RINA-Focus On Risk Management

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Information magazine

risk management June 2010 - Issue no. 2

In this Issue:






In this second issue of our magazine, it is important to analysis and risk evaluation: risk analysis is the identification
introduce the basic concepts of risk. You can count this one of hazard and the risk estimation, whereas risk evaluation is
as a sort of preface of an interesting thriller book in order to the judgment, on the basis of risk analysis, of whether a risk
find the murderer, i.e the undesired event. is tolerable.
We’ll speak about a few elementary notions: hazard, risk, Summarizing, risk assessment starts with hazard
analysis, HAZID, FMECA, fault tree, MTTF, minimal cut set, identification, continues with risk estimation and
Markov techniques, HAZOP, QRA, CFD, Boolean algebra, evaluation and ends with recommendations for decision-making.
cancerous and mutagen substances, ergonomics, etc. Now that the process is clear (we hope), let’s see two key
It’s a joke, don’t worry! Only the bare necessities. definitions: hazard and risk.
Risk is intrinsic in every human activity, in other words there is Hazard is a potential source of harm to personnel,
no work without risk. The maritime field is no exception. environment and assets or to a combination of these, regardless
Safety must be the basic guidance in each phase of ship life: of how likely or unlikely such an occurrence might be.
design, construction, operation, maintenance, lay up. Risk (R) is a combination of the probability (P) of an event and
In order to guarantee safety to any involved actor (workers, the consequences (C) of the event.
environment, public and assets) you have to assess and Usually risk is estimated as a product of probability and
manage the risk. consequences. When eliminating the risk at source is
Assessment and management, as the words themselves unfeasible, we must reduce the risk of the event. There are
explain, are different. Thinking in quality jargon, two possible ways: prevention and protection. The first one is
the assessment is a part of the first step (the planning) of the to be preferred. Preventing means decreasing the probability of
overall management process. the event, protecting means decreasing the consequences of
Risk assessment, in turn, is the overall process of risk the event.

page 1

ISM Code
Resolution MSC 273(85) adopted paragraph 1.2.2 regarding the Since the adoption of the new
the latest amendments to the Safety Management objectives of amendments, RINA has been
International Safety Management the company. giving assistance to shipowners in
Code in December 2008. Date of The existing subparagraph is the preparation of a risk assessment
entry into force is 1st July 2010. “establish safeguards against all of their fleets which takes into
Among the modifications to the identified risks” and it will be account all safety and environmental
wording of the ISM CODE, the one replaced by: procedures already implemented
we deem will have the most “assess all identified risks to its by each company.
significant impact on the shipping ships, personnel and the
world is the replacement of the environment and establish
existing subparagraph 2 of appropriate safeguards”.

page 2

Tanker Management and Self-Assessment (TMSA) programme published by the Oil Companies
International Marine Forum (OCIMF) provides tanker operators with a means to audit and
improve their own operational, safety, quality and environmental management
system. The programme introduces four self-assessment levels – ‘1’ being the lowest and ‘4’
the highest. A company that is currently fully compliant with the letter and spirit of the ISM
Code would be able to rate itself as at least ‘1’.
The programme identifies 12 elements of a management system:
1) management, leadership and accountability;
2) recruitment and management of shore-based personnel;
3) recruitment and management of ship personnel;
4) reliability and maintenance standards;
5) navigational safety;
6) cargo, ballast and mooring operations;
7) management of change;
8) incident investigation and analysis;
9) safety management;
10) environmental management;
11) emergency preparedness and contingency planning; and
12) measurement, analysis and improvement.
Risk assessment constitutes a cornerstone of the TMSA approach. In particular, it is explicitly
required in several of the 12 above elements. The most significant applications are envisaged
in elements 4, 7, 9 and 10.
Element 4 (reliability and maintenance standards) prescribes the identification of critical
equipment, i.e. a risk assessment of the ship.
Element 7 (management of change) requires the identification of potential consequences of a
change together with any necessary mitigation measures in order to ensure that safety and
environmental standards are not compromised.
Element 9 (Safety management) and 10 (Environmental management) require a hazard
identification and risk assessment on board and ashore.

page 3

page 4

Low Sulphur Fuel


Head of Machinery, Electrical, Automation

and Risk Analysis Sector - RINA Technical Department
[email protected]

What are the latest rules on marine fuel? and 1.5% m/m in SOx emission control - potential power shortfall
The maximum sulphur content of areas (known as SECA). - engine starting problems
marine fuels provided by EU Directive California requires vessel operators to - attention to pre-heating control
2005/33/EC came into force on 1st use either marine gas oil (MGO or DMA) - correct setting for boiler safety and
January 2010. The directive prescribes with a sulphur limit of 1.5% or marine combustion control systems
that ships use marine fuels with diesel oil (MDO or DMB) with a sulphur - problem for storage of different fuels
sulphur content not exceeding 0.1% by limit of 0.5% or less when ships are in and changeover procedure.
mass when at berth in EU ports allowing Californian waters and 24 nautical It’s fundamental for shipping
sufficient time for the crew to complete miles from the Californian Baseline. companies to carry out a risk
any necessary fuel-changeover operation Moreover, both IMO and California have assessment and implement the
as soon as possible after arrival at berth already approved more and more necessary technical solutions
and as late as possible before restrictive requirements which will (modification to piping systems and/or
departure. enter in force according to a defined equipment, instruction and training for
The rule doesn’t apply to ships that are schedule. the crew, etc).
at berth for less than two hours or to The European Commission, aware of
ships which switch off all engines and What are the problems tied to the use of difficulties that may be encountered in
use shore-side electricity while at berth LSF? complying with Directive 2005/33/EC
in ports. The properties of fuels with low sulphur requirements, on 21st December 2009
content are different from the marine invited the Member States to consider
It’s a big revolution impacting on the fuels normally used on board. The main the existence of an approved retrofit
marine field. issues are: plan when assessing the degree of
Yes, but it is not the only one. I’d like - low viscosity penalties to be applied to non-complying
to recall that Annex VI of Marpol 73/78 - poor lubricity ships.
requires ships to use marine fuels with - unacceptable or undesirable blend
sulphur content not exceeding 4.5% m/m components

page 5

Low Sulphur Fuel

What support can RINA Services provide?

Our technicians can support shipping companies by
cooperating in the risk assessment phase and, obviously,
by approving the modified drawings (if the fuel piping
system or other class related systems are affected by
Moreover, we are ready to approve the retrofit plans
mentioned in the Commission Recommendation of 21
December 2009 on the safe implementation of the use of
low sulphur fuel by ships at berth in Community ports.
The documentation to be submitted is:
contracts with the manufacturer, including foreseen
data for completion of the modification to be carried
out on board
class approved retrofit drawings
fuel changeover procedures
final date of completion of the whole retrofit actions,
including final survey on board.
Finally, RINA has issued the new additional class notation
LSF (Low Sulphur Fuels) that is assigned to new and
existing ships for which the Society has evidence that Low
Sulphur Fuels may be used by some or all on-board fuel oil
consumers to be recorded in the ship’s status, together
with the relevant percentage, in weight, of the fuel sulphur
content (e.g. 1%, 0.5%, 0.1%).
It is to be noted that responsibility for ensuring that the
ship is suitable for safe operation using the fuels required
by the applicable national or international legislation
remains with the operator.

page 6

The support of a class society in the application

of Condition-Based Maintenance
on board commercial ships
Machinery Maintenance according mathematical process (in the case of Implementation of a Pilot CBM
to Class Rules vibrations) or to carry burdensome System on a Tanker Fleet
equipment (in the case of thermography)
The traditional approach to machinery totally unsuitable for the arrangements RINA, with the support of a qualified
overhaul on board ship has long been of a ship. CBM service supplier (SPM Instrument
based on calendar time. Normally, the These negative points now belong to Srl of Italy) has assisted the
rules of IACS Classification societies the past: expertise is available through implementation of a CBM program
envisage the overhaul of class-related specialized service suppliers and the covering on-board machinery of
equipment within a 5-year time equipment is now both handy and Tekné-managed Finaval vessels.
window (CMS regime). user-friendly. These considerations The equipment under CBM is
This approach is being increasingly have brought RINA to advocate this mostly rotating machinery (pumps,
superseded by the introduction of the approach among owners, and to electrical motors, compressors etc.), the
PMS, in which the overhauls are introduce a new CBM section in its Rules maker of which defines no mandatory
allowed to be based on running hours (RINA, 2010), along with a maintenance schedule, leaving it to
instead of calendar time, obviously for dedicated guide (RINA, 2008). the owner, according to the type of
equipment that operates for long The goal is to provide basic criteria to utilization. Diesel engines were excluded,
periods. To be granted the PMS, support those companies who want to as they are maintained under a strict
owners are required to manage their undertake CBM on ships. PMS program set forth by the
maintenance with a Computerized Additionally, if a company decides to manufacturer.
Maintenance Management System put a group of machinery under CBM, It was decided to adopt vibration
(CMMS) software tool. Experience has the relevant ship can be granted techniques, postponing thermography
demonstrated that this approach pays the additional Class notations PMS-CM to after the consolidation of this first
dividends in terms of flexibility and better (PROP), PMS-CM (CARGO), PMS-CM CBM approach among the dedicated
organization of maintenance. (HVAC), PMS-CM (FDS), PMS-CM operators.
Once an owner has switched from CMS (ELE) corresponding to propulsion Tekné decided to undertake CBM by
to PMS, a further natural step forward machinery, cargo equipment, air regular manual measurements obtained
is the adoption of a Condition-Based conditioning system, fire detection from portable instruments.
Maintenance (CBM) program. system and electrical switchboard In addition to vibrations, the RINA
Until recently, however, this approach respectively; it can be seen that RINA rules and guide require the prognostic
was viewed as too sophisticated for the is aware of the usefulness of the information to be completed by
merchant marine world. approach not only to Class items, but monitoring a series of machine-specific
This was true in the past, when also to those commercially sensitive parameters like temperature, pressure,
interpretation of the results of the systems (e.g. HVAC on passenger current absorption etc., which are
measurements was restricted to a few ships, cargo system on tankers, etc.) that acquired and recorded in the
specialists that had to extract the are not fully covered by Class rules. instrument for graphical processing.
useful information through a Tekné decided to rely on SPM for an

page 7

extensive training program for ship and saves them in a back-up safety copy (as approved by RINA, which will audit the
shore personnel, so as to enable the also required by RINA) and creates an adequacy and continuity of the CBM in
crew to perform the measurements and export file ready to be transferred via the yearly surveys.
transfer them to the shore technical e-mail to the shore technical office, The main advantage of well-implemented
office. A particularly time-consuming but which takes care of the necessary CBM is of course the prompt detection
essential task was the identification of the checks (i.e. acceptability and trend), of incipient failures, enabling
measurement points of every item and and, if relevant, gives the ships preventive/corrective maintenance
the storage of the many transponder feedback in terms of maintenance strategies to be adjusted. So far, on the
placards for the automatic detection of actions to be performed. ships under CBM, Tekné has
machines: this task was carried out by Lastly, the data relevant to each piece experienced no events so serious as to
the crew under SPM indications. of machinery can be progressively challenge the predictive capabilities of
Once the data are acquired by stored in the CMMS software. the technique. The vibration amplitude
personnel and transferred to the The Class-related equipment under trend analysis has shown some
dedicated software, the crew in charge CBM is specified in the PMS manual anomalies on a few machines, however.

Continued on page 9...

page 8

....continued from page 8

The implementation of a CBM program on a system is regularly, allowing some incipient anomalies to be detected
beneficial if undertaken seriously from the beginning, and and fixed before getting serious.
maintained throughout the lifetime of the system. RINA, on its part, is ready to accept the adoption of
It is therefore to be viewed as a mid-term investment. condition-based overhauls for the machinery under CBM,
Successful implementation inevitably implies some in lieu of calendar-based or running-hours-based overhauls.
difficulties that have to be solved up front, as for It is RINA’s firm belief that this experience has realistically
example: crew training, selection of equipment to be demonstrated the feasibility of on-board CBM, so far
monitored and the choice of tools (portable or permanent). deemed to be suitable only for onshore or hi-tech
In particular, the selection of equipment is based on its applications.
criticality; the criticality of on-board equipment should be It has paved the way for an increase in the adoption of
evaluated by means of risk assessment techniques CBM in the near future, and RINA will continue to promote
(nowadays quite commonly applied due to legislative and such initiatives among its clients.
commercial obligations) and on the basis of historical
records of preventive and corrective maintenance.
Another essential issue is the build-up of a robust baseline
of measurements for all the equipment involved, which is FORMAL
instrumental to providing the reference starting point of the SAFETY ASSESSMENT
At owners’ request, other critic
physical parameters against which the trends will be Risk Analysis techniques for the
added to those recommende
verified. On ships, no two identical pieces of equipment detection of critical components
behave the same way: a machine can display apparently
high vibration levels, but this may not constitute an
incipient failure if the vibrations do not change in time.
The correct appraisal of the behavior of each item takes
time (at least some months), but allows customization of
the maintenance strategy: neglecting this fact, and ANALYSIS RESULTS
referring to standard values just to save time, may lead to
erroneous conclusions about the health of an item.
In short, the CBM approach adopted by Tekné is founded
on the proper allocation of resources, expertise and
technology; the early involvement of RINA was
necessary and beneficial to start the initiative, through the
definition of the acceptance criteria of Class-related
equipment, the equipment selection, etc.
The results of a couple of years’ experience have exceeded
The crew members in charge of the CBM tasks on board
have accepted the new approach with great interest and Star-Mach Class Notation
use it regularly with a periodicity that even exceeds RINA
requirements. The shore technical office examines trends RINA assigns an Additional Class Notation - STARMACH - to those vessels w
components of propulsion, electric production and steering gear system
detected by means of typical risk analysis techniques and manag
accordance with tailored maintenance procedures.

page 9

Health & Safety Risk Assessment

The identification of ship hazards that can A typical application of Health & Safety Risk
impact on the safety and health of crew and analysis is related to the evaluation requested by
passengers and the definition of steps to be taken Italian national laws for the protection of crew
to improve procedures and reduce detected health.
possible risks is achieved using risk analysis
techniques, such as Hazard Identification.

cal systems may be
ded by the Society

ms are
ged in

page 10

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)

RCM is a technique based on the statistical analysis of system is operating, can be applied to optimize
the failure and repair data of critical components in order maintenance by selecting the most appropriate strategy,
to optimize the preventive maintenance intervals in i.e.:
terms of cost.
spare part allocation
It is based on tailoring, as far as possible, the actual condition monitoring
preventive maintenance tasks to the frequency and dedicated test and inspection programs
consequences of failures. It can be performed starting re-design
with a Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM)
analysis, preferably from the design stage, through the To diffuse this approach in the shipping field, RINA has
whole lifetime. The process allows specifications of RAM developed the Additional Class Notation STAR-MACH.
requirements to be given to designers and, once the (see focus on page 10)

Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM)

Three key parameters can be used to gauge the RINA can perform or assist RAM analyses to identify and, if
performance of systems: Reliability, Availability and possible, quantify the systems’ weak spots in relation to the
Maintainability (RAM). defined success criteria.

Reliability quantifies what fails and how often. It is the The RAM analysis will also support the designer of
measure of the probability that a piece of equipment or machinery, electrical or automation systems to achieve a
a system will perform a required function under stated more effective and fault-tolerant design and/or a proper
conditions for a defined period of time. maintenance policy (e.g., in terms of spares supply), or
to compare the effectiveness of alternative solutions.
Maintainability is generally defined as the probability that a
piece of equipment or a system will be retained in or If the analysis highlights some critical groups, a revision
restored to a specified condition within a given period of of the design is to be carried out.
time when maintenance is performed in accordance with
prescribed procedures and resources. In general terms, an Availability / Reliability analysis
consists in decomposing the plant into levels (groups,
Availability identifies the most effective actions available subgroups) from the highest one to component level;
to keep a system or equipment operational. It is defined each active component is assigned its Mean Time To
as the probability that a system will be available and Failure (MTTF) and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR - the MTTR
capable of performing its intended function at any only in the case of an availability analysis) value then the
random point in time. It stems from a combination of analysis, starting from the components, proceeds
reliability and maintainability. through a bottom up calculation of each level and of the
whole plant.

page 11

Case Study:
Reliability analysis of a sea water cooling
system using the in-house developed
“R&M Fault Tree” software tool

The results illustrate the MTTF allocation among the sea water cooling
system groups. It can be seen that, in this case, the
reliability allocation doesn’t particularly stress critical groups

Sea Water Cooling system: Reliability (MTTF) Allocation MTTF (%) Allocation

Groups MTTF [ Hours ] MTTF [ % ]

Sea Chests 12533 26,58

ME: Hydraulic Pumps 16208 20,55

ME: Heat Exchanger 29223 11,40

Sea Water discharge 34979 9,52

AUX: Hydraulic Pumps 16208 20,55

AUX: Heat Exchanger 29223 11,40

Sea Water Plant 3331

Sea Chests ME: Hydraulic Pumps ME: Heat Exchanger

Sea Water Discharge AUX: Hydraulic Pumps AUX: Heat Exchanger

page 12

Hazard Identification Techniques

Hazard identification (HAZID) studies HAZID can be applied to any problem probability is also classified into
are the first step when conducting any where safety issues are involved: categories.
risk assessment, to screen the technical hazards, environmental
The result is a risk matrix which is
hazardous scenarios that deserve hazards, health and safety in
used for the analysis.
further scrutiny or to provide a workplaces, etc.; the output of the
simplified risk picture. study will be basically the prioritization
of the safety-critical issues and
RINA can carry out or assist HAZID
scenarios, areas of further investigation
studies by adopting e.g. the following
and high-level recommendations for
qualitative techniques, according to
risk reduction.
the nature of the analysis:
In general the hazard is evaluated
Hazard and Operability studies considering its severity and its
(HAZOP) occurrence probability.
As can be seen, the Criticality Matrix defines the ALARP
Failure Modes, Effects and Severity is usually classified into risk regions.
Criticality Analysis (FMECA) categories considering for example its The ALARP principle is that the residual risk, due to the
consequence towards people, assets, hazard, shall be “As Low As Reasonably
Preliminary Hazard Analysis Practicable”. The risks outside the ALARP region have
environment, reputation; occurrence
to be mitigated
What-if analysis

Very Remote Remote Low Possible Probable Frequent

Catastrophic 3 2 2 1 1 1

Major 3 3 2 1 -2 1 1

Significant 3 3 3 2 1 -2 1

Minor 3 3 3 3 2 2

Slight 3 3 3 3 3 2

Negligible 3 3 3 3 3 3


Green (3) Acceptable Risk

Yellow (2) The Risk has to be reduced to an acceptable value

Orange (1-2) High

Red (1) High: Operations in this risk band must be eliminated

page 13

Case Study:
FMECA analysis of a sea
water cooling system plant
For each identified Item which can be subjected to failure
in the FMECA worksheet the following are reported:

1. The Item’s failure modes and the failure effect

2. The failure mode’s severity
3. The failure mode’s frequency or occurrence probability
4. The failure mode’s detection probability
5. The Hazard’s risk level based on the criticality matrix
6. Report the suggested corrective action for the critical items


Assessment Ref. N°: 1 Assessed system: Sea Water Cooling System

Assessmentversion N°: 1 Review date: 15 Nov. 08

Reference drawing:





None: the other is sufficient to High temperature of central Cleanup when possible,
Sea Chest Obstruction None 1 1 2 TOLERABLE
provide SW cooler after isolating the chest

Cleanup when possible,

Sea Chest None: the other is sufficient to
MR002/1-2 Obstruction None 1 1 after isolating the sea 2 TOLERABLE
Strainers provide SW
chest strainer

S.W. If possible, isolate the

Pump for 66 A/B/C Fail to run Startup of the standby pump None 1 1 Bilge alarms failed section by manual 2 TOLERABLE
M/E valves

S.W. If possible, isolate the

Pump for 67 A/B/C Fail to run Startup of the standby pump None 1 1 Bilge alarms failed section by manual 2 TOLERABLE
AUX valves

Significant If possible, isolate the

Crossover Loss of sea water flow to FW If not restored, black-out and
400-MR-01 leakage or 1 4 Bilge alarms failed section by manual 5 TOLERABLE
Header coolers flooding of engine room
rupture valves

Single line to M/E Loss of sea water flow to M/E Loss of propulsion and flooding Bilge alarms, M/E Close the valves MR033/1
Piping leakage or 1 4 5 TOLERABLE
(200-MR-13) central cooler 71A of engine room instruments, rounds in E.R. upstream of 71A

Single line to G/E Black-out and flooding of Bilge alarms, G/E Close the valves MR006/2
Piping leakage or Loss of sea water flow to G/E 1 4 5 TOLERABLE
(125-MR-37/04) engine room instruments, rounds in E.R. upstream of G/E

Significant If not corrected, eventual Temperature increase of Isolation by closing the

Branch line to non- Loss of sea water and flooding of
Piping leakage or black-out and flooding of 1 3 users, bilge alarms, rounds valves upstream of the 4 TOLERABLE
essential users engine room
rupture engine room in E.R. affected user

Branch line to Significant If not corrected, unavailability Isolation by closing the

Loss of sea water to user and
Piping FRAMO power pack leakage or of cargo system and flooding 1 3 Bilge alarms, rounds in E.R. valves upstream of the 4 TOLERABLE
flooding of engine room
100-MR-54 rupture of engine room 202 exchanger

If not corrected, in the long run

Antifoulung Fails to Corrective maintenance;
Reduction of cleaning efficiency may lead to fouling of the 1 2 Temperature increase 3 TOLERABLE
system operate preventive checks
exchangers on the users

page 14
RINA: 150 years of service
RINA is one of the oldest classification societies and certification companies in the world. Established in Genoa in 1861 to serve the
marine industry, today it spans the globe as a multinational and multi-faceted company, sharing its knowledge and experience through
a wide range of services which help industries and the community to improve their businesses and quality of life. RINA’s services cover
the environment, energy, transportation, logistics, safety, quality and social responsibility.

RINA Services S.p.A. head office via corsica, 12 16128 genova italy
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