Lesson Plan 1 Jok
Lesson Plan 1 Jok
Lesson Plan 1 Jok
Class/Session Outcomes: Upon completion of this session, you should be able to: (Share
with students e.g. Write on board /slide/ project image at beginning of lecture for students)
- Compare and contrast the effects of tonicity on water movement in plant (onion) and
animal (blood) cells
Importance of tonicity The students are shown a number of YouTube clips at the start
and water movement in which demonstrate osmosis in plant and animal cells. The URLs
Supple cell biology
mentar are made available to them on their Moodle page also.
y Relevance of osmosis to
safe blood transfusion
Learnin practice
g (Nice
Material in quadrants 1 and 3 typically become the focus during classes. Quadrants 2 and
4 represent material students could study themselves and use the VLE/Moodle and
online learning objects to support this learning.
Teacher Activity Student Activity
YouTube video
Teacher Reflection:
What worked well? The most important aspect of today was that the students were given lots of
time to prepare good slides, which then made it easy for them to identify plasmolysis, and therefore
were more easily able to achieve the learning outcomes for this session. Also, having a lab partner
rather than doing this alone meant that they could liaise throughout the tasks, and I could see that
for some this helped with confidence. The students were encouraged to write on the whiteboard,
and to ask lots of questions and I felt that they were adequately prepared for the writing of the lab
reports. What did not work well? There are some aspects of the lab practical which from a
methodology point need to be considered before doing this again. For example, some chose the
wrong part of the onion, meaning they got poor results in terms of microscopy and had to repeat.
To what extent did you address different domains of learning? I feel I could look at other ways to
demonstrate plasmolysis, maybe even choosing a different method. I feel that possibly the inclusion
of an online video of me choosing the correct part of the onion, uploaded to their Moodle page
What would I do differently next time? I feel that a short pre-practical quiz, or screencast on
Moodle would benefit the prior learning for this session. In addition, I would try to focus more on
different types of cells, for example red blood cells although there is more planning with