Maths Science Talent Examination 2010-11: Class Ii
Maths Science Talent Examination 2010-11: Class Ii
Maths Science Talent Examination 2010-11: Class Ii
12. 11
Class II 1 AIMS TALENT 2010-11
+ 15
+ 32
(A) 58 (B) 68
(C) 57 (D) none of these
13. The total weight of a mango and an 17. _______ are shelters built by
apple is 930 gram. If the weight of the Eskimos. They are made of snow.
apple is 210 gram, what is the weight of
the mango?
(A) 310 gram (B) 210 gram
(C) 1140 gram (D) 720 gram
(D)none of these
23. Which of the following is a flightless 25. Lead of a pencil is made of ____.
bird? (A) granite (B) slate
(A) Kiwi (B) Ostrich (C) graphite (D) lead
(C) both of these (D) none of these