Part F: 1. Incontestability Clause
Part F: 1. Incontestability Clause
Part F: 1. Incontestability Clause
SECTION 48. After a policy of life insurance made The period of two years for contesting a life
payable on the death of the insured shall have been insurance policy by the insurer may be shortened
in force during the lifetime of the insured for a period but it cannot be extended by stipulation.
of two (2) years from the date of its issue or of its
last reinstatement, the insurer cannot prove that the Effect when policy becomes incontestable
policy is void ab initio or is rescindable by reason of When a policy of life insurance becomes
the fraudulent concealment or misrepresentation of incontestable, the insurer may not refuse to pay the
the insured or his agent. same by claiming that:
1. The policy is void ab initio; or
Grounds to rescind a contract of insurance 2. It is rescissible by reason of the fraudulent
1. Concealment; concealment of the insured or his agent, no
2. False representation; and matter how patent or well-founded; or
3. Breach of warranty. 3. It is rescissible by reason of the fraudulent
misrepresentations of the insured or his agent.
An action to rescind a contract, under the first
paragraph of Section 48, is founded upon and Defenses not barred by incontestable clause
presupposes the existence of the contract, which is The incontestability of a policy under the law is not
rescinded. absolute. Otherwise, a beneficiary of any person
who had procured a life policy more than two years
In non-life policy, in order that the insurer may before his death would automatically be entitled to
rescind a contract of insurance, such right must be the proceeds upon that person’s death.
exercised prior to the commencement of an action
on the contract. In other words, the insurer is no The insurer may still contest the policy by way of
longer entitled to rescind a contract of insurance defense to a suit brought upon the policy or by
after the insured has filed an action to collect the action to rescind the same, on any of the following
amount of the insurance. grounds:
1. That the person taking the insurance lacked
In life policy, the defenses mentioned are available insurable interest as required by law;
only during the first two years of a life insurance 2. That the cause of the death of the insured is an
policy. excepted risk;
3. That the premiums have not been paid;
Incontestability of life policies 4. That the conditions of the policy relating to
Incontestable clauses, in life insurance policies, military or naval service have been violated;
stipulating that the policy shall be incontestable 5. That the fraud is of a particularly vicious type;
after a stated period are in general use. They create 6. That the beneficiary failed to furnish proof of
a kind of contractual statute of limitations on death or to comply with any condition imposed
certain defenses that may be raised by the insurer. by the policy after the loss has happened; or
7. That the action was not brought within the time
Incontestability means that after the requisites are specified.
shown to exist, the insurer shall be estopped from
contesting the policy or setting up any defense, SECTION 233. In the case of individual life or
except as is allowed, on the ground of public policy. endowment insurance, the policy shall contain in
substance the following conditions:
In order that the insurance shall be incontestable, (b) A provision that the policy shall be
the following requisites must be present: incontestable after it shall have been in force
Insurance Law Reviewer ‘20
Based on the Book of De Leon.
Insurance Law Reviewer ‘20
Based on the Book of De Leon.
and filed a civil case for rescission and/or denial of their claims or delay in the collection of
annulment of the policy. insurance proceeds occasioned by allegations of
fraud, concealment, or misrepresentation by
The main thesis of the Complaint was that the insurers, claims which may no longer be set up after
policy was obtained by fraud, concealment and/or the two-year period expires as ordained under the
misrepresentation under the Insurance Code, which law.
thus renders it voidable under Article 1390 of the
Thus, the self-regulating feature of Section 48 lies
Civil Code.
in the fact that both the insurer and the insured are
given the assurance that any dishonest scheme to
The Regional Trial Court ruled in favor of
obtain life insurance would be exposed and
attempts at unduly denying a claim would be struck
down. Life insurance policies that pass the
The Court of Appeals thus sustained the trial court.
statutory two-year period are essentially treated as
Applying Section 48 to petitioner’s case.
legitimate and beyond question, and the individuals
who wield them are made secure by the thought
Issue: WON the petitioner may rescind the
that they will be paid promptly upon claim. In this
insurance contract by reason of concealment. NO.
manner, Section 48 contributes to the stability of
Ruling: Section 48 serves a noble purpose, as it the insurance industry.
regulates the actions of both the insurer and the
Section 48 prevents a situation where the insurer
knowingly continues to accept annual premium
Under the provision, an insurer is given two years — payments on life insurance, only to later on deny a
from the effectivity of a life insurance contract and claim on the policy on specious claims of fraudulent
while the insured is alive — to discover or prove that concealment and misrepresentation, such as what
the policy is void ab initio or is rescindible by reason obtains in the instant case. Thus, instead of
of the fraudulent concealment or misrepresentation conducting at the first instance an investigation
of the insured or his agent. After the two-year period into the circumstances surrounding the issuance of
lapses, or when the insured dies within the period, Insurance Policy No. 747411 which would have
the insurer must make good on the policy, even timely exposed the supposed flaws and
though the policy was obtained by fraud, irregularities attending it as it now professes,
concealment, or misrepresentation. This is not to petitioner appears to have turned a blind eye and
say that insurance fraud must be rewarded, but that opted instead to continue collecting the premiums
insurers who recklessly and indiscriminately solicit on the policy. For nearly three years, petitioner
and obtain business must be penalized, for such collected the premiums and devoted the same to its
recklessness and lack of discrimination ultimately own profit. It cannot now deny the claim when it is
work to the detriment of bona fide takers of called to account. Section 48 must be applied to it
insurance and the public in general. with full force and effect.
Section 48 regulates both the actions of the The Court therefore agrees fully with the appellate
insurers and prospective takers of life insurance. It court's pronouncement that —
gives insurers enough time to inquire whether the
[t]he "incontestability clause" is a provision in law
policy was obtained by fraud, concealment, or
that after a policy of life insurance made payable on
misrepresentation; on the other hand, it forewarns
the death of the insured shall have been in force
scheming individuals that their attempts at
during the lifetime of the insured for a period of two
insurance fraud would be timely uncovered — thus
(2) years from the date of its issue or of its last
deterring them from venturing into such nefarious
reinstatement, the insurer cannot prove that the
enterprise. At the same time, legitimate policy
policy is void ab initio or is rescindible by reason of
holders are absolutely protected from unwarranted
Insurance Law Reviewer ‘20
Based on the Book of De Leon.
fraudulent concealment or misrepresentation of the appellant is, therefore, barred from proving that the
insured or his agent. policy is void ab initio by reason of the insured's
fraudulent concealment or misrepresentation or
The purpose of the law is to give protection to the
want of insurable interest on the part of the
insured or his beneficiary by limiting the rescinding
beneficiary, herein defendant-appellee.
of the contract of insurance on the ground of
fraudulent concealment or misrepresentation to a Petitioner claims that its insurance agent, who
period of only two (2) years from the issuance of the solicited the Sotero account, happens to be the
policy or its last reinstatement. cousin of respondent's husband, and thus
insinuates that both connived to commit insurance
The insurer is deemed to have the necessary
fraud. If this were truly the case, then petitioner
facilities to discover such fraudulent concealment
would have discovered the scheme earlier if it had
or misrepresentation within a period of two (2)
in earnest conducted an investigation into the
years. It is not fair for the insurer to collect the
circumstances surrounding the Sotero policy. But
premiums as long as the insured is still alive, only
because it did not and it investigated the Sotero
to raise the issue of fraudulent concealment or
account only after a claim was filed thereon more
misrepresentation when the insured dies in order to
than two years later, naturally it was unable to
defeat the right of the beneficiary to recover under
detect the scheme. For its negligence and inaction,
the policy.
the Court cannot sympathize with its plight. Instead,
At least two (2) years from the issuance of the policy its case precisely provides the strong argument for
or its last reinstatement, the beneficiary is given the requiring insurers to diligently conduct
stability to recover under the policy when the investigations on each policy they issue within the
insured dies. The provision also makes clear when two-year period mandated under Section 48, and
the two-year period should commence in case the not after claims for insurance proceeds are filed
policy should lapse and is reinstated, that is, from with them.
the date of the last reinstatement.
Besides, if insurers cannot vouch for the integrity
After two years, the defenses of concealment or and honesty of their insurance agents/salesmen
misrepresentation, no matter how patent or well- and the insurance policies they issue, then they
founded, will no longer lie. should cease doing business. If they could not
properly screen their agents or salesmen before
The so-called "incontestability clause" precludes taking them in to market their products, or if they do
the insurer from raising the defenses of false not thoroughly investigate the insurance contracts
representations or concealment of material facts they enter into with their clients, then they have only
insofar as health and previous diseases are themselves to blame. Otherwise said, insurers
concerned if the insurance has been in force for at cannot be allowed to collect premiums on
least two years during the insured's lifetime. The insurance policies, use these amounts collected
phrase "during the lifetime" found in Section 48 and invest the same through the years, generating
simply means that the policy is no longer profits and returns therefrom for their own benefit,
considered in force after the insured has died. The and thereafter conveniently deny insurance claims
key phrase in the second paragraph of Section 48 is by questioning the authority or integrity of their own
"for a period of two years." agents or the insurance policies they issued to their
As borne by the records, the policy was issued on premium-paying clients. This is exactly one of the
August 30, 1993, the insured died on April 10, 1996, schemes which Section 48 aims to prevent.
and the claim was denied on April 16, 1997. The Insurers may not be allowed to delay the payment
insurance policy was thus in force for a period of 3 of claims by filing frivolous cases in court, hoping
years, 7 months, and 24 days. Considering that the that the inevitable may be put off for years — or even
insured died after the two-year period, the plaintiff- decades — by the pendency of these unnecessary
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Based on the Book of De Leon.
court cases. In the meantime, they benefit from knowledge of one party and of which the other has
collecting the interest and/or returns on both the no actual or presumptive knowledge.
premiums previously paid by the insured and the
insurance proceeds which should otherwise go to Under Section 107, to constitute concealment, it is
their beneficiaries. The business of insurance is a sufficient that the insured is in possession of the
highly regulated commercial activity in the country, material fact concealed although he may not be
and is imbued with public interest. "[A]n insurance aware of it.
contract is a contract of adhesion which must be
SECTION 113. If a representation by a person
construed liberally in favor of the insured and
insured by a contract of marine insurance, is
strictly against the insurer in order to safeguard the intentionally false in any material respect, or in
[former's] interest." respect of any fact on which the character and
nature of the risk depends, the insurer may rescind
2. Misrepresentation as to age the entire contract.
SECTION 233. In the case of individual life or Effect of false representation by insured
endowment insurance, the policy shall contain in 1. Intentional. Any misrepresentation of a material
substance the following conditions: fact made with fraudulent intent avoids the
(d) A provision that if the age of the insured is policy.
considered in determining the premium and the 2. Not intentional. If the misrepresentation is not
benefits accruing under the policy, and the age intentional or fraudulent but the fact
of the insured has been misstated, the amount misrepresented is material to the risk, the
payable under the policy shall be such as the insurer may also rescind the contract from the
premium would have purchased at the correct time the representation becomes false.
SECTION 114. The eventual falsity of a
Life policies contain a special clause covering the representation as to expectation does not, in the
subject that is equitable to both the insured and absence of fraud, avoid a contract of marine
insurer. The clause provides that if the age of the insurance.
insured has been misstated, the amount payable
under the policy shall be such as the premium paid Representations of expectation or intention are
would have purchased at the correct age. statements of future facts or events which are in
their nature contingent and which the insurer is
Since age misinterpretation is covered by a special bound to know that the insured could not have
clause, it cannot fall within the scope of the intended to state as known facts, but as intentions
incontestable clause. or expectations merely. Hence, unless made with
fraudulent intent, their failure of fulfillment is not a
C. In Marine Insurance ground for rescission.
SECTION 109. In marine insurance, each party is
bound to communicate, in addition to what is III. Breach of Warranty- 74-75
required by Section 28, all the information which he
possesses, material to the risk, except such as is SECTION 74. The violation of a material warranty, or
mentioned in Section 30, and to state the exact and other material provision of a policy, on the part of
whole truth in relation to all matters that he either party thereto, entitles the other to rescind.
represents, or upon inquiry discloses or assumes to
disclose. The violation of the terms of a contract of insurance
entitles either party to terminate the contractual
Concealment in marine insurance is the failure to relations.
disclose any material fact or circumstance which in
fact or law is within, or which ought to be within the The insurer is entitled to rescind a contract of
insurance for violation of a warranty only if said
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Based on the Book of De Leon.
warranty is material; otherwise, the breach thereof 3. Affirmative warranty. It is one which asserts the
will not avoid the policy. The right of the insurer to existence of a fact or condition at the time it is
rescind under Section 74 exists even though the made. Such warranty is continuing if it is one that
violation was not the direct cause of the loss. must be satisfied during the entire coverage
period of the insurance.
SECTION 75. A policy may declare that a violation 4. Promissory warranty. It is one where the insured
of specified provisions thereof shall avoid it, stipulates that certain facts or conditions
otherwise the breach of an immaterial provision pertaining to the risk shall exist or that certain
does not avoid the policy. things with reference thereto shall be done or
Under American jurisprudence, every warranty is
conclusively presumed material. Hence, a warranty The presumption is that the warranty is merely
as to any fact will preclude any inquiry as to the affirmative, unless the contrary intention appears.
materiality of that fact. It need only be false.
SECTION 68. A warranty may relate to the past, the
However, the parties may expressly stipulate that present, the future, or to any or all of these.
the violation of a particular provision (although
immaterial) in the policy shall avoid it. By such However, in the case of a promissory warranty, the
stipulation, the parties convert an immaterial same may refer only to future events.
warranty into a material one.
SECTION 69. No particular form of words is
A. Warranty necessary to create a warranty.
Warranties Whether a statement made by the insured in the
SECTION 67. A warranty is either expressed or policy is a warranty depends upon the intention of
implied. the parties in regard therein.
Warranty is a statement or promise by the insured In case of doubt, a statement will be construed as a
contained in the policy itself or incorporated in or representation rather than a warranty especially if
attached to it by proper reference, the falsity or such statement is contained in any instrument
nonfulfillment of which and regardless of whether other than the policy like an application which is, in
or not the insurer has suffered loss or prejudice as itself, collateral merely to the contract of insurance.
a result of the falsity or nonfulfillment, renders the The parties must intend a statement to be a
policy voidable at the election of the insurer. warranty and it must be included as a part of the
Note: It may also be made by the insurer.
Warranty Representation
Kinds of Warranties: Considered a part of Collateral inducement
1. Express warranty. It is an agreement contained the contract
in the policy or clearly incorporated therein as Always writer on the May be written in a
part thereof whereby the insured stipulates that face of the policy, totally disconnected
certain facts relating to the risk are or shall be actually or by reference paper or may be oral
true or certain acts relating to the same subjects Falsity or non- Falsity renders the
have been or shall be done. fulfillment operates as policy voidable or
2. Implied warranty. It is a warranty which from the a breach of contract rescissible on the
very nature of the contract or from the general ground of fraud
tenor of the words, although no express warranty Presumed material Materiality must be
is mentioned, is necessarily embodied in the shown in order to
policy as a part thereof and which binds the defeat an action on the
insured as though expressed in the contract. policy
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Based on the Book of De Leon.
Before a representation will be considered a The Trial Court ruled finding for (therein defendant)
warranty, it must be expressly included or PRUDENTIAL. It ruled that a determination of the
incorporated by clear reference in the policy and the parties' liabilities hinged on whether TRANS-ASIA
contract must clearly show that the parties violated and breached the policy conditions on
intended that the rights of the insured would depend WARRANTED VESSEL CLASSED AND CLASS
on the truth or fulfillment of the warranty. MAINTAINED. It interpreted the provision to mean
that TRANS-ASIA is required to maintain the vessel
PRUDENTIAL GUARANTEE and ASSURANCE at a certain class at all times pertinent during the
INC. vs. TRANS-ASIA SHIPPING LINES, INC. life of the policy. According to the court a quo,
[G.R. No. 151890. June 20, 2006.] TRANS-ASIA failed to prove compliance of the
Facts: TRANS-ASIA is the owner of the vessel terms of the warranty, the violation thereof entitled
M/V Asia Korea. In consideration of payment of PRUDENTIAL, the insured party, to rescind the
premiums, defendant PRUDENTIAL insured contract.
M/V Asia Korea for loss/damage of the hull and
machinery arising from perils, inter alia, of fire and The Court of Appeals in its assailed reversed the
explosion for the sum of P40 Million. Judgment of the RTC. It ruled that PRUDENTIAL, as
the party asserting the non-compensability of the
On October 25, 1993, while the policy was in force, a loss had the burden of proof to show that TRANS-
fire broke out while M/V Asia Korea was undergoing ASIA breached the warranty, which burden it failed
repairs at the port of Cebu. TRANS-ASIA filed its to discharge.
notice of claim for damage sustained by the vessel.
Plaintiff TRANS-ASIA reserved its right to In the same token, the Court of Appeals found the
subsequently notify PRUDENTIAL as to the full subject warranty allegedly breached by TRANS-
amount of the claim upon final survey and ASIA to be a rider which, while contained in the
determination by average adjuster Phil. of the policy, was inserted by PRUDENTIAL without the
damage sustained by reason of fire. An adjuster's intervention of TRANS-ASIA. As such, it partakes of
report on the fire in question was submitted by a nature of a contract d'adhesion which should be
Richard Hogg International together with the U- construed against PRUDENTIAL, the party which
Marine Surveyor Report. drafted the contract. Likewise, according to the
Court of Appeals, PRUDENTIAL's renewal of the
On May 29, 1995 TRANS-ASIA executed a insurance policy from noon of 1 July 1994 to noon
document denominated "Loan and Trust receipt”. of 1 July 1995, and then again, until noon of 1 July
Defendant [PRUDENTIAL] denied plaintiff's claim. 1996 must be deemed a waiver by PRUDENTIAL of
This was followed by defendant's letter requesting any breach of warranty committed by TRANS-ASIA.
the return or payment of the P3,000,000.00 within a
period of ten (10) days from receipt of the letter. Issue: WON Trans-Asia breached the warranty
On 13 August 1997, TRANS-ASIA filed a Complaint stated in the insurance policy. NO.
for Sum of Money against PRUDENTIAL with the
RTC of Cebu City. Ruling: PRUDENTIAL failed to establish that
TRANS-ASIA violated and breached the policy
PRUDENTIAL denied the material allegations of the condition on WARRANTED VESSEL CLASSED AND
Complaint and interposed the defense that TRANS- CLASS MAINTAINED, as contained in the subject
ASIA breached insurance policy conditions, in insurance contract.
CLASS MAINTAINED." PRUDENTIAL further alleged As found by the Court of Appeals and as supported
that it acted as facts and law require and incurred by the records, Bureau Veritas is a classification
no liability to TRANS-ASIA; that TRANS-ASIA has society recognized in the marine industry. As it is
no cause of action; and, that its claim has been undisputed that TRANS-ASIA was properly classed
effectively waived and/or abandoned, or it is at the time the contract of insurance was entered
estopped from pursuing the same. into, thus, it becomes incumbent upon PRUDENTIAL
to show evidence that the status of TRANS-ASIA as
Insurance Law Reviewer ‘20
Based on the Book of De Leon.
being properly CLASSED by Bureau Veritas had the insurance policy of Trans-Asia for two (2)
shifted in violation of the warranty. Unfortunately, consecutive years, from noon of 01 July 1994 to
PRUDENTIAL failed to support the allegation. noon of 01 July 1995, and then again until noon of
01 July 1996. This renewal is deemed a waiver of
The lack of a certification in PRUDENTIAL’s records any breach of warranty.
to the effect that TRANS-ASIA’s "M/V Asia Korea"
was CLASSED AND CLASS MAINTAINED at the time PRUDENTIAL, in renewing TRANS-ASIA’s insurance
of the occurrence of the fire cannot be tantamount policy for two consecutive years after the loss
to the conclusion that TRANS-ASIA in fact breached covered by Policy No. MH93/1363, was considered
the warranty contained in the policy. to have waived TRANS-ASIA’s breach of the subject
warranty, if any. Breach of a warranty or of a
It was likewise the responsibility of the average condition renders the contract defeasible at the
adjuster, Richards Hogg International (Phils.), Inc., option of the insurer; but if he so elects, he may
to secure a copy of such certification, and the waive his privilege and power to rescind by the mere
alleged breach of TRANS-ASIA cannot be gleaned expression of an intention so to do. In that event his
from the average adjuster’s survey report, or liability under the policy continues as before. There
adjustment of particular average per "M/V Asia can be no clearer intention of the waiver of the
Korea" of the 25 October 1993 fire on board. alleged breach than the renewal of the policy
insurance granted by PRUDENTIAL to TRANS-ASIA
The Supreme Court is not unmindful of the clear in MH94/1595 and MH95/1788, issued in the years
language of Sec. 74 of the Insurance Code which 1994 and 1995, respectively.
provides that, "the violation of a material warranty
or other material provision of a policy on the part of UNION MANUFACTURING CO., INC. and the
either party thereto, entitles the other to rescind." REPUBLIC BANK, plaintiffs, REPUBLIC
It is generally accepted that "a warranty is a [G.R. No. L-27932. October 30, 1972.]
statement or promise set forth in the policy, or by
reference incorporated therein, the untruth or non- Facts: Union Manufacturing Co., Inc. obtained
fulfillment of which in any respect, and without certain loans, overdrafts and other credit
reference to whether the insurer was in fact accommodations from the Republic Bank for
prejudiced by such untruth or non- fulfillment, P415,000.00 with interest at 9% per annum from
renders the policy voidable by the insurer." said date and to secure the payment, Union
Manufacturing executed a real and chattel
However, it is similarly indubitable that for the mortgages on certain properties. As additional
breach of a warranty to avoid a policy, the same condition of the mortgage contract, Union
must be duly shown by the party alleging the Manufacturing undertook to secure insurance
same. We cannot sustain an allegation that coverage over the mortgaged properties for the
is unfounded. Consequently, PRUDENTIAL, not same amount of P415,000.00.
having shown that TRANS-ASIA breached the
warranty condition, CLASSED AND CLASS As Union Manufacturing failed to secure insurance
MAINTAINED, it remains that TRANS-ASIA must be coverage on the mortgaged properties, Republic
allowed to recover its rightful claims on the policy. Bank procured from the Philippine Guaranty Co.,
Inc. an insurance coverage on loss against fire for
Assuming arguendo that TRANS-ASIA violated the P500,000.00 over the properties of the Union
policy condition on WARRANTED VESSEL CLASSED Manufacturing with the annotation that loss or
AND CLASS MAINTAINED, PRUDENTIAL made a damage, if any, under is payable to Republic Bank
valid waiver of the same. as its interest may appear, subject however to the
printed conditions of the Fire Insurance Policy
PRUDENTIAL can be deemed to have made a valid Form; Fire Insurance Policy No. 43170 was issued
waiver of TRANS-ASIA’s breach of warranty as for the sum of P500,000.00 in favor of the assured,
alleged. Because after the loss, Prudential renewed Union Manufacturing for which the corresponding
Insurance Law Reviewer ‘20
Based on the Book of De Leon.
premium of was paid by the Republic Bank to "Without deciding whether notice of other insurance
Philippine Guaranty. upon the same property must be given in writing, or
whether a verbal notice is sufficient to render an
insurance valid which requires such notice, whether oral
Upon the expiration of said fire policy, the same was
or written, we hold that in the absolute absence of such
renewed by the Republic Bank upon payment of the
notice when it is one of the conditions specified in the fire
corresponding premium. insurance policy, the policy is null and void."
A fire occurred in the premises of the Union The next year, in Ang Giok Chip v. Springfield Fire &
Manufacturing, Marine Ins. Co., the conformity of the insured to the
terms of the policy, implied from the failure to
Union Manufacturing filed its fire claim with express any disagreement with what is provided for,
Philippine Guaranty but was denied on the following was stressed in these words of the ponente, Justice
grounds: Malcolm:
(a) When Philippine Guaranty issued Fire Insurance
Policy No. 43170 ... in the sum of P500,000.00 "It is admitted that the policy before us was accepted by
the plaintiff. The receipt of this policy by the insured
to cover the properties of the Union
without objection binds both the acceptor and the
Manufacturing the same properties were insured to the terms thereof. The insured may not
already covered by Fire Policy of the Sincere thereafter be heard to say that he did not read the policy
Insurance Company and by insurance policies or know its terms, since it is his duty to read his policy
of the Oceanic Insurance Agency; and and it will be assumed that he did so."
(b) When Fire Insurance Policy No. 43170 was
already in full force and effect, Union As far back as 1915, in Young v. Midland Textile
Manufacturing without the consent of Philippine Insurance Company, it was categorically set forth
Guaranty Co., Inc., obtained other insurance that as a condition precedent to the right of
policies totalling P305,000.00 over the same recovery, there must be compliance on the part of
properties prior to the fire. the insured with the terms of the policy. As stated in
the opinion of the Court through Justice Johnson:
Issue: WON Republic Bank can recover its interest
"If the insured has violated or failed to perform the
(as mortgagee) from the Fire Insurance Policy with conditions of the contract, and such a violation or want
Philippine Guaranty. NO. of performance has not been waived by the insurer, then
the insured cannot recover. Courts are not permitted to
Ruling: In as much as the Union Manufacturing has make contracts for the parties. The function and duty of
violated the condition of the policy to the effect that the courts consist simply in enforcing and carrying out
it did not reveal the existence of other insurance the contracts actually made. While it is true, as a general
policies over the same properties, as required by the rule, that contracts of insurance are construed most
warranty appearing on the face of the policy and favorably to the insured, yet contracts of insurance, like
other contracts, are to be construed according to the
that said Union Manufacturing Co., Inc. represented
sense and meaning of the terms which the parties
that there were no other insurance policies at the themselves have used. If such terms are clear and
time of the issuance of said defendant's policy, and unambiguous they must be taken and understood in their
it appearing furthermore that while the policy of the plain, ordinary and popular sense."
defendant was in full force and effect the Union
Manufacturing Co., Inc. secured other fire insurance More specifically, there was a reiteration of this
policies without the written consent of the Santa Ana ruling in a decision by the then Justice,
defendant endorsed on the policy, the conclusion is later Chief Justice, Bengzon, in General Insurance &
inevitable that both the Republic Bank and Union Surety Corp. v. Ng Hua. Thus:
Manufacturing Co., Inc. cannot recover from the
same policy of the defendant because the same is "The annotation then, must be deemed to be a warranty
that the property was not insured by any other policy.
null and void.
Violation thereof entitles the insurer to rescind. (Sec. 69,
Insurance Act) Such misrepresentation is fatal in the
It is to Santa Ana v. Commercial Union Assurance light of our views in Santa Ana v. Commercial Union
Co. a 1930 decision: Assurance Company, Ltd. . . . The materiality of non-
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Based on the Book of De Leon.
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Based on the Book of De Leon.
Where there is no fraud, the policy is avoided only SECTION 115. In every marine insurance upon a
from the time of breach and the insured is entitled ship or freight, or freightage, or upon any thing
(a) to the return of premium paid at a pro rata rate which is the subject of marine insurance, a warranty
from the time of breach if it occurs after the is implied that the ship is seaworthy.
inception of the contract; or
(b) to all the premiums if it is broken during the In marine insurance, a warranty has been defined as
inception of the contract. a stipulation, either expressed or implied, forming
part of the policy as to some fact, condition or
In the latter case, the contract is void ab initio and circumstance relating to the risk.
never becomes binding.
Implied warranties in marine insurance
Where there is fraud, the policy is avoided ab initio, The insurer will not be liable for any loss under his
and the insured is not entitled to the return of the policy in case the vessel:
premium paid. 1. Is unseaworthy at the inception of the insurance
(Sec. 113); or
Summary 2. Deviates from the agreed voyage (Secs. 123-
1. If there is no fraud, the policy is void only from 125); or
the time of the breach. 3. Engages in an illegal venture; or
2. If there is fraud, the policy is void ab initio. 4. The ship carry the requisite documents of
nationality or neutrality of the ship or cargo
Conditions in insurance policy where such nationality or neutrality is expressly
A condition is an event signifying in its broadest warranted (Sec. 122).
sense either an occurrence or a non-occurrence
that alters the previously existing legal relations of Implied warranty of seaworthiness
the parties to the contract. In every voyage policy of marine insurance, there is
an implied warranty that the vessel is in all respects
1. A condition precedent calls for the happening of seaworthy, and such warranty can be excluded only
some event or the performance of some act by clear provisions of the policy.
after the terms of the contract have been agreed
upon, before the contract shall be binding on the If the policy provides that the seaworthiness of the
parties, such as that the policy shall not take vessel as between insured and insurer is admitted,
effect until delivery and payment of the first the issue of seaworthiness cannot be raised by the
premium during the good health of the insurer without showing concealment or
applicant. misrepresentation by the insured.
2. A condition subsequent is that which pertains
not to the attachment of the risk and the Where cargo is the subject of marine insurance, the
inception of the policy, but to the contract of implied warranty of seaworthiness attaches to
insurance after the risk has attached and during whoever is insuring the cargo, whether he be the
the existence thereof. shipowner or not. The fact that the
unseaworthiness of the ship was unknown to
Exceptions in insurance policy insured is immaterial in ordinary marine insurance
Exceptions are inserted in a contract of insurance and may not be used by him as a defense in order
for the purpose of withdrawing from the coverage of to recover on the marine insurance policy.
the policy, as delimited by the general language
describing the risk assumed, some specific risks Where a vessel is found unseaworthy, a shipowner
which the insurer declares himself unwilling to is presumed to be negligent since it is tasked with
undertake. the maintenance of its vessel. Though its duty can
be delegated, still, the shipowner must exercise
2. Implied close supervision over its men. An exception to the
limited liability doctrine which limits the insurer's
liability to it pro rata share in the insurance
Insurance Law Reviewer ‘20
Based on the Book of De Leon.
proceeds, is when the damage is due to the fault of is to be transhipped at an intermediate port,
the shipowner and the captain. In such case, the the implied warranty is not complied with
shipowner, unless it overcomes the presumption of unless each vessel upon which the cargo is
negligence, is liable to the total value of the damage shipped, or transhipped, be seaworthy at the
or loss. commencement of each particular voyage.
SECTION 116. A ship is seaworthy when reasonably The general rule is that the warranty of
fit to perform the service and to encounter the seaworthiness is complied with if the ship be
ordinary perils of the voyage contemplated by the seaworthy at the time of the commencement of the
parties to the policy. risk. Prior or subsequent unseaworthiness is not a
breach of the warranty; nor is it material that the
Seaworthiness is a relative term depending upon vessel arrives in safety at the end of her voyage.
the nature of the ship, the voyage, and the service in
which she is at the time engaged. Generally, for a There is no implied warranty that the vessel will
vessel to be seaworthy, it must be adequately remain in seaworthy condition throughout the life of
equipped for the voyage and manned with a the policy.
sufficient number of competent officers and crew.
The following are the exceptions:
Seaworthiness relates to the vessel's actual 1. In the case of time policy, the ship must be
condition at the time of the commencement of the seaworthy at the commencement of every
voyage. voyage she may undertake;
2. In the case of cargo policy, each vessel upon
To comply with the implied warranty of which the cargo is shipped or transhipped, must
seaworthiness, the vessel must be in a fit state as be seaworthy at the commencement of each
to repair, equipment, crew and in all other respects particular voyage; and
to perform the voyage insured and to encounter the 3. In the case of voyage policy contemplating a
ordinary perils of navigation. She must also be in a voyage in different stages, the ship must be
suitable condition to carry the cargo put on board or seaworthy at the commencement of each
intended to be put on board. It is not necessary that portion.
the cargo itself shall be seaworthy.
What is reasonable fitness to encounter the perils SECTION 118. A warranty of seaworthiness extends
expected to arise in the course of the voyage vary, not only to the condition of the structure of the ship
naturally, with the character of the particular itself, but requires that it be properly laden, and
voyage. provided with a competent master, a sufficient
number of competent officers and seamen, and the
However, the warranty of seaworthiness is not an requisite appurtenances and equipment, such as
absolute guaranty that the vessel will safely meet ballasts, cables and anchors, cordage and sails,
all possible perils. food, water, fuel and lights, and other necessary or
proper stores and implements for the voyage.
SECTION 117. An implied warranty of
seaworthiness is complied with if the ship be In marine insurance covering ships and the cargo or
seaworthy at the time of the commencement of the freight on such ships, the insured warrants that the
risk, except in the following cases: ship is seaworthy.
(a) When the insurance is made for a specified
length of time, the implied warranty is not Seaworthiness requires that the vessel must have
complied with unless the ship be seaworthy equipment and appliances appropriate to the
at the commencement of every voyage it voyage in which it is engaged and the cargo it
undertakes during that time; carries; it must have sufficient fuel, stores and
(b) When the insurance is upon the cargo which, provisions to last for the entire voyage; it must have
by the terms of the policy, description of the sufficient number of competent officers and men;
voyage, or established custom of the trade, and if the insurance is on cargo, the same must be
Insurance Law Reviewer ‘20
Based on the Book of De Leon.
properly loaded, stowed, dunnaged and secured so nevertheless, by reason of being unfitted to receive
as not to imperil the navigation of the vessel or to the cargo, be unseaworthy for the purpose of
cause injury to the vessel or cargo. insurance upon the cargo.
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Based on the Book of De Leon.
The Voyage and Deviation (d) When made in good faith, for the purpose of
SECTION 123. When the voyage contemplated by a saving human life or relieving another vessel in
marine insurance policy is described by the places distress.
of beginning and ending, the voyage insured is one
which conforms to the course of sailing fixed by SECTION 127. Every deviation not specified in the
mercantile usage between those places. last section is improper.
SECTION 124. If the course of sailing is not fixed by Deviation from the course of the voyage will not
mercantile usage, the voyage insured by a marine vitiate a policy of marine insurance if the deviation
insurance policy is that way between the places is justified or caused by actual necessity which is
specified, which to a master of ordinary skill and equal in importance to such deviation.
discretion, would mean the most natural, direct and
advantageous. But while deviation to save property is not justified,
unless it is to save another vessel in distress, a
SECTION 125. Deviation is a departure from the deviation for the purpose of saving life does not
course of the voyage insured, mentioned in the last constitute a breach of warranty.
two (2) sections, or an unreasonable delay in
pursuing the voyage or the commencement of an SECTION 128. An insurer is not liable for any loss
entirely different voyage. happening to the thing insured subsequent to an
improper deviation.
Deviation refers to any unexcused departure from
the regular course or route of the insured voyage or Where there has been any deviation or change of the
any other act which substantially alters the risk. risk without just cause, the insurer becomes
immediately absolved from further liability under
There are four cases of deviation in marine the policy for losses occurring subsequent (not
insurance: before) to the deviation.
1. Departure from the course of sailing fixed by
mercantile usage between the places of B. In Fire Insurance
beginning and ending specified in the policy SECTION 170. An alteration in the use or condition
(Sec. 121.); of a thing insured from that to which it is limited by
2. Departure from the most natural, direct, and the policy made without the consent of the insurer,
advantageous route between the places by means within the control of the insured, and
specified if the course of sailing is not fixed by increasing the risks, entitles an insurer to rescind a
mercantile usage (Sec. 122.); contract of fire insurance.
3. Unreasonable delay in pursuing the voyage
(Sec. 123.); and SECTION 171. An alteration in the use or condition
4. The commencement of an entirely different of a thing insured from that to which it is limited by
voyage. the policy, which does not increase the risk, does
not affect a contract of fire insurance.
SECTION 126. A deviation is proper:
(a) When caused by circumstances over which When alteration in thing insured entitles insurer to
neither the master nor the owner of the ship has rescind
any control; The following requisites must be present:
(b) When necessary to comply with a warranty, or 1. The use or condition of the thing is specifically
to avoid a peril, whether or not the peril is limited or stipulated in the policy;
insured against; 2. Such use or condition as limited by the policy is
(c) When made in good faith, and upon reasonable altered;
grounds of belief in its necessity to avoid a peril; 3. The alteration is made without the consent of
or the insurer;
4. The alteration is made by means within the
control of the insured; and
Insurance Law Reviewer ‘20
Based on the Book of De Leon.
5. The alteration increases the risk. resulting from adjacent premises over which the
insured has no control will not avoid a policy unless:
But a contract of fire insurance is not affected by 1. actually known to the insured, or
any act of the insured subsequent to the execution 2. from act of the insured's tenant provided the
of the policy, which does not violate its provisions act is not known to the insured.
even though it increases the risk and is the cause of
the loss. Application of Section 75 and Section 171
Section 75. A policy may declare that a violation of specified
Alterations avoiding policy provisions thereof shall avoid it, otherwise the breach of an
immaterial provision does not avoid the policy.
1. Where risk of loss increased. The policy is
avoided by any alteration in the use or condition
An alteration in the risk or condition of the thing
of the property insured increasing the risk.
insured which does not increase the risk will not\
2. Where the increase no longer existing at time of
affect a contract of fire insurance. This is the rule
loss. The insurer would still be liable if the
embodied in Section 171, and it is logical as the
increase in hazard was no longer existing at the
basis upon which the contract rests is not changed.
time of the loss.
Furthermore, it is consistent with the provision of
Section 75 that the breach of an immaterial
Alterations not avoiding policy
provision does not avoid the policy.
1. Where risk of loss not increased. There is not an
increase of risk and the policy is not avoided
However, under Section 75, the insurer is given the
where a different use is made of the insured
right to insert terms and conditions in the policy
premises, which use is not of a dangerous
which if violated would avoid it. An alteration made
character and does not differ materially from the
in the use of condition of the thing insured will thus
use specified in the policy, even though an
avoid a policy under the same section if such
additional or increased premium may be
alteration is expressly prohibited although it does
demanded therefor.
not increase the risk. Therefore, Section 171 applies
2. Where questioned articles required by insured’s
to policies which are silent upon the subject.
business. Even though the policy contains
certain provisions prohibiting specified articles
SECTION 172. A contract of fire insurance is not
from being kept in the insured premises, the
affected by any act of the insured subsequent to the
policy will not be avoided by a violation of these
execution of the policy, which does not violate its
provisions if the articles are necessary or
provisions, even though it increases the risk and is
ordinarily used in the business conducted in the
the cause of the loss.
insured premises.
3. Where insured property would be useless if
Amount stated in policy/amount of partial loss.
questioned acts were prohibited. The making of
The valuation of a building or structure insured
repairs, painting or doing other acts of similar
under a policy against fire may be fixed as provided
character on the thing insured are not to be
in Section 172. In case of a total loss, the insured
regarded as increasing the risk since the
can recover the whole amount so insured as stated
property would be useless to the insured if such
in the policy and in case of partial loss, the full
acts were prohibited even though by reason
amount of the partial loss.
thereof, the property may be exposed to some
additional risk.
Note: A total loss of the insured building exists
when the result of the fire is such as to render the
Where insured has no control or knowledge of
property wholly unfit for use as a building however
valuable it may be as mere material.
The insurer is not relieved from liability if the acts or
circumstances by which the risk is increased are
occasioned by accident, or a cause over which the
ASSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation.
insured has no control. Thus, increase in risk [G.R. No. L-5715. December 20, 1910.]
Insurance Law Reviewer ‘20
Based on the Book of De Leon.
Facts: On the 13th of July, 1908, the plaintiff company, and also that the plaintiff had transferred
commenced an action against the defendant to his interest in certain of the goods covered by the
recover the sum of P9,841.50, the amount due, said policy to one Macke, to secure certain
deducting the salvage, upon the following fire obligations assumed by the said Macke for and on
insurance policy issued by the defendant to the behalf of the insured. That the sanction of the said
plaintiff. defendant had not been obtained by the plaintiff, as
required by the said policy.
Contents of the Fire policy No. 3007499 3. That the plaintiff, on the 18th of April, 1908, and
Insurer: British American Assurance Company immediately preceding the outbreak of the alleged
Insured: E. M. Bachrach, esq., Manila fire, willfully placed a gasoline can containing 10
Location of the Property: ground floor and first story gallons of gasoline in the upper story of said building
of house and dwelling No. 16 Calle Martinez, district in close proximity to a portion of said goods, wares,
3, block 70, Manila and merchandise, which can was so placed by the
1. 2,000 php - for insuring against loss or damage by plaintiff as to permit the gasoline to run on the floor
fire, as hereinafter mentioned, the property of said second story, and after so placing said
hereinafter described, in the sum of several sums gasoline, he, the plaintiff, placed in close proximity to
following, viz: said escaping gasoline a lighted lamp containing
2. 10,000 php- on goods, belonging to a general alcohol, thereby greatly increasing the risk of fire.
furniture store, such as iron and brass bedsteads, 4. That the plaintiff made no proof of the loss within the
toilet tables, chairs, ice boxes, bureaus, washstands, time required by condition five of said policy, nor did
mirrors, and sea-grass furniture (in accordance with the insured file a statement with he municipal or any
warranty "D" of the tariff attached hereto) other judge or court of the goods alleged to have
been in said building at the time of the alleged fire,
The policy also provides that if the property above nor of the goods saved, nor the loss suffered.
described, or any part thereof, shall be destroyed or
Plaintiff’s contentions:
damaged by fire, at any time between the 21st day
1. That he had been acquitted in a criminal action
of February, 1908, and 4 o'clock in the afternoon of
against him, after a trial duly and regularly had, upon
the 21st day of February, 1909, or (in case of the
a charge of arson, based upon the same alleged facts
renewal of this policy) at any time afterwards, so
set out in the answer of the defendant.
long as, and during the period in respect of which
2. That her had made no proof of the loss set up in his
the insured shall have paid to the company, and
complaint for the reason that immediately after he
they shall have accepted, the sum required for the
had, on the 20th of April, 1908, given the defendant
renewal of this policy, the company will, out of their
due notice in writing of said loss, the defendant, on
capital stock, and funds, pay or make good to the the 21st of April, 1908, and thereafter on other
insured the value of the property so destroyed, or occasions, had waived all right to require proof of
the amount of such damage thereto, to any amount said loss by denying all liability under the policy and
not exceeding, in respect of each or any of the by declaring said policy to be null and void.
several matters above specified, the sum set
opposite thereto, respectively, and not exceeding in The lower court found that the defendant was liable
the whole the sum of ten thousand pesos, and also to the plaintiff and rendered a judgment against the
not exceeding, in any case, the amount of the defendant for the sum of P9,841.50, with interest for
insurable interest therein of the insured at the time a period of one year at 6 per cent, making a total of
of the happening of such fire. P10,431.99, with costs.
Defendant’s contentions: From that decision the defendant appealed and
1. That the plaintiff maintained a paint and varnish contended that:
shop in the said building where the goods which were • The court erred in holding that the keeping of
insured were stored. gasoline and alcohol not in bottles in the building No.
2. That the plaintiff transferred his interest in and to the 16 Calle Martinez was not such a violation of the
property covered by the policy to H. W. Peabody & Co. conditions of the policy as to render the same null
to secure certain indebtedness due and owing to said and void.
Insurance Law Reviewer ‘20
Based on the Book of De Leon.