2018 Advanced Computer Network and Security CSEM-204: Time Allotted: 3 Hours Full Marks: 70

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Time Allotted: 3 Hours Full Marks: 70
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
(Multiple Choice Type Questions)
1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following: 10×1=10

A. Link control protocol and Network control protocol is a feature of (A) Peer-to-Peer protocol (B) Point-to-Point protocol (C)
MAC Protocol (D) HDLC protocol
B. The length of address field in IPv6 is (A) 64 bits (B) 128 bits (c) 48 bits (D) 256 bits                             
C. When the useful bandwidth of transmission medium exceeds the required bandwidth of signals to be transmitted the
following technique is used (A) FDM (B) FDMA (C) TDM (D) TDMA
D. Interconnected networks need communication processors such as switches, routers, hubs, and gateways. Select the best
option: (A) TCP/IP (B) Protocol (C) Open systems (D) internetwork processor
E. A tree topology is a variation of a ………….. topology (A) Mesh (B) star (C) Unipolar  (D) Manchester
F. Node to Node delivery of data unit is the responsibility of ….. layer (A) Physical (B) Data link (C) Transport  (D) Network
G. Which layer offers mail services and directory services to user in network? (A) Data link (B) session (C) Transport (D)
H. Simplex, half-duplex and full-duplex are defined in (A) Line configuration (B) Network Topology (C) Network Categories
(D) Transmission modes
I. Each packet is routed independently through the network in (A) Datagram (B) Virtual Circuit (C) Switches (D) Routers
J. Multicast address is used in (A) Class C (B) Class D (C) Class E (D) Class E 
K. In channels that have high error rates, _______ is inefficient because of more retransmissions. (A) Sliding Window (B)
Stop and Wait (C) Selective Repeat  (D) Go-Back N
L. What is the main function of the transport layer (A) Node-to-node delivery (B) Process-to-process delivery (C)
Synchronization (D) Updating and maintenance routing tables
M. If a symbol is composed of 3 bits, there are ___________ data levels. (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 16

(Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer any three of the following. 3×5=15
2. How error control is done in UDP? Explain

3. Explain the HDLC frame format?

4. What are the difference between Go-Back-N ARQ and Selective-repeat ARQ mechanism?

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5. How ARP works? Explain.

6. How codeword can be generate from 10001001 data word using Hamming code ?

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer any three of the following. 3×15=45

A. What is half-close? Explain 5+7+4
B. Explain TCP segment format briefly.
C. Describe the three-way handshaking protocol

A. Explain IPv4 packet format. 6+3+6
B. Write all the differences between IPv4 between IPv6.
C. An ISP is granted a large block of address starting with\16. ISP needs to distribute it for
three group customer as follows.
I. 1st group has 64 customers: each need 256 IP addresses.
II. 2nd group has 128 customers: each need 128 addresses.
III. 3rd group has 128 customers: each need 64 addresses.
Design the sub-blocks and give the slash notation for each sub-block.

A. Explain the distance-vectored routing protocol with a suitable example. 7+4+4
B. What are two-level and three instability problems?
C. How it solves?

A. What is silly window Syndrome? 3+3+6+3
B. What is Fast transmission?
C. How congestion is handled by TCP? Explain.
D. Suppose a TCP connection is transferring a file of 500 bytes. The first byte is numbered 10001. What
are the sequence numbers for each segment if data are sent in five segments, each carrying 1000 bytes

A. What is multihominhg service in SCTP? 2+2+6+5
B. What are differences between TCP segment and a SCTP packet?
C. What are TSN, SI, and SSN in SCTP?
D. How association is done for SCTP protocol?

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