Code of Ethics: 1. Professional Conduct
Code of Ethics: 1. Professional Conduct
Code of Ethics: 1. Professional Conduct
Code of Ethics
Interpreters and translators act at all times in accordance with the standards of conduct and
decorum appropriate to the aims of AUSIT, the national professional association of interpreting and
translation practitioners.
Explanation: Interpreters and translators take responsibility for their work and conduct; they are
committed to providing quality service in a respectful and culturally sensitive manner, dealing
honestly and fairly with other parties and colleagues, and dealing honestly in all business practices.
They disclose any conflict of interest or any matter that may compromise their impartiality. They
observe common professional ethics of diligence and responsiveness to the needs of other
participants in their work.
Interpreters and translators maintain confidentiality and do not disclose information acquired in the
course of their work.
Explanation: Interpreters and translators are bound by strict rules of confidentiality, as are the
persons they work with in professional or business fields.
Interpreters and translators only undertake work they are competent to perform in the languages
for which they are professionally qualified through training and credentials.
Explanation: In order to practise, interpreters and translators need to have particular levels of
expertise for particular types of work. Those who work with interpreters and translators are entitled
to expect that they are working with appropriately qualified practitioners. Practitioners always
represent their credentials honestly. Where formal training or accreditation is not available (e.g. in
less frequently used language combinations and new and emerging languages), practitioners have an
obligation to increase and maintain skills through their own professional development (see Principle
8 below) or request employers, agencies or institutions to provide it.
Interpreters and translators observe impartiality in all professional contacts. Interpreters remain
unbiased throughout the communication exchanged between the participants in any interpreted
encounter. Translators do not show bias towards either the author of the source text or the
intended readers of their translation.
Explanation: Interpreters and translators play an important role in facilitating parties who do not
share a common language to communicate effectively with each other. They aim to ensure that the
full intent of the communication is conveyed. Interpreters and translators are not responsible for
what the parties communicate, only for complete and accurate transfer of the message. They do not
allow bias to influence their performance; likewise they do not soften, strengthen or alter the
messages being conveyed.
Interpreters and translators use their best professional judgement in remaining faithful at all times
to the meaning of texts and messages.
Explanation: Accuracy for the purpose of this Code means optimal and complete message transfer
into the target language preserving the content and intent of the source message or text without
omission or distortion.
Interpreters and translators maintain clear boundaries between their task as facilitators of
communication through message transfer and any tasks that may be undertaken by other parties
involved in the assignment.
Explanation: The focus of interpreters and translators is on message transfer. Practitioners do not, in
the course of their interpreting or translation duties, engage in other tasks such as advocacy,
guidance or advice. Even where such other tasks are mandated by particular employment
arrangements, practitioners insist that a clear demarcation is agreed on between interpreting and
translating and other tasks. For this purpose, interpreters and translators will, where the situation
requires it, provide an explanation of their role in line with the principles of this Code.
Interpreters and translators are responsible for the quality of their work, whether as employees,
freelance practitioners or contractors with interpreting and translation agencies. They always
endeavour to secure satisfactory working conditions for the performance of their duties, including
physical facilities, appropriate briefing, a clear commission, and clear conduct protocols where
needed in specific institutional settings. They ensure that they have allocated adequate time to
complete their work; they foster a mutually respectful business relationship with the people with
whom they work and encourage them to become familiar with the interpreter or translator role.
Explanation: Interpreters and translators work in a variety of settings with specific institutional
demands and a wide range of professional and business contexts. Some settings involve strict
protocols where the interpreter or translator is a totally independent party, while others are marked
by cooperation and shared responsibilities. Interpreters and translators must be familiar with these
contexts, and endeavour to have the people they work with understand their role. For practitioners
who work through agencies, the agency providing them with the work is one of their clients, and
practitioners maintain the same professional standards when working with them as when working
with individual clients. At the same time agencies must have appropriate and fair procedures in
place that recognise and foster the professionalism of interpreting and translating practitioners.
Interpreters and translators continue to develop their professional knowledge and skills.
Interpreters and translators respect and support their fellow professionals, and they uphold the
reputation and trustworthiness of the profession of interpreting and translating.
Explanation: Practitioners have a loyalty to the profession that extends beyond their individual
interest. They support and further the interests of the profession and their colleagues and offer each
other assistance.
You’ve probably heard of the Hippocratic Oath, by which physicians vow to “first do no harm,”
and uphold certain ethical standards. Lawyers are also sworn in using an Attorney’s Oath. In the
state of California, among other standards, new lawyers pledge to uphold the Constitution of the
United States and also to conduct themselves with dignity, courtesy and integrity. Those who
work as professional interpreters and translators are equally beholden to certain codes of ethics
– both written and unwritten.
Standard Code of Ethics for
Professional Interpreters and
Those who interpret information from a source language to a target language bear tremendous
responsibility. They must:
Translate information as accurately as possible, paying careful attention to regional
dialects and cultural sensitivities;
Respect the confidentiality of all parties involved; this is particularly important when
working in courtrooms, within the medical community, or in situations where proprietary
information is being shared or discussed, but applies to all situations requiring such services;
Conduct themselves in a professional manner, regardless of the type of information that
is being interpreted.
While the gist of the code of ethics is similar across the board, many interpreting-specific
organizations have come up with their own code of ethics by which members must abide.
For the most part, every professional is beholden to a “boilerplate” set of ethics. A Code of Ethics
helps protect both the client and the interpreter. You should only work with a professional
translation/interpretation services provider that upholds a similar roster of ethical guidelines,
including requirements such as:
Translators and interpreters will work to the very best of their ability to provide a thorough and
faithful rendering of the source language. They will not omit or add anything, and will also
preserve the spirit and tone of the source language’s message.
Cultural Sensitivity
Since cultural norms vary from country to country, and region to region, interpreters must have
an abiding respect for these variances and be sensitive and attentive to the cultural sensitivities
of the individuals or groups they serve.
Translators/interpreters may never divulge any information they obtain or receive through
assignments, including any information obtained through written documents or other source
Similarly, interpreters will never discuss, offer opinions or publically disclose information obtained
during or regarding the scope of an assignment. They are not to act as consultants, experts or
provide any additional information. Their purpose is solely to interpret a source language to a
target language, preserving as much of the original intention and nuanced meaning as possible.
Professional interpreters must meet a minimum proficiency set (but not limited to) passing
certification tests, exhibiting experience and competency in the art of translation/interpretation,
and holding memberships in industry-relevant professional associations.
Interpreters/translators should never accept or charge additional money, bonuses, compensation
or favors from the client. They also will not use a provider’s time, facilities, supplies or
equipment for personal or private gain.
Professional Demeanor
Those who serve as professional interpreters and translators do so in a professional capacity
and should dress and act appropriately within the construct of the assignment. This includes
respecting the dress codes and social courtesies of other countries and cultures.
Interested in working with a professional interpreting and translation agency that prioritizes a
strict code of ethics for every team member? Contact CCA and we’ll show you what it’s like to
work with the platinum standard of interpreters and translators.