Although the technology has now been proven,
the wider use of MAGLEV vehicles has been
constrained by political and environmental
concerns (strong magnetic fields can create a
bio-hazard). The world's first MAGLEV train to
be adopted into commercial service, a shuttle in
Birmingham, England, shut down in 1997 after
operating for 11 years. A Sino-German maglev
is currently operating over a 30-km course at
Pudong International Airport in Shanghai,
China. The U.S. plans to put its first (non-
superconducting) Maglev train into operation on
a Virginia college campus. Click this link for a
website that lists other uses for MAGLEV.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was actually
discovered in the mid 1940's. But, the first MRI
exam on a human being was not performed until
July 3, 1977. And, it took almost five hours to
produce one image! Today's faster computers
process the data in much less time. A tutorial is
available on MRI at this link. Or read the latest
MRI news at this link.
The Korean Superconductivity Group within
KRISS has carried biomagnetic technology a
step further with the development of a double-
relaxation oscillation SQUID (Superconducting
QUantum Interference Device) for use in
Magnetoencephalography. SQUID's are capable
of sensing a change in a magnetic field over a
billion times weaker than the force that moves
the needle on a compass (compass: 5e-5T,
SQUID: e-14T.). With this technology, the body
can be probed to certain depths without the
need for the strong magnetic fields associated
with MRI's.
Probably the one event, more than any other, that
has been responsible for putting
"superconductors" into the American lexicon was
the Superconducting Super-Collider project
planned for construction in Ellis county, Texas.
Though Congress cancelled the multi-billion dollar
effort in 1993, the concept of such a large, high-
energy collider would never have been viable
without superconductors. High-energy particle
research hinges on being able to accelerate sub-
atomic particles to nearly the speed of light.
Superconductor magnets make this possible.
CERN, a consortium of several European nations,
is doing something similar with its Large Hadron
Collider (LHC) recently inaugurated along the
Franco-Swiss border.
Other related web sites worth visiting include the
proton-antiproton collider page at Fermilab. This
was the first facility to use superconducting
magnets. Get information on the electron-proton
collider HERA at the German lab pages of DESY
(with English text). And Brookhaven National
Laboratory features a page dedicated to its RHIC
heavy-ion collider.
Electric generators made with superconducting
wire are far more efficient than conventional
generators wound with copper wire. In fact, their
efficiency is above 99% and their size about half
that of conventional generators. These facts make
them very lucrative ventures for power utilities.
General Electric has estimated the potential
worldwide market for superconducting generators
in the next decade at around $20-30 billion dollars.
Late in 2002 GE Power Systems received $12.3
million in funding from the U.S. Department of
Energy to move high-temperature superconducting
generator technology toward full
commercialization. To read the latest news on
superconducting generators click Here.
Other commercial power projects in the works that
employ superconductor technology include energy
storage to enhance power stability. American
Superconductor Corp. received an order from
Alliant Energy in late March 2000 to install a
Distributed Superconducting Magnetic Energy
Storage System (D-SMES) in Wisconsin. Just one
of these 6 D-SMES units has a power reserve of
over 3 million watts, which can be retrieved
whenever there is a need to stabilize line voltage
during a disturbance in the power grid. AMSC has
also installed more than 22 of its D-VAR systems
to provide instantaneous reactive power support.
Recently, power utilities have also begun to use
superconductor-based transformers and "fault
limiters". The Swiss-Swedish company ABBwas
the first to connect a superconducting
transformer to a utility power network in March
of 1997. ABB also recently announced the
development of a 6.4MVA (mega-volt-ampere)
fault current limiter - the most powerful in the
world. This new generation of HTS
superconducting fault limiters is being called
upon due to their ability to respond in just
thousandths of a second to limit tens of
thousands of amperes of current. Advanced
Ceramics Limited is another of several
companies that makes BSCCO type fault
limiters. Intermagnetics General recently
completed tests on its largest (15kv class)
power-utility-size fault limiter at a Southern
California Edison (SCE) substation near
Norwalk, California. And, both the US and Japan
have plans to replace underground copper
power cables with superconducting BSCCO
cable-in-conduit cooled with liquid nitrogen.
(See photo below.) By doing this, more current
can be routed through existing cable tunnels. In
one instance 250 pounds of superconducting
wire replaced 18,000 pounds of vintage copper
wire, making it over 7000% more space-efficient.
An idealized application for superconductors is to
employ them in the transmission of commercial
power to cities. However, due to the high cost and
impracticality of cooling miles of superconducting
wire to cryogenic temperatures, this has only
happened with short "test runs". In May of 2001
some 150,000 residents of Copenhagen, Denmark,
began receiving their electricity through HTS (high-
temperature superconducting) material. That cable
was only 30 meters long, but proved adequate for
testing purposes. In the summer of 2001 Pirelli
completed installation of three 400-foot HTS cables
for Detroit Edison at the Frisbie Substation capable
of delivering 100 million watts of power. This
marked the first time commercial power has been
delivered to customers of a US power utility
through superconducting wire. Intermagnetics
General has announced that its IGC-SuperPower
subsidiary has joined with BOC and Sumitomo
Electric in a $26 million project to install an
underground, HTS power cable in Albany, New
York, in Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation's
power grid. Sumitomo Electric's DI-BSCCO cable
was employed in the first in-grid power cable
demonstration project sponsored by the U.S.
Department of Energy and New York Energy
Research & Development Authority. After
connecting to the grid successfully on July 2006,
the DI-BSCCO cable has been supplying the power
to approximately 70,000 households without any
problems. The long-term test will be completed in
the 2007-2008 timeframe.
Hypres Superconducting Microchip,
Incorporating 6000 Josephson Junctions
In the electronics industry, ultra-high-
performance filters are now being built. Since
superconducting wire has near zero resistance,
even at high frequencies, many more filter
stages can be employed to achive a desired
frequency response. This translates into an
ability to pass desired frequencies and block
undesirable frequencies in high-congestion rf
(radio frequency) applications such as cellular
telephone systems. ISCO International and
Superconductor Technologies are companies
currently offering such filters.
Superconductors have also found widespread
applications in the military. HTSC SQUIDS are
being used by the U.S. NAVY to detect mines
and submarines. And, significantly smaller
motors are being built for NAVY ships using
superconducting wire and "tape". In mid-July,
2001, American Superconductor unveiled a
5000-horsepower motor made with
superconducting wire (below). An even larger
36.5MW HTS ship propulsion motor was
delivered to the U.S. Navy in late 2006
The newest application for HTS wire is in the
degaussing of naval vessels. American
Superconductor has announced the development of a
superconducting degaussing cable. Degaussing of a
ship's hull eliminates residual magnetic fields which
might otherwise give away a ship's presence. In
addition to reduced power requirements, HTS
degaussing cable offers reduced size and weight.
The most ignominious military use of
superconductors may come with the
deployment of "E-bombs". These are devices
that make use of strong, superconductor-
derived magnetic fields to create a fast, high-
intensity electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) to
disable an enemy's electronic equipment. Such
a device saw its first use in wartime in March
2003 when US Forces attacked an Iraqi
broadcast facility.
A photo of Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3, in the act of
disintegrating ,
taken with the European Space Agency S-CAM.
According to June 2002 estimates by the
Conectus consortium, the worldwide market for
superconductor products is projected to grow
to near US $5 billion by the year 2010 and to US
$38 billion by 2020. Low-temperature
superconductors are expected to continue to
play a dominant role in well-established fields
such as MRI and scientific research, with high-
temperature superconductors enabling the
newer industries. The above ISIS graph gives a
rough breakdown of the various markets in
which superconductors are expected to make a
Another impetus to the wider use of
superconductors is political in nature. The
reduction of green-house gas (GHG) emissions
has becoming a topical issue due to the Kyoto
Protocol which requires the European Union
(EU) to reduce its emissions by 8% from 1990
levels by 2012. Physicists in Finland have
calculated that the EU could reduce carbon
dioxide emissions by up to 53 million tons if
high-temperature superconductors were used in
power plants.
The future melding of superconductors into our
daily lives will also depend to a great degree on
advancements in the field of cryogenic cooling.
New, high-efficiency magnetocaloric-effect
compounds such as gadolinium-silicon-
germanium are expected to enter the
marketplace soon. Such materials should make
possible compact, refrigeration units to
facilitate additional HTS applications. Stay
Methods to obtain a superconductor:-
1. A method of making a superconducting device, characterised by
the steps of forming on a substrate having a predetermined grain size
and structure, a thin film of aving a predetermined grain size and
structure, a thin film of superconducting ceramic so that the film
adopts a grain size and structure compatible with that of the
substrate; and selectively processing the film to form relatively large
areas and structure compatible with that of the substrate; and
selectively processing the film to form relatively large areas of
granular film connected by a relatively thin link region of granular
2. A method as claimed in Claim 1, characterised in that the
substrate is formed of a ceramic material. n Claim 1, characterised in
that the substrate is formed of a ceramic material.
superconducting properties of the film over a selected region or
7. A method as claimed in Claim 5 or Claim 6, characterised in
that the patterned layer suppresses the superconducting
properties by poisoning the superconducting layer over
saidregion or regions.
8. A method as claimed in Claim 6, characterised in that the
patterned layer suppresses the superconducting properties by
inhibiting over said region or regions a process which isrequired
to achieve superconductivity of said film
9. A method as claimed in any preceding claim, characterised in
that the geometry of the device is determined by selective laser
machining. 10. A method as claimed in any one of Claims 5-9,
characterised in that said patterned layer or said laser machining
results in a narrow superconductive link region between two . A
method as claimed in any one of Claims 5-9, characterised in
that said patterned layer or said laser machining results in a
narrow superconductive link region between two larger areas of
the superconductive film.11. A method as claimed in Claim 10,
characterised in that the width of said narrow link region is
comparable to the grain size12. A method as claimed in Claim
11, characterised in that said narrow link region acts as a
Josephson junction.
13. A method as claimed in any preceding claim, characterised
in that the superconducting film is formed of Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x
where x lies between 0 and 0.5.
Known superconducting electronic devices are based on the
properties of a weak link (or Josephson junction) between two
bodies of superconducting material. Such a weak link may be
formed using (i) a point contract, (ii) a microbridge, or (iii) a
thin insulating barrier between the superconducting bodies.
corresponds to just a few grain sizes, and it is desirable that it
has a minimum width corresponding to the dimension of a
single grain.
providing some reactive constituent necessary for the formation
or enhancement of the superconducting phase and in this case a
positive pattern is required.
When the film has been formed, regions of its area are
selectively removed using laser machining to leave a narrow
link which connects two relatively large areas. The width of the
link is shaped so that at its narrowest portion, it has a width
corresponding to the dimension of a single grain. There is
therefore a high probability of it behaving as a Josephson
junction. The process is simple and repeatable allowing the
possibility of a satisfactory manufacturing technique suitable for
quantity production of superconductlng electronic devices.