Design and Implementation of A Hospital Database Management System (HDMS) For Medical Doctors
Design and Implementation of A Hospital Database Management System (HDMS) For Medical Doctors
Design and Implementation of A Hospital Database Management System (HDMS) For Medical Doctors
1, February 2018
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2018.V10.1190 1
hospital management. This method of hospital management you buy equipment to record and store patient charts (much
have continued to pose a lot of setbacks, and problems to more expensive than paper and file cabinets), but efforts
medical practitioners, nurses, patients and other staffs both must be taken to convert all charts to electronic form.
private and government hospitals. Patients may be in the transitional state, where old records
Thus, a good example of these hospitals that are yet to haven’t yet been converted and doctors don’t always know
adopt the automated system of hospital management is Our this. Further, training on the hospital software adds
Lady of Mercy Hospital in Owerri. A case day shows that additional expense in paying people to take training, and in
Mercy hospital has over two thousand patient in a week paying trainers to teach practitioners.
most of whom are out patient and they treat between 30 – 50 Also, some are concerned about the security of their
patients per day. medical records, which should be completely confidential.
Hackers may ultimately be able to penetrate the system
E. Organizational Structure of the Hospital
despite security precautions, and they may then release
The diagram in Fig. 1 shown below illustrates the confidential information to others. This has some patients
hierarchy structure of Our Lady of Mercy hospital. worried about how safe and confidential their electronic
medical records really are.
2) It offers the hospital accurate information on
management issues and provides bases for large
3) It also exposes the user to the knowledge of computing.
The system put a stop to unnecessary waste of time in
carrying out operations in the hospital.
D. System Design
The objective is to fully automate the operation and
management of Our Lady of Mercy Medical centre, Owerri.
The scope of the system is to develop a database system that
automates all the activities of patients in the hospital starting
from their registration to their discharge from the hospital.
The system to be developed would have the following
modules as seen from the case study [5].
1) The Administrative module
2) The Receptionist module
3) The Medical Doctor Module
4) The pharmacy Module
5) The Nurse Module
6) The Lab-Technologist module
7) The Account module
The Hospital database application runs in a web browser.
It was specially customized for Mozilla Firefox and Safari
browsers. It welcomes user to the introductory screen of the
package with the following information.
1) The logo and banner of Our Lady of Mercy Hospital,
2) Login section at the left hand side, which is requesting
for the username and password of the user in other to
use the application,
3) Slides of pictures displaying various section and
equipment of the hospital at the centre of the
4) And a summary information of the applicability of the
Hospital application.
Username and password are necessary for one to use the
application. If you click on login without providing the
Fig. 2. New system.
password, it will alert you to provide the password. Then if
you provide wrong username or password, it will inform you
accordingly without opening the system for you. It is
B. Justification of the New System designed to make use of e-mail addresses for username field.
This system is justified based on the cost of running the If you have a successful login process, the application will
manual system compared with the one of the automated enable a hyperlink that assign duties base on user role. For
system. instance the user role of a Nurse is different from that of a
From observation and interview through case study, we Doctor. A Doctor can prescribe a Drug to the patients
found out that the management spent much money on whereas a Nurse cannot.
buying files and folders stores for alter access, hence from
A. System Requirement
analysis, the hospital spent up to forty thousand Naira
(N40,000.00) on buying files and stationary every month. The system requirement includes the software and the
While the installation and running of this new system will hardware that make the package being developed to run
cost at most N400, 000.00 hence it is considered more effectively. It also requires networking devices that will
advantageous for the management. enable connection within a Local Area Network (LAN).