Preliminary Reading: Methodology', Approach,' Method,' Design,' Technique' and To Raise Awareness About A Variety of
Preliminary Reading: Methodology', Approach,' Method,' Design,' Technique' and To Raise Awareness About A Variety of
Preliminary Reading: Methodology', Approach,' Method,' Design,' Technique' and To Raise Awareness About A Variety of
Read two texts below to develop your understanding of the notions ‘language teaching
methodology’, ‘approach,’ ‘method,’ ‘design,’ ‘technique’ and to raise awareness about a variety of
approaches to and methods of language teaching and learning.
Language teaching came into its own as a profession in the last century. Central to this
phenomenon was the emergence of the concept of "methods" of language teaching. The
method concept in language teaching—the notion of a systematic set of teaching practices
based on a particular theory of language and language learning—is a powerful one, and
the quest for better methods was a preoccupation of teachers and applied linguists
throughout the 20th century.
The period from the 1950s to the 1980s has often been referred to as "The Age of
Methods," during which a number of quite detailed prescriptions for language teaching
were proposed. Situational Language Teaching evolved in the United Kingdom while a
parallel method, Audio-Lingualism, emerged in the United States. In the middle-methods
period, a variety of methods were proclaimed as successors to the then prevailing
Situational Language Teaching and Audio-Lingual methods. These alternatives were
promoted under such titles as Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Community Language
Learning, and Total Physical Response. In the 1980s, these methods in turn came to be
overshadowed by more interactive views of language teaching, which collectively came to
be known as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).
Communicative Language Teaching has spawned a number of off-shoots that share the
same basic set of principles, but which spell out philosophical details or envision
instructional practices in somewhat diverse ways. These CLT spin-off approaches include
The Natural Approach, Cooperative Language Learning, Content-Based Teaching, and
Task-Based Teaching.
Text 2. An extract from the book Communicative Approach to the Teaching of English as a
Second Language by Pratima Dave Shastri (2010)
Before dealing with different methods and approaches in detail, let us deal with the concepts of
approach, design, method and technique* in the process of language teaching and learning.
Edward Anthony - an American linguist developed them in 1963.
APPROACH: Refers to the philosophy of the nature of language teaching and learning. It covers
linguistics and psychology. This defines 'what' and 'how' of language teaching and learning.
Approach leads to method.
METHOD: Deals with an overall plan for the presentation of language material based on an
approach. It is procedural. In one approach there can be many methods. In a method, a theory is
put into practice. Here, choices are made about a particular skill to be taught. It deals with content
and the order of presentation. It selects grades and presents the material. Between an approach
and a method there is design.
DESIGN: Gives details of a method. Here, the objectives of teaching and testing, syllabus and
contents are decided. It also defines the roles of the teacher and the learner.
TECHNIQUE: Is a tool to implement the method in a classroom. Drills, role-play, group work, pair
work are the techniques adopted for teaching.
We can say that ‘Audio-lingual Method' is based on Oral Structural Approach. Its syllabus has the
design of structural patterns and it follows the techniques of dialogue and drills in the classroom.