APTA PR-M-RP-002-98 Recommended Practice For Inspection and Maintenance of Type H-Tightlock Couplers

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APTA PR-M-RP-002-98

Edited 2-13-04

3. APTA PR-M-RP-002-98
Recommended Practice for Inspection
and Maintenance of Type H-Tightlock

Approved January 22, 1998


Authorized March 17, 1999

APTA Commuter Rail Executive Committee

Abstract: This recommended practice assists inspection and maintenance forces to detect
and correct improper conditions involving the complete coupler, coupler parts, coupler
operating mechanism, yoke, radial connection and attachments.

Keywords: coupler parts, coupler operating mechanisms, H Tightlock couplers, inspection,

locomotives, maintenance, passenger cars, radial connections, rail attachments, specification
M-206B, yokes

Copyright © 1998 by
The American Public Transportation Association
1666 K Street, N. W.
Washington, DC, 20006, USA

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval

system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
The American Public Transportation Association.

3.0 Volume V - Mechanical

APTA PR-M-RP-002-98
Edited 2-13-04

The American Public Transit Association greatly appreciates the contributions of the following
individual(s), who provided the primary effort in the drafting of the Recommended Practice for
Inspection and Maintenance of Type H-Tightlock Couplers:

Eric Wolfe – Chair

Rodney Engelbrecht Rick Laue Mike Weidman

At the time that this recommended practice was completed, the PRESS Mechanical Committee
included the following members:

Dave Carter, Chair

Asuman Alp Cornelius Jackson Jack Reidy

Gordon Bachinsky Paul Jamieson Al Roman
Gilbert Bailey James Jewell John Rutkowski
R. Bailey Joe Kalousek Tom Rusin
Walter Beard Bob Kells Radovan Sarunac
George Binns Kevin Kesler Fred Schaerr
B.A. Black Paul Kezmarsky Dave Schanoes
Chris Brockhoff Sunil Kondapalli Pete Schumacher
Dave Brooks John Kopke Kevin Simms
Mark Campbell Frank Lami Tom Simpson
Gary Carr Bob Lauby Mark Stewart
David Carter Rick Laue James Stoetzel
John Casale John Leary Philip M. Strong
Al Cheren H. B. Lewin Chris Studcart
George A. Chipko Jason Lipscomb Ali Tajaddini
Roger Collen Ben Lue Joe Talafous
Richard Conway William Lydon Richard Trail
Jack Coughlin Frank Maldari Mike Trosino
Tim Cumbie George Manessis Ron Truitt
Richard Curtis Valerie Marchi Tom Tsai
Greg Dvorchak James Martin Richard Vadnal
Ed Deitt Tom McCabe David H. VanHise
Terry Duffy Thomas McDermott John Wagner
James D. Dwyer Lloyd McSparran Rich Walz
Magdy El-Sibaie Corneilius Mullaney David Warner
John Elkins Ed Murphy Douglas Warner
Rod Engelbrecht Dak Murthy Herbert Weinstock
Ronald L. Farrell Larry Niemond Charles Whalen
Andrew F. Farilla Frank Orioles Brian Whitten
Benoit Filion James Parry James Wilson
Chuck Florian George Payne Bruce Wigod
Matt Franc Tom Peacock Werner Wodtke
Greg Gagarin John Pearson, Jr. Steve Zuiderveen
John Goliber Ian Pirie Clifford Woodbury,3rd
Jeff Gordon Richard Polley Eric Wolf
Thomas Grant John Posterino Alan Zarembski
Harry Haber Chuck Prehm John Zolock
Francois Henri Alfred Pucci
Ken Hesser John Punwani
Chris Holliday Jim Rees

3.1 Volume V - Mechanical

APTA PR-M-RP-002-98
Edited 2-13-04


1. Overview ..........................................................................................................................................3.3

1.1 Scope and Purpose......................................................................................................................3.3

2. References ........................................................................................................................................3.3

3. General .............................................................................................................................................3.3

3.1 Tightlock couplers.......................................................................................................................3.3

3.2 Steam and train lines and supports...............................................................................................3.3
3.3 Slack ..........................................................................................................................................3.4
3.4 Yoke and radial connection inspection .........................................................................................3.4

4. Operation..........................................................................................................................................3.4

4.1 Operating rod conditions .............................................................................................................3.4

4.2 Opening ......................................................................................................................................3.4
4.3 Dropping ....................................................................................................................................3.4
4.4 Anti-Creep protection..................................................................................................................3.5

5. Contour inspection ............................................................................................................................3.5

5.1 Not meeting requirements ............................................................................................................3.5

5.2 Correctness of contour ................................................................................................................3.5
5.3 Distortion....................................................................................................................................3.5
5.4 Wear...........................................................................................................................................3.5
5.5 Contour slack..............................................................................................................................3.5

6. Coupler body and parts .....................................................................................................................3.6

6.1 Portions missing..........................................................................................................................3.6

6.2 Shank wear plates .......................................................................................................................3.6
6.3 Out of alignment .........................................................................................................................3.6
6.4 Coupler body pin protector and pivot lugs ...................................................................................3.6
6.5 Locks..........................................................................................................................................3.6

7. Cleaning and lubrication....................................................................................................................3.7

7.1 Satisfactory operation .................................................................................................................3.7

7.2 Debris.........................................................................................................................................3.7

8. Maintenance gages ............................................................................................................................3.7

3.2 Volume V - Mechanical

APTA PR-M-RP-002-98
Edited 2-13-04

APTA PR-M-RP-002-98
Recommended Practice for Inspection and
Maintenance of Type H-Tightlock Couplers

1. Overview

1.1 Scope and purpose

This recommended practice assists inspection and maintenance forces to detect and correct
improper conditions involving the complete coupler, coupler parts, coupler operating mechanism,
yoke, radial connection and attachments. In the case of proprietary couplers, the coupler
manufacturer should be consulted for proper maintenance procedures. Where secondhand
couplers are involved or reconditioning procedures are required, APTA Specification M-206A
should be followed.

The passenger rail industry phased this recommended practice into practice over the six-month
period from July 1 to December 31, 1999. The recommended practice took effect January 1,

2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the following
standards are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.

AAR Specification M-205, Coupler Yokes and Figure 2A

APTA PR-M-RP-004-98, Recommended Practice for Second Hand and Reconditioned Type H-
Tightlock Couplers

3. General

3.1 Tightlock couplers

Figure 1 depicts a typical tightlock coupler. Tightlock couplers must be maintained in a level
position on the coupler carrier to insure satisfactory coupling. A simple check for levelness of the
coupler may be made by suspending a weighted string against the machined front face of the
coupler head when the car is on reasonably level track.

3.2 Steam and train lines and supports

Train lines and supports, or other attachments, must not interfere during train operations with the
coupler, coupler operating parts or coupler operating mechanism.

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APTA PR-M-RP-002-98
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3.3 Slack

Excessive slack in the draft attachments should be reduced or eliminated. The amount of free
slack can be determined by first sledging the coupler back solid and then measuring the clearance
between the coupler horn and the striker face. Next, by inserting a long bar between the coupler
horn and striker face, pry the coupler out as far as possible and again measure the space between
the horn and the striker face. The difference between these two measurements is the amount of
free slack in the draft arrangement. The maximum free slack permitted is 1/2 inch (1.27 cm).

3.4 Yoke and radial connection inspection

A visual inspection should be made of the yoke and radial connection as well as the carrier plates
and fasteners attaching the carrier plates. The shank pin retaining key and cotter key should be
inspected and replaced if worn more than 25 percent. This inspection is mandatory if excessive
free slack is found during inspections described in 4.2 or 4.3. Any cracked or broken part
uncovered by this inspection must be replaced.

Refer to tightlock coupler and draft gear system, Figure 2. An APTA C-Y65 yoke and a twin unit
draft gear are shown for purposes of illustration. Additional yokes are identified in AAR
Specification M-205, Coupler Yokes and Figure 2A.

Also refer to the APTA tightlock coupler No. 6 operating mechanism, as shown in Figure 3. The
double operating mechanism is as shown in Figure 3A.

An exploded view of the Type H tightlock coupler is shown in Figure 4.

4. Operation
4.1 Operating rod conditions

The operating rod conditions specified in Figure 3 must be maintained. It is important that the
requirements for the shape of the rod and the bracket location be provided and maintained. As
illustrated in Figure 3, it is important to maintain rod eye clearance (Dimension A) when the
coupler is centered on the carrier and fully locked.

4.2 Opening

The coupler operating mechanism must open the knuckle when the handle is raised to the top

4.3 Dropping

The lock must drop freely to the locked position when the knuckle is fully closed. The coupler is
fully locked when the telltale recess in the lock hole shroud is clear and unobstructed as shown in
Figure 1.

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APTA PR-M-RP-002-98
Edited 2-13-04

4.4 Anti-Creep protection

Anti-creep protection must be assured in accordance with procedures illustrated in Figure 5.

5. Contour inspection

5.1 Not meeting requirements

Couplers and/or knuckles not meeting the gaging requirements of this Section shall be removed
from service.

5.2 Correctness of contour

Correctness of contour must be checked with gage No. 31000 as shown in Figure 6. If the gage
does not pass, parts may be replaced or locks modified in accordance with 6.5.1 to allow passage
of the gage.

5.3 Distortion

Distortion of the aligning wing pocket and guard arm must be checked by using aligning wing
limit gage

No. 32600 as shown in Figure 7 and vertical height aligning wing pocket and guard arm gage No.
34101- 4 as shown in Figure 10.

5.4 Wear

Wear of the aligning wing pocket and guard arm must be checked with the vertical height
condemning limit aligning wing pocket and guard arm gage No. 44250-5 as shown in Figure 11.

5.5 Contour slack

5.5.1 Free slack

Free slack in the contour of a tightlock coupler develops very slowly in service when it is mated
with another tightlock coupler, but when coupled with non-tightlock couplers the wear rate is
somewhat accelerated. A value for the limit of contour slack due to wear has been set at 3/8"
(.95 cm) as checked with gage No. 34100-1, Figure 8.

5.5.2 Exceeding the limit

When the coupler contour exceeds the limit of gage No. 34100-1, the knuckle should be removed
and replaced with a new knuckle. If this substitution does not bring the coupler within the limits
of gage No. 34100-1, then the lock may be replaced with a new lock. If the contour is still not
within the limits of gage No. 34100-1, the coupler body should be replaced.

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5.5.3 Knuckle removed

Any knuckle removed per 5.5.2 shall be checked with the nose wear and stretch limit gage No.
34l00-2A as shown in Figure 9. If the limits of this gage are reached, indicating wear and/or
stretch of l/4" (.63 cm) or more, the knuckle shall be scrapped.

6. Coupler body and parts

6.1 Portions missing

Coupler body and parts, yokes, and connections, cracked, broken and/or with portions thereof
missing, shall be replaced.

6.2 Shank wear plates

On couplers requiring shank wear plate, the wear plate shall be replaced if it is worn more than
3/16" deep or is missing or loose. Coupler not requiring shank wear plate shall be replaced if the
shank is worn more than 3/8" (.95 cm) deep. Shank wear plates shall be repaired or replaced only
in accordance with APTA PR-M-RP-004-981, with coupler removed from car.

6.3 Out of alignment

Coupler shall be replaced when shank is obviously bent out of alignment with coupler head,
including rippling of walls.

6.4 Coupler body pin protector and pivot lugs

6.4.1 Passenger service equipment

On passenger service equipment, a coupler with a cracked or broken pin protector boss or pivot
lug shall be removed from service.

6.5 Locks

6.5.1 Closed knuckle

When the knuckle is closed, the lock shall be seated not more than 1/8" (.32 cm) above the
knuckle tail shelf, but should be preferably seated on the shelf. When adjustment is necessary,
metal should be removed from the guard arm (non-tapered) side of the lock by grinding or
preferably by machining. The amount of metal to be removed is one-eighth the distance the lock
is to be lowered. For example, if the lock is 1/8" (.32 cm) above the shelf and it is to be seated on
the shelf the amount of metal to be removed from the lock face is one-eighth of 1/8" (.32 cm) or
1/64" (.4 mm).

For references in Italics see Section 2.

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6.5.2 Stuck lock

In the event a lock becomes stuck, it should be released by tapping upward on the bottom of the
lock leg through the lock hole shroud. No hammering should ever be done on any part of the
locklift assembly as this may cause distortion and result in faulty operation of the coupler.
Sticking locks can be relieved by reducing the thickness of the lock as described in Section 6.5.1.

7. Cleaning and lubrication

7.1 Satisfactory operation

Tightlock couplers should be cleaned frequently to insure satisfactory operation. Dirt or other
foreign matter should be removed with a dry air blast, or other means.

7.2 Debris

The inside of the coupler head, the coupler operating parts, and the machined surfaces of the
coupler contour shall be kept free from any lubricant or paint.

8. Maintenance gages
The various maintenance gages referred to in these specifications may be purchased from the
Standard Coupler manufacturers.

Purchase of drawings for the various maintenance gages referred to should be directed to:

Office of the Chairman

Mechanical Committee of the Standard Coupler Manufacturers
10 S. Riverside Plaza - 10th Floor
Chicago, IL 60606

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Figure 1


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A merican P ublic Transit Associatio n

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Figure 2A

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Figure 3

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Figure 3A

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Figure 4

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A m e ric a n P u b l ic T ra n s i t A s s o c ia tio n

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American Public Transit Association

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