Sicat Surgical Guide Manual PDF
Sicat Surgical Guide Manual PDF
Sicat Surgical Guide Manual PDF
2.1 SICAT CLASSICGUIDE workflow 13
2.2 Conventional radiographic template 14
2.3 Direct radiographic template 18
2.4 Radiographic template for the edentulous jaw 20
2.5 3D X-ray (Conebeam or CT) 26
2.6 3D X-ray (Sirona system) 28
2.7 Scanning parameters for CT and Conebeam systems 29
2.8 Preventing potential errors 30
3.1 SICAT OPTIGUIDE workflow 33
3.2 Preparation of OPTIGUIDE 34
3.3 General instruction about 3D X-ray scans (OPTIGUIDE) 35
3.4 General instructions about the optical 3D scan (OPTIGUIDE) 35
3.5 Preventing potential errors 36
6. SICAT documentation 49
6.1 Surgical guide report 49
6.2 Accuracy report 50
6.3 Drill report 50
SICAT Surgical Guides support you in implementing the implant plan you have created us-
ing SICAT planning software (GALILEOS Implant or SICAT Implant). SICAT Surgical Guides
are custom-made for the respective patient and guide your drill to the planned positions
in the patient's jaw with the aid of guide sleeves.
Two types of surgical guides are available: SICAT CLASSICGUIDE and SICAT OPTIGUIDE.
The SICAT laboratory converts CLASSICGUIDEs directly into accurate surgical guides on
the basis of radiographic templates and 3D X-ray data. CLASSICGUIDEs are available teeth
and mucosa supported with optional fixation using anchor pins, fixation screws or micro-
OPTIGUIDEs are fabricated directly in the SICAT laboratory on the basis of optical sur-
face scan data and 3D X-ray data. Radiographic templates do not need to be used with
OPTIGUIDE. OPTIGUIDEs are available teeth supported.
1. SICAT Surgical Guides SICAT Surgical Guide types
The sleeve systems available for both versions are pilot sleeves, a generic sleeve-in-sleeve
system, and master sleeves for guided surgical systems. These guided surgical systems
generally offer a complete procedure, from the initial osteotomy all the way to implant in-
sertion. Among others, the guided systems by the following manufacturers are supported
Visit SICAT's website to find the guided systems currently supported.
Figure 1.2.1 Bite plate with radiographic markers Figure 1.2.2 Radiographic template (CLASSICGUIDE)
Partially Edentulous
edentulous jaw jaw
Major Minor
metal artifacts likely metal artifacts likely Radiographic template
for the edentulous jaw
Several 1 to 2 Several 1 to 2
missing teeth missing teeth missing teeth missing teeth
of The
of the radio- Conebeam/ implant
indication graphic CT Scan planning
surgical surgery
at Sicat
2. SICAT CLASSICGUIDE Conventional radiographic template
Your dental laboratory will need the following to fabricate a radiographic template with a
radio-opaque prosthetic proposal:
2.2.1 Produce a stone model made of super-hard plaster (type 4) with a wax-up. The
height of the stone model may not exceed 4 cm, as the shipping parcel has been
designed for this maximum height.
2.2.2 Prepare a thermoformed stent (thickness min. 1.5 mm to max. 2.0 mm) on the stone
model with wax-up and then remove the wax-up from the thermoformed stent.
2.2.3 Block out undercuts and isolate the stone model from the acrylic.
The quality and currency of the impression and stone model are essential
for the precise fit of the radiographic template and the surgical guide and
are therefore crucial for accurate implantation.
2.2.4 Pour radio-opaque acrylic into the area of the thermoformed stent where the wax-
up was previously located.
If you do not have ready-to-use radio-opaque acrylic, mix cold-curing acrylic with 15 %
barium sulfate in relation to the weight of the PMMA powder until it has a viscous con-
sistency. Make sure that the PMMA powder is mixed smoothly and thoroughly with the
barium sulfate (no lumps).
2.2.5 The prosthetic proposal prepared in this way must sit flush on the gingiva.
2.2.6 For small jaws, the bite plate can be shortened in the areas shown in green.
2.2.7 Mix cold-cure resin (without barium sulfate) until it has a viscous consistency. To etch
the surfaces, apply cold-cure resin to the top of the thermoformed stent and the
bite plate (side facing away from the fiducial markers). Pour the acrylic onto the bite
plate (side without the fiducial markers). Make sure you use sufficient acrylic, as this
serves both to bond the bite plate and the thermoformed stent and to stabilize the
radiographic template.
2.2.8 Position the thermoformed stent in the frontal area of the bite plate on the side
which does not have the fiducial markers.
2.2.9 Press the thermoformed stent located on the stone model onto the bite plate until
the acrylic has cured. Check that the radiographic template fits securely and stable
on the stone model.
The direct radiographic template should only be used with one or two missing teeth
when visualization of a prosthetic proposal in the X-ray is not necessary or is displayed by
a virtual prosthetic proposal (e.g. CEREC AC from Sirona Dental Systems).
Only bite registration materials approved by SICAT should be used (e.g. Kettenbach Futar®
Scan, R-Dental Metal Bite, Heraeus Kulzer Flexitime® Bite).
The radiographic template is the basis for the subsequent CLASSICGUIDE. A firm and
stable fit on the patient's jaw is therefore of critical importance.
Please ensure that the corresponding stone model is sent to SICAT with
every radiographic template.
2. SICAT CLASSICGUIDE Instructions for the fabrication of a direct radiographic template
2.3.1 Drill 4 holes (Ø 4 mm) in the SICAT bite plate in the pre-specified positions.
2.3.2 Apply bite registration material over the whole inner surface area of the bite plate.
The holes ensure that the registration is retained on the bite plate.
Check that the radiographic template fits securely and stable in the patient's
mouth. If the fit is inadequate, repeat the process.
Apply only one layer of bite registration material. The bite registration ma-
terial is not used to stabilize the surgical guide, but only to reproduce an
accurate position.
A total denture of approximately the desired final result with regard to aesthetics, occlu-
sion and physical attributes is necessary to fabricate a radiographic template for the eden-
tulous jaw.
The basis for the radiographic template is a copy of the total denture made with acrylics
of differing radio-opacity so that the teeth and gingival surface can be visualized accord-
ingly in the X-ray.
Instructions for the fabrication of a radiographic template for the edentulous jaw
2.4.1 Check the fit of the total denture in the patient's mouth. If the denture does not have
a form-fit on the gingiva, it will be necessary to mold the patient's gingival situation
using reline material. To reline the denture, use it like an impression tray to prepare
an impression of the current mucosal situation (like when relining). Use silicone re-
line material.
2.4.2 Create a stone model from the total denture (relined if necessary), which represents
the current mucosal situation of the patient's jaw.
2.4.4 Use a duplication form to duplicate the total denture with the model. If there is no
duplication form available, you can use silicone impression material (overcast mate-
rial) as an alternative to mold the denture situation.
2.4.5 Fill the section of the duplication form which represents the teeth with radio-opaque
acrylic (corresponding to a barium sulfate mix of approx. 15 %) to enable the teeth to
be visualized subsequently in the X-ray.
2.4.6 Now place the stone model representing the current mucosal situation in the dupli-
cation form, locating it on the radio-opaque acrylic of the dental arch which is still
soft. The acrylic mix must contact the surface of the model so that the dental arch
acquires the shape of the mucosal situation.
2.4.8 Then reduce the barium sulfate cast to obtain a separated dental arch. Separate the
teeth so that these can be visualized individually in the X-ray and are clearly visible.
2.4.10 Place the stone model representing the current mucosal situation in the duplica-
tion form flush with the dental arch.
2.4.11 Allow the radio-opaque acrylic with a barium sulfate mix of 8 % to flow into one
of the holes of the duplication form. Using an 8 % barium sulfate mix will help dif-
ferentiate gingiva and teeth clearly in the X-ray later. If using ready-mixed material,
use 50 % of the material with 50 % neutral PMMA.
2.4.12 Once curing is complete, a duplicate of the denture made of different mixes of
radio-opaque acrylic will be obtained.
2.4.13 Mix cold-cure resin (without barium sulfate) until it has a viscous consistency. To
etch the surfaces, apply cold-cure resin to the underside of the bite plate (side
without fiducial markers). Pour the acrylic onto the bite plate. The area shown in
orange should not be covered with acrylic or removed. Make sure you use suffi-
cient acrylic, as this serves both to bond the bite plate and the thermoformed stent
and to stabilize the radiographic template.
2.4.14 Position the duplicated total denture made of the acrylic/barium sulfate mix on the
bite plate. Press the duplicated total denture onto the bite plate until the acrylic
has cured. Make sure that the radiographic template is located securely and ac-
curately on the stone model.
TIP: For small jaws, the bite plate can be shortened in the areas shown in
green (Figure 2.4.15).
For optimum scanning results, please observe the general instructions below:
Bite plate, thermoformed stent and any prosthetic proposal must remain firmly
bonded to one another, even under mechanical load. The resin must be fully cured.
The radiographic template must be located on the patient's jaw without gaps and
be secure and stable.
The occlusion plane must be aligned in parallel with the slice (see Figure 2.5.1).
Non-fixed metal parts in the opposing jaw (e.g. dentures) should be removed.
The teeth of the opposing jaw should not touch the fiducial markers of the radio-
graphic template.
2. SICAT CLASSICGUIDE 3D X-ray (Conebeam or CT)
Figure 2.5.1 Alignment of the occlusion plane in parallel with the slice
Switch off any algorithms used to reduce metal artifacts, as they may also
have an impact on the markers.
2. SICAT CLASSICGUIDE 3D X-ray (Sirona system)
2.6.1 Prepare the scan by selecting the appropriate bite plate holder (upper or lower jaw).
2.6.2 Let the patient try on the radiographic template. Check that the radiographic tem-
plate is secure and stable.
2.6.3 Close the swivel arm and adjust the system height until the incisors and the ball of
the bite plate holder are at the same level.
2.6.4 Now guide the patient carefully onto the bite plate holder. The patient should bite
gently on the bite plate holder. The radiographic template should now be in a hori-
zontal position.
For optimum scanning results, always follow the instructions for use of your Conebeam or
CT radiographic system.
If the patient is being scanned elsewhere and not in your presence, practice
with him/her how to fit the radiographic template correctly.
The radiographic template may not be altered after the X-ray scan.
All fiducial markers should be clearly visible in the scan. No gap may be vis-
ible between the radiographic template and the jaw.
Please inform your patient that the radiographic template must be located
on the jaw without gaps, and be secure and stable, and that he/she may
not move during the scanning process.
2. SICAT CLASSICGUIDE Preventing potential errors
SICAT OPTIGUIDE is based on the superimposition of optical surface scan data from a jaw
and the corresponding 3D X-ray data. Together with implant planning and the desired
selection of sleeves, SICAT fabricates an accurate surgical guide. Production of a radio-
graphic template based on a bite plate is not required for OPTIGUIDE.
production preparation
of optical of the
Conebeam/ implant
indication CT SCAN
surface scan surgical surgery
or stone planning guide
model at Sicat
If you are uncertain before taking the X-ray whether the current case is
suitable for OPTIGUIDE, scan the patient with a radiographic template and
then decide after assessing the X-ray. If in doubt, contact the SICAT Support.
import an optical surface scan straight into the SICAT software program (GALILEOS
Implant/SICAT Implant) and super-impose the X-ray data set, or
enclose an exact stone model with your order which can be scanned and superimposed
For OPTIGUIDE, ensure that the patient has sufficient remaining teeth to
provide reliable support for the surgical guide. If this is not the case, follow
the CLASSICGUIDE workflow.
For OPTIGUIDE ensure that the optical surface scan corresponds exactly
to the current situation in the jaw. It will otherwise be impossible to fit the
surgical guide accurately, and this may lead to a deviation from the planned
implant position.
For OPTIGUIDE, check the registration between the optical surface scan and
the X-ray scan. Inaccurate registration will lead to deviations in implement-
ing the implant plan.
For optimum scanning results, please observe the general instructions below:
Do not scan patient with the occlusion closed. Slightly pad bite (e.g. with cotton pads).
Non-fixed metal parts in the opposing jaw (e.g. dentures) should be removed.
If possible, scan at least 3/4 of the curve of the jaw. This increases the likelihood of being
able to use sufficient artifact-free teeth for registration.
If possible, scan at least 3/4 of the curve of the jaw in order to ensure that the surgical
guide is stable and to increase the likelihood of being able to use sufficient artifact-free
teeth for registration.
If it is likely that a 3D X-ray will have a high number of metal artifacts (e.g.
numerous gold or ceramic crowns), follow the CLASSICGUIDE workflow.
OPTIGUIDE cannot be fabricated if there is an abundance of metal artifacts.
3. SICAT OPTIGUIDE Preventing potential errors
TIP: Right-click on the implant and select "Visualize drill path" to have the
drill path of the pilot or the final drill displayed. To visualize drill sleeves, se-
lect the relevant sleeve system from the implant dialog.
Figure 4.1.1 Unsuitable drill path Figure 4.1.2 Collision of drill sleeves
4. Digital implant planning Ordering of surgical guides
To order surgical guides, please only use the order wizard in the software.
4.2.1 Under Surgery, click on the surgical guide wizard icon to start.
4.2.2 Select the type of surgical guide you would like to order.
4.2.3 Follow the instructions in the order wizard until the surgical guide order is complete.
A guided surgery kit from the implant manufacturer is essential for select-
ing a guided implant system - e.g. CAMLOG® Guide from CAMLOG, Naviga-
tor® from Biomet 3iTM, etc.
It is essential to follow the instructions for use for the planning program
in question (GALILEOS Implant, SICAT Implant) for further helpful tips on
implant planning.
Please note that in the event of the patient's jaw opening being limited, it
can be more difficult, if not impossible, to introduce the drill into the sleeve,
especially in posterior positions.
6. SICAT documentation
6. SICAT documentation Surgical guide report
6. SICAT documentation 43
You will receive the documents below from SICAT, along with your customized surgical
1 Distance from the upper edge of the drill sleeve to the apical end of the implant
2 Distance from the lower edge of the drill sleeve to the apical end of the implant
3 Specifications of the implant used
6. SICAT documentation Accuracy report
Please note that individual arrangements with SICAT Support are also noted
on the surgical guide report.
5. Shipment to SICAT
5. Shipment to SICAT
5. Shipment to SICAT 43
Depending which surgical guide workflow option you have selected, there are various
options for getting your order to SICAT.
The following pages summarize all the important shipment information for the following
surgical guide ordering processes:
Follow the instructions of the order wizard until the surgical guide ordering
process is complete.
5. Shipment to SICAT Ordering SICAT CLASSICGUIDE
SICAT produces a patient-specific CLASSICGUIDE for you. Please send the components
below to:
Abteilung SGL
Schwertberger Straße 14
53177 Bonn, Germany
1. 3D planning data on CD, generated with the order wizard in a SICAT planning pro-
gram (GALILEOS Implant, SICAT Implant).
2. If appropriate, order forms (generated from a SICAT planning program) with pay-
ment information if no direct debit authorization has been given. Please don't forget
your signature!
3. Radiographic template for preparation of a CLASSICGUIDE (disinfected and dry in
the polyethylene bag with a silica gel pack).
4. Stone model.
Label the CD and the stone model with the patient ID quoted in the surgical guide order
(e.g. name, date of birth).
Please ensure sufficient padding when packing to prevent the stone model
or radiographic template from breaking.
5. Shipment to SICAT Ordering SICAT OPTIGUIDE (Option 1)
5.2 Ordering SICAT OPTIGUIDE (Option 1)
SICAT produces the patient-specific OPTIGUIDE for you. Please only use the order wizard
in the software (SICAT Implant, GALILEOS Implant).
You can send the order to SICAT online using the order wizard.
Alternatively, you can also send SICAT the order on CD. In this case, label the CD with
the patient ID quoted in the surgical guide order (e.g. name, date of birth) and send it
to SICAT, Abt. SGL.
If you have not authorized a direct debit, please fax the signed order form to SICAT
separately or enclose it with your package.
5. Shipment to SICAT Ordering SICAT OPTIGUIDE (Option 2)
SICAT produces the patient-specific OPTIGUIDE for you. Please send the components be-
low to:
Abteilung SGL
Schwertberger Straße 14
53177 Bonn, Germany
1. 3D planning data on CD, generated with the order wizard in a SICAT planning pro-
gram (SICAT Implant, GALILEOS Implant).
2. If appropriate, order form (generated from a SICAT planning program) with payment
information if no direct debit authorization has been given. Please don't forget your
3. Stone model.
Label the CD and the stone model with the patient ID quoted in the surgical guide order
(e.g. name, date of birth).
Please ensure sufficient padding when packing to prevent the stone model
from breaking.
7. Handling of the surgical guide
7. Handling of the surgical guide
Before using the surgical guide, we recommend that you follow the steps below:
Please protect the surgical guide from direct sunlight and elevated temperatures to
prevent it from deforming. Check the surgical guide before surgery.
Make sure that the surgical guide can be positioned without gaps and is secure and
stable on the stone model, if available. Ensure that the position of the drill sleeves is in line
with your implant plan. Do not use the surgical guide if this inspection is unsuccessful.
Ensure that the surgical guide is secure and stable on the jaw during use; otherwise the
holes are likely to be less accurate.
Before using the surgical guide, check all drills and drill sleeves which are going to be
used for damages. Use only drills and sleeves in perfect condition in order to prevent
drills from tilting in a sleeve.
Ensure that you have the right drills to fit the sleeves.
The drill should be inserted in the sleeve of the surgical guide before
rotation begins. If drills are inserted into the sleeve already rotating, this
may cause the drill to tilt under certain circumstances.
7. Handling of the surgical guide
Disinfect the surgical guide only with disinfectants approved for this
Always follow the instructions for use for your guided surgical system.
When using the surgical guide, ensure that it does not leave its correct
position as a result of the intermittent drilling process. Fixate the surgical
guide by hand, or use previously planned fixation screws through
corresponding sleeves.
7. Handling of the surgical guide
Ensure that excessive force is not exerted on the drill sleeve during the
drilling process; this prevents the sleeve from bursting. Sleeves which are
planned close to adjacent teeth, in particular, have only a limited amount
of retaining material (acrylic) available to hold the sleeves.
Ensure that excessive force is not exerted on the surgical guide during use;
this will prevent it from breaking.
Check the surgical guide for obvious defects on receipt - for example loose
sleeves, sharp edges or transport damage. Ensure that the surgical guide
supplied is the correct guide for your patient.
In the unlikely event that it should become apparent during surgery that
the surgical guide cannot be used, please ensure that you can still perform
surgery safely without it.
Brunnenallee 6 T +49 (0)228 / 854697-12
53177 Bonn, Germany [email protected]
Status: 06-01-2013
F +49 (0)228 / 854697-99
[email protected]
SICAT GmbH & Co. KG ■ Brunnenallee 6 ■ 53177 Bonn, Germany ■ [email protected] ■