Estimation of UFMC Time-Varying Fading Channel Using Adaptive Filter
Estimation of UFMC Time-Varying Fading Channel Using Adaptive Filter
Estimation of UFMC Time-Varying Fading Channel Using Adaptive Filter
Abstract – Universal filtered multicarrier (UFMC) OFDM especially when it combines with offset quadrature
modulation technique was suggested as a strong candidate system amplitude modulation (OQAM). It uses digital filtering to solve
for future 5G mobile communication systems. Indeed, it combines sensitivity interference between adjacent subcarriers, less
the advantages of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing sensitive to CFO, more clearer carriers, more resistance to
(OFDM) and filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) modulation estimation error due to time/frequency shift by removing or
techniques while avoids their drawbacks. UFMC seems to be more elimination of sidelobes.
effective for future 5G applications and scenarios like a machine
Due to all mentioned limitations, and the vision of 5G to serve
to machine (M2M), vehicle to8vehicle (V2V), device to device
(D2D) and the Internet of Things (IoT). This paper address the wide different smart mobiles, extreme Mobile broadband,
estimation and equalization of UFMC time-varying fading massive M2M, IoT, V2V, D2D [7-9]. The key design of
channels using adaptive filters based on comb pilot symbols candidate system modulation technique is flexibility, versatility,
arrangement. To exploit the fading channel statistics, the fading scalability, and efficiency to serve wide range of applications
process evolution is modeled by an autoregressive (AR) model and
access [8, 9]. Supporting M2M is big challenging feature of
tracked by a Kalman filter. The AR model parameters are
obtained by solving the so-called Yule-Walker (YWE) equations 5G , it will be serve around 50 billion machines that expected
based on the Bessel autocorrelation function of the fading channel to be connected by the year 2020 [10]. Hence, for 5G, BER
with known Doppler rate. The result of MATLAB simulation show performance for proposed schemes better than current system
the effectiveness of the proposed Kalman filter based channel are under study [11, 12]. Some candidate's schemes like FBMC
estimator as compared with the conventional ones like recursive
[13], and Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing
least square (RLS) and least8 mean square8 (LMS) channel
estimator. (GFDM) [14] and UFMC [15]. As an alternative to OFDM and
FBMC, UFMC has various advantages over OFDM and FBMC.
Keywords— UFMC, fading channel, channel estimation, pilot [16, 17] Shows that UFMC has better spectral efficiency than
symbols, Kalman filter, Autoregressive model. FBMC. Similarly, UFMC is less implementation complexity
than FBMC and reverse compatibility to older system. It is also
I. INTRODUCTION implemented based on IFFT/FFT pairs and use prototype filter
called Chebyshev which can decrease spectral leakage
The current multiple access in a 4G mobile generation is
OFDM which is widely employed in Power Line drawbacks of OFDM and FBMC systems. As we review
communication, , UWB, ADSL, Digital Audio broadcasting current multiple access for LTE and their drawbacks to support
(DAB), digital video broadcasting (DVB), and WLAN a new application for future 5G. Another new candidate, which
standards, Wireless metropolitan network (WMAN) and can be used in future 5G is UFMC. UFMC is a generalization
WiMAX [1,2]. The advantages of OFDM is easy transceiver of the advantage features of OFDM and FBMC [18]. In addition,
implementation where it is performed using pair of (IFFT, FFT) it is avoid the drawbacks of the other two systems. It is
at transmitter and receiver respectively. The implementation of operation based on filtering consecutive subband (a group of
pair is very easy by digital processing [3, 4]. subcarriers) in modulation and demodulation. Some points of
However, it had many drawbacks and restrictions like cyclic interests of UFMC are: It is a simple transceiver called UF-
prefix(CP), high overhead, higher sensitivity to carrier OFDM, with filtering length equal to 1 (L=1). The non-
frequency offset (CFO) and phase variance of the received orthogonal carriers are not important, which means better
signal related to the reference at receiver [5,6], high Peak
spectral efficiency and low latency. Supporting 5G application
average power ratio (PARP) which reduces the power of
transmitter and relatively low spectral power density (PSD). like the internet of thing (IoT), M2M and D2D [19] which
FBMC is short for filter bank multicarrier modulation release strict synchronous transition between transmitter and
technique. It one of possible system candidate to be employed receiver. V2V required a signal that is less sensitivity to CFO
in future 5G. The implementation of FBMC is the same OFDM to achieve reliable communication between nodes mobile,
system based on IFFT/FFT pairs operation, and it used a bank Support M2M that require new physical interface and new
of digital filters like: prototype filter instead of guard interval media access control layer to ensure communication between
with a cyclic prefix to raise spectral efficiency compared to machines to any like machine, human, vehicle. Another
N-Point Prototype
IDFT Filter
[ ]
N-Point Prototype
IDFT Filter Varying
110110 Modulation DAC
S/P + Channel
IDFT Filter
Domain ADC
˄ ˄ S/P
Frequency Filtering
Domain Based 2N-
Processing Channel
P/S Point
110110 Demodulation per estimation
Subcarriers and FFT
Where N denotes for a number of FFT constellation points, lying between [0,2π]. To utilize the statistical characteristics of
while L denotes for the length of Chebyshev filter and fading signal, it is described the by PSD and zero order Bessel
denotes for Chebyshev Filter. ACF. The PSD of fading signal represented by well-known U
UFMC has more elasticity for filtering every subband by its shaped band limited jakes spectrum with maximum Doppler
spectrum. It’s can allow the scheme to adapt service types by frequency [36].
regulating the subband and filter coefficients only. UFMC , for f |f |
provide access for two different applications in the same time )
like M2M and D2D in two dissimilar subbands with disparate S(f) = ( ) (4)
necessity and frame structure without creating inter-symbol 0, Otherwise
band interference (ISBI) due to reduction OOB [22]. Where = , with v light speed and , is the wavelength of
wave carriers.
III. Kalman Filtering Based Channel Estimation
The Autocorrelation function (ACF) can be express by:
As we mentioned in section II, the delivered signal from the
transmitter is transformed S/P and passed through FFT = (2 | |) (5)
transformer block. The output of FFT serialize again then Where denotes zero ordered Bessel function, denote
symbol demapper retrieve original data. symbol period, and point to Doppler rate. In [37] use
The received vector signal at the receiver after passing general Autoregressive (AR) model to generate correlated
channel impulse response (CIR) can be represented by a Rayleigh processes with fading process that shape the spectrum
transmitted signal [ ] with the channel in addition to of the uncorrelated Gaussian variates. Fading process can be
additive white Gaussian noise as in (2): designed by order of AR in [37]:
[n] = [ ]ℎ [n] + [ ] (2) ℎ[ ] = − ∑ ℎ[ − ] + ( ) (6)
By Substitution value of x in (2) we get: Where ( ) refers to complex white Gaussian noise process
/ with zero mean and driving process covariance σ . a
[n] = ℎ [n] ∑ ∑ ∑ [ ] +
denotes for the AR parameters. We can express the PSD of
(3) AR model by:
Where ℎ denotes for the complex-valued of fading process
over sub-band carriers for the symbols and denotes ( )= ( )
for AWGN process. Where denotes the normalized frequency. ℎ ( ) denotes
We assume the noise processes to be mutually (i.i.d) distributed fading process that estimated by the Kalman filter. The
zero-mean and variance . The fading process ℎ [ ] can be estimation of fading process ℎ ( ) over the along the
Perform as a complex Gaussian process ℎ ( )= carrier. The carrier subscript is dropped for simplicity and
|ℎ ( )| ( )
with zero mean. With uniformly phase ( ) clarity, then the state vector can be express as follows:
= ℎ ℎ … ℎ (8) Channel equalizing is estimated using multiplying received
signal with normalize version of the complex conjugate of the
channel estimate as:
∗( )
The expression (8) can be expressed as state space form as in ( ) = ( ) (20)
( )
= + (9)
Where: IV. Simulation Results
− − ⋯ −
In this part, we will estimate high varying fading channel
1 0 ⋯ 0 process between conventional filters like LMS, RLS and our
= Is the state transition model
⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ proposed estimator Kalman filter combined with the
0 ⋯ 1 0 autoregressive model with comb pilot arrangement 1:8. In
matrix and g express as in follows:
addition, we will compare power spectral density between three
= [1 0 … 0] modulation system OFDM, FBMC and UFMC.
In addition, by substation of equation (9) in equation (2), it
Fig. (2) shows the BER performance of UFMC using different
mapping techniques. It is clear that the best QAM modulation
= + (10) when we use the Bits per subcarrier (M=4).
= [ 0 ⋯ 0] (11)
We will use a Kalman filter to estimate the fading process /
for the state vector by assumed a set of observations
,⋯, are known. another process needed so-called
innovation process which refer to a difference between
observed value and optimal value which can be obtained as
= − / (12)
The variance of the innovation process as follows:
= [ = / + (13)
/ represent a priori error covariance matrix that be get
repetitively as follows:
/ = / + (14)
The Kalman gain is enumerated by the next equation:
Fig.2: BER vs SNR for UFMC QAM Modulation
= / (15)
( )=
∑ [ ] ⁄
, = 0,1. . .2 − 1 (19) Fig.3: PSD vs Normalize frequency for UFMC, 10 Subband, 20 Subcarriers
for each
Fig. 4: PSD vs Normalize frequency Power for OFDM, 200 Subcarriers
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