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Weather Unit

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Weather Unit

Stage 1 Desired Results

Standard ESS.3.3
Construct an explanation for Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
how energy from the Sun drives
atmospheric processes and how  Accurately predict and compare the climates of various locations using
atmospheric currents accurate scientific language.
transport matter and  Create and interpret graphs using more than one data type
transfer energy. Emphasize how Meaning
energy from the Sun is
scattered; how the greenhouse Students will understand that…
effect contributes to  What is weather?
atmospheric energy; and how  The unequal heating between the  What causes weather?
uneven heating of Earth’s equator and poles, earth’s rotation,  How do patterns help us
atmosphere combined with the and the distribution of land and ocean understand our world?
Coriolis effect creates an
generate the global wind patterns that
atmospheric circulation system.
(PS3.A, ESS1.B, ESS2.A, ESS2.D)
determine climate and weather.
 The relationship between energy from
Standard ESS.3.4 the Sun and atmospheric properties
Analyze and along with geographical features
interpret patterns in data about determines the type of weather and
the factors influencing weather climate in a given location.
of a given location. Emphasize Acquisition
the amount of solar energy
received due to latitude, Students will know… Students will be able to…
elevation, the proximity to
mountains and/ or large bodies  All of Earth’s surface energy comes  Explain how the Sun drives
of water, air mass formation from the Sun. atmospheric processes that
and movement, and air  The Coriolis Effect and uneven heating create weather patterns.
pressure gradients. (ESS2.D) of the Earth’s surface creates wind  Analyze and interpret data
patterns. about the relationship
 Geographical features influence the between various factors that
weather in a given location. influence weather.

Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
 Accurate graphs with PERFORMANCE TASK(S):
labels 1. Students will record and evaluate weather data for Salt Lake City and a city
 Clear and accurate of their choosing for 10 class periods. At the end of the 10 classes, students
explanation of data will analyze their data, create graphs, and articulate what the data shows and
 Accurate and how they came to that conclusion.
complete information 2. Students will pick an extreme weather event and create a public safety
on weather event brochure detailing the how the event occurs, how it affects communities, and
 Quality of how people can stay safe.
Test on what causes weather

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction
Day 1: Pre-Assessment
Day 2: Lecture and notes on What is weather? General overview of unit topic. Introduction of unit
project/assessment students will work on each day.
Day 3: Solar Energy Math – students will analyze Earth’s energy budget from incoming solar radiation and the
transformation of energy into thermal radiation.
Day 4: Students will analyze the affect latitude has on the amount of solar radiation the surface of the Earth
receives in the Direct and Indirect Radiation Lab.
Day 5: Students will model how the Earth’s rotation creates the Coriolis Effect – a phenomenon that creates
global wind patterns.
Day 6: Factors influencing weather
Day 7: How do we measure weather?
Day 8: Test
Day 9: Extremes in Weather
Day 10: Finalize authentic assessment

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