Corruption in Justice and Security Corruption in Justice and Security
Corruption in Justice and Security Corruption in Justice and Security
Corruption in Justice and Security Corruption in Justice and Security
What are the main types, causes, and impacts of corruption in the security and justice sectors, with
particular reference to the issues facing poor people? What are the lessons learned from attempts to
tackle corruption in the security and justice sectors, particularly in terms of holistic approaches to
linked to the specific context in which the institutions judges and court processes, looking at both formal and
are operating, it is important to ensure that each reform informal mechanisms. Analysis of the security sector
process also reflects an understanding of the local will focus on the police, the military and defence
environment. organisations. 2
Corruption in Justice and Security 3
Corruption in Justice and Security
leaders, are disobeying the law and avoiding detection Increased transparency
and punishment’. Corruption within the justice sector
can also impact the effectiveness and legitimacy of In Costa Rica, efforts have been made to increase
other institutions, including those linked to anti- transparency. As part of an Inter-American
corruption efforts. For example, an anti-corruption Development Bank backed programme (aimed
commission that relies on an attorney general’s office primarily at building the capacity of judges, the public
to prosecute sensitive cases will be hindered if that prosecution and the ombudsman), more information is
office is tainted by corruption (Schulz 2009). now available online. These include laws, budgets,
procurement reports, audits, annual reports and other
Examples of reform relevant documents (Salazar et al 2007). The judiciary
also decided to introduce electronic e-cases so each
Personnel related reforms case could be monitored. The reforms have helped to
reduce public perception of corruption.
Greater controls over judicial appointments and
regulated career development procedures are
increasingly seen as important steps to reducing
3 Corruption in the security
corruption. The introduction of entrance examinations in sector
Argentina, Guatemala and Peru, for example, is said to
have raised the quality of new judicial appointees and This section will discuss corruption in the security
eliminated candidates most likely to adopt undesirable forces with which people most commonly interact, such
behaviour (Hammergren 2007). as the police and the military, as well as examining
higher level corruption in state defence and security
Increasing salaries can also have a positive impact. In organisations.
Georgia, for example, wage increases have helped to
stop judges soliciting bribes. In 2004 the authorities Causes and types of corruption in the
increased judges’ salaries, making them among the security sector
highest paid employees in public service (Karosanidze
and Christensen 2007). Police 4
Corruption in Justice and Security 5
Corruption in Justice and Security 6
Corruption in Justice and Security
Improving financial management in light of now publish simplified information on future and current
secrecy concerns procurements in one place on the ministry website. The
changes have enabled companies to protest against
In order to increase transparency of defence industries, single-source procurement if they feel they have been
concerns regarding national security need to be excluded from a competition (Pyman 2009).
addressed. This involves identifying and justifying which
areas of work need to be carried out without public Integrity Pacts, a tool developed by Transparency
oversight and/or external audit (Ball 2002). In South International, can also be applied to defence
Korea the government separates its defence budget procurement contracts. The pacts are an agreement
into three categories of differing secrecy. This process between a government and all bidders for a public
ensures that secrecy is used only when essential contract. All partners agree not to pay, offer, demand or
(Pyman 2011). accept bribes; collude with competitors to obtain the
contract; or engage in such abuses while executing the
Improved levels of financial planning can also improve contract. For example, in Columbia, the process for
transparency and accountability of the defence budget. purchasing 22 combat aircraft was monitored using
In Bulgaria, the introduction of the Integrated Defence such as pact. Although the bid collapsed in the end due
Resources Management System (IDRMS), similar to to a number of companies withdrawing from the bid, the
systems used by NATO, has enabled an annual budget experience confirmed that it is possible to implement an
to be produced for the Ministry of Defence (Totov). The arms trade procurement process including all the same
process involves economic planning based on an publicity efforts that can be introduced in any other
assessment of existing resources and capacity. In sector’s process.
Bulgaria, the MoD invites the Ministries of Finance and
Economics to assist in this process. Once finalised, the 4 Lessons learned
defence budget becomes a key document for promoting
accountability and monitoring of the budget (Pyman As suggested in the introduction, it is difficult to
2011). Totev suggests this system also increases consider the causes, types and impact of corruption in
senior leaders’ awareness of the importance of the the security and justice sectors in isolation. This is firstly
financial dimension of defence planning. due to the overlap in the operations of the two sectors
and the implications this has for developing effective
Reducing opportunities for corruption in
anti-corruption reforms. For example, as Azami (2009)
defence procurement
suggests in her discussion of police reform in
Afghanistan, if prosecutors and judges continue to
A number of initiatives have demonstrated that defence
release criminals who have been arrested by the police,
procurement can immediately benefit from greater
an effective police force will not mean anything.
transparency and active engagement with civil society.
Secondly, the consequences and impact of corruption
TI-UK’s Defence against Corruption programme has
in justice and security institutions often reflect a
worked with a number of countries to improve the
combination of inefficiencies in both sectors, for
transparency in defence procurement. A notable
example increased levels of crime or the outbreak or
example is that of Transparency International-Croatia
relapse into conflict (Foaleng 2009).
who hosted and facilitated a roundtable event in Zagreb
in 2007 to discuss the procurement of armoured
To date, many reform processes have occurred in silos.
vehicles. The event was attended by senior defence
Whether this happens at the institutional level, sector
officials, other senior officials, representatives from
level or national level, donors are increasingly
international organisations (such as NATO, the
recognising that this can limit the impact of reform
European Union, and OSCE), representatives from
efforts (Domingo 2009). However, although the logic of
defence companies and representatives from the
holistic reforms is now widely accepted, holistic models
media, academia and civil society (Pyman 2009).
focusing on security forces, democratic governance,
Following the event, the national defence procurement
and the rule of law have been largely unsuccessful in
requirements and the full defence budget for the next
practice, for example in Iraq and Afghanistan (Sedra
ten years were published.
2007). A DFID review of security and justice sector
reform programming in Africa states that Sierra Leone
Since November 2005, the Polish Ministry of National
provides the strongest example of effective holistic
Defence has introduced a number of mechanisms to
reforms. The reforms connected all strategic level
reduce opportunity for single source procurement. They 7
Corruption in Justice and Security
actors that have a role to play in the delivery of overall Corruption Report provides a useful background
reform outcomes. The report stresses, however, that document.
this positive outcome was the result of incremental
progress and continuous learning of lessons (Ball et al At present there is extensive literature on certain
2007). organisations within the security sector, such as the
police and the military, but less on border security
It is increasingly suggested that reforms need to be systems and border guards, the prison system and
more specifically tailored to local needs. Baker and intelligence organisations. Certain issues also require
Scheye (2007) argue that there is currently a state- greater investigation. For example, evaluation of
centric bias in security sector reform which contradicts attempts to remove ghost soldiers from payrolls is
development principles involving a ‘people-centered, currently lacking.
locally owned’ approach. State-centric approaches
assume that the state alone is capable of delivering Different levels of governance also need further
justice and security; and that it is the main actor in analysis, in particular local level reforms. The work
security and justice. However, as this is often not the conducted by International Alert in Nepal which focuses
case, particularly in post-conflict and fragile state on reforms at the district level provides a useful
contexts, such an approach is unlikely to be effective. example. At present, much donor-supported security
and justice programming focuses on formal security
The current focus of much donor-supported security and justice institutions. The impact of informal
and justice programming is on formal security and institutional factors needs to be better understood. In
justice institutions. In Afghanistan, for example, some addition, more information is required regarding the
have argued that support has been donor-driven rather prevalence of ‘self-help’ responses to security and
than locally-owned, and as a result has overlooked justice shortfalls which are particularly common in
transitional justice and informal justice institutions Africa (Ismail and Hendrickson 2009).
(UNODC 2007). As non-state justice systems are often
more commonly used, particularly by poor people, it is Differences within particular organisations also need to
essential that the shortfalls in these institutions are be identified and evaluated. For example, with regard to
addressed within security sector reform. Linking state border management, it has been highlighted that as the
and non-state security and justice systems could raise role of border guards varies considerably so too can the
standards of reforms by increasing state understanding temptations for corruption (Batara and Sukadis 2007).
of local needs and knowledge, and increasing non-state Institutions should not be treated as a universal body,
actors’ awareness of international standards (Baker and but rather should be investigated in-depth before
Scheye 2007). Resources provided to support reforms developing reforms. It is increasingly recognised that
must also be tailored to the capacities and budget local level requirements are often overlooked in
limitations of national authorities (Domingo 2009). reforms. Local knowledge should, however, provide a
key element of reforms. In Hungary, border
management has been improved through a number of
5 Research Gaps factors. These include the introduction of a legal
framework which takes the opinion of border guards
The literature review carried out for this query has into account and the delegation of power to lower levels
identified a number of strengths and weaknesses in the to improve the speed of responses (Batara and Sukadis
research field. Whilst the causes, types and impacts of 2007).
corruption in the justice and security sector are well
understood and documented, more work is needed to Finally, there is also a need for more case studies or
evaluate how best to address the issues, what has country studies to demonstrate what has been effective
worked so far and what has not. There are a number of in different contexts. Human Rights Watch’s 2010
programmes that are building the evidence base in this report on Corruption and Human Rights Abuses by the
area. For example, the TI-UK Defence against Nigeria Police Force provides a useful example.
Corruption Programme provides valuable sets of case Building such an evidence base would enable trends to
studies and best practice. With regard to the justice be more easily identified, thus aiding future
system, the literature is currently more dispersed development of reforms.
although the Transparency International 2007 Global 8
Corruption in Justice and Security
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