team dubbed Peril, Incorporated! by the press of the time
Rainbow 03: the Eagle Two due to their colorful personalities and exploits.
Military history bulges with projects that might have changed Its final mission ended in destruction. The aircraft was pushed
the course of history if not for poor scheduling. Rainbow Zero out of its version of the Skinlands and into a shared Shroud and
Three (from its US Army Air Corps serial number, 44-91003) was came out in to the Shadowlands that the characters know. Pursuit
The Dark
of Ivory
he people of the African continent have always World and named the Shore Ife. In turn, She communed with
had a unique relationship with the spirit world. the Maji, spirits of the animal kingdom, who gifted the bones of
Despite cultural differences, customs, and their discarded carcasses, and created the Dark Kingdom of Ivory.
stories chronicling their various mythologies, The Dark Kingdom of Ivory was the sum of ancestral memory,
Africans believed the physical world and the reflecting the diverse cultures of the continent. Ala took the wild
spirit world were two sides of the same coin, energy of imagination and shaped it into a realm of vast kingdoms
with each world influencing the other. They would honor those of gold and iron, which stood in harmony with the expanse of the
who passed on and ask for their guidance in times of joy and veldt. Eventually, Ala would come to divide the Dark Kingdom of
sorrow, and war and peace. They would speak to departed family Ivory into four realms that were connected and separated by 256
members as though they were still present through ritual, dance, paths. Each realm was vital to the Dark Kingdom’s existence. If
and song. The spirits, in turn, would respond in kind through one should fall, chaos would reign.
memory and metaphor. Sometimes, they would return to the Ala called upon four of the Ijele to aid Her in governing this
physical plane through the bodies of their descendants to right vast new land. These four, Ellegua the Traveler, Kokou the Drum,
wrongs or remind a people of lessons long thought forgotten. Abuk the Garden, and Ghede the Crass, represented the primal
forces of creation. Their respective domains reflected the conflicting
The Bridge
In the beginning, there was only the Shanga, the Bridge Between Worlds, was the largest city in
Ocean, which is the sum of all creation and the Dark Kingdom of Ivory. Home to the most revered of souls,
the wellspring of the soul. It has been said the Shanga was the cultural and political center of the Dark Kingdom.
Ancestors, also known as the Ijele, emerged With pomegranate skies and opulent spires of jewels, mud, and
from the Ocean and created the Shore, and bone, supposedly molded and shaped from souls willing to stand
upon the Shore, the Dark Kingdom of Ivory was built. as permanent edifices to the Dark Kingdom’s glory, the Dark
This is also truth. Kingdom of Ivory was the shining light of the Underworld. Its
Her name was Ala. She was the first. Rising from the collective temple was called Beit al-Ajaib, the House of Wonders, and it was
memory of the Ocean, She created the Shore from the Egg of the the tallest spire in the center of the Shanga. Beit al-Ajaib housed
the Library of Oral Tradition, which held wisdom from which the made from thinly sliced souls, while others believe each fabric was a
Griots would craft their tales for mankind. It was home to the Elders Relic from the Skinlands. Mortal necromancers and beings known as
of Zanzibar, Ancestors who moved on from the physical world after the Mla Watu would come to the Marketplace by way of the River of
a life of great service and extreme sacrifice. The Elders guarded the Dreams. They came to commune with the Ancestors, hold children
Library and its secrets from those who would use the knowledge who died in childbirth, and find names for future generations. The
for nefarious means, which would disrupt the balance between the Merchants of Atunwa, which were the ruling body of the Marketplace,
spiritual and physical and rob the Dark Kingdom of Ivory of its power. were shrewd hagglers, but they were always fair in business.
Now, the Bridge crumbles. Spanning the void of Oblivion, great The busiest section of the Marketplace was the center square
tears and holes between buildings and once-safe cobblestone tracks where Ellegua the Judge of the Marketplace would hold court. Driving
make Shanga an inhospitable Necropolis of transition, an island in a nail into a large effigy that stood at the Gates of Shanga signified
the Tempest. Few remain here for long out of fear of being dragged disputes that had been settled. The effigy was called the Nkisi, also
below. Steadily, the Bridge becomes a series of floating islands linked known as the Good Man. Each nail contained a portion of the
only by tenuous strands. Dark Kingdom’s wisdom. Nails also functioned as keys. One could
be a key that would allow its wielder to open the Gates of Shanga.
The Marketplace Another would allow access to Beit al-Ajaib and the Library of Oral
Tradition. The Nkisi itself was a symbol signifying the strength of
The Atunwa, also known as the Marketplace, connected the
Dark Kingdom of Ivory to the realm of man. Situated at the center unity in the Dark Kingdom.
of the Crossroads, the Atunwa was the bazaar of memory and the New arrivals would stand before the Traveler and the Merchants
first place that Restless and sleeping mortals would encounter in of Atunwa to learn their fate. How one lived their life would determine
the Dark Kingdom. which region of the Dark Kingdom they would make their home.
The Marketplace was a bustling and joyful land. It smelled of If one were honored for their guidance and wisdom in life, they
the most fragrant incense and was filled with the sounds of music would become a scholar in Shanga. If one were wicked and selfish
and commerce. The colors and patterns of fabrics that were made by as a mortal, they would toil in the Forge of the Shade. If they worked
looms of fate were the most intricate and vibrant in all of the Dark the soil or were great hunters, they would find comfort in the Bush.
Kingdom, and perhaps the entire Underworld. Some believe they were The wraiths who still wanted a taste of mortal pleasures became the
ambassadors of the Mirrorlands.
Smoking Mirror — The Dark came and went, but not without depositing their culture and
their dead in to the Underworld. The newly dead would not
Kingdom of Obsidian
“Broken spears lie in the roads;
bow to the Werejaguar’s authority, and the Underworld knew
war. Ancient as they were, not even the Werejaguar could
defeat all of the newcomers, so they forged an uneasy truce
and created the Obsidian Council. Together, they carved
We have torn our hair in grief.
new realms out of the Tempest, the greatest of which was
The houses are roofless now, and their walls
Nahui-Ollin (“Earthquake Sun”), which was named after the
are red with blood.”
fifth and final age of the Mexihcah cosmic cycle.
— Elegy for Tenochtitlan
Unknown to the Obsidian Council, covetous eyes
History watched them from across the Tempest. Exiled from Stygia,
the Fishers fled to the Far Shore realm of Paradise. Paradise’s
he civilizations of Mesoamerica rise and fall golden streets and alabaster towers were thronged with refugees
in an endless cycle of birth and destruction. and drowning under the endless deluge of souls. Seeking a
In the beginning, there were the Olmecah. solution, the Fishers’ Archbishop turned his attention to
They fanned the embers of civilization and rumors of a distant land that was untouched by Stygia. He
gave writing, artistry, and faith to those was inspired by these rumors, and decided that the Fishers
that followed them. Then came the wraith
would forge a new land known as Nova Paradisum that would Heretics vie for power with the Hierarchy and its agents, while
surpass Stygia. deep beneath them the Fifth Sun rises anew.
The Obsidian Council received word from the coast. A
handful of wooden ships thronged with strange wraiths and Mictlan
skin-ridden mortals were approaching by sea, and they were Mictlan is the last refuge of the Dark Kingdom of Obsidian.
followed by many more in the Shadowlands. A thousand Located deep beneath the remains of Nahui-Ollin, Mictlan was
golden ships disgorged an endless horde of Fisher soldiers and carved out of the bedrock of the Tempest by the mighty Restless
crusader-knights and their Renegade allies. Mictlantecuhtli and Mictlancihuatl. Both wraiths are extremely
The war raged for almost a century with no quarter. The proficient in the arts of Argos and managed to cloak all of Mictlan
invaders’ early advances were stalled when Ix Chel organized with a potent variant of Enshroud. Mictlan consists of a vast
a massive counterattack with fresh armies that were culled central cavern housing the Obsidian Palace of Mictlantecuhtli
from the endless tide of native plague victims pouring across and Mictlancihuatl and the chambers of the Obsidian Council.
the Shroud. Relentless ferocity and seemingly limitless rein- Four caverns branch from the central chamber in alignment
forcements heartened the Obsidian forces as they pushed the with the cardinal directions of the Mexihcah universe, each of
invaders back to their fortified capital at Vera Cruz. Heretic them glittering darkly in the light of flickering soulfire crystals.
and Renegade alike were stretched to the breaking point before Mictlantecuhtli and Mictlancihuatl rule the central cavern
their unique advantages began to turn the tide in their favor: of Mictlan from their ebon palace, and their fearsome skeletal
Crusader-knights armed with Stygian steel, barghests, night-black forms invite no defiance. They monitor the comings and goings
warhorses, Artifact blades wreathed in golden flame, and the of new wraiths, provide asylum to those fleeing the other houses,
odd relic firearm or cannon blunted Ix Chel’s assault. The death supervise Mictlan’s defense, and mediate disputes between the
of their mortal priests and followers denied valuable Pathos to houses. Mictlancihuatl spent centuries perpetuating reverence
the Obsidian wraiths, and the flow of reinforcements from the to the dead of Mexico through her subtle manipulation of
living world slowed to a trickle as the great plagues ran their mortals by allowing her agents to scour the Shadowlands
course. The Heretics and their allies conquered the Necropoli during the Day of the Dead to harvest its bounty. Her palace
of Mesoamerica one by one and forced the Obsidian Restless overflows with fragrant marigolds, sugar skulls, and offerendas
back to Nahui-Ollin. The Fishers’ golden-hulled treasure gal- of all shapes and sizes. This bounty is the showcase of the royal
leons carried mountains of captured souls and plunder back couple’s frequent galas. The central cavern is home to a vast
to Paradise. ballcourt of polished obsidian where great wagers are placed
The siege of Nahui-Ollin dragged on for ages. Its shores on the outcome of the games. Few know of the ball courts
were bombarded by golden men-of-war while its skies filled with lesser-known ability to provide the royal couple’s servants safe
angelics of fearsome power. The last remnants of resistance were passage between Mictlan, the Skinlands, and the Tempest.
about to collapse when Ix Chel’s death triggered the Third Great Mictlantecuhtli spends his days maintaining the defense of the
Maelstrom. Nahui-Ollin shook with incredible violence, and its city and regulates access to it through the only passage (beyond
streets shattered and its great temples crumbled to the ground. the ball court) that leads to the Tempest above. Travel to Mictlan
Great waves swallowed the Heretic fleet as the stars themselves involves a fearsome journey through nine levels of deadly traps
seemed to fall from the sky in the form of the tzitzimimeh, modeled after the Mexihcah Underworld for those who do not
which are horrifying skull-faced Doomshades with iron claws have Mictlantecuhtli’s permission to enter the city. Mictlan’s
and insatiable hunger. The tzitzimemeh tore through invader royal couple seem content to rule from their palace and are
and native alike. They fanned out on pyroclastic winds that disinterested in the politics of the four houses, but there is gos-
choked the Lands of Obsidian and consumed all before them. sip that they have a more sinister nature or are one individual
In that moment, the Flayed Lands were born. whose Shadow and Psyche have split in to two separate beings.
The Maelstrom scoured the invaders from the face of the Whatever the answer, everyone in Mictlan requires their services
Flayed Lands, which broke the power of Paradise for centuries at some point and actively court their favor.
and left only desperate survivors that were protected by the
mightiest Artifacts in places like Veracruz, Tlaxcala, and St.
Augustine. The Obsidian dead retreated to the darkness of
Fifth Sun Rising — The Four Houses Today
The four houses have not been idle since the Flaying. The
Mictlan and wept as their former kingdoms burned. Centuries vast web of interconnected Necropoli and Tempest-cities they
passed, and Mictlan slowly became a dark reflection of Nahui- once ruled have been reduced to Spectre-haunted ruins whose
Ollin’s former glory. In time, a new set of invaders came to temples are wreathed in barrow-flame. So, they have spent the
the Flayed Lands and found a shattered land that was tainted past five centuries expanding the caverns and darkened vaults
by Oblivion and filled with horrors. Inch by painful inch, the of Mictlan to accommodate new temples, palaces, ball courts,
invaders claimed the land for their own, taking every Byway and and storehouses. Their members have learned new Arcanoi
Necropolis while the four houses watched from the darkness. and mastered techniques of harvesting Pathos from the living
Today, the land above is a chaotic realm where Renegades and
Oblivion in the Flayed Lands south. The Maelstrom hit Xibalba with such intensity that it
shattered the very physics of the Underworld there and drove
Oblivion holds great sway in the Flayed Lands. The Itzamna mad with grief; it destroyed his Psyche and transformed
Hierarchy patrols them in large numbers and seldom leaves him into Hun-Came (“One Death”), Spectre Lord of Xibalba.
its fortified Necropoli without good reason or significant Itzamna remade Xibalba in the image of Oblivion by transform-
force. The sky still crackles with the faded afterimage of the ing its former grandeur into a monument to darkness.
Third Great Maelstrom, and regional storms are frequent. The Itzamna quickly learned that Xibalba was trapped some-
Tempest is jumbled mass of broken roads and Byways that lead where between the layers of the Tempest in a semi-permanent
to half-submerged Necropoli filled with burning temples. Deeper state of Harrowing. He could harm only those wraiths who
still is the Labyrinth, which has taken on the unhealthy cast directly attacked his person or the Spectres under his care, but
of the four prior worlds of the Mexihcah dead. Doomshades he was not prevented from subjecting visitors to various deadly
in the form of obsidian jaguars, feral monkeys, and terrifying challenges. Itzamna surrounded his kingdom with numerous
tzitzimemeh prowl the depths, and hurricane-force winds, fiery perils to dissuade casual intrusion and filled the city with
rain, great floods, and terrifying earthquakes occasionally bubble various traps, including stone houses that instantly plunge all
to the surface. Below are a handful of the largest locations lost who enter into the deadliest of Harrowings. The truly bold can
to Oblivion in the Flayed Lands. challenge Itzamna’s court to a match in the great ball court of
Xibalba, which is the greatest Artifact of the Mayan dead. It
Nahui-Ollin — “Earthquake Sun” can transport the winning team deep into Mitnal (the Mayan
Labyrinth), offer them unique protection against Mitnal’s perils
The former capital of the Obsidian Restless and seat of
the Obsidian Council, Nahui-Ollin was once the greatest ac- and its Spectres. Once they are transported, there is no guarantee
complishment of the Obsidian dead. Divided into four great of escape, but the rewards are easily as great as the risk.
quarters, Nahui-Ollin was a sprawling metropolis that was filled
with soaring temples that were stuccoed white with the plasm Mitnal
of captive drones and painted a dozen vibrant hues. Its broad Ruled by a nameless Onceborn often referred to as Yum
thoroughfares and canals offered access to a thousand diversions, Cimil, Kisin, Ah-Puch, or a multitude of other names, Mitnal is
and its marketplaces were thronged with trade from across the the Labyrinth of the Mayan dead. Located deep beneath Xibalba,
Americas. Temples filled with painted codices captured the Mitnal is a place of pestilential fumes so potent that they can
wisdom of the Obsidian dead, and the city even boasted a vast abrade a wraith’s Corpus with the strength of a Maelstrom.
zoo and botanical garden with strange specimens from across Only those wraiths protected by powerful Artifacts, Arcanoi,
the Underworld. Surrounded by the Sunless Sea on all sides, or winning a victory in a ball game in Xibalba can enter Mitnal
Nahui-Ollin was accessible only by canoe or by the three great with even the remotest chance of survival. Yum Cimil or his
causeways carved out of the Tempest, which lead to Xibalba, ubiquitous owl-like Doomshades often confront the Restless as
the Lands of Flint, and the Lands of Gold. they wander Mitnal. His Doomshades prowl aimlessly through
The Heretic siege and the Great Maelstrom that followed the darkness seeking wraiths to Moliate into new and horrifying
reduced Nahui-Ollin to a nightmare realm of shattered temples shapes. Yum Cimil rages against the upper world and caused
and empty streets that echo with cries of the tzitzimimeh as they earthquakes so powerful that entire Mayan cities were dragged
stalk their prey. Much of the city is flooded or covered with deep into Mitnal, and their treasures are there for intrepid
oily ash, and its streets and causeways are rent by Nihils that wraiths to take. Many have tried to take this wealth, but the
Eyes in the Forest — work together against the arriving European wraiths and the
Maelstroms to follow. These blocs consist of the Haudenosaunee
Those who die in the more rural areas of India and cross the
Children of Kali
It is difficult to say what precisely the Children of Kali
veil in the wilds of Bhuvar must contend with dangers beyond are, or how you can identify their arrival. Often, there is no
the agents of Adharma. Massive plasmic megafauna known as the warning. There might be a breath of rain, the smell of ozone,
Children of Kali roam the landscape with the appearances of the and the sensation of eyes pressed against one’s skin, but by
demons of old. The land is unstable with natural disasters occurring then it is already too late.
regularly. Add in monsoon season, which is known to all of Swar as The denizens of Bhuvar work ceaselessly to identify the
the Feeding Time because Adharma and its agents are most active patterns of these megafauna, their migration habits, and how
during it, and it’s an existence stacked against the newly dead. The best to navigate both. Fortunately the Children of Kali have a
Swar is a schizoid realm of devastating conditions and sublime beauty. certain sense of internal logic. For example, they enter a state
Adharma is ever-present in Bhuvar, but it is not all-powerful. of quasi-hibernation when the Storm that Dreams ventures
Pockets of resistance and rescue exist. Each faction has its own too close. The Children of Kali can breed or at least produce
ways of traversing and surviving Bhuvar and its own outposts and chimerical blends among themselves. Adventurous wraiths
places of safety. Crafty judges from Svarga roam the land to collect have reported witnessing the birth of new megafauna, which
Enfants to integrate into the afterlife, somehow able to remain for is a horrific affair with far too many tentacles.
extended hunts despite their lack of Fetters. The Naga have claimed There appears to be a schism between the Children that
the memory of the British Headquarters that fell during the Indian resemble creatures of air and those that belong to the water.
Rebellion on May of 1857, and they welcomed and recruited many Reports abound of giant wasp-like creatures entering combat
of the British and Indian loyalists who died there. with sinuous dragons and fish-tailed monstrosities devouring
An Old Rage
hideous crow-things. So intense are these conflicts that many
believe that the best way to save oneself from the Children of
Kali is to find another specimen belonging to the opposite
t is one thing to see your people suffer. It is genus to pit against the monster.
one thing to watch as generations are warped As of the moment, no one has been able to report if this
by their colonial overlords. They are pushed is true.
down, and they are stripped of their language
and customs. They are made to believe there Storm Child
is nothing more profoundly disgusting than Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 3 (6 when flying), Stamina 5
the hue of their own skin. Social: Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0
It is another thing to spend an eternity watching history Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 1, Wits 3
repeat itself. Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 5, Brawl 3
The dead of Bhuvar, regardless of their allegiances, are Skills: Brawl 3
often furious and filled with hatred for the atrocities that were Knowledges: N/A
visited upon their descendants. For centuries, they’ve watched Arcanoi: Argos 4, Keening 2, Pandemonium 3
helplessly as Western empires swallowed the countries that
Powers: Absorption, Flight
they’d once inhabited. Some fight, such as the Proctors, who
he history of the Mirrorlands begins with and many appeared in the Shadowlands soon afterward.
the Flaying. Countless of these Restless were destroyed by Spectres or
Fisher armadas swept through the succumbed to their Shadows, but others organized, fought,
Caribbean, subjugated its native peoples, and survived to become hunters themselves. One intrepid
and consigned their souls to the distant band made contact with Les Mysteres and returned to the
forges of Paradise. Golden citadels rose Shadowlands with newfound abilities and even greater resolve.
overnight to cast long shadows over an enslaved populace The Mirrorlands were born.
that was forced to build the Tempest ports that sustained
the conquests to come. The Fishers ruled the Caribbean
for over a century and grew rich on the endless tide of souls
and tribute that arrived from the Kingdoms of Obsidian,
Haiti aiti is the heart and soul of the Mirrorlands
Flint, and Gold.
because it is where Mama Petro, the first
Then, the Maelstrom struck. Loa, made her triumphant return from
The Third Great Maelstrom tore through the Caribbean the Island Below the Sea. She spread the
with astonishing force, and it whipped the seas to a froth teachings of Les Mysteres and shared their
as it scoured half the Fisher population from the face of power in return for pledges of service.
the Shadowlands. The battered survivors fought with grim Reborn “Les Invisibles,” the Mirrorlands embraced their
determination against an unyielding tide of ravenous Spectres. heritage and forged a new society from the ashes of the old one.
Galleons sank, citadels crumbled to ash, and Fishers screamed Mama Petro formed Nanchons that quickly cemented her
into the darkness for a salvation that never came. “Petro” faction as the strongest power in the Mirrorlands. The
Decades passed before the Maelstrom relented, and it Petro encompassed almost three-quarters of Les Invisibles.
left the Caribbean transformed in its wake. The islands were She established steady two-way traffic between the Island
now shrouded in an impenetrable Maelstrom for half the year Below the Sea and the Mirrorlands during the season between
and violent storms for the rest. Spectres were common if not storms, spread Connaissance to keep the Baka at bay, and
constant, and the great powers abandoned the islands to their established a fleet of pirates and privateers to defend her
fate. Although the dead had forgotten the Caribbean, the realm from external foes.
living had not. An endless flood of slaves crossed the Atlantic,
The Petro could not abandon the living, so Mama Petro and
her Loa reached through the Shroud and rode Les Cheveux,
inspiring them to shed their masters’ chains. The Haitian
Erzulie Danto — The Petro Queen
Revolution began with a ceremony to Mama Petro, who became Erzulie Danto, known simply as “Erzulie”
known as “Erzulie,” after the potent vodou Loa of the same or “Mama Petro,” is the founder of the Petro
name. Free from servitude, Erzulie and the Petro ensured that faction and the singular most powerful Loa in
no person living or dead would be enslaved within their domain the Mirrorlands. She was one of the first slaves
by banishing slavery and soulforging from the Mirrorlands. It’s who was brought to the New World and one of
a fine ambition, though the illicit soulforging of Spectres and the first to escape. She fought her masters in the
Plasmics is still practiced. Visible, Fisher Reapers in the Mirrorlands, and
The connection between Lex Cheveaux and Les Invisibles Baka in the Abyss until finding The Island Below
that was established during the revolution never abated. Vodou the Sea and Les Mysteres. Erzulie accepted all the
houngans and mambos routinely commune with Les Invisibles, power Les Mysteres had to offer and never looked
establish Fetters, sacrifice Relics and Pathos, and petition them back, and went on to found the Mirrorlands and
for aid in times of need. Nowhere in the underworld is the use ignite the Haitian Revolution. She will not rest
of Puppetry so prolific or so welcome. until the last vestiges of Fisher dominion are swept
The Petro established their seat of power in Port-au-Prince, from the Mirrorlands, and then she will turn her
and their Nanchons dominate southern Haiti. Each Nanchon attention to the Dark Kingdoms that engage in
governs its own territory and assemble in times of need behind soulforging and slavery. For all her fury, Erzulie
Erzulie or another potent Loa. Every territory and chosen often mediates disputes between competing
hounfor is easily identified by the presence of a clearly-marked Nanchons. Few dare oppose her judgement, and
and brilliantly-rendered “vevé,” or symbol of the Nanchon’s she offers pragmatic and uncanny insight to those
patron Mystere. brave enough to seek it.
One unique Nanchon is La Pologne, which is based in Erzulie’s diplomacy is far from limited to
Necropolis Cazale. Composed of Polish soldiers and their the Invisible. After a brief period of conflict,
descendants who fought for Haiti during the revolution, La she forged a mutually beneficial alliance between
Pologne are firm supporters of Les Invisibles and stalwart Les Invisibles and a small but potent faction of
defenders of the Mirrorlands. They specialize in fighting Baka. rotting vampires. The exact details of this alliance
Not every Les Invisible is a believer in the Petro cause. Papa are unknown, but allegedly involve a vampire
Rada, who is a member of Erzulie’s original Nanchon, was there known as “Mambo Asogwe.” Erzulie is silent on
when she witnessed the fearsome majesty of Les Mysteres and the subject, but those that pry too deeply quickly
the power they offered. Distrustful of Les Mysteres promises, find themselves imprisoned in the rotting shells
Rada returned to the Mirrorlands to continue his unending fight of the not-so-recently deceased.
against the Baka. Upon Erzulie’s return, he formed the Rada
faction of Les Invisibles who offer firm (and often unheeded)
Erzulie radiates the force of her implacable
warnings about the Petro and their masters, choosing freedom
will, and her eyes conceal an unsettling admix-
over servitude.
ture of barely contained rage, vengeance, and
ancient wisdom. Her Nanchon is predominantly
Representing a quarter of Les Invisibles, the Rada control
composed of Loa, and her blue and red clad form
northern Haiti and are firmly entrenched around Citadelle
is usually found near her new hounfor, which is
Laferrière, one of the largest fortresses in the Americas. The
the recently destroyed Cathédrale Notre-Dame
unique mixture of cow and goat blood in the Citadelle’s mortar
de L’Assomption in Port-au-Prince. The cathedral
renders it solid in the Mirrorlands and almost impervious to
was a coveted prize after the Haiti earthquake, but
Baka attack. This imposing fortress is the heart of the Rada
no Nanchon disputed Erzulie’s claim after her
cause and Papa Rada’s personal seat of power. Rada Nanchons
vevé appeared over the Cathédrale’s rose window.
are largely situated around the former possessions of Haitian
King Henry Christophe (rumored to be a Rada himself) and
comprise a variety of chateaus, palaces, fortresses, and outposts.
The Rada represent the older members of Les Invisibles, and island in the Caribbean including large segments of the
while on good terms with their Petro cousins, they seldom let Dominican Republic, parts of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Lesser
their guard down. They are centrally organized with a hierarchy Antilles, Cayman Islands, and Jamaica. They have outposts
radiating downward from Papa Rada. throughout the Dark Kingdoms and contacts among the
Les Invisibles established their power throughout the seemingly inexhaustible rogues gallery of pirates, privateers,
Mirrorlands and beyond. They hold some sway over every and treasure hunters that plague the Mirrorlands. Tortuga in
particular hosts a fleet of privateers loyal to Les Invisibles, and
Seattle uwamps, Queen City, the Gateway to continent. The PNW was one of the few places the Legion
Alaska, New York Alki, Jet City, Jewel of had trouble taking or holding. To this day, the Islands of Flint
the Northwest, the Emerald City: Seattle send emissaries from their hidden Tempest strongholds to
has been known by many names over its walk silently the streets of the Seattle Necropolis, engaging
relatively short history. Originally known as with no one, to remind those that dwell in the Shadowlands
New York Alki (a term meaning “by and by” of Puget Sound that there is a civilization both old and strong
or “soon”), Seattle was formally established in 1853. Before waiting for them on the other side of a Byway. In a very real
the arrival of the Denny Party in 1851, the land now known way, the Restless of Seattle are being haunted by the ghosts
as Puget Sound had been settled and ruled by the Duwamish of the native tribes.
and Suquamish tribes for nearly 4000 years. “Doc” Henry Swinson Maynard was one of the few
Stygia recognized the founding of the Necropolis at early settlers firmly on the side of the native people. It was
roughly the time that Chief Seattle ceded the lands to what his idea to change the name of the city from Duwamps to
he called “the White Father” in 1855. At the moment that Seattle to honor the influential chief, whom he called his
Chief Seattle and others ceded the land by giving a speech friend. Maynard was the first lawyer, first postmaster, and
to all present in his native language, the Duwamish and representative of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. In death,
Suquamish dead vanished from the Shadowlands. They he continues his work in the Seattle Necropolis. Using his
walked as one to what they called Ji-Ji-La-Etch, the Little friendship with Chief Seattle and the Bureau of Indian Affairs
Crossing Place now known as Pioneer Square, and vanished. as a template, he continues his work as an ambassador to
Their ancestral lands of the dead, their Islands of Flint, rest the peoples of the Islands of Flint, assisted by a few chosen
in the Tempest with Byways known only to them. wraiths who share his outlook and diplomatic ability.
In the Pacific Northwest (PNW), the hidden Islands of
Flint hold sway. Stygia, caught up in the fervor of Manifest The Modern Necropolis
Destiny and its echoes of earlier imperial ambitions, enjoyed The group, officially known as the Speakers to the Islands,
the success of conquest over most of the North American unofficially as Doc’s Own, works tirelessly to keep the peace