CP Criteria 01
CP Criteria 01
CP Criteria 01
d: Loughborough University, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, U.K.
e: Loughborough University, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, U.K.
This experimental field study interrupted the protection current offered by Impressed Current Cathodic
Protection (ICCP) to ten in-service reinforced concrete structures. The study aimed to identify the long term
effects of ICCP after it was recognised that some of the systems are now reaching the end of their design
life and require a significant level of maintenance. It was found that after five or more years of ICCP, the
steel remained passive for at least 24 months after interrupting the protection current despite chloride
Keywords: Steel Reinforced Concrete (A) ; Polarization (B) ; Cathodic Protection (C) ; Passivity (C) ; Pitting
1. Introduction
ICCP of atmospherically exposed steel reinforced concrete structures has been used since 1970s and it is
a proven technique which is able to arrest ongoing corrosion and induce and sustain steel passivity [1]. The
main principle of cathodic protection is applying an impressed current such as to induce negative steel
polarisation [2], in other words to drive the steel potentials more cathodically than -850 mV (SCE), where
corrosion process is thermodynamically impossible to occur [3]. Under these conditions the steel will be
immune to corrosion.
However, for atmospherically exposed reinforced concrete, changing the environment from actively
corroding (i.e. pitting) to passive, where pitting is unstable will be sufficient. Steel protection has been
attributed to the negative potential shift achieved from the impressed current [4] but it has also been
reported that it also contributes to the production of hydroxyl ions, an increase of the pH and driving the
It is widely accepted that the application of cathodic protection to a reinforced concrete structure transforms
the environment around the reinforcement over a period of time [5]. The metal surface is now polarised
negatively, thus repelling the chlorides (Cl-); oxygen (O2) and water (H2O) are consumed and hydroxyl
(OH-) is generated at the metal surface. The hydroxyl alkalinity will then be responsible for restoring the pH
Evidence suggests that after steel passivity has been restored then the protection current may be
interrupted, as illustrated by Broomfield and Tinnea [6]. This study looked at steel potentials prior to the
application of an ICCP system and compared them with the potentials after the structure was protected for
approximately one year and the cathodic protection system turned off for three months. It was observed
that the application of ICCP shifted the steel potentials towards more positive values.
A recent study was undertaken in the U.S.A. by Presuel-Moreno et. al [7] on the effect of long-term
cathodic polarisation in reinforced concrete columns in a marine environment. The structures tested were
partially submerged with the splash zone exposed to very high chloride contamination levels, in some
cases up to 4.7 % by weight of cement and they had been protected by ICCP for an approximate period of
9 years. The study concentrated the testing on the splash zone and illustrated that corrosion did not initiate
immediately after the current was interrupted. Some of the reinforcement was reported to start corroding
again after approximately 35 days but even after the study was stopped at 220 days, not all the
reinforcement was actively corroding at the time. It is also very interesting that steel passivation was
achieved with current densities of 0.5 μA/cm2 (5 mA/m2). With reference to BS EN 12696 [2] such current
density is considered to be on the lower spectrum of the suggested design current to achieve cathodic
Although the above study concluded that given enough time the corrosion could initiate on all the
reinforcement again, there is evidence from a very aggressive environment that ICCP has long-term
persistent protective effects [7]. It is also supporting the experimental data presented in this paper, which
was collected on a far less aggressive environment with chloride levels not exceeding 2 % by weight of
cement as opposed to the 4.7 % by weight of cement recorded in the U.S. field study.
In addition, there is a substantial amount of laboratory data obtained under more rigorous circumstances to
support this observation of an increase in the tolerance to chloride contamination and the persistent
protective effects. Figure 1 shows the results of a study in which a brief period of electrochemical treatment
that would have generated hydroxide ions at the steel caused a substantial increase in the tolerance to
chloride contamination [8]. The observation that electrochemically treated structures are more tolerant to
chloride contamination is countered by an observation that in very heavily chloride contaminated concrete;
The study aims to identify the existence of persistent protective effects afforded by the application of ICCP
in a number of field structures. Midland Links Motorway Viaducts represents the largest application of ICCP
in the U.K., with over 700 reinforced concrete structures being protected by cathodic protection. Data was
collected from in service structures that can be compared in context of published laboratory data.
The following sections describe the field study by stating the location of the works, briefly describing the
structures and their history and by analysing the selection methods used in order to obtain a representative
sample of structures. Furthermore, the methodology used to assess corrosion risk is described and
Figure 2, illustrates a typical arrangement of the sub-structure for the Midland Links Motorway Viaducts.
Each span of the viaduct is simply supported on a reinforced concrete crossbeam. In total there are
approximately 1200 crossbeams in the network and about 700 of them have been protected by means of
The beams tested were selected in such an order to represent reinforced concrete with a high risk of
chloride induced corrosion that had been subject to cathodic protection for a range of protection periods. A
total of 10 beams were selected based on the age of the installed CP system, accessibility and chloride
levels indicating a residual corrosion risk. On every beam two locations were selected for monitoring based
on the chloride analysis to install anode segments, with the total number of monitored locations therefore
being 20. Figure 3, illustrates one of the beams that were tested to assess the long-term benefits of ICCP.
The 10 beams that were selected are given in Table 1. All the structures were constructed in the period of
1966 to 1970. Samples for chloride analysis were collected to identify areas of residual risk. The locations
of testing were in original un-repaired concrete and the chloride contents are expressed as weight percent
of cement and for a 25 to 50 mm cover depth. No chloride contents above 2% by weight of cement were
detected at this depth. All the structures were treated for a period of time with ICCP as illustrated by Table
1 and the anode system comprised a conductive coating. The structures selected have anode systems
In order to assess corrosion activity in the structures, a number of tests were undertaken, including:
2. Polarisation resistance determination of corrosion rates, undertaken monthly to calculate corrosion rates
Measuring steel potentials against the potentials of a standard reference electrode is a long established
technique [9,10]. Typical ranges of steel potentials for various conditions against different types of
reference electrodes are widely available in the public domain [10,11]. In accordance with BA 35/90 values
more positive than -200 mV Cu/CuSO4 (saturated) indicate a low probability of corrosion. Steel potentials
can give a good approximation of the corrosion risk of steel but they are affected by various other factors
Corrosion rates are usually expressed as a current density, a rate of weight loss or a rate of section loss. A
corrosion rate of 1 mA/m2 when expressed as a current density is approximately equal to a steel weight
loss of 10 g/m2/year or a steel section loss of 1 μm/year. In general corrosion rates higher than 1 – 2 mA/m 2
are considered to be significant and in cases where there is easy access of oxygen (i.e. non-saturated with
water) then average corrosion rates can reach values up to 100 mA/m 2 [12]. The calculation of corrosion
rates through the polarisation resistance method is a well established technique and its feasibility has been
Rates below 2 mA/m2 (500 years to lose one mm of steel section) are considered negligible and corrosion
development is highly unlikely. At a rate higher than the 2 mA/m 2 localised corrosion activity becomes
increasingly likely. This results from the loss of protection provided by the passive oxide film and the
Figure 4, illustrates how corrosion rates are calculated based upon the applied current and the achieved
potential shift. A small current density is applied to the steel for a period of 10 minutes. This produces a
steel potential shift and a voltage drop (IR drop) through the concrete. The potential shift and applied
current density are inserted into the Butler-Volmer equation, which provides the basis for polarisation
resistance theory, to calculate the corrosion rate. There are several variations on this method, but this
variation is more suited to the determination of corrosion rates in site conditions as it uses a larger potential
shift and less complex equipment than is commonly applied in the laboratory and makes use of the existing
Impedance is an alternative technique to calculate corrosion rates and was added to the testing regime
during this project to provide additional data. A short current pulse is applied to the structure and the
potential shifts over a short period of time are recorded. The potential shift achieved and the time of the
potential decay can then be associated with the corrosion rate of the structure [19].
Impedance testing differs from polarisation resistance testing in the form of the perturbation applied and the
subsequent data analysis. A current pulse delivers a charge to the steel that affects the steel potential and
The arrangement used to assess steel passivity is illustrated in Figure 5. Briefly the main elements were
the existing power supply enclosure located at ground-level, the existing CP enclosure at high-level, the
anode segment and a new enclosure at high-level to facilitate the new connections to the system.
A segment of the anode (patch) approximately 0.35 m2 was isolated from the rest of the anode system by
removing the old anode. This isolated area was cleaned up and a new anode was installed locally and
coloured black as shown in Figure 6. The existing anode segment acts as a counter electrode and the rest
of the anode system acts as a guard ring to confine a current perturbation of the anode segment to the
steel below the anode segment during the corrosion rate measurement process. A reference electrode
located in the middle of the anode segment is used to assess the steel potential shift.
The new electrodes were installed in order to monitor high chloride concentration areas that were not
previously monitored from the original electrodes installed during the installation of the ICCP system. All the
new reference electrodes installed in the 10 beams were Ag/AgCl/0.5 M KCl, the same as the originally
installed reference electrodes. The data was recorded using data loggers or recorded manually. The
system was designed with the existing power supply providing the current perturbation. However, some of
the existing supplies were unstable and a battery power supply was used for all measurements from the
second month.
3. Results
This section describes the findings obtained from the monthly monitoring of the structures over a period of
Samples for chloride analysis were collected at the start of the project. 5 locations were tested for every
structure. The values referred to Table 1 correspond to chloride levels found at the depth of steel (i.e. 25
mm to 50 mm). The values express total chloride content by weight of cement. The test locations were all
in the parent concrete not previously repaired, in order to identify residual corrosion risk. From Table 1 it
can be observed that higher chloride contents were present in the older beams whereas in the recently
Figure 7, illustrates the most negative steel potentials for all 10 structures monitored for a period of 24
months with respect to the newly installed reference electrodes. In accordance with BA 35/90, values more
positive than -200 mV Cu/CuSO4 (saturated) which is equivalent to -120 mV (Ag/AgCl/0.5 M KCl), indicate
a low probability corrosion risk. Values more negative than -270 mV (Ag/AgCl/0.5 M KCl indicate a high
corrosion risk. The values recorded during this study were in most cases more positive than -120 mV
(Ag/AgCl/0.5 M KCl) and therefore the corrosion potential data suggests that corrosion risk is currently
Looking at the steel potentials of structure C2 from Figure 8, it can be observed that in most cases the
original 11 (Ag/AgCl/0.5 M KCl) reference electrodes (installed on the crossbeam at the time the ICCP was
installed) were more positive than -120 mV. The highs and lows observed are usually dependant on the
weather conditions. Although the ambient conditions were not recorded as part of this study, the site notes
indicate that in the majority of the occurances parts of the crossbeam were very wet whereas other
competely dry. The absence of a trend to more negative values indicates that the passive condition is
Figure 9, illustrates steel potentials with regards to the Ag/AgCl/0.5 M KCl reference electrode for one of
the segments obtained from the continuous monitoring of structure A1 over a period of seven days. The
fluctuation of the readings is associated with changes in the environmental conditions (i.e. temperature,
moisture, etc.) and indicate that there is no residual corrosion risk as the values are fairly positive.
Manual polarisation resistance testing was undertaken monthly for every structure. Figure 10, illustrates
potential data obtained from structure A3 during November 2007. Structure A3 was one of the two
structures where a data logger was installed. The location of these loggers was based on the condition of
the anode systems, accessibility and safety issues. The two structures selected were part of the early
installations with one of them performing very well whereas the other one showed signs of severe anode
deterioration. The data collected was very important as it offered a direct comparison between a failing and
a very good performing system and both where installed with a small difference in time.
The installed data logger controlled the current output and the system was switched on for 20 minutes
twice a day. During this period a current pulse was applied and the steel potentials were recorded. The
readings obtained were used to evaluate the potential shift for corrosion rate measurements.
It was observed that a current of 2 mA/m2 applied for 20 minutes induced a steel potential shift of 20 mV
and affected the off potentials for more than 12 hours. This again shows that the steel is passive as such a
large and slow response would not result if the corrosion rate (corrosion current) was large. The
measurement of corrosion rates by means of polarisation resistance testing was actually producing a
polarisation effect as indicated by the steel potential decay. Close interval automatic corrosion rate
Figure 11, provides a summary of corrosion rates calculated from the manual polarisation resistance
testing undertaken monthly on each structure. It can be observed that in all cases the corrosion rates were
well below the threshold level of 2 mA/m2, reinforcing the view that cathodic protection will have persistent
long-term effects. Occasional peaks can be observed from the readings but these are primarily associated
As discussed previously, for impedance testing a short pulse is applied and the potential decay is recorded.
The current - time (current pulse) and potential - time (Figure 12) data are combined and transformed into
impedance data (Figure 13). Impedance is a frequency dependent resistance that includes phase angle
information. It is commonly plotted on an x-y graph. Each point on the graph is obtained at a different
frequency and the data represents the magnitude of the resistance and phase angle at that frequency.
The units on the axes in Figure 13 arise when potential is divided by current density and are also the units
of polarisation resistance. The point at a phase angle of zero (the x-axis intercept) is the polarisation
resistance (Icorr). The corrosion rate may be derived from this in the usual manner. The frequency at the
peak of the curve is termed the characteristic frequency (f). It is affected by the condition of the steel and
The data obtained for structure C3 (Figure 13) is compared with published laboratory data for active and
passive specimens in Figure 14. It is evident that the shape of the impedance data from site corresponds
closely to the data obtained from the passive steel specimen. This is indicated by both the x-axis range
4. Discussion
At the start of the study all the structures were evaluated for corrosion risk. Structures A2 and B1 were at
most risk because the impressed current conductive coating anode had suffered significant deterioration.
Chloride sampling results showed that these two structures had 40 % to 50 % of their test locations with
chlorides greater than 1 % by weight of cement and 60 % to 66 % of their test locations with chlorides more
than 0.4 % by weight of cement at the depth of steel. Thus, both of these beams had a substantial residual
corrosion risk.
In the study presented here, the protective current has been interrupted for 24 months and the off steel
potentials have shifted towards more positive values and have remained passive. Furthermore, the
corrosion potential and corrosion rate data suggest that there is no significant corrosion activity on these
structures. These results confirm the published hypothesis that long term-application of ICCP renders the
steel passive and has a persistent protective effect in the absence of a negative potential shift. Of the two
effects, chloride extraction and hydroxide production, the latter is considered to be the most important [20].
Most importantly, the cathodic protection treatment applied with a poorly performing anode system (as that
shown on Figure 3) has been sufficient to induce and maintain steel passivity for a period of 24 months.
These anodes were never capable of sustaining more than 20 mA/m 2 of current at the concrete surface,
with steel surface area ranging between 1.4 to 2.2 times the concrete surface area. In several occasions
the power supplies of the anode systems were voltage limited at current densities less than 2 mA/m 2 of
concrete surface area. Whilst this is a low cathodic protection current density, it was capable of inducing a
substantial protective effect as indicated by the negative steel potential shift (refer to Figure 10).
Moreover the condition of the impressed current conductive coating anode systems at the start of this
project indicated that in some locations on these structures the current had been interrupted for a
substantially longer period. Based on the results of this study it has been shown these anode systems have
been capable of arresting ongoing corrosion and sustaining steel passivity despite providing low current
densities. This is also supported by Polder et al. [21] who illustrated that only a small current will be
Furthermore, it was observed that the zone layout of the ICCP systems was different, with older systems,
such as those on structures A2 and B1, having a single zone for the whole of the structure whereas newer
systems had multiple zones. However, no apparent difference was observed and the steel was rendered
passive in all cases. Another observation was that newer installations of ICCP systems involved substantial
concrete repairs which removed excessive chloride contamination (refer to Table 1).
The polarisation achieved by a short current pulse as shown for structure A3, indicates that long-term
application of ICCP transforms the environment around the steel reinforcement. The steel has now been
polarised to such a degree that only a brief current pulse (densities usually used for corrosion prevention) is
Repairs to old CP systems are clearly not critical for at least 24 months after the protection current has
been interrupted. When considering refurbishment of existing ICCP systems which have deteriorated, the
absence of corrosion signs and the polarisation of the reinforcement should be taken under consideration.
The replacement system will need to be designed for cathodic prevention rather than cathodic protection as
5. Conclusions
The site data presented here is consistent with laboratory data and results reported in previous works by
others, indicating a persistent protective effect after the interruption of ICCP systems. More specifically we
1) After 24 months with no cathodic protection current, all the structures investigated have remained
passive and with no corrosion signs. This includes structures where 60 % of the test locations had
chloride contents exceeding 1 % by weight of cement at the depth of steel and would normally
present a corrosion risk. This supports the published hypothesis that ICCP arrests ongoing
corrosion and has persistent protective effect in the absence of a negative potential shift.
2) Low design current densities from low grade conductive coating anodes have been capable of
inducing steel passivity in chloride contaminated structures. These anodes were never capable of
sustaining more than 20 mA/m2 of concrete surface, with steel surface area ranging between 1.4 to
2.2 times the concrete surface area. This suggests that design current densities can be kept to the
3) Dividing the ICCP system in smaller zones it did not appear to give any benefit with regards to
protection or durability. At all cases of single and multi-zone systems, the reinforcement was found
to be passive and the concrete repairs undertaken prior to the installation of the ICCP system
4) The absence of corrosion should be taken into account when repairing old CP systems. The
replacement anode systems need only to deliver a low current density to achieve polarisation and
The authors acknowledge the support and invaluable help throughout all the stages of this work of Chris
Spence (Amey), Peter Gilbert (Amey), Dr. Vitalis Ngala (Mouchel) and Sam Beamish (Mouchel). They
would also like to thank the Highways Agency, AECOM and the EPSRC (through the Centre for Innovative
and Collaborative Engineering at Loughborough University) for their commercial and financial support.
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Figure Captions
Figure 1: Effect of cathodic protection treatment on corrosion risk at high chloride contents [8]
Figure 3: Beam tested for long term effects of ICCP, showing evidence of severe anode deterioration but
Figure 6: Isolated anode segment and reference electrode location
Figure 8: Steel potentials with respect to original reference electrodes for structure C2
Figure 10: Potential data for structure reference A3, illustrating the long term effects of polarisation induced
Figure 11: Corrosion rates summary from polarisation resistance testing over a period of 24 months.
Figure 13: Analysis of raw data to obtain corrosion rate for structure C3
Figure 14: Published impedance data illustrating passive and corroding steel [19]
C3 2000 0 5 1
Note: Cl- sampling at 25 mm to 50 mm