Mapa Conceptual Sobre El Cambio Climatico

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Mapa conceptual sobre el cambio climatico

Yurleydis Romaña Begambre ID: 675810

Administracion de empresas.

Curso: ingles I.

Tutor: Francisco Emiro Perea

Marzo 2020
Read the text “Environment” and do a conceptual map, talking about how the acid rain affect the

A difference in
global climate.

Its effect is Its causes are

Weather an área for a

Long time.
Greenhouse, What happens
when the light leaves the sun  Dangerous heat.
and goes through the  Strong rains.
atmosphere.  High rains. It includes

What harm Temperature.

Being this

Another part of the To living things on earth.
climate and nature that Wind.
help keep the planet
warm. It is caused by human actions that use energy by
lighting and burning houses, making cars trucks
and computers and telephones work.
Contains gases like:

Global warming.
Leading to
Carbón dioxide. They raise the
atmosphere and stay
there trapping the light
Methane. and heat of the sun.
Serious problema, What
Nitrous oxide.

Many people try to créate fewer Greenhouse gases

and stop using fossil fuel energy from a safer source.
Referencias bibliográficas.

Kharitonashvili, H. (2009).cambio climatico. Recuperado de:


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