Fernández, 2012 PDF
Fernández, 2012 PDF
Fernández, 2012 PDF
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) and Subcritical Water Extraction (SWE) from mango leaves were
Received 15 May 2012 applied in order to obtain extracts with high phenolic content and potent antioxidant activity. The
Received in revised form 25 July 2012 effects of extraction conditions on sub- and supercritical CO2 extraction were analyzed: temperature
Accepted 26 July 2012
(35 and 55 ◦ C), pressure (10 and 40 MPa), percentage of co-solvent (0 and 20%) and type of co-solvent
(methanol/ethanol). The best condition (CO2 + 20% of ethanol at 10 MPa, 55 ◦ C, 20 g/min and 3 h) was com-
pared with SWE (4 MPa, 100 ◦ C, 10 g/min, and 3 h) using seven mango cultivars. SWE was more efficient
Mango leaves
than subcritical CO2 + ethanol. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by DPPH assay, and the quantifi-
Supercritical Fluid Extraction
Subcritical Water Extraction
cation of the main polyphenols of mango leaves by HPLC analysis. SWE showed global yields up to 35%
Co-solvents for Kent variety, and extracts with antioxidant activities superior to (+)-␣-tocopherol related with their
Mangiferin high content on the polyphenols mangiferin and quercetin.
Quercetin © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Antioxidant activity
0896-8446/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.T. Fernández-Ponce et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 72 (2012) 168–175 169
global yield (X0 ) for all extraction method was calculated consider-
ing the ratio between mass of extract and mass of dry raw material.
A preliminary study was conducted in order to improve the yield
and antioxidant activity of the extracts obtained using CO2 and CO2
plus co-solvents. The effects of different variables on the extrac-
tion process were analyzed by considering the following operating
conditions: pressures of 10 and 40 MPa, temperatures of 35 and
55 ◦ C, co-solvent percentages of 0 and 20% and type of co-solvent,
methanol and ethanol. All tests were carried out with a CO2 flow
rate of 20 g/min and an extraction time of 3 h.
Results were compared with SWE. This technique is less depend-
ent on pressure and highly dependent on temperature [19,20].
However, it is important to consider that the temperatures above
100 ◦ C could generate unwanted oxidative processes [22], thus SWE
tests were carried out at 100 ◦ C, 4 MPa, a flow rate of 10 g/min and
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the high pressure equipment. 3 h.
For this preliminary study mango leaves of the variety Osteen
other authors using different natural matters [7,8,10–15,18]. On were used as raw material so it is the variety widely cultivated in
the other hand, although SWE is efficient to extract polar com- the region of Málaga, Spain.
pounds, this technique has not been evaluated before using this
raw material. 2.3. Antioxidant activity assay with DPPH
Therefore, in this work Sub- and Supercritical Fluid Extrac-
tion from mango leaves using pure CO2 and CO2 plus co-solvents Antioxidant activity of extracts and standard compounds ((+)-
at different conditions was studied and compared with SWE. ␣-tocopherol, mangiferin and quercetin 3--d-glucoside) was
Extracts were evaluated considering the global extraction yield, the determined by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) assay.
antioxidant activity and the phenolic composition. In addition, the The method employed was designed having in account the meth-
performance of seven varieties of mango leaves was analyzed using ods described by Brand-Williams and Scherer and Godoy [33,34].
CO2 plus co-solvents and SWE. About 0.1 mL aliquots of methanolic solutions of the samples or
standards at different concentrations were each added to 3.9 mL
2. Materials and methods of a 6 × 10−5 mol/L DPPH methanolic solution. The absorbance of
DPPH was monitored spectrophotometrically at 515 nm at 0 min
2.1. Materials and every 2 min until the reaction reached the steady state. The
DPPH concentration (CDPPH ) in the reaction medium was calculated
The seven varieties of Mangifera indica L. leaves studied (Kens- from a calibration curve determined by linear regression with Eq.
ington, Kent, Keitt, Tommy Atkins, Osteen, Ataulfo and Langra) were (1):
provided by “Estación Experimental La Mayora”, Superior Centre of
Abs = 12, 709 · CDPPH + 0.002 (1)
Scientific Research (CSIC), Málaga, Spain. The leaves were collected
in June 2010 and February 2011. All leaves were dried at room tem- The percentage of DPPH remaining was calculated as described
perature until constant weight and kept frozen in the absence of in Eq. (2)
Carbon dioxide (99.995%) was provided by Abello-Linde %DPPH remaining = × 100 (2)
S.A. (Barcelona, Spain). 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, free
radical (DPPH), mangiferin (1,3,6,7-tetrahydroxyxanthone C2- The EC50 (efficient concentration providing 50% inhibition) was
-d-glucoside), quercetin 3--d-glucoside, purity ≥ 90% HPLC calculated graphically using a non-linear fitting curve by plotting
grade (3,3 ,4 ,5,7-pentahydroxyflavone 3--d-glucoside), and the sample concentration vs. the % DPPH remaining on steady state.
(+)-␣-tocopherol were provided by Sigma–Aldrich (Steinheim, The antioxidant activity was expressed as the Antioxidant Activity
Germany). The organic solvents ethanol, methanol and acetic acid, Index (AAI) which was calculated considering the final concentra-
all HPLC gradient grade, were provided by Panreac (Barcelona, tion of DPPH and the EC50 of the tested compound in the reaction
Spain). The water used in all experiments was double-distilled as follows (Eq. (3)):
milliQ grade.
final concentration of DPPH (g/mL)
AAI = (3)
EC50 (g/mL)
2.2. Extraction procedure with solvents at high pressures
The final concentration of DPPH was calculated respect to the
Extraction tests were carried out in a high pressure apparatus concentration of DPPH in the reaction medium. Plant extracts
supplied by Thar Technology (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, model SF100). A showed poor antioxidant activity when AAI < 0.5, moderate antiox-
schematic diagram of the equipment used in this work is shown in idant activity when AAI is between 0.5 and 1.0, strong antioxidant
Fig. 1. This set-up included an extraction vessel (capacity of 100 mL) activity when AAI is between 1.0 and 2.0, and very strong when
with a thermostatic jacket to control the extraction temperature, AAI > 2.0 [34]. The assays were carried out in triplicate. Results
two pumps with a maximum flow rate of 50 g/min (one for car- were compared with standards of (+)-␣-tocopherol, mangiferin and
bon dioxide and the other for co-solvent), a back pressure valve quercetin 3--d-glucoside.
regulator to control the system pressure, and a cyclonic separator
to allow periodic discharge of the extracted material during the 2.4. Identification and quantification of phenolic compounds by
extraction process. For all tests the extraction vessel was loaded HPLC
with approximately 15 g of sample. Extracts were recovered in a
cyclonic separator and then collected in glass bottles and stored Separation of phenolic compounds was performed using an Agi-
in the extraction solvent in darkness at −20 ◦ C prior to assay. The lent HPLC series 1100 system (Agilent, Germany) equipped with a
170 M.T. Fernández-Ponce et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 72 (2012) 168–175
Table 1
Extraction yields of phenolic compounds obtained from mango leaves of the variety Osteen, expressed as mg/100 g dry leaves.
Mangiferin Quercetin
Rt = 20.9 min 3--d-glucoside
Rt = 34.4 min
the effect of vapor pressure was dominant and the high volatility The extractions with co-solvents were carried out using 20%
of the solutes resulted in an overall increase in the extraction yield. of methanol/ethanol. At the conditions of pressure and tempera-
In spite of the increase on the global yield at high pressure ture tested, the mixtures of CO2 + co-solvent are below their critical
and high temperature, SC-CO2 was not efficient enough to obtain point because high concentrations of CO2 modifiers increase the
high yields from mango leaves. This can be attributing to the high critical point of the mixture [7,39].
content on polar phenolic compounds of mango leaves [23,24], These systems called enhanced fluidity liquids have resulted
poorly soluble in SC-CO2 , a nonpolar solvent [10–14,38]. The main more efficient to extract polar compounds than mixtures with
polyphenols of mango leaves are mangiferin and quercetin 3--d- lower concentrations of co-solvents. For example, other authors
glucoside known by their potent antioxidant properties [24,26–30]. reported that 20% of co-solvents duplicate the extraction yields
Table 1 shows the extraction yields of both compounds obtained of anthocyanins from red grape pomace instead using only 5% of
by HPLC for the different extraction techniques explored, and Fig. 2B co-solvents [7]. Adil et al. [39] showed that the optimum ethanol
shows the antioxidant activity of extracts obtained with SC-CO2 . concentrations for CO2 extraction of polyphenols from apple and
Mangiferin and quercetin 3--d-glucoside were not detected by peach pomace were found to be 20%.
HPLC on SC-CO2 extracts. Both polyphenols are slightly polar com- The reason for this is based on the fact that the solvating power
pounds hence SC-CO2 is not efficient to extract them [38]. As a of CO2 and the solubility of polar compounds in CO2 increase with
result, the antioxidant activity of SC-CO2 extracts was poor too. Any increasing the amount of co-solvent concentration from 5 to 30%,
antioxidant activity was observed for the extracts obtained with SC- due to augmented phenol–alcohol interactions that facilitate the
CO2 at low pressures (10 MPa), and raising the pressure to 40 MPa extraction of the solute [7,38,39].
did not lead to an increase in this activity. Consequently, pure CO2 The global extraction yields and antioxidant activity of extracts
resulted inappropriate to obtain extracts from mango leaves. obtained with both solvent systems are shown in Fig. 2. Comparing
the yield obtained using SC-CO2 and the mixtures of CO2 + 20% of
3.2. Subcritical Fluid Extraction with CO2 plus co-solvents co-solvents (Fig. 2A), it is clear that the addition of methanol or
ethanol allowed higher extraction yields than those obtained with
Given the low capacity of SC-CO2 to extract antioxidant com- pure CO2 at all conditions tested.
pounds from mango leaves, the addition of co-solvents was The influence of P and/or T on the extraction process using sub-
necessary to improve the quality of extracts. The solubility of critical mixtures of CO2 plus co-solvents resulted different than
polar substances, such as polyphenols, in SC-CO2 is very low that observed with pure CO2 . About temperature, the global yields
[10–14,38–40], however the use of organic co-solvents increases increase with temperature when extractions were carried out at
the solvent power of CO2 and the extraction yield [7,18,38–40]. 10 MPa. This positive effect of temperature is related with the
Among all the modifiers including methanol, ethanol, acetoni- increase in the diffusivity and decrease in the viscosity of the
trile, acetone, water, ethyl ether and dichloromethane, methanol solvent improving the mass transfer properties along with the
and ethanol are most frequently used for SFE of polyphenols. Alco- intensification of solute volatility favoring the extraction. However,
hol co-solvents induce dipole/dipole interactions and hydrogen at 40 MPa the effect of temperature on the extraction process from
bonding with polar functional groups, and also they can break polar mango leaves was not relevant using co-solvents.
interactions solute–matrix increasing the solubility of polar solutes In relation to the pressure, at low temperatures (35 ◦ C), pres-
[18,40]. sure had a positive effect on the extraction yields using both
Methanol is commonly used as co-solvent because it is misci- co-solvents. By contrast, at high temperatures (55 ◦ C) a marked
ble up to 20% with CO2 and some publications have shown that increase in the extraction yield was observed when pressure was
this is more efficient than ethanol to remove polyphenols [40,41], decreased from 40 to 10 MPa, showing a negative effect. Low
but the temperature necessary to reach the supercritical state is pressures enhanced the extraction of polyphenols resulting in
higher and could be not suitable for natural products [18]. About extracts with higher content on mangiferin and quercetin and thus
ethanol, it significantly enhanced the extraction of flavonoids [18] better antioxidant capacity. The higher extraction yields for both
and may be a better choice considering it as non-toxic and can be co-solvents (methanol and ethanol) were obtained at 10 MPa and
used in nutraceutical or cosmetic applications [39]. With this in 55 ◦ C (6.53 ± 0.83 and 6.37 ± 0.13%, respectively).
mind, ethanol and methanol were used as CO2 modifiers in this The negative effect of pressure on the extraction process
work. using CO2 + 20% of co-solvent was also observed for the phenolic
172 M.T. Fernández-Ponce et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 72 (2012) 168–175
(g/100 g
Yield (g/100 g
Rt = 34.4 min
dry leaves)
(g/100 g
Fig. 4. Global yields obtained with CO2 + 20% ethanol (10 MPa, 55 ◦ C, 20 g/min of
CO2 , 3 h) and SWE (4 MPa, 100 ◦ C, 10 g/min, 3 h) from different mango cultivars: 1,
Kensington; 2, Kent; 3, Keitt; 4, Tommy Atkins; 5, Osteen; 6, Ataulfo; 7, Langra.
Yield (g/100 g
Rt = 20.9 min
dry leaves)
of subcritical water to extract phenolic compounds was also
demonstrated with the high recovery quantities of mangiferin and
quercetin (1365.9 ± 1.2 and 409.54 ± 6.7 mg/100 g of dry sample,
Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of extracts obtained with CO2 + 20% ethanol and Subcritical Water Extraction from different mango cultivars.
respectively) (see Table 1).
The high extraction of polyphenols with subcritical water can
(CDPPH /EC50 )
be explained because of the fact that although water is a too polar
solvent not appropriate to extract polyphenols, its polarity can
be reduced with increasing temperature due to a reduction of its
hydrogen bonding propensity. In consequence, slightly polar com-
AAI, Antioxidant Activity Index expressed as DPPH g/g dry extract was represented as the mean value ± standard deviations.
pounds, as polyphenols, with low solubility in water at ambient
CO2 + 20% ethanol was operated at best conditions obtained in the preliminary study (100 bar, 55 ◦ C, 20 g/min of CO2 and 3 h).
Yield for each phenolic compound expressed as g/100 g dry leaves was represented as the mean value ± standard deviations.
conditions or in SC-CO2 , can be much more soluble in subcritical
Content of phenolic compound expressed as g/100 g dry extract was represented as the mean value ± standard deviations.
water [19,20].
(g/100 g
On the other hand, subcritical water extracts from mango
leaves of the variety Osteen present a potent antioxidant activ-
ity (7.92 ± 0.16 DPPH g/g dry extract) (see Table 3) significantly
stronger than those obtained with CO2 plus ethanol. This activity
Yield (g/100 g
dry leaves)
dry extract) and quercetin (7.06 DPPH g/g dry extract), showing
the high antioxidant capacity of subcritical water extracts.
In general, the antioxidant activity of extracts can be correlated
with their phenolic content. Nonetheless, the activity of each com-
pounds and the content of each one in the extract can influence on
3.65 ± 0.01
7.80 ± 0.02
7.06 ± 0.01
activity of the extracts obtained using CO2 + 20% ethanol at the best
Standard compounds
flow rate of 20 g/min and 3 h), and also using subcritical water at
Mango cultivars
Tommy Atkins
The global yields obtained with SWE from the seven varieties
studied are shown in Fig. 4. SWE yields are higher than those
Table 3
obtained with CO2 + 20% ethanol for the entire mango cultivars
studied. The best global yields were obtained for the varieties Kent,
174 M.T. Fernández-Ponce et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 72 (2012) 168–175
Fig. 5. HPLC chromatograms of extracts obtained from Osteen variety using CO2 + 20% ethanol (A) and SWE (B): 1, mangiferin; 2, quercetin 3--d-glucoside. Extraction with
CO2 + 20% ethanol was carried out at 10 MPa, 55 ◦ C, 20 g/min of CO2 , 3 h; and SWE at 4 MPa, 100 ◦ C, 10 g/min, 3 h.
Keitt, Tommy Atkins and Kensington (35.42 ± 0.53, 34.17 ± 0.73, the highest quercetin yields (0.41 ± 6.7E−3 to 0.42 ± 6.1E−3 g/100 g
33.71 ± 1.12 and 33.34 ± 2.04%, respectively) using SWE, while the dry leaves) while the lowest yield was for Kensington vari-
varieties Langra, Ataulfo and Osteen presented lower global yields ety (119.1 ± 0.1 mg/100 g dry matter). In relation to the yields
(27.84 ± 0.60, 26.96 ± 1.00 and 24.24 ± 1.17%, respectively). obtained with CO2 + 20% ethanol, the varieties Kent, Keitt, Tommy
When CO2 + 20% of ethanol was used as solvent system, the vari- Atkins and Osteen showed similar yields (0.11 ± 1.2E−3 to
eties Tommy Atkins and Kent presented the highest global yields 0.23 ± 3.3E−3 g/100 g dry leaves), and the lowest yields using this
(8.15 ± 0.31 and 8.06 ± 0.15%, respectively) followed by Langra, solvent system were obtained from Kensington, Ataulfo and Langra
Keitt, Kensington and Osteen (6.37 ± 0.18 to 7.37 ± 0.22%). How- varieties (0.04 ± 6.6E−4 to 0.05 ± 1.3E−3 g/100 g dry leaves).
ever, global yields obtained with CO2 extraction were inferior than The antioxidant activities and phenolic content of extracts
those obtained using subcritical water. obtained from the seven varieties are shown in Table 3. Extracts
The extraction yields of the main polyphenols present in mango obtained using CO2 + 20% of ethanol as solvent system showed good
leaves (mangiferin and quercetin 3--d-glucoside) were analyzed antioxidant activities. Using this solvent system Langra extracts
by HPLC. The yields of the phenolic compounds in terms of mg/100 g presented the highest activity profile (2.74 ± 0.01 DPPH g/g dry
dry matter for extracts obtained with CO2 + 20% ethanol and sub- extract) close to (+)-␣-tocopherol activity, and the cultivars Kens-
critical water are shown in Fig. 5, and typical HPLC chromatograms ington, Tommy Atkins, Kent, Kensington, Ataulfo and Osteen
of extracts obtained with both solvent systems are shown in Fig. 5. presented strong antioxidant activities with AAI values superior
The yields of the phenolic compounds mangiferin and quercetin than 1.0 g/g dry extract.
3--d-glucoside obtained with SWE were higher than those By contrast, subcritical water extracts showed a potent antioxi-
obtained with CO2 + 20% of ethanol (Table 3). For mangiferin, the dant activity up to (+)-␣-tocopherol activity (3.65 DPPH g/g dry
varieties Ataulfo and Langra allowed high recoveries of this pheno- extract) and superior to CO2 + ethanol extracts even though in some
lic compound (3.37 ± 2.1E−3 and 3.09 ± 9.1E−3 g/100 g dry leaves) cases the content on mangiferin and quercetin 3--d-glucoside of
using subcritical water as solvent system. These results were sim- extracts was similar than the phenolic content of CO2 + ethanol
ilar to the yield of mangiferin reported by other authors using extracts (see Table 3).
traditional solvent extraction methods from different mango leaves In this way, the potent antioxidant activity of subcritical water
varieties (3.71–9.36 g/100 g dry leaves) [23]. By contrast, the yields extracts (4.02–7.92 DPPH g/g dry extract), similar to the pheno-
of mangiferin obtained with CO2 + 20% were inferior. The best val- lic compounds mangiferin and quercetin and significantly superior
ues were obtained for the varieties Kent and Langra (0.58 ± 5.2E−4 to CO2 + ethanol extracts, can be attributed to the high content
and 0.50 ± 4.6E−4 g/100 g dry leaves). Consequently, SWE would on mangiferin and quercetin, but also the presence of other polar
be a good alternative to traditional methods to extract phenolic antioxidant compounds, not identified in this work, which also
compounds from mango leaves. contribute to their antioxidant activity.
About the extraction of quercetin 3--d-glucoside, Table 3
shows that the recovery of this phenolic compound was inferior 4. Conclusions
to mangiferin. However, SWE has proved to be also more effi-
cient than CO2 + 20% ethanol to extract this polyphenol. Subcritical The results presented in this study show that SWE is an excellent
water extracts from varieties Ataulfo, Osteen and Keitt showed alternative to recover high quantities of phenolic compounds from
M.T. Fernández-Ponce et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 72 (2012) 168–175 175
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