UG Physiology PDF
UG Physiology PDF
UG Physiology PDF
Semester 1
CC--1. Cellular Basis of Physiology ,Genetics & Enzymes
CC--2. Biophysical Principles and Chemistry of Biomolecules
Semester 2
CC--3. Cell Signalling & Nerve-muscle Physiology
CC--4. Nervous System
Semester 3
CC--5. Blood and Body Fluids
CC--6. Cardiovascular System
CC--7. Respiratory System
Semester 4
CC--8. Digestion and Metabolism
CC--9. Molecular Biology
CC--10. Nutrition and Dietetics Public Health
Semester 5
CC--11. Special Senses
CC--12. Endocrinology
Semester 6
CC--13. Reproductive Physiology & Developmental Biology
CC--14. Excretory Physiology
Core Courses
Outline of Courses and Credits in each Semester
Semester I
Cellular Basis of Physiology
Cell Structure and function--Electron microscopic structure and functions of
Nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi bodies, mitochondria, lysosomes,
peroxisomes ,cytoskeletal elements, centrosomes and plasma membrane .
Cellular transport—Passive and active transport. Ion channels, ionophores.
Intercellular communication--- Basic idea of tight junctions, gap junctions, adherens
junctions, desmosomes and cell adhesion molecules.Extracellular matrix components.
Chromosome Structure-- Morphology. Chromosomal DNA packaging-nucleosomes
and higher level of organisation of chromatin. Euchromatin and heterochromatin..Human
genome and its characteristics. Mitochondrial DNA. Epistasis, Penetrance, Expressivity,
Pleiotropism. Karyotyping.
Cell cycle – Events and regulatory role of cyclin. Cell division- Mitosis & Meiosis-
phases and significance. Crossing-over, Linkage.
Classification-EC nomenclature, Concept of apoenzyme,
holoenzyme, coenzyme, cofactors and prosthetic group. Mechanism of enzymes.
Concept of initial rate, maximum velocity and steady-statekinetics. Michaelis constant,
Michaelis-Menten equation, Graphical representation of hyperbolic kinetics-- Lineweaver-
Burk plot. Significance of Km and Vmax. Factors influencing enzyme-catalyzed reactions :
substrate concentration, enzyme concentration, pH, temperature. Competitive,
noncompetitive and uncompetitive inhibitions. Regulation of enzyme activities--covalent
modifications, allosteric modifications: K- and M- series. Feed-back inhibition. Rate-
limiting enzymes. Isozymes, Ribozymes and Abzymes. (4)
1. Study of various stages of meiosis from grasshopper testis
2. Cell viability study by Trypan blue staining
3. Osmotic fragility test of goat blood R.B.C
4. Staining of adipose tissue using Sudan III or IV. (2)
Biophysical Principles
Diffusion :Its characteristics, factors influencing and physiological
Osmosis: Osmotic pressure – laws, determination – freezing point
depression method and physiological applications.
Surface tension & viscosity:-- Physiological applications.
pH& Buffer- Henderson Hasselbach- equation (quantitative problems). Determination
of pH.
Colloids :Classification, properties – optical, electrical, electrokinetic. Physiological
importance of colloids.
Gibbs-Donnan membrane equilibrium.
Thermodynamics :Type of surroundings and systems. First Law– Internal energy,
enthalpy. Second Law – Entropy, Free energy change, Endergonic and Exergonic
reactions, Reversible and Irreversible processes, Equilibrium constant. Physiological
steady-state, Living body as a thermodynamic system.
. Instruments
Principles of construction, uses and advantages and disadvantages : Compound
microscope, Phase contrast microscope, Fluorescence microscope, Polarizing
microscope, Confocal microscopy, Transmission and Scanning electron microscope.
Photoelectric colorimeter, Spectrophotometer and pH meter.
1. Qualitative tests for the identification of physiologically important substances:
Hydrochloric acid, Lactic Acid, Uric Acid, Albumin, Gelatin, Peptone, Starch, Dextrin,
Glucose, Fructose, Lactose, Sucrose, Urea, Acetone, Glycerol and Bile salts
2. Preparation Of Buffer and pH measurement. . (2)
Semester II
Cell Signalling :
Cell surface receptor proteins – ion channel coupled, G-protein coupled and
enzyme-coupled. Intracellular messengers – cAMP, cGMP, IP3, DAG,
Protein kinases, Ca2+,CO,NO. Signal transduction pathways: Phosphatidylinositides,
Nerve :
Structure, classification and functions of neurons and neuroglias. Cytoskeletal
elements and axoplasmic flow. Myelinogenesis. The resting membrane potential. The
action potential. Electrotonic potentials. Current of injury. Propagation of nerve impulse in
different types of nerve fibers. Compound action potentials. Properties of nerve fibers :
excitability, conductivity, all or none law, accommodation, adaptation, summation,
refractory period, indefatigability. Chronaxie, rheobase and utilization time. Synapses :
types, structure, synaptic transmission of the impulse, synaptic potentials,
neurotransmitters, cotransmitters, neuromodulators. The neuromuscular junction :
structure, transmission, end-plate potential, MEPP, post-tetanic potentiation. Motor unit.
Motor point. Injury to peripheral nerves – degeneration and regeneration in nerve fiber,
changes in the nerve cell body, transneuronal degeneration, changes in receptors and
motor end-plates, denervation hypersensitivity. Thermal changes of nerve during activity.
Nerve growth factors.
Microscopic and electron microscopic structure of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles.
The sarcotubular system. Red and white striated muscle fibers. Single-unit and multi-unit
smooth muscle. Muscle groups : antagonists and agonists. Properties of skeletal muscle:
excitability, contractility, all or none law, summation of stimuli, summation of contractions,
effects of repeated stimuli, genesis of tetanus, onset of fatigue, refractory period, tonicity,
conductivity, extensibility and elasticity. Optimal load, optimal length of fibers. Muscle
proteins. Mechanism of skeletal and smooth muscle contraction and relaxation :
Excitation-contraction coupling. Dihydropyridine receptors & Ryanodine receptors.
Mechanical components of muscle. Isometric and isotonic contractions – muscle length,
tension and velocity relationships. Chemical, thermal and electrical changes in skeletal
muscle during contraction and relaxation. Electromyography. (4)
1. Staining of isolated nerve fiber by silver nitrate method.
2. Staining of skeletal & cardiac muscle by methylene blue.
3. Staining of collagen in tissue sections. (2)
1. Basic concepts of brain imaging. Identification of different structures of
human brain using CT scan and MRI images.
2.Study and use of Kymograph, induction coil, key, Gastrocnemius-sciatic nerve
preparation and kymographic recording of isotonic muscle twitch, effects of two
successive stimuli and load (afterload) on muscle twitch. (2)
Semester III
Physiology of Blood and Body Fluids
Bone marrow: Formed elements of blood–origin, formation, functions and
Plasma proteins Origin and functions.
Erythropoiesis Role of erythropoietin and leucopoiesis.
Haemoglobin :Structure, reactions, biosynthesis and catabolism. Foetal
haemoglobin. Abnormal haemoglobins- Sickle-cell anemia and Thalassemia.
Blood volume :Regulation and determination by dye and radioisotope
Hemostasis :Factors, mechanism, anticoagulants, procoagulants. Disorders
of hemostasis- Hemophilia, Thrombosis and Embolism.
Blood group :ABO and Rh systems (Chemical nature of relevant biomolecules).
Erythroblastosis foetalis. Blood transfusion and its hazards.
Lymph and tissue fluids :Formation, circulation, functions and fate.
Lymphatic organs :Histological structures and functions of lymph gland
and spleen. Splenomegaly causes and effects.
Circulatory disorder : Oedema. (4)
1.Haematological experiments :Preparation and staining of blood film with
Leishman's stain. Identification of blood cells. Total count of W.B.C and R.B.C
.Differential count of W.B.C. Haemoglobin estimation by Sahli's
hemoglobinometer. Preparation of haemin crystals.
Preparation and staining of bone marrow. Measurement of diameter of
megakaryocytes. Reticulocyte staining. (2)
. Cardiovascular System
Anatomy of the heart. Properties of cardiac muscle. Origin and propagation of
cardiac impulse. Heart Block.
Cardiac cycle :Pressure and volume changes. Heart sounds. Murmurs.
Cardiac output :Measurement by application of Fick’s principle & factors
Starling’s law of heart.
Electrocardiography: The normal electrocardiogram, electrocardiographic
leads, vectorial analysis, the vectorcardiogram and the mean electrical axis of
heart. The His bundle electrogram.
Principles of Echocardiography.
Cardiac Arrhythmias &. Myocardial Infarctions.
The pulse: Arterial and venous.
Hemodynamics of blood flow.
Cardiac and vasomotor centers, baroreceptors and chemoreceptors,
innervation of the heart and blood vessels, cardiac and vasomotor reflexes.
Cardiovascular homeostasis – neural and chemical control of cardiac
functions and blood vessels.
Atherosclerosis.Coronary Circulation.
Blood pressure: Its measurement and factors affecting. Cardiovascular adjustment after
haemorrhage. (4)
1.Cardiovascular Physiology Experiments :Determination of Blood pressure by
Auscultatory Method. Determination of mean pressure, pulse pressure and pulse rate.
Preparation of Amphibian Ringer Solution. Interpretation of Kymographic recording of the
movements of perfused heart of toad and the effects of acetylcholine and adrenaline on
the contraction of heart.ECG. (2)
Respiratory System
Anatomy and histology of the lung and airways.
Mechanics of breathing :Role of respiratory muscles, glottis. Compliance
of lungs and chest wall, pressure-volume relationships, alveolar surface
tension and surfactant, work of breathing.
Spirometry: Lung volumes and capacities. Dead space.
Pulmonary Circulation :Ventilation- perfusion ratio.
Transport of gases in body :Partial pressure and composition of normal
atmospheric gases in inspired, expired, alveolar airs and blood. Oxygen
dissociation curve of hemoglobin and myoglobin – factors affecting. Carbon
dioxide dissociation curve. Regulation of respiration -- neural and chemical,
respiratory centers, chemoreceptors, baroreceptors, pulmonary receptors.
Disorders of Breathing :Hypoxia : Types& effects. Asphyxia, Voluntary
hyperpnoea, Apnoea, Cyanosis, Periodic breathing, Asthma, Emphysema.
Non-respiratory functions of lung. (4)
1.Respiratory Human Experiments: Pneumographic recording of effects
of hyperventilation, breath-holding and talking. Lung function tests using
Spirometry(Digital) and analysis of the results . (2)
Semester IV
Anatomy and histology of alimentary canal.
Digestive glands – histological structures of salivary glands, pancreas, liver.
Deglutition. Movements of alimentary canal and their regulations.
Composition, functions and regulation of the secretion of salivary, gastric,
pancreatic and intestinal juices and bile. Enterohepatic circulation.
Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
Defecation. GALT. Basic concepts of Peptic Ulcer, Jaundice and Gallstones.
Redox potential. Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain. Oxidative
phosphorylation- inhibitors and uncouplers.
1.Dale’s Experiment :Kymographic recording of normal movements of rat’s
intestine using Dale’s apparatus and effects of acetylcholine and adrenaline on normal
intestinal movements of rats..
2.Biochemical estimations:
Quantitative estimation of amino nitrogen by Sorensen’s formol titration method
(percentage as well as total quantity to be done). (2)
Molecular Biology
DNA replication—Meselson and Stahl Experiment, DNA Polymerases, Ligases and
other regulatory proteins. Transcription -- RNA Polymerase and other regulatory
mechanism in prokaryotes.Genetic code – properties and wobble hypothesis. Translation
– codon-anticodon interaction and mechanism in prokaryotes. Regulation of gene
expression : operon concept – the lac operon. Gene mutation – agents and types. DNA
repairing processes. Concept of oncogenes and properties of cancer cells. Recombinant
DNA technology in brief and its applications – gene therapy, transgenic animal.
Methodologies : Chromatography: Principles and uses of : TLC, Gel filtration, Affinity
chromatography,ion-exchange chromatography. Electrophoresis: Principles and method,
uses of Agarose gel electrophoresis, SDS – PAGE. Ultracentrifugation: moving boundary
and density gradient ultracentrifugation. Radioactivity – Classification and properties.
Their use – radiolabelling of biomolecules and its detection by autoradiography. Principles
of RIA, ELISA. Western, Northern and Southern blotting techniques. Polymerase chain
reaction-basic concept. (4)
Biochemical estimations:
1.Colorimetric methods—
i) Estimation of serum protein by Lowry method and serum albumin by Bromocresol
green dye method and calculation of A/G ratio. ii) Estimation of blood glucose by Folin–
Wu method .(iii) Estimation of serum urea by DAM method.
2.Thin layer chromatography. (2)
Nutrition and dietetics
Vitamins: Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxine, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin,
Cyanocobalamin, Folic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Inositol. Vitamins A, D, E and K.
Dietary sources, daily requirements, biochemical functions, deficiency
symptoms, hypervitaminosis, antivitamins.
Minerals: Sources, biological functions of sodium, potassium, calcium,
phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine and fluoride.
SDA, RQ and BMR :Factors affecting. Determination of BMR.
Fuel Values of Food. Body calorie requirements – adult consumption unit.
Dietary requirements of carbohydrate, protein, lipid and other nutrients.
Balanced diet and principles of formulation of balanced diets for adult man,
adult woman,lactating woman and pregnant women.. Nitrogen balance.Protein
sparers.Supplementary value of proteins.Biological value of proteins.Net protein
utilization.Protein efficiency ratio.Dietary fibers. (4)
Nutrition and Dietetics :
1.Composition and nutritional value of common foodstuff.
2.Diet survey report of a family as per ICMR specification.
3.Qualitative analysis of milk, potato, flour, rice, pulses. (2)
Semester V
Special Senses
Characteristics of special senses, Sensory Coding -- Weber-Fechner law,
Steven’s power law.
Vision: Structure of eyeball. Histological details of retina, peripheral retina,
fovea and blind spot. Retinal detachment. Visual pathway and centers.
Effects of lesion in visual pathway. Mechanism of accommodation. Errors of
refraction and their corrections. Formation and Circulation of Aqueous
Humour. Cataract and Glaucoma. Photopic and scotopic vision. Chemical and
electrical changes in retina on exposure to light. Visual processing in the
retina. Positive and negative after- images. Contrast phenomenon. Light
and dark adaptation. Colour vision—Trichromatic, Single and Double
Opponent mechanism. Colour blindness. Visual field-- perimetry. Visual acuity
– measurement, mechanism and factors affecting. Critical fusion frequency-
Ferry-Porter law.
Hearing :Structure and functional significance of auditory apparatus. Organ
of Corti. Auditory pathways and centers. Mechanism of hearing – Excitation of
Hair Cells, Conversion of Sound Waves into Action Potentials in the Auditory
Nerve. Mechanism of discrimination of sound frequencies and intensities.
Localization of sound source. Deafness.
Olfaction and Gustation: Structure and functions of the receptor organs,
nerve pathways, Centers. Signal Transduction of olfactory and gustatory
stimuli. Olfactory and Gustatory Coding. Abnormalities of olfactory and taste
sensation. (4)
1. Determination of Visual Acuity by Snellen’s Chart
2. Determination of Colour Blindness by Ishihara Chart.
3. Determination of Deafness by Tuning Fork Tests.
4.Study and identification of stained sections of different mammalian tissues and organs:
Cardiac muscle, Skeletal muscle, Smooth muscle, Trachea ,Lung, Hyaline cartilage,
Artery, Vein, Cerebellum, Cerebral cortex, Spinal cord,
5.Silver nitrate preparation of corneal cell space. (2)
Hypothalamus as a neuroendocrine organ. Anterior and posterior pituitary --
histological structure of the gland. Chemical nature, molecular mechanism of
action, functions and regulation of secretion of their hormones. Hypo- and
hyperactive states of the gland.
Pineal gland – Histological structure. Chemical nature, biosynthesis,
molecular mechanism of action, functions and regulation of secretion of
Thyroid and Parathyroid -- Histological structure of the glands. Chemical
nature, molecular mechanism of action, functions and regulation of secretion
of the hormones. Hypo- and hyperactive states of the glands.
Adrenal cortex and medulla -- Histological structure of the gland. Chemical
nature, molecular mechanism of action, functions and regulation of secretion
of the hormones. Biosynthesis of catecholamines. Hypo- and hyperactive
states of the gland.
Heart as an endocrine organ.
Pancreatic islets -- Histological structure. Chemical nature, molecular
mechanism of action, functions and regulation of secretion of the hormones.
Hormonal control of blood sugar. Hyperinsulinism and diabetes mellitus.
Gastro-intestinal hormones -- Chemical nature, molecular mechanism olfaction,
functions and regulation of secretion of the hormones. (4)
1. Study of Effects of Oxytocin and Adrenaline on uterine contractions of albino rat.
2.Study and identification of stained sections of different mammalian tissues and
organs: Parotid gland, Submaxillary gland, Sublingual gland ,Tongue, Oesophagus,
Stomach, Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum, Large intestine and Liver. (2)
Semester VI
Reproductive Physiology
Primary and accessory sex organs and secondary sex characters. Histology of
testis. Endocrine functions of testis. Spermatogenesis. Hypothalamic control of
testicular functions. Histology of ovary. Ovarian hormones and their functions.
Oogenesis and ovulation. Formation and functions of corpus luteum. Hypothalamic
control of ovarian functions. Physiology of puberty. Menstrual cycle and its
regulation. Abnormalities in menstrual cycle. Onset of menopause and postmenopausal
changes. Structure and functions of placenta. Maintenance of
pregnancy and the bodily changes during pregnancy. Parturition. Pregnancy tests.
Development of mammary glands, lactation and their hormonal control.
Developmental Biology
Stem cell :Characteristics and applications.Totipotency,Differentiation.
Ultra structure :Sperm and Ovum. Fertilization,Blastulation,Implantation,
Gastrulation(Concept of induction, determination and differentiation).
Organogenesis :Development of Heart, urinary system and genital system.
Fetal Circulation. (4)
1. Study and identification of stained sections of different mammalian tissues and organs:
Kidney, Ureter, Skin, Uterus, Testis, Ovary, Thyroid gland, Pancreas, Spleen, Lymph
2. Pregnancy Test by immunological method using kit.
3.Silver nitrate preparation of urinary bladder for study of cell spaces. (2)
Excretory System, Environmental Pollutants and Human Health
Kidney :Anatomy of kidney. Histology of nephron. Renal circulation –
peculiarities and autoregulation. Formation of urine – glomerular function
and tubular functions. Counter-current multiplier and exchanger. Renal
regulation of osmolarity and volume of blood fluids. Diabetes insipidus.
Formation of hypertonic urine. Renal regulation of acid-base balance,
acidification of urine. Renal function tests – creatinine, inulin, urea, and
PAH clearance tests. Physiology of urinary bladder and micturition.
Constituents of urine. Abnormal constituents of urine, and
pathophysiological significance. Renal dialysis. Non-excretory functions of
Skin and Body Temperature Regulation :Structure and functions of
skin. Cutaneous circulation. Sweat glands –structure and composition of
sweat. Mechanism of sweat formation, secretion and its regulation.
Insensible perspiration. Regulation of body temperature in homeotherms –
its physical and physiological processes, roles of neural and hormonal
processes. Pyrexia, hyperthermia and hypothermia.
Environmental Pollutants and Human Health : Sources and effects of
Chlorinated hydrocarbons, Organophosphorus, Organocarbamates, Lead, Arsenic,
Fluorine, Aluminium, Ionizing and non-ionizing radiations. (4)
1.Identification of normal and abnormal constituents of urine.
2. Staining and identification of histological sections of liver, adrenal gland, thyroid gland,
ovary, testes, and kidney. (2)
Suggested Readings
Discipline Specific Electives (DSE)
Group A
1. Biostatistics
2. Microbiology & Immunology
3. Ergonomics
4. Community and Public Health
Group B
1. Work, Exercise and Sports Physiology
2. Advanced Molecular Biology & Nanotechnology
3. Chronobiology and Stress Physiology
4. Toxicology and Pharmacology
Semester V Semester VI
Group A
Computation of mean, median, mode, standard deviation and standard
error of the mean with physiological data like body temperature, pulse
rate, respiratory rate, height and weight of human subjects. Graphical
representation of data in frequency polygon and histogram. Student’s t
test for significance of difference between means. Determination of correlation
coefficient (r) and computation of linear regression equation.
Statistical analysis and graphical representation of biological data with
computer using One way Anova . (2)
Suggested Readings
1. Statistics in Biology and Psychology by D.Das and A.Das Academic Publishers.
2. An Introduction to Biostatistics, N. Gurumani, M.J.P. Publishers, Chennai.
3. Biostatistical Analysis by J.H Zar, Pearson.
4. Statistical Methods in Biology, Norman T.J.Bailey, Cambridge University Press.
1. Gram staining of bacteria and identification of Gram positive and
Gram negative bacteria.
2. Determination of human blood group using immunological method.
3. Quantitation of antigen or antibody by precipitin test.
4. Isolation and staining of splenocytes.
5. Lactophenol cotton blue staining of yeast cells. (2)
Suggested readings:
Introduction to Ergonomics
A brief history of ergonomics
Multidisciplinary approach to Ergonomics
Definition and scope of Ergonomics
Role of ergonomics in health safety and productivity
Human machine interaction
Introduction to man machine interaction and interfaces
Fundamentals of human computer interaction
Fundamental idea of display and control
Anthropometric considerations in Ergonomics
Definition of anthropometry
Common terminologies used in anthropometry
Different body dimensions measured in anthropometry
Basic Concepts of reach, clearance, posture, range of motion.
Concept of percentile and its calculation and use of percentile values in
The work place
Workplace components. Work place stressors and work place risk factors
Environmental Ergonomics
Ergonomic consideration of thermal environment
Ergonomic consideration of visual environment
Ergonomic consideration of environmental noise
Workplace and workplace design
Anthropometric principles in workplace design
Design principles for sitting and standing work
Ergonomic principles of load handling
Fundamentals of manual material handling
Different categories of movement in manual load handling
Ergonomic principles of safe load handling
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Basic idea about the role of skeletal system in movement, categories of joints, role
of muscles, soft tissues and bones in movement
Risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders
Different types of musculoskeletal disorders
Evaluation of musculoskeletal disorders by questionnaire technique
Basic concept of OWAS method of work posture analysis.
Ergonomic intervention
Ergonomic principles of reducing work place stressors and improving work efficiency
1. Determination of heat stress by WBGT indices
2. Assessment of llumination
3. Basic anthropometric measurements
4. Determination of range of motion by goniometer and strength by hand grip
5. Assessment of prevalence of musculoskeletal disorder by questionnaire method
Suggested Readings
1. Fitting the task to the man: A textbook of Occupational Ergonomics. KHE Kroemer and E Grandjean.
Taylor and Francis.
2. Engineering Physiology: Bases of Human factors / Ergonomics, KHE Kroemer and HB Kroemer.
Van Reinhold.
3. Bodyspace: Anthropometry, Ergonomics and Design. S.Phesant, Taylor and Francis
4. Human Factors in Engineering. EJ McCormick and H Saunders. 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill .
5. Ergonomics Man in His working Environment. Murrell K. 3rd Ed. Springer.
6. Introduction to Ergonomics,R.S. Bridger, Routledge : Taylor & Francis group
immunization against diseases. Etiology, epidemiology and prevention -- Communicable
diseases : Cholera, Malaria, Swine flu, Japanese Encephalitis, Rabies, Dengue, Hepatitis
and AIDS; Non-communicable diseases – Hypertension and Obesity.
1. Calculation of Body Surface Area (using nomogram), Body Mass Index and Ponderal
Index from anthropometric measurements.
2. A report (hand-written) on the basis of field survey from ONE of the followings:
a) Physiological parameters of human (at least three parameters).
b) Anthropometric measurements on human (at least three parameters).
c) Epidemiological studies on human.
Suggested Readings
1. Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, K.Park, M/s. Banarasidas Bhanot, 2015.
2. Communicable Disease Control Handbook, Jeremy Hawker, Blackwell Publishing
Group B
Principles of reducing stress from physical work load
Exercise and Physical fitness
Exercise, physical activity and physical fitness. Benefits of exercise Components of
fitness and their evaluation
Physical Working Capacity
Concept of maximal physical working capacity VO2 max,and its estimation by different
methods. Factors affecting VO2max. Step test, bicycle ergometry and treadmill exercise
for assessment of Physical working capacity.
Work power and energy, sources of energy. Aerobic and anaerobic capacity, EPOC,
lactate threshold and lactate tolerance and their limitations. Determination of energy cost
by direct and indirect methods
Athletic performance based on aerobic capacity and O 2 debt
Training Principles
Training principles, different training methods. Training principles for different sports
activities. Over training and detraining and their physiological effects. Ergogenic aids.
Body composition
Determination of Physical growth status. Methodologies for body composition
analysis. (2)
1.Determination of BMI, BSA, PI, waist hip ratio, body fat percentage and body type
2.Determination of V O2 max by Queen’s College Test and physical fitness by modified
Harvard step test
3.Determination of agility, flexibility and anaerobic power by shuttle run, sit and reach
and vertical jump test
4.Recording of heart rate and blood pressure during static and dynamic work,
determination of workload from heart rate and cardiac indices and classification of
work load. (2)
Suggested Readings
1. Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance. S.K. Powers and E.T.
Howley. 10th edition. McGraw Hill publishers.
2. Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance. W.D. McArdle, F.I. Katch and V.L.
Katch. 7th edition. Lippincott,Williams & Wilkins publishers.
3. Physiology of Sport and Exercise. J. H. Wilmore, D. L. Costill, W. Larry Kenney. Human Kinetics
4. Textbook of Work Physiology: Physiological Bases of Exercise. Per- Olof Åstrand, Kaare
Rodahl, Hans A. Dahl, Sigmund B. Strømme . Human Kinetics
5. Fox's Physiological Basis for Exercise and Sport by M. L.Foss. S. J. Keteyian, E. L. Fox ,
William C Brown Pub
6. The Physiology of Work, K. Rodahl, Taylor & Francis,
7.Essentials of Exercise Physiology, V.L. Katch, W.D. McArdle, F.I. Katch, Wolters Kluwer
2. Advanced Molecular Biology (DSE B2TH)
1. SDS-PAGE of proteins.
2. Isolation of DNA from animal cells.
3.Estimation of RNA by Orcinol method . (2)
Suggested Readings
1. Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry 30th edition. Lange.
2. Biotechnology: Lessons from Nature. D.S. Goodsell, Wiley India , 2012.
3. Nanobiotechnology: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives, Niemeyer and Mirkin,
Wiley India , 2013.
4. Molecular Cell Biology,Berk,Kaiser,Lodish, WH Freeman.
1.Project work on assessment of individual differences in human circadian rhythms
(chronotype in human population) by questionnaire method among school children
and college students.
2.Assessment of environmental heat load.
3.Assessment of noise level using noise level meter.
4.Determination of diurnal and /or circalunar rhythm of body temperature of college
going students. (2)
Suggested Readings
1. Chronobiology – The Biological Timekeeping, J.C. Dunlap, Sinauer Associates
2. The Rhythm of Life, M. Kelly, The New York Times Bestseller
3. Biological Rhythms, Vinod Kumar, Narosa Publishers
4 Behavioural Endocrinology, R.J. Nelson,Sinauer Associates
5. Physiology of Stress, Hans Selye, Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Antianginaldrugs :Nitroglycerine and calcium-channel blocker – Nifedipine and
verapamil. (4)
Kymographic recording of the effects of atropine and propranonol on the perfused heart of
toad. (2)
Suggested Readings
1.Goodman and Gilman”s The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics, McGraw-Hill.
2.Basic and Clinical Pharmacology by E.G Katzung .Appleton sand Lange.
3.Textbook of Pharmacology by Seth and Seth Elsevier.
1. Hematological Techniques
2. Clinical Biochemistry
1. Haematological techniques
Blood groups - ABO and Rh. Immunological basis of identification of ABO and Rh blood
groups. Biochemical basis of ABO system and Bombay phenotype .Blood transfusion -
precaution and hazards. Concept of Blood Bank. Erythropoietin and thrombopoietin.
Abnormal haemoglobins. thalassaemia and sickle-cell anaemia. Glycemic index ,
Glycated haemoglobin, C peptide C-reactive protein, Ghrehlin and Leptin in health and
diseases. Definition, determination and significance of TC, DC, ESR, Arneth count, PCV,
MCV,MHC, MCHC, bleeding time,clotting time and prothrombin time. Anaemia - types
(definition and causes).Leucocytosis, leucopenia and leukaemia.Purpura. (2)
Suggested Readings:
3. Clinical Biochemistry
Suggested Readings:
1.Detection of Food Additives /Adulterants and Xenobiotics
Suggested Readings:
Suggested Readings:
University of Calcutta
Semester 2
CC-2 / GEN2
Blood and Body Fluids
Cardiovascular System
Respiratory System
Semester 3
CC-3 / GEN 3
Nerve-muscle Physiology
Nervous System
Special Senses
Semester 4
CC-4 / GEN 4
Reproductive Function
Excretory Physiology
Discipline Specific Electives (DSE)
1. Biostatistics
2. Haematology
Outline of Courses and Credits in Each Semester
Semester I
Cellular Basis of Physiology
Structure and functions of plasma membrane, nucleus and different cell
organelles – Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies,Mitochondria, Lysosome and
Glycolysis, TCA cycle, Importance of Glycogenesis, Glycogenolysis and.
Gluconeogenesis. Beta oxidation of saturated fatty acid. Importance of Ketone
bodies . Deamination & Transamination. Formation of urea . ( 4)
Cardiovascular System
Anatomy and histology of the heart. Properties of cardiac muscle. Origin and
propagation of cardiac impulse. Cardiac cycle : Events. Heart sounds. Heart rate. Cardiac
output: Determination by following Fick principle, factors affecting.
Pulse - arterial and venous. Blood pressure and factors controlling. Baro- and
chemoreceptors. Vasomotor reflexes. Peculiarities of regional circulations: coronary and
Respiratory System
Anatomy and histology of the respiratory passage and organs.Role of
respiratory muscles in breathing. Lung volumes and capacities. Exchange of respiratory
gases between lung and blood and between blood and tissues. Transport of oxygen and
carbon dioxide in blood. Regulation of respiration - neural and chemical. Hypoxia. (4)
Semester III
Special Senses
Olfaction and Gustation: Structure of sensory organ, neural pathway of
olfactory and gustatory sensation. Mechanism of olfactory and gustatory
sensation. Olfactory and gustatory adaptation. After-taste.
Audition: Structure of ear, auditory pathway, mechanism of hearing.
Vision: Structure of the eye. Histology of retina. Visual pathway. Light reflex. Chemical
changes in retina on exposure to light. Accommodation - mechanism. Errors of
refraction.. Light and dark adaptation. Elementary idea of colour vision and
colour blindness. (4)
Semester IV
Brief idea of the origin and functions of renin-angiotensin, prostaglandins.
erythropoietin and melatonin. Elementary idea of gastrointestinal hormone.
Reproductive Physiology
Primary and accessory sex organs and secondary sex characters.
Testis: histology, spermatogenesis, testicular hormones and their functions.
Ovary: histology, oogenesis, ovarian hormones and their functions.
Menstrual cycle and its hormonal control.
Maintenance of pregnancy – role of hormones. Development of mammary
gland and lactation - role of hormones.
Excretory Physiology
Structure and function relationship of kidney. Mechanism of formation of
urine. Normal and abnormal constituents of urine. Physiology of micturition. Renal
regulation of acid-base balance. Non-excretory functions of kidney.
Suggested Readings
15. Medical Physiology, A.B. Singha Mahapatra, Current Books International.
16. Essentials of Medical Physiology: K. Sembulingam and P. Sembulingam, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
19. Nutritive Value of Indian Foods by C. Gopalan and other, NIN, Hyderabad.
20. Practical Physiology, by M.K. Manna, Sritara Prakashani, Kolkata
Biological Statistics (DSE A1TH)
Computation of mean, median, mode, standard deviation and standard error of the
mean using physiological data like body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate,
height and weight of human subjects. Graphical representation of data in bar
diagram, pie diagram frequency polygon and histogram. (2)
Suggested Readings
1. Statistics in Biology and Psychology by D.Das and A.Das Academic Publishers.
2. Essentials of Biostatistics, I.Saha and B.Paul, Academic Publishers.
DC of WBC, Estimation of haemoglobin , Blood group determination, Bleeding time
and Clotting time. (2)
Suggested Readings
1. Medical Physiology A.B.S. Mahapatra, Current Books International.
2. Text Book of Medical Biochemistry By M.N.Chatterjea and Rana Shinde., Jaypee
Measurement of resting and working heart rate using thirty beats and ten
beats methods respectively.
Measurement of blood pressure before and after exercise.
Determination of Physical Fitness Index by modified Harvard Step Test.
Measurement of some common anthropometric parameters- stature, weight,
eye height (standing), shoulder height, sitting height, knee height (sitting), arm reach
from wall, mid-arm circumference, waist circumference, hip circumference, neck
circumference,head circumference, chest circumference.
Calculation of BSA and BMI from anthropometric data. (2)
Suggested Readings
1. Essentials of Exercise Physiology, V.L. Katch, W.D. McArdle, F.I. Katch, Wolters Kluwer
2. Exercise Physiology and Ergonomics An Introduction, A.Goswami, Academic Publishers.
Diet survey report (hand-written) of a family (as per ICMR specification): Each student has
to submit a report on his/her own family. (2)
Suggested Readings
1. Essential Food and Nutrition, by M. Swaminathan. The Bangalore Printing & Publishing Co.
2. Biochemistry, U. Satyanarayan, NCBA
Beneficial and harmful microorganisms in food.
Elementary knowledge of innate and acquired immunity. Humoral and cell
mediated immunity. Toxins and toxoids.Vaccination – Passive and active
immunisation, types and uses of vaccine.
Immunological basis of allergy and inflammation. (2)
Suggested readings:
1. Microbiology, Pelczar Tata McGrawhill.
2. Prescott’s Microbiology, J. Willey, McGraw-Hill
Definition of food adulterants/ additive. Tests for identifying food adulterants-- Metanil
yellow, Rhodamin B, Saccharin, Monosodium glutamate, Aluminium foil , Dioxin,
Chicory and Bisphenol.
Concept of Xenobiotics- Types, sources and fate. Types of reactions in detoxification
and their mechanisms- oxidation,reduction, hydrolysis and conjugation. (2)
Suggested Readings:
Basic idea of PCM and their prevention.
PCM -- Marasmus, kwashiorkor. Endemic goiter, rickets, osteomalacia, xeropthalmia,
beriberi and their social implications. Etiology, epidemiology and prevention of:
Communicable diseases : Malaria, Dengue, Hepatitis and AIDS; Non-communicable
diseases – Hypertension and Obesity.
Population problem – principles and methods of family planning, and Assisted
Reproductive Technologies.
Principles of formulation of diet chart of growing children, pregnant & lactating women
and diabetic patients. (2)
Suggested Reading
1. Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, K.Park, M/s. Banarasidas Bhanot, 2015.